November 2015 Novembre 2015

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November 2015 Novembre 2015
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          November 2015

                                                         Novembre 2015
November 2015 Novembre 2015
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                            Clean. Green. Safe. Smart.
                                     Introducing our brand new Trillium Class fleet.

       Propres. Verts. Sécuritaires. Intelligents.
                     Nous vous présentons notre toute nouvelle flotte de classe Trillium.

                        Ship Operator of the Year.
                        Armateur intérieur
                        et côtier de l’année                                 
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                                                                                       November/Novembre 2015
                                                                                  5 Green Marine Overview                32 Shipping lines grapple with
                                                                                                                              ballast water treatment issues
                                                                                  7 Bustling with activity
                                                                                                                              in fresh water
        Publisher & Editor/                                                       8 Green Marine program helps
                                                                                                                         40 FIVE FOR FIVE!
        Éditrice & Rédactrice en chef                                                 CSL to harmonize
                                                                                                                              Top Green Marine
        Joyce Hammock                                                                 environmental goals
                                                                                                                              performers take the lead
                                                                                12 CSL Australia sets the
        Production Coordinator/                                                                                          44 Clear Seas launches as
                                                                                      standard at home as first
        Coordonnatrice à la production                                                                                        independent think tank for
                                                                                      Green Marine participant
        France Normandeau                                                                                                     maritime transportation
                                                                                14 Maersk pursues ambitious
                                                                                                                         48 SODES introduces Maritime
                                                                                      CO2 reductions through
        Editorial Coordinator for Green Marine/                                                                               Information Bureau for
                                                                                      major vessel upgrades
        Coordonnatrice à l’éditorial pour l’Alliance verte                                                                    Quebec
        Manon Lanthier                                                          16 New scrubber technology
                                                                                                                         52 SCIENTIFICALLY SPEAKING:
                                                                                      garners significant attention
                                                                                                                              BC Ferries helps Ocean
        Design and Layout/                                                      18 Washington Maritime                        Networks Canada study the
        Conception graphique                                                          Federation marks its first year         Strait of Georgia
        Maïa Godon                                                                    with clear priorities
                                                                                                                         55 Underwater noise monitoring
                                                                                27 Board of Directors                         aims to reduce vessel impacts
        Advertising Sales Representative/                                                                                     on at-risk whales
        Représentant des ventes                                                 28 Sustainability at work in
        Don Burns                                                                     marine transportation

        Contributing Writer/
        Rédactrice                                                                5 L'Alliance verte en bref             36 Les compagnies maritimes et
        Julie Gedeon                                                                                                          le traitement des eaux de
                                                                                  7 En pleine effervescence
                                                                                                                              ballast en eau douce
        Translator/                                                             10 Le programme de l’Alliance
                                                                                                                         42 CINQ FOIS CINQ !
        Traducteur                                                                   verte contribue à
                                                                                                                              Les participants les plus
        Nocel Translation Associates Inc.                                            l’harmonisation des objectifs
                                                                                                                              performants de l’Alliance
                                                                                     environnementaux de CSL
                                                                                13 CSL Australia donne
                                                                                                                         46 L’organisme de recherche
                                                                                     l’exemple en tant que
                                                                                                                              indépendant sur le transport
                                                                                     premier participant de son
       P   U   B   L   I
                           GREAT WHITE
                           C   A   T   I   O   N   S   I   N   C .
                                                                                     pays à l’Alliance verte
                                                                                                                              maritime Clear Seas voit le
                                                                                20 Des réfections majeures aux
       Home of Canadian Sailings, Transportation & Trade Logistics                                                       50 La Sodes crée le Bureau
       Éditeur de Canadian Sailings, Transportation and Trade Logistics              navires de Maersk à l’appui
                                                                                                                              d’information maritime pour
                                                                                     de son ambitieux plan de
                                                                                                                              le Québec
                                                                                     réduction de CO2
                                                                                                                         56 PARLONS SCIENCE :
       RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO                               22 Une nouvelle technologie
       GREAT WHITE PUBLICATIONS INC.,                                                                                         BC Ferries et Ocean Networks
       185, AVENUE DORVAL, BUREAU 304, DORVAL, QC H9S 5J9                            d’épuration qui attire
       email:                                                                               Canada s’unissent pour
                                                                                                                              étudier le détroit de Géorgie
                                                                                24 La Washington Maritime
                                                                                                                         58 La surveillance acoustique
       Printed by/                                                                   Federation : des priorités
       Imprimé par                                                                                                            sous-marine pour réduire
                                                                                     claires pour son premier
                                                                                                                              l’impact des navires sur les
                                                                                                                              baleines menacées
                                                                                27 Conseil d’administration
                                                                                30 Développement durable :
                                                                                     l’industrie maritime à l’œuvre

       Green Marine thanks Ocean Inc. for its
                                                                          Algoma                    OBC        McAsphalt Industries Ltd.    19
       generous sponsorship that makes the
                                                                          CSL                        IFC       Montreal Gateway Terminals    6
       French translation of Green Marine                                 Canfornav Inc.              26       Ocean                        29
       Magazine possible. L’Alliance verte                                DNV-GL                      34       Oceanex                      25
       remercie Océan Inc. pour sa généreuse                              Fednav                       4       Port of Prince Rupert        45
       contribution qui a permis de traduire le                           Global Container Terminals 39        Svitzer Canada               31
       Magazine de l’Alliance verte en français.                          Lloyd’s Register           IBC       Urgence Marine               33

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       GREEN MARINE OVERVIEW                                                    L'ALLIANCE VERTE EN BREF
       Green Marine is a certification program advancing environmen-            L’Alliance verte est un programme de certification environ-
       tal excellence within the marine industry.                               nementale pour l’industrie maritime.

