Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...

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Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
Yearbook     International

Urban and Railway Transport Studies
Mastère Spécialisé®
de l’École des Ponts ParisTech
Systèmes de Transports
Ferroviaires et Urbains
Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
Encadrante à l'École des Ponts ParisTech

Antoine CHÈVRE (AFD), en collaboration avec l’AFD
Hubert NOVE-JOSSERAND (ex-Banque mondiale et Systra)

Écoles partenaires

Le MS® STFU remercie chaleureusement Alstom, Bombardier, SNCF,
RATP, Siemens et Hitachi, les partenaires fondateurs de la formation.

Ces mémoires constituent un travail à visée pédagogique dans le cadre d’un
diplôme universitaire et ne constituent en aucun cas une étude susceptible
d’être réutilisée dans un cadre commercial ou scientifique. Son contenu
n’engage que la responsabilité de ses auteurs.

These studies are academic works, made in an academic context. They
cannot be used for commercial or scientific purposes. Their content is the sole
responsibility of their authors.
Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
Urban and Railway Transport Studies'
    International Yearbook

   Mastère spécialisé® de l'École des Ponts ParisTech
Systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains
Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
             epuis sa création en 1747, l’École des Ponts ParisTech a
             toujours donné une place de choix aux infrastructures et a
             ainsi formé des générations d’ingénieurs qui ont participé
             à la réalisation des grands projets ferroviaires du monde
             entier, tels que Fulgence Bienvenüe, père du métro pari-
             sien, François Lacôte, un des pionniers du TGV au sein
             de la SNCF et d’Alstom, ainsi que Jean-Marie Duthilleul,
architecte des gares. Cette tradition demeure très vivante aujourd’hui
puisque l’École accueille plusieurs formations dédiées aux transports
et à la mobilité comme le Mastère Spécialisé® « Systèmes de transports
ferroviaires et urbains », créé en 2008. La qualité et l’intérêt des travaux
de nos étudiants, qui ne se dément pas année après année, nous a
conduit à les réunir dans un Yearbook pour vous les partager.

             ince its creation in 1747, École des Ponts ParisTech has always
             put infrastructure in the spotlight, training generations of
             engineers who went on to be part of major railway projects
             all around the world—such as Fulgence Bienvenüe, father of
             the metro in Paris; François Lacôte, one of the pioneers of TGV
             within SNCF and Alstom; as well as Jean-Marie Duthilleul,
             architect of numerous train stations. This tradition is still very
much alive today, since the school hosts several training courses dedi-
cated to transport and mobility, such as the “Railway and Urban Transport
System Engineering” Advanced Master®, created in 2008. Year after year,
the quality and relevance of our students' projects never waver, inspiring
us to collect them in a Yearbook to share them with you.

                          Sophie Mougard                                            Directrice de l’École
                                                                                    des Ponts ParisTech
                                                                                    École des Ponts

Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
L’édito du Mastère Spécialisé®

                                                         ’est dans le cadre du Mastère Spécialisé® « Systèmes
                                                         de transports ferroviaires et urbains » que les étudiants
                                                         réalisent depuis 12 ans un projet de transport dans une
                                                         ville étrangère. Il s’agit d’une étude de faisabilité, simi-
                                                         laire aux études amont en phase d’émergence, que
                                                         réalisent les grands bureaux d’études comme Systra
                                                         ou Parsons. Ce travail collaboratif, réalisé dans le cadre
                                      du module « Conception d’un système de transport ferroviaire et urbain
                                      à l’international » (TC4), faisant jouer les complémentarités des savoir-
                                      faire, prend la forme d’un mini-mémoire.
                                           Cette étude porte sur un projet qui n’existe pas encore et qui n’a pas
                                      été étudié. Ainsi, les sujets sont choisis depuis 7 ans avec l’Agence fran-
                                      çaise de développement et concernent des transports de masse dans
                                      les grandes mégapoles en voie de développement ou des pays que
                                      la Banque mondiale accompagne dans leur reconstruction. Mais les
                                      étudiants ne se rendent pas sur place. Ils sollicitent le vaste réseau des
                                      experts, des ambassades, des institutions financières, utilisent au maxi-
                                      mum des ressources documentaires sur le Web et… leur débrouillardise.
                                           Depuis 2 ans, Antoine Chèvre (expert en transports et ancien de
                                      Systra) a pris le relais d’Arnaud Dauphin, notre interlocuteur à l’Agence
                                      française de développement sur ces projets, et depuis septembre 2021,
                                      Federico Antoniazzi a succédé à Françoise Manderscheid en tant que
                                      directeur du MS®.
                                           Pour la promotion 2021, l’AFD nous a proposés des projets situés sur
                                      trois continents : l’Asie, l’Afrique et l’Amérique du Sud. Deux groupes ont
                                      travaillé sur une liaison ferroviaire desservant deux pays : l’une entre la
                                      Thaïlande, le Vietnam et le Cambodge (liaison TransIndochine), l’autre
                                      entre Chennai en Inde et Colombo au Sri Lanka. Les trois autres pro-
                                      jets proposent des solutions de transport en milieu urbain : un train de
                                      banlieue entre Accra et Tema (au Ghana), une ligne de métro à Cali (en
                                      Colombie) et un système de transport par câble à Metro Cebu (aux Phi-
                                      lippines). Du fait de leur qualité certaine, certains de ces projets seront
                                      même présentés par Antoine Chèvre aux agences des pays concernés.
                                           Vous pourrez en parcourir les résumés dans ce Urban and Railway
                                      Transport Studies’ Yearbook. Nous espérons que, tout comme les ambas-
                                      sades, les villes et les gouvernements qui nous demandent la diffusion
Directeur du
                                      de ces études, vous serez sensible à la qualité de ces travaux. En vous
Mastère Spécialisé®                   souhaitant bonne lecture et bon voyage entre Cebu, Cali, Accra, Tema,
« Systèmes de
transports ferroviaires               Chennai et Colombo…
et urbains »
Advanced Master®'s                                              Federico Antoniazzi
                                                            et Françoise Manderscheid
Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
A word from the Advanced Master®
   t is for the “Urban and Railway Transport System Engineering”
   Advanced Master® that students have been designing for 12 years a
   transport project in a foreign city. That project consists of a feasibility
   study, similar to those performed in the design stage of a project by
   offices such as Systra or Parsons. This collective study, made in the
   framework of the TC4 module (“design of a worldwide, railway and
   urban transport system”), allowing students to complement one ano-
ther with their different savoir-faire, is carried out in the form of a short
    This study has to develop a project that has never been made or stu-
died before. That’s why, for the past 7 years, topics have been chosen
together with the Agence française de développement and focused on
mass-transit in megacities of developing countries, or countries the World
Bank helps rebuild. But the students don’t go to the towns they study.
They make use of a large network of experts, embassies and financial
institutions, online resources and... their own resourcefulness.
    For the past 2 years, Antoine Chèvre (a transport expert and a former
Systra employee), has replaced Arnaud Dauphin, as our contact for the
Agence française de développement, and since September 2021, Fede-
rico Antoniazzi has become the Advanced Master’s director, succeeding
Françoise Manderscheid.
    For the 2021 class, we have selected together with the AFD projects
concerning three continents: Asia, Africa and South America. Two groups
of students worked on a rail link serving two countries: one between
Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia (TransIndochina railway), the other
between Chennai in India and Colombo in Sri Lanka. The three other
projects propose transport solutions in urban areas: a suburban train
between Accra and Tema (in Ghana), a metro line in Cali (Colombia)
and an aerial cableway in Metro Cebu (in Philippines). Due to their high
quality, some of these projects will be even spread by Antoine Chèvre to
agencies from the relevant countries.
    Their summaries are at your disposal in this Urban and Railway
Transport Studies’ Yearbook. We hope that, just like the embassies, cities
and governments asking us to circulate these studies, you will clearly see
how interesting they are. We wish you a pleasant read and a good trip to
Cebu, Cali, Accra, Tema, Chennai and Colombo…
                         Federico Antoniazzi                                     Responsable du
                                                                                 Module TC4
                     and Françoise Manderscheid                                  TC4 module teacher

Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
Le Mastère Spécialisé®   Il était une fois le Mastère Spécialisé®
                             Systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains

                                      e Mastère a été créé en 2008 pour pallier la pénurie d’experts
                                      ferroviaires pour la RATP, la SNCF Alstom, Bombardier, Siemens,
                                      etc. Cette formation propose une vision d’ensemble du système
                                      ferroviaire et urbain, selon une approche multidisciplinaire, inté-
                                      grant les aspects techniques, économiques et règlementaires.
                                      Elle s’adresse à des professionnels ayant déjà plusieurs années
                                      d’expérience en transport. Les étudiants y apprennent à conce-
                             voir, exploiter et maintenir les différents transports guidés, qu’il s’agisse
                             de trains, de métros, de tramways ou de Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), ainsi
                             que leurs infrastructures. On insiste particulièrement sur le mass-tran-
                             sit dans un contexte où l’urbanisation galopante rend indispensable le
                             recours à des modes de transport fortement capacitaires pour faire face
                             à la congestion et à la pollution.
                                 Près de 160 professionnels participent à l’enseignement et enca-
                             drent les étudiants sur des projets collectifs. En effet, l’enseignement du
                             Mastère s’appuie sur plusieurs grands projets, notamment le tracé d’une
                             infrastructure, la conception d’un plan de signalisation et la conception
                             d’un matériel roulant. Ce dernier se trouve être le projet de conception
                             d’un nouveau système de transport à l’international, dont vous pouvez
                             lire les résumés dans le présent ouvrage.
                                 Le diplôme confère aux élèves le titre d’« experts internationaux en
                             systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains ». Se côtoient dans une
                             même promotion ingénieurs de conception ou de maintenance, experts
                             en exploitation ou en signalisation, ingénieurs systèmes, économistes,
                             chefs de projet. Aujourd’hui les anciens élèves du Mastère constituent
                             un réseau de 375 alumni présents dans plus de 20 pays. La richesse
                             du réseau réside dans la variété des profils et des expériences des étu-
                             diants. Beaucoup d’entre eux s’impliquent dans l’enseignement et l’or-
                             ganisation de visites ou de voyages d’études qui participent aussi à la
                             vitalité de la formation et à sa notoriété internationale.

                                                   Federico Antoniazzi
                                               et Françoise Manderscheid

Yearbook - 2021 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ...
The Advanced Master®
Once upon a time there was the Railway and Urban
Transport System Engineering Advanced Master®

            he Advanced Master® was created in 2008 to make up for the
            shortage of railway experts for RATP, SNCF Alstom, Bombardier,
            Siemens, etc. This training course provides an overview of the
            railway and urban system, using a multidisciplinary approach
            with technical, economic and regulatory angles. It is aimed at
            professionals with several years of experience in transport. Stu-
            dents learn how to design, operate and maintain a variety of
guided transport systems, including trains, subways, trams and BRT, as
well as their infrastructure. A particular emphasis is put on mass transit,
since rapid urbanization means that high-capacity transportation beco-
mes essential to cope with congestion and pollution.
    Nearly 160 professionals teach and supervise students on collective
projects. Indeed, the training course relies heavily on them: the design of
an infrastructure, the design of a signalling plan and the design of rolling
stock. Specifically, the latter happens to be the design project for a new
transport system in a foreign country; the summary of these studies can be
read in this very publication.
    The Advanced Master® gives students the title of “International Experts
in Railway and Urban Transport Systems”. In the same class, there are
design or maintenance engineers, operating or signalling experts, sys-
tems engineers, economists, project managers… Today, the alumni form a
network of 375 students in more than 20 countries. The value of this network
lies in the variety of student profiles and experiences. Many of them are
involved in teaching and organizing visits or study tours, which also contri-
bute to the vitality of the Advanced Master® and its international reputation.

