Cartels 2020 - New Lacanian School
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Cartels 2020 I. Lectures fondamentales II. La voie du mathème III. Ethique et la formation du psychanalyste IV. L'acte psychanalytique dans la cure V. Investigations cliniques VI. Place de la psychanalyse dans la Santé mentale VII. Topologie du champ freudien VIII. Institutions psychanalytiques IX. Le désir d'autre chose dans la culture X. Psychanalyse avec les enfants
I) Lectures fondamentales Cartel 1 - The Four Discourses Kastanidou Sofia (plus-un) 139, Lysikratous Str 17675 Athens Greece (+30) 6948 053 558 The discourse of the Analyst in the 21st century Alexiadi Katerina 25, Kosti Palama Str. P. Psychiko 154 52 Athens Greece (+30) 6936 717 978 The discourse of the University and the "May of ‘68" Andrianopoulou Effrosyni 14, Anacreodos Str. 131 36 Athens Greece (+30) 6977 084 141 The discourse of the University in the analytical act Dimou Maria 48-50, Amalthias Str. Ymittos 172 36 Athens Greece (+30) 6974 374 874 The discourse of the Master and the Kozefian theory of the "End of History" Kontogeorgi Polina 3, Pythagora Str. Peiraeus 185 33 Athens Greece (+30) 6942 066 157 The discourse of the Hysteric
Cartel 2 - Discourses Arenas Gerardo (plus-un) Viamonte 1876 1429 Buenos Aires Argentina 54 9 11 3690-4980 Capitalism and the four discourses Ahearne Mariz Liza 2480 Shutter Street, Suite 1 CA 94116 San Francisco USA 1 415 580 1639 Discourses and evaporation of the father Bulkens An 16 Carriage Lane CA 95926 Chico USA 1 530 321 2970 Interpretation and construction in Lacan's late teachings Cantarini Maria Vidal 4380 1429 Buenos Aires Argentina 54 9 11 2728 0995 Pornography from a Lacanian perspective Foronda Alicia 555 Soquel Ave CA 95062 Sta Cruz USA 1 669 245 8581 Formation of the Analyst
Cartel 3 - Interpreting Desire, Interpreting Jouissance Wolf Bogdan (plus-un) 31 Langland Gardens NW36QE London United Kingdom +447702166584 Evolution of desire throughout Lacan's teaching Duchenne Nicolas 1 Quebec Way SE16 7ES Rotherhithe, London UK +44 (0)20 7097 8946 Desire, analyst's discourse and interpretation. Hijazi Skyler 5 Bethersden Close, BR3 1PD Beckenham UK +44 (0)7860546639 Interpretation and its resonances for political fantasy and sexual politics. Huws Sioned Flat A, 124 Evelyn Street SE8 5DD London UK +44 (0)208 691 7064 Desire in motion in dance and in analysis: how speech moves the body, the corpo-real and interpretation as the cut. Skarvelis Nikolaos 161 Harringay Road, N15 3HP London UK +44 (0)7599927291 Feminine and masculine desires in obsessional neurosis and their interpretations.
Cartel 4 - L'être et l'un Veras Marcelo (plus-un) Rua da Graviola 468/701 41820-360 Salvador Bahia Brasil +5571 999254637 L'un et le narcissisme primaire freudian Béraul Anne 713 avenue Champagneur H2V 3P9 Montréal Canada +1 514 814 39 58 Bouts de réel et réel sinthomatique Rouault Mercedes 5386, rue Jeanne Mance H2V 4K4 Montreal Canada +1 514 616 0477 La voix, pulsion invocante, du cri à la parole et son retour. Roy Eléa 8183 rue Foucher H2P 2B6 Montreal Canada + 1 514 895 6256 Évènement de corps du parlêtre - statut de l’Autre Silveira Rosa Fernando 1487 Bd St Joseph Est, # 1 H2J 1M6 Montreal Canada + 1 438 397 49 54 Le réel de l'écriture
Cartel 5 - L'interprétation dans le séminaire l'Être et l'Un Vander Vennet Luc (plus-un) Jakob Heremansstraat 5 9000 Gand Belgique 0032 476 237 047 Le rêve index du réel De Bois Tom R. Warnefordstraat 59 9040 Gand Belgique 0032 479 07 31 01 L'interprétation et le corps Hannon Dewi Krijgslaan 76 9000 Gand Belgique 0032 484 73 20 07 Répétition et réitération Mortier Katrien Onderwijsstraat 6 9000 Gand Belgique 0032 477 36 40 41 Che Vuoi ? Van Compernolle Els Wolterslaan 17 9O40 Gand Belgique 0032 497 42 45 74 Interprétation entre parole et écriture
Cartel 6 - L'objet voix Beeckaert Lieselot (plus-un) Sijselestraat 48 E 3 8730 Oedelem BE 0032 479 54 72 91 La voix, le chant et la musique. De Buck van Overstraeten Monique Sint-Kristoffelstraat 99 8310 Assebroek BE 0032 475 74 02 80 De stem voorbij het woord. Pauwels Leen Overleiestraat 113 8530 Harelbeke BE 0032 491 74 68 17 De stem: object, instrument, lichaamsevenement. Roex Catherine Kerkebeekstraat 86 8490 Varsenare BE 0032 498 54 06 13 Sublimatie in muziek. Tempelaere Veerle Leo d'Hulsterlaan 6 8700 Tielt BE 0032 474 50 14 23 La voix dans la cure.
