European Commission - Daily News

European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 02 / 12 / 2021
Brussels, 2 December 2021
Réalisation de progrès en ce qui concerne les licences de pêche dans les eaux de Guernesey
Grâce aux efforts continus de la Commission européenne, Guernesey a octroyé hier des licences de
pêche permanentes à 40 navires et a déclaré trois autres navires comme remplissant les critères de
qualification. Les 40 navires de grande dimension et les trois navires de plus petite taille concernés
sont désormais certains de pouvoir poursuivre leurs activités de pêche dans ces eaux au-delà du 31
janvier 2022, date à laquelle les licences temporaires actuelles arrivent à expiration. Cette annonce
intervient après une intensification des discussions et des contacts réguliers à tous les niveaux entre
la Commission et le Royaume-Uni ainsi qu'entre la Commission et la France. Elle constitue une
avancée importante dans un processus complexe. Le commissaire Sinkevičius a déclaré à ce sujet:
« Il convient que tous les navires européens remplissant les critères établis dans l'accord de
commerce et de coopération obtiennent une licence afin de mettre un terme au climat d'incertitude
pour les pêcheurs. La Commission et les autorités britanniques partagent l'ambition de tout mettre
en œuvre pour achever le processus actuel d'octroi de licences pour le 10 décembre au plus tard. »
Ces deux derniers mois ont été caractérisés par des progrès difficiles et lents, qui se sont traduits par
l'octroi de cinq licences pour les eaux territoriales britanniques et la délivrance de 5 licences
permanentes et 20 licences temporaires supplémentaires pour les eaux de Jersey. Cela porte à 281
le nombre total de licences permanentes délivrées aux fins de l'accès aux eaux territoriales
britanniques et aux eaux situées autour de Jersey et Guernesey. La déclaration est disponible en
ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Vivian Loonela – Tél.: +32 229 66712; Daniela Stoycheva – Tél.:
+32 229 53664)

Procédures d'infraction du mois de décembre: la Commission prend des mesures en vue
d'une mise en œuvre complète, correcte et en temps utile du droit de l'Union dans l'intérêt
des citoyens et des entreprises
Pour aider les citoyens et les entreprises à pleinement profiter du marché intérieur, la Commission
européenne est en dialogue permanent avec les États membres qui ne respectent pas le droit
européen et, au besoin, ouvre des procédures d'infraction à leur égard. Les décisions prises
aujourd'hui, dans le cadre des décisions régulières d'infraction, comprennent 67 lettres de mise en
demeure. Plus précisément, il s'agit de 64 mises en demeure au titre de l'article 258 du Traité sur le
fonctionnement de l'Union européenne (TFUE), 1 mise en demeure au titre de l'article 258-260(3) du
TFUE, 1 mise en demeure au titre de l'article 260 du TFUE et 1 mise en demeure complémentaire.
Les décisions comprennent également 47 avis motivés et 2 avis motivés complémentaires, et 6
renvois à la Cour de justice de l'UE au titre de l'article 258 du TFUE. Elle clôt également 90 dossiers
en cours lorsque l'État membre concerné, en coopération avec la Commission, a résolu le problème
et assuré le respect du droit de l'Union et que, dès lors, une saisine de la Cour de justice de l'Union
européenne n'est pas nécessaire. Un résumé des principales décisions et les références des
communiqués de presse correspondants figurent ici. Les aspects essentiels des procédures
d'infraction de l'UE sont décrits ici. (Pour plus d'informations : Eric Mamer – Tél.: + 32 229 94073;
Ewelina Juszczak – Tél.: +32 229 91745)