                     Federico Antoniazzi
                 and Françoise Manderscheid

Enseigner le ferroviaire à l’École                                                           1832   Charles-Joseph MINARD

                                     Railway classes at the École     Amédée BOMMART         1842

                                                                                             1852   Jacques MANIEL


                                                                       François JACQMIN

                                                                    Louis-Charles SEVENE

                                                                                                    }   Pierre Dominique BAZAINE-VASSEUR

                                                                                             1880   Jules MARTIN

                                                                          Charles BRICKA     1891

                                                                                             1899   Désiré FOUAN

                                                                        Albert DESCUBES      1918

                                                                                             1927   André MARTINET

                                                                     Louis CAMBOURNAC        1940

                                                                                             1951   Georges CHAN

                                                                     Charles FEYRABEND       1961

                                                                                             1968   Robert BIAIS

                                                                            Jean ALIAS       1972

                                                                                             1985   Philippe ROUMEGUERE

                                                                            Pascal LUPO 2003               Création du Mastère spécialisé®
                                                                                                        « Systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains »

                                                                                             2008               Birth of the Advanced Master

                                                                         Paul BOUVAREL       2013       Françoise MANDERSCHEID

                                                                                             2021       Federico ANTONIAZZI

Extrait du Cours de chemins de fer de Pierre Dominique Bazaine-Vasseur de 1873. École nationale des ponts et chaussées, 4°23037, en ligne
Page from Pierre Dominique Bazaine-Vasseur from 1873.

Extrait du Journal de mission en Allemagne d’Albert Petsche, Ferdinand Conesson et Louis Goury, 1884. École nationale des ponts et chaus-
sées, Ms. 3153, en ligne sur
Page from a 19th century students’ project journal.

Table of contents
15    Creation of a Santiago de Cali
      (Colombia) Metro line

                               27           Accra-Tema suburban
                                            railway line

41   India-Sri Lanka Railway line

                               57           New Railway Line
                                            in Indochina

           Designing a ropeway
           between the airport and the business
           district in Metro Cebu (Philippines)

                               82           La promotion 2020-2021
                                            The students

84      Le voyage d’études en Savoie
        The study trip in Savoie

                               88          Trajectoire internationale
                                           International experience

91    Sujets des Yearbook précédents
      Previous Yearbooks content

                      93            La Source, diffuseur de savoirs
                                    La Source, spreading knowledge

Creation of a Santiago
de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

                     Mohamed DIALLO
                     Pierre LENOBLE
                     Léo MAISONOBE
                     Cyril RUF
                     Thomas SORRIAUX

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

                            antiago de Cali est une ville très attractive, du fait de ses
                            ressources naturelles et de sa position géographique, qui en
                            font aujourd’hui la troisième ville de Colombie, avec plus de
                    2 millions d’habitants, et une des zones urbaines les plus denses du
                    monde avec 19 700 hab/km². En comparaison de ce dynamisme, le
                    système de transport en commun de la ville, qui repose sur le bus,
                    semble insuffisant et s’accompagne d’une congestion routière très
                    importante. Nous étudions l’opportunité de déployer une ligne de
                    métro répondant aux enjeux de mobilité, de modernité et de cohé-
                    sion territoriale de la ville de Santiago de Cali. La faisabilité technique
                    et la viabilité économique de différents tracés et de modes de trans-
                    port sont analysées afin d’identifier une solution cohérente avec les
                    besoins et les possibilités de la ville. Avec une fréquentation de plus
                    de 21 000 pphpd à son lancement, l’analyse conclut sur la pertinence
                    d’un système de métro automatique sur un axe est-sud. Ce projet sera
                    financé sur une durée de 47 ans et permettra une forte amélioration
                    de l’offre de mobilité pour les zones densément peuplées et pour les
                    dessertes d’intérêt prioritaire de Santiago de Cali.

                      Mots-clés: métro automatique, exploitation, Santiago de Cali,
                    étude du choix du système de transport, optimisation économique

                            antiago de Cali is a very attractive city thanks to its natural
                            resources and geographical location, which results in being the 3rd
                            city of Colombia, with more than 2 million inhabitants, and one of
                    the densest urban zones in the world with an average of 19,700 inh/km².
                    The public transport system of the city, relying on buses, seems inade-
                    quate and participates in city traffic congestion. This document tackles
                    the opportunity to deploy a subway line dealing with Santiago de Cali’s
                    mobility, modernity and territorial cohesion stakes. Technical feasibi-
                    lity and economic viability of various routes and types of material will
                    be studied in order to identify a consistent solution in keeping with the
                    city’s needs and possibilities. With an attendance of more than 21 000
                    pphpd after commissioning, this analysis concludes on the relevance of
                    an automatic metro system along an East-South axis. This project will be
                    financed over a 47 years period and will lead to a strong improvement
                    in Santiago de Cali public transport mobility offer for dense populated
                    areas and for priority services.

                           Keywords: automatic metro, operation, Santiago de Cali,
                              alternative system review, economic optimisation

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

   1. Santiago de Cali, an untapped potential
In 2019, Colombia is the 4th Latin American economy with a $ 787 billions GDP. The
country population reached 50 million inhabitants in 2019.

                   Figure 1: Map of Colombia © OpenStreetMaps contributors, CC BY-SA.
         Modified by Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf et Thomas Sorriaux.

    It is one of the world’s emerging economies with many assets such as geolo-
gical resources, tourism, developed industries, a healthy public finance system and a
young, skilled labour force. The country is in the process of putting an end to its history
of political turmoil and violence, but in the meantime, Colombia is still struggling with
poor education and health systems leading to strong social inequalities (28 % of popu-
lation is under the poverty threshold).
    Santiago de Cali is located in the plains of Cauca Valley in the heart of the Andes,
and enjoys an equatorial climate. With 2 million inhabitants, Cali is the third largest
city of Colombia. The population is growing at a regular rate and projections foresee a
steady growth for the next 3 decades at least. This phenomenon will expand the road
and public transport congestion, already existing.
    Although the unification of all public transportation under the SITM-MIO is
underway, discontent with public transportation is growing, resulting in lowering rates
of daily use. The generalized congestion and pollution have driven the city to purchase
electric buses, join the Breathelife movement and promote soft modes of transport.
    Based on existing or under construction metro systems in Medellín and Bogota,
developing a metro in Cali would be a wise and attractive decision for Caleños and
executives, as shown in the SWOT analysis in figure 2.