       It is a voluntary, inclusive and transparent initiative that addresses   C’est une initiative rigoureuse, transparente et inclusive qui
       key environmental issues through its 11 performance indicators.          cible les enjeux environnementaux prioritaires grâce à ses 11
       Participants are ship owners, ports, terminals, Seaway corpora-          indicateurs de rendement distincts. Les participants sont
       tions and shipyards. The initiative’s cornerstone is its far-reaching    des armateurs, des ports, des terminaux, les corporations de la
       environmental program that makes it possible for any marine              Voie maritime et des chantiers maritimes. La pierre d’assise de
       company to reduce its environmental footprint by undertaking             l’Alliance verte est son vaste programme environnemental qui
       concrete and measurable actions.                                         permet à toute compagnie maritime d’améliorer sa perfor-
                                                                                mance en adoptant des mesures concrètes et mesurables.
       Green Marine’s program offers a detailed framework for maritime
       companies to first establish and then reduce their environmental         Le programme environnemental de l’Alliance verte offre en effet
       footprint.                                                               un cadre détaillé permettant aux compagnies maritimes de
                                                                                d’abord mesurer puis réduire leur empreinte environnementale.
       To receive their certification, participants must benchmark their
       annual environmental performance through the program’s com-              Pour recevoir leur certification, les participants doivent mesu-
       prehensive self-evaluation guides, have the results verified by an       rer annuellement leur performance environnementale à
       accredited external verifier, and agree to the publication of their      l’aide des guides complets d’autoévaluation du programme
       individual results.                                                      environnemental, soumettre leurs résultats à une vérification
                                                                                externe effectuée par un vérificateur indépendant accrédité par
       CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT                                                   l’Alliance verte et accepter de publier leurs résultats individuels.
       Participants must also demonstrate year-over-year improvement
       in measurable ways to maintain their Green Marine certification.         AMÉLIORATION CONTINUE
                                                                                L es participants doivent démontrer une amélioration continue
       Green Marine’s environmental program continues to demonstrate            et mesurable, année après année, afin d’obtenir leur certification
       its ability to inspire participants to exceed regulatory requirements    de l’Alliance verte. Le programme environnemental de l’Alliance
       and to continue to challenge themselves to do even better every          verte prouve, année après année, son efficacité et sa capacité à
       year. Environmental performance results have steadily improved           encourager ses participants à surpasser les exigences réglemen-
       since Green Marine’s first year of reporting in 2008.                    taires. Les résultats sont à la hausse, la performance
       The results convey a participant’s ranking for each applicable           environnementale ne cessant de s’améliorer depuis la première
       performance indicator on a 1-to-5 scale. Level 1 constitutes reg-        année d’évaluation, en 2008.
       ulatory monitoring, while Level 5 reflects leadership and                Les résultats déterminent le classement de chaque participant
       excellence.                                                              pour chacun des indicateurs de rendement, sur une échelle de
       A pivotal element of Green Marine’s success from the outset has          1 à 5. Le niveau 1 représente la veille réglementaire alors que le
       been the active support from environmental stakeholders and              niveau 5 illustre le leadership et l’excellence.
       governments. Green Marine supporters encourage and bolster               Le caractère unique du programme de l’Alliance verte repose
       the sustainable development initiatives undertaken by the par-           par ailleurs sur l’appui qu’il reçoit des milieux environnementaux
       ticipating maritime enterprises. The supporters endorse and help         et gouvernementaux depuis ses débuts. La cinquantaine de
       to shape and review the environmental program, most notably              supporteurs de l’Alliance verte encouragent et appuient l’initia-
       through Green Marine’s advisory committees. The program has              tive de développement durable entreprise par l’industrie
       three of these committees organized by geographical regions:             maritime. Ils contribuent à façonner et réviser le programme
       the St. Lawrence, the Great Lakes, and the West Coast.                   environnemental, en pouvant, notamment, siéger sur les                                                     comités consultatifs de l’Alliance verte. Le programme compte
                                                                                trois de ces comités répartis par régions desservies : le Saint-
                                                                                Laurent, les Grands Lacs ainsi que la Côte Ouest.


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       Bustling                                                                                                En pleine
       with activity                                                                                      effervescence
       I am delighted to report that Green                                                            Quel plaisir de pouvoir constater que
       Marine is busier than ever. Our steadily                                                       ça bouge plus que jamais à l’Alliance
       increasing membership and the pro-                                                             verte ! Le nombre croissant de mem-
       gram’s heightened environmental                                                                bres et le renforcement des critères du
       priorities have our staff and many ded-                                                        programme font en sorte que nos
       icated volunteers truly occupied.                                                              employés et nos nombreux bénévoles
                                                                                                      dévoués soient toujours occupés.
       Green Marine’s success is primarily due
       to the efforts of its members – 241 in all                                                     Le succès de l’Alliance verte est princi-
       to date throughout North America and                                                           palement dû aux efforts de ses
       as far away as Europe and Australia.                                                           membres – 241 au total à ce jour, de
                                                                                                      partout en Amérique du Nord et
       Participants are clearly demonstrating                                                         d’aussi loin que l’Europe et l’Australie.
       the environmental program’s effective-
       ness with their own improved                                                                   L’efficacité de notre programme envi-
                                                                                                      ronnemental est clairement démontrée
       performance rankings year over year
                                                                                                      par l’amélioration de la performance de
       and by taking the time and effort to
                                                                             nos participants d’une année à l’autre, et par le fait qu’ils con-
       explain the framework to others. In this issue, for example, you’ll
                                                                             sacrent temps et efforts à promouvoir le programme. Dans ce
       read about how key staff at Canada Steamship Lines has helped
                                                                             numéro, par exemple, vous apprendrez comment quelques
       to successfully integrate the Green Marine program at every CSL
                                                                             employés clés de Canada Steamship Lines ont réussi à instaurer
       division globally.
                                                                             le programme de l’Alliance verte dans toutes les divisions de CSL
       You’ll also read about the challenges that the industry often         à travers le monde.
       faces in terms of instituting expensive new technology ahead          Vous découvrirez également certains défis qu’affronte parfois
       of clear and consistent regulations, as is currently the case with    l’industrie en devant, par exemple, mettre en place de nouvelles
       ballast water treatment systems, and how Green Marine ship            technologies coûteuses avant même l’adoption d’une régle-
       owners have nonetheless been taking a leadership role with            mentation claire et uniforme, comme c’est actuellement le cas
       serious financial risks.                                              pour les systèmes de traitement d’eau de ballast, et le rôle
                                                                             d’avant-plan qu’ont malgré tout assumé certains armateurs
       Our partners serve an essential function in providing the inno-
                                                                             membres de l’Alliance verte malgré les risques financiers.
       vation towards greater sustainability. This issue contains one of
       the latest breakthroughs in terms of reducing sulphur emissions       Nos partenaires remplissent aussi une fonction essentielle, celle
       in an environmentally friendly way.                                   de fournir les innovations nécessaires à une durabilité environ-
                                                                             nementale accrue. Ce numéro relate l’une des toutes dernières
       The organization’s supporters likewise serve a pivotal role in the
                                                                             percées technologiques dans les efforts de réduction des émis-
       work they do to improve marine environments on their own
                                                                             sions de soufre.
       and in tandem with the marine industry. The work being done
       by Ocean Networks Canada and the Washington Maritime Fed-             Les supporteurs de l’organisation jouent également un rôle cru-
       eration are just two examples featured in this issue.                 cial en mettant de l’avant des initiatives pour protéger les
                                                                             milieux marins, que ce soit individuellement ou en collaboration
       We hope you’ll enjoy all the news and views expressed in these        avec l’industrie maritime. Les efforts d’Ocean Networks Canada
       pages and remind you to save May 30-June 1 for when Green             et de la Washington Maritime Federation, qui n’en sont que deux
       Marine returns to picturesque Quebec City for GreenTech 2016.         exemples, sont présentés dans ce numéro.
       Happy reading!                                                        Nous espérons que vous apprécierez les nouvelles et les
                                                                             témoignages exprimés dans ces pages, et nous vous rappelons
       David Bolduc                                                          de réserver la période du 30 mai au 1er juin pour le retour de
       Executive Director
                                                                             l’Alliance verte dans la pittoresque ville de Québec pour le col-
       Green Marine
                                                                             loque GreenTech 2016.

