Online Literacy and Basic Skills Courses Cours en ligne en alphabétisation et formation de base -

La page est créée Jean-Michel Brun
Online Literacy and Basic Skills Courses Cours en ligne en alphabétisation et formation de base -

Online Literacy and Basic Skills Courses
Cours en ligne en alphabétisation
et formation de base

Proud member of the e-Channel group:
Fier membre du group d’apprentissage en ligne :

ACE Distance/Online
Deaf Learn Now
Good Learning Anywhere
The LearningHUB

Funded by the Government of Ontario
Subventionné par le gouvernement de l’Ontario
About e-Channel

                                            As an adult learner in Ontario, you can access Literacy and Basic Skills courses online
                                            via e-Channel.
                                            You can upgrade your skills, learn new skills and prepare to work towards the General
                                            Education Development (GED) test.
Table of contents                           All courses are free of charge.
                                            You can participate in live online classes that stress task-based, real-life learning
ACE Distance/
                                            activities, or access online resources at your convenience for “anytime” learning.
Accès Carrières Études  . . . . . . 5
                                            You can use you own computer to access the courses or those at other locations,
Deaf Learn Now . . . . . . . . . . . . 6    including Contact North | Contact Nord’s 116 local online learning centres serving
                                            populations in 600 small, remote, rural, Indigenous and Francophone communities
Good Learning Anywhere . . . . . 8          throughout Ontario.
The LearningHUB . . . . . . . . . . 30      You can enrol in courses to achieve your goals related to employment, apprenticeship
                                            registration, post-secondary education enrolment, secondary school completion,
Le Programme de formation à                 or personal independence.
distance (F@D) . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

                                            e-Channel is the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities-funded online
                                            Literacy and Basic Skills program serving adult residents of Ontario at no cost.
                                            Service is available in four cultural streams: Indigenous, Francophone, Anglophone
                                            and Deaf. e-Channel removes barriers of access by offering flexible online upgrading
                                            opportunities to:
                                            •   adults with disabilities
                                            •   adults who live in rural and remote communities
                                            •   adults with transportation or childcare issues
                                            •   adults unable to participate in on-site programming
                                            •   adults who simply prefer distance learning
                                            e-Channel helps learners prepare for any one of these five goals: Employment,
                                            Apprenticeship, Post-Secondary Education, Secondary Credit or Independence,
                                            and uses task-based, real-life learning activities that follow the Ontario Adult Literacy
                                            Curriculum Framework.
                                            The courses and classes offered by the service delivery agencies listed on the
                                            following pages can help you upgrade your skills, learn new skills, or work towards
                                            your General Education Diploma (GED). Be sure to visit their individual websites for
                                            detailed information about the curriculum available and methods of delivery. You
                                            can also visit the e-Channel website for the most current listing of courses and
                                            classes available during Fall 2018. For more information on e-Channel, please visit

                                            1                          e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
Au sujet de l’Apprentissage en ligne

                                             En tant qu’apprenante ou apprenant adulte en Ontario, vous pouvez avoir
                                             accès à des cours de littératie et de compétences de base en ligne par le biais
                                             d’Apprentissage en ligne.
                                             Vous pouvez actualiser vos compétences, apprendre de nouvelles habiletés et étudier
Table des matières                           en vue d’obtenir un certificat d’équivalence d’études secondaires de l’Ontario.
                                             Tous les cours sont offerts gratuitement.
ACE Distance/
                                             Vous pouvez participer à des classes en ligne en direct, qui mettent l’accent
Accès Carrières Études  . . . . . . 5
                                             sur des activités d’apprentissage pratiques centrées sur les tâches, ou accéder
Deaf Learn Now . . . . . . . . . . . . 6     à des ressources en ligne quand cela vous convient pour un apprentissage « en
                                             tout temps ».
Good Learning Anywhere . . . . . 8           Vous pouvez utiliser votre propre ordinateur pour accéder aux cours ou à d’autres
The LearningHUB . . . . . . . . . . 30       emplacements, y compris les 116 centres d’apprentissage en ligne local de
                                             Contact North | Contact Nord situés dans 600 communautés petites, éloignées,
Le Programme de formation à                  rurales, autochtones et francophones à travers l’Ontario.
distance (F@D)) . . . . . . . . . . . . 40   Vous pouvez vous inscrire à des cours afin de réaliser vos objectifs d’emploi, de
                                             formation en apprentissage, d’études postsecondaires, d’achèvement du cours
                                             secondaire ou d’autonomie personnelle.

                                             Apprentissage en ligne est le Programme d’alphabétisation et de formation de base
                                             en ligne du Ministère de la Formation et des Collèges et Universités, qui subventionne
                                             ce programme gratuit à l’intention des adultes résidant en Ontario.
                                             Ce service est disponible dans quatre volets culturels pour les personnes
                                             autochtones, francophones, anglophones et sourdes. Apprentissage en ligne facilite
                                             l’accès en proposant des occasions souples de perfectionnement en ligne :
                                             •   aux personnes handicapées,
                                             •   aux gens des communautés rurales ou éloignées,
                                             •   aux personnes qui ont des difficultés de transport ou de garde d’enfants,
                                             •   aux personnes qui ne peuvent pas participer aux programmes sur place,
                                             •   aux personnes qui préfèrent tout simplement l’apprentissage à distance.
                                             Apprentissage en ligne aide les apprenantes et apprenants à se préparer pour l’une
                                             des cinq voies de transition : l’emploi, la formation en apprentissage, les études
                                             postsecondaires, les études secondaires ou l’autonomie. Pour ce faire, Apprentissage
                                             en ligne utilise des activités d’apprentissage pratiques qui sont axées sur les tâches
                                             et qui respectent les six compétences du Curriculum en littératie des adultes
                                             de l’Ontario.
                                             Les classes et les cours offerts par les fournisseurs de prestation de ces services,
                                             mentionnés dans les pages suivantes, peuvent vous aider à perfectionner vos
                                             habiletés, à acquérir de nouvelles compétences ou à travailler en vue d’obtenir votre
                                             certificat d’équivalence d’études secondaires de l’Ontario. Assurez-vous de visiter
                                             les sites Web individuels de ces fournisseurs pour avoir de l’information détaillée au
                                             sujet du curriculum proposé et des modes de prestation. Vous pouvez aussi visiter
                                             le site Web d’Apprentissage en ligne afin de consulter la plus récente liste actualisée
                                             des classes et des cours disponibles durant le semestre automne 2018. Pour de plus
                                             amples renseignements sur les offres d’Apprentissage en ligne, veuillez visiter le site
                                             Web à