NextGenerationEU: la Commission européenne verse 1,8 milliards d'euros de
préfinancement à la Roumanie
La Commission européenne a versé ce jour 1,8 milliards d'euros de préfinancement à la Roumanie,
soit 13 % de la dotation financière allouée au pays au titre de la facilité pour la reprise et la résilience
(FRR). Le versement du préfinancement contribuera à donner une impulsion à la mise en œuvre des
mesures d'investissement et de réforme décrites dans le plan pour la reprise et la résilience de la
Roumanie. La Commission autorisera de nouveaux versements sur la base de la mise en œuvre des
investissements et des réformes proposés dans le plan national pour la reprise et la résilience du
pays. Sur toute la durée de son plan, le pays devrait recevoir un montant total de 29,2 milliards
d'euros, constitué de subventions (14,2 milliards d'euros) et de prêts (14,9 millions d'euros). Le
versement de ce jour fait suite aux premières opérations d'emprunt récemment réalisées avec succès
dans le cadre de NextGenerationEU. D'ici à la fin de l'année, la Commission a l'intention de lever
jusqu'à un total de 80 milliards d'euros de financements à long terme, complétés par des titres de
créance à court terme de l'UE, afin de financer les premiers versements prévus en faveur des États
membres au titre de NextGenerationEU. Le plan roumain s'inscrit dans le cadre des mesures sans
précédent que l'UE a prises pour sortir plus forte de la crise de la COVID-19, favoriser les transitions
écologique et numérique et renforcer la résilience et la cohésion au sein de nos sociétés. Un
communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Arianna Podesta – Tél.:
+32 229 87024 ; Andrea Masini – Tél.: +32 229 91519)

Écart de TVA: même si l'écart continue de régresser, les pays de l'UE ont perdu 134
milliards d'euros de recettes de TVA en 2019
Selon un nouveau rapport publié aujourd'hui par la Commission européenne, les États membres de
l'UE ont enregistré en 2019 une perte de recettes de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA) estimée à
134 milliards d'euros. Ce chiffre représente les pertes de recettes occasionnées par la fraude,
l'évasion et des pratiques d'optimisation fiscale dans le domaine de la TVA, par des faillites et des
cas d'insolvabilité, ainsi que par des erreurs de calcul et des erreurs administratives. Tandis que
certaines pertes de recettes sont inévitables, des actions décisives et des mesures ciblées pourraient
avoir une réelle incidence, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit de non-respect des règles. À la suite des
efforts constants déployés pour améliorer la situation tant au niveau de l'UE qu'à l'échelle nationale,
la tendance positive relative s'est poursuivie en 2019 et les États membres de l'UE ont enregistré
une régression de l'écart de TVA global d'environ sept milliards d'euros par rapport à l'année
précédente. Paolo Gentiloni, commissaire chargé de l'économie, a déclaré à ce sujet: « Malgré la
tendance positive enregistrée ces dernières années, l'écart de TVA reste une préoccupation majeure
— compte tenu notamment des énormes besoins d'investissement auxquels les États membres de
l'UE devront répondre dans les années à venir. Les chiffres de cette année correspondent à une perte
de plus de 4 000 euros par seconde. Ces pertes sont inacceptables pour les budgets nationaux et
signifient que les citoyens ordinaires et les entreprises seront sollicités pour compenser le manque à
gagner par l'intermédiaire d'autres impositions destinées à financer les services publics vitaux. Nous
devons unir nos forces pour lutter contre la fraude à la TVA, une infraction grave qui va puiser dans
les poches des consommateurs, met à mal à nos systèmes de protection sociale et appauvrit le
Trésor public. » Un communiqué de presse, un document questions-réponses, et une fiche
d'information sont disponibles en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations : Daniel Ferrie – Tél: +32 229
86500; Francesca Dalboni – Tél: +32 229 88170)

Turkey: EU provides further €325 million in humanitarian aid for refugees
Today, the EU has allocated an additional €325 million to extend the Emergency Social Safety Net
(ESSN) programme until early 2023. The ESSN provides more than 1.5 million refugees in Turkey
with monthly cash transfers to cover their essential needs. It is the biggest humanitarian programme
in the history of the EU, and the world's biggest humanitarian cash assistance programme. During
his visit to Ankara today, Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said: “Vulnerable
refugees in Turkey have now been able to rely on our humanitarian assistance for more than five
years, and we will not let them down. Thanks to the funds announced today, the EU will continue the
ESSN programme until early 2023. This support is a critical lifeline for hundred thousands of
families, many of whom have been especially hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. This cash
assistance enables them to decide for themselves what they need most urgently, whilst contributing
to the Turkish economy. This is a major achievement for the EU, for our humanitarian partners and
the government of Turkey.” Commissioner Lenarčič is due to meet representatives of EU funded
humanitarian organisations as well as high-level Turkish government officials. The press release is
available online (For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.:
+32 229 69140)

