European Commission - Daily News

European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 02 / 12 / 2020
Brussels, 2 December 2020
COLLEGE MEETING: A new EU-US agenda for global change
The European Commission and the High Representative are today putting forward a proposal for a
new, forward-looking transatlantic agenda. While the past years have been tested by geopolitical
power shifts, bilateral tensions and unilateral tendencies, the victory of President-elect Joe Biden and
Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris, combined with a more assertive and capable European Union and
a new geopolitical and economic reality, present a once-in-a-generation opportunity to design a new
transatlantic agenda for global cooperation based on our common values, interests and global
influence. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said: “We are taking the
initiative to design a new transatlantic agenda fit for today's global landscape. The transatlantic
alliance is based on shared values and history, but also interests: building a stronger, more peaceful
and more prosperous world. When the transatlantic partnership is strong, the EU and the US are both
stronger. It is time to reconnect with a new agenda for transatlantic and global cooperation for the
world of today.” Josep Borrell, EU High Representative/Vice-President, who is presenting the
proposals in a press conference, said: “With our concrete proposals for cooperation under the future
Biden administration, we are sending strong messages to our US friends and allies. Let's look
forward, not back. Let's rejuvenate our relationship. Let's build a partnership that delivers prosperity,
stability, peace and security for citizens across our continents and around the world. There's no time
to wait – let's get to work.” The new agenda spans four areas - a healthier world; protecting our
planet; trade and technology leadership; and global action and security – and highlights first steps
for joint action that would act as an initial transatlantic roadmap, to address key challenges and seize
opportunities. The Joint Communication: A new EU-US agenda for global change, a press release,
and a dedicated factsheet are all available online. (For more information: Eric Mamer – Tel.: +32 229
4073; Dana Spinant – Tel.: +32 229 90150; Peter Stano – Tel.: +32 229 54553; Adam Kaznowski –
Tel.: +32 229 89359)

COLLEGE MEETING: Commission renews its commitment to strengthen fundamental rights
in the EU
Today, the European Commission presents a new Strategy to strengthen the application of the
Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU. Fundamental rights cannot be taken for granted. The new
Strategy confirms a renewed commitment to ensure that the Charter is applied to its full potential.
As of next year, the Commission will present an annual report, which will look into how the Member
States apply the Charter in a selected thematic area. Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and
Transparency, underlined, “This year marks 20 years since the Charter – the European bill of rights -
was first proclaimed. It is the embodiment of the values of our Union. The Charter has the same legal
value as the Treaties. I want people to know who and where to turn to if their rights are breached.”
Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders said, “Recently, new fundamental rights challenges have
emerged; the Coronavirus pandemic and its related restrictions are a telling example. The
developments we have seen in society call for a renewed commitment to ensure that the Charter is
applied to its full by the EU and its Member States. More than ever, we must put the Charter at the
centre of our work and ensure people can effectively access their fundamental rights.” The full press
release is available online. (For more information: Christian Wigand - Tel.: +32 229 62253;
Katarzyna Kolanko - Tel.: +32 229 63444; Jördis Ferroli - Tel.: +32 229 92729)