Cartel 7 - La théorie de Freud dans l'enseignement de Lacan Zhyrova Lyudmyla (plus-un) rue Predslavynska, 12, app.171 03150 Kiev Ukraine +380665713048 L'énonciation et l'interprétation ALOSHYNA YULIIA boulevard Centralny 19a, app. 59 69005 Zaporijjia Ukraine +380681862691 Le transfert Fadieieva Marharyta rue Verbitskoho 28b, app.50 02121 Kiev Ukraine +38094402786 L'identification, l'autre et l'Autre dans l'imaginaire Karpenko Uliya rue Biruzova, 3a 390039 Riazan Russie +7 920 978 07 21 Le sujet et son désir Mishchenko Oksana rue Nakhimova, 55 40002 Sumy Ukraine +380500107271 Le fantasme infantile Ratieieva Viktoriia rue Kyznechnaya 44/2 40020 Sumy Ukraine +38050 735 0373 Les concepts freudiens chez Lacan
Cartel 8 - Le Séminaire II : Le Moi dans la théorie de Freud et dans la technique de la psychanalyse Kastanidou Sophia (plus-un) 139, rue Lyssikratous 176 75 Athènes Grèce ( +30) 6948 053 558 Le grand Autre dans le Séminaire II Alexandris Christian Istiaia 342 00 Evia Grèce (+30) 6946 517 777 Introduction du Grand Autre Kalyva Adamantia 9, rue Kleovoulis Zografos 157 73 Athènes Grèce (+30) 6957 634 090 La position de la fonction symbolique dans le Moi Kontogeorgi Polina 3, rue Pithagora 185 33 Pirée Grèce (+30) 6942 066 157 La lettre volée Kyriakou Despina 102, rue Mecina Zografos 157 71 Athènes Grèce (+30) 6944 106 540 Le réel dans le rêve de l'injection faite à Irma
Cartel 9 - Le stade du miroir. Séminaire 1 Onoshko Fedir (plus-un) rue Kharkivska 12, app. 100 40024 Sumy Ukraine +380508330844 Le transfert sur l'axe imaginaire et sur l'axe symbolique Dushyna Maryna rue Hero?v Krut 4, app. 43 40034 Sumy Ukraine +380979551905 Le "moi" et la subjectivité Khoruzha Olha avenue Lushpy 52, app. 170 40034 Sumy Ukraine +38066 144 35 32 La construction de l'image de moi Kolisnyk Lyudmyla rue Lermontova 13-72 40004 Sumy Ukraine +380976061085 L'Autre du sujet pervers Muntaniol Viktoriia rue Kyivska 15, app. 59 10014 Jytomyr Ukraine +380672669306 Le "moi idéal" et l'Idéal du Moi dans l'enseignement de Lacan
Cartel 10 - Le temps et la poétique de l'interprétation Linardou-Blanchet Nassia (plus-un) Asklipiou 122 11471 ATHENES GRECE 00306973025121 L'analyste et le poète Grammatopoulos Yannis Plapouta 50 11473 ATHENES GRECE 00306907003380 Le temps dans la cure du névrosé obsessionnel: L'Homme aux rats Kontou Charis Asklipiou 107 11472 ATHENES GRECE 00306978200036 La poétique de l'interprétation Liva Dionysia Kriton 12 11744 ATHENES GRECE 00306946825477 Le phallus comme signifiant dans sa relation avec le temps Molari Eleni Nikis 23 17455 ALIMOS GRECE 0030693243358 La séance courte
Cartel 11 - Lecture du Séminaire XI " Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse” de Jacques lacan Galina Guz (plus-un) rue R.Luksemburg, 3 83001 Donetsk Ukraine +380714510245 Le transfert et le désir du psychanalyste Ilya Zenthenkov rue Osadnaya, 17 38045 Donetsk Ukraine +380713068979 L'angoisse et un symptôme Marina Romanova rue A.Dovgenko, 14B 04210 Kiev Ukraine +38050662111376 L’impulsion et les voies de sa manifestation Olga Joga. rue Sovetskaya, 16 86140 Makeevka Ukraine +380713508032 L'inconscient dans le rêve Serge Ivanov rue Gagarina, 55 84626 Gorlovka Ukraine 380714271855 Xxxxx La fonction de la répétition et sa connexion avec le signifiant.