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

               Figure 2: SWOT analysis © Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf and Thomas Sorriaux.

                2. Two axes to support a massive demand
            In order to choose an efficient, well-suited route and means of transport for the city of
            Cali, a multi-criteria analysis was elaborated for each of the two options.

             Figure 3: Route choices. Map of Santiago de Cali © Google Maps (données cartographiques © 2021). Modified by
                              Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf et Thomas Sorriaux.

                1.1. Preferred route
            The two routes under consideration are the North-South and East-South routes. The
            selection criteria that will ultimately determine our decision are the ridership capacity,
            the desired level of service, the land and the constraints related to the works of art, as
            well as the total investment cost. This qualitative and quantitative analysis will enable us
            to focus on the East-South route which will connect the disadvantaged and poor areas
            in the east of the city to the business areas in the center.

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

   1.2. Chosen mode of transportation
We have to choose the transportation mode best suited to this route. A multi-criteria
analysis will help us select one of the four modes considered: bus rapid transit system,
tramway, Grade of Automation 2 metro and Grade of Automation 4 metro. Three types
of criteria are kept for the comparative modes of transport study:
    • system performance and services provided: commercial speed, punctuality,
       frequency, insertion conditions, system reliability;
   • costs and planning;
   • environmental and social aspects: environmentally friendly, city image, impact on
     road congestion, noise level.
   The chosen means of transport is the Grade of Automation 4 metro.

   3. A cost-oriented solution

        Figure 3: Future metro network line. Map © Google Maps (données cartographiques © 2021).
        Modified by Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf and Thomas Sorriaux.

   As part of the strategy to offer a competitive metro system, technical proposals
are made using a design to cost approach. Taking advantage of the available outdoor
space provided by existing BRT infrastructure and wide streets, the project will be

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

                A combination of three building techniques is used:
                • viaducts and bridges to cross roads junctions;
                • street level to minimize infrastructure cost;
                • embankments for junctions between street and viaduct levels (3 % slope).
                This strategy allows for the reduction of infrastructure investment costs by 30 %
            in comparison with a complete viaduct infrastructure. The wideness of the streets
            also allows for a large curve radius which, combined with a 940 m average intersta-
            tion distance, leads to a high commercial speed on the line, promoting attractivity for
            passengers. Furthermore, both line ends are connected to areas offering more than
            9 ha for maintenance (infrastructure and rolling stock), parking, cleaning and opera-
            tional activities (Operational Control Centre).
                After dedicated feasibility studies, it is proposed to use ballasted track, steel
            wheels and 3rd rail for 750 V dc power supply in order to minimize infrastructure costs.
            In addition, the interface between infrastructure and rolling stock is defined according
            to the following static gauge:
                • width: 2,45 m;
                • height: 3,7 m;
                • length: 90 m.
                To comply with infrastructure gauge, passenger demand (over 26,500 pphpd)
            and an acceptable level of passenger comfort (4 p/m² and seated ratio over 23 %),
            the interval between trains during rush hours must be around 105 s. Consequently, a
            CBTC is deployed to operate the system in Grade of Automation 4 (GoA4).
                The short interval between trains leads to frequent and simultaneous stops and
            starts. Consequently, rolling stock and infrastructure are designed to allow for energy
            recovery and reuse. Preliminary study shows overall system energy savings around
            20 %.

                      Figure 4: © Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf and Thomas Sorriaux.

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

   4. Operational and maintenance strategies
Based on a study realized by the administrative department of Cali, a 26,500 pphpd is
expected at rush hour on the busiest interstation by 2030. From there we can deduce
several elements, as shown in table 1.

                                 Table 1: Operating the metro line.

              Operating hours                                     From 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.
            Number of daily trips                                      442,560 trips
           Headway in peak hour                                           105 sec
            Headway in off-peak                                           240 sec
       Average density of passengers                                      4 p/m²
             Commercial speed                                            39.2 km/h
        Travel time (in one direction)                                32 min and 2 sec

    All assumptions are made with the objective to absorb the future increase in trans-
port demand. For example, with the use of the CBTC system, the headway can be
brought to 85 sec, which means a 15 % leeway margin. Moreover, with a headway
during off-peak hours of 4 minutes, it’s possible to engage fewer trains without degra-
ding the current performance of the BRT. With a commercial speed of 39.2 km/h, the
travel time is reduced to 32 minutes and 2 seconds in one direction. In comparison,
the BRT currently offers a travel time of approximately one hour.
    To ensure safe operation, a single OCC directly integrated into the metro line will
be in charge of managing safety and operations from the maintenance center. This
OCC includes video surveillance management and is in permanent contact with travel
information agents, security teams, control officers, maintenance agents and manage-
ment teams, for an estimated total of 300 Full Time Equivalent. Based on our project’s
assumptions, we can estimate a fleet of 38 trains to be operating at the peak hour and
a reserve of 8 trains for maintenance activities (20 % ratio).

   5. An economically and socially viable project
The capital expenditures (CAPEX) for the project are not fully accounted for in this
pre-study, which is why they are increased by a 15 % margin. The main costs are:
   • infrastructure (civil engineering structures: ground passage, embankments, viaduct);
   • whether the stations are ground-based or viaduct-based;
   • electrical equipment (3rd rail, substations, signalisation);

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

                • rolling stock (operation and maintenance fleet);
                • intellectual studies (project owner, product owner, etc.).

