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NOTE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE Pimuant t o Public Law 8949’7, approved July S, 196g (SO Stat. 2’71; 1U.S.C. 113)- .. “. the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence ... of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proc- lamations by the President of such treaties and intel.1 national agreements other than treaties, as the. case may be, therein contained, in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof.”
CANADA Agreement eflec~edby ezehange of notes Signed at Ottawa Sepaenabsr 21, 1972; Entered into force Sepeeinber 28, 1972. The Canadian Secretary of State for Eztemd A-fairs to tJhe American Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINIST~GREDES AFFAIRES EXT~RIEURES CANADA NO. GWU-310 September 21 , 1972 OTTAWA, EXCELLENCY, I have the honour to refer t o the discussions which have taken place between representatives of our Governments regarding the preserva- tion of the quality of water in the international section of the St. John River and to propose that our Governments establish a Canada- United States Committee on water quality in the St. John giver and its tributary rivers and streams which cross the Canada-United States boundary. The composition, purposes and objectives of the Committee, which shall conduct its work in a manner which is con- sistent with the provisions and objectives of the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, [l] are set out in the h e x to this Note. If the foregoing proposal is acceptable to the Government of the Ufited States of America, I have the honour to propose that this Note, together with its Panex, which are equally authentic in English and French, and Pour Excellency’sreply to that effect, shall constitute an agreement between our Governments which shall enter into force on the date of your reply. 1 TS 548;36 Stat. 2448. S5-651-72 TIAS 7470
2 Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my st consideration. MITCHELL SHARP Secretary of State for External Afjairs His Excellency The Honourable ADOLPH W. SCHMIDT, Ambassador of the United States of America, Ottawa. ANNEX Whereas the Governments of Canada and the United States in the light of their rights and obligations under Article IV of the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 with respect to the avoidance of transboundary pollution, are concerned about the quality of water in the international section of the St. John River and in its tributary rivers and streams which cross the Canada-United States boundary; Whereas water quality planning has been under way in the St. John River Basin in both countries for more than a year, and proper co- ordination of this plmring is urgently required to assure achievement of a d e d approach to the problem; It is hereby agreed that a Canada-United States Committee on Water Quality in the St. John River and its Tributaries crossing the International Boundary (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) be established t o assist the appropriate authorities in Canada and the United States to eo-operate in such mater quality planning as may be necessary t o devise programs which will enhance the quality of water in the St. John River. The Committee w i l l conduct its work in a manner which is consistent with the objectives and provisions of the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. I The purposes of the Committee shall be: (A) To review periodically progress in the conduct of such water quality planning on both sides of the Canada-United States boundary in the St. John River Basin, with a view t o facilitat- ing progress toward enhancement of mater quality; (B) To exchange appropriate information about plans, programs and actions which could affect mater quality in the Basin; (C) To assist in co-ordination and consultation among appropriate authorities on matters and actions affecting water quality; (D) To make appropriate recommendations to relevant authorities on both sides of the boundary and to the International Joint TIAS 7470
4 The Committee shall also provide a report on its progr a c t i ~ t i e sfor the Governments of Canada and the United States as pilot and co-pilot of the Inland Water PoJJution Project of the North Atlantic Treaty organization’s Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society, prior to September 30, 1973, and to the extent necessary, annually thereafter. French Text of the Canadian Note DEPARTMENT O F EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINIST~RE DES AFFAIRES EXT~RIEURES CANADA No GWU-310 R~ONSIEUR L’AMMBASSADIUR, J’ai l’honneur de me r6f6rer aux discussions qui ont eu lieu entre les reprhsentants de nos Gouvernements concernant la pr6servation de la qnalit6 de l’eau dans la section internationale du fleuve Saint- Jean et de proposer que nos Gouvernements forment un Comit6 canado-am6ricain sur la qualit6 de l’eau du fleuve Saint-Jean et de ses rivieres et ruisseaux tribntaires qui traversent la frontihre canado- am6ricaine. La composition, les fonctions et les objectifs du Comit6, qui con- duira ses travmx conform6ment aux dispositions et aux objectifs du Trait6 des eaux limitrophes de 1909, sont expos& dans l ’ h e x e B cette Note. Si la proposition qui precede agree au Gouvcrnement des Etats- - Unis d’Amerique, j’ai l’honneur de proposer que la pr6sente Note et son Annexe, qui font Bgalement foi en anglais et en frangais, ainsi que la r6ponse de Votre Excellence A cet effet, constituent entre nos deux Gouvernements un accord qui entrera en vigueur B la date de votre r6ponse. Venillez agrher, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, les assurances renouvel6es de ma tres haute consid6ration. Le SecrBtaire d’Etat aux Maires ext6rieures, MITCHELL SHARP OTTAWA, le 21 septembre 1972. Son Zxcellence, L’Honorable ADOLPH W. SCHMIDT Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis d‘Amkriquo Ottawa