Cartel 12 - Les 4 concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse Stryha Vitalii (plus-un) 11, rue Myasoedovskaya, app.18 65007 Odessa Ukraine +380970400579 Le séminaire "Les 4 concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse" Bashmakova Olena 15, rue Botcharova, app.121 65025 Odessa Ukraine +380682028463 Le concept du transfert dans le séminaire de Jacques Lacan "Les 4 concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse" Diaur Serhii 172, route Lustdorfskaya, app. 52 65113 Odessa Ukraine +380677385862 Le concept de l'inconscient dans le séminaire de Jacques Lacan "4 concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse" Timer-Bulatov Ihor 15, rue Botcharova, app.121 65025 Odessa Ukraine +380976942546 Le concept de la répétition dans le séminaire de Jacques Lacan "Les 4 concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse" Timer-Bulatov Boris 85, rue Ekaterininskaya, app.19 65012 Odessa Ukraine +380934661805 Le concept de la pulsion dans le séminaire de Jacques Lacan "Les 4 concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse"
Cartel 13 - Reading Seminar XVII Voruz Veronique (plus-un) 12 Seymour Rd LE21TQ Leicester UK 00447899930218 Formalising the analytic experience as a discourse without speech Anderson Ines 2205-235 Sherway Gardens Rd ON M9C 0A2 Toronto Canada 1(647) 770-7205 Knowledge and Jouissance Hawkes Claire 1-2 Leeson St Lower 2 Dublin Ireland 00353-861627865 The analyst's desire in relation to the four discourses Sands Chris 8 Gladstone Street LE12 5LE Hathern UK 07731540218 two seminars, discrepancies, the art world Weil Tammy p.o.b 4 7683000 Ganey Hadar Israel +972 528900198 Resistances to supervision
Cartel 14 - Séminaire XVII, L’ envers de la psychanalyse Blanchet Réginald (plus-un) Asklipiou 122 114 72 Athènes Grèce +30 (210) 64 67 308 Le discours du maître, matrice du discours. Agapaki Polina 20, rue C. Paleologou 104 38 Athènes Grèce +306974711061 La jouissance dans les 4 discours Koukouli Eleni 5, rue Kanari 153 51 Pallini - Athènes Grèce +30 694 29 46 108 L’enfant et le savoir Theodoropoulou Sophia 34, rue Ithakis 111 46 Athènes Grèce +30 6937-226002 Le savoir et la jouissance dans le séminaire XVII
Cartel 15 - Seminar III : The Psychoses Kastanidou Sofia (plus-un) 139, Lysikratous Str. 176 75 Athens Greece (+30)6948 053 558 The Other in psychosis Koutsokosta Nikoleta 1, Frixou & Attalou Str. 134 51 Athens Greece (+30) 6986 649 395 Eros and psychosis Moraïtis Tilemachos 13,Maniakiou Str. 121 36 Athens Greece (+30) 6988 060 210 Science, art, in psychosis. Mourto Stella 13,Pavlousi Str. 185 39 Athens Greece (+30) 6970 495 709 Litterature and psychosis Vraila Maria 7, Omirou Str. 187 55 Athens Greece (+30) 6948 925 948 Paranoia and psychosis
Cartel 16 - Seminar VII The Ethics of Psychoanalysis Chang Hsing-Wen (plus-un) K24/c, 2nd Floor, Hauz Khas Enclave 110016 New Delhi India +91 9871174580 Sade and the desire in psychoanalysis Mukhopadhyay Mohana R-114, Khidki Extension, Malviya Nagar, 110017 New Delhi India +91 9987917329 Why is Das Ding important to psychoanalysis? Amin Nazia IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas 110016 New Delhi India +91 9971162613 To think about the notions of "subject" and "ethics" through Lacanian psychoanalysis. Prakash Ravi 130/1, Upper Ground Floor, Hari Chakki Gali, Gautam Nagar 110049 New Delhi India +91 8447003994 Pleasure Principle, Reality Principle...and the Death Drive Wong Wing-Kwong K24/c, 2nd Floor, Hauz Khas Enclave 110016 New Delhi India +91 9958305595 Das Ding, the object, and death drive
Cartel 17 - Women in Psychonalysis Steinlechner Irene (plus-un) Lehmanngasse 21/7 1230 Vienna Austria 0043 69912030597 What about feminin jouissance and castration in clinic and theory? Fischer Judith Schönbrunner Straße 58/20 1050 Vienna Austria 0043 6706074490 Sinthomatic wrinting`s on the wall:Autofictional scribble? (for example Hilde Doolittle and Sam Smith) Geiling Maja Breitwiesergutstrasse 4/11 4020 Linz Austria 0043 6601191987 How is the influence of sexual identity in desire of women? Sorger-Domenigg Magda Josefstädterstr. 69/5 1080 Vienna Austria 00436504843509 What is the difference of the phallic jouissance, feminin jouissance and desire? Zorn Miriam Diefenbachgasse 46/17 1150 Vienna Austria 0043 6642603313 What are we talking about, when we talk about "women" in Psychoanalysis?