                             Studies, investigations, and general prices       134 M€
                             Civil engineering                                 732 M€
                             Rail components                                   385 M€
                                                                   Total    1,251 M€
                                        Total with a 15 % optimistic bias   1,448 M€

                The total CAPEX are valued to 1.4 billion euros, which is consistent with the metro
            line under construction in Bogota (Colombia). The gap between the two projects
            is explained by the solution of a mix between ground passage, embankments and
            viaduct structures which allows for infrastructure cost optimization.
                Is the project profitable? If so, when will the investments be reimbursed? To answer
            these questions, we based our method on the tutelary values of the 2013 French
            Quinet study. In order to adapt the monetary values to Colombia, a ratio between the
            average net income (2020) in Colombia and France was used (7.54). Some assump-
            tions are made to allow for calculations:
                • the price of the tickets for metro services (0.5 €) is based on the 2021 figure for
                   the BRT (year of the study), which eliminates all possible social differences and
                   represents an improvement in comparison with the current service;
                • the expected traffic rise is +240,000 passengers a day, 20 % of which will be
                  coming from a modal shift from cars to metro (- 40,000 veh/day). As the negative
                  impacts on environment and safety due to private cars far outweigh the operation
                  of a GoA4 metro, noise, local pollutants, CO2 and accidentology, externalities are
                  in favour of the project;
                • the road congestion is estimated to be unchanged as the project reuses the BRT
                • the public funds opportunity coefficient (1.25) is applied in the socio-economic
                  results to account for the public money spent over the project.

               The results show that the revenues outweigh the expenses in operation and main-
            tenance (+ 45 M €/year). The operator is projected to be profitable after a 47-year
            period considering a 0.5 % rate of interest on the investments.

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

         Figure 5: © Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf and Thomas Sorriaux.

     The World Bank has indicated that a discount rate of 6 % on the yearly costs and
benefits should be applied for long term transportation projects in Colombia. The
rolling stock is designed to last 30 years and the infrastructure 75 years. Therefore, the
infrastructure has a residual value of 351 M€ after the 40-year horizon. The socio-eco-
nomic balance sets a positive Net Present Value and an Internal Rate of Return greater
than discount rate of 6 %. The metro line is indeed worth the investment.

                      Net Present Value                [€]             19,385,570
                   Internal Rate of Return             [%]               6,14 > 6

   6. Project organisation
To carry out this project, we propose to define a transport authority in charge of organi-
zing transports for Cali and its greater area. This entity should benefit from an assistance
with the project management during all the project phases and in particular for interna-
tional tenders management. The transport authority will then gain skills over the course
ofthe operation and maintenance of the system.

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

                      Figure 7: © Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf and Thomas Sorriaux.

                7. Consistent funding
            The graph below summarizes the investment budget according to its different sources.
            According to the total amount (1,448 M€), 90% could be financed by direct funding
            (loans), and 10% by donations and grants. This ratio is permitted by the good rating
            given by the credit rating agency ‘Fitch Ratings’.

                      Figure 8: © Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf and Thomas Sorriaux.

Creation of a Santiago de Cali (Colombia) Metro line

   8. A coherent project schedule
This high-level schedule over fourteen years shows the overall process, from the poli-
tical decision to start the project, until the start of revenue service.

         Figure 9: © Mohamed Diallo, Pierre Lenoble, Léo Maisonobe, Cyril Ruf and Thomas Sorriaux.

   9. Levers for the future
Santiago de Cali faces challenges of road congestion, pollution, safety and uncon-
trolled development of the informal public transport sector.
     The comparative analysis of possible routes and transportation modes was based
on criteria such as satisfaction of transport demand, costs, quality and level of service.
It led to the conclusion that an automatic Metro is the best choice.
     The analysis of the dynamics of the city also shows that the East / South route
ensures the connection between the activity centers of downtown Cali and the disad-
vantaged districts of the East, thus promoting development. The implementation
of an automatic GOA4 metro on an East / South route in the city of Cali is a viable
project according to the socio-economic analysis, which concludes with a positive net
present value.
     In addition to this first metro line, so as to better justify its implementation and
improve mobility in the city of Cali, we can identify various additional levers:
     • the North/South axis: this route remains an option for the future development of
       the metro network. This future branch will decongest the northern road network
       of the city while providing passengers with a more complete service to the city
       points of interest;
   • mobility plans: it involves the development of more efficient urban master plans
     integrating existing urban transport modes as well as future projects. These plans
     are subject to the creation of a transport organizing authority (AOT) responsible for
     the integration of the Metro, the city bus system and the informal sector.

Accra-Tema suburban
    railway line

                   Lucie BUAT
                   Richard GARCEAU
                   Ifra TAGOURLA

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

                          vec plus de 2 millions d’habitants, Accra, capitale du Ghana,
                          est une ville de services jeune et dynamique. C’est le centre
                          politique, administratif, économique et financier du pays. À 30
                   kilomètres à l’est, Tema, premier port en eau profonde du pays, a pour
                   objectif de devenir l’un des ports majeurs de l’Afrique subsaharienne.
                   En ce sens, la zone Accra-Tema est le principal pôle de développe-
                   ment économique du pays mais elle est aujourd’hui confrontée à d’im-
                   portants problèmes de saturation de trafic routier. En effet, un trajet
                   entre les deux villes peut prendre jusqu’à 2h30, conséquence d’une
                   forte densité de population et d’un besoin important de transport de
                   marchandises. La ligne ferroviaire existante est, quant à elle, sous-ex-
                   ploitée avec un seul aller-retour par jour. Cette étude recommande la
                   mise en place d’un nouveau système de transport de voyageurs entre
                   les deux villes, proposant une desserte et des fréquences plus adap-
                   tées aux besoins. Le service est prévu à l’horizon 2029.

