Les travaux scientifique de Ettayib Bensaci 14-03-2022 - University of M'sila
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TITRE LIEN Statut phénologique et reproduction des peuplements https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ettayib- d’oiseaux d’eau dans l’éco-complexe de zones Bensaci/publication/264849693_Statut_phenologique_ humides de Sétif (Hauts plateaux, Est de l’Algérie)1 et_reproduction_des_peuplements_d%27oiseaux_d%2 7eau_dans_l%27eco- complexe_de_zones_humides_de_Setif_Hauts_plateau x_Est_de_l%27Algerie/links/548155570cf22525dcb60 a54/Statut-phenologique-et-reproduction-des- peuplements-doiseaux-deau-dans-leco-complexe-de- zones-humides-de-Setif-Hauts-plateaux-Est-de- lAlgerie.pdf Biodiversité de l'avifaune aquatique des zones humides https://journals.openedition.org/physio-geo/3198 sahariennes: cas de la dépression d'Oued Righ (Algérie)2 Hivernage des Grues cendrées Grus grus dans le complexe des zones humides des hautes plaines de l’Est algérien3 Éco-éthologie des Flamants roses Phoenicopterus roseus hivernants dans la vallée de Oued Righ, Sahara oriental algérien4 Ecologie de la reproduction de l’Avocette élégante https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ettayib- Recurvirostra avosetta dans la Garaet de Guellif Bensaci/publication/272492122_Ecologie_de_la_Repr (Hautes plaines de l’Est algérien)5 oduction_de_l'Avocette_Elegante_Recurvirostra_Avos ettadans_la_Garaet_de_Guellif_Hautes_Plaines_de_l'E st_Algerien/links/54e8befb0cf25ba91c7e62cb/Ecologi e-de-la-Reproduction-de-lAvocette-Elegante- Recurvirostra-Avosettadans-la-Garaet-de-Guellif- Hautes-Plaines-de-lEst-Algerien.pdf Aperçu sur la diversité des oiseaux d’eau du chott El- https://www.univ-msila.dz/ImpactUniv/wp- Hodna (Algérie)6 content/uploads/2020/06/Research-9-SDG-14- %E2%80%93-life-below-water.pdf Chott Merouane (Algérie): un nouveau site de reproduction du Flamant rose Phoenicopterus roseus7 Ecologie de la reproduction de l’Echasse blanche https://www.academia.edu/download/48545523/cologi Himantopus himantopus dans la Garaet de Guellif e_de_la_reproduction_de_lEchasse_b20160903- (Hauts plateaux de l’Est algérien).8 24688-ou93dd.pdf Ecologie de la reproduction de l’Echasse blanche https://www.academia.edu/download/48545523/cologi Himantopus himantopus dans la Garaet de Guellif e_de_la_reproduction_de_lEchasse_b20160903- (Hauts plateaux de l’Est algérien).9 24688-ou93dd.pdf Check list of waterbirds at Wadi Djedi in Ziban Oasis- https://www.raco.cat/index.php/AMZ/article/view/355 Algeria10 089 Diversity of macroinvertebrates in Lake Tonga http://num.univ-
(northeast Algeria)11 msila.dz/DWE/public/attachements/2020/03/01/bb- e181205-djamai-et-alpdf-il6e3n8n1583103234.pdf Éco-éthologie du flamant rose Phœnicopterus roseus https://lbee.univ-guelma.dz/sites/lbee.univ- dans la Vallée d’Oued Righ (Sahara oriental algérien)12 guelma.dz/files/Bensaci%20El-Tayeb_1.pdf Current research and conservation of the Greater https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arnaud- Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algeria13 Bechet/publication/309110124_Greater_flamingos_sto p_breeding_in_the_Camargue_southern_France_in_20 07_for_the_first_time_in_38_years_the_beginning_of _a_new_era/links/59f74aac0f7e9b553ebedbad/Greater- flamingos-stop-breeding-in-the-Camargue-southern- France-in-2007-for-the-first-time-in-38-years-the- beginning-of-a-new-era.pdf#page=25 Status, Habitat Use, and Behaviour of Wintering https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Moussa- Greater Flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus in Semi-Arid Houhamdi/publication/306098341_Status_Habitat_Us and Saharan Wetlands of Algeria14 