II) Ethique et la formation du psychanalyste Cartel 18 - Clinical observations within the Palestinian context Sbeit Khalil (plus-un) Livona 6/4 3438722 Haifa Israel / Palestine 00972(52)8470030 The Psychoanalytic discourse as contrary to the Master’s discourse Attoun Alaa Zat alnitaqein1 None Surbaher_East Jerusalem Palestine 00972546181110 How can the analyst avoid falling into the master discourse trap during the analysis process in clinic? Butma Murad Batter None Batter_ Bethlehem Palestine 00970598071511 The internal conflicts of the therapist and their effects on the treatment process. Elian Fida Al- Jabal st. None Kalandiyah Camp- East Jerusalem Palestine 00970598062273 Correspondences among clinical structures & current difficulties in the diagnostic field. Hamayel Bushra Al-Qadissiya st. None Ramallah Palestine 00970569691210 Repression and its impact on formation of the symptom Mohtaseb Malakah Al Eizariya main st. None Jerusalem-Al Eizariya Palestine 00970569202706 For what reasons do we fear the psychotic? How does the desire of the big Other affect the structure of child’s desire?
III) L'acte psychanalytique dans la cure Cartel 19 - Digitalité et transfert - quelle présence ? Strubbe Glenn (plus-un) Twaalfkameren 31 9000 Gent België +32488574501 Présence, la voix, la lettre. Béraud Anne 713 avenue Champagneur H2V 3P9 Montréal Canada +1 514 814 39 58 Présence du corps et réveil. Billiet Lieve Jakob Heremansstraat 5 9000 Gand Belgique 0032 9 2225375 Le désir de l’analyste au temps du confinement’ Van Compernolle Els Wolterslaan 17 9040 Gand Belgique +32 497 42 45 74 L'Autre rompu, l'analyste comme partenaire Vander Vennet Luc Jakob Heremansstraat 5 9000 Gand Balgique 0032 476 23 70 47 Le temporaire permanent Voruz Véronique 12 Seymour Rd LE21TQ Leicester UK + 44 (0) 789 9930218 “Donner corps à la voix”
Cartel 20 - Use of the dream in Lacan's later teaching Palomera Vicente (plus-un) Sant Gervasi de Cassoles 84, at, 4B 08022 Barcelona Spain 0034932128839 Dream and Trauma Aragon de Herrarte Luisa 23 ave. 7-50 zona 15 vista Hermosa 1 Edificio la rotonda Apto. 1 502 Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala 0050254822730 What about the Sinthome in the dream? Flomenbaum Margalit Zully Hamaguid 16 93114 Jerusalen Israel 972503316073 The dream and the field of lalangue Perazzo Andrea Beatriz Calle 8 nro. 235 e/36 y 37 1900 La Plata Argentina 0054(221)4833186 Dream as the royal road to the real unconscious Vitto Mariela Veilingstraat 163 3521BE Utrecht The Netherlands 0646243573 The use of the interpretation of dreams in Lacan's later teaching
IV) Investigations cliniques Cartel 21 - Coronavirus : la clinique interpellée Blanchet Blanchet (plus-un) 122, rue Asklipiou 114 71 Athènes Grèce +30 697 45 85 168 Le "care", production d’un nouveau sujet de la démocratie Karagianni Despina 65, rue Thessalonikis 185 45 Le Pirée Grèce +30 694 69 29 682 La période du confinement : quand l’Autre se tait Katsaros Panayotis Kifissias av. 81 115 23 Ampelokipi Grèce +30 693 23 58 178 Pour un réel qui menace et un réel qui sauve Koukouli Eleni Kanari 5 153 51 Pallini Grèce +30 694 29 46 108 L’enfer, c’est les autres Rigoutsou Eleni Frantzi 14 11473 Athènes Grèce +30 6973315917 Le réel de la science et le réel psychanalytique à l'époque du Covid 19 Stelletari Stella Akriton 59 14235 Nea Ionia, Athènes Grèce 697 3980835 Les effets du discours quand le corps est présent en séance / absent lors des séances via Skype