Rule of Law: Commission opens consultation for the 2022 Rule of Law Report
The European Commission launched a targeted consultation to gather information about
developments related to the rule of law in the Member States, in view of the 2022 Rule of Law
Report. The consultation is addressed to stakeholders such as judges associations, civil society,
NGOs, international organisations and EU agencies, among others. The information received will feed
into the Commission's assessment of the situation in Member States. The Rule of Law Report is at
the centre of the Rule of Law Mechanism, a yearly cycle to promote the rule of law and prevent
problems from emerging or deepening. As announced by President von der Leyen in her 2021 State
of the Union Address, the 2022 Report will come with specific recommendations to Member States.
For the previous editions of the Rule of Law Report, the targeted stakeholder consultations provided
valuable horizontal and country-specific information. The consultation is available online until 24
January 2022. (For more information: Christian Wigand - Tel. +32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko -
Tel.: +32 229 63444; Jördis Ferroli - Tel.: +32 229 92729)

Les instruments financiers de l'UE ont soutenu les PME européennes pendant la crise du
coronavirus à hauteur de 29 milliards d'euros en 2020
La Commission a publié le rapport annuel de synthèse sur la mise en œuvre des instruments
financiers en 2020. Ce rapport montre que les instruments financiers, notamment ceux utilisés dans
le cadre des Fonds structurels et d'investissement européens, ont soutenu les petites et moyennes
entreprises (PME) européennes et d'autres bénéficiaires pour un total de 29 milliards d'euros en
2020 afin d'aider 478 000 PME, dont 375 000 micro entreprises. La commissaire chargée de la
cohésion et des réformes, Elisa Ferreira, a déclaré: « Les instruments financiers peuvent permettre
de réaliser des investissements dans le cadre de la politique de cohésion de manière flexible et
rentable et d'attirer des investissements supplémentaires. Pendant la crise du coronavirus, ils ont
contribué à aider rapidement les petites entreprises à survivre et à conserver leurs employés. Pour la
période 2021-2027, j'encourage les États membres et les régions à utiliser davantage les
instruments financiers et leurs atouts. » Des instruments financiers peuvent être fournis par l'UE
grâce à des intermédiaires financiers dans les États membres en gestion partagée pour soutenir leurs
politiques et programmes. Il existe différents types d'instruments financiers: capitaux propres et
dettes, garanties de prêts, capital-risque et facilités de partage des risques. Le rapport de synthèse
annuel présente des données sur les progrès réalisés dans le financement et la mise en œuvre des
instruments financiers soutenus par les Fonds structurels et d'investissement européens au cours de
la période de programmation 2014-2020. Tous les détails sont dans notre communiqué de presse.
(Pour plus d'informations: Vivian Loonela - Tél.: +32 229 66712; Veronica Favalli – Tél.: +32 229

European Green Deal: Commission welcomes political agreement on the 8th Environment
Action Programme
The Commission welcomes the provisional agreement reached yesterday between the European
Parliament and the Council on the 8 th Environment Action Programme (EAP). The 8th EAP anchors
the Member States' and Parliament's commitment to environmental and climate action until 2030,
guided by a long-term vision to 2050 of wellbeing for all, while staying within the planetary
boundaries. The agreed 8 th EAP builds on the European Green Deal. Welcoming the agreement,
Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius said: “The 8 th
Environment Action Programme is the EU's joint programme for implementing the European Green
Deal on the ground until 2030. It enshrines in a legal framework EU environment and climate
objectives, as well as a mechanism to monitor progress “beyond GDP”. This further strengthens our
collective capacity to tackle the interlinked crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution in
order to create a truly sustainable future for the generations to come”. The agreed 8 th EAP has six
priority objectives related to climate neutrality, climate adaptation, circular economy, zero pollution,
protecting and restoring biodiversity, and reducing environmental and climate pressures related to
production and consumption. In addition, the programme sets out an enabling framework and a
monitoring framework to measure progress towards the required systemic change. More information
is in the news item. (For more information: Vivian Loonela – Tel.: +32 229 66712; Daniela
Stoycheva – Tel.: +32 229 53664)