                                             2                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
Courses and Registration

The courses that e-Channel makes available are offered by the Literacy and Basic
Skills organizations in Ontario that serve Francophone, Anglophone, Indigenous, and
Deaf communities online.
Students can choose their courses from the lists on the following pages and register
with the organization offering the course. You will then be given a personal account
with e-Channel and be able to access your course.
Each lead organization serves a particular community or need:
•   ACE Distance - Academic and Career Entrance - providing courses in English and
    French for preparation for post-secondary education and apprenticeship training.
•   Deaf Learn Now - providing courses for the Deaf, Blind-Deaf and Hard
    of Hearing students.
•   Good Learning Anywhere - providing courses for Indigenous students.
•   The LearningHUB - providing courses for the Anglophone students.
•   Le Programme de formation à distance (F@D) - providing courses for
    Francophone students.

Student Support

On the e-Channel website, students can also find resources to help them access and
benefit from their classes. The student section of the website features videos on how
to login and take part in classes to prepare students for an online learning experience.
As well, there are live chat and phone options for contacting the Contact North |
Contact Nord’s Help Desk at 1-888-850-4628 for technical support if difficulties are
encountered in joining a class.

3                         e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
Les cours et l’inscription

Les cours proposés par Apprentissage en ligne sont offerts par des organismes
de littératie et de compétences de base en Ontario, qui servent des communautés
francophones, anglophones, autochtones et de personnes sourdes en ligne.
Les étudiantes et étudiants peuvent choisir leurs cours dans les listes affichées sur
les pages suivantes et s’inscrire auprès du principal organisme responsable qui offre
le cours sélectionné. Ensuite, un compte personnel auprès d’Apprentissage en ligne
vous sera attribué et vous pourrez alors accéder à votre cours.
Chaque principal organisme responsable sert une communauté particulière ou
répond à un besoin spécifique :
•   le programme Accès carrières études (ACE) – fournit des cours en français et en
    anglais pour la préparation en vue des études postsecondaires et de la formation
    en apprentissage;
•   le programme Deaf Learn Now – fournit des cours à l’intention des étudiantes
    et étudiants sourds, sourds et aveugles ou malentendants;
•   le programme Good Learning Anywhere – fournit des cours à l’intention des
    étudiantes et étudiants autochtones;
•   The LearningHUB – fournit des cours à l’intention des étudiantes et étudiants
•   Le Programme de formation à distance (F@D) – fournit des cours à l’intention des
    étudiantes et étudiants francophones.

Le soutien aux étudiantes et étudiants

Sur le site Web d’Apprentissage en ligne, les étudiantes et étudiants peuvent aussi
trouver des ressources pour les aider à accéder à leurs classes et à en bénéficier.
Le site Web étudiant présente des vidéos sur la façon de se connecter aux classes
et comment y participer afin de préparer les étudiantes et étudiants à leur expérience
d’apprentissage en ligne. De plus, nous offrons des options de clavardage en direct,
ainsi que d’assistance téléphonique pour communiquer avec le Centre d’assistance
de Contact North | Contact Nord au 1 888 850-4628 afin d’obtenir un soutien
technique si vous éprouvez des difficultés à vous joindre à une classe.

4                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
ACE Distance – Academic & Career Entrance
                              Le programme d’Accès, carrières, études (ACE)
                              Take the courses you need for admission to college and apprenticeship
                              There will be 2 free intakes during Fall 2018. Intakes will occur in September 2018 and
                              November 2018.
                              In order to be eligible for ACE Distance students must:
                              1. Complete the Essential Skills for Employment and Education (ESEE) assessment
                                 and meet the entry standard required for ACE Distance courses.
For the most current          2. Complete the 20-hour Learn to Learn course required of all students.
information, please check        Students can sign up for Learn to Learn by going to our website:
the ACE Distance website
                              ACE Distance offers the following courses
or contact
                              •   Biology
/en français:
                              •   Chemistry   •   Physics
                              •   Communication
                              •   Self Management & Self Direction
                              •   Apprenticeship Math
                              •   Business Math
                              •   Core Math
                              •   Technology Math
                              •   Computer Fundamentals

                              For those who require some additional assistance, we also provide a Communications
                              Support course and a Numeracy Support course to refresh the basics.
                              ACE Distance courses are also offered in French, along with Anglais langue seconde.

                              5                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
Deaf Learn Now

                              Deaf Learn Now is open to all Deaf,              COMMUNICATIONS COURSES
                              Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing adults            Better e-Mails
                              in Ontario. All courses are free. Only           Want to improve your e-mails? It’s
                              WHMIS is a credit course.                        easier than you think! See the simple
                                                                               tips that will help you write clear and
                              DEAF CULTURE                                     better e-mails! You will then focus on
                              Deaf Studies Part 1-4 now has                    formal e-mails, and how to send e-mails
                              continuous intake. Students may enrol            to a group or club.
DEAF LEARN NOW                anytime.                                         Media Literacy                                                    Media is everywhere! This course will look
                              Deaf Studies, Part 1                             at different types of media, advertising
TTY: 905-579-6495
                              Learn about Deaf history, people and             strategies, and how media affects our
Voice: 905-579-3328           events.                                          lives everyday.
                              Deaf Studies, Part 2
                              A special course looking at current/recent       EMPLOYMENT &
                              Deaf events, issues and people.                  INDEPENDENCE COURSES
                              Deaf Studies, Part 3                             Citizenship, Parts I and II
                              A look at the creative side of Deaf culture!     (Part III to come in January 2019)
                              Here you will see Deaf artists, storytellers     This course will help prepare you to take
                              and inventors.                                   the Canadian Citizenship test. Learn
                                                                               all about Canada, its history, its voting
                              Deaf Studies, Part 4
                                                                               system and much, much more!
                              The focus of this course is Deaf sports
                              and athletes. Learn about some                   Food Basics
                              inspirational people, Deaf sports clubs          This course will help teach you the
                              and associations, and see how you can            basics of food safety. Learn the rules
                              get involved!                                    about safe food storage, how not to
                                                                               cross-contaminate and how to avoid
                                                                               food poisoning and other food-related
                              MATH COURSES                                     illnesses. This course will help prepare
                              Math – Time and Fractions                        you for the Food Handler Certification
                              Learn the basics of fractions and how to         course.
                              use them when calculating time. Practice
                                                                               Résumé and Cover Letter,
                              adding and rounding hours using
                                                                               Parts I and II
                              fractions and decimals.
                                                                               Need to find a job? You need a great
                              Survivor Math                                    résumé and cover letter! This course will
                              We use math every day! In this course            help you learn how to create a résumé
                              we will take you through life activities and     and cover letter that will help you be
                              learn about Rounding, Fractions, and             successful with employment!
                              Time Intervals.
                                                                               G1 Driver’s License Course
                                                                               This course prepares you for the Ontario
                                                                               G1 Knowledge Test. Topics covered
                                                                               in this course are road rules and
                                                                               traffic signs.

                              6                          e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
Deaf Learn Now

Under the Sink
Most people have cleaning products
under the sink at home. But, do you
know how to use them safely?
In this course, we will teach:
•   Common safety symbols and words.
•   How to protect yourself.
•   What to do when accidents happen.
•   “Going green” - What are “green”
The Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System (WHMIS) is a
Canada-wide system that teaches
employers and workers information
about dangerous materials used in
the workplace.

7                          e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A                         1B

2A                         2B        Good Learning Anywhere

                                     Note: All courses are listed in EST.           Bookkeeping Essential Skills
                                     CLASSES FOR NEW USERS                          Sept. 18 - Oct. 4
                                     It is encouraged that new learners take        Tues. & Thurs., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
                                     the following introductory course before       Do you enjoy working with numbers and
                                     they take any other courses offered at         organizing information? If so, a job in
                                     Good Learning Anywhere.                        bookkeeping may be for you! This course
                                                                                    will introduce the basics of bookkeeping,
                                     Introduction to Online Learning                and practice the Essentials Skills required
                                     Sept. 17 Mon., 1:30 p.m. pm - 3:30 p.m.        for this job! Topics will include:
                                     Sept. 19 Wed., 1:30 p.m. pm - 3:30 p.m.        • What is a bookkeeper?
     SIOUX-HUDSON LITERACY           Oct. 11 Thurs., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.        • Basic bookkeeping terminology.
     COUNCIL                         Oct. 29 Mon., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.            • The importance of keeping
     Telephone: 1-866-550-0697       Nov. 28 Wed., 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.                  accurate records.   Dec. 12 Wed., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.            • And much more.    This LIVE 2-hour class introduces the          Note: This is a 6-session course.
                                     online platforms that are used in GLA.
                                     The course is taught in the live online        New Fall 2018 Create a Résumé
     All Good Learning Anywhere/     classroom Saba where we will use the           Oct. 16 - Oct. 25
     SHLC courses are available      whiteboard and it’s on screen tools to         Tues. & Thurs., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
     at no cost.                     communicate with other learners across         Do you need to create a résumé? Does
                                     Ontario. During the 2 hours we will            your résumé need an update? Join us for
                                     also explore our independent learning          these 4 live online sessions where your
                                     platform Plato and our Short Courses in        instructor will help you explore résumé
                                     Moodle. These 2 platforms let you learn        templates, identify basic résumé sections
                                     at your own pace while supported by            and get you started on creating your own
                                     your mentor. Both have many courses to         résumé using Google Docs. Participants
                                     choose from. Come explore the learning         should have a Gmail Account.
                                     options with GLA and find the styles that      Note: This is a 4-session course.
                                     will work for you!
                                     Note: This course is offered more than         Creating Documents
                                     once. Please register for one only.            Sept. 19 - Oct. 24
                                                                                    Wed., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                                     EMPLOYMENT                                     Posters, lists, sign-up sheets, résumés
                                     Be Your Own Boss                               and newsletters are all examples of
                                     Oct. 16 - Nov. 1                               documents that can be created using a
                                     Tues. & Thurs., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m         word processing program. In this course,
                                     Have you ever thought about starting           we will learn the basics of how to use
                                     your own business? Join us for these           these programs and how to create great
                                     6 classes as we explore the skills that        looking documents for school, work or
                                     you already have, and learn new tasks          home. A Gmail account will be required
                                     involved in action planning, record            as we will be using Google Documents.
                                     keeping and marketing! Guest speakers          Note: This is a 6-session course.
                                     will share how they have become
                                     successful business people in their
                                     communities and beyond.
                                     Note: This is a 6-session course.

                                     8                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Essential Skills for Using                      course, you will understand what it takes
          Mobile Devices                                  to become a PSW and if it’s the right
          Nov. 7 - Nov. 21                                choice for you!
          Wed., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.                     Note: This is a 6-session course.
          Are you new to the world of mobile
          devices? This 3-part course provides an         INDEPENDENCE
          overview of common features on mobile           Creative Writing and Slam Poetry
          devices such as smart phones and tablet         Sept. 26 - Oct. 31
          computers. Whether you are a first time         Wed., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
          mobile device user or are thinking of           Come join us as we experiment with
          buying your first device and don’t know         writing and build our confidence by
          where to start, this course may be helpful      putting pen to paper (or fingers to
          to you! Topics we cover are:                    keyboard!). Together, through the use
          • Basic features and benefits                   of creative writing activities based on
          • Choosing the right device                     subjects you know, care, and feel about,
          • Troubleshooting and settings                  we will get ideas flowing. As we become
          • Privacy and security                          more comfortable with our own inner
          • Gadgets and add-ons                           ability to write, we will have the chance
          • Apps                                          to share our best creative efforts in a final
          • Responsible use                               slam poetry session.
          • Saving money                                  Note: This is a 6-session course.
          Note: This is a 3-session course.
                                                          Exploring Ontario First Nation Cultures
          Is Math In Your Path?                           Oct. 30 - Nov. 15
          Nov. 6 - Nov. 22                                Tues. & Thurs., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
          Tues. & Thurs., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.         Would you like to learn about First
          If your answer to this question is YES,         Nations culture? This course aims to
          then this 6-session SABA course is for          introduce learners to three different
          you! We are going to explore basic math         First Nations in Ontario. Through
          skills, including whole numbers, addition,      presentations and videos, learners will
          subtraction, multiplication, division,          explore traditional beliefs, practices and
          order of operations and integers! There         spirituality. Discussion will take place
          will be lots of practice and time to play       to help break down misconceptions
          some games!                                     and stereotypes.
          Note: This is a 6-session course.               Note: This is a 6-session course.

          Personal Support Worker
          Nov. 20 - Dec. 6
          Tues. & Thurs., 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
          Do you enjoy working with people and
          are interested in a career in the health
          field? If so, a career as a Personal
          Support Worker (PSW) may be for you.
          This course will explore the education
          and training that you will need to become
          a PSW and where you can get it. We will
          do tasks around the Essential Skills that
          are needed for the job. By the end of the

          9                         e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          New Fall 2018 First Aid Essential Skills         Self Management-Self Direction
          Nov. 21 - Dec. 12                                Sept. 18 - Oct. 4
          Wed., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                    Tues. & Thurs., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
          If someone you were with was choking             This course focuses on preparing
          or had a head injury – would you know            learners to make decisions and set goals
          what to do? This 4-session live course is        for life and employment based on a
          taught by GLA instructor Holly, a former         resource from the Ontario Native Literacy
          paramedic in Northern Ontario. Her many          Coalition. It includes topics such as
          years of experience with emergency care          transitions, decision making, goal setting,
          and education give her a common sense            time management, learning styles and
          approach. This course will introduce you         independent learning.
          to basic first aid concepts and how to           Note: This is a 6-session course.
          become First Aid/CPR certified. At the
          end of this course, we will know how to          Sharing Circle
          recognize an emergency, look for ways to         Oct. 22 Mon., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
          prevent accidents and put safety first.          Aambe! Maajaa daa! Get involved with
          Note: This IS NOT a First Aid Certification      online learning by attending our Online
          course. Clients will get a certificate of        Sharing Circles. Circles are held in our
          participation for this online course. This is    live online classroom the 3rd Monday of
          a 4-session course.                              each month (unless otherwise noted).
                                                           Participants will be able to learn from
          M’Nendamowin – A Good Way                        and interact with a variety of First Nation
          of Thinking                                      guest speakers. Past speakers have
          Nov. 27 - Dec. 13                                included Darrell Dennis, Lisa Charleyboy
          Tues. & Thurs., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.          and Shirley Cheechoo.
          Introduction to mental health. The
          spotlight on Mental Health has not shone
          brighter than it has these past few years
          thanks to media, national celebrities and
          corporate initiatives like Bell Talk. You
          may have asked yourself questions like:
          • What is mental health?
          • How does it affect me or someone
               I know?
          • What does it look like?
          • Where can I get help?
          Join us as we introduce you to mental
          health, the facts, the fiction and
          the resources.
          Note: This is a 6-session course.
          Please note that information in this
          course is intended as an introduction
          only and is not intended to replace
          professional assistance.

          10                         e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          INDEPENDENT STUDY                                Applied Medical Terminology
          With Independent Study courses, there            This course will help you meet the
          are no scheduled classes.                        following goals:
          Learners can log into the online system          •    Explore the history of medical
          any time that is convenient for them,                 terminology and identify the
          to watch a video, take a test or read a               components of medical terms.
          chapter. Help and guidance is available to       •    Identify medical abbreviations,
          the learner from their online mentor. The             acronyms, and symbols.
          online mentor works with the learner to          •    Understand the body structure.
          choose the courses the learner needs to          •    Identify the human body planes
          help them reach their goals. The mentor               and cavities.
          follows the learner’s progress and will be       •    Discuss the directional terminology
          ready to advise the learner on every step             used to describe the positions of
          along the way.                                        various structures.
          Independent learning is available in the         •    Understand the structure
          following areas:                                      and functions of the human
                                                                body systems.
          EMPLOYMENT                                       •    Identify the medical terminology
                                                                related to diseases and disorders for
                                                                each body system.
          By the end of this course, you will have
                                                           •    Identify the medical terminology
          done the following:
                                                                related to medical procedures and
          • Learned to use accounting as a
                                                                treatment for each body system.
              business tool;
                                                           •    Explore health science specializations
          • Explored the scope and limitations
                                                                related to each body system.
              of accounting;
          • Understood how to use accounting               Clients should be comfortable working
              concepts to evaluate businesses;             with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          • Learned about the key government               courses take approximately 90 days to
              regulations in accounting;                   complete. Please note there are small
          • Explored various career options                references to American information.
              in accounting;                               We encourage learners to research
          • Familiarized yourself with (and                comparable Canadian information.
              practiced) key accounting tasks such         We do not offer credits for these courses.
              as bookkeeping; and
          • Payroll accounting.
          Clients should be comfortable working
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          courses take approximately 90 days to
          complete. Please note that there are
          small references to American information.
          We encourage learners to research
          comparable Canadian information. We
          do not offer credits for these courses.

          11                         e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Career Explorations                             Child Development and Parenting
          By the end of this course, you will be          This course will help you meet the
          able to do the following:                       following goals:
          • Identify personal role models and             • Learn about the basics of parenting,
               influential people in your life.                including parenting roles and
          • Describe your strengths                            responsibilities and parenting styles.
               and weaknesses.                            • Assess an individual’s preparedness
          • Relate your achievements to your                   to become a parent.
               aptitudes and skills.                      • Learn about prenatal and
          • Determine whether you enjoy                        postnatal care.
               working with people, information,          • Discuss the importance of positive
               or things.                                      parenting and effective parent-child
          • Identify some major industries in                  communication.
               the U.S.                                   • Discuss the effects of cultural
          • Describe the organizational structure              diversity, mass media, and
               of the Standard Occupational                    technology on children and parents.
               Classification system.                     • Explore issues and concerns that
          • Find occupational information in the               contemporary parents face.
               Occupational Outlook Handbook.             Clients should be comfortable working
          • Analyze the costs and benefits                with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
               for different levels of education          courses take approximately 90 days to
               and training.                              complete. Please note there are small
          • Understand the different types of             references to American information.
               post-high school education that            We encourage learners to research
               are available.                             comparable Canadian information.
          • Identify different types of career            We do not offer credits for these courses.
               paths, including those of
               professional, skilled, and entry-level
          • Describe opportunities and
               challenges resulting from changing
               economic conditions.
          • Construct a personal cover letter
               and résumé.
          • Manage your time efficiently
               and effectively.
          • Create a personal budget.
          • Give informative and engaging
               oral presentations.
          Clients should be comfortable working
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          courses take approximately 90 days to
          complete. Please note there are small
          references to American information.
          We encourage learners to research
          comparable Canadian information.
          We do not offer credits for these courses.

          12                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Computer Programming                            NEW Fall 2018 Culinary Arts
          This course will help you meet the              Part A - This course covers the basics
          following goals:                                of nutrition; and health, safety, and
          •    Familiarize yourself with career           sanitation. In addition, the course
               options in computer programming.           explains the basic science principles
          •    Explore the use of enterprise              used in cooking and various cooking
               systems for business solutions.            methods. Finally, the course describes
          •    Discuss the ethics and                     the culinary skills required to make a
               responsibilities of a computer             variety of items, ranging from stocks and
               programmer.                                soups to seafood and poultry to various
          •    Familiarize yourself with                  bread and desserts. By the end of this
               number systems used for data               course, learners will:
               representation.                            •    Explore the history and influential
          •    Explore the data types used for                 figures in the culinary arts.
               computer programming.                      •    Identify international cuisines.
          •    Describe the mathematical and              •    Identify nutrient sources and
               statistical functions and logic used            functions.
               in computation.                            •    Categorize foodservice industry
          •    Explore how a computer executes                 segments.
               a program.                                 •    Compare food preparation methods.
          •    Explore different programming              •    Define culinary terms.
               languages available to solve               •    Classify and categorize various
               problems and develop systems.                   proteins.
          •    Apply procedural programming to            Part B - This course covers the running
               solve a problem.                           of food service establishments and
          •    Explore the concepts of object-            kitchen management skills. In addition,
               oriented programming.                      the course explains the personal skills
          •    Create program structures to               and professional traits needed in the
               implement algorithms.                      foodservice industry. Finally, the course
          •    Use basic HTML commands to                 covers career opportunities and career
               create and structure a web page.           management skills. By the end of this
          •    Enhance web pages.                         course, learners will:
          •    Familiarize yourself with the basic
               features of JavaScript.                    •    Identify factors affecting menu
          •    Create and validate forms using                 costing and planning.
               JavaScript.                                •    Identify serving styles and
                                                               components of table settings.
          Clients should be comfortable working           •    Identify interactions and factors that
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These                  affect customer satisfaction.
          courses take approximately 90 days to           •    Identify SMART goals.
          complete. Please note there are small           •    Identify the various positions and
          references to American information.                  aspects of running a food service
          We encourage learners to research                    establishment.
          comparable Canadian information.                •    Explore kitchen management
          We do not offer credits for these courses.           practices.
                                                          •    Identify important workplace habits,
                                                               skills, and communications.

          13                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          •    Identify the roles and responsibilities     Essential Career Skills
               of certain culinary arts professionals,     This course will help you meet the
               and recognize certifications and            following goals:
               licensing requirements.                     •    Explore ways to demonstrate work
          Clients should be comfortable working                 ethics and integrity at the workplace.
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These              •    Explore personal qualities, self-
          courses take approximately 90 days to                 representation, creativity, and
          complete. Please note there are small                 resourcefulness that employers look
          references to American information.                   for in employees.
          We encourage learners to research                •    Familiarize yourself with diversity,
          comparable Canadian information. We                   teamwork, and conflict resolution
          do not offer credits for these courses.               skills to avoid conflicts in
                                                                the workplace.
          Drafting and Design                              •    Sharpen reading, writing, speaking,
          This course will help you meet the                    and listening skills necessary
          following goals:                                      for interpreting documents and
          •    Understand the fundamentals                      communicating in the workplace.
               of design.                                  •    Focus on mathematical, critical-
          •    Identify various architectural lines and         thinking, and problem-solving skills
               their uses in drafting.                          to analyze and accomplish tasks in
          •    Familiarize yourself with architectural          the workplace.
               lettering and freehand sketching.           •    Learn about the nature and scope of
          •    Understand the various standards,                organizations and skills required for
               symbols, and conventions used                    providing customer satisfaction.
               in drafting.                                •    Focus on skills required for time
          •    Explore the various tools and options            and resource management and
               available in computer-aided design               maintaining a safe environment at
               software programs.                               the workplace.
          •    Learn to create various geometric           •    Explore job acquisition,
               shapes and understand the                        advancement, and lifelong skills for
               development and intersection                     improving professional skills.
               of solids.                                  •    Focus on attaining proficiency in
                                                                job-specific technologies, information
          Clients should be comfortable working                 technology, and the Internet.
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These              •    Familiarize yourself with
          courses take approximately 90 days to                 telecommunication devices,
          complete. Please note there are small                 services, and applications for
          references to American information.                   performing business related tasks
          We encourage learners to research                     using technology.
          comparable Canadian information.
          We do not offer credits for these courses.       Clients should be comfortable working
                                                           with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
                                                           courses take approximately 90 days to
                                                           complete. Please note there are small
                                                           references to American information.
                                                           We encourage learners to research
                                                           comparable Canadian information.
                                                           We do not offer credits for these courses.

