ART HISTORY FHG New & Forthcoming Titles - Brepols Publishers

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ART HISTORY FHG New & Forthcoming Titles - Brepols Publishers
                                                  New & Forthcoming Titles

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Table of Contents

      Cultural History & Art Theory                                                                             4

      Painting                                                                                                13

      Books & Manuscripts                                                                                     22

      Architecture                                                                                            27

      Decorative Arts                                                                                         31

      Journals                                                                                                32

      Order Form                                                                                              34


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                                                             Cover image: Alessandro Vittoria, Paolo Veronese
                                                                          The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

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New & Forthcoming Titles

                   Art History
                                     Winter & Spring 2018


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Cultural History & Art Theory
                                  Eye and Art in Ancient Greece
                                  Studies in Archaeoaesthetics
                                  Christopher Witcombe

                                  Eye and Art in Ancient Greece examines the art of ancient Greece through reconstructions
                                  of how the Greeks saw and understood the products of their own visual culture. The book
                                  examines various key aspects of Greek visual culture, such as continuity and change, nudity,
                                  identity, lifelikeness, mimesis, personation and enactment, symmetria, dance, harmony, and the
                                  modal representation of emotions.

                                  250 p., 125 b/w ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-909400-03-0
                                  Hardback: approx. € 80
                                  Series: Eye and Art, vol. 1
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

                                  L’imitation de l’Antiquité dans l’art médiéval
                                  Laurence Terrier Aliferis

                                  Il s’agit d’une approche renouvelée des rapports entre l’Antiquité et le style 1200, courant
                                  antiquisant qui se développe au nord des Alpes, à travers les types de modèles utilisés par
                                  les orfèvres, les sculpteurs et les peintres médiévaux ainsi que les modalités de l’imitation des
                                  œuvres du passé.

                                  343 p., 359 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-55317-7
                                  Paperback: € 125
                                  Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 7

                                  D’acanthes et d’écailles
                                  Mutations des images médiévales entre Antiquité et Art Roman
                                  Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx, Brigitte D’Hainaut-Zveny, Alain Dierkens,
                                  Constantin Pion (éd.)

                                  Partant de l’étude rigoureusement documentée d’une série d’étude de cas, J. Leclercq Marx a
                                  su dépasser la singularité de ces exemples pour restituer des systèmes symboliques, des codes
                                  formels et intellectuels, des mécanismes de fonctionnement et des réseaux d’influences qui
                                  assument la longue durée et des aires géographiques multiples.

                                  approx. 360 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57555-1
                                  Paperback: approx. € 100
                                  Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 9
                                  PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2018


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Cultural History & Art Theory

                                  Saints, Miracles and the Image
                                  Healing Saints and Miraculous Images in the Renaissance
                                  Sandra Cardarelli, Laura Fenelli (eds)

                                  This volume fills a void in current art historical research and examines how miraculous images and
                                  the imagery of healing saints were crucial to the creation of individual, corporate and collective
                                  identities in Florence, Siena, Rome, Naples and other lesser researched Italian centres. The essays
                                  in this collection address aspects related to the development of hagiographies, iconographies, cult
                                  of relics, and devotion of healing saints.

                                  approx. 280 p., 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56818-8
                                  Hardback: approx. € 115
                                  Published outside a Series
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

                                  The Medieval South Caucasus
                                  Artistic Cultures of Albania, Armenia and Georgia
                                  Ivan Foletti, Erik Thuno (eds)

                                  This volume serves as an introduction to what its editors have chosen to call the “artistic
                                  cultures” prevalent during the Middle Ages in the region of the South Caucasus. Because of the
                                  transcultural nature and elevated artistic quality of their objects and monuments, they have much
                                  to offer the field of art history among medieval cultures.

