FORGANNI Professeur associé Antonella - ESSCA

La page est créée Angelique Gregoire
Professeur associé Antonella

Département de rattachement: Management              Email:
et Environnement de l'Entreprise
Nationalité: Italie

  - Relations entre l’UE et la Chine
  - Droit de l’Union Européenne
  - Droit du commerce international

  - Politiques de l’Union européenne
  - Droit des affaires
  - Introduction au droit, au droit des contrats et au droit de la responsabilité civile
  - Droit et Internet
  - Commerce international et diagnostic export
  - Intégration européenne et environnement des entreprises
  - Introduction au droit et droit des obligations
  - Droit du marché intérieur
  - Droit international public
  - Propriété intellectuelle

Diplôme le plus élevé :
  2010         Doctorat (PhD), Droit international de l'économie, Université Bocconi,

  2007          Examen du Barreau en Italie, Droit, Barreau italien, Italie
  2003          Diplôme de niveau Master, Droit, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italie

Vie académique
  Depuis 2020 Professeur associé, ESSCA School of Management, France
  Depuis 2017 Responsable département, Management et Environnement de
              l'Entreprise, ESSCA School of Management, France

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Vie académique
  2015 - 2020 Professeur assistant, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2013 - 2015 Chargé de cours : université de Nantes, Ecole de design de Nantes et
              ESSCA, France
  2010 - 2012 Recherche Postdoctorale, China, granted by the « EU Science &
              Technology Fellowship Program China», Beijing Normal University, Chine
  2009 - 2010 Assistante d’enseignement, Université Bocconi, Italie
Autre expérience professionnelle
  2008 - 2010 Conseillère juridique, Federacciai – Italian Association of Steel Enterprises
  2004 - 2008 Conseillère juridique, Apindustria – Association of Small and Medium-sized

  2015 - 2015 Participation au rapport d'Etude : SONNTAG A., RANC D. (2015) Color,
              what Color ? Report on the fight against discrimination and racism in
              football, Paris, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
              Organization (UNESCO)., UNESCO
Service à la discipline
  2019 - 2019 Discussion sur les implications du Brexit, ESSCA School of Management,


  2010         EU Science and Technology Fellowship China, European Commission
  2006         Burse de doctorat, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

Articles à comité de lecture
  FORGANNI, A., H.REED, "Circumvention of Trade Defence Measures and Business
  Ethics", Journal of Business Ethics, Mars 2019, vol. 155, no. 1, pp. 29-40
  FORGANNI, A., "The Potential of Space Tourism for Space Popularisation : An
  Opportunity for the EU Space Policy ?", Space Policy, Août 2017, vol. 41, pp. 48-52
  DORDI, C., A.FORGANNI, "The Comitology Reform in the EU: Potential Effects on Trade
  Defence Instruments", Journal of World Trade, Avril 2013, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 359-389

Chapitres d’ouvrage
  ZANOBETTI, A., A.FORGANNI, "Scioglimento del l'unione civile (Art. 32 quater, L.
  31.05.1995, n. 218)" dans Codice della unioni civili e delle convivenze., M. Sesta Ed.,
  Giuffré, pp. 2331-2348, 2017

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FORGANNI, A., "The European Court of Justice" dans European Space Policy - European
  integration and the final frontier., HOERBER T., STEPHENSON P. Eds, Routledge, 2015
  FORGANNI, A., "La capacità di disporre per testamento (Art. 47, L. 31.05.1995, n. 218)"
  dans Codice delle successioni e donazioni., G Bonilini, M Confortini, G Mariconda Eds,
  Wolters Kluwer UTET Giuridica, 2015
  FORGANNI, A., "L’Unione europea e la Cina" dans La politica estera dell’Unione
  europea., Lang A., Mariani P, Giappichelli G Eds, Giuffré, chap. 6, pp. 105-145, 2014

Articles sans comité de lecture
  SHEN, W., A.FORGANNI, "The Role of Market Economy Status in EU-China Relations, in
  EU-CHINA Relations: New Directions, New Priorities", Friends of Europe - Blog, Juin
  2016, pp. 103
  FORGANNI, A., "La teoria dei contratti incompleti e la teoria dell’adempimento
  efficiente – I contributi dell’analisi economica del diritto in materia contrattuale",
  Apiappunti, Janvier 2008
  FORGANNI, A., "Il contratto di agenzia – Il recente intervento in materia della Corte di
  Giustizia delle Comunità europee", Apiappunti, Mai 2006
  FORGANNI, A., "La riforma della disciplina dell’attività di trasporto", Apiappunti, Mars
  FORGANNI, A., "Le regole d’origine", Apiappunti, Juillet 2005

  FORGANNI, A., "I contratti – Le basi giuridiche, le criticità ed alcune considerazioni
  pratiche sugli accordi commerciali", Apiappunti, Mai 2005
  FORGANNI, A., "Estero, un contratto che si rispetti", Apiappunti, Décembre 2004

  FORGANNI, A., "Garanzia del produttore / venditore – Aspetti legali", Apiappunti,
  Décembre 2004

Présentations dans des conférences avec actes
  FORGANNI, A., "The EU Drone Legislative Framework: How Is It Perceived in France?"
  dans The Drone Age: Issues, Actors and Perspectives, 2019, Brussels
  FORGANNI, A., "International legal framework, diplomacy and ISS security issues" dans
  49th UACES Annual Conference, 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
  FORGANNI, A., "Space Colonization: Jurisdiction and Other Legal Issues" dans UACES
  48th Annual Conference, 2018, Bath, Royaume Uni
  FORGANNI, A., "The Standstill of the European Integration Process and Reversibility
  Issues" dans EU*Asia Institute Research Seminar, 2018, Angers
  FORGANNI, A., "L’UE dans sa dimension interne et externe" dans Séminaire « Circuler
  en et hors Europe », Université d'Angers, 2018, Angers, France
  FORGANNI, A., "Space Colonization: Jurisdiction and Other Legal Issues" dans 9th
  ESSCA Space Policy Workshop, 2018, Angers, France
  FORGANNI, A., "The Standstill of the European Integration Process and Reversibility
  Issues" dans UACES annual conference, 2017, Cracovie, Pologne
  FORGANNI, A., "The Questioning of the Non-appropriation Principle in Outer Space and
  the EU" dans UACES annual conference, 2017, Cracovie, Pologne

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FORGANNI, A., "The implications of Brexit and devolution" dans The implications of
  Brexit for the Future Devolution in the North East and for the Northerns Powerhouse,
  2017, Newcastle, Royaume Uni
  FORGANNI, A., "The Potentials of Space Tourism" dans 7th ESSCA Space Policy
  Workshop: The Popularisation of Space – The Link between Science, Policy and Public
  Perception, 2016, Rome, Italie
  FORGANNI, A., "Trade Defence Instruments: The Attitude of the EU’s Member States
  towards China" dans UACES 46th Annual Conference, 2016, London, Royaume Uni
  FORGANNI, A., "Legal Aspects of Space Tourism and European Air and Space Policy"
  dans UACES 46th Annual Conference, 2016, London, Royaume Uni
  FORGANNI, A., "Status of the Drone Legislation in the EU" dans EU*Asia Institute
  Workshop, 2016, Angers, France
  FORGANNI, A., "EU-China Relations: Shifting Patterns" dans EU*Asia Institute Research
  Seminar, 2016, Angers, France
  FORGANNI, A., "Trade Defence Remedies against Imports from the EU: Recent Cases in
  India and China" dans 20th EU-Asia International Research Seminar, 2015, Bochum,
  FORGANNI, A., "A Comparative Study of Legal Instruments in the Fight Against Racism
  and Discrimination" dans 10th annual conference on Sport & EU, 2015, Angers, France
  FORGANNI, A., "EU and China Trade Relations: Circumvention of Trade Defence
  Measures" dans UACES 45th Annual Conference, 2015, Bilbao, Espagne
  FORGANNI, A., "Status of Drone Legislation in the European Union" dans UACES 45th
  Annual Conference, 2015, Bilbao, Espagne
  FORGANNI, A., "The European Union and China in the framework of the United Nations
  Conference on Trade and Development" dans 44th UACES Annual Research
  Conference, 2014, Cork, Irlande
  FORGANNI, A., "The Contribution of the European Court of Justice in the Development
  of the EU Space Policy" dans 44th UACES Annual Research Conference, 2014, Cork,
  FORGANNI, A., "The Recent EU Case-Law on EU Anti-Dumping Legislation and the the
  Reforming of the EU Trade Defence Legislation" dans China-EU School of Law
  Workshop The EU-China Trade Relations Between Classic Trade Disputes and
  Sustainability Issues, 2014, Bologna, Italie
  FORGANNI, A., "The contribution of the European Court of Justice in the development of
  the EU Space Policy" dans 5th ESSCA Space Workshop « Theorising Space and
  dependent concepts – potentials for a European space policy », 2014, Paris, France
  FORGANNI, A., "Renovated EU-China Relations?" dans UACES 43rd Annual Conference
  "Exchanging Ideas on Europe", 2013, Leeds, Royaume Uni
  FORGANNI, A., "The Role of China in Developing International Law" dans 7th Annual
  Conference of The European China Law Studies Association, 2012, Helsinki, Finlande
  FORGANNI, A., "Good Governance in Trade Defence Measures" dans “China’s Influence
  on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law”, 2012, Beijing, Chine (RPC)