          14                         e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Game Development                               Graphic Design and Illustration
          By the end of this course, you will have       This course will help you meet the
          done the following:                            following goals:
          •    Reviewed the history of video             •    Familiarize yourself with the evolution
               games and the early devices used to            of graphic design.
               play games.                               •    Familiarize yourself with careers in
          •    Increased your awareness about                 graphic design and create a résumé.
               game and player goals, game               •    Discuss the training and skills
               genres, player motivations, and                required for a graphic designer.
               player demographics.                      •    Understand digital image concepts
          •    Understood the use of story                    and the use of basic tools in graphic
               elements in video games, character             design software.
               development, gameplay challenges          •    Explore universal symbols and
               and strategies, and level design.              redesign them.
          •    Explored the various components of        •    Explore the properties of color and
               game interfaces, game audio, and               apply color-balancing techniques.
               mobile and social gaming.                 •    Explore the effects of typography on
          •    Increased your awareness of                    a digital image.
               the phases of production and              •    Apply image manipulation and
               role of management in game                     rendering techniques on a
               development, and methods used for              digital image.
               marketing games.                          •    Organize and store images.
          •    Identified and evaluated different        •    Familiarize yourself with laws and
               careers in the video game industry.            ethics related to graphic design.
          •    Analyzed the existing trends and          •    Create images using design
               possible directions in video gaming.           elements and principles.
          Clients should be comfortable working          •    Create a layout design using design
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These                 principles such as emphasis,
          courses take approximately 90 days to               readability, balance, rhythm,
          complete. Please note there are small               and unity.
          references to American information.            •    Create one-point and two-point
          We encourage learners to research                   perspective images.
          comparable Canadian information.               •    Print images using an
          We do not offer credits for these courses.          appropriate printer.
                                                         Clients should be comfortable working
                                                         with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
                                                         courses take approximately 90 days to
                                                         complete. Please note there are small
                                                         references to American information.
                                                         We encourage learners to research
                                                         comparable Canadian information.
                                                         We do not offer credits for these courses.

          15                       e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Introduction to Fashion Design                 Introduction to Finance
          By the end of this course, you will have       This course will help you meet the
          done the following:                            following goals:
          •    Explored and examined fashion             •    Learn about key economic concepts
               concepts, especially in the                    such as scarcity, supply, demand,
               following areas:                               opportunity costs.
               o The history of fashion                  •    Unemployment, and inflation, and
               o Factors influencing fashion growth           their various roles in the world
               o The components of fashion                    of finance.
          •    Familiarized yourself with fashion        •    Understand different types
               terminology, fashion life cycles,              of economic systems and
               fashion adoption theories,                     market structures.
               and consumers.                            •    Learn about global trade and how it
          •    Understood the various preliminary             influences economies.
               steps such as fashion research,           •    Understand investment strategies,
               forecasting, and the process of                budgeting and loan creation, and
               manufacturing fabric from fibre.               business insurance.
          •    Explored the various steps                •    Interpret financial statements and
               in garment production, from                    financial ratios to evaluate an
               creating a sample garment to bulk              enterprise’s financial position.
               manufacturing it.                         •    Learn the basics of personal
          Clients should be comfortable working               financial planning.
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These            •    Understand various social and
          courses take approximately 90 days to               psychological factors that affect
          complete. Please note there are small               financial decisions.
          references to American information.            •    Understand why soft skills are
          We encourage learners to research                   important in the world of finance.
          comparable Canadian information.               •    Learn about career options in the
          We do not offer credits for these courses.          world of finance.
                                                         Clients should be comfortable working
                                                         with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
                                                         courses take approximately 90 days to
                                                         complete. Please note there are small
                                                         references to American information.
                                                         We encourage learners to research
                                                         comparable Canadian information.
                                                         We do not offer credits for these courses.

          16                       e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Introduction to Social Media                      Clients should be comfortable working
          By the end of this course, you will have          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          done the following:                               courses take approximately 90 days to
          • Explored the technological and                  complete. Please note there are small
              sociological drivers of social media.         references to American information.
          • Explored various types of social                We encourage learners to research
              media, their features, and their utility.     comparable Canadian information. We
          • Analyzed how technology and                     do not offer credits for these courses.]
              privacy laws impact social media.
          • Analyzed the impact of social media             Marketing, Advertising, and Sales
              on business marketing.                        This course will help you meet the
          Clients should be comfortable working             following goals:
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These               •    Understand the role and structure of
          courses take approximately 90 days to                  financial statements.
          complete. Please note there are small             •    Explore the scope of various
          references to American information.                    marketing functions and their impact
          We encourage learners to research                      on advertising.
          comparable Canadian information.                  •    Analyze how segmentation and
          We do not offer credits for these courses.             positioning are key tools for
                                                                 marketing success.
          New Fall 2018 Introduction to                     •    Discuss the design and evolution
          Robotics                                               of products, and the importance of
          This course explains various concepts                  marketing research.
          related to robotics. It begins by                 •    Explain the scope and working of the
          describing the evolution and applications              advertising industry.
          of robotics. This course will help a learner      •    Analyze the process of selling in
          to identify career opportunities and                   advertising and retail.
          important employability skills in robotics.       •    Explain how economic theory
          The course explains the importance                     affects marketing.
          of teamwork and describes the skills              •    Discuss the working of pricing
          needed to work in a team. The course                   mechanisms and their relevance
          also describes the science of Newton’s                 to advertising.
          laws of motion, basic concepts of                 •    Analyze the importance of teamwork,
          electricity, electronic circuits, Boolean              professional communications
          algebra, magnetics, and their applicability            in various industries, and
          to robotics.                                           leadership skills.
          By the end of this course, learners will:         Clients should be comfortable working
          • Explore the evolution and                       with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
               applications of robotics.                    courses take approximately 90 days to
          • Identify career options in the field.           complete. Please note there are small
          • Learn and explore science related to            references to American information.
               robotics.                                    We encourage learners to research
          • Describe the use of sensors, motors,            comparable Canadian information.
               and gears in robotics.                       We do not offer credits for these courses.
          • Identify steps and planning
               procedures in the creation of a robot.

          17                          e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Music Appreciation                              Principles of Agriculture, Food, and
          This course will help you meet the              Natural Resources
          following goals:                                This course will help you meet the
          •    Discuss the elements of music and          following goals:
               musical notations.                         •    Learn about the evolution of the
          •    Trace the history and evolution of              agriculture industry in the U.S.
               music from ancient times through to        •    Explore the positive work ethics,
               the twentieth century.                          integrity, and self-representation skills
          •    Describe the contributions of popular           needed in the agriculture industry.
               music artists and composers.               •    Examine the various aspects of
          •    Discuss the influence of music on               soil systems.
               society and culture.                       •    Explain the concepts of plant and
          •    Draw parallels between music and                crop sciences.
               other art forms, such as dance,            •    Learn safety skills and precautions to
               theater, and literature.                        be taken in the agriculture industry.
          •    Discuss the utility of music in            •    Demonstrate reading and writing
               television, cinema, and advertising.            skills, speaking and listening
          Clients should be comfortable working                skills, creativity, resourcefulness,
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These                  and teamwork by contributing
          courses take approximately 90 days to                new ideas and assisting others in
          complete. Please note there are small                the workplace.
          references to American information.             Clients should be comfortable working
          We encourage learners to research               with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          comparable Canadian information.                courses take approximately 90 days to
          We do not offer credits for these courses.      complete. Please note there are small
                                                          references to American information.
                                                          We encourage learners to research
                                                          comparable Canadian information.
                                                          We do not offer credits for these courses.

          18                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Principles of Architecture                      Principles of Arts, Audio/Video
          and Construction                                Technology, and Communications
          This course will help you meet the              By the end of this course, you will have
          following goals:                                done the following:
          •    Examine contemporary                       •    Explored various career opportunities
               architectural styles and analyze                in the arts, audio/video technology,
               architectural drawings.                         and communications career cluster.
          •    Explore physical properties of             •    Described the elements and
               architectural structures and                    principles of design.
               materials and equipment used in the        •    Traced the history and evolution of
               construction industry.                          various arts and media technology
          •    Examine career options in                       career pathways.
               architecture, construction                 •    Learned about various techniques
               management, and interior design.                of lighting, illustrations, and
          •    Learn job acquisition and                       photography.
               advancement skills by                      •    Learned about important
               preparing to apply for a job and                communication skills and techniques
               seeking promotion.                              to develop these skills.
          •    Learn lifelong-learning skills by          •    Recognized the legal liabilities
               continually acquiring new industry-             regarding copyright and related laws.
               related information and improving          •    Analyzed ethical and social
               professional skills.                            responsibilities of communicators.
          •    Demonstrate a positive work ethic          •    Understood and applied safety rules
               and integrity through abiding by                and regulations.
               workplace policies and laws and            Clients should be comfortable working
               demonstrating honesty and reliability.     with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          •    Learn positive self-representation         courses take approximately 90 days to
               skills by dressing appropriately and       complete. Please note there are small
               using language and manners suitable        references to American information.
               for the workplace.                         We encourage learners to research
          •    Demonstrate creativity,                    comparable Canadian information.
               resourcefulness, and teamwork by           We do not offer credits for these courses.
               contributing new ideas and assisting
               others in the workplace.
          Clients should be comfortable working
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          courses take approximately 90 days to
          complete. Please note there are small
          references to American information.
          We encourage learners to research
          comparable Canadian information.
          We do not offer credits for these courses.

          19                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Principles of Business, Marketing,              Principles of Engineering
          and Finance                                     and Technology
          This course will help you meet the              This course will help you meet the
          following goals:                                following goals:
          •    Describe possible career paths in the      •    Understand the relationship between
               world of business.                              engineering and technology.
          •    Discuss the scope and impact of            •    Explore the evolution of engineering
               marketing on business and society.              and technology.
          •    Discuss the effectiveness of               •    Assess how engineering and
               advertising in the field of business.           technology influence society and
          •    Describe the working of the                     the environment.
               distribution value chain.                  •    Describe modern technologies and
          •    Discuss market strategies and                   how they interact.
               financial goals.                           •    Describe high-precision
          •    Describe structure of key personal              measurement technologies.
               finance statements.                        •    Analyze job-specific technologies
          Clients should be comfortable working                and discuss the ethical issues related
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These                  to the use of technology.
          courses take approximately 90 days to           •    Identify the branches of engineering
          complete. Please note there are small                and the technologies associated
          references to American information.                  with them.
          We encourage learners to research               •    Explore various career opportunities.
          comparable Canadian information.                •    Discuss the importance of various
          We do not offer credits for these courses.           employability characteristics
                                                               and teamwork.
                                                          •    Examine simple and compound
                                                               machines and their mechanisms.
                                                          •    Explain the structure and applications
                                                               of fluid systems.
                                                          •    Describe thermal systems and
                                                               their functions.
                                                          •    Examine electrical systems and
                                                               analyze electrical circuits.
                                                          •    Describe the applications
                                                               of biotechnology.
                                                          •    Examine construction technologies
                                                               and analyze structural designs.
                                                          Clients should be comfortable working
                                                          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
                                                          courses take approximately 90 days to
                                                          complete. Please note there are small
                                                          references to American information.
                                                          We encourage learners to research
                                                          comparable Canadian information.
                                                          We do not offer credits for these courses.

