La page est créée Cédric Guichard

     Campus France will guide
     you through your first steps in
     France and exploring
     Marseille, your new home.

• the Direction des Relations Internationales (DRI),
               ARRIVING                                      portal for Aix-Marseille Université:
               IN MARSEILLE /                                https://dri.univ-amu.fr/
                                                               elcome and orientation for researchers and
                                                              doctoral students
    A Welcome Desk for international students
                                                             Researchers and doctoral students can visit the Aix-
    Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) opened an                 Marseille Université DRI home page:
    International Student Welcome Desk for                   https://dri.univ-amu.fr/ > Enseignants-chercheurs,
    foreign students                                         Doctorants
    enrolled in the following institutions: Ecole            Aix-Marseille is a member of the Euraxess Network.
    Centrale - Marseille, Kedge Business School,             Contact: 04 86 09 08 43 or
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture                drv-euraxess@univ-amu.fr
    – Marseille, IEP Aix-en-Provence, Ecole                   Buddy System
    Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence and Mines             You can be assisted by a local student in Marseille!
    Saint Etienne in Gardanne.
                                                             With the ESN student association (Esrasmus
    The Welcome Desk is open from August 31 to
                                                             Student Network), and the Buddy System where a
    September 25, 2020.
                                                             foreign student is mentored by a French student,
    On site, you’ll find the services of the CROUS,          you have the advantage of personalized support:
    the Prefecture, the City of Marseille, and               https://buddysystem.eu/fr/
    other organizations which will simplify your
                                                              Welcome and orientation in other institutions
    administrative procedures as concerns:
                                                             If you are registered in another institution, please
    • residence permits
                                                             consult the Campus France website for orientation.
    • housing and transportation                             The site presents a series of Information Sheets
    • banking and insurance                                  covering the different higher learning institutions
    • health and welfare                                     in France:
    • campus life (culture, leisure, sports, and            categorie/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur-466
                                                             If you cannot find your school in this list, then go
                                                             directly to their website.
Address: Guichet accueil AMU, Campus Marseille
Centre, Espace Pouillon, 3 place Victor Hugo,                 National Services
13003 Marseille.                                             - students: www.etudiant.gouv.fr
Access:                                                      - doctoral students, researchers:
Saint-Charles metro stations (lines 1 and 2).                http://www.euraxess.fr/fr
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
Learn more:
                             • the Student Guide
                             (bilingual French-English),
                             a general guide published
                             by the Aix-Marseille
                             Université: http://guide-
                             • Être Étudiant à Marseille,
                             a guide published by the
                             city can be downloaded
                             on the étudiant.Marseille.
                             fr website:
                             (home pages).

Long-term housing
                                                        • Aix-Marseille-Avignon CROUS (Centre Régional
         IN MARSEILLE /                                 des Œuvres Universitaires - Regional Center for
                                                        University Services) for student housing.
There are numerous solutions for housing                Address: Marseille, Campus local office
in Marseille: Student-only accommodations               Saint-Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo, 13003 Marseille.
managed by CROUS, student housing and private           Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and
residences, and rooms in private homes.                 1:30pm to 4:15pm.
Most important is to take care of this as early as      Contact: 04 91 62 83 85
possible and before your arrival.                       Site: http://www.crous-aix-marseille.fr/
                                                        The website Trouver un logement:
• Aix-Marseille Université has put in place a           https://trouverunlogement.lescrous.fr/
housing service using the Studapart platform
which can help you find housing easily. Numerous
housing offers are presented on this platform which            GETTING AROUND
is regularly updated:
https://univ-amu.studapart.com/en/                             MARSEILLE
                         To learn more, consult
                         the Housing Guide                  There are two options for getting to
                                                            Marseille from Paris:
           le guide              Être
                         (available in French or
                                                            - by plane (flight time: 1 hour and 15 minutes).
                         in English) published by

                         AMU:                               From the Marseille Provence airport take the bus
       être étudiant          à Marseille                   to the Saint-Charles train station (town center).
        à marseille      https://www.univ-amu.fr/
                                                            - by train (high-speed TGV train: 3 hours and
                         • Les Journées du                  10 minutes) from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle
                         Logement Étudiant                  airport (Terminal 2) or from the Gare de Lyon
                         (student housing days):            in the center of Paris: https://www.oui.sncf/
                         The Sortie d’Amphi                 See the special page for information about
                         association will help              how to get to the help desk from wherever