e_and_Behaviour_of_Wintering_Greater_Flamingos_ Phoenicopterus_roseus_in_Semi- Arid_and_Saharan_Wetlands_of_Algeria/links/57dd68 ea08ae5292a37cb340/Status-Habitat-Use-and- Behaviour-of-Wintering-Greater-Flamingos- Phoenicopterus-roseus-in-Semi-Arid-and-Saharan- Wetlands-of-Algeria.pdf Ecologie de la Sarcelle Marbrée Marmaronetta https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Moussa- angustirostris (Ménétries, 1832) dans l’éco-complexe Houhamdi/publication/272491872_Ecologie_de_la_Sa de zones humides de la vallée de l’oued Righ (Sahar rcelle_Marbree_Marmaronetta_angustirostrisMenetries Algérien)15 _1832_dans_l'eco- complexe_de_zones_humides_de_la_vallee_de_l'oued _Righ_Sahara_algerien/links/54f0c4ec0cf2b36214aae4 92/Ecologie-de-la-Sarcelle-Marbree-Marmaronetta- angustirostrisMenetries-1832-dans-leco-complexe-de- zones-humides-de-la-vallee-de-loued-Righ-Sahara- algerien.pdf Status and diurnal behavior of the greater flamingo https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Moussa- Phoenicopterus roseus in Algerian eastern high plains16 Houhamdi/publication/272491969_Status_and_diurnal _behavior_of_the_greater_flamingo_Phoenicopterus_r oseus_in_Algerian_eastern_high_plains/links/54f0c4b d0cf2b36214aae48f/Status-and-diurnal-behavior-of- the-greater-flamingo-Phoenicopterus-roseus-in- Algerian-eastern-high-plains.pdf 4049: UN SECOND CAS DE NIDIFICATION DE LA MOUETTE RIEUSE Chroicocephalus ridibundus EN ALGÉRIE17 Diversity and distribution pattern of waterbirds in https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mimeche_Fateh2/ wetlands of Algerian steppe region18 publication/337012094_Studies_on_the_benthic_macr oinvertebrate_community_from_K'sob_Wadi_M'Sila_ Algeria/links/5fd4cd48a6fdccdcb8bc934c/Studies-on-
the-benthic-macroinvertebrate-community-from-Ksob- Wadi-MSila-Algeria.pdf#page=177 Preliminary data on breeding, habitat use and diet of https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/2165800 Common Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, in urban area in 5.2015.1057989 Algeria19 Breeding ecology studies of Collared Pratincoles https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Moussa- Glareola pratincola in the Central Hauts Plateaux of Houhamdi/publication/269106974_Breeding_ecology_ Algeria20 studies_of_Collared_Pratincoles_Glareola_pratincola_ in_the_Central_Hauts_Plateaux_of_Algeria/links/54f0 c2ad0cf2f9e34efd1a61/Breeding-ecology-studies-of- Collared-Pratincoles-Glareola-pratincola-in-the- Central-Hauts-Plateaux-of-Algeria.pdf Diversity of the Anatidae Population at Fountains of https://environmentaljournals.org/storage/models/articl Gazelles Reservoir in Ziban Region (Algeria) Sakina e/IJ4cgRS3jwCRUvmYZKnbr2NiJoFHbNrr9aIL6wQ Merouani1, Yassine Nouidjem2, Fateh Mimeche3, nXE0rqTpXwTwvqibaTncl/diversity-of-the-anatidae- Menouar Saheb1 and …21 population-at-fountains-of-gazelles-reservoir-in-ziban- region-algeria.pdf Diurnal behavior and pairing chronology of the Northern https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/2165800 Shoveler wintering in unprotected remnant wetlands of 5.2016.1278321 22 north-eastern Algeria Habitat use and distribution of the Ruddy Shelduck https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/2165800 Tadorna ferruginea in the wetland complex of Oued 5.2014.997995 Righ (Algerian Sahara)23 Studies on the benthic macroinvertebrate community https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tahir- from K’sob Wadi (M’Sila, Algeria)24 Ozcan/publication/336737322_International_Biodivers tiy_Ecology_Sciences_Symposium_Proceeding_Bioec o2019_26- 28_September_2019_IstanbulTurkey_Palas_Academic _Organization_and_Trade_Corporation_Publication_n