Cartel 22 - Following classic clinical case studies Zvili Sharon (plus-un) Tzvi herman shapira 5 64358 Tel Aviv Israel +972525946565 How to write the relation between body and space, following classic clinical case studies? Bar Nitzan Moria Hathiya 29 3708314 Pardes Hana Israel +972546762542 Starting from Dick’s case, how is it possible to scribe a subtraction, in the field of autism, that would catalyze a meaningful effect on the construction of the subject? Basok Yishay Ze'ev Jabotinsky 12 5126514 Bnei Brak Israel +972547601560 Following the case of the girl Piggy, and as a derivative of the ethics of treatment, How does an analyst position himself in relation to a young subject, and how does this effect the interpretation? Geffen Noa Hevron 10/13 63149 Tel Aviv Israel +972534260333 Learning about the concepts of identification, and object choice with the case of the young homosexual by Freud Weil Tammy p.o.b.4 7683000 Ganey Hadar Israel +972528900198 Analysis in a non-metrical space, following the case of Robert, the wolf child
Cartel 23 - La liberté ou la mort au temps du Covid-19 Ansermet François (plus-un) 9, rue du Midi 1003 Lausanne Suisse +41 21 311 15 18 Le facteur létal Karatzouni Maria Anna 28 Oktovriou 100 38 221 Volos Grèce +30 694 51 48 843 Être protégé/se protéger Koukouli Eleni Kanari 5 15351 Pallini Grèce +30 694 29 46 108 L’Autre indispensable/insupportable Théodoropoulou Sophia Ithakis 34 11146 Galatsi - Athènes Grèce + 30 693 77 26 002 L’enfant et le virus Toyas Danaé Germanou Karavaggeli 6 11523 Athènes Grèce +30 693 78 31 086 Le rêve, interprète du virus
Cartel 24 - La psychanalyse à l'épreuve de la pandémie Katsogianni Anastasia (plus-un) 5, rue Zoodochou Pigis 11678 Athènes Grèce +30 6979070338 Changement de la technique et acte analytique Gorgoli Dimitra 6, rue Adonidos 14564 Athènes Grèce +30 6983433041 Desire and the real Markidi Eirini 17, rue Aristippou 10676 Athènes Grèce +30 6937849015 Affirmer le discours quand les signifiants de la mort submergent la vie Pertesi Dora 26 rue Zinodotou 11634 Athènes Grèce +306934607738 Une problématique concernant le cadre psychanalytique à la période du COVID 19
Cartel 25 - La psychanalyse face au réel de la pandémie Tsakos Argyris (plus-un) 21, rue Niovis 11146 Athènes Grèce +30 6934650074 Generalized stigma and unheimlich in the era of pandemia Anagnostou Dimitris Michalakopoulou 104 11528 Athènes Grèce +30 6973898759 Les effets de la pandémie du COVID 19 sur le travail psychanalytique avec des enfants Bellou Maro 29, rue Achilleos 16674 Athènes Grèce +30 2109632860 Pandémie: crise du discours de la science Mitropoulos George B. 6, rue Adonidos 14564 Athènes Grèce +30 6944181286 Ethical responsibility and the invention of new ways in psychoanalysis
Cartel 26 - Lacanian Clinical Structures Shanahan Florencia (plus-un) 4b Seafield Pk. Blackrock Dublin Ireland +353870673185 Clinical structure v. Subjective Position Klint Lilli c/o 29 Westland Square, Pearse St D2 Dublin Ireland +353879257004 Clinical structures in the context of ‘urgency’ and aggressivity Power Sheila 69 Donnybrook Manor D4 Dublin Ireland +353868379811 The knotting’s and re-knotting’s Saviotti Cecilia 18 Monread Brook, Naas co. Kildare Naas Ireland +353877608095 Differential diagnosis vs? and/or the concept of the sinthome
Cartel 27 - Psychoanalysis and Transgender Ferraro David (plus-un) PO Box 57 3042 Niddrie Australia 61430377580 Transgender, sexuation and 21st century capitalism Austin Eugénie N/A N/A Melbourne Australia N/A What an active relation to the ‘not all’ can offer a subject, in light of Lacan’s graph of sexuation and his impossibility of sexual rapport. Brahnam S B N/A N/A Springfield, MI United States of America N/A Exploring from a Lacanian point of view the high occurrence of suicide among transgender people. Gunawardana Nalinda Amarasiri N/A N/A Melbourne Australia N/A My topic for cartel is analysis of transgender people and psychoanalytic discourse. Overell Rosemary N.A N/A N/A New Zealand N/A My interest in this cartel stems from my research interest in psychoanalysis and gender and sexuality studies. While this is my academic research area, I am also interested in psychoanalysis as a praxis which intervened in socio-cultural formations - such Spencer Ross N/A N/A N/A Australia N/A My concern at the moment is how queer theory in reference to transgender identity encourages indirectly, unconsciously and unbeknown to the subject the Freudian notion of ‘acting out,’ i.e. with the view that there are many genders. It promotes a form of
Cartel 28 - Séminaire Les psychoses Stryha Vitalii (plus-un) 11, rue Myasoedovskaya, app.18 65007 Odessa Ukraine +380970400579 Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan "Les psychoses" Bolohan Victoriia 3, rue Chernomorskaya app.17 67667 Odessa region, village Khlebodarskoe Ukraine +380936890951 Les Noms du Père Sloboda Kateryna 79, rue Zabolotnogo, app. 7 65025 Odessa Ukraine +380682550247 Psychose: dans et hors du mystère Timer-Bulatov Boris 85, rue Ekaterininskaya, app. 19 65012 Odessa Ukraine +380934661805 Concernant le signifiant et le signifié
Cartel 29 - Structure de la psychose Metreveli Inga (plus-un) 14/1/12 Poliny Osipenko 123007 Moscou Russie +79263663020 Le devenir sexué dans la clinique de suppléance Beldeiko Irina 5-8 rue Vitebskaya 454000 Tcheliabinsk Russie +73519048478 Auto-agressivité et scarifications Belova Natalya 15 voies Spokoyny, Mechnikovo, Baltiysk 238520 Kaliningrad Russie +79122099448 L'amour dans la psychose Lugovykh Natalya 39v-189 rue Molodogvardeis 454084 Tcheliabinsk Russie +79080852477 La forclusion du Nom-du-Pere Putina Olga 7-72 remblai du canal Griboiedov 191186 Saint-Petersbourg Russie +79222161085 Le corps dans le mélancolie Zimakova Anna 196-162 rue Moscovskaja 620014 Ekaterinbourg Russie +79220371875 La localisation de la jouissance chez le sujet psychotique
Cartel 30 - The Treatment of Psychosis Rouse Howard (plus-un) Carrer Castillejos, 210, 4, 1a 08013 Barcelona Spain 00 34 628460191 howard_rouse@hotmail,com Verbal hallucinations Berenguer Marta Carrer Tarragona, 84-90, 7, 1a, Escalera C 08015 Barecelona Spain 00 34 669189124 Speech and Voice in Psychosis Gomez Alia 16 Monread Brook co. Kildare Naas Ireland 0851339578 Psychosis and language Servent Mercedes 24 Killiney Gate co. Dublin Dublin Ireland +085 1553992 Autism, language and the other Ward Conor 2 Oldchurch Court, Clondalkin D22 Dublin Ireland +0830609232 Topographical regression to the mirror-stage
Cartel 31 - Transference Grigg Russell (plus-un) 24 Dalgleish St 3031 Flemington, Vic Australia +61421030699 Transference and the real unconscious Amarasiri Gunwardana Nalinda 1 Branton Drive 3976 Hampton Park, VIC Australia +61410950827 Transference and love Birch Eva 2/125 Victoria Street 3056 Brunswick East, Vic Australia +61478416592 Transference and jouissance Manning Joanne 107 Glenmore Road 2021 Paddington, NSW Australia +61412916315 Desire and the discourse of the analyst Moradi Hanieh 11/74 Dundas Street 3071 Thornbury, Vic Australia +61405594422 Transference and the analyst's desire
Cartel 32 - Woman and man in psychoanalysis Sakson-Obada Olga (plus-un) os. Lokietka 1/128 61-616 Poznan Polska +48605217171 Jealousy and a revenge in hysteria. The case of Dora and its reading from the Lacan perspective. Celejewska Agata Pilicka 60-401 Pozna? Poland +48731164819 Masquerade and phallic semblance in hysteria. Female position in psychosis. Niemier Bartosz Hetma?ska 30/6 60-252 Poznan Poland +48 603 919 230 Castration in men and women: Freudian and Lacanian perspective. Olech Filip ul. Lodowa 6/3 60-225 Poznan Poland +48 609 414 593 Feminine and masculine jouissance. Woman and man: freudian perspective. ?wi?tanowska Magdalena ul Bukowska 65/8 60-587 Poznan Poland +48665824812 Woman and psychosis. Girl's Oedipus complex.
