ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE - Alliance Française de Hobart
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ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE La maison française A NE PAS MANQUER conversation/café/croissant La Maison française 30 Church St $6 café + croissant $8 non members à partir de 10h30 28 août 25 septembre 30 octobre vendredi 19 août 19h00 ROB BLANDFORD Technologie de la Parfumerie La Maison française samedi 10 septembre 14h30 KELSEY COOPER will report on her recent experience in Nantes and the scholarship she received. La Maison française vendredi le 14 octobre 19h00 QUIZ NIGHT La Maison française samedi 12 november 14h30 - 16h00 THEME TBA vendredi 9 décembre 17h30-19h00 Christmas Cocktail Party WELCOME TO NEW/FORMER MEMBERS membership 102 Catriona Fitzgerald, Julie Morcom, Lisa Morgan Patricia Manski
MOVIE NIGHT! Un film touchant et drôle sur le confinement, réalisé par Dany Boon. Avec Laurence Arné, Yvan Attal et François Damiens.
The female figure referred to as Marianne is the embodiment of the French Republic. Marianne represents the permanent values that found her citizens’ attachment to the Republic: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". The earliest representations of a woman wearing a Phrygian cap, an allegorical figure of Liberty and the Republic, made their appearance at the time of the French Revolution. The origins of the name Marianne are uncertain. Marie-Anne was a very common first name in the 18th century, and she thus came to represent the people; the counter-revolutionaries used the name derisively when referring to the Republic. Marianne wore a Phrygian cap, the symbol of liberty, which was also worn by freed slaves in Greece and Rome. Mediterranean seamen and convicts manning the galleys also wore a similar type of cap, and revolutionaries from the South of France are believed to have adopted the headgear. Under the Third Republic, statues, and especially busts, of Marianne began to proliferate, particularly in town halls. She was represented in several different manners, depending on whether the aim was to emphasize her revolutionary nature or her "wisdom." Occasionally, the Phrygian cap was felt to be too seditious, and was replaced by a diadem or a crown. Since 1935, Marianne has appeared on many commemorative postage stamps, and since the liberation of France, in 1944, her image is among those most often seen on definitives. Indeed, stamps bearing her image are called Mariannes.
OUR CENTRALLY LOCATED “FRENCH HOUSE” HAS ROOMS TO RENT TO HELP DEFRAY OUR RUNNING COSTS. DO YOU KNOW OF ANY ORGANISATION WHICH NEEDS A COMFORTABLE CLASSROOM/MEETING SPACE WITH WELL EQUIPPED KITCHEN, TOILET AND BREAK OUT SPACES? Next time you are at The French House, feel free to browse and/or borrow donated books & DVDs from generous members. Another to read in French! Alliance Française de Hobart 30 Church St North Hobart PO Box 70 South Hobart 7004 A LA RADIO location/TAS 1pm Saturday,Tuesday, Thursday french-le-live-du-01-04-2021 MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEND ANY INTERESTING FRENCH RELATED, COMMENTS, PICTURES, TRAVEL TALES, IN EITHER FRENCH OR ENGLISH FOR CONSIDERATION IN THE NEXT EDITION OF CLIN D’OEIL. I receive very little feedback re the content of Clin D’ŒIL Hopefully you are all enjoying the articles. MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEND ANY INTERESTING FRENCH RELATED COMMENTS, PICTURES, TRAVEL TALES, IN EITHER next deadline FRENCH 21 Octobre OR ENGLISH, FOR CONSIDERATION IN THE NEXT 2022 EDITION. next deadline 21 October 2022
THE AF COMMITTEE 2022-23 PRESIDENT Caroline Jackson VICE PRESIDENT Meri Rowlands SECRETARY Marilyn Pinkard TREASURER/PUBLIC OFFICER Gerald Morford-Waite CLASS COORDINATOR Caroline Jackson COMMITTEE Rob Blandford Françoise Clarke Kelsey Cooper Sophie Gibson Gerard Mocellin Kate Neasy Kath McGinty Janine Evers Web site Manager alliancefrancaise_hobart? igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
The French House is open once a week. A CHANCE TO PRACTISE YOUR FRENCH CONVERSATION FOR FREE! 1 WEDNESDAYS 3-5 pm 30 CHURCH STREET NORTH HOBART > une occasion de bavarder ~ CCC ~ samedi café, croissants, conversation 10h30 à midi le dernier samedi du mois 10h30 à midi $1 13 août 27 août 10 septembre 24 septembre 15 octobre 29 octobre 12 novembre 26 novembre à la maison française à la maison française 30 Church Street 30 Church Street 2 3
TABLEAU D’HONNEUR The Tableau d’Honneur was inaugurated several years ago when the AF de Hobart first established its own headquarters in North Hobart. We sought members of the community who were willing to be patrons of our organisation, It records the names of those who have kindly donated $500+ to support the ongoing activities of the Alliance Française de Hobart. We hope for further generous support to help ease the pressure of our rent. We have received generous donations from MONTY EAST • KAREN BELBIN • LISA SINGH • THE NEASEY FAMILY • IAN K. SMITH • MRS. DIANNE BYE • ATTILA URMENYHAZI • GERARDA MUIR • Honorary Consul for France and Germany DAVID SHELLEY • • GERRY & YOLANDE FREED • ROSEMARY YEOLAND ALL THINGS FRENCH 55 LIVERPOOL ST HOBART, TASMANIA 7000 T: 03 62313321 TO DONATE: Name: Alliance Française de Hobart INC. BANK: MYSTATE BSB: 807-009 A/C 12122945