REUNION DU COLLEGE: Moderniser la justice de l'UE - nouveau train de mesures visant à
accélérer la numérisation des systèmes judiciaires et à stimuler la formation des
professionnels de la justice
La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui un ensemble d'initiatives visant à moderniser les
systèmes judiciaires de l'UE. Les deux principaux piliers du nouveau train de mesures sont la
communication sur la numérisation de la justice dans l'UE et la nouvelle stratégie sur la formation
judiciaire européenne. Cette boîte à outils numérique vise à aider davantage les États membres à
faire progresser leurs systèmes judiciaires nationaux vers l'ère numérique et à améliorer la
coopération judiciaire transfrontière entre les autorités compétentes au niveau de l'UE. En ce qui
concerne la formation judiciaire européenne, la Commission donne aux professionnels de la justice
les moyens de relever les défis du 21e siècle. Elle vise également à promouvoir une culture judiciaire
européenne commune, fondée sur l'état de droit, les droits fondamentaux et la confiance mutuelle.
Věra Jourová, vice-présidente chargée des valeurs et de la transparence, a déclaré : « Les systèmes
judiciaires doivent suivre le rythme de la transformation numérique et répondre aux attentes des
citoyens. Étant donné que les juridictions nationales sont également des juridictions de l'UE, nous
soutenons fermement cette nouvelle approche de la numérisation des systèmes judiciaires. Elle
améliorera l'accès à la justice et la coopération dans l'espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice de
l'UE, ainsi que le fonctionnement du marché intérieur. » Didier Reynders, commissaire chargé de la
justice, a déclaré pour sa part : « Les juges, les avocats, les procureurs – toute personne travaillant
dans le domaine de la justice doit affronter les défis du 21e siècle, au nombre desquels figure
l'intelligence artificielle, un tout nouvel univers que nous devons explorer dans le plein respect des
droits fondamentaux. La crise récente liée à la COVID-19 a rappelé avec force la nécessité d'une
numérisation rapide de la justice. Je suis convaincu que le train de mesures que nous avons adopté
aujourd'hui permettra aux citoyens comme aux entreprises, partout dans l'Union, d'avoir facilement
accès à la justice, non seulement hors ligne, mais aussi en ligne. » Demain, le 3 décembre, le
commissaire Reynders participera à un échange de vues virtuel avec les directeurs du Réseau
européen de formation judiciaire portant sur la nouvelle stratégie européenne de formation judiciaire.
De plus amples informations sur le paquet d'initiatives visant à moderniser les systèmes de justice
de l'UE sont disponibles dans le communiqué de presse ainsi que dans ce Q&R. (Pour plus
d'informations: Christian Wigand - Tél.: +32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko - Tél.: +32 229 63444;
Jördis Ferroli – Tél.: +32 229 92729)

President von der Leyen at the EU Health Summit
Yesterday afternoon, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, gave a speech
at the virtually held EU Health Summit. In her address, the President emphasised the need for a
common and global response to defeat the virus: “The challenge of this pandemic is unprecedented
in modern times. We now know that defeating this virus is possible. But no country and no
government can defeat the virus alone. This is true, first of all, at the global level. Secondly, inside
Europe. And thirdly, between the public and the private sectors. The EU has taken the lead to
convene a global response to COVID-19.” President von der Leyen also recalled the “unprecedented
cooperation on health issues” in the European Union during the past months, putting us on the path
to establishing a European Health Union. This will improve EU-wide preparedness and
responsiveness, give more responsibilities and resources to the European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control and to the European Medicines Agency, and allow for close cooperation with
the private sector in medicines development and supply. “Governments alone cannot end this
pandemic. That's why the Commission presented last week its Pharmaceutical Strategy. It is about
creating win-win situations with the private sector. But we also want to put patients at the centre of
medicines development and supply. Europe can take the lead in supplying ground-breaking
medicines that are also affordable and widely available”, she said. Finally, President von der Leyen
repeated the mantra that “vaccines don't save lives, vaccinations do”, and that that “development of
vaccines has been a remarkable team effort”, but that to deliver them to everyone in the world, we
will need an even greater effort: “Vaccination is about self-protection and solidarity.” Read the full
speech here. (For more information: Eric Mamer – Tel.: +32 229 4073; Dana Spinant – Tel.: +32
229 90150)

Aviation: new European guidelines for safe and more efficient air travel*
People travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic should not automatically be considered a high risk
for spreading infection unless they have been in known contact with a confirmed positive case,
according to new European guidelines for air travel. Based on the latest science, the guidelines
published today by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) conclude that the number of new coronavirus cases
among travellers is estimated to be lower than is the case for the general population. In addition, the
measures already put in place for aviation minimise the likelihood of transmission during flying. The
ECDC and EASA do not recommend generalised measures such as the testing or quarantine of air
travellers in the current epidemiological situation. Instead, the guidelines strongly recommend
providing travellers with comprehensive information on the epidemiological situation in their
destination country, and the on measures in place at airports and on-board planes to prevent
transmissions. This document supports Member States in making informed decisions on the best
possible measures and provides clarity to Europeans when travelling by air. Adina Vălean,
Commissioner for Transport, said: “As we need to maintain vigilance and physical distancing,
scientific evidence presented today by EASA and ECDC recommends that travellers should not be
treated as high risk for COVID-19 transmission when traveling between countries with the same
epidemiological situation. I welcome these guidelines as a contribution to ensure science-based,
more effective and harmonised measures for air transport.” Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for
Health and Food Safety said: “The end of the year festivities will be different this year. This is
inevitable. This year saving lives must come first. We do not want to cancel Christmas - we want to
make it safe for everyone. Ahead of the winter holidays, I welcome the new European guidelines on
testing and quarantine for air travellers by the ECDC and EASA. Today's guidelines help with a
coordinated approach needed in Europe to make sure travel is safe. Such clear information on
testing, isolation and quarantine rules will help avoid confusion and offer clarity for all over this
winter period.” The new Guidelines for COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine of Air Travellers are
published jointly by the ECDC and EASA. (For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.:
+32 229 84680; Stephan Meder – Tel.: +32 229 13917; Darragh Cassidy – Tel.: +32 229 83978)