                                  227 p., 143 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-80-210-8322-6
                                  Paperback: € 75
                                  Series: Convivium Supplementum, vol. 1

                                  Graphic Signs of Identity, Faith, and Power in Late
                                  Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
                                  Ildar H. Garipzanov, Caroline Goodson, Henry Maguire (eds)

                                  In this volume, twelve specialists examine the role of graphic signs such as cross signs, christograms,
                                  and monograms in the late Roman and post-Roman worlds and the contexts that facilitated their
                                  dissemination in diverse media. The essays collected here explore the rise and spread of graphic
                                  signs in relation to socio-cultural transformations during Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages,
                                  focusing in particular on evolving perceptions and projections of authority.

                                  xviii + 394 p., 141 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56724-2
                                  Hardback: € 110
                                  Series: Cursor, vol. 27

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Cultural History & Art Theory

                                  Viewing Greece
                                  Cultural and Political Agency in the Medieval
                                  and Early Modern Mediterranean
                                  Sharon E. J. Gerstel (ed.)

                                  The thirteen papers in this volume focus on the art, architecture, and topography of medieval
                                  and early modern Greece. Multidisciplinary, geographically broad, and diachronic in scope, these
                                  papers consider the cultural and political agency of Greece as part of the late antique world, the
                                  Byzantine Empire, and the early modern Mediterranean.

                                  iv + 364 p., 6 b/w ills, 166 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56643-6
                                  Hardback: € 75
                                  Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 11

                                  Resounding Images
                                  Medieval Intersections of Art, Music, and Sound
                                  Susan Boynton, Diane J. Reilly (eds)

                                  Winner of the 2016 “Ruth A. Solie” Award of the American Musicological Society.
                                  This study brings together for the first time scholars of Christian, Islamic and Jewish art and
                                  music to reconstruct the complex intersection between art, architecture and sound in the
                                  medieval world. Case studies explore how ambient and programmatic sound, including chant
                                  and speech, and its opposite, silence, interacted with objects and the built environment to
                                  create the multisensory experiences that characterized medieval life.

                                  iv + 451 p., 201 b/w ills, 54 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2015, ISBN 978-2-503-55437-2
                                  Hardback: € 145
                                  Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 9

                                  Art as History, History as Art
                                  Jheronimus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
                                  Assembling knowledge not setting puzzles
                                  Stephen Graham Hitchins

                                  This book challenges many of the assumptions about Jheronimus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel the
                                  Elder. The academic contest to unravel these two has never abated. What exactly is the meaning
                                  of their work is one of art history’s blood sports. The answer lies in the cultural relationship
                                  between the artwork and its audience.

                                  xx + 420 p., 100 b/w ills, 175 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2014, ISBN 978-2-503-55455-6
                                  Hardback: € 125
                                  Published outside a series


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Cultural History & Art Theory

                     ÉTUDES RENAISSANTES

                     La collection « Études renaissantes » offre des monographies et des recueils collectifs destinés à approfondir
                     la réflexion sur les mutations, les enrichissements et les crises caractéristiques de l’époque. Elle a pour
                     ambition d’éclairer les grands courants intellectuels, techniques et artistiques qui inscrivent cette période
                     de la civilisation européenne dans un cadre mondial.

                                           Art et société à Tours au début
                                           de la Renaissance
                                           Marion Boudon-Machuel, Pascale Charron (éd.)

                                           Qualifiée d’« ombilic du royaume » par l’humaniste florentin Francesco Florio, Tours est à
                                           partir de la décennie 1440 le lieu de séjour favori des rois de France et de la cour et, dès
                                           lors, l’une des villes les plus importantes du domaine royal. C’est ce foyer que le colloque
                                           organisé en mai 2012 au Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, et dont les actes
                                           sont publiés ici, a choisi d’étudier.

                                           256 p., 23 b/w ills, 115 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56930-7
                                           Paperback: € 75
                                           Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 19

                                           Les enfants de Caïn
                                           Les représentations du criminel en France et en Italie,
                                           de la Renaissance au début du XXe siècle
                                           Amélie Bernazzani (éd.)

                                           Les criminels sont présents dans un éventail extraordinaire d’images et de textes qui
                                           tentent à leur manière de dresser leur portrait moral et physique. Fruit des réflexions
                                           menées lors d’un colloque international, cet ouvrage pose quelques jalons de réponse en
                                           croisant les approches d’historiens de l’art, d’historiens, de juristes, d’anatomistes ou de
                                           spécialistes de la littérature.

