FICHE DE VOL - Drone-Spot
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Pour que le drone de loisir soit un plaisir ! FICHE DE VOL Le Pavillon d'or - (JP) Coordonnées GPS : Latitude : 35.0412114396004, Longitude : 135.728945285082 Date : 24/02/2020 Proposé par : Tyflots Plafond de vol : 150 m. max. Type : Patrimoine Accessibilité : Accès à pied > 1 000 m. Notes : Le Pavillon d'or est inscrit depuis 1994 sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, parmi les monuments historiques de l'ancienne Kyoto. Check list - Zone autorisée, - Firmwares à jour (drone, radiocommande, application, ...), - Conditions météorologiques correctes, - Inspection visuel du drone et des hélices, - Dépose des protections (gimbal, caméra, ...), - Carte SD insérée, espace de stockage correct, - Etat correct de la lentille de la caméra (Nettoyage éventuel, ...), - Périphériques chargés et connectés (Radiocommande, smartphone, tablette, ...), - Batterie du drone chargée et correctement insérée, - Calibrage correct (Boussole, horizon, ...), - Altitude minimale pour le retour à la maison (RTH), - Altitude maximale de vol, - Nombre de satellites verrouillés, - Zone de décollage dégagée, - Point home correctement enregistré, ... généré le 16 juin 2020
7RZDUGDVDI 7RZDUGD VDIH HRSHUDWLR RSHUDWLRQRII8$ 8$ ★ Additional Considerations ・The flight prohibited areas for drones are designated based on GURQHVUDGLRFRQWURODLUSODQHVHWF the Act of Prohibit Flights of Small-sized Aircrafts. For details, please refer to Civil Aeronautics Act defines flight rules ( The Act of Prohibit Flights of Small-sized on unmanned Aircraft (UA) as follows. Aircrafts ) ۻ3URKLELWHG 3URKLELWHG ͤ$Q\SHUVRQZKRLQWHQGVWRRSHUDWH8$'URQH $L $LUVSDF VSDFH HIR IRU LJKW ࠉLQWKHIROORZLQJࠉDLUVSDFHVLVUHTXLUHGWRREWDLQSHUPLVVLRQIURP U)OLJKW WKH0LQLVWHURI/DQG,QIUDVWUXFWXUH7UDQVSRUWDQG7RXULVP ・Flight around specific areas, such as temples, shrines and Airspace around airports Airspace more than 150m above the ground Airspace above Densely Inhabited Districts parks may be prohibited by Local Regulations. ・For details of the amended Civil Aeronautics Act, please refer to 150m 【Announcement by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications】 ͤ3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKHEDFNSDJH ・License-free radio equipment (including license-free ۻ2SHUDWLRQ SHUDWLRQ ͤ,QFDVHRIRSHUDWLRQVRI8$QRWFRYHUHGKHUH HJ1LJKWIOLJKWIOLJKW EH\RQGYLVXDOOLQHRIVLJKWHWF LWLVUHTXLUHGWRREWDLQDQDSSURYDO radio equipment for UA) without "Technical Conformity &RQGLWLRQV &RQGLWLRQV IURPWKH0LQLVWHURI/DQG,QIUDVWUXFWXUH7UDQVSRUWDQG7RXULVP Mark cannot be used and may provoke illegal use in Daytime operation Visual line of sight Required distance Japan, even if the equipment is based on a foreign (※1) (※2) (※3) standard. monitoring/illegal/monitoring̲qa/index.htm ͤ)URPVXQULVH ͤ㸰㸸9LVLEOHWRWKH WRVXQVHW ࠉࠉQDNHGH\H ͤ㸱㸸,WLVUHTXLUHGWRNHHSDWOHDVWPGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQ8$DQGWKLUGSDUWLHVLHSHUVRQV ࠉࠉRUSURSHUWLHVVXFKDVEXLOGLQJVDQGFDUV 【Contact Information】 Event sites Transporting 危険物輸送の禁止 hazardous materials Dropping objects Inquiry Counter for Unmanned Aircraft : Poisonous materials Aviation Safety and Security Department, Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Explosives Transport and Tourism, Japan Weapons Inflammable liquids etc. Should you have any questions,please contact the following contact information. &LYLO$YLDWLRQ%XUHDX0LQLVWU\RI/DQG ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH7UDQVSRUWDQG7RXULVP-DSDQ
ࢲ ²· ࢳّӯᝩ౼ ̷ՠᪿ˹٥Ԗпّ َ ᵁᵂᵋᵐᵂᵉᵖᵆᵋᵅᴾᴿᵆᵑᵂᵁ ᵁᵆᵐᵑᵏᵆᵀᵑᵐ ᵌᵃᵇᴾᵍᴾᵋ ★ What is Unmanned Aircraft defined in the Civil Aeronautics Act? ÃÏÍÐÉÌÅÄ ÆÒÏÍ ÔÈÅ ÒÅÓÕÌÔÓ ÏÆ ÔÈÅ ²°±µ ÐÏÐÕÌÁÔÉÏÎ ÃÅÎÓÕÓ The term UA means any airplane, rotorcraft, glider, or airship which cannot accommodate any person on board and can be remotely or automatically piloted (※). (※) Exclude those lighter than 200g (total of the weight of the airframe and its battery) Examples : Drone (multi-copter), radio control airplane, crop-dusting unmanned helicopter ★ Densely-populated area The densely-populated areas over where flight of UA is in principle prohibited are defined as Densely Inhabited Districts (DID) as a result of population census. For details of DID, please visit the website of Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in reference to the Densely Inhabited Districts of Japan . &base=std&ls=std%7Cdid2015 ߴቸՁចࡀ ᵌᵤᵞᵰᵞᵴᵞᵯᵞᵆ ᵰᴫǽ ฏᎆចࡀ ᵌᵨ ᵦᵫᵞᵴᵞǽ ᵆᵰᴫ ߷ᩝចࡀ ᵐᵢᵫᵨᵞᵨᵲǽ ᵆᵰᴫ ཌࠞҚࡀ ᵈᵞᵷᵞᵫᵆᵰᴫ ۾ూចࡀ тࠞҚࡀ ᵁᵞᵦᵱᵬᵆᵰᴫ ᵖáᵢᵶ ᵞᵪᵞǽ ᵆᵰᴫ աҚࡀ ᵊᵦ ᵶᵞᵨᵬᵆ ᵰᴫ ԧ᱖ࡀ ᵊᵦᵫᵞᵪᵦ ᵱᵬᵯᵦᵰᵥᵦᵪᵞ ፱өᅁፋࠈᴥፋᝩ౼٥ျষڨᴦ Çåïçòáðèéã Éîæïòíáôéïî Ïææéãå , Óôáôéóôéãó Âõòåáõ , Íéîéóôòù ïæ Éîôåòîáì Áææáéòó áîä Ãïííõîéãáôéïî ó
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