The Rise of Cricket in Ireland
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Séquence 6 Public cible 5e / Écouter, Parler (EOI) : A1+ The Rise of Cricket in Ireland Le cricket est en phase de devenir un sport très prisé des jeunes en Irlande. Les joueurs prennent ce sport au sérieux et se montrent très efficaces lors de compétitions. Le Rush Cricket Club, ici à l’honneur, rassemble de grands noms du cricket et forme les plus jeunes du mieux possible. Transcript RTÉ reporter, Nick Sheridan: Winning an All-Ireland final in cricket is quite an achievement, but to win two in one year is something very special. Well, that’s exactly what Rush Cricket Club have managed to achieve. They finished off this year’s season with an under 11 and an under 13 title. I’ve come to a training session here in the club in North County Dublin to check out the work that goes into such an achievement and I’m bowled over. Rush Cricket Club, Under 11 coach, Sean McGann: Catching with both hands, catching with right hand, left hand and throwing it in different various ways and then throwing the ball on the ground and catching it, stopping it with two hands. Nick Sheridan: And then we had the tunnel exercise, then, tell us about that. Sean McGann: The tunnel exercise, this is a bowling drill that we would use and it’s a drill to have the boys bowl in the right areas, so they don’t bowl, that they learn to bowl in the right areas and the ball goes straight so they’re not, and as we would call it, the two sides of the wicket. Nick Sheridan: The skills that are on show today can come in handy not just while playing cricket but in everyday life too. Nick Sheridan: So what did it feel like to lift the cup? Under 13 Cricket player, “Pebbles”: Different feeling than I’ve ever had before. I’ve never won anything like that. Under 11 Cricket player, Cian: Couldn’t explain my words for it. It felt really good. Nick Sheridan: Did it? Cian: Yeah. Nick Sheridan: Some of the biggest names in cricket have learned their skills here in Rush. So Rush Cricket Club is certainly one club that’s steeped in history and now thanks to these guys behind me, it’s making history too. 32 Anglais / Collège / nº 32 / janvier-mars 2015
Objectifs et démarche pédagogique CECRL Peut comprendre et extraire l’information essentielle de courts passages enregistrés ayant trait à un sujet courant prévisible, si le débit est lent et la langue clairement articulée. – Écouter, A1+ Peut communiquer dans le cadre d’une tâche simple et courante ne demandant qu’un échange d’informations simple et direct sur des sujets familiers relatifs au travail et aux loisirs. Peut gérer des échanges de type social très courts mais est rarement capable de comprendre suffisamment pour alimenter volontairement la conversation. – Parler (EOI), A1+ Tâche : expression orale en interaction ¾¾ Tu rencontres un élève anglais lors d’un échange linguistique et vous parlez des différents sports que vous aimez regarder et de ceux que vous pratiquez. Contenu grammatical ¾¾ Les adjectifs ¾¾ Les superlatifs ¾¾ Le présent en be + V-ing Contenu lexical ¾¾ Le cricket : catching, throwing, stopping, both hands, ball, bowl, a drill, wicket, playing cricket, skills, club. Contenu culturel ¾¾ Les sports anglo-saxons au collège et en club Démarche proposée Phase 1 : découverte du sujet ¾¾ Montrer l’image figée et procéder à un brainstorming pendant lequel les élèves donnent toutes leurs idées et émettent des hypothèses sur le sujet de la vidéo. Il peut se faire en français selon le niveau du groupe classe. Phase 2 : travail sur le sens et la langue ¾¾ Première visualisation du reportage en entier. Donner comme consigne de se concentrer sur les images et essayer de trouver la thématique du reportage. ¾¾ Distribuer la fiche de travail et clarifier tout doute sur les énoncés des activités proposées. Relire les énoncés et reformuler ou expliquer. ¾¾ Deuxième visualisation du reportage en fractionné. Faire des pauses après chaque phrase pour que les élèves aient le temps de compléter les activités. Le travail peut se faire de manière individuelle. ¾¾ Troisième visualisation du reportage en entier afin de permettre aux élèves de vérifier leurs réponses. Correction en groupe classe. Phase 3 : élaboration de la tâche ¾¾ Lecture et explication des consignes en groupe classe puis élaboration de la tâche. Compléments Internet ¾¾ Le site officiel du club de Cricket Rush : ¾¾ Le site d’un club de cricket en Bourgogne : Anglais / Collège / nº 32 / janvier-mars 2015 33
Corrigé des activités Stage 1: Discover the topic – Look at the paused image and say as much as you can about it. Les élèves essaient de dire à quoi ils pensent en voyant l’image figée et quel peut être le lien avec la vidéo. Ils peuvent avoir des réponses variées. Stage 2: Build up knowledge A. Focus on the context. Complete the following chart. People cricket players and coach Topic Boys are playing cricket in Ireland. Place Dublin B. Understand the message 1. Choose the right answer. a) The topic of the video is... o soccer o baseball þ cricket b) The club is called... þ Rush Cricket Club o Rush Tennis Club o Rush Football Cub c) It is based in... o Cardiff o London þ Dublin d) It is the capital of... þ Ireland o England o Scotland e) The team played in a... o festival þ championship o show f) They ............ the contest. þ won o lost o postponed g) They won ............ titles. þ two o three o four h) We can see a ............ session. þ training o winning o competition i) They won a... þ cup o glass o plate j) The boys felt... o bad þ good o indifferent 2. Say whether these sentences are true or false. a) You throw the ball with the right hand only true / false b) You stop the ball with both hands. true / false c) Boys wear jeans to play. true / false d) They must wear a uniform and a tie. true / false e) The coach explains different exercises. true / false f) The tunnel is a bowling technique. true / false g) The boys are very motivated and happy to play. true / false h) They must wear full equipment. true / false i) It is also required to run during the game. true / false j) The boys are making history. true / false 3. Complete the following sentences given the images below. Teenagers, especially boys, choose not to be part of a soccer team. Instead they play cricket and their coach lead them to the championships. 34 Anglais / Collège / nº 32 / janvier-mars 2015