Sudan: EU steps up aid following humanitarian visit
From 1 to 2 December, Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, is visiting Sudan.
More than 45,000 Ethiopian refugees have arrived to the border area in the recent weeks, following
the outbreak of conflict in the Tigray region. With his visit, the Commissioner re-emphasises EU
humanitarian support and the EU's continued commitment to supporting Sudan's political transition.
The Commissioner will meet Sudanese Prime Minister and head of the civilian-led Transitional
Government, Abdalla Hamdok, and the President of the Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah Al-
Burhan, as well as representatives of humanitarian organisations. He will also travel to the border
area in Eastern Sudan to visit the Hamdayet and the Um Rakuba camps. On his way to Sudan, he
also intends to meet with the Ethiopian Minister of Peace, Muferiat Kamil, in Addis Ababa.
Commissioner Lenarčič said: “Tens of thousands of people have fled Ethiopia's Tigray region across
the Sudanese border. I commend the Sudanese authorities for their swift reaction to this new and
grave humanitarian crisis. The EU is stepping up its humanitarian support for people in need.
Nevertheless, it is crucial that Ethiopian authorities ensure an immediate, unconditional and
unrestricted access for humanitarian workers to all areas affected by fighting in accordance with
International Humanitarian Law.” The EU has also approved a €70 million contribution to the Sudan
Family Support Programme, to help Sudan's ambitious economic reforms. Together with the €4
million emergency humanitarian assistance recently mobilised, the total ‘Team Europe' response to
this programme amounts to €230 million. Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta
Urpilainen, added: “The EU continues to deliver on its commitments made at this year's Sudan
Partnership Conference, reaffirming that Sudan is a priority partner today, and in the long run. The
additional funds will provide millions of Sudanese families with an economic cushion during the
mounting economic crisis and throughout the ongoing pandemic. They will support the Government
to fulfil much-needed economic reforms and build a more prosperous future for its citizens. We
remain fully committed to support this political and economic transition, every step of the way.” More
information is available in the press release and in the factsheets on Sudan and Ethiopia. (For more
information: Balazs Ujvari – Tel.: +32 229 54578; Gesine Knolle – Tel.: +32 229 54323)

COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission appoints two new Directors and a Principal
Today, the European Commission has decided to appoint Ms Isabel Grilo as Director for Economies of
the Member State II in the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) and Ms
Outi Slotboom as Director for Competitiveness and European Semester in the Directorate-General for
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW). Ms Isabel Grilo, a Portuguese
economist, has worked in different positions within DG ECFIN, including her current appointment as
the Head of Unit responsible for surveillance of Romania, Bulgaria and Sweden. Prior to this, she was
leading the Unit for the analysis of competitiveness, structural reforms and horizontal economic
service. Ms Outi Slotboom, a Finnish national, has a longstanding career in the European
Commission. She is currently Head of Unit for the Secretariat of the Economic and Financial
Committee (EFC) and the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) in DG ECFIN. She has held several Head
of Units positions in DG ECFIN and in the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (ENTR). Mr
Thomas Deisenhofer will continue his career as Principal Adviser for ex-post economic evaluation in
the Directorate-General for Competition (COMP). Mr Thomas Deisenhofer, a German and French
national, is currently the Head of Unit for merger control in basic industries, manufacturing and
agriculture in DG COMP. The trained lawyer has worked in different positions in DG COMP, including
as Head of Unit for merger control in Information technology, telecommunications and media. The
date of effect in all cases remains to be determined. (For more information: Balazs Ujvari – Tel.: +32
460 760296; Claire Joawn – Tel.:+32 460 756859)

