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O UR M I SS IO N Y O U R G AT EWAY INT O T H E Tenerrdis is the French energy cluster based in Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes, the largest industrial region in France and one D Y NA MIC A U V ER G NE-R H Ô NE-A LP ES of the most advanced in energy research. ENER G Y INNO VAT IO N EC O S Y S T EM It supports sustainable economic growth and the creation of long-lasting jobs in the new technologies of energy. It coordinates an extensive network spanning industry, government, academia, and scientific research to contribute to Renewable energy production the emergence, developemnt and promotion of innovative and integration into the energy mix energy transition solutions. Energy conversion From production Embedded intelligence & and storage to energy usages cybersecurity for energy systems Multi-energy microgrids 244 members Carbon-free mobility Energy-efficiency for buildings and industry in the 1st industrial French region Lyon Clermont-Ferrand Annecy We can support you in: Saint-Étienne Chambéry • finding local contacts to work on your new business Grenoble location in our region, • identifying funding opportunities for your R&D projects, 59% SMEs and startups • searching for potential partners in our ecosystem, • being your partner of choice for dissemination and communication activities. As a member of the International Cleantech Network, Tenerrdis can reach out to 15,000 SMEs and more than 100 cities in Europe, North America, Argentina and South Africa. K E Y F I GUR E S 2 0 2 0 Your contacts 54 innovation projects supported by the cluster Out of which 18 international or European projects Ingrid Milcent Hervé Muguerra International European 64 events connecting 3,400 people Business Development Projects Officer +33 679 38 60 02 +33 615 83 01 97 ingrid.milcent@tenerrdis.fr herve.muguerra@tenerrdis.fr
TENERRDIS MEMBERS IN 2020 COMPANIES GULPLUG Vizcab Printed on recycled paper / Photo credits: Adobe Stock, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Méthamoly, Fotolia, Michel Pérès, Tenerrdis / Publication Manager: E. Logeais - Communication Manager: R. Descamps / Design&Creation: Rouge Badiane Haffner Energy VNF (Voies Navigables de France) 2CA Concept Composites Auvergne Heliocity Voltalia ABO WIND HeliosLite Waga Energy Acajoo Advisory Hevatech WAT Accuwatt Technologies Hydrao WiSEED Actemium HydroQuest WPD France Adisseo France HYmpulsion Hynamics WSP France SAS ADS - Domaine skiable des Arcs Peisey Vallandry Ad-Venta IDEF SYSTEMES Advizeo by Setec IED (Innovation Energie Développement) RESEARCH CENTERS AGCEI In Extenso Innovation Croissance Air Liquide Advanced Technologies Inddigo ARMINES Albedo Énergie Infinergia CEA Alexis Assurances InnoEnergy CEREMA Alliance Allice iread geospace CETIAT Antea France IRFTS CNRS Alpes APIX Analytics Issosta CSTB Apollon Solar Ixiade ECAM Lyon ARaymond Énergies KBB Advisory emlyon business school Artelia La Compagnie Energies et Territoires ENTPE Atawey Lagazel Grenoble École de Management Ausar Energy Lancey Energy Storage Grenoble INP Automatique & Industrie Leroux et Lotz Technologies LIFE-01 INERIS Axandus Axibio Likewatt INRIA Azola Lyon Bio Ressources INSA Lyon Banque Populaire Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Manaslu-ing (CMDL) UGA (Université Grenoble Alpes) Bardo Next McPhy Université Savoie Mont Blanc Barel et Pelletier Mersen Bio-Valo Monabee Motrhys LOCAL AUTHORITIES Bleu Orizon Boralex Odit-e CAPI (Communauté d’Agglomération Porte de l’Isère) Brochier Technologies Osiris Chambéry-Grand Lac Économie Caeli Energie OTEIS Agence de Chambéry Conseil Départemental de la Savoie Caisse d’Epargne Rhône-Alpes / Agence Innovation ParexGroup Conseil Régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Carmoov Energy Pfeiffer Vacuum Direccte Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Célérité Photowatt Entre Bièvre et Rhône Communauté de Communes CHANEL POMA Grenoble-Alpes Métropole (La Métro) Cideco ProbaYes Prodeval Le Grésivaudan Cleia CNR - Compagnie Nationale du Rhône PROVIRIDIS Métropole de Lyon (Grand Lyon) Colas SA - Wattway PXL Seals SPL Territoire d’Innovation Compagnie de Chauffage de Grenoble (CCIAG) REYES Groupe SYANE (Syndicat des énergies et de l’aménagement numérique Compte-R Roseau Technologies de Haute-Savoie) Construction Composites Bois ROSI Syndicat Intercommunal des Énergies de la Loire - Territoire COSINUS ROTH Mions d’Energie (SIEL-TE) Cosma Experts RTE Territoire d’énergie Isère - TE38 Cotherm S3D Valence Romans Agglo Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes Satma PPC SAS Cylergie ENGIE Lab Satt Linksium Grenoble Alpes Cythelia Energy Save Innovations ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHER Dalkia Savelec STRUCTURES DELE Schneider Electric Demeter SEED-Energy ACOPREV, Centrales Villageoises du Val de Quint Domosolaris SERFIM ADERLY EASYL Serma Technologies ALEC Grenoble (Agence Locale de l’Energie et du Climat de la ECM Greentech Setec Energie Environnement métropole grenobloise) EDF SMOME ALEC Lyon (Agence Locale de l’Energie et du Climat de la EDF Hydro Alpes - Agence Une Rivière, Un Territoire SNAM Métropole de Lyon) Edilians Solaterra AuRA Digital Solaire Edison Ways Solean Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energie Environnement (AuRA-EE) Enedis Solstyce CCI Grenoble Ener-Pacte Solucrea Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Enerbee Spark Lab CIBE (Comité Interporfesionnel du Bois-Energie) Energy Pool Statkraft France Cluster Eco-Bâtiment EnerKa Stäubli Enersens Steadysun Corail Développement ENGIE SteelHy (ACS Chaudronnerie de Sassenage) Domaines Skiables de France ENGIE Green France Steriflow Électriciens sans Frontières Enogrid Storengy Entrepreneurs Du Monde Enoptea Sub-C Marine France Énergie Éolienne (FEE) Enwires Sun’R Grenoble Angels EP Tender SuperGrid Institute HESPUL Épices Énergie Surtec Hydro 21 ER2I Ingénierie Sylfen INES Plateforme Formation et Evaluation Ergosup Terravolt Institut Smart Grids FALKOR Terre et Lac Energies International Cleantech Week Fieldcloud Tokai Cobex Savoie Laboratoire des Énergies du Sud Rhône-Alpes Fronius France Total Développement Régional Maison de l’Economie Développement - MED 74 Gaseo Trace Industry - Sunaero OPERENE GE Renewable Energy France Transénergie GEG U.R.B.S. OSER ENR Gerflor Ugitech PROVADEMSE Plateforme Technologique d’INSAVALOR GRDF Vents Du Nord RISPO (Réseau Interprofessionnel des sous-produits Green Law Avocat Verelec organiques) GreenFlex Vesta-System Savoie Mont Blanc Angels Groupe Streiff Vicat TUBA GRTgaz Vinci Energies - Cegelec Mobility UDIMEC This brochure is supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region Polytec - 19 rue des Berges CS 90064 - 38024 Grenoble - Cedex 1 - France +33 476 51 85 34 contact@tenerrdis.fr
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