                                                                             Bonne lecture !                                     David Bolduc,
                                                                                                                             Directeur général
                                                                                                                                 Alliance verte

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                       Green Marine program helps CSL
                       to harmonize environmental goals
                                                                    Canada Steamship Lines (CSL Canada) is a founding member of Green
                                                                    Marine. As CSL Canada’s environment manager, Caroline Denis was
                                                                    among the industry stakeholders involved in developing the Green
                                                                    Marine environmental program from the outset. She has since helped
                                                                    every division within the CSL Group to join the program. Both she and
                                                                    Lilia Khodjet El Khil, CSL Canada’s manager of sustainable development
                                                                    and government relations, recently spoke with Julie Gedeon at Green
                                                                    Marine Magazine.
                       Caroline Denis       Lilia Khodjet El Khil

                         JG: Why did CSL decide to implement the                    LKEK: The environmental objectives are clear and
                         Green Marine program company-wide?                         consistent to all participants. Every participant is
                                                                                    working on the same relevant priorities using the exact
                         LKEK: All of our divisions were already working on         same criteria to gauge progress. So when we’re talking
                         reducing their environmental footprint and had several     about reducing garbage, for instance, all our targets are
                         issues broadly in common, but targets and strategies       defined using the exact same criteria. Another big
                         varied. Recognizing CSL Canada’s success in                advantage is having the same methodologies for
                         measurably reducing its environmental footprint since      calculating emissions. When our divisions submit results
                         joining the Green Marine program in 2007, we decided       for our company’s annual sustainability report, we’re
                         to investigate how we could streamline our                 confident about the consistency of the data reported.
                         sustainability and environmental approach throughout
                         the CSL Group.                                             JG: In what ways does the Green Marine
                         So CSL initiated a comprehensive review and bench-         program help with your overall reporting?
                         marking exercise in 2012. In December 2013 our board’s
                         Environmental Sustainability Committee endorsed a          CD: In addition to making it much simpler to gather
                         new strategy for the CSL Group. The two-fold strategy      data, as Lilia mentioned, the clarity of each performance
                         addresses CSL’s key priority areas and establishes com-    indicator makes it a lot easier to relate our sustainability
                         mon targets across our divisions for reducing CSL’s        efforts and particularly our progress to our customers
                         environmental footprint based on Green Marine’s per-       and the public. Our strong annual rankings make it clear
                         formance indicators. We began implementing this            why CSL is a good transportation choice.
                         Corporate Environment Sustainability Strategy in 2014.
                                                                                    JG: How did you go about integrating the
                         Our global view evolved as Green Marine expanded           Green Marine program at each CSL division?
                         from being initially a program applicable only to the
                         Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region to having a North      CD: We visited each division to introduce the program
                         American and, shortly thereafter, international scope.     and explain it in detail. The reception at each division
                         The Boston office of CSL Americas joined in 2012, and      was great with everyone being very welcoming and
                         the other divisions started implementing the program       eager to get started. The people involved particularly
                         on a voluntary basis. The Sydney office of CSL Australia   appreciated how precise the program is in measuring
                         officially became a participant in 2014, while CSL         the environmental impact of key shipping activities. It
                         Europe is a member as of this year.                        removes a lot of the need for interpretation that could
                                                                                    otherwise have results vary even if they appear the
                         JG: What specifically is it about the Green                same. This was definitely a welcomed toolkit for
                         Marine program that makes it a good fit                    establishing consistent benchmarks and determining
                         across divisions?                                          progress.

       8 Green Marine Magazine                                                                                          November 2015
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                                                                                       initiative has measurably
                                                                                       reduced our environmental
                                                                                       footprint. This makes it easier for
                                                                                       the other divisions to do many –
                                                                                       if not all – of the same things.
                                                                                       We’re all learning from each
                                                                                       other. For instance, CSL Australia
                                                                                       has purchased garbage com-
                                                                                       pactors that are impressively
                                                                                       efficient, and our Montreal-based
                                                                                       operations are now looking at
                                                                                       obtaining some of these as well.
                                                                                       Another example would be the
                                                                                       establishment of CSL’s GHG
                                                                                       Reduction Team to better coordi-
                                                                                       nate efforts across the divisions
                                                                                       to reduce air emissions. Over the
                                                                                       course of five years, we have
                                                                                       deployed more than 100 ship-
                                                                                       based energy efficiency projects
                                                                                       that have enabled CSL Canada to
                                                                                       reduce its carbon dioxide emis-
                                                                                       sions by 27% (in grams per
                                                                                       tonne/mile) in 2014 as compared
                                                                                       with 1995.
       We also made sure that each division had an environmental committee up
       and running before we left to identify each division’s environmental objec-     JG: What is the biggest
       tives within the Green Marine framework and to benchmark their starting         corporate advantage of
       points. Now all of the divisions are working from the same page.                having all CSL divisions
                                                                                       participate in Green
       JG: What have been some of the pleasant surprises in                            Marine?
       implementing Green Marine across the divisions?
                                                                                       LKEK: The program helps us
       LKEK: With regulatory compliance being the point of entry, the Green            enormously in terms of the
       Marine program has made it easy for us to establish a common starting           amount of credibility we carry
       point for each division without getting into the specifics of how regulations   with our customers, policymakers
       differ in our various regions of operation. The framework also provides us      and the public, especially since
       with a common language for all of our sustainability discussions.               we have a good ranking that we
       CD: Having common goals and terms of reference also makes it easier for us      continue to work towards further
       to compare notes and to exchange ideas of what is working well in each divi-    improving. There’s definitely
       sion. Discussions are more productive because everybody already                 added value in participating in a
       understands the context. The uniformity makes it simpler to more quickly        program that has earned global
       adapt ideas for improvement. Our discussions are also more genial because       recognition and has progress
       we encourage and help one another.                                              indicators that are simple to
                                                                                       understand. The fact that all of
       JG: Can you give examples?                                                      the reports are reviewed by an
                                                                                       independent verifier on a regular
       CD: The Montreal office has related the step-by-step initiatives undertaken     basis heightens the program’s
       since first joining Green Marine to significantly improve CSL Canada’s          credibility and our results – all of
       environmental performance. Thanks to the Green Marine program, we have          which is a very strong calling card
       a documented history of everything we’ve done since 2007 and how each           for us.