Commission launches public consultation to gather views on improving fast broadband
network rollout
Today, the Commission opened a public consultation, as part of the review of the Broadband Cost
Reduction Directive, to collect views, until 2 March 2021, on incentivising the rollout of fast
broadband networks, including fibre and 5G. The Directive, introduced in 2014, aims to enable fast
electronic communications networks for people across the EU by reducing the related costs. However,
in the light of technological, market and regulatory developments, and in view of deploying very
high-speed broadband, these rules need to be updated. In addition to enabling a quicker and more
efficient rollout of very high-capacity networks, including fibre and 5G, the review will ensure that
the rules are aligned with the new EU telecoms rules (the European Electronic Communications
Code) and explore potential environmental safeguards. Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry
Breton, said: “Faster, better and more secure connectivity has become essential for all of us to work,
learn, do business, innovate and interact. The sustainable deployment of fibre, 5G and other fast
networks should not be delayed by administrative hurdles or by the inability to exploit synergies with
infrastructures which already exist. I am looking forward to hearing the views from EU citizens,
industry and civil society on how we should improve our legislation so that together we help equip
Europe with the foundation for next generation technologies.” The recent Recommendation of the
Commission on Connectivity called Member States to boost investment in fibre and 5G networks and
to agree by March 2021 on a toolbox of best practices for the timely rollout of fixed and mobile very
high-capacity networks, including in those areas covered by the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive.
Fast and reliable network availability is also in line with the European Electronic Communication
Code, which Member States must transpose into national law by 21 December 2020. More
information is available here. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615;
Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 229 83583)

La Commission salue l'accord politique sur le règlement portant dispositions communes
concernant les fonds en gestion partagée
La Commission se félicite de l'accord politique obtenu hier soir entre le Parlement européen et les
États membres de l'UE au sein du Conseil sur le règlement concernant les dispositions communes
(RPDC) pour les fonds en gestion partagée, y compris pour les fonds européens de la politique de
cohésion. Il s'agit du deuxième dossier relatif à la politique de cohésion dont les négociations en
trilogue se sont conclues en attendant l'approbation finale des textes juridiques par le Parlement
européen en séance plénière et le Conseil. La commissaire chargée de la cohésion et des réformes,
Elisa Ferreira, a déclaré : « Je salue l'accord politique sur le règlement concernant les dispositions
communes qui établit des dispositions communes pour huit fonds en gestion partagée. Les citoyens
européens, partout dans le monde, comptent sur près de 350 milliards d'euros de ressources de la
politique de cohésion qui seront affectés dès que possible pour assurer une reprise équitable,
cohérente et convergente. L'accord politique conclu confirme que tous les ‘acteurs institutionnels de
la cohésion' ont agi afin de garantir que les fonds de la politique de cohésion puissent être versés
dans les délais. J'encourage tous les autres à continuer à avancer dans la bonne direction. » Le RPDC
fournit le cadre politique nécessaire pour garantir que les fonds en gestion partagée continuent à
remplir l'objectif du traité, à savoir de promouvoir la convergence et de soutenir les régions les moins
développées de l'UE. En tant que principale base juridique de la politique de cohésion, le RPDC
garantit les moyens de relever les nouveaux défis économiques et sociaux grâce à une plus grande
flexibilité en termes de transfert de ressources et à une capacité accrue de faire face aux crises
futures. Un communiqué de presse détaillé est disponible ici. (Pour plus d'informations : Vivian
Loonela - Tél : +32 229 66712, Veronica Favalli - Tél : +32 229 87269)