Le télescope James-Webb Il a fallu plusieurs semaines à Hubble pour produire cette image, mais seulement douze heures et demi au Webb. Cela est dû à la grande taille de son miroir, collectant plus de lumière plus rapidement. Certaines des galaxies visibles sur cette image sont à 13 milliards d’années-lumière. Cela veut dire que la lumière a mis 13 milliards d’années à voyager jusqu’à nous depuis qu’elle a été émise par la galaxie, signifiant que l’on voit l’univers tel qu’il était peu de temps après le Big Bang. Si cela a pu être possible avec Hubble, le télescope James-Webb dispose d’une bien meilleure résolution, permettant de déceler les formes des galaxies de manière beaucoup plus détaillée. Il reste un champ immense à photographier avec le Webb, car la partie de l’univers que l’on voit sur cette image est minuscule : on pourrait la cacher en tenant un grain de sable à bout de bras Le Webb va aussi permettre d’observer la poussière d’étoiles. Cette substance existe sous deux formes : carbonée, semblable à de la suie, et sous forme de silicate, se rapprochant du sable. Elle se forme autour des étoiles en fin de vie, puis traverse le milieu interstellaire, finissant par former de nouvelles étoiles. Et à terme, de nouvelles galaxies. Cette poussière a la propriété cruciale d’être visible dans l’infrarouge et opaque au visible, rendant impossible son analyse par Hubble. L’observation de la poussière par le Webb devrait permettre de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de formation des étoiles et des galaxies. Cela se fera notamment par l’observation de la nébuleuse de la Carène, la nébuleuse de l’anneau austral et le quintette de Stephan. Enfin, les images du télescope Webb, accessibles librement pour les scientifiques et le grand public, vont permettre de scruter des exoplanètes et leur atmosphère. En effet, plusieurs molécules sont observables dans l’infrarouge – la molécule d’eau par exemple. July 12, 2022 The Conversation
Le Moulin Rouge a offert un cancan français dans la rue à Montmartre pour fêter ses 130 années. Bruni D’Entrecasteaux’s first view of Tasmanian shores wasn’t quite what you might expect. Find out why and hear other fascinating stories on the French Connection Tour. This specialised walking tour, held in conjunction with Government House Tasmania, departs at 10am every second Thursday in winter, including Bastille Day (14th July). Book now by calling 6166 0451 or email #tassieoffseason France in Australia - Ambassade de France en Australie ·Second Call for applications - Pacific Funds 2022 Projects will need to contribute to the regional integration of French communities: New Caledonia, French Polynesia and the Wallis and Futuna islands. Deadline for applications : 1st September 2022 french cooking videos playlist?list=UUlxGOb7Va-abkPTx-SINIJRA
L’Alliance Française de Hobart CONCOURS 2022 Grades 5-6 Les Inventions Asia Barron Bellerive Kayla Ploughman Lambert Harriet Verdouw Howrah Imogen Marr St Michael’s Collegiate
Harry Marsh Howrah Ava Percy Howrah Essie Burke Fahan
Les Chateaux francais grades 3-4 Evan Bolton Hutchins Asha Harrison Bellerive Jack Beard Howrah
Harry Marsh Howrah Ava Percy Howrah Essie Burke Fahan Imogen Marr St Michael’s Collegiate
‘Les Insectes” Grades 1 & 2 Connor Mitchell Howrah Vivi Spark Howrah Skye Hills Howrah Fransisca Nacimento Howrah
Seb Long Lambert Tobias Rushton Howrah Hazel Grimshaw Lambert Declan Wright Howrah
Visit chez la Gouverneur et le jardin botanique Prof.Jean-Philippe Beaulieu a raconté l’histoire de la réplique du premier garden français à Recherché Baie, que sert la cuisine du gouverneur aujourd’hui. Dr Jean-Philippe Beaulieu holds the inaugural David Warren Endowed Chair of Astrophysics at the University of Tasmania. He is also Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris in Frances Lahaye’s garden commemorates and celebrates French exploration of Van Diemen’s Land in the C18 and was inspired by the garden created at Recherche Bay in 1792 by Felix Lahaye, the gardener on Bruni d’Entrecasteaux’s maritime expedition. D’Entrecasteaux’s expedition stayed at Recherche Bay for about three weeks and returned the following year for another three weeks. This C18 French garden was arguably the first European garden in Van Diemen’s Land and one of the first in Australia. A significant area of the northeast peninsula of Recherche Bay is now listed on State and National Heritage Registers for its important cultural heritage values.