               Mots-clés : Ghana, transport ferroviaire Accra-Tema, mobilité péri-urbaine,
                                     désaturation trafic routier, TOD

                               ith over 2 million inhabitants, Accra, the capital of Ghana, is
                               a young and dynamic city offering multiple services. It is the
                               political, administrative, economic and financial center of the
                   country. Tema, 35 kilometers to the east, is the first deepwater port of the
                   country and intends to become one of the main ports in Sub-Saharan
                   Africa. Accordingly, the Accra-Tema area is the country's leading area in
                   economic development. However, it is currently facing major road traffic
                   saturation issues. Indeed, a trip between the two cities can take up to
                   two and a half hours, the consequence of a high population density and
                   a significant need for goods transport. Meanwhile, the existing rail line
                   proposes a very low service with only one round trip per day, which makes
                   it unattractive. This study recommends the creation of a new passenger
                   railway transportation system between the two cities, with a high level of
                   services matching with the needs. Service is planned for 2029.

               Keywords: Ghana, Accra-Tema railway transport, suburban mobility, traffic
                         congestion reduction, transit-oriented development

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

The main objective of our study is to present one or more alternatives for passen-
ger transport between the capital, Accra, and Tema’s harbour, in order to reduce road
congestion. The challenge is to improve the daily life of the population through simpler,
more efficient and faster mobility while remaining financially accessible to all.
    Our researches on existing transport modes led us to learn about the 2013 Ghana
Railway Master Plan, a long-term strategic vision. A mixed rail project has been
launched by Ghana with European companies (Ghana European Railway Consortium)
between Tema and Kumasi, a city further north. That project is part of our study for the
area up to Achimota, a suburb of Accra.
    Beyond meeting primary expectations, this rail axis could constitute a real asset
for economic development to support the urbanization of the Greater Accra Region.

         Figure 1: Railway network of Ghana © Jkan997, CC BBY 3.0 (source: Wikimedia Commons).
                        Modified by Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

               1. Ghana overview
           The Republic of Ghana, a former British colony, is an independent country of West
           Africa since 1957. It is a democratic republic inspired by the British model, but with a
           complex executive structure resulting from a high number of ministries and a power
           shared between the national government and the local traditional chiefs. The current
           elected president is running his second consecutive mandate, which makes Ghana a
           relatively stable political regime.
               In many ways, the country is developing fast, with a population of nearly 30 million
           people and a positive demographic growth of 2 % each year, plus a fairly young
           median age (21.4 years) and a low unemployment rate (4.3 %). In addition to this, Ghana
           also shows a profitable economy benefitting from the export of its natural resources
           such as cocoa, oil and gold, with a constant growth of 5 to 8 % in GDP per year since
           2005, one of the highest in the world.
               The goods import-export, the population density and the wealth increase create a
           huge demand in transportation, getting higher every year. However, the country never
           invested properly in its road and rail infrastructure and has begun to suffer from its
           limitations. The government recently decided to address this issue by heavily investing
           in rail infrastructure projects and creating several entities dedicated to transportation,
           including a Ministry of Rail in 2017. All of this being new, the lack of internal know-how
           in development, funds and operation often leads the country to rely on European or
           Asian partners.

               2. Accra and Tema
           Accra and Tema are coastal cities located in the southeast of Ghana, close to the Gulf
           of Guinea; they are part of the Greater Accra. For the past 30 years, an intensive urbani-
           zation has been observed in this area due to capital growth and to the expansion of Te-
           ma’s harbour. According to the French Development Agency (AFD), 95 % of passengers
           and goods transport are currently achieved by road. As a consequence, traffic jams are
           part of the daily life of Ghanaians. Traveling the 35 km between the two cities can go
           from 50 minutes in off-peak period up to 2h30 in peak periods.
                Chief among the existing means of transportation is the tro-tro, an old minibus
           capable of carrying up to 20 passengers, without any guarantees of comfort or secu-
           rity. Passengers generally have to wait until the bus is full before a departure. It is
           however very cheap and offers a large variety of routes to users, which makes it the
           most popular.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

               Figure 2. Passengers distribution of road transport modes between Accra and Tema
                               © Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

    At the same time, an existing railway line between Accra and Tema is operated
with a very low service level. Due to its single daily round-trip and its 1h30-travel time
offer, this line does not meet its public.
    Through this study, our objective is to propose a new railway system with a service
offer matching the mobility needs of the population. In order to assess the future trans-
port demand, an analysis of population density correlated with an analysis of points
of interest has been performed. Results allow us to conclude that the existing line can
cover most of the needs, but an extension must be considered to serve Ashaiman, a
city in the north of Tema with a high population density.

 Figure 3: Population density and points of interest analysis. Map © Google Earth Pro 2021. Data: SIO, NOAA, U.S.
Navy, NGA, GEBCO. Modified by Ifra Tagourla, Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, 2021 according to population statistics

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

               Based on the Ghana Railway Master Plan and an airport passenger flows analysis,
           the demand has been quantified, both for 2029 – the effective date of operation – and
           for 2050 to provide a longer-term vision.

                        Table 1: P.P.H.D.(people per hour and per destination) assessment for 2029 and 2050.

                                                              2029                      2050
                                   p.p.h.p.d                  5 182                     8 395

               3. Scenarios definition
           Two different scenarios are considered in this study, with the common objective to
           reduce road traffic congestion between Accra and Ashaiman. Travel time, ticket price,
           frequency of service and on-board comfort will all be advantages to make rail transport
           attractive and meet the mobility needs of the Greater Accra population.
               The first one, called “regional scenario”, proposes a 41-minutes-travel time with the
           objective to be faster than road vehicles during off-peak period. To ensure an impor-
           tant average speed, it only serves the main attractive poles and the high population
           density areas.
               The second solution called “suburban scenario” allows for a better connection of
           the territory through more stops and a higher train frequency but with a slightly longer
           travel time of around 48 minutes, still under the 50 minutes target.