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                      Le programme de l’Alliance verte
                      contribue à l’harmonisation des objectifs
                      environnementaux de CSL
                                                                         Canada Steamship Lines (CSL Canada) est un des membres fondateurs de
                                                                         l’Alliance verte. À titre de gestionnaire environnement à CSL Canada,
                                                                         Caroline Denis compte parmi les intervenants de l’industrie qui ont
                                                                         participé dès le tout début à la création du programme environnemental
                                                                         de l’Alliance verte. Elle a depuis aidé chacune des divisions du Groupe CSL
                                                                         à intégrer le programme. Elle a récemment répondu aux questions de
                                                                         Julie Gedeon, du magazine de l’Alliance verte, en compagnie de Lilia
                                                                         Khodjet El Khil, la gestionnaire durabilité et relations gouvernementales
                                                                         de CSL Canada.
                       Caroline Denis         Lilia Khodjet El Khil

                                                                                          internationale. Le bureau de CSL Americas à Boston a
                         JG : Pour quelle raison le groupe CSL a-t-il                     joint le programme en 2012, et les autres divisions ont
                         décidé d’appliquer le programme de l’Alliance                    commencé à mettre celui-ci en œuvre de façon volon-
                         verte dans l’ensemble de la compagnie?                           taire. Le bureau de CSL Australia à Sydney a officialisé
                                                                                          sa participation en 2014, alors que CSL Europe en est
                         LKEK : Toutes nos divisions travaillaient déjà à réduire         devenu membre cette année.
                         leur empreinte environnementale et, bien que plusieurs
                         des questions qu’elles affrontaient aient été les mêmes,         JG : Qu’est-ce que le programme de
                         leurs objectifs et leurs stratégies différaient. Ayant con-      l’Alliance verte a de particulier qui lui permet
                         staté que CSL Canada avait sensiblement réduit son               de s’adapter si bien à toutes les divisions?
                         empreinte environnementale depuis son entrée dans
                         le programme de l’Alliance verte en 2007, nous avons             LKEK : les objectifs environnementaux du programme
                         décidé d’étudier les possibilités de rationalisation de          sont clairs et uniformes pour tous les participants. Ils
                         notre approche en matière d’environnement et de                  travaillent tous sur les mêmes priorités et appliquent
                         développement durable à l’échelle du Groupe CSL.                 exactement les mêmes critères pour évaluer leurs pro-
                                                                                          grès. Tous nos objectifs de réduction des ordures, pour
                         CSL a donc entrepris un processus exhaustif d’examen
                                                                                          prendre cet exemple, sont définis en fonction de critères
                         et d’évaluation comparative en 2012. En décembre
                                                                                          identiques. Le fait d’employer la même méthode de calcul
                         2013, le Comité corporatif sur la durabilité environ-
                         nementale a approuvé une nouvelle stratégie pour                 des émissions constitue un autre avantage important.
                         l’ensemble du Groupe CSL. Cette stratégie à deux volets          Quand nos divisions présentent leurs résultats pour le
                         tient compte des principaux domaines prioritaires de             rapport annuel de développement durable de la société,
                         CSL et établit des objectifs communs de réduction de             nous sommes certains de la cohérence des données.
                         l’empreinte environnementale pour toutes nos divisions
                         en fonction des indicateurs de rendement de l’Alliance           JG : En quoi le programme de l’Alliance
                         verte. Nous avons commencé à appliquer cette stratégie           verte facilite-t-il, dans l’ensemble, la
                         de durabilité environnementale en 2014.                          préparation de rapports?
                         Notre perspective s’est mondialisée à mesure que l’Al-
                         liance verte élargissait sa portée. À l’origine, il s’agissait   CD : En plus de simplifier grandement la collecte
                         d’un programme qui ne visait que la région des Grands            des données, comme l’a mentionné Lilia, la clarté de
                         Lacs et du Saint-Laurent, mais il s’est étendu à l’ensem-        chaque indicateur de rendement nous aide à
                         ble de l’Amérique du Nord et, peu après, à l’échelle             communiquer nos efforts et surtout nos progrès en

       10 Magazine de l’Alliance verte                                                                                       Novembre 2015
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       matière d’environnement à nos clients et à la                 processus d’adaptation des idées d’améliorations.
       population. Notre solide classement annuel indique            Nos discussions sont aussi plus cordiales, cas nous
       clairement que CSL est un bon choix dans le domaine           nous encourageons les uns les autres et nous nous
       du transport de marchandises.                                 entraidons.

       JG : Comment avez-vous procédé pour appli-                    JG : Pouvez-vous nous donner quelques
       quer le programme de l’Alliance verte dans                    exemples?
       chacune des différentes divisions de CSL?
                                                                     CD : Le bureau de Montréal a préparé un dossier étape
       CD : Nous avons visité chaque division pour y présenter       par étape sur les initiatives entreprises depuis son entrée
       le programme et l’expliquer en détail. Le projet a été très   dans l’Alliance verte afin d’améliorer le bilan environ-
       bien accueilli partout; tout le monde était réceptif à        nemental de CSL Canada. Grâce au programme de
       l’idée et avait hâte de commencer. Les personnes              l’Alliance verte, nous disposons de documentation
       impliquées ont particulièrement apprécié la grande            détaillée sur tout ce que nous avons fait depuis 2007
       précision du programme sur le plan de la mesure de            et sur la contribution tangible de chaque initiative à la
       l’impact environnemental des principales activités de         réduction de notre empreinte environnementale.
       transport maritime. Cette précision élimine le besoin         Les autres divisions peuvent donc s’en inspirer pour
       d’interprétation qui pourrait autrement introduire des        appliquer plusieurs, sinon la totalité, des mêmes mesures.
       divergences dans des résultats apparemment                    Nous apprenons tous les uns des autres. CSL Australia,
       homogènes. Il s’agit donc d’un outil fort apprécié pour       par exemple, a fait l’achat de compacteurs de déchets
       établir des points de référence uniformes et pour             dont l’efficacité est impressionnante, et nos gens à
                                                                     Montréal envisagent maintenant d’en acquérir
       évaluer les progrès.
                                                                     quelques-uns du même modèle. La création de notre
       Nous nous sommes aussi assurées avant de partir que           équipe de réduction des émissions de GES dans le but
       chaque division avait un comité environnemental en            de mieux coordonner les efforts de réduction des
       place pour cerner ses objectifs environnementaux à            émissions atmosphériques de l’ensemble de nos
       l’intérieur du cadre de l’Alliance verte et pour déterminer   divisions en constitue un autre exemple. Sur une
       leur point de départ. Maintenant, toutes les divisions        période de cinq ans, nous avons lancé plus de 100
       sont sur la même longueur d’onde.                             projets d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique sur nos
                                                                     navires, ce qui a permis à CSL Canada de réduire ses
       JG : L’instauration du programme de l’Al-                     émissions de dioxyde de carbone de 27 % en 2014 (en
       liance verte dans l’ensemble des divisions                    grammes par tonne-mille) par rapport à 1995.
       a-t-elle donné lieu à quelques surprises
       agréables?                                                    JG : Sur le plan des affaires, quel est le
                                                                     principal avantage pour l’entreprise du
       LKEK : Le programme de l’Alliance verte ayant comme           fait que toutes ses divisions soient
       base la conformité à la réglementation, cela nous a           membres de l’Alliance verte?
       permis d’établir facilement un point de départ commun
       à toutes les divisions sans entrer dans les détails des       LKEK : Le programme nous aide énormément sur le
       règlements spécifiques de chacune des régions où nous         plan de la crédibilité auprès des clients, des décideurs et
       sommes installés. Ce cadre nous assure aussi que nous         du grand public, surtout grâce à notre bon classement,
       parlons le même langage dans nos discussions sur la           que nous nous efforçons toujours d’améliorer. La
       durabilité environnementale.                                  participation à un programme reconnu à l’échelle
       CD : Le fait d’avoir un cadre de référence et des objectifs   internationale et dont les indicateurs de rendement
       communs nous aide également à comparer nos notes              sont simples à comprendre apporte incontestablement
       et à échanger des idées sur ce qui fonctionne bien dans       une valeur ajoutée. En outre, la vérification régulière
       chaque division. Les discussions sont plus productives,       par un tiers de tous les rapports rehausse la crédibilité
       étant donné que tous les intervenants comprennent             du programme et de nos résultats, et tout cela constitue
       déjà le contexte. L’uniformité simplifie et accélère le       une excellente carte de visite pour nous.

       Novembre 2015                                                                                     Magazine de l’Alliance verte 11
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                                                                                                                             At the helm

                         CSL Australia sets the standard at home as
                         first Green Marine participant
                         By Julie Gedeon

                 eing the first shipping company
                to participate in a major envi-
                ronmental program down
                under is both exciting and a lit-
       tle daunting for CSL Australia.

       Having Canada Steamship Lines (CSL
       Canada) and CSL Americas already par-
       ticipating in Green Marine made it easier
       for CSL Australia to jump on board last
       year. “There was no need to sell the ben-
       efits to the Australian team,” confirms
                                                      Photo: Dave Roels

       Rhiannah Carver, CSL Australia’s environ-
       mental programs coordinator, but
       adding that it hasn’t been easy.

       “At the same time as our team was bench-
       marking the division’s environmental                                         Rhiannah Carver, CSL Australia’s environmental
       performance for Green Marine, we were                                             programs coordinator with David Bolduc,
       integrating our ship management so that                                                 Green Marine's executive director.
       it all would be done in house rather than
                                                                          tially visiting to help the Australian divi-   Carver appreciated the opportunity to net-
       by two separate companies,” Carver
                                                                          sion to understand the program, facilitate     work with Green Marine participants at the
       explains. “A lot of work was put into having
                                                                          discussions regarding its benefits, and        GreenTech 2015 conference in Seattle last
       the entire fleet operate under the same
                                                                          outlining how CSL Canada has                   May. “It was inspiring to learn about the
       vessel management system and follow the
                                                                          approached specific environmental tar-         achievements of others, as well as what’s
       same best management practices.”
                                                                          gets and documented their achievement          attracting environmental attention and
       Being the only participant in Australia,                           within the Green Marine framework.             changing in terms of regulations in other
       where environmental regulations are                                “Especially given the differences in time      parts of the world,” she relates. “GreenTech
       more lax that in other countries, can also                         zones, having that face-to-face interac-       definitely gave me the encouragement
       make it more difficult to state a winning                          tion helped to do things faster and            and energy to work hard on our own
       business case to management for the                                played a big part in ensuring that CSL         Green Marine projects at CSL Australia.”
       costlier technology and/or equipment                               Australia was ready for 2015 verification.”
                                                                                                                         Those projects include a fleet efficiency
       necessary to achieve some of the higher                            Carver says.
                                                                                                                         program focused on reducing emissions.
       levels in the environmental program.
                                                                          The program has inspired CSL Australia to      Jovi Barrazo, CSL Australia’s fleet efficiency
       “The costs associated with some criteria
                                                                          set more focused and ambitious targets.        specialist, has completed onboard audits
       can be quite prohibitive, especially when
                                                                          “Being able to benchmark our perform-          on 70% of the fleet and identified a range
       none of your competitors are operating
                                                                          ance against others in the maritime            of technical and operational improve-
       by those higher standards,” Carver notes.
                                                                          industry is invaluable,” Carver says, adding   ments. The increased efficiencies are
       Carver appreciated Caroline Denis, CSL                             that it helps significantly in terms of man-   expected to abate 7,000 tonnes of carbon
       Canada’s environmental coordinator, ini-                           agement’s decision-making.                     dioxide emissions over a five-year span.

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                         Cap vers l’excellence

                         CSL Australia donne l’exemple
                         en tant que premier participant de
                         son pays à l’Alliance verte
                         Par Julie Gedeon

               e fait d’être la première entre-        supérieurs du programme environ-
               prise de transport maritime             nemental ne s’est pas fait tout seul. « Les
               de l’Océanie à participer à un          coûts associés au respect de certains
               programme environnemental               critères peuvent être prohibitifs, surtout
       majeur est à la fois emballant et un peu        quand aucun de nos concurrents n’obéit
       intimidant pour CSL Australia.                  à ces normes plus élevées », remarque

                                                                                                                                                          Photo: Bill Green Photography
                                                       Mme Carver.
       L’engagement préalable de Canada
       Steamship Lines (CSL Canada) et de CSL          Caroline Denis, gestionnaire environ-
       Americas dans l’Alliance verte a encou-         nement à CSL Canada, s’est rendue en
       ragé CSL Australia à « monter à bord » l’an     Australie au début du processus pour
       dernier. « Il n’a pas été nécessaire de con-    aider la division australienne à mieux com-      CSL Thevenard
       vaincre l’équipe australienne des               prendre le programme, pour diriger les
       avantages », nous confirme Rhiannah             discussions concernant ses avantages, et
       Carver, la coordonnatrice des pro-              pour décrire les approches employées par        GreenTech 2015 à Seattle en mai dernier.
       grammes environnementaux de CSL                 la filière canadienne pour atteindre cer-       « C’était inspirant de découvrir les réalisa-
       Australia, qui ajoute toutefois que le tout     tains objectifs environnementaux précis et      tions des autres, de savoir quels thèmes
       n’a pas été si facile.                          attester de leur réalisation à l’intérieur du   attirent l’attention sur le plan environ-
                                                       cadre de l’Alliance verte. Cette visite a été   nemental et de voir les changements
       « Pendant que notre équipe réalisait l’éva-     grandement appréciée de Mme Carver :            réglementaires qui surviennent dans
       luation comparative de la performance           « Compte tenu en particulier de la diffé-       d’autres parties du monde », dit-elle. « Le
       environnementale de notre division pour         rence horaire, cette interaction en per-        colloque GreenTech m’a incontestable-
       l’Alliance verte, nous procédions à l’inté-     sonne a contribué à l’accélération du           ment donné l’encouragement et l’énergie
       gration de la gestion de nos navires afin       processus et a joué un rôle clé dans la pré-    dont j’avais besoin pour continuer à tra-
       que tout soit fait à l’interne plutôt que par   paration de CSL Australia en vue de la véri-    vailler fort sur nos propres projets liés à
       deux entreprises différentes », explique        fication de 2015 », explique-t-elle.            l’Alliance verte chez CSL Australia. »
       Mme Carver. « Il a fallu beaucoup d’efforts
       pour réussir à faire fonctionner la flotte      Le programme a inspiré CSL Australia à se       Ces projets comprennent un programme
       entière selon le même système de ges-           fixer des objectifs plus ciblés et plus         d’efficacité énergétique pour la flotte, pro-
       tion de navires et les mêmes pratiques          ambitieux. « Le fait de pouvoir comparer        gramme axé sur la réduction des
       exemplaires de gestion. »                       notre performance à celle des autres            émissions. Jovi Barrazo, le spécialiste en effi-
                                                       dans l’industrie maritime s’est avéré ines-     cacité énergétique de la flotte de CSL
       CSL Australia étant la seule entreprise par-    timable », déclare la coordonnatrice, qui       Australia, a déjà réalisé des vérifications à
       ticipante de l’Alliance verte en Australie,     ajoute que cela contribue de façon              bord sur 70 % des navires, ce qui lui a per-
       où la réglementation environnementale           importante au processus décisionnel des         mis de proposer toute une gamme
       est moins stricte que dans d’autres pays,       gestionnaires.                                  d’améliorations techniques et opéra-
       convaincre l’administration quant aux                                                           tionnelles possibles. On s’attend à ce que
       possibilités de rentabiliser les dépenses       Mme Carver est heureuse d’avoir eu la           cet accroissement de l’efficacité réduise de
       pour la technologie et l’équipement coû-        chance de réseauter avec d’autres mem-          7000 tonnes les émissions de dioxyde de
       teux nécessaires à certains niveaux             bres de l’Alliance verte au colloque            carbone (CO2) sur une période de cinq ans.

       Novembre 2015                                                                                   Magazine de l’Alliance verte 13
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                                                                                                Global leadership

                         Maersk pursues ambitious CO2 reductions
                         through major vessel upgrades
                         By Julie Gedeon

                     aersk Line has taken a radical approach to improv-       – not per container but overall – is declining,” Kindberg notes.
                     ing its fuel efficiency. The world’s largest container
                                                                              Fleet renewal accounts for a big part of this success, particularly
                     shipping line is aiming for a 60% reduction in fuel
                                                                              the US$185-million investment per vessel in the Triple E class
                     consumption – and the equivalent carbon dioxide
                                                                              that is lowering fuel consumption per container by 50% com-
       emissions – per container/kilometre by 2020 when compared
                                                                              pared to the preceding vessels providing that service. A Triple E
       with 2007. “That’s less than half the fuel per container/kilometre,”
                                                                              class vessel can move a tonne of cargo approximately 2,200
       says Lee Kindberg, Maersk’s North American director of Environ-
                                                                              miles (3,540 km) on one gallon (3.7 litres) of fuel, which is about
       ment and Sustainability.
                                                                              25 grams of fuel per TEU/km compared to the 50-75 grams in
                                                                              the global average range. An ultra-long stroke engine and effi-
                                                                              cient hull shape make the most of slow steaming, while the
                                                                              waste heat recovery systems conserve up to 10% of the main
                                                                              engine power.

                                                                              These new megaships, however, are only part of the initiative.
                                                                              “You need to have the right ship for the service,” Kindberg notes.
                                                                              “So we’ve launched three classes of ships over the past five years.”

                                                                              The WAFMAX (West Africa Maximum) class with a 4,700 TEU
                                                                              capacity was specifically built to call upon developing African
                                                                              ports where a shallower draft and onboard cranes may be
                                                                              required. The 22 WAFMAX ships delivered to date are using
                                                                              about 25% less fuel per container/km than their forerunners.