                                           358 p., 72 b/w ills, 12 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56931-4
                                           Paperback: € 55
                                           Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 20

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Cultural History & Art Theory

                                     L’imaginaire de l’âge d’or à la Renaissance
                                     David Ganz

                                     En mettant en regard les traditions figuratives et interprétatives de l’âge d’or du XVe au
                                     début du XVIIe siècles, de l’Italie à l’Europe du Nord, cette étude met en exergue la vitalité
                                     du mythe à la Renaissance, et questionne à nouveau le rôle déterminant des mythes dans
                                     l’Europe des temps modernes.

                                     510 p., 46 b/w ills, 94 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57469-1
                                     Paperback: € 90
                                     Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 21

                                     Voir l’au-delà
                                     L’expérience visionnaire et sa représentation
                                     dans l’art italien de la Renaissance
                                     Philippe Morel, Andreas Beyer, Alessandro Nova (éd.)

                                     L’ouvrage propose une étude renouvelée de l’expérience visionnaire à travers ses
                                     représentations dans l’art de la Renaissance. À l’âge du triomphe de l’historia et de la
                                     mimésis la vision de l’au-delà a néanmoins très largement occupé la réflexion et la création
                                     artistiques, y compris dans l’art italien qui a été bien moins étudié selon ce point de vue,
                                     que ne l’ont été l’art flamand du XVe siècle ou l’art espagnol du XVIIe siècle.

                                     420 p., 29 b/w ills, 127 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57470-7
                                     Paperback: € 80
                                     Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 22

                                     Daniele Barbaro 1514-1570
                                     Vénitien, patricien, humaniste
                                     Frédérique Lemerle, Vasco Zara, Pierre Caye, Laura Moretti (eds)

                                     Daniele Barbaro (1514-1570), patriarche élu d’Aquilée, auteur de poèmes, de tragédies
                                     et de chroniques, commentateur d’Aristote et de Porphyre, exégète de Vitruve et des
                                     psaumes de David, est sans doute le dernier uomo universale de la Renaissance. Le
                                     cinquième centenaire de sa naissance est l’occasion de rendre hommage à une personnalité
                                     aussi riche et complexe.

                                     590 p., 102 b/w ills, 61 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57551-3
                                     Paperback: € 85
                                     Series: Études Renaissantes, vol. 24


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Cultural History & Art Theory

                                  Body Narratives
                                  Motion and Emotion in the French Enlightenment
                                  Susanna Caviglia (ed.)

                                  This book is the first art historical interrogation of the body as an object and discursive ensemble
                                  that questions the power and limits of visual representation. It explores the representations and
                                  understandings of the body’s physical and psychological movement’s meanings during the French
                                  Enlightenment in its many guises --artistic, esthetic, social, and erotic.

                                  iv + 291 p., 71 b/w ills, 34 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57474-5
                                  Paperback: € 100
                                  Series: The Body in Art, vol. 1

                                  Temporality and Mediality in Late Medieval
                                  and Early Modern Culture
                                  Christian Kiening, Martina Stercken (eds)

                                  This interdisciplinary volume explores the ways in which time is staged at the threshold between
                                  the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Proceeding from the reality that all cultural forms
                                  are inherently and inescapably temporal, it seeks to discover the significance of time in mediations
                                  and communications of all kinds. The volume provides a new approach to media and mediality
                                  from the perspective of cultural history.

                                  approx. 250 p., 50 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55130-2
                                  Hardback: € 75
                                  Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 32
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

                                  From Hus to Luther
                                  Visual Culture in the Bohemian Reformation (1380-1620)
                                  Kateřina Horníčková, Michal Šroněk (eds)

                                  This book portrays the first study representing a little-known phenomenon in Bohemian cultural
                                  and political history – the visual culture that grew up in the environment of the Reformation
                                  churches in Bohemia from the Hussites until the defeat of the Estates by the Habsburgs at White
                                  Mountain in 1620. The book thus opens up both the Reformation culