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CAI BROMONT INTERNATIONAL 1*2*3* AVANT-PROGRAMME ATTELAGE DRIVING PRIZE LIST 22 – 26 Jun, 2022 June 22 – 26, 2022 ement of principles Equestrian Canada (EC), the national equestrian federation of Canada, supports adherence to the humane treatment of horses in all activities under its jurisdiction. All Persons shall be committed to: upholding the welfare of all horses, regardless of value, as a primary consideration in all activities; requiring that horses be treated with kindness, respect and compassion, and that they never be subject to mistreatment; ensuring that all Equestrians including owners, trainers and competitors, or their respective agents, use responsible care in the handling, treatment and transportation of their own horses as well as horses placed in their care for any purpose; providing for the continuous well-being of horses by encouraging routine inspection and consultation with health care professionals and competition officials to achieve the highest possible standards of nutrition, health, comfort and safety as a matter of standard operating procedure; providing current information on Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines and other equine health and welfare initiatives; continuing to support scientific studies on equine health and welfare; requiring owners, trainers and competitors to know and follow their sanctioning organization’s rules, and to work within industry regulations in all equestrian competitions; and actively promoting the development of and adherence to competition rules and regulations that protect the welfare of the horse. The standard by which conduct or treatment will be measured is that which a person who is informed and experienced in generally accepted equine training and competition procedures would determine to be neither cruel, abusive, nor inhumane. 4
Welfare of the horse The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences. 1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farrier and tack, and transportation. 2. Horses and Athletes must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. This encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids. 3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event. 4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement. 5. The FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise. A full copy of this Code can be obtained from the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King Hus- sein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telephone: +41 21 310 47 47. The Code is available in English & French. The Code is also available on the FEI’s website: 4
COMITÉ DE CONCOURS | SHOW COMMITTEE Directeur général / General Manager Commissaires / Stewards Roger Deslauriers, CAN Arlene Stanglemeier Conseiller technique / Technical Advisor Jennifer Matheson, USA Annonceur / Announcer Juges / Judges Nicho Meredith, USA Hardy Zantke, USA, FEI3* - President Secrétariat / Show Office Peter Tischer, GER, FEI2* tba Francois Bergeron, CAN, FEI2* Résultats / Scoring Ellen Ettenger, USA Chef de piste / Course Designer Marc Johnson, USA, FEI3* Maréchal-ferrant / Show Farrier Délégué technique/Technical Delegate Henning Lemcke, GER FEI 3* Marechal Cote, CAN Vétérinaire traitant/ Treating Vet Délégué vétérinaire FEI / FEI Veterinary Dr. Johanne Longtin, CAN Dr. Yves Rossier, CAN PRIX | AWARDS Rubans jusqu’à la 4e place pour la performance générale si le même meneur a concouru dans les trois épreuves de la même division. Les entrées sont éligibles pour les catégories de récompenses annuelles de Canada Hippique ou encore du circuit provincial. Ribbons to 4th place overall where the same driver competes in all three competitions in the same division. Entries are eligible for all annual Equine Canada and provincial awards. categories.MPIONNAT CANADIEN | CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP Pour les divisions préliminaires, intermédiaires, CAI2* et CAI3* le meilleur pointage canadien sera éligible pour le Championnat canadien 2022. Best scoring Canadian entries in preliminary, intermediate, CAI2* and CAI3* division are eligible for the 2022 Canadian Championship Driver awards. DÉCLARATION DE CH | EC STATEMENT «Conformément à l’article A801, par son inscription à un concours sanctionné par Canada Equestre, la personne responsable consent à ce que le propriétaire, le locataire, l’entraîneur, le gérant, l’agent, l’instructeur, le meneur ou le cavalier et le cheval soient assujettis aux dispositions des statuts et des règlements de Canada Equestre et à tout règlement supplémentaire établi par le concours. Chaque concurrent, en quelque qualité que ce soit, à un concours sanctionné par Canada Equestre est responsable de bien connaître les statuts et les règlements applicables de Canada Equestre, ainsi que tout règlement supplémentaire établi par le concours, s’il y a lieu. Ne participez pas à ce concours en quelque qualité que ce soit si vous refusez d’être assujetti aux statuts et aux règlements de Canada Equestre et à tout autre règlement établi par le concours. » “Per Article A801, every entry at an EC - sanctioned competition shall constitute an agreement by the person responsible that the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver or rider and horse shall be subject to the EC constitution and all rules of EC and any additional rules set by the competition. It is the responsibility of all individuals participating in any capacity in EC - sanctioned competitions to be knowledgeable regarding the EC constitution and the applicable rule s of EC and the additional rules, if any, imposed by the competition. Do not participate in this EC - sanctioned competition in any capacity if you do not consent to be bound by the constitution and rules of EC and any additional rules imposed by the competition. ” 6
INTERNATIONAL D’ATTELAGE DE BROMONT **Sélection CE & USEF pour les Championnats du monde en simple et en quatre-en-mains Formulaires et informations disponibles sur International d’attelage de Bromont est un concours sanctionné Platine de Canada Equestre, 11 Hines, bureau 201, Ottawa, Ontario K2K 2X1 et est assujetti aux règlements de CH. Chaque épreuve proposée dans le présent document est assujettie aux règlements et spécifications des règlements en vigueur de CH et sera tenue et jugée conformément au Manuel des règlements de CE. La responsabilité revient à tous les participants des concours d’attelage de connaître le Règlement des concours et de s’y soumettre tel qu’indiqué dans ce manuel. Les meneurs devraient être pleinement instruits des particularités de la classe dans laquelle ils participent. (C101.5) INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES Date de concours : 24 au 26 juin 2022 Reconnu : FEI, CH, & ADS Début des inscriptions : 1 mai 2022 Clôture des inscriptions : 3 juin 2022 Mode d’acceptation : basé sur la date de réception Classes : Chevaux, poneys, TPE Niveau : Entraînement, Préliminaire, Intermédiaire, Division : Simple, paire, arbalète, 4-en-mains FEI 1*, FEI 2*, FEI 3* Qualification spéciale : Veuillez vous référer aux règlements de Canada Equestre (C916.16 & C913) et de la FEI. Deuxième entrée : Les équipages supplémentaires sont assujettis aux exigences d’horaire du concours. Les grooms sont autorisés à concourir sur plus d’un véhicule. (H943.2) Organisateur et secrétariat : 450, chemin de Gaspé, CP98, Bromont, Québec, J2L 1A9 FRAIS D’INSCRIPTION Chèque payable à : International d’attelage de Bromont Entraînement, Préliminaire, Intermédiaire, FEI 1* : 275 $ FEI 2*, FEI 3* : 350 $ Stalles: 200 $ (sans litière) Ripe 9 $ foin : 14 $ Frais de retard: 75$ Remboursement (entrée) : lettre vétérinaire ou médecin, moins 100$. Remboursement (stalle) : Les stalles ne seront pas remboursées. Banquet des meneurs: 35 $/personne FRAIS DE LICENSES SPORTIVES Entraînement & Préliminaire : Bronze Intermédiaire : Argent CAN : Or FEI : Platine Les membres CH doivent être en règle avec leur License sportive. Les Américains membres en règle de l’ADS et de la USEF sont exemptés de fournir une licence sportive. TESTS DE DÉPISTAGE, PASSEPORTS & IDENTIFICATION Entraînement et Préliminaire : 3.50$ Intermédiaire/CAN : 7$ FEI : 46$ Tout cheval prenant part à toute épreuve d’un concours peut, dès qu’il se trouve sur les lieux du concours être désigné pour subir un test de contrôle antidopage. All horses attending Equestrian Canada sanctioned competitions must have met the requirments of Article A519, Vaccinations. See Rules of Equestrian Canada, Section A, General Regulations, Article A519, Vaccinations, Tous les chevaux participants doivent avoir un certificat de santé valide, un test Coggins négatif, et preuve de vaccination contre l’influenza et rhino et Equine Herpes Virus (1 & 4) dans les 6 dernier mois. Tous les chevaux prenant part aux division CAI1*, CAI2* & CAI 3* doivent détenir un passeport FEI valide. Tous les chevaux des divisions FEI doivent être enregistré à la FEI et détenir un certificat de vaccination valide. AUTRES INFORMATIONS Un test Coggins négatif datant au plus tard du 1er janvier 2022 est requis. Écurie: Écurie permanente de 80 stalles et écurie semi-permanente toit (espace de 117 stalles) Nourriture disponible sur le site : du 24 au 26 juin 2022 Hébergements : 7
BROMONT INTERNATIONAL DRIVING **EC & USEF Selection Trials for 2022 World Single & 4-in-hands Championship Entry forms and more information at Bromont International Driving event is a sanctioned Platinum competition member of Equestrian Canada, 11 Hines, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario K2K 2X1 and is governed by the rules of Equestrian Canada. Every class offered herein is covered by the rules and specifications of the current rules of Equestrian Canada and will be held and judged in accordance with the EC Rule Book. All participants at driving c o m p e t i t i o n s are responsible f o r complete k n o w l e d g e of and compliance with the rules of competition as set forth in the EC Rulebook. Drivers should also be fully cognizant of the class specifications. (C101.5) SHOW INFORMATION Competition dates : June 24 -26, 2022 Rated : FEI, EC & ADS Entries open : May 1, 2022 Entries closed : June 3, 2022 Acceptance : Completed entry based on date received Classes : Horse, pony, Small Pony, Division : Training, Preliminary, Inter., FEI 1*, FEI 2*, FEI 3* VSE Turnout : Single, pair, Four-in-hands. Tandem and unicorn also in non-FEI classes only Special qualification : Please refer to EC Rules (913) & FEI Rules. Second entry: Accepted subject to scheduling requirements. (943.2) Organizer and Show Office: 450, chemin de Gaspé, CP98, Bromont, Québec, J2L 1A9 FEES Make cheques payable to : Bromont International Driving Training , Preliminary, Intermediate, FEI 1*: $275 FEI 2*, FEI 3* : $350 Stalls: $200 (no bedding) Shaving $9 Hay : $14 Late Fee: $75 Competitors’ party: $35/person Refund policy (entry): After closing date less $100 with a doctor certificate or veterinarian letter. Refund policy (stall) : No refund SPORT LICENSES (Canadians only) Training & Preliminary : Bronze Intermediate : Silver CAN : Gold FEI : Platinum EC members must have a valid sport license. Americans with valid ADS and USEF memberships are exempt from Sport License requirements. DRUG TESTS, PASSPORTS & IDENTIFICATION Training & Preliminary : $4 Intermediate/CAN : $7 FEI : $46 Any horse entered in any class at a competition may, while at the event location, be selected for equine medication control testing. All horses attending Equestrian Canada sanctioned competitions must have met the requirements of Article A519, Vaccinations. See Rues of Equestrian Canada, Section A, General Regulations, Article A519, Vaccinations. All participating Horses must have a valid health certificate, negative Coggins test* and proof of Flu/Rhino and Equine Herpes Virus (1&4) within 6 months. All horses taking part in CAI-1*, CAI-2*, CAI-3* are required to have a valid FEI passport. All Horses entered in FEI class must be properly registered with the FEI and must have a valid vaccination certificate. *Coggins Test : Negative test (no older than January 1st, 2022) required Stables: Permanent stable of 80 stalls and new semi-permanent stable (117 stalls) Food concession : From June 24 to June 26, 2022 Lodging : 8
HORAIRE | SCHEDULE Mercredi 22 juin / Wed. June 22, 2022 Samedi 25 juin / Sat. June 25, 2022 1 PM Ouverture des écuries & secretariat 9 AM Marathon Opening of the stables &Show Office Dimanche 26 juin / Sun. June 26, 2022 8:30 AM Inspection attelée Jeudi 23 juin / Thurs. June 23, 2022 Inspection in harness 10 AM Inspection des chevaux toute division Obstacles Horses Inspection all divisions 1 PM Epreuve de dressage 100 metre/ Dressage competition – 100 meter ring Vendredi 24 juin / Fri. June 24, 2022 9 AM Épreuve de dressage 80 metre/ Dressage competition – 80 meter ring ÉVÉNEMENTS SOCIAUX | SOCIAL EVENTS Samedi 25 juin / Sat. June 25, 2022 Jeudi 23 juin / Thurs. June 23, 2022 6h30 PM Banquets des meneurs 6 PM Soirée d’accueil des compétiteurs Competitors’ Party Réservez sur le formulaire d’inscription Competitors’ briefing and Welcome Party Please reserve on entry form INFORMATION TECHNIQUE | COMPETITION TECHNICAL INFORMATION NA DRESSAGE TESTS MARATHON SECTIONS CONES CLEARANCE Training Singles/Pairs ADS Training B: 80 Meter ring Up to 5 obs; 3 gates; 8-12 km Training Four-in-Hands ADS Training B: 100 Meter ring same Standardized Cones/ Obstacles settings shall be in Preliminary Singles/Pairs ADS Preliminary B: 80 Meter Up to 6 obs; 4 gates; 8-14 km the following divisions: i Preliminary Four-in-Hands ADS Preliminary B: 100 Meter Training, Preliminary & Intermediate Clearance : 973.1.9 Intermediate Singles/Pairs ADS Intermediate A: 80 Meter Up to 6 obs; 5 gates; up to 15 km Speeds : 975.9.5 ring Intermediate Four-in-Hands ADS Intermediate A: 100 Meter same See above ring FEI 1* FEI 1*B: 100 Meter ring n/a CAI2* Horse/Pony Single FEI v3 Test CAI 2* HP1: 80 Article 960: 5 - 7 obs: up to Meter ring 6 gates; 10 – 18 km CAI2* Horse/Pony Pair & FEI v2 Test CAI 2* HP2 – HP4 Article 960: 5 - 7 obs: up to 6 gate: 10 – 18 km Four in Hand 80 Meter ring Clearance and Speeds per FEI rules CAI3* Horse/Pony Single FEI v4 CAI HP1: 80 Meter ring Article 960: 6 - 8 obs: up to 6 gates; 10 – 18 km CAI3* Horse/Pony Pair & FEI v3 Test 3*HP2 – HP4: 80 Pony Four in Hand Meter ring CAI3* Horse Four in Hand FEI 3*B H4: 100 Meter ring 9
REGLEMENTS | RULES 1. Tous les concurrents canadiens doivent détenir une licence sportive de Canada Equestre en fonction de la plus haute division dans laquelle il participe. Les photocopies doivent accompagner l’entrée ou être fourni à l’événement avant la permission pour participer. Les navigateurs DOIVENT être des membres OPS pour des questions d’assurance. L’adhésion OPS est dirigée par la province de résidence (Cheval Québec pour le Québec; OEF à l’Ontario; etc). All Canadian competitors must hold a current Equestrian Canada Sport License based on the highest division entered. Photocopies must accompany entry or be provided at event before being allowed to participate. Grooms MUST be current PSO members for insurance purposes. PSO membership is governed by the province of residence (Cheval Québec, OEF, etc). 2. Tous les compétiteurs américains doivent être des membres actuels de la USEF ou de l’ADS et fournir une copie de l’assurance PL&PD ainsi que des cartess de membership. La licence sportive de Canada Equestre et l’adhésion PSO ne sont pas requises. All American competitors must be current members of USEF or ADS and supply copies of membership cards and PL&PD insurance. An Equestrian Canada Sport license or PSO membership is not required. 3. Toute personne à cheval ou à bord d’un attelage sur les lieux d’un concours sanctionné par CE doit être coiffée en tout temps d’un casque protecteur approuvé et attaché et du bracelet remis par le secrétariat indiquant que la déclaration de responsabilité a été remise et signée. Voir Article C928 At all times, persons mounted or aboard a carriage at an EC-sanctioned event location must wear properly fastened, approved protective headgear and an office-issued wrist band indicating a signed liability waiver/ disclaimer on file. See Article C928. 4. Ordre des départs : réalisation aléatoire par ordinateur. Voir Article 948.1 pour divisions FEI. Order of go: Based on random computer generation. See Article 948.1 for FEI classes. 5. Requête spéciale d’horaire : Les meneurs ayant plus d’une entrée ou qui partagent de l’équipement ou un navigateur avec d’autres participants doivent inclure leur requête sur le formulaire d’inscription. Special scheduling requests: Drivers with more than one entry or sharing equipment or coaches with multiple students must include the request with their Entry Form. Requests will be accommodated with best efforts based on scheduling requirements and/or physical limitations. All special requests must be delivered to the Show Office before 5 PM Wednesday June 22, 2022 6. Navigateur: Tous les meneurs doivent avoir un navigateur à bord du véhicule pour le marathon sauf pour les attelages en simple, avec des montures de moins de 120 cm Grooms: All drivers must have a groom(s) on the vehicle for Marathon with the exception of single turnouts with equines under 120 cm. 7. MENEUR et NAVIGATEUR doivent signer la décharge avant d’être autorisé à participer et devront porter le bra- celet disponible au secrétariat de concours. BOTH DRIVER, GROOM and all Essential Personnel must sign required waivers/disclaimers before being permitted to participate and wear a wristband available from the show office. See #3 above. 8. Les classes de moins de 3 participants pourront être combinées à la discrétion du CO. Classes of less than 3 entries may be combined at the discretion of show management for award purposes. 9. Les numéros d’entrée et les numéros de bride doivent être visibles en tout temps sur le site du concours. Le numéro d’inscription doit être visible en tout temps sur la voiture. Horse bridle numbers must be displayed and visible at all times when the horse is out of his stall. Entry numbers must be visible on the carriage at all times while put to. 10. Règles : L’événement sera conduit sous les règles de Canada Equestre (Section H - combiné d’attelage). Une liste des différences entre Canada Hippique, USEF et l’ADS sera disponible. Rules: the event will be conducted under Equestrian Canada Section C rules.. A list of competition rule differences between Equestrian Canada, USEF and ADS will be posted and available. 11. Les membres USEF souhaitant concourir dans les épreuves entraînement, préliminaire et intermédiaire ne sont pas obligés d’avoir une lettre de permission de la USEF (entente de réciprocité entre USEF et CE). USEF members wishing to compete in Training, Preliminary and Intermediate Classes are not required to have a National 10
Permission Letter from USEF as specified under the Reciprocity Agreement between USEF and Equestrian Canada. 12. Les meneurs peuvent utiliser une voiturette de golf of un ATV pour l’inspection du parcours et pour se déplacer sur le site. Les véhicules doivent être conduit par un individu détenant un permis de conduire valide. Drivers may use golf carts and ATVs for transport and course inspection on the grounds. Golf Carts and ATVs can be driven only by a person with a valid driver license. 13. Compte tenu de l’option CAC, les inscription H/C ne seront pas acceptées. H/C entries will be accepted. 14. Durant la période de préparation sur le site et la période du mandat, aucune personne âgée de 14 ans ou moins ne peut être dans la voiture (sauf dans le cas des épreuves Enfant.) During the On Site Preparation Period and the Period of Jurisdiction, no person under the age of 14 may be on a carriage (except for Children classes). 15. Dans une compétition sanctionnée par CE, les athlètes doivent indiqués sur le formulaire d’inscription le nom de leur Entraîneur reconnu par CE ou indiqué qu’ils n’en ont pas. Les Entraîneurs provenant des autres pays doivent être en règle avec leurs fédérations nationales respectives et doivent fournir une preuve d’assurance. Voir le règlement de CE, Section A, Règlements Généraux, Article 102, Environnement Sportive Sécuritaire. When registering for EC sanctioned competitions, athletes must indicate the name of their coach on the entry form or specify that they are selfcoached. Coaches from other countries, must be in good-standing with their home federation and must declare/have proof of insurance . See Rules of Equestrian Canada, Section A, General Regulations, Article 102, Safe Sport Environments. 