                                                                              In South America, 16 new South America maximum (SAMMAX)
                                                                              class vessels are running on 25-50% less fuel per container/km
                                                                              compared to the previous vessels.
                         LEE KINDBERG
                         Maersk’s North American Director                     Significant efforts are being put into making every ship – new
                         of Environment and Sustainability                    and older – run as efficiently as possible. Trim optimization, slow
                                                                              and super-slow steaming, anti-fouling hull coatings, regular hull
       Such a bold goal would normally generate scepticism, but not           and propeller cleanings, along with other maintenance and smart
       with Maersk’s recent track record. In 2008, Maersk set out to          sailing strategies are all helping to achieve the 2020 fuel goal.
       reduce by 25% the amount of fuel (and CO2) required to move
       a container one km by 2020. “While that goal initially had a lot       Maersk’s Global Voyage Centre in Mumbai uses satellite uplinks
       of us scratching our heads about how to achieve it, we man-            to monitor and exchange information in real time with its ships
       aged to exceed 25% by 2012,” Kindberg says. “So we raised the          throughout the world around the clock. If one of the centre’s 10
       goal to 40%, and we achieved 39.6% by 2014.”                           ship masters or chief engineers notices anything different from
                                                                              a ship’s usual sailing profile, a satellite phone call is immediately
       The company is successfully decoupling rising business volume          made to establish why that vessel isn’t operating at optimum
       from its environmental impact through major vessel upgrades            efficiency. The centre played an integral part in reducing
       and smart sailing strategies. “Since 2007, the number of containers    Maersk’s overall CO2 emissions by 530,000 tonnes last year,
       we’ve carried per year has increased, but our total CO2 emissions      according to the company’s sustainability report. Eco Voyage

       14 Green Marine Magazine                                                                                             November 2015
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       systems enable ship captains to receive information on the            drydock sessions arranged specifically for this purpose outside
       winds and waves, and to contact ports to coordinate arrival pre-      the regular five-year drydock cycle.”
       cisely when the ship’s berth will be available.
                                                                             Maersk has committed US$1 billion to retrofitting 100 of its ves-
       “Our fleet now transmits 30 terabytes of data per month over          sels over the next five years in a strategy that involves
       satellite networks, and we expect to increase that data flow as       collaborating with ports and other partners to leverage
       these satellite systems become more reliable and we have more         economies of scale and to ensure all of the necessary environ-
       onboard instrumentation,” Kindberg says.                              mental testing is done beforehand.

       Maersk’s Terminal Efficiency program aims to get vessels in and       This “extreme makeover” includes modifying the bow to reduce
       out of ports as quickly as possible to minimize air emissions in      drag. “The bow modification, along with reduced speeds, is pro-
       populated areas. Direct communication between the ship cap-           ducing huge efficiencies,” Kindberg says. “The vessels used to run
       tain and marine pilots eliminates delays, as does the port captain    up to 22-24 knots, but we’ve found it much more efficient for
       alerting the relevant terminals at larger ports.                      them to travel at 18 and even 16 knots.”

       “When you’re talking about some of Maersk’s new Triple E class        Lowering speeds has led Maersk to derate engines and install
       vessels arriving or leaving with 17,000 or 18,000 TEUs, we have       fuel flow meters to better monitor engine performance and pro-
       to collaborate with the port and terminals to ensure traffic flow     vide chief engineers with more optimization tools.
       doesn’t become a bottleneck issue and major environmental             New propellers improve efficiency, and pumps, valves and light-
       impact,” Kindberg says.                                               ing are also upgraded with more efficient and environmentally
       Every feasible energy-saving technology is being employed. For        friendlier equipment.
       example, Maersk now has more than 80 vessels with waste heat          Another key goal is to increase each vessel’s transport capacity
       recovery systems that capture the heat from exhaust gas for           using the same amount of fuel or ideally less. “By raising the
       reuse as onboard electricity or additional propulsion. “We keep       wheelhouse, we can load a whole additional layer of containers,”
       finding new ways to improve their performance,” Kindberg adds.        Kindberg notes. “We upgrade hatch covers and other compo-
       “There’s actually a friendly competition among the chief engi-        nents to be able to carry the extra weight.”
       neers to see who can get the most energy out of their systems.”
                                                                             The company is also working in tandem with the charter firms
       Rather than fitting and subsequently testing a new energy-sav-        that own approximately half of the 600 vessels that Maersk cur-
       ing technology on one or two vessels, Maersk is taking a more         rently has in use. “After all, Maersk pays for the fuel,” Kindberg
       holistic approach. “First we make absolutely sure that a technol-     says. “And given the direct relationship between fuel consump-
       ogy will deliver the promised energy savings through extensive        tion and CO2 impact, it makes good business sense from both
       testing,” Kindberg says. “The approved system then becomes            a bottom-line view and environmental standpoint to lead the
       part of a much larger suite of energy-efficient retrofits that will   way in terms of energy savings, particularly since efficiency ini-
       be applied to an entire class of Maersk vessels during a series of    tiatives help to pay for themselves in the long run.”

                        By raising the wheelhouse, Maersk has
                        been able to stack additional layers of
                        containers aboard the Georg Maersk.

       November 2015                                                                                      Green Marine Magazine 15
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                       New scrubber technology garners
                       significant attention
                       By Julie Gedeon

                                   reen Marine partner Ionada Canada has          the system removes the sulphur oxide from the
                                   introduced new scrubber technology that        exhaust by using sodium hydroxide as an absorbent
                                   removes the sulphur from a ship’s engine       fluid. “The fluid suspended inside the system’s hollow
                                   exhaust and transforms it into pure            ceramic membranes acts like a wick that automati-
                       sodium sulphite – a salt that can easily be transported    cally draws the sulphur inside the highly porous
                       into port and re-used for various agricultural or indus-   tubing,” explained Robert Clarke, Ionada Canada’s
                       trial purposes.                                            director of business development. “The resulting salt
                                                                                  is then pumped into a holding tank.”
                       “I’m convinced this scrubber solution is a game-
                       changer,” Gerry Carter, a member of the Ionada board       The patented technology enables ship owners to
                       of directors and former CSL Canada president, told         meet this year’s mandatory 0.1% sulphur limit for
                       GreenTech 2015 delegates. Carter was among the             engine exhaust in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) with-
                       Ionada representatives at Green Marine’s annual con-       out buying fuel containing significantly lower sulphur
                       ference to unveil the sea trial results of a pilot         content at roughly double the price because of the
                       installation aboard a Great Lakes freighter.               additional refining.

                       Placed in the engine exhaust (after the economizer),       “Sea trials completed aboard CSL Canada’s Baie St.

                                                                                               CSL's Baie St. Paul bulk carrier
                                                                                                with Ionada's pilot Membrane
                                                                                            Scrubber system installed aboard.