EU Cohesion policy: launch of the new EU Social Progress Index 2020
Today, the Commission is publishing the 2020 EU Social Progress Index (EU-SPI) to help
policymakers and stakeholders to develop better policies and key investment priorities with clear and
measurable objectives to address social issues across the Union. Commissioner for Cohesion and
Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, commented: “The EU-SPI measures the capacity of EU's Member States and
regions to meet people's basic human needs, to enhance and sustain the quality of their lives, and to
ensure living conditions at their full potential. It is a useful tool to fine-tune interventions of regional
development programmes and to direct EU funds towards those areas able to significantly increase
living standards.” Going beyond GDP to reflect better societal development, the 2020 EU-SPI reveals
that social disparities still vary greatly across EU regions. Nordic countries perform quite well while
southeast countries lag behind. Most EU regions perform well in basic human needs, such as
nutrition and basic medical care, water and sanitation, shelter and personal security. Results vary
when it comes to more intermediate indicators of social development, such as access to basic
knowledge, access to information and communication, health and wellness and environmental
quality. The highest differences are related with the opportunity indicators, meaning personal rights,
personal freedom and choice, tolerance and inclusion, access to advanced education and lifelong
learning. The EU SPI platform will be online at 14h today. (For more information: Vivian Loonela -
Tel.: +32 229 66712, Veronica Favalli - Tel.: +32 229 87269)

Investment Plan for Europe supports new loans to innovative Dutch SMEs
The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Dutch national promotional institution, Invest-NL, have
signed a new guarantee agreement to support innovative SMEs. The agreement falls under the
InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility and is supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments
(EFSI), the main pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe. As a result, Invest-NL will provide
innovative SMEs in the Netherlands with better financing terms through lower interest rates and
reduced risk requirements with the aim to unlock up to €66 million in SME-lending. Executive Vice-
President for an Economy that Works for People, Valdis Dombrovskis, said: “SMEs that are hard-hit
by the current crisis should have continuous access to financing to help them get back on their feet
and kick-start the economic recovery. Thanks to the guarantee of EIF and the Investment Plan for
Europe, Invest-NL will unlock additional loans on favourable terms to support Dutch SMEs in these
difficult times.” The Investment Plan for Europe has so far mobilised €535 billion of investment
across the EU, benefitting over 1.4 million SMEs in total. The press release is available here. (For
more information: Marta Wieczorek – Tel.: +32 229 58197; Flora Matthaes – Tel.: +32 229 83951)

Winners of the 2020 #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards announced
At the online #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards ceremony last night, Commissioner for Innovation,
Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, announced the award-winners for 2020.
Commissioner Gabriel said: “Congratulations to the three winners of this year's #BeInclusive EU
Sport Awards, and a special mention to the other six finalists. 181 amazing projects were in the
running this year and I hope all of them continue their excellent work - helping us to build a cohesive
society, united in diversity, through sport. Their tireless work and energy remind us of the power of
sport.” The #BeInclusive Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of sport organisations
working with ethnic minorities, refugees, people with disabilities, youth groups at risk, or any other
group that faces challenging social circumstances. The 2020 Awards were launched in April and open
to all organisations established in the Erasmus+ programme countries – public or private,
commercial or not-for-profit. Independent experts evaluated all project applications and their
contribution to social inclusion through sport. Nine projects were shortlisted by a high-level jury,
with three frontrunners: 'INtegrative Championship - INclude and INtegrate!' from Poland –
supporting the equal and active participation of people with disabilities; 'Surf.ART - Atreve-te |
Realiza-te | Transforma-te' in Portugal - using surfing as a means of reaching out to young people
from areas with high levels of poverty; and the French project 'Ovale citoyen' - supporting social
inclusion through sport of people of a migrant background, or people experiencing homelessness.
The full details of the winners are available here along with information on all the projects. More
information on sport in the EU is available here. (For more information: Sonya Gospodinova – Tel.:
+32 229 66953; Sinéad Meehan - van Druten - Tel.: +32 229 84094)