V) Place de la psychanalyse dans la Santé mentale Cartel 33 - Short Psychoanalytic Therapy in the Institution Farchi Noa (plus-un) 95 ave Denfert Rochereau 75014 Paris France +33669532298 Surprise in the Short Psychoanalytic Therapy Becker Gideon 21 Eliyahu Hanavie St. 4537533 Hod Hasharon Israel +972544526172 The Act and the Trauma in Short Psychoanalytic Therapy Lampert Tal 15 Eshcole St. 4534317 Hod Hasharon Israel +972526010905 The Tension between Transference and Resistance in Short Psychoanalytic Therapy Rennen Anat 35 Bialik St. 3840235 Hadera Israel +972544721259 The Supposition of Knowledge in Short Psychoanalytic Therapy Yosef Gabriela HANA SENESH 25/13 4644657 HERTZLYA Israel +972522648051 Effects of Short Psychoanalytic Therapy in Psychosis
VI) Institutions psychanalytiques Cartel 34 - The clinic with pregnant women and new mothers Karagianni Despina (plus-un) 65 Thessalonikis Str 185 45 Pirée Greece +306946929682 On the subject-to-be in the clinic with pregnant women and new mothers Rigoutsou Eleni 14 Frantzi Street & Voulgaroktonou 11473 Athènes Greece +306973315917 The emergence of the Real in cases of premature birth Sotiropoulou Dimitra Eggeli 10 str 11744 Athens Greece +306977531156 Separation in the mother-child relationship Vasilopoulou ??e Alkimahou 18 str 11634 Athens Greece +306945390338 Breastfeeding: from mother's representation to the psychic organization of the child Vogiatzoglou Marielena Sevastias 59 str 14231 Nea Ionia Greece +306977606934 Weaning in the mother-child relationship
Cartel 35 - Towards a CPCT in Tel Aviv-Yaffa Graiver Mabel (plus-un) 60 Bilu st 6425611 Tel Aviv Israel +972-52-4377860 May the cpct inscribe a contingency? In an impossible situation, the urgency may bring the opportunity... Haklai Avinoam 71 Dolev st. 76885 Gealia Israel +972-52-3303329 What is the main payment the patient pays and what the analyst pays for the cpct work? Shamir Sidi Hila 19 Yehuda Hanasi st. 6920603 Tel Aviv Israel +972-52-3629577 1- CPCT and Place 2- Can a cartel manage a CPCT Yaacobovitch Tamar 15 Harishonim st. 5250219 Ramat-Gan Israel +972-50-8491200 The investigation of the effects of treatement, limited in advance in time, on the approach of the treatement of each and any case. Zvili Sharon 5 Tzvi Herman Shapira st. 64358 Tel Aviv Israel +972-52-5946565 CPCT as an answer in ours time
VII) Le désir d'autre chose dans la culture Cartel 36 - Corona Crisis Cartel Naveau Laure (plus-un) 32, place Saint-Georges 75009 Paris France 0153210131 Corona Crisis Cartel Birgani Sarah Pasettistraße 64/1/16 1200 Vienna Austria 00436502080094 Solidarity and segregation in the 'corona crisis' Jereb Ana Glavarjeva 24 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia 0038631230237 What are the effects of the prohibitions brought by 'corona crisis'? Reichsthaler Gerhard Josef Gauby Weg 6/9 8010 Graz Austria 00436643867735 We all approach the virus in different ways, but we meet this difference at the basis of equality - without exception? Sorger-Domenigg Magda Josefstädterstraße 69/5 1080 Vienna Austria 00436504843509 Effects on the clinic of setting changes: working with telephone and Skype Steinlechner Irene Lehmanngasse 21/7 1230 Vienna Austria 004369912030597 What clinical effects arise in analysis, if the sessions are made per Skype or on telephone?
Cartel 37 - Covid-19 and its Resonances Leber Norbert (plus-un) Tannenweg 9 4210 Gallneukirchen Austria +43 6641322142 Social distancing and psychoanalysis - what can be said about that 'couple'? Gundacker Claudia Brudermanngasse 14 1140 Wien Austria +43 650-3911080 How does the corona crisis affect desire (also the analytical)? Mares Nicole Dimmelstraße 12 4020 Linz Austria - How does it affect me when social contacts take place without physical presence? Schmidbauer Georg Auf der Halde 24 4060 Leonding Austria - How does the symptom influence the resonance onto the corona-situation? Seiringer Andrea Birkenweg 25 4844 Regau Austria +43 699/11337155 Which effects do the unknown, the ununtterable (the lack in the Other) and the phantsama have on my body?