               4. Technical Solutions
               4.1. Route and Infrastructure
           We have studied different technical solutions for the route of the new line. Taking into
           account a significant coverage of the points of interest served, we favored the existing
           rail line route instead of the one along the coast. In addition, the railway project carried
           out in parallel by the GERC which will establish new infrastructure between Achimota
           and Tema (marked in yellow) will allow us to use these new standard gauge tracks.
                Our study focuses on both the “Accra-Achimota” and “Tema-Ashaiman” sections.
           The topography of the Greater Accra presents low altitude variations which is quite
           conducive to the establishment of a new railway line.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

Figure 4: Route of the new railway line Accra-Ashaiman. Map © Google Earth Pro, 2021. Data: SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy,
                     NGA, GEBCO. Modified by Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.
    Our new line is a two-track standard gauge with the following characteristics:
    • ballast track system;
    • rails UIC60 (60E1) group UIC1n, corresponding to a heavy traffic load capable of
      ensuring a daily traffic of at least 120,000 T;
    • concrete bi-block sleepers.
    The total length of the line is 43 km with a platform width of 14.80 m taking into
account a 3.80 m center distance of tracks. The new line includes 15 overbridges and
underbridges. The most important ones are shown in the figure below: six culverts,
one retaining wall and a pedestrian bridge. The low variation in altitude along the route
allows for low amounts of cut and fill.

Figure 5: Most important bridges. Map © Google Earth Pro, 2021. Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO & AVP
     SEA 3D OA LAVIGNE CHERON Architects. Modified by Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

               4.2. Railway stations
           Both of our proposed scenarios include new stations and stops to meet mobility needs.
           The figures below show the different services by scenario:

                        Figure 6: Regional scenario stations © Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

                        Figure 7: Suburban scenario stations © Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

               The line consists mainly of classic stations and stops with 2 platforms and 2 tracks.
           In order to allow easy access to the two platforms, we have set up underground
           passages connected to the platforms by stairs. These ones have a width of over
           2.20 m between handrails to allow for passenger flow in both directions coming from
           the same platform. Escalators can be used to increase fluidity if necessary.
               These stations and stops must furthermore be accessible to people with reduced
           mobility. To comply with technical and safety standards, elevators will be installed on
           every platform, their openings oriented towards the platforms rather than the tracks.
           Due to their dead-end or crossing with cab change configurations, the Achimota,
           Accra and Ashaiman stations are equipped with 3 platforms each in order to manage
           easy cab change and secure degraded modes during operation.

           Figure 8: 3D modeling of a "classic" station, stop including equipment and structures: underground passage, access
                        via stairs and elevators, docks shelters ©Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

Figure 9: 3D modeling of Achimota station, stop including equipment and structures: underground passage, access
             via stairs and elevators, docks shelters ©Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

    4.3. Power supply
The GERC have plans to electrify their part of the railway line (70 % of the whole) with
25 kV-50 Hz. Three main solutions have been investigated for the remaining 30 %, brin-
ging in additional requirements for the choice of the rolling stock:
   • case 1: a classic full electric rolling-stock (EMU) and a complete electrification of
      the line;
    • case 2: a battery electric multiple unit (BEMU) and a power supply system at
      terminus stations, including traction subsystem and catenary;
    • case 3: a battery electric multiple unit (BEMU) without any additional power supply
      system, relying on the electrified central line for sufficient power.
    A technical and financial investment analysis has been performed in order to select
the most relevant solution. Results are described in the graph below according for all
three cases and scenarios:

       Figure 10: Investment cost according to the fleet © Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

               For the regional and suburban scenarios, the train fleet numbers have been esti-
           mated at respectively 12 and 21 cars. As per the results of the figure 10, we then decide
           to select case 2 for the regional scenario and case 1 for the suburban scenario.

               4.4. Rolling stock
           In order to limit the investment costs, two standard products have been selected:
           “Regio 2N” and “NAT”. Both are proposed by the manufacturer Bombardier Transport,
           newly Alstom. The “Regio 2N” meets all regional scenario needs, offering a battery
           powered electrical system and a considerable seating capacity for its short length. The
           train length is an essential parameter since the line includes dead-end railway stations
           requiring a cab change in a minimum time. On the other hand, the “NAT” is a suitable
           solution for the suburban scenario. Not only are its capacity and length in line with the
           transport plan, but it also provides enough acceleration performance to operate as a
           commuter train and for a good quality/price ratio.

               4.5. Signalling
           The new line will be equipped with an ERTMS signalling system (European Rail Traf-
           fic Management System). This system has many advantages such as interoperability,
           cross-border operation, security performance, reliability and capacity but also reduced
           maintenance costs. The ERTMS Level 2 system is today presented as the future of such
           systems, without the burden of lateral signalling. Since the current line does not have
           any signalling system, this solution will save lots of signal investment costs. Moreover,
           the driver will be able to observe all of the signalling from the cab.
               In order to cover and manage incidents, a centralized command post will be set up
           at the Accra station. To ensure the circulation of freight trains that could operate during
           the night, this station will operate 24 hours a day.

               4.6. Operation & Maintenance
           The travel time that was defined during our study is made up of the running time
           between stations and the stops duration. It takes into account the constraints of the
           chosen route, such as the speed of the line and the configuration of the stations (e.g.
           the Achimota crossing station with a cab change).
                Our goal being to compete with the tro-tros, this total travel time must remain
           under 50 minutes for our two scenarios, with the implementation of a regular service,
           its frequency more or less important depending on the scenario.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

     Table 2: Frequencies and headways during peak hours and commercial speed according to scenarios.

                                          « Regional » Scenario              « Suburban » Scenario
                                            2029             2050             2029              2050
Maximum estimated frequency             3 trains/h/d     5 trains/h/d     6 trains/h/d     10 trains/h/d
 Maximum selected frequency             4 trains/h/d     5 trains/h/d     6 trains/h/d     10 trains/h/d
  Minimum selected headway                 15 min            12 min          10 min             6 min
       Commercial speed                            64 km/h                            54 km/h

     This information enabled us to size the associated rolling stock fleets, as well as
the hourly chart and the human resources required (drivers, operating, sales and
security agents) to carry out the transport plan. During off-peak period, the frequency
is reduced to 50 %.
     In order to guarantee the traffic robustness, it is necessary to implement a
high-performance maintenance system for rolling stock at the end of the line. To date,
there is no suitable facility for the new equipment, so we have chosen to build a main-
tenance site near the Ashaiman station, consisting of a two-track workshop and a track
cluster allowing the trainsets to be accommodated at the end of their service. Main-
tenance slots in the hollow of the shifts are defined to optimize the availability of the
trainsets. Significant investments in strategic installations and tools are imperative to
support the reliability of trainsets.
     In order to make the complete rail system consistent, it is imperative that an insti-
tutional actor play a coordinating role for all those involved in the transport service. To
that end, the Greater Accra Passengers Transport Executive (GAPTE), which currently
only deals with road modes on the perimeter of Greater Accra, must take on the
responsibility of the entire transport offer by integrating the rail offer. This would be
determinant for the success of mobility combining all modes of transport.