Justice fiscale : les Etats membres de l'UE conviennent de nouvelles règles en matière de
transparence fiscale pour les plateformes numériques
La Commission européenne se félicite du récent compromis trouvé par les États membres en vue
d'étendre les règles de l'UE en matière de transparence fiscale aux plateformes numériques de sorte
que ceux qui gagnent de l'argent en vendant des biens ou des services sur les plateformes paient
également leur juste part de l'impôt. Cet accord fait suite à la proposition formulée par la
Commission en juillet dans le cadre du plan d'action pour une fiscalité équitable et simplifiée à
l'appui de la stratégie de relance. La proposition adoptée en ce qui concerne la coopération
administrative (DAC 7) garantira que les États membres échangent automatiquement des
informations sur les recettes générées par les vendeurs sur les plateformes numériques, que la
plateforme soit située ou non dans l'UE. Grâce à ce dispositif, non seulement les autorités nationales
seront en mesure de repérer les situations devant donner lieu au paiement de l'impôt, mais la charge
administrative pesant sur les plateformes, qui doivent souvent jongler avec plusieurs obligations
nationales différentes en matière de déclaration, sera réduite. La proposition renforce et clarifie
également les règles en vigueur dans d'autres domaines où les États membres collaborent pour
lutter contre les pratiques fiscales abusives, par exemple au moyen d'audits fiscaux conjoints. Paolo
Gentiloni, commissaire chargé de l'économie, a déclaré : « Il était grand temps d'actualiser nos
règles fiscales afin de tenir compte de l'importance croissante des plateformes numériques pour
l'économie européenne. Une fois que les nouvelles règles discutées aujourd'hui auront été adoptées
et mises en œuvre, les autorités nationales échangeront automatiquement des informations sur les
recettes générées par les vendeurs sur ces plateformes, et ces derniers bénéficieront de procédures
administratives simplifiées. C'est une bonne nouvelle pour les deniers publics et pour les
entrepreneurs honnêtes. » Un communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus
d'informations: Daniel Ferrie – Tél.: +32 229 86500; Nerea Artamendi Erro – Tél.: +32 229 90964)

Égalité: la ville de Jönköping, en Suède, remporte l'Access City Award 2021
Hier, le commissaire Dalli a annoncé que le prix « Access City Award 2021 » était attribué à la ville
de Jönköping pour avoir rendu la ville plus accessible aux personnes handicapées. Jönköping, dans le
sud de la Suède, n'a cessé de rendre ses quartiers, tant nouveaux qu'anciens, plus accessibles en
collaboration avec les organisations de personnes handicapées. La ville a également créé un « Access
City Award » local, destiné aux entreprises ou organisations qui ont travaillé avec leurs clients pour
améliorer l'accessibilité. Retenue parmi 50 candidates, Jönköping a été nommée lauréate de la 11 e
édition de l'Access City Award lors de la cérémonie en ligne du 1 décembre. Lorsqu'elle a annoncé la
lauréate, Helena Dalli, commissaire chargée de l'égalité, a déclaré : « La création d'une Europe sans
entraves ne se limite pas aux bâtiments et aux trottoirs. Il s'agit d'une volonté de changement qui
améliore la qualité de vie des personnes et qui permet aux personnes handicapées de participer à la
société sur la base de l'égalité avec les autres. L'accessibilité est importante pour chacun d'entre
nous, et elle est indispensable pour les personnes handicapées. Je veillerai à ce que ce sujet crucial
reste au cœur de nos actions. La future stratégie relative aux droits des personnes handicapées pour
la période 2021-2030 sera notre principal instrument pour continuer d'améliorer tous les aspects de
la vie des personnes handicapées. » La ville de Bremerhaven, en Allemagne, et la ville de Gdynia, en
Pologne, ont respectivement décroché les deuxième et troisième places de « l'Access City Award
2021 ». Le communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Christian
Wigand - Tél.: +32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko - Tél.: +32 229 63444; Jördis Ferroli - Tél.: +32
229 92729)