Cartel 38 - Flash Cartel Corona delusions Caroz Gil (plus-un) 43, Liégeois St. 1050 Brussels Belgium 00 32 473 39 19 09 The clinic in times of the Covid crises. Ferstl Tina Maidorf 24/2 4551 Ried i. Traunkreis Austria 0043 699 12291312 How does social distancing and the intensified hygiene measures change the way the subject deals with his/her environment? Geiling Maja Breitwiesergutstr. 4 4020 Linz Austria 0043 660 1191987 Analysis via video in times of corona virus - what influence does it have on analysis? Leber Norbert Tannenweg 9 4210 Gallneukirchen Austria 0043 664 1322142 Psychical infection in times of CoviD 19 -2020 Müllner Elisabeth Dr Anton Muellner Weg 5 4040 Gramastetten Austria 0043 699 81651956 Relation between real, nature and contingence
Cartel 39 - Lecture du séminaire Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse de Lacan Sobolev Mihail (plus-un) Suvorovsky pr., 61, 184. 191015 Saint-Pètersbourg Russie + 7 921 929 04 56 La lecture du séminaire Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse Chizhova Polina rue Lenskaya, 9, 2, 279 195426 Saint-Pétersbourg Russie + 7 921 971 28 37 L’espace indicible, le vide et l'objet regard dans l’art Ermakov Eugene rue Italienne 4, 1099 191023 Saint-Pétersbourg Russie + 7 921 181 47 53 Le voyage du symptôme dans l'analyse Kononenko Ksenia rue Nekrasova 44, 2, 30 191014 Saint-Pétersbourg Russie + 7 921 887 56 06 Fonction poétique du langage en psychanalyse Smirnov Artem rue Beringa 25/1, 165 199397 Saint-Pètersbourg Russie + 7 921 857 67 71 Signification du jeu pour le sujet en psychanalyse
Cartel 40 - Pandemic & being Lacanian Flash Cartel (from April until July 2020) Evans Julia (plus-un) Flat 1, 32 Nevern Square, SW5 9PE, Earl's Court, London UK +44 (0) 79 4443 6558 Between THE PANDEMIC & a pandemic – an exploration. Anantharaman Ganesh 2C, Bay Watch Apartments, 20, New Beach Road, 6000041 Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai India +91 98864 06806 To examine what the ‘new normal’ of social distancing means for how we engage with the world inside and outside of us. Kilic Gözde 1, Somewhere, XYZ 123 Ankara Turkey +90 (0) 12 3456 7890 To inquire into how we can position the coronavirus vis-à-vis the Symbolic and the Real? Melia Paul Therapy in Manchester, 548 Royal Exchange, Old Bank Street M2 7PE Manchester UK +44 (0) 12 3456 7890 How to practice that attentional stance Freud refers to as ‘evenly-suspended’ with few or no appointments during Covid-19? Rostron Josephine 1, Somewhere, XYZ 123 London UK +44 (0) 12 3456 7890 To consider the nature and impact of the virus and to elaborate on the presence of the body within Lacan’s structure of the psyche. Spencer Alexandra 1 Anywhere XYZ 123 London UK +44 (0)12 3456 7890 What does the virus situation provoke about the body in psychoanalysis in this time of lock-downed bodies?
Cartel 41 - Psychanalyse et cinéma De Wilde Veerle (plus-un) Lange Boomgaardstraat 9000 Gent Belgique +32479227801 Psychanalyse et cinéma Conard Sébastien Toekomststraat 99 9040 Sint-Amandsberg Belgique 0032495510058 Psychanalyse et cinéma Lintacker Tom Resedastraat 11 2600 Berchem Belgique 0486 42 63 04 Les tentatives d'extraction de l'objet Strubbe Glenn Twaalfkameren 31 9000 Gent Belgique 0032488574501 À chacun son confinement, à chacun sa clé Vander Vennet Luc Jakob Heremansstraat 5 9000 Gent Belgique 0032476 23 70 47 Passage à l’acte dans le film
Cartel 42 - Psychoanalysis and Shoah - Discontinuities and Continuities Rybnicki Avi (plus-un) Rosanes 12 69018 Tel Aviv Israel 00972528639236 / What are the consequences for the psychoanalyst in face of the fact that the Shoah produces today a real in form of clinical phenomena? Birgani Sarah Pasettistraße 64/1/16 1200 Vienna Austria 00436502080094 / Is there a specific political responsibility of psychoanalysts with regard to continuities and new forms of anti-Semitism in Austria? Brunner Karin Mariannengasse 21/18 1090 Vienna Austria 00436769374134 / How to approach psychoanalytically present phenomena in Austria, that everything seems to be possible to say and inact that is not explicitly regulated under the Prohibition Act of 1945? Geiling Maja Breitwiesergutstraße 4/11 4020 Linz Austria 00436601191987 / Segregation, a fundamental phenomenon or a consequence of Identification? Jereb Ana Glavarjeva 24 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia 0038631230237 / The dialects between personal phantasma, social changes as written as symptoms on the body?
Cartel 43 - What, if anything, Corona does to an analyst Rybnicki Avi (plus-un) 12 A Rosanes Street 69018 Tel Aviv Israel 00972364943 Body effects in analysis with virtual means Lutz Heike Kaisersbacher Straße 22 70374 Stuttgart Germany +497115286238 Corona-laws and one's own pandemia Müllner Maria-Theresia Dr. Anton-Müllner-Weg 3 4040 Linz Austria +4369910978568 Coronavirus - where/what is the real here? Patloch Mathias Seisgasse 7/8 1040 Wien Austria +436641846720 Charity as unifying and segregating Rosenberg Michael Max-Winter-Platz 5 1020 Wien Austria +4369910035091 Unconscious individual 'advantages' in the crises Treichl Helga Salvatorgasse 12/15 1010 Wien Austria +4369911932205 How to work as an analyst without the body, but oriented towards the real?
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