          20                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Principles of Health Science                    Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
          This course will help you meet the              This course will help you meet the
          following goals:                                following goals:
          •    Examine the technology used in             •    Explore the history and social
               different healthcare systems.                   and economic importance of the
          •    Analyze the impact of cultural                  hospitality and tourism industry.
               diversity on health care.                  •    Identify the major divisions of the
          •    Examine careers in therapeutic                  hospitality and tourism industry.
               services, diagnostic services, health      •    Explore the food service industry and
               informatics, support services,                  the lodging industry.
               and biotechnology research                 •    Compare public and commercial
               and development.                                recreation and leisure centers.
          •    Describe how multidisciplinary             •    Plan conventions.
               teams collaborate to deliver quality       •    Learn about customer service,
               health care.                                    communication techniques, ethics,
          •    Identify effective communication that           health and safety of customers, and
               is crucial in health care.                      legal requirements that food service
          •    Discuss effective leadership skills             establishments must follow.
               that are essential in health care.         •    Examine management roles in the
          •    Analyze the ethical and legal                   hospitality and tourism industry.
               responsibilities of the healthcare         •    Learn sales and marketing
               industry and healthcare                         techniques commonly used in
               professionals.                                  this industry.
          •    Examine the rights and choices             Clients should be comfortable working
               of an individual for optimal health        with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
               and wellness.                              courses take approximately 90 days to
          •    Examine the importance of                  complete. Please note there are small
               a safe environment in the                  references to American information.
               healthcare industry.                       We encourage learners to research
          Clients should be comfortable working           comparable Canadian information.
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These             We do not offer credits for these courses.
          courses take approximately 90 days to
          complete. Please note there are small
          references to American information.
          We encourage learners to research
          comparable Canadian information.
          We do not offer credits for these courses.

          21                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Principles of Information Technology            Principles of Manufacturing
          This course will help you meet the              This course will help you meet the
          following goals:                                following goals:
          •    Explore the basics of computer             •    Understand the relationship between
               hardware and software.                          engineering and technology.
          •    Familiarize yourself with the concepts     •    Explore the evolution of engineering
               of installing and configuring software          and manufacturing.
               and hardware.                              •    Identify various manufacturing
          •    Learn about the different                       processes and materials.
               career opportunities in                    •    Analyze engineering drawings.
               information technology.                    •    Compare different types of
          •    Learn how to use word processing                production systems.
               software to create, format, and            •    Understand computer-aided design
               review documents.                               and manufacturing.
          •    Learn how to create a desktop              •    Identify various measuring units
               publishing document using basic                 and instruments.
               visual design principles.                  •    Discuss the importance of time, task,
          •    Identify and describe various                   and resource management.
               techniques of basic operations used        •    Demonstrate creativity, critical
               in spreadsheets and in a database               thinking, and problem solving.
               management system.                         Clients should be comfortable working
          •    Learn the fundamental concepts             with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
               related to the Internet and the World      courses take approximately 90 days to
               Wide Web.                                  complete. Please note there are small
          •    Explore the role of                        references to American information.
               emerging technologies in                   We encourage learners to research
               exchanging information.                    comparable Canadian information.
          •    Familiarize yourself with privacy          We do not offer credits for these courses.
               and legality in the context of online
               media and the use of professional
               networking for career growth.
          Clients should be comfortable working
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          courses take approximately 90 days to
          complete. Please note there are small
          references to American information.
          We encourage learners to research
          comparable Canadian information.
          We do not offer credits for these courses.

          22                        e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
1A   1B

2A   2B   Good Learning Anywhere

          Principles of Transportation,                     Professional Photography
          Distribution and Logistics                        This course will help you meet the
          This course will help you meet the                following goals:
          following goals:                                  •    Describe the evolution
          •    Explore the evolution of the                      of photography.
               transportation, distribution, and            •    Explore different types of
               logistics (TDL) industry, various                 photography and careers
               modes of transport used in the                    in photography.
               United States, and the role of               •    Operate various parts of a digital
               the TDL industry in world trade                   camera and produce photographs
               and globalization.                                using various modes and settings
          •    Explore TDL career options available              available in a digital camera.
               in the United States.                        •    Use camera support equipment.
          •    Learn job acquisition and                    •    Produce photos using different types
               advancement skills to apply                       of lenses.
               for a job and seek promotion                 •    Produce photographs of specific
               in the workplace, and examine                     subjects, including still lives, portraits,
               lifelong learning skills to improve               and architectural subjects.
               professional skills.                         •    Produce quality photographs with
          •    Demonstrate positive work ethics,                 appropriate lighting.
               integrity, and self-representation skills    •    Apply the elements and principles
               at the workplace.                                 of art and the rules of composition
          •    Demonstrate mathematics skills,                   while taking photographs.
               critical thinking, and problem-solving       •    Produce both black and white and
               skills to accomplish assigned tasks.              color photographs.
          •    Focus on communication skills                •    Organize and store images.
               to communicate effectively with              •    Manipulate images using photo-
               employees and customers and to                    editing software.
               follow directions at the workplace.          •    Discuss and apply laws and ethics
          •    Demonstrate teamwork skills to                    related to photography.
               contribute to the success of the team        •    Print photographs using a
               and assist others when needed.                    digital printer.
          Clients should be comfortable working             Clients should be comfortable working
          with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These               with level 2 & 3 OALCF tasks. These
          courses take approximately 90 days to             courses take approximately 90 days to
          complete. Please note there are small             complete. Please note there are small
          references to American information.               references to American information.
          We encourage learners to research                 We encourage learners to research
          comparable Canadian information.                  comparable Canadian information.
          We do not offer credits for these courses.        We do not offer credits for these courses.

          23                          e-Channel Courses: Fall 2018 | Apprentissage en ligne: Cours automne 2018
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