umber_1_Iskenderun- Hatay_/links/5dafed5e4585155e27f7f173/International -Biodiverstiy-Ecology-Sciences-Symposium- Proceeding-Bioeco2019-26-28-September-2019- Istanbul-Turkey-Palas-Academic-Organization-and- Trade-Corporation-Publication-number-1- Iskenderun.pdf#page=386 On the breeding ecology of the Ruddy Shelduck https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mimeche_Fateh2/ (Tadorna ferruginea)(Anseri–formes: Anatidae) In Oued publication/316604961_On_the_breeding_ecology_of Righ Valley (South–East of Algeria)25 _the_Ruddy_Shelduck_Tadorna_ferruginea_Anserifor mes_Anatidae_in_Oued_righ_valley_South- East_of_Algeria/links/5907313e0f7e9bc0d592b0e1/On -the-breeding-ecology-of-the-Ruddy-Shelduck- Tadorna-ferruginea-Anseriformes-Anatidae-in-Oued- righ-valley-South-East-of-Algeria.pdf
Feeding behaviour and the role of insects in the diet of https://journals.co.za/doi/abs/10.10520/EJC176596 northern house-martin (Delichon urbica meridionalis) nestlings in northeastern Algeria26 Diversity of waterbirds at Chott El-Hodna (Algeria)27 Density, diversity and habitat use of Herons (Ardeidae) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nurcin- in Tonga Lake North east Algeria28 Killi/publication/329911098_Types_Ratios_and_Sizes _of_Nematocysts_in_Phyllorhiza_punctata_von_Lend enfeld_1884/links/5f914942a6fdccfd7b74720e/Types- Ratios-and-Sizes-of-Nematocysts-in-Phyllorhiza- punctata-von-Lendenfeld-1884.pdf#page=34 Tentative de nidification du flamant rose https://societe- Phoenicopterus roseus dans l’ouest Algérien29 zoologique.fr/sites/default/files/revue/2016- 11/Z141(2)Beghdadi-short.pdf Demographic development of breeding populations of https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Salah- yellow-legged gull Larus michahellis Naumann, 1840 Telailia/publication/282006671_Demographic_develo on the small islands and along the coastline of Numidia pment_of_breeding_populations_of_yellowlegged_gul (North-Eastern …30 l_Larus_michahellis_Naumann_1840_on_the_small_is lands_and_along_the_coastline_of_Numidia_North- eastern_Algeria/links/56012f6808aec948c4fa9dc7/De mographic-development-of-breeding-populations-of- yellowlegged-gull-Larus-michahellis-Naumann-1840- on-the-small-islands-and-along-the-coastline-of- Numidia-North-eastern-Algeria.pdf SURFACE WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT IN https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mimeche_Fateh2/ SEMI-ARID REGION (EL HODNA WATERSHED, publication/350567414_SURFACE_WATER_QUALI ALGERIA) BASED ON WATER QUALITY INDEX TY_ASSESSMENT_IN_SEMI- (WQI)31 ARID_REGION_EL_HODNA_WATERSHED_ALG ERIA_BASED_ON_WATER_QUALITY_INDEX_W QI/links/606ad986299bf1252e2c0106/SURFACE- WATER-QUALITY-ASSESSMENT-IN-SEMI- ARID-REGION-EL-HODNA-WATERSHED- ALGERIA-BASED-ON-WATER-QUALITY- INDEX-WQI.pdf Première nidification réussie du Flamant https://www.ajol.info/index.php/srst/article/view/1172 rose Phoenicopterus roseus dans la vallée de l’Oued 59 Righ (Sahara algérien)32 Première preuve de reproduction du Goéland railleur Chroicocephalus genei en Algérie33 4065: LE TADORNE CASARCA Tadorna ferruginea DANS LA VALLÉE DE L'OUED RIGH (SAHARA ALGÉRIEN)34 HIVERNAGE DES FLAMANTS ROSES https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/downArticle/102/8/1/768 (Phœnicopterus roseus. Pallas. 1811) DANS LA 51 VALLEE DE OUED RIGH (Sahara algérien): Saison