Part of the vegetable garden at Government House within which is a 7 x 8 metre replica of the original garden planted by the French expeditioners at Research Bay, Southern Tasmania. French Memorial Fountain is a 1972 sculpture by Stephen Walker in the Botanical Gardens in Hobart. It marks the bicentenary of the sighting of Tasmania by Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne's expedition in March 1772, and the contribution of early French explorers and scientists to the understanding of Tasmania. Made from Huon Pine, it represents the bow and sails of a French ship.
La préparation pour fêter le quatorze juillet 2022
La Gouverneur de la Tasmanie, Barbara Baker et son mari, professeur émérite Don Chalmers parlent avec La Présidente de notre Alliance, Caroline Jackson.
Les affiches des élèves qui ont gagnés les prix dans notre Concours 2022. Les Prix Merci à John Chilcott pour les photographies.
Patron du restauran t , Jean-P ascal et s es produ its.
AND FOR 2023??? Ingredients: 3 egg whites 55 g (¼ cup) caster sugar 270 g (1⅔) cups icing sugar 125 g (1 cup) almond meal red and blue gel food colouring Meringue buttercream 2 egg whites 110 g (½ cup) caster sugar 125 g unsalted butter, chopped and at room temperature ½ tsp vanilla essence (Standing time 1 hour ) To make meringue buttercream, place egg whites and caster sugar into a small heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the base of the bowl does not touch simmering water. Using a whisk, mix for 4–5 minutes, until sugar dissolves. Remove bowl from saucepan and beat using an electric mixer until light and cool to touch. Gradually add the butter, beating for 4–5 minutes, until the buttercream is white and smooth. Add vanilla and beat to combine. Line four baking trays with baking paper.Place egg whites into a clean, dry, small mixing bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add caster sugar, beating until sugar has dissolved. Continue beating until egg whites are thick, glossy and hold peaks. Sift icing sugar and almond meal into a separate bowl. Mix to combine. Add egg white mixture, quickly folding (about 30 strokes) until combined. Spoon half of the mixture into a separate bowl. Add red gel food colouring to mixture in one bowl, and blue food colouring to mixture in second bowl. Spoon each mix into separate piping bags fitted with a 1 cm plain nozzle. Pipe 18 x 4 cm rounds of each colour onto prepared baking trays, allowing room for spreading. Allow the macarons to stand at room temperature, uncovered, for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 140°C. Bake biscuits for 12–15 minutes or until set but not browning. Remove from oven and allow to cool on trays.Spoon buttercream into a piping bag fitted with a 1 cm plain nozzle. Sandwich a red and a blue macaron together with buttercream. (You could also use a teaspoon if you don’t have a piping bag.)These are best eaten the same day.It is important to have the butter at room temperature for the buttercream. Bake biscuits for 12–15 minutes or until set but not browning. Remove from oven and allow to cool on trays.Spoon buttercream into a piping bag fitted with a 1 cm plain nozzle. Sandwich a red and a blue macaron together with buttercream. (You could also use a teaspoon if you don’t have a piping bag.)These are best eaten the same day.It is important to have the butter at room temperature for the buttercream.
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