HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its Election Campaign

HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its Election Campaign
View this email in your browser                          HOTELASSOCIATION.CA       |   MEMBERS AREA

                                  HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its
                                  Election Campaign
                                  On July 17, the Hotel Association of Canada (HAC), joined by the
                                  Ottawa Gatineau Hotel Association (OGHA) and the Quebec
                                  Hotel Association (AHQ), held a press conference to launch its
                                  election platform and call on all federal parties and candidates to
                                  modernize Canada Airbnb.

                                  CBC, CTV, and City News, and several of the other countries,
                                  including the iPolitics, and the Evan Solomon Show. The
                                  announcement earned more than 100 online news and television
                                  shows, grossing 35 million impressions in the first 24 hours of the
                                  news and well beyond $ 200,000 in advertising value equivalent.
                                  HAC will be monitoring the response of federal candidates and
                                  hopes to see parties in this election.

                                  Media Coverage>


                                  AHC launches #VoteFairRules as part of the
                                  election campaign
                                  On July 17, the Hotel Association of Canada (AHC), in
                                  collaboration with the Ottawa Gatineau Hotel Association (AHOG)
                                  and the Association Hôtellerie Québec (AHQ), held a press
                                  conference to launch its program and to call on all federal parties
                                  and candidates to modernize outdated tax laws and regulations
                                  in Canada for digital platforms such as Airbnb.

                                  The industry's call has been seen in the country's mainstream
                                  media, including CBC, CTV and City News, as well as in several
                                  of Ottawa's leading political media, including iPolitics and the
                                  Evan Solomon Show. The ad was featured in more than 100
                                  news stories online and aired in more than 100 TV and radio
                                  news programs, generating 35 million impressions in the first 24
                                  hours of the news cycle and well worth over $ 200,000 in
                                  advertising value. The AHC will monitor the response of federal
                                  candidates and hopes that party candidates will incorporate this
                                  issue into their election platform in the coming months.

                                  Media coverage>
HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its Election Campaign
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                              Votefairrules.ca – A new Microsite!
                              HAC has unveiled a brand new microsite: votefairrules.ca in
                              conjunction with HAC’s election campaign. The revamped
                              microsite aims to educate the public on the issues related to
                              commercial activity on short-term rental platforms, and to earn
                              support and encourage action to send letters to political
                              candidates across the country. This effort is strategically timed as
                              it aims to make #FairRules a federal election issue.


                              VoteFairRules.ca/fr – Un nouveau microsite!
                              L’AHC a dévoilé un tout nouveau microsite : votefairrules.ca/fr
                              en liaison avec la campagne électorale de l’AHC. Le microsite
                              remanié vise à sensibiliser le public aux questions liées à l’activité
                              commerciale sur les plateformes de location à court terme, à
                              obtenir du soutien et à encourager l’envoi de lettres aux
                              candidats politiques de tout le pays. Cet effort arrive à un
                              moment stratégique, car il vise à faire de #FairRules (règles
                              équitables) un enjeu électoral fédéral.

                              HAC’s Federal Election Member Grassroots
                              Toolkit is Now Available!
                              HAC has officially released a Member Grassroots Toolkit to
                              encourage member engagement in election-related activities this
                              summer and fall, to ensure that candidates from all parties
                              receive our message. Participation and engagement from HAC
                              members at the grassroots level will be pivotal to our campaign’s
                              success. Inside the toolkit you will find information on HAC’s top
                              two advocacy issues, meeting guides, a letter for your local
                              candidates and more.

                              Get your copy of HAC’s member grassroots toolkit >


                              La Trousse d’outils des élections fédérales pour
                              les membres à la base de l’AHC est maintenant
                              L’AHC a officiellement publié une Trousse d’outils pour les
                              membres à la base afin d’encourager la participation des
                              membres à des activités électorales, cet été et cet automne, afin
                              de veiller à ce que les candidats de tous les partis entendent
                              notre message. La participation et l’engagement des membres
                              de l’AHC qui œuvrent à la base seront essentiels au succès de
                              notre campagne. À l’intérieur de la trousse, vous trouverez de
                              l’information sur les deux principaux enjeux de promotion des
                              droits de l’AHC, des guides de réunion, une lettre pour vos
                              candidats locaux et plus encore.

                              Obtenez votre exemplaire de la Trousse d’outils pour les
                              membres à la base de l’AHC >
HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its Election Campaign
Take Action: Fair Rules for the Short-Term Rental
                       Help HAC make #FairRules a 2019 election issue. HAC has
                       released new tools, to be used alongside HAC’s election strategy,
                       to encourage candidates to create a level playing field and
                       ensure digital businesses contribute their fair share to the
                       Canadian economy.

                       Issue Brief >
                       Social Media Toolkit >


                       Passer à l’action : Des règles équitables pour
                       l’industrie de la location à court terme
                        Aidez l’AHC à faire de #FairRules (règles équitables) un enjeu
                       électoral de 2019. L’AHC a publié de nouveaux outils, qui seront
                       utilisés parallèlement à la stratégie électorale de l’AHC, pour
                       encourager les candidats à créer des règles du jeu
                       équitables et veiller à ce que les entreprises numériques
                       apportent leur juste part à l’économie canadienne.

                       Précis d’information >
                       Trousse d’outils pour les médias sociaux >

                       Take Action: Labour Supply Shortages
                       In advance of the 2019 Federal Election, HAC has released new
                       tools, to be used alongside HAC’s election strategy, to
                       encourage candidates to support our industry’s call for new
                       programs to ease labour supply shortages in the hotel sector.

                       Issue Brief >
                       Social Media Toolkit >


                       Passer à l’action : Pénurie de main-d’œuvre
                       En prévision des élections fédérales de 2019, l’AHC a publié de
                       nouveaux outils, qui seront utilisés parallèlement à la stratégie
                       électorale l’AHC, pour encourager les candidats à appuyer
                       l’appel de notre industrie pour de nouveaux programmes
                       visant à atténuer les pénuries de main-d’œuvre dans le
                       secteur hôtelier.

                       Précis d’information >
                       Trousse d’outils pour les médias sociaux >

D O W N L O A D A N D S H A R E | T É L É C H A R G E R E T P A R TA G E R

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HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its Election Campaign HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its Election Campaign HAC Launches #VoteFairRules, part of its Election Campaign
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