       16 Green Marine Magazine                                                                                      November 2015
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         Paul self-unloading bulk freighter
         exceeded performance objec-
         tives,” Edoardo Panziera, Ionada
         Canada’s        founder        and
         president/CEO, announced. “The
         sulphur dioxide/carbon dioxide
         (SO2/CO2) ratio was 10 times lower
         than the 0.1% sulphur content
         equivalent permitted under ECA

         The pilot installation, running 10%
         of the total exhaust gas output for
         an 8MW engine, surpassed all of
         Ionada Canada’s benchmarks for
         reliability, ease of operation, and
         installation. Each unit can handle
         approximately 10MW, so an 8MV
         engine would likely require 10 of
         the compact units.                      Technology category for the           disposed of or stored other than
                                                 patented Membrane Scrubber at         the pure salt.
         Officials from Transport Canada,
                                                 the Ship Efficiency Awards held by
         Environment Canada, as well as                                                The sodium sulphite can be
                                                 Lloyd’s Register in London in early
         verifiers from Lloyd’s Register, par-                                         unloaded in port and turned into
         ticipated in the onboard validation                                           the sulphuric acid used in photog-
         for type approval that Ionada           By eliminating the need to use        raphy,     papermaking,           food
         Canada expects to obtain shortly.       water from a spray tower to wash      preservation, or as a fertilizer. “The
                                                 out the sulphur as is common in       salt goes for about $14 per tonne
         Ionada was chosen as one of five
                                                 open-looped systems, Ionada has       when sold to make fertilizer,
         finalists in the Environmental
                                                 simplified the equipment and          which is approximately the cost of
                                                 process. “The Scrubber Membrane       running a unit,” Panziera noted.
                                                 uses 30% less energy because you      “The only additional cost would
                                                 don’t have to pump the 500            be the required electricity.”
                                                 tonnes of water per hour required
                                                                                       Ionada isn’t suggesting this should
                                                 for a typical 10 megawatt engine,”
                                                                                       be an actively pursued revenue
                                                 Clarke said.
                                                                                       stream for their customers but, at
                                                 “Even within a closed-looped sys-     a minimum, arrangements can
                                                 tem, where the same water is          be made for the collection of this
                                                 used repeatedly with a benign         useful by-product rather than dis-
                                                 alkaline, you need a sludge tank      posing of it in waterways or the
                                                 aboard to store the water that        ocean.
                                                 may have come in contact with
                                                                                       A system with no overboard dis-
                                                 engine oil, particulate matter or
                                                                                       charge is regarded as advantage-
                                                 burnt exhaust,” Clarke added.
                                                                                       ous given that at least one
                                                 Water from the exhaust gas is         American state (Connecticut) has
                                                 actually reused – and only for        banned the disposal of all scrub-
                                                 cooling purposes – so the system      ber wash-water, and other states
        A Membrane Scrubber                      is self-sustaining in that respect.   have established complicated
        module is ready to be                    Only the sulphur is pulled through    rules calling for matching PH lev-
        put inside the Baie St.                  the membrane so there’s no other      els and other conditions before
        Paul’s funnel.                           wash-water or by-products to be       any disposal can occur.

       November 2015                                                                                     Green Marine Magazine 17
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                       Keen supporter

                       Washington Maritime Federation marks
                       its first year with clear priorities
                       By Julie Gedeon

                                he Washington Maritime Federation, a new
                                Green Marine supporter, celebrates its first
                                anniversary on November 1st. The association

                                                                                                                                                 Photo: Kenny Down, Blue North
                                was officially launched by maritime stake-
                       holders in the State of Washington a year ago to
                       provide a unified voice for the industry.

                       “Involving everything from marine terminal operators
                       to recreational boating, the maritime industry gener-
                       ates $30-billion in annual revenue as the state’s largest
                       economic driver,” says Joshua Berger, the Federation’s
                       coordinator. “Yet there’s still a lack of understanding by    The Blue North, with an innovative design
                       the public and some elected officials about both its          and clean technology, is one of the world’s
                       importance to the state and even greater promise.”            most environmentally friendly fishing vessels.

                       As an umbrella organization, the Federation establishes
                       the industry’s common priorities in terms of policy          is paid less and states already heavily subsidize this
                       improvements, infrastructure capitalization and tax          industry,” Berger explains.
                       incentives. “We seek significant input from maritime
                       businesses, port authorities, labour organizations, and      The Federation is also striving to enhance the workforce
                       chambers of commerce,” Berger notes. “Instead of indi-       through formal education programs and informal men-
                       vidually responding to issues in a defensive mode as         toring. “We want to ensure that we have the next
                       they arise, we’re taking a unified proactive stance.”        generation ready to build new boats and to work
                                                                                    aboard these vessels using all the latest technology and
                       A key goal is to relate not only the industry’s resilience   best management practices,” Berger says.
                       but future promise as the state’s maritime transporta-
                       tion continues to work towards greater economic and          In May the Federation extended a warm welcome to
                       environmental sustainability. “We already have so            Green Marine delegates at the GreenTech 2015 confer-
                       much happening on this front,” Berger notes. “Every-         ence in Seattle. “We already knew Eleanor Kirtley, Green
                       thing from state-of-the-art naval architecture and           Marine’s West Coast program manager, from her years
                       engineering firms, to advanced storm-water manage-           of work in the industry in Washington State,” Berger says.
                       ment at ports, and a shift towards the use of alternative    “And we’re delighted at how the Green Marine frame-
                       fuels by ferries and other boats.”                           work enables the Port of Seattle, for example, to further
                                                                                    showcase its extensive initiatives towards achieving
                       The Federation is currently looking for ways to incen-       greater sustainability.”
                       tivize the modernization of the North Pacific fishing
                       fleet, particularly the boats travelling between Wash-       Berger said the Federation hopes other Washington
                       ington State and Alaskan waters. Hundreds of boats –         State ports and maritime enterprises, such as those
                       everything from 250-foot (76-metre) catcher-proces-          respectively using sophisticated storm-water systems
                       sors to 100-foot (30-metre) crab boats – should ideally      or cleaner alternative fuels, consider the Green Marine
                       be replaced over the next five to 10 years with more         framework to clearly benchmark their environmental
                       efficient and thereby cleaner technologies.                  initiatives to date and their progress going forward.
                                                                                    “There’s so much great environmental stuff happening
                       “We’re aiming to keep all that new boat building here        here that is still falling under the radar,” he says. “The
                       within the state by giving shipyards the necessary tax       Green Marine program is helping to bring all of these
                       break to remain on an even playing field with their          efforts to the forefront while also issuing new environ-
                       competitors in other parts of the country where labour       mental challenges.”

       18 Green Marine Magazine                                                                                            November 2015
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