16. La liste des prix d’argent va comme suit:/ Prize Money will be paid as follows:: Class Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th CAI 3* Single Pony $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Pair Pony $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Single Horse $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Pair Horse $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Four in Hand $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 Horse Class Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th CAI 3* Single Pony $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Pair Pony $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Single Horse $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Pair Horse $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 CAI 3* Four in Hand $500 $175 $125 $100 $75 $25 Horse All Prize money will be paid by check within 30 days of the close of the competition to the Owner of the Horse Unless other arrangements have been made in writing. Tous les prix en argent seront payés par chèque dans les 30 jours suivant la fin du concours au propriétaire du cheval sur avis contraire un arrangement doit être signalé par écrit. 10
INTERNATIONAL DʼATTELAGE BROMONT. JUNE 23 - 26 JUIN 2022 DATE DE FERMETURE: 3 JUIN, 2022 CLOSING DATE: JUNE 3RD, 2022 Mailing Address : 450, chemin de Gaspé, Bromont,QC, J2L 2P4 AUCUNE INSCRIPTION ACCEPTÉE SANS SIGNATURE Fax: 450-534-0417 | Office : 450-534-3255| Event Cell Phone : 803-292-3064 | NO ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PROPER SIGNATURES Please make checks payable to Bromont International Driving. Payable à l’International d’attelage de Bromont DOB MENEUR | DRIVER 1 NOM | NAME DD / MM / YY #EC #PTSO NÉ LE #USEF #ADS ADRESSE, VILLE, CODE POSTAL | ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE @ TEL: DOB XXXXXXX / Coach NOM | NAME DD / MM / YY #EC #PTSO NÉ LE #USEF #ADS ADRESSE, VILLE, CODE POSTAL | ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE @ TEL: DOB GROOM | NAVIGATEUR 1 NOM | NAME DD / MM / YY #EC #PTSO NÉ LE #USEF #ADS DOB GROOM | NAVIGATEUR 2 NOM | NAME DD / MM / YY #EC #PTSO NÉ LE #USEF #ADS PERSONNE RESPONSABLE | PERSON RESPONSIBLE NOM | NAME #EC #PTSO #USEF #ADS Refer to EC Rulebook, Section A1011. Veuillez vous référer au règlement A1011 de CE SIGNATURE TEL INSCRIPTION | ENTRY FORMAT NIVEAU | ENTRY LEVEL NIVEAU | ENTRY LEVEL TRAINING INTERMEDIATE CAI2* PRELIMINARY FEI 1* CAI3* VEUILLEZ NOTER Dans tous les cas, le meneur/athlète doit être éligible pour chacune des compétitions/divisions inscrites (voir 913.3) | Preliminaire – avoir complété 2 CDE ou DT reconnus ou avoir l’expérience de meneur équivalente | In- termédiaire – avoir complété 3 CDE dans la division préliminaire | Avancé – avoir complété 4 CDE dans la division préliminaire ou intermédiaire | CAI-2* – avoir complété 2 CDE dans la division avancée; ou 1 CAI-B ou 2 CAI-1* avec dressage et cones. Il n’y a aucun pré-requis pour entrer dans les épreuves des divisions entraînement ou CAI1*. | ‘‘Completé” signifie sans élimination, disqualification, forfait ou retrait. Tous conducteurs doit etre enregistres dans leur discipline respective avec la FEI ET tous inscriptions dorvent entre envoyes a partir du system d'inscription de las FEI. PLEASE NOTE Drivers must be eligible for each division/competitions entered (see 913.3). | Preliminary – having completed 2 recognized CDEs or DTs or had equivalent driving experience | Intermediate – having completed 3 Preliminary division CDEs | There is no prior driver qualification to enter Training or CAI-1* division classes. | “Completed” means without elimination, disqualification, withdrawal or retiring. All FEI Drivers must be registered in their respective divisions with the FEI AND entries must also be submitted through the FEI Entry System. CATEGORIE | TURNOUT Simple | Single Pair(e) Tandem* Unicorn* 4 in hands DIVISION Cheval / Horse Large Pony Small Pony VSE