                         you find student                   you arrive in Marseille: https://www.univ-
housingin Marseille and will provide you with all the       amu.fr/fr/public/mobilite-internationale
information you need so your school year starts out         The RTM public transportation (metro,
right:                                                      tramway, bus) is available for getting around the
http://www.sortiedamphi.fr > Nos services >                 town and surrounding area: http://www.rtm.fr/
Logement > Journées du logement étudiant
                                                            For travelling within the region, take the:
• The CRIJ (Centre Régional d’Information                   - Provence - Alpes - Côte d’Azur regional
Jeunesse), the regional youth information center,           trains: https://www.ter.sncf.com/paca
for Provence -Alpes - Côte d’Azur publishes free            The PACA Region created the ZOU Card which
classified ads on its site:                                 allows you to travel cheap:
https://annonces.infojeunesse-paca.fr/                      www.ter.sncf.com/paca > tarifs et achats
• The special site created by the city of Marseille,        > cartes et abonnements
étudiant.marseille.fr lists all the student                 - Buses in the Bouches-du-Rhône region:
accommodation options: http://etudiant.marseille.fr/        http://www.rtm.fr/cartreize
> Bien vivre ses études > Se loger                          To travel greater distances, don’t forget the
                                                            bus for low-cost travel: https://fr.ouibus.com/
A FEW TIPS                                                  or https://www.flixbus.fr/
 Short-term housing:                                       For ride-sharing, refer to the collaborative
• The Marseille Bonneveine youth hostel outside
                                                            - national website: https://www.blablacar.fr
the city center and close to the beach.
                                                            - regional website:
Address: impasse Docteur Bonfils, 13008 Marseille.
                                                            http://se-deplacer.marseille.fr/ > Alternatives à
Contact: 04 91 17 63 30
                                                            la voiture en ville > autopartage et Covoiturage
Site: http://www.ajmarseille.org/
                                                            For greater independence, you can rent a bike
• for other types of temporary residences, use the
                                                            from Levélo, the Marseille bike-share system
Marseille Tourist Office site’s search engine):
                                                            (130 stations, 1,000 bikes):
> Préparer votre séjour > Où dormir
On campus, the CROUS is also responsible for
all low-cost food services (university restaurant,                 FIRST
cafeterias, food-trucks, etc.).                                    THINGS FIRST /
• Private Housing Platforms:
In addition to the Aix-Marseille Université Studapart
platform, ( https://univ-amu.studapart.com/en/ ),         ENROLLMENT IN YOUR INSTITUTION
other offers for student housing managed by private
companies, are also available.
Try these sites:                                          Before you can enroll in your institution, you must
- https://www.adele.org                                   download proof of payment of the Contribution Vie
- https://www.immojeune.com                               Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) – the student and
- https://www.location-etudiant.fr                        campus life contribution fee.
- https://housinganywhere.com                             - Connect to https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/
                                                          - For additional information and special cases:
There is also a site managed by the CROUS,
                                                          https://www.campusfrance.org > Getting Organized
Lokaviz, which includes a listing of student
                                                          > CVEC
accomodations in private homes:
https://www.lokaviz.fr                                     Confirm Registration
• Shared Leases: Consult La Carte des Colocs, a           Take note! Even if you have a pre-registration letter,
national site for shared leases that’s free and simple    you are not officially enrolled.
to use: https://www.lacartedescolocs.fr/                  You must confirm your enrollment with the
• Other solutions available on the Campus France          institution’s Service de la Scolarité (Admissions) as
site: www.campusfrance.org > Getting organized >          soon as you arrive.
                                                          RESIDENCE PERMIT (TITRE DE SÉJOUR)
    If you need a guarantor to secure your lodging
Visale is a new and free guarantor system:                 Information
www.visale.fr                                             • At the Welcome Desk for international students.
    I f you want to file an application for APL          Open from the start of the school year (end August
     funds (Aide Personnalisée au Logement, or            to end September), the Welcome Desk is the place
     personalized housing aid)                            to go for foreign students arriving in France. They
CAF (Caisse des Allocations Familiales) can check         can complete their administrative procedures
your eligibility: 08 10 29 29 29 or www.caf.fr            with the Marseille Préfecture for the renewal of a
                                                          residence permit or for a first-time application.
    I f you need housing adapted to your special
                                                          Address: Guichet accueil AMU, Campus Marseille
                                                          Centre, Espace Pouillon, 3 place Victor Hugo,
Contact the CROUS Service Social which will take          13003 Marseille.
action with your host institution or take a look at the   Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
site: http://www.handitoit.org/
                                                          • At the Bouches-du-Rhône Préfecture (Marseille).
Aix-Marseille Université has set up a Handicap
                                                          Address: Site Saint-Sébastien, place Félix Baret,
Mission which welcomes and supports all students
                                                          13006 Marseille.
with special needs:
                                                          Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 12:15pm.
                                                          Contact: 04 84 35 40 45 or interactive voice
                                                          response system 04 84 35 40 35.
                                                          Site: http://13.accueil-etrangers.gouv.fr/
                                                          • Learn more about your rights and obligations:
                                                          www.service-public.fr > Etranger > Titre de séjour et
                                                          document de circulation