la lumi8r.e des droits et des obligations qui leur soht conf6r6s par 1’FIrticle IV du Trait6 des eaux limitrophes de 1909 relativement la pr6vention de la pollution outre-Erontihre, sont pr6occup6s de la qualit6 de l’eau dans la section internationale du fleuve Saint-Jesin et de ses affluents qui traversent la frontihrre canado-am6ricaine; Attendu que la planification relative B la qualit6 de l’eau dans le r6seau du fieuve Saint-Jean est en cours dam les deux pays depuis plus d’un an et qu’il est urgent de coordonner cette planifcation din d’aborder le probkme de facon concert6e; I1 est convenu par la prbsente qu’m Comit6 canado-am6ricain sur la qualit6 de I’eau du fleuve Saint-Jean et de ses affluents qui franchis- sent la frontisre internationale (appe16 ci-apr8s le “Comit6”) sera cr66 pour aider les autorit6s comp6tentes du Canada et des Etats- Unis B collaborer dam la planification touchant la qualit6 de l’eau qui peut s’av6rer ndcessaire la mise au point de programmes visant A, am6liorer la, qualit6 de l’eau du fleuve Saint-Jean. Le Comit6 conduira ses travaux coaform6ment a m objectifs et am dispositions du Trait6 des eaux b i t r o p h e s de 1909. I. Les fonctions du Comit6 sont: (A) d’examiner pdriodiquement les progr8s rBalis6s dans le domaine de la plm5cation de la qualit6 de l’eau des deux c8t6s de la frontikre canado-amdricaine clans le reseau du fleuve Saint- Jean, afin d’assurer l’amdlioration progressive de la qualit6 de l’eau; (B) de permettre 1’6change de renseignements pertinents sur les plans, les programmes et les actions susceptibles de modifer la qualit6 de l’eau clans le reseau; (C) de faciliter la coordination et Ies consultations entre les autorit6s comp6tentes au sujet des questions et des actions qui iniluent sur la qualit6 de l’eau; (D) de faire des recommandations approprihes a m autoriths competentes des deux cSt6s de la frontisre et; B la Commission miste internationale (appel6e ci-apr8s la “Commission”), concernant l’am6lioration de la qualit6 de l’eau dans le rdseau. Dans la condnite de ses travaux, le Cornit6 s’int6ressera en par- . ticulier a m aspects suivants de la qualit6 de l’eau: (A) Btat cle la qualit6 de l’eau; nature, dtendue et sources de la pollution; (33) ndcessit6 et moyens de d6finir et de rdaliser des objectifs interiiationaux convenus de qualit6 de l’eau; (C) identification des programmes et autres. mesures ndcessaires pour redujre sensiblement le niveau de la pollution, accom- TIAS 7470 If.
ni indemnit6. Les sections americaine et canadienne du Cornit6 nommeront chacune lew president. Les presidents des deux sections seront presidents conjoints au Comit6 et assureront la liaison entre le Cornit6 et leusrs autorites respectives. Ils tiendront les membres de lew section au courant des projets, des activites et des progrhs accomplis. Chaque president peut nommer un secretaire de section aprhs avoir consult6 les membres de cette derni4re. 111. Lorsque son travail de coordination de la planjfication de la qualit6 de l’eau dms le reseau du fleuve SaintJean sera termin6, le ComitB presentera im rapport de ses travaux et des progr8s realis& B la Commission. S’il n’a pas terming ses travaux dans un dClai d’un an B compter de la date du present Echange de Notes, le Comit6 presentera un rapport provisoire B la Commission avant le 30 septembre 19-73 et, s’il y a lieu, tous les ans par la suite. Le Comit6 fournira aussi B la Commission le texte des procbverbaux de ses seances ordinaires. Le Cornit6 presentera aussi un rapport aux Gouvernements du Canada et des Etats-Unis sur 1’6tat de ses travaux en tant que pilote et copilote du projet relatif A, la pollution des eaux interieures mis en ceuvre par le Cornit6 de 1’OTAN sur les d6fis de la societe moderne, avant le 30 septembre 1973 et, s’il y a lieu, tous les am par la suite. TIAS 7470
7 The can Ambassador to the Canadian Secreta?*yof Statefor External Afairs EMBASSY O F T H E UNITED STATES O F AMERICA OTTAWA, CANADA No. 176 SEPTEMBER 21, 1972 SIR: I have the honor to refer to your Note No. GWU 310, of Septem- ber 21, 1972, with attached Annex, proposing the establishment of a Canada-United States Committee on water quality in the St. John River and its tributary rivers and streams which cross the Canada- United States boundary. The proposal meets with the approval of my Government, and I have the honor to confirm that your Note, together with its Annex, and this reply, shall constitute an agreement between our Governments which shall enter into force on the date of this reply. Accept, Sir,the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. ADOLPHW. SCHMIDT The Eonorable MITCHELL SHARP, P.C.; Secretary of State for External Asairs, Ottawa.
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