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FORGANNI, A., "Doing Research in China: Results and Remarks." dans 2nd STF
  Conference “People-to-People Exchanges”, 2012, Beijing, Chine (RPC)
  FORGANNI, A., "Le relazioni tra Unione europea e Cina nell’ultimo decennio" dans “Le
  relazioni internazionali dell’Unione europea nell’esperienza post Lisbona”, 2011, Milan,
  FORGANNI, A., "Anti-dumping/Countervailing Measures in Sri Lanka – The Case of
  Circumvention" dans :“Conference on Antidumping Measures”, European Chamber of
  Commerce and Italia Embassy, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  FORGANNI, A., "Poster, Trade, Competition and Environment: Cross-area Law Issues’
  Effects on the EU-China Relationship" dans 1st STF Conference, EU-China Research: A
  New Approach, 2011, Beijing, Chine (RPC)
  FORGANNI, A., "Potential effects on trade policy of the “comitology” reform" dans
  Evaluation of the EU’s Trade Defence Instruments: Meeting with the Representatives of
  the EU Commission, 2010, Rome, Italie
  FORGANNI, A., "Competition law v. trade law, trade law v. environmental law: cross-
  area issues’ effects on EU-China relations" dans “STF Italian Researchers in China“,
  2010, Beijing, Chine (RPC)

Invité dans une conférence académique
  FORGANNI, A. - "Altiero Spinelli, un exemple de la contribution italienne à l’Union
  européenne" - 2014, Angers, France
  FORGANNI, A. - "Altiero Spinelli et la contribution italienne à l’Union européenne" -
  2014, Nantes, France
  FORGANNI, A. - "L’eau, un bien public" - 2013, Nantes

  FORGANNI, A. - "Valori etici e valori di mercato" - 2007, Brescia

  FORGANNI, A. - "La nuova revocatoria fallimentare" - 2007, Brescia

Note de Lecture
  FORGANNI, A. - "Book Review, P. Farah – R. Soprano, Dumping e Antidumping,
  IlSole24Ore, 2009. In : China-EU Law Journal, vol. 1, No.1-2, 3 p." - 2011, Milan

  FORGANNI, A. - "Poster, The Relationship between the European Union and China in the
  Last Ten Years, in 2nd STF Conference “People-to-People Exchanges" - 2012, Beijing,
  Chine (RPC)
  FORGANNI, A. - "Precepts of Case Law, Tribunale di Brescia. In :" - 2008, Brescia, Italie

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