In Aix-Marseille Université which has a Service
  GOOD TO KNOW                                             Inter Universitaire de Médecine Préventive et
  • If you arrive in France with a VLS-TS                  de Promotion de la Santé (SIUMPPS), or inter-
  long-term student visa: You must validate it             university service for preventive medicine and health
  online within three months of arrival:                   promotion on 3 sites.
  https://administration-etrangers-en-france.              For more information: https://www.univ-amu.fr/ >
  interieur.gouv.fr                                        Vie des Campus > Vie pratique > Service médecine
  • If you are an Algerian national or a student           préventive
  with a “concours” (tests) visa or a “mineur
                                                           ADDITIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE
  scolarisé” (enrolled minor) visa or a visa
  with the indication “carte à solliciter dans les         You can also sign up for top-up insurance which
  deux mois” (residence permit to be requested             will cover all health expenses not covered by the free
  within 2 months of entry): Depending on your             and compulsory health insurance.
  campus, your residence permit application is             Take note: The plans and coverage levels differ
  made at the Préfecture or with the Service des           from one company to another. To choose a top-up
  Relations Internationales at your campus.                insurance policy which meets your needs and your
  Take note: To renew your residence permit,               budget, you can compare student health insurance
  you must apply within two months prior to its            plans on the Internet.
  expiration date.
                                                           INSURE YOUR HOME
                                                           In France, housing insurance is mandatory.
                                                           You can sign up for housing insurance called
            PRACTICAL                                      “garantie risques locatifs” - rental risk guarantee - at
                                                           your bank or a private insurance company. Online
            INFORMATION /                                  subscription is often possible.

If you stay in France for more than 3 months, it will be     SAMU: Call 15 Emergency Medical Services
much easier day-to-day if you open a bank account,           Police emergency: Call 17 in the event of
online or in one of the 220 bank agencies located in         violence, theft, robbery.
Marseille. In France, opening a bank account is a
                                                             Fire Department: Call 18, in the event of fire,
right: www.service-public.fr > Argent > Comptes
                                                             gas leak, water damage, natural catastrophe, or
bancaires> Droit au compte (> Finances > Bank
                                                             traffic accident.
Accounts > Right to Open an Account)
                                                             Call 112: European emergency services number
HEALTHCARE                                                   that’s accessible from anywhere in the European
In France, receiving medical treatment is practically        Union in addition to the French numbers above.
free but you must be insured. Accordingly, signing
up for medical insurance is mandatory.
                                                           LEARNING FRENCH
  Login to the
                                                           Learning French is an opportunity that’s not to be
                                                           missed! Find what works best for you:
  Site to register, to understand your eligibility
  and benefits, and to take the necessary steps.           - by consulting the Campus France site or the
                                                           Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) - French as a
Learn more:                                                foreign language - centers and universities which
https://www.campusfrance.org > Getting Organized           offer courses at all levels year-round:
> Health                                                   http://ecolesdete.campusfrance.org
As a student, you can also take advantage of the           - by asking in your institution, at city hall, or in your
university medical services. In these health centers       host city’s Maison des Associations - community
where consultations are free, you will be greeted          centers.
by a team of doctors and nurses who can give
personalized advice about health and prevention.

FINDING A JOB OR AN INTERNSHIP                            The Citadingue guide, is a free guide which presents
                                                          the best addresses in Marseille. It’s published by a
• the Centre Régional d’Information Jeunesse              Kedge Business School student association, and
Provence - Alpes - Côte d’Azur publishes free             they also list some of their best recommendations
classified ads online:                                    on Facebook.
                                                          In Marseille, an association for students Escale
• the city website, etudiant.marseille.fr also            Marseille Etudiants (EME) provides assistance if you
provides information about finding a job:                 have any problems: https://www.emetudiants.org/
http://etudiant.marseille.fr > bien-vivre-ses-etudes
> trouver-un-job                                          GAINING CULTURE AND PARTYING
• the Jobaviz website, run by the CROUS, can help
you find a student job compatible with your studies:      Marseille offers many ways to cultivate yourself or
http://www.jobaviz.fr/                                    party: http://culture.marseille.fr/
                                                          At Aix-Marseille Université, the Service Culture works
                                                          with numerous partners and develops an artistic offer.
                                                          With the AMU student card, you can take advantage of
         THINGS TO DO                                     Pact’Amu, which offers reduced rates for shows, and
                                                          free admission for museums: https://www.univ-amu.
         IN MARSEILLE /                                   fr/ > Vie des Campus > Vie culturelle > Pacte’AMU
                                                          For entertainment or to pick up some culture, you
                                                          can choose from:
In your institution, contact the Service des Sports for   - 10 multiplex movie theaters (student discounts,
free access to sports facilities.                         rewards cards), including several arthouse theaters
At Aix-Marseille Université, the SUAPS organizes          such as the Gyptis, Pathé Madeleine and Variétés.
activities for students:                                  - 20 major museums, including two scientific
https://www.univ-amu.fr/ > Vie des Campus > Vie           museums: The Marseille observatory for astronomy
sportive > Le Sport à l’Université                        fans and the natural history museum with one of the
In Marseille, you can choose from among the 1000          largest collections in France:
sports and recreational facilities made available by      http://culture.marseille.fr/
the city: http://sports-loisirs.marseille.fr/             > Musées et patrimoine > Les Musées
                                                          - around fifty venues including La Criée theatre, the
BE ACTIVE                                                 Centre Dramatique National, the Opéra de Marseille,
                                                          inaugurated in 1787, and the Dôme, one of the
Attend cultural and sporting events, or join a social     largest venues in the south of France:
or community group, through one of the numerous           http://culture.marseille.fr/ > Arts vivants > Arts
local or national student clubs and associations.         vivants: presentation
Learn more:                                               - around fifty bookshops, including the famous
For more information, ask at the student life             Maupetit, Marseille's oldest, created in 1929 and
department (Service de la vie étudiante) or at            Gibert for buying and selling second-hand books.
Aix-Marseille Université which publishes:                 - a local network of 8 large public libraries including
- a list of associations:                                 the large Alcazar library:
https://vie-etudiante.univ-amu.fr/ > Vie associative >    https://www.bmvr.marseille.fr/
Consultez la liste des associations étudiantes AMU
                                                          In Marseille, for going out you can read:
- a list of recommended addresses:
http://etudiant.marseille.fr/ > Bien vivre ses études     - La Provence, the regional daily:
> Les adresses indispensables                             https://www.laprovence.com/
- consult the national sites:                             - the Sortir à Marseille municipal site:
www.animafac.net or www.letudiant.fr                      https://www.sortiramarseille.fr/
The City of Marseille student portal lists a range of     - the Sortie d’Amphi student site:
associations which can also be found at the Maison        For students in Marseille, the site Sortie d’amphi
de l’Étudiant:                                            lists all the necessary information and good deals:
More information: http://etudiant.marseille.fr > Bien     http://www.sortiedamphi.fr/
vivre ses études > Maison de l’étudiant
- https://www.facebook.com/LaMDEMarseille/