2007/2008.35 Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/jbm/vol8/iss1/2 in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian / Sahara36 Breeding Ecology and Nest-Site Selection of Turtle https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/jbm/vol8/iss2/1 Doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Three New Orchard / Habitats37 Effects of vegetation and water seasonal variation on http://dspace.univ- habitat use of herons (Aves, Ardeidae) in Tonga Lake msila.dz:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/20668 (North-East Algeria)38 A second breeding evidence of Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Algeria39 Publications of professor Bensaci Ettayib40 http://dspace.univ- msila.dz:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/123456789/279 83/Ettayib%20Bensaci.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Effects of vegetation and water seasonal variation on http://dspace.univ- habitat use of herons (Aves, Ardeidae) in Tonga Lake msila.dz:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/20668 (North-East Algeria).41 Behavior and Breeding phenology of the Ruddy http://dspace.univ- Shelduck tadorna ferruginea Ziban in dry grasslands eloued.dz/bitstream/123456789/3398/1/Behavior%20a (Algerian steppe).42 nd%20Breeding%20phenology%20of%20the%20Rud dy%20Shelduck.pdf INTERNATIONAL MARINE & FRESHWATER https://www.academia.edu/download/57667171/MarFr SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS esh2018_Proceeding_Book.pdf (MARFRESH2018)43 Study of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) diurnal behavior in Chott El-Hodna (Central Hauts Plateaux of Algeria)44 l’oued righ (sahara algÉrien)45 https://journals.openedition.org/physio-geo/3198 IMPORTANCE DES ZONES HUMIDES DE LA https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Billal- REGION DE MEDEA POUR L’AVIFAUNE Gasmi/publication/280308836_IMPORTANCE_DES_ AQUATIQUE.(l’éco-complexe B. de Boughezoul et ZONES_HUMIDES_DE_LA_REGION_DE_MEDEA Dayet El Kerfa)46 _POUR_L'AVIFAUNE_AQUATIQUE_l'eco- complexe_de_Barrage_de_Boughezoul_et_Dayet_El_ Kerfa/links/55b129e008aed621ddfd4e86/IMPORTAN CE-DES-ZONES-HUMIDES-DE-LA-REGION-DE- MEDEA-POUR-LAVIFAUNE-AQUATIQUE-leco- complexe-de-Barrage-de-Boughezoul-et-Dayet-El- Kerfa.pdf
Références : 1 Baaziz, Naima, et al. "Statut phénologique et reproduction des peuplements d’oiseaux d’eau dans l’éco-complexe de zones humides de Sétif (Hauts plateaux, Est de l’Algérie)." Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique de Rabat 32.2 (2011): 77-87. 2 Bensaci, Ettayib, et al. "Biodiversité de l'avifaune aquatique des zones humides sahariennes: cas de la dépression d'Oued Righ (Algérie)." Physio-Géo. Géographie physique et environnement Volume 7 (2013): 211-222. 3 Houhamdi, M., et al. "Hivernage des Grues cendrées Grus grus dans le complexe des zones humides des hautes plaines de l’Est algérien." Aves 45.2 (2008): 93-103. 4 Houhamdi, M., et al. "Éco-éthologie des Flamants roses Phoenicopterus roseus hivernants dans la vallée de Oued Righ, Sahara oriental algérien." Ecoethology of Greater Flamingo Phœnicopterus roseus in the Wetland Complex of Oued Righ (Algerian Oriental Sahara).] Aves 45.1 (2008): 15-27. 5 Menouar, Saheb, et al. "Ecologie de la reproduction de l’Avocette élégante Recurvirostra avosetta dans la Garaet de Guellif (Hautes plaines de l’Est algérien)." European Journal of Scientific Research 25.4 (2009): 513-525. 6 Guergueb, E., et al. "Aperçu sur la diversité des oiseaux d’eau du chott El-Hodna (Algérie)." Bull. Soc. zool. Fr 139.1-4 (2014): 233-244. 7 Bensaci, E., et al. "Chott Merouane (Algérie): un nouveau site de reproduction du Flamant rose Phoenicopterus roseus." Flamingo Bulletin (2011): 40-47. 8 MAAZI, Mohamed-Chérif, et al. "Ecologie de la reproduction de l’Echasse blanche Himantopus himantopus dans la Garaet de Guellif (Hauts plateaux de l’Est algérien)." Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique de Rabat 32.2 (2010): 101-109. 