Investment Plan for Europe provides support for student financing in Germany
The European Investment Fund (EIF) has signed a guarantee agreement with CHANCEN eG covering
a portfolio of up to €30 million of income sharing agreements (ISAs) to support students in Germany
wishing to invest in their studies and upgrade their skills. The agreement is backed by the EFSI
Skills & Education Guarantee Pilot, a debt financing initiative under the Investment Plan for Europe
launched in 2020 to stimulate investments in education, training and skills. With an ISA, students
only start paying for their education after they get a job and earn above a pre-determined minimum
income threshold. This model removes potential financial barriers of accessing education, while
aligning everyone's incentives towards helping students acquire the right skills to secure
employment opportunities. Thanks to this agreement, CHANCEN aims to substantially expand its ISA
offering, with three times more students expected to be supported, and to broaden the scope of its
operation by extending its financing to cover students' living expenses from 2022 onwards.
Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, said: “Providing support to young
Europeans is a fundamental aim of this Commission and goes to the heart of NextGenerationEU.
Thanks to financial backing from the Investment Plan for Europe's skills and education pilot, the
European Investment Fund is helping social business CHANCEN provide financing to three times as
many students in Germany as before. I believe that with schemes like this, we will be able to achieve
an inclusive and sustainable recovery.” The Investment Plan for Europe has mobilised €546.5 billion
in investments so far, benefitting more than 1.4 million of small and medium-sized enterprises. A
press release is available here. (For more information: Daniel Ferrie – Tel.: +32 229 86500 ; Flora
Matthaes – Tel.: +32 229 83951)

Antitrust: Commission fines UBS, Barclays, RBS, HSBC and Credit Suisse € 344 million for
participating in a Foreign Exchange spot trading cartel
The European Commission has completed its cartel investigation into the Foreign Exchange (‘Forex')
spot trading market by imposing fines on five banks. The Commission has adopted today a decision
imposing a total fine of € 261 million on the four banks that decided to settle the case, namely UBS,
Barclays, RBS and HSBC. The Commission has also fined Credit Suisse € 83 million under the
ordinary procedure. The Commission's investigation revealed that some traders in charge of the
Forex spot trading of G10 currencies, acting on behalf of the fined banks, exchanged sensitive
information and trading plans, and occasionally coordinated their trading strategies through an
online professional chatroom called Sterling Lads. Under the Commission's 2006 Leniency Notice,
UBS received full immunity for revealing the existence of the cartels, thereby avoiding an aggregate
fine of ca. € 94 million. Barclays, RBS, HSBC benefited from reductions to their fines for cooperating
with the Commission's investigation. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition
policy said: “Today we complete our sixth cartel investigation in the financial sector since 2013 and
conclude the third leg of our investigation into the Foreign Exchange spot trading market. Our cartel
decisions to fine UBS, Barclays, RBS, HSBC and Credit Suisse send a clear message that the
Commission remains committed to ensure a sound and competitive financial sector that is essential
for investment and growth. Foreign exchange spot trading activities are one of the largest financial
markets in the world. The collusive behaviour of the five banks undermined the integrity of the
financial sector at the expense of the European economy and consumers.” A press release is available
online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229

State aid: Commission approves 2022-2027 regional aid map for Italy
The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules Italy's map for granting regional
aid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027 within the framework of the revised Regional aid
Guidelines (‘RAG'). The revised RAG, adopted by the Commission on 19 April 2021 and entering into
force on 1 January 2022, enable Member States to support the least favoured European regions in
catching up and to reduce disparities in terms of economic well-being, income and unemployment –
cohesion objectives that are at the heart of the Union. They also provide increased possibilities for
Member States to support regions facing transition or structural challenges such as depopulation, to
contribute fully to the green and digital transitions. At the same time, the revised RAG maintain
strong safeguards to prevent Member States from using public money to trigger the relocation of
jobs from one EU Member State to another, which is essential for fair competition in the Single
Market. Italy's regional aid map defines the Italian regions eligible for regional investment aid. The
map also establishes the maximum aid intensities in the eligible regions. The aid intensity is the
maximum amount of State aid that can be granted per beneficiary, expressed as a percentage of
eligible investment costs. Under the revised RAG, regions covering 41.99% of the population of Italy
will be eligible for regional investment aid. A press release is available online. (For more information:
Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.:
+32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves €48 million Portuguese scheme to support the purchase of
zero-emission buses and related infrastructure
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €48 million Portuguese scheme
to support the purchase of zero-emission buses (electric/hydrogen-fuelled), as well as related
recharging and refuelling infrastructure, for the public passenger road transport sector in the Lisbon
and Porto metropolitan areas. The measure will be funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility
(‘RRF'), following the Commission's positive assessment of the Portuguese recovery and resilience
plan and its adoption by Council. The scheme consists of two parts, which respectively support (i)
the purchase of zero-emission buses; and (ii) the installation or upgrade of related refuelling or
recharging infrastructure. Under the scheme, the support will take the form of non-repayable direct
grants. The beneficiaries will be selected through an open and transparent competitive bidding
process. The Commission assessed the measure under EU State aid rules, and in particular Article
107(3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which allows Member States to
support the development of certain economic activities under certain conditions, as well as under the
2014 Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy, as prolonged by the
Commission's Communication of 2 July 2020. The Commission considers that the measure will
encourage the uptake of emission-free public passenger buses, thus contributing to the reduction of
CO2 and pollutant emissions, in line with the EU's climate and environmental objectives and the
goals set by European Green Deal. Furthermore, the Commission found that the aid will be limited to
the minimum necessary as it will be granted through a competitive bidding process and as the
necessary safeguards will be in place. The Commission concluded that the positive effects of the
scheme on EU environmental and climate goals outweigh any potential distortions of competition and
trade brought about by the support. On this basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU
State aid rules. The Commission assesses measures entailing State aid contained in the national
recovery plans presented in the context of the RRF as a matter of priority and has provided guidance
and support to Member States in the preparatory phases of the national plans, to facilitate the rapid
deployment of the RRF. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the
case number SA.64653 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any
confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229
87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves €11.2 million capital increase in the Fund Manager of
Financial Instruments in Bulgaria
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a capital increase of €11.2 million
(BGN 21.9 million) by the Bulgarian State in the Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria
(‘FMFIB'). The FMFIB will invest the aid received through the capital increase, at its own risk, to
issue guarantees on loans granted by financial intermediaries to small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs). Based on the information submitted by Bulgaria, the guarantees would fall within the de
minimis aid thresholds and would therefore not need to be notified to or approved by the
Commission. The Commission assessed the capital increase under Article 107(3)(c) of the Treaty on
the Functioning of the European Union, which enables the Commission to approve State aid
measures granted by Member States to facilitate the development of certain economic activities. The
Commission found that the aid will contribute to the development of certain economic activities,
since the FMFIB will use the capital increase to support SMEs that are experiencing difficulties in
receiving financing on the market, in particular due to the coronavirus outbreak. At the same time,
the Commission found that the measure will not lead to undue distortions of competition in the
Single Market. On this basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU State aid rules. The
non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.61100 in
the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have
been resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.:
+32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves amendments to Irish schemes to support companies in the
context of the coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, amendments to existing Irish
schemes to support companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The original schemes were
approved by the Commission in April 2020 (SA.57036), in June 2020 (SA.57453 and SA.59709), in
August 2020 (SA.57465), in March 2021 (SA.61236) and in May 2021 (SA.63067). All schemes were
approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. Ireland notified the following amendments: (i)
a prolongation of all schemes until 30 June 2022; (ii) an increase of the maximum ceilings for
limited amounts of aid and aid in the form of support for uncovered fixed costs, up to €2.3 million
and €12 million per beneficiary, respectively; and (iii) an overall budget increase by €65 million for
the ‘umbrella' scheme to support companies active in tourism or in directly related sectors
(SA.61236). The Commission found that the modifications of the Irish schemes are in line with the
conditions set out in the Temporary Framework as amended on 18 November 2021. The Commission
therefore concluded that the schemes, as amended, remain necessary, appropriate and proportionate
to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b)
TFEU and the conditions of the Temporary Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the
amended schemes under EU State aid rules. More information on the Temporary Framework and
other actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic
can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case
number SA.100717 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any
confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229
87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission approves the creation of a new joint venture by Sky and ViacomCBS
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint
control of a newly created joint venture by Sky Limited of the UK and ViacomCBS Inc. of the US. The
joint venture will operate a video streaming service distributing audio-visual content directly to
consumers or via third-party platforms. It will also wholesale some of ViacomCBS' and Sky's pay TV
channels in a number of countries within and outside the European Economic Area. Sky, ultimately
owned by Comcast Corporation of the US, is active across the entire audio-visual value chain.
ViacomCBS is a global media and entertainment company that creates audio-visual content and
experiences for audiences worldwide. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would
raise no competition concerns given that retailers do not depend on the companies' audio-visual
content and pay TV channels and that, following the transaction, the companies will continue to face
competition from other players. More information will be available on the competition website, in the
Commission's public case register under the case number M.10456. (For more information:
Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)


President von der Leyen and High Representative / Vice-President Borrell participate in EU
and Latin America and Caribbean Leaders' meeting
Today, leaders of the EU and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries will meet via
videoconference. President Ursula von der Leyen and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy, Josep Borrell, will represent the EU, together with President of the European Council,
Charles Michel, who will chair the meeting. The leaders are expected to take stock on the sanitary
and socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, discuss the green transition, as well as focus
on promoting a human-centric digital agenda and promoting social cohesion and fighting
inequalities. The EU and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are essential partners and
have developed one of the most integrated global partnerships, including a network of association,
trade, political and cooperation agreements with 27 of the 33 countries. The EU's association with
this likeminded group of countries is of geostrategic relevance, together accounting for nearly a third
of the UN membership. As ‘Team Europe', the EU with its Member States and the European
Investment Bank have committed around €3 billion to address the immediate challenges of the
COVID-19 crisis in LAC countries. You can find more information about the meeting here. A factsheet
on EU-LAC relations is also available here. (For more information: Peter Stano – Tel.: +32 229
54553, Daniel Puglisi – Tel.: +32 229 69140)

Better Regulation: strengthening EU law-making to support the recovery
The Commission is today hosting a high-level conference ‘Joining forces for the next generation of
Better Regulation' to strengthen EU law-making and support Europe's recovery from the pandemic.
Building on the 2021 Communication: Joining forces to make better laws and the positives
recognised by the latest OECD Regulatory policy outlook, the conference is discussing ways to
improve further our Better Regulation approach. The conference was opened by Maroš Šefčovič,
Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, who said: “In challenging times, it is
more important than ever to legislate as efficiently as possible for the benefit of Europeans and
European businesses, especially our small and medium-sized businesses. That is why we are
stepping up our efforts to simplify EU legislation, reduce its burden and cut red tape, while making
better use of strategic foresight, and supporting sustainability and digitalisation in order to maximise
its benefits. Although the Commission already has a top-notch Better Regulation system – as
recognised by the OECD – we must strive for more.” Vice-President Šefčovič also welcomed the fact
that the conference had attracted some 250 online participants, notably representatives of the
European Parliament, the Commission, Member States and regional authorities, as well as businesses
and associations. The conference is also exploring additional opportunities for more systematic and
strengthened cooperation across EU institutions and with key stakeholders and citizens. Stakeholders
at all levels must work together to ensure that EU law and policies deliver benefits on the ground.
More information on the conference can be found here and the speech by Vice-President Šefčovič is
available here. (For more information: Daniel Ferrie – Tel.: 32 229 86500; Sinéad Meehan-van
Druten – Tel.: +32 229 84094)

Industrial Forum advances work on the implementation of the EU's Updated Industrial
Today, the EU Industrial Forum is holding its third virtual meeting, in the presence of Commissioner
Thierry Breton. The Forum gathers experts from various fields to help the Commission implement
the EU's New Industrial Strategy and its update. Today's meeting focuses on the work to address
Europe's strategic dependencies and develop transition pathways to facilitate the green and digital
transitions across industrial ecosystems. The Forum is also expected to make recommendations on
Key Performance Indicators in key areas for the implementation and monitoring of the EU industrial
strategy and prepare its contribution to the 2022 Industry Days in February. Executive Vice-
President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Margrethe Vestager, said: “We have already set
Europe on a strong path of green and digital transformation. This forum offers a crucial space where
key industrial and societal stakeholders can exchange expertise, experience and talent to help shape
our way forward towards this common aim.” Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, said:
“The Industrial Forum can help the Commission pool talents from companies, big and small, from
research institutions, from civil society. And all these talents should be used to support industrial
ambition: a Europe that has leadership on technologies central to the green and digital transition of
our economy and society. A Europe where we move from innovation excellence to facilitating mass
deployment, creating export potential and quality jobs.” The Industrial Forum is an inclusive and
open mechanism for co-designing solutions with stakeholders, announced in the EU Industrial
Strategy. It gathers a wide array of stakeholders, including industry, NGOs, research institutions and
social partners from different industrial ecosystems identified in the EU's updated industrial strategy
with the aim of facilitating dialogue and coordinating advice to the Commission. (For more
information: Sonya Gospodinova – Tel.: +32 229 66953; Federica Miccoli – Tel.: +32 229 58300)