C. Work on language. 1. Name the different sports below. 1: sailing 2: archery 3: ice skating 1 2 3 4 4: judo 5: tennis 6: rugby 7: football 5 6 7 8 8: roller skating 9: running 10: dancing 11: basketball 9 10 11 12 12: cricket 13: American football 14: gymnastics 15: bike riding 13 14 15 2. Describe the boys’ equipment in the video. The boys are wearing a white shirt, black shorts and a red cap. The player who catches the ball must wear protection and a helmet. They also have a glove and a large flat bat. On their feet, they wear socks and trainers. 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the present continuous (be + V-ing) to describe the actions. a) The boy plays cricket. The boy is playing cricket. b) He catches the ball. He is catching the ball. c) Another boy throws the ball. Another boy is throwing the ball. d) The coach speaks. The coach is speaking. e) The team wins. The team is winning. f) The boys train for the next championship. The boys are training for the next championship. Anglais / Collège / nº 32 / janvier-mars 2015 35
Séquence 6 The Rise of Cricket in Ireland Fiche d’activités Nom : Classe : Date : Ta mission : Tu rencontres un élève anglais lors d’un échange linguistique et vous parlez des différents sports que vous aimez regarder et de ceux que vous pratiquez. Stage 1: Discover the topic – Look at the paused image and say as much as you can about it. Stage 2: Build up knowledge A. Focus on the context. Complete the following chart. People Topic Place B. Understand the message 1. Choose the right answer. a) The topic of the video is... o soccer o baseball o cricket b) The club is called... o Rush Cricket Club o Rush Tennis Club o Rush Football Cub c) It is based in... o Cardiff o London o Dublin d) It is the capital of... o Ireland o England o Scotland e) The team played in a... o festival o championship o show f) They ............ the contest. o won o lost o postponed g) They won ............ titles. o two o three o four h) We can see a ............ session. o training o winning o competition i) They won a... o cup o glass o plate j) The boys felt... o bad o good o indifferent 2. Say whether these sentences are true or false. a) You throw the ball with the right hand only true / false b) You stop the ball with both hands. true / false c) Boys wear jeans to play. true / false d) They must wear a uniform and a tie. true / false e) The coach explains different exercises. true / false f) The tunnel is a bowling technique. true / false g) The boys are very motivated and happy to play. true / false h) They must wear full equipment. true / false i) It is also required to run during the game. true / false j) The boys are making history. true / false 3. Complete the following sentences given the images below. ............................................, especially boys, choose not to be part of a ........................... ........................... Instead they ........................ ...................................... and their ......................... lead them to the ................................................. 36 Anglais / Collège / nº 32 / janvier-mars 2015
Séquence 6 The Rise of Cricket in Ireland Fiche d’activités Nom : Classe : Date : C. Work on language 1. Name the different sports below. 1: ......................................................... 2: ......................................................... 3: ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 4: ......................................................... 5: ......................................................... 6: ......................................................... 7: ......................................................... 5 6 7 8 8: ......................................................... 9: ......................................................... 10: ......................................................... 11: ......................................................... 9 10 11 12 12: ......................................................... 13: ......................................................... 14: ......................................................... 15: ......................................................... 13 14 15 2. Describe the boys’ equipment in the video. .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the present continuous (be + V-ing) to describe the actions. a) The boy plays cricket. ................................................................................................................................................................... b) He catches the ball. ................................................................................................................................................................... c) Another boy throws the ball. ................................................................................................................................................................... d) The coach speaks. ................................................................................................................................................................... e) The team wins. ................................................................................................................................................................... f) The boys train for the next championship. ................................................................................................................................................................... Stage 3: Produce ¾¾ Use the right expressions to talk about what you like and dislike. ¾¾ Remember to mention the sports that you practise regularly. Anglais / Collège / nº 32 / janvier-mars 2015 37
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