9 MAAZI, Mohamed-Chérif, et al. "Ecologie de la reproduction de l’Echasse blanche Himantopus himantopus dans la Garaet de Guellif (Hauts plateaux de l’Est algérien)." Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique de Rabat 32.2 (2010): 101-109. 10 Nouidjem, Yassine, et al. "Check list of waterbirds at Wadi Djedi in Ziban Oasis-Algeria." Arxius de Miscel· lània Zoològica 17 (2019): 34-43. 11 Djamai, Soumia, et al. "Diversity of macroinvertebrates in Lake Tonga (northeast Algeria)." Biharean Biologist 13.1 (2019): 8-11. 12 BENSACI, Ettayib. Éco-éthologie du flamant rose Phœnicopterus roseus dans la Vallée d’Oued Righ (Sahara oriental algérien). Diss. 2010. 13 Samraoui, Boudjéma, et al. "Current research and conservation of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algeria." Proceedings of the IV International Workshop on Greater Flamingo in Mediterranean region and Northwest Africa. 2009. 14 Bensaci, E., et al. "Status, Habitat Use, and Behaviour of Wintering Greater Flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus in Semi-Arid and Saharan Wetlands of Algeria." International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering 9.3 (2015): 350-355. 15 Bouzegag, Abdelaziz, et al. "Ecologie de la Sarcelle Marbrée Marmaronetta angustirostris (Ménétries, 1832) dans l’éco- complexe de zones humides de la vallée de l’oued Righ (Sahar Algérien)." Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la Vie 35 (2013): 141-149. 16 Bouaguel, Leila, et al. "Status and diurnal behavior of the greater flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algerian eastern high plains." Ann. Biol. Res 4 (2013): 232-237. 17 BENSACI, Ettayib, et al. "4049: UN SECOND CAS DE NIDIFICATION DE LA MOUETTE RIEUSE Chroicocephalus ridibundus EN ALGÉRIE." Alauda 80.2 (2012): 153-154. 18 Bensaci, Ettayib, et al. "Diversity and distribution pattern of waterbirds in wetlands of Algerian steppe region." International Biodiverstiy & Ecology Sciences Symposium. E-book on 22.10. 2019, 2019.
19 Kaf, Asma, Menouar Saheb, and Ettayib Bensaci. "Preliminary data on breeding, habitat use and diet of Common Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, in urban area in Algeria." Zoology and Ecology 25.3 (2015): 203-210. 20 Bensaci, Ettayib, et al. "Breeding ecology studies of Collared Pratincoles Glareola pratincola in the Central Hauts Plateaux of Algeria." Wader Study Group Bulletin 121.1 (2014): 43-48. 21 Merouani, Sakina, et al. "Diversity of the Anatidae Population at Fountains of Gazelles Reservoir in Ziban Region (Algeria) Sakina Merouani1, Yassine Nouidjem2, Fateh Mimeche3, Menouar Saheb1 and Ettayib Bensaci2." World 7.2 (2018): 1-5. 22 Khemis, Mohamed Dhaya El-Hak, et al. "Diurnal behavior and pairing chronology of the Northern Shoveler wintering in unprotected remnant wetlands of north-eastern Algeria." Zoology and Ecology 27.1 (2017): 11-18. 23 Nouidjem, Yacine, et al. "Habitat use and distribution of the Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea in the wetland complex of Oued Righ (Algerian Sahara)." Zoology and Ecology 25.1 (2015): 26-33. 24 Mimeche, Fateh, et al. "Studies on the benthic macroinvertebrate community from K’sob Wadi (M’Sila, Algeria)." International Biodiverstiy & Ecology Sciences Symposium. E-book on 22.10. 2019, 2019. 25 Nouidjem, Yassine, et al. "On the breeding ecology of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)(Anseri–formes: Anatidae) In Oued Righ Valley (South–East of Algeria)." Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 9.2 (2016): 207-211. 26 Rouaiguia, M., et al. "Feeding behaviour and the role of insects in the diet of northern house-martin (Delichon urbica meridionalis) nestlings in northeastern Algeria." African Entomology 23.2 (2015): 329-341. 