EU Cohesion policy: the 14th edition of the REGIOSTARS Awards live tonight
Today, the winners of the REGIOSTARS 2021 awards will be announced at 19:30 CET during a hybrid
ceremony hosted by Vice-President for Democracy and Demography, Dubravka Šuica and
Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira. Five other Members of the College will
intervene during the ceremony: Commissioners Thierry Breton, Helena Dalli, Stella Kyriakides,
Virginijus Sinkevičius and Adina Vălean. 25 finalists compete for the title of best EU Cohesion
policy projects under five categories: ‘Smart Europe', ‘Green Europe', ‘Fair Europe', ‘Urban Europe',
and the specific Topic of the Year ‘Enhancing green mobility in the regions: the European Year of
Rail'. The projects among the finalists are located in Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium), in the Kaunas
region (Lithuania), in the North Denmark region, in the Krapina Zagorje County (Croatia), in the
Lower Silesia (Poland), in Emilia Romagna (Italy) and in the Centro region (Portugal). Several
projects are also financed by different Interreg Programmes: ‘North Sea', ‘France-Spain-Andorra',
‘Ireland-Northern Ireland-Scotland', ‘Italy-Austria', ‘Alpine Space', ‘Nord', ‘EMR', ‘North-West
Europe', ‘Croatia-Bosnia Herzegovina-Montenegro' and ‘Balkan Mediterranean'. Since 2008, the
REGIOSTARS Awards reward remarkable and innovative EU-funded projects under Cohesion policy
with the goal of inspiring other regions and project managers across Europe. You can watch the
awards ceremony live on the REGIOSTARS 2021 website. (For more information: Vivian Loonela -
Tel.: +32 229 66712; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 229 87269)

Commissioner Gabriel in Finland to discuss Europe's innovation ecosystem
Today, Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, is in
Helsinki to meet with European innovation leaders, startups and investors.
Commissioner Gabriel will meet with the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, to discuss Europe's
innovation ecosystem. They will exchange views on the role of EU programmes and policy in
fostering innovation that accelerates the EU's green and digital transition and its sustainable and
resilient recovery. She will later participate in Slush, World's Leading Startup Event, where she will
hold a series of meetings with innovation leaders from Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Portugal and
Lithuania, as well as founders of startups and investors, to discuss about the challenges they are
facing and possible solutions to address them, with the aim of boosting the development and
deployment of breakthrough technologies in the EU. In this context, Commissioner Gabriel will also
meet with the chair of the European Start-up Network, Jan Bormans, as well as the entrepreneur
Peter Vesterbacka, to discuss the future of innovators in Europe. (For more information: Sonya
Gospodinova – Tel.: +32 229 66953; Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 229 83583)

Transitions verte, numérique et locale: dialogue entre le commissaire Breton et les maires
de l'UE
Le commissaire Breton rencontrera pour la première fois un groupe de maires et de dirigeants
régionaux qui sont les moteurs de la double transition numérique et verte au niveau local. Les villes
et les communautés jouent un rôle clé dans la quête européenne d'une plus grande autonomie, d'un
plus grand leadership industriel, et sont au cœur de la transformation numérique de l'UE. En amont
de la réunion, le commissaire Breton a déclaré: « Les villes sont le moteur de la double transition
qui est au cœur du mandat de notre Collège. Elles travaillent ensemble pour rendre concrète la vision
européenne du changement numérique et écologique, produire des résultats sur le terrain et doter
l'industrie et les entreprises locales des compétences appropriées. Je suis impatient d'entendre les
points de vue des dirigeants locaux et de voir comment nous pouvons travailler ensemble pour
intensifier ces collaborations dans toute l'UE. » Les maires et les dirigeants régionaux, qui font partie
du défi des villes intelligentes et /ou du mouvement Living-in.EU, partageront leurs points de vue
avec le commissaire Breton et présenteront les bonnes pratiques de leurs communautés. Ils
examineront comment accélérer le déploiement de solutions numériques et vertes, en intensifiant
ces deux mouvements, par l'intermédiaire de la mission pour des villes intelligentes neutres en
matière de climat à l'horizon 100 et par une collaboration accrue entre les villes et les régions dans
l'ensemble de l'UE. La manifestation d'aujourd'hui sera retransmise en ligne de 14h30 à 16h30 en
anglais et en français. (Pour plus d'informations: Sonya Gospodinova – Tél.: +32 229 66953; Charles
Manoury – Tél.: +32 229 13391)

Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings
Note that these items can be subject to changes.

Upcoming events of the European Commission
Eurostat press releases

*Updated on 02-12-21, at 14:45

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