State aid: Commission approves German 'umbrella' scheme to enable capital support to
enterprises affected by coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved German plans to set up a scheme under which the German
federal and regional authorities can invest through debt and equity instruments in enterprises
affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary
Framework. Under the scheme, the support will take the form of (i) subordinated loans, and (ii)
recapitalisation instruments, in particular equity instruments and hybrid capital instruments.
Individual measures will be limited to €250 million per beneficiary and according to German
authorities the total provisional budget of the scheme is around €3.5 billion. The Commission found
that the scheme notified by Germany is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary
Framework. The Commission concluded that the German scheme will contribute to managing the
economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak in Germany. Furthermore, it is necessary, appropriate
and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of Germany, in line with Article
107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. On this basis, the
Commission approved the scheme under EU State aid rules. Executive Vice-President Margrethe
Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “This scheme will allow the mobilisation of capital
support by the German Länder and the Federal Government to help companies weather this crisis. It
ensures that the State is sufficiently remunerated for the risk taxpayers assume, that there are
incentives for the State to exit again, and that the support comes with adequate conditions to limit
distortions of competition. We continue to work closely with Member States to ensure that national
support measures can be provided as quickly and effectively as possible to mitigate the economic
impact of the coronavirus outbreak, in line with EU rules.” The full press release is available online.
(For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears joint acquisition of ORIX India Wind Business and GEH Assets
by ORIX and Cambourne
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of ORIX
India Wind Business of India and GEH Assets of Mauritius, by ORIX of Japan and Cambourne of
Singapore, via the jointly controlled holding company Greenko Energy Holdings (‘GEH') of Mauritius.
ORIX India Wind consists of eight wholly-owned subsidiaries of ORIX that currently engage in wind
power generation and the provision of related services in India. ORIX is a multinational financial
services and investment group. Cambourne manages investments in private equity, venture capital
and infrastructure funds, as well as direct investments in private companies. GEH develops,
constructs and maintains power generation projects in India through its subsidiaries in India,
Mauritius and Singapore. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no
competition concerns, because the joint venture created as a result of the transaction has no actual
or foreseen activities within the European Economic Area. The transaction was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition
website, in the public case register under the case number M.10011. (For more information: Arianna
Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)


Liban : L'UE rappelle sa solidarité et son soutien lors de la conférence internationale des
Le haut représentant/vice-président, Josep Borrell, représentera la Commission et participera
aujourd'hui aux côtés du président du Conseil européen, Charles Michel, à la conférence
internationale de soutien au peuple libanais, organisée par le président de la République Française,
Emmanuel Macron, et le secrétaire général des Nations unies, António Guterres. Cette réunion fait
suite à la conférence du 9 août, après l'explosion dévastatrice survenue dans le port de Beyrouth le 4
août. L'UE a réagi rapidement à l'explosion et a mobilisé plus de 70 millions d'euros pour les besoins
humanitaires et de première urgence, notamment pour les abris, la santé et la protection sociale,
ainsi que pour la relance économique et sociale. La situation au Liban reste très fragile, l'explosion à
Beyrouth et la pandémie de COVID-19 aggravant les crises politiques et socio-économiques déjà
existantes auxquelles le pays est confronté. La conférence fera notamment le point sur l'aide fournie
suite à la conférence du 9 août et sur les éventuels efforts supplémentaires des donateurs pour
soutenir la population, et discutera de la reconstruction du port et de la revitalisation des zones
détruites et endommagées. L'UE est solidaire du peuple libanais et continuera à soutenir une reprise
axée sur la population. Pour ce faire, il faut que toutes les parties prenantes et les forces politiques
libanaises favorisent la formation rapide d'un gouvernement crédible et responsable, disposé à
mettre en œuvre les réformes nécessaires. (Pour plus d'informations: Peter Stano – Tél.: +32 229
54553; Lauranne Devillé – Tél.: +32 229 80833)

Commissioners Schmit and Dalli participate in videoconference of employment and social
policy ministers
On 3 December, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, and Commissioner for
Equality, Helena Dalli, will participate in the videoconference of employment and social policy
ministers. In the morning, Commissioner Schmit will exchange views with Ministers about fair
working conditions and social protection in the platform economy in view of the upcoming
Commission's initiative to improve the working conditions of platform workers planned for
2021. Furthermore, Commissioner Schmit will present the recent Commission proposal for a
Directive on adequate minimum wages. This proposal now has to be negotiated by the European
Parliament and Member States in the Council. Commissioner Schmit will also inform Ministers on the
next steps on the Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights following the public
consultation which ended on 30 November. A press conference after the morning session will take
place at 13:00, transmitted on EbS. In the afternoon session, Commissioner Dalli will discuss with
the Ministers the follow-up on the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025,
presented in March 2020. The videoconference can be followed via livestream. (For more information:
Marta Wieczorek – Tel.: +32 229 58197; Christian Wigand – Tel.: +32 229 62253)
Eurostat press releases
*UPDATED ON 02-12-2020, at 15:41
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