27 Guergueb, E., et al. "Diversity of waterbirds at Chott El-Hodna (Algeria)." Bulletin De La Societe Zoologique De France 139.1-4 (2014): 233-244. 28 Chettibi, Ahlam, et al. "Density, diversity and habitat use of Herons (Ardeidae) in Tonga Lake North east Algeria." INTERNATIONAL MARINE & FRESHWATER SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS (MARFRESH2018). Vol. 269. 2018. 29 BEGHDADI, Fatiha, et al. "Tentative de nidification du flamant rose Phoenicopterus roseus dans l’ouest Algérien." Bull. Soc. zool. Fr 141.2 (2016): 81-90. 30 Telailia, S., et al. "Demographic development of breeding populations of yellow-legged gull Larus michahellis Naumann, 1840 on the small islands and along the coastline of Numidia (North-Eastern Algeria)." Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 25 (2015): 1160-1167. 31 Ferahtia, Amel, et al. "SURFACE WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT IN SEMI-ARID REGION (EL HODNA WATERSHED, ALGERIA) BASED ON WATER QUALITY INDEX (WQI)." Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia 66.1 (2021). 32 Bouaguel, Leila, et al. "Première nidification réussie du Flamant rose Phœnicopterus roseus dans la vallée de l’Oued Righ (Sahara algérien)." Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie 28 (2014): 75-83. 33 CHERIEF-BOUTERA, Nacéra, et al. "Première preuve de reproduction du Goéland railleur Chroicocephalus genei en Algérie." Alauda 81.2 (2013): 85-90. 34 NOUIDJEM, Yacine, et al. "4065: LE TADORNE CASARCA Tadorna ferruginea DANS LA VALLÉE DE L'OUED RIGH (SAHARA ALGÉRIEN)." Alauda (Dijon) 80.4 (2012): 295-300. 35 Bensaci, Ettayib, et al. "HIVERNAGE DES FLAMANTS ROSES (Phœnicopterus roseus. Pallas. 1811) DANS LA VALLEE DE OUED RIGH (Sahara algérien): Saison 2007/2008." (2009). 36 Chiheb, Lasad, et al. "Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian Sahara." Journal of Bioresource Management 8.1 (2021): 2. 37 Aitouakli, Thilelli, and Ettayib BENSACI. "Breeding Ecology and Nest-Site Selection of Turtle Doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Three New Orchard Habitats." Journal of Bioresource Management 8.2 (2021): 1.
38 Ahlam, Chettibi, et al. "Effects of vegetation and water seasonal variation on habitat use of herons (Aves, Ardeidae) in Tonga Lake (North-East Algeria)." (2019). 39 Bensaci, E., et al. "A second breeding evidence of Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Algeria." Alauda 80.2 (2012): 153-154. 40 Bensaci, Ettayib. Publications of professor Bensaci Ettayib. Diss. university of M'sila, 2022. 41 Ahlam, Chettibi, et al. "Effects of vegetation and water seasonal variation on habitat use of herons (Aves, Ardeidae) in Tonga Lake (North-East Algeria)." (2019). 42 Nouidjem, Yassine, Ettayib Bensaci, and Menouar Saheb. "Behavior and Breeding phenology of the Ruddy Shelduck tadorna ferruginea Ziban in dry grasslands (Algerian steppe)." (2019). 43 Özcan, Gülnaz, Ali Serhan Tarkan, and Tahir Özcan. "INTERNATIONAL MARINE & FRESHWATER SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS (MARFRESH2018)." (2018). 44 Bounab, C., et al. "Study of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) diurnal behavior in Chott El-Hodna (Central Hauts Plateaux of Algeria)." J. Entomol 5.2 (2017): 1034-1037. 45 Bensaci, Ettayib, et al. "Biodiversité de l'avifaune aquatique des zones humides sahariennes: cas de la dépression d'Oued Righ (Algérie)." Physio-Géo. Géographie physique et environnement Volume 7 (2013): 211-222. 46 GASMI, Bilal, et al. "IMPORTANCE DES ZONES HUMIDES DE LA REGION DE MEDEA POUR L’AVIFAUNE AQUATIQUE.(l’éco-complexe B. de Boughezoul et Dayet El Kerfa)."
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