   5. Financial and economic analysis
Beyond the technical aspects of the railway, the best scenario must meet the objective
of financial profitability or at least prove its economic interest in the long term. We have
thus proceeded to the calculation of the components necessary for the construction of
the net present value (NPV): the benefits generated by the externalities (CO2, noise, road
mortality and injuries, value of time), the economic surplus, and the income-expense
balance. We have also identified the investments to be made before 2029 (CAPEX) and
the annual operating costs over 20 years (OPEX).

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

                                            Table 3: Investments and NPV per scenario.

                                                                Regional                               Suburban

                       CAPEX ($)                              -675,703,356                           -603,254,782
             Residual value rolling stock($)                   50,879,525                             41,900,786
              Income-expense balance ($)                       55,170,607                              57,257,947
                         NPV ($)                               60,894,260                              91,431,423

              For our two scenarios, the NPV is positive, proving their high potential, but the
           suburban mode presents the greatest long-term economic interest for both investors
           and train users.

               6. Project building and planning
           Considering the different types of existing fundings and in continuity with the financial
           arrangement already made for part of the line, we have opted for a mixed one. The
           Ghanaian government will participate with its own funds up to 20 % of the total cost of
           the project. Bank loans will be requested from financial institutions up to 30% of the to-
           tal project cost. The financing institutions identified are mainly the World Bank through
           IDA, the African Development Bank (ADB) and the French Development Agency (AFD).
           Finally, for the remaining 50 % of the project cost, we will set up a PPP BOT (Public-Pri-
           vate Partnership, Build-Operate-Transfer) contract. The concession period is estimated
           at 30 years including the construction period of the line.

                           Figure 11: Project funding © Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

              The following phases present the macro tasks of the planning necessary to ensure
           commissioning of the line in July 2029. We estimate a duration of 8 years from the
           beginning of the feasibility study up to commissioning proper.

Accra-Tema suburban railway line

     Figure 12: Schedule for the building of the new line © Lucie Buat, Richard Garceau, Ifra Tagourla, 2021.

   A qualified workforce will have to be operational as soon as the line is commis-
sioned, so sourcing needs as soon as 2022 will be necessary. We would recommend
that the Ghanaian government contract a technical assistance in order to organize and
coordinate all the required tasks for the implementation of the project.

Our study shows that Greater Accra faces very significant road congestion between
Accra and Ashaiman. This is the consequence of a lack of coordinated public transport
policy and associated investments. Our project proposes a true alternative by imple-
menting mass passenger transport with the suburban scenario, but it will not be a total
and definitive solution. Greater Accra must have an effective Mobility Organizing Autho-
rity with a clear development project aimed at facilitating the movement of people. It
will lead to an economic development of its entire territory, relying on major assets like
the country's capital, the international airport and the country's largest harbour. It must
be able to rely on its growing economy outside of the COVID-19 period, and on the
youth of its population to rise to the technical, human and social challenge.

India-Sri Lanka
 Railway line

                  Stéphane AUBERT
                  Nader BERRO
                  Laura BLANCHARD
                  Marion CAPDET
                  Baïla DEME

India-Sri Lanka Railway line

                            ’Inde et le Sri Lanka sont proches culturellement, mais ils sont
                            marqués par de grandes disparités éco-démographiques. Ces
                            deux pays ont en commun des frontières maritimes aux alen-
                     tours du détroit de Palk dans l’océan Indien. Ils ont partagé pendant
                     quelque temps une liaison ferroviaire passant par un service de ferry,
                     qui n’existe plus aujourd’hui. Notre projet consiste à créer une liaison
                     ferroviaire entre ces deux pays, permettant de relier Chennai, en Inde,
                     à la capitale du Sri Lanka, Colombo. Après l’étude de plusieurs scéna-
                     rios, le choix d’un pont ferroviaire traversant la baie de Palk s’est avéré
                     le plus adapté. Ce projet présente plusieurs difficultés, telles que l’in-
                     frastructure, lourde à construire, ou l’acceptation culturelle du projet,
                     à savoir que la baie de Palk est une zone sacrée pour les hindous. Afin
                     que ce projet soit mené à bien, un partenariat public-privé doit être
                     mis en place afin d’assurer le financement de la ligne et de rassembler
                     toutes les expertises techniques possibles, qu’elles soient publiques
                     ou privées.

              Mots-clés : pont, transport combiné accompagné, Inde, Sri Lanka, baie de Palk

                        ndia and Sri Lanka are two countries with very similar cultures, yet
                        quite different from a demographic and economic point of view. Both
                        countries share a maritime border near Palk Bay in the Indian ocean
                     and have shared a railway line in the past that was devastated by a
                     cyclone. Other types of links such as ferries also existed but stopped
                     their operations with time. Our project consists of building a new railway
                     line between the two countries, in order to connect Chennai in India with
                     the capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo. This project faces many challenges,
                     especially the heavy infrastructure that it requires. The rolling stock was
                     inspired by Eurotunnel/Getlink, with trains carrying cargo as well as
                     cars, trucks, and buses, with an estimated passage time of around 50
                     minutes. The project also faces cultural risks related to the acceptance
                     of the project, as the line passes through a Hindu holy land. This project
                     has a lot of potential and could create better economic as well as diplo-
                     matic relations between India and Sri Lanka.

              Keywords: bridge, accompanied combined transport, India, Sri Lanka, Palk Bay

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