about research in atypical venues:
            TOP                                                https://pintofscience.fr/events/marseille
            ATTRACTIONS /                                      • The Nuit Européenne des Musées (European
                                                               Museum Night), an occasion to visit museums
                                                               differently (and for free).
• The Vieux-Port, a legendary site in the heart of Marseille
• The MUCEM (Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe               JUNE:
et de la Méditerranée), on the Old Port, a blend of            • Fête de la Musique: Music everywhere in town
architecture and Mediterranean collections.                    (free concerts).
• The Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, also known              • Marsatac, a contemporary music festival and
as "Bonne mère", which means good mother, by the               major electronic music event for France and Europe
local Marseille population.                                    (student discounts).
• The Canebière, the city's famous large shopping avenue.      • Sosh Freestyle Cup - a sports and music festival:
                                                               international board-sports competition with electro
• The Vieille-Charité, former hospice built in the
                                                               and house music (free).
17th century, now a museum of the arts of Africa,
Oceania and the Americas.                                      JULY:
• The radiant Cité, a monument designed by                     • The Delta festival - a student event on the Marseille
architect Le Corbusier in 1950.                                beaches with entertainment and activities and a
The Vélodrome stadium, one of France's largest                 contemporary music programme:
stadiums for fans of the Marseille football team               https://www.delta-festival.com/
L'Olympique!                                                   • The Festival de Marseille - a blend of genres and cultures:
• The Borély park for lovely shaded walks, a lake and          dance, theater, concerts, installations, performances, film,
botanical garden.                                              conferences and parties (student discounts).
• The Calanques range a national park stretching               SEPTEMBER:
along the Mediterranean Sea.                                   • The City of Marseille greets over 10,000 students for
For more information, consult the Marseille Tourist            a one-week, free event: http://etudiant.marseille.fr/ >
Office website: http://www.marseille-tourisme.com/             Marseille ville étudiante
                                                               • Les Journées du Patrimoine (heritage days), free
                                                               visits of cultural venues.
         IMPORTANT                                             OCTOBER:
         ANNUAL EVENTS /                                       • Nuit des Etudiants du Monde - Students of the
                                                               World Night, a festive evening with the Marseille
                                                               student associations.
• Journée de l’étudiant, a special student event with          • Festiv’Amu, two days of sports and cultural
free activities and entertainment offered by the City          activities for the entire Aix-Marseille Université
of Marseille: http://etudiant.marseille.fr/ > Marseille        community: http://www.festiv-amu.fr/
ville étudiante                                                • Fête de la science in the University laboratories.
APRIL:                                                         NOVEMBER:
• Des Calanques et des Bulles - a free comic and               • Les Festives - an eclectic women's live
manga festival open to all.                                    performance festival.
• Pint of Science, a European initiative for learning

                                                  To stay informed and attuned to others and the world, to share
                                                  and dialogue with students, follow social media where Campus
                                                  France has an especially strong presence!

            SHARE                                 Don’t forget to join the France Alumni network to take part in
                                                  discussion groups on various subjects, take advantage of

          PARTICIPATE                             cultural outings, and consult job and internship offers.


 Metropolitan area:                                                              City of Marseille:
 1,900,000                                           residents                   865,000                                    residents

 2nd              largest city in France                                         37,000                                students

MARSEILLE,                                                                   Aix-Marseille Université:
capital of the Provence-                                                     1st university in France
Alpes-Côte d’Azur region (PACA)
                                                                             1st Francophone university
 MARSEILLE, THE                                                              72,000 students including
                                                                             10,000 foreign students
 one of the 6 departments in the
 PACA region
                                                                             12 doctoral schools
 PACA REGION,                       6th French                               3,500 doctoral candidates
 region in terms of hosting foreign
 students (21,000 international                                              132 research structures

                                                            th                                                                                          Production: Rubrik C (91) - Photos: DR - Cover photo: © vvr - Fotolia.com - JULY 2020.

AS A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE AND STUDY (awarded by L’Étudiant magazine)

Most of the information presented in the Campus France City Information Sheets concerns all international students regardless of their
In France, in each of the host cities, most foreign students study at universities. Accordingly, the City Information Sheets attach great importance
to them without overlooking the other higher education institutions even if it is not possible to list them all here with their specific information.
For more information on the institutions’ welcomes and orientations:

                                    CAMPUS FRANCE – PACA REGIONAL DELEGATION
                               6 allée Turcat Méry, 13008 Marseille (Metro line 2, Périer stop)
                                      Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm.
                                                       04 91 29 97 00
                                               CAMPUS FRANCE
            28 rue de la Grange aux Belles, 75010 PARIS - 01 40 40 58 58 - www.campusfrance.org
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