Special request regarding starting order (*) Event: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………….. Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Mobile phone: …………………………………….. Carriage Name of athlete Class Dressage Marathon Cones N° Reason for the request: ○ Same driver ○ Same groom ○ Same carriage ○ Driver is groom on another carriage ○ Other reason: …………………………………………………………………………………….. Other remark: Signature: (*) Art. 947.5: Except when art. 935.5.3 applies, any special request from Athletes regarding the starting order of their turnout(s) must be given to the Technical Delegate in writing within one hour after the Horse Inspection. All requests not handed in as per this article may not be considered.
The AMERICAN DRIVING SOCIETY, INC. DISCLAIMER and HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT This form must be signed by every competition participant or if a minor, their consenting parent, including each person who rides with a driver on a carriage not only during the actual competition but including any time from arrival at the competition to departure. I understand and agree that neither The American Driving Society, Inc. (“ADS”) and its officers, directors, the driving event competition (“Competition”), Competition judges, officials, workers, volunteers or organizing committee nor the property owners accept or shall have any responsibility of any nature whatsoever for accidents, damage, injury or illness to the horses, owners, riders, drivers, grooms, passengers, attendants, spectators or any other person or property in connection with this competition. I hereby expressly agree without any limitation or condition for myself and my principals, representatives, employees, agents and assigns: (1) to be bound by the rules and bylaws of the ADS and any local rules of this Competition; (2) that every horse, driver, attendant, groom and/or passenger is eligible as entered; and (3) to accept as final any decision of the Competition officials on any question arising under the ADS rules and bylaws or any local rules of this Competition. I also agree, without any limitation or condition, to hold the ADS, its officers, directors, employees and agents, and Competition judges, officials and organizing committee, harmless from any and all liability, loss, claims or actions, causes of action, judgments or demands of any nature whatsoever. I am fully aware and appreciate that equine sports, including driving in this particular Competition involve inherent dangerous risk of serious injury or death. By participating I do so voluntarily and expressly assume any and all risks of injury to me or loss of my horse(s) or equipment. I agree to release and voluntarily waive the right to sue the ADS, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, stewards, Competition judges, personnel, volunteers, officials, and organizing committee, including their agents and employees from and against all claims for damages, including money damages, for any action taken or otherwise any harm caused by me or my horse to others, including whether arising from directly or indirectly from the negligence of the ADS or the Competition. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the ADS its officers, directors, employees, clinicians, members, volunteers, coaches, representatives, assigns, Competition judges, officials and organizing committee, their agents and employees from any and all claims for loss or injury caused by me or my horse that occur during or in conjunction with this Competition. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the ADS and/or this Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cablecasts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of this Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition, sport, or the ADS. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable ADS rules and all the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. Name and Date of Competition: DRIVER Signature: Groom/Navigator Parent or Guardian must sign if under 18) Passenger/Attendant Signature: Print name above: Print name above: Groom/Navigator Groom/Navigator Passenger/Attendant Signature: Passenger/Attendant Signature: Print name above: Print name above: □ I have an ADS, FEI, or USEF Dispensation Certificate. (Attach a copy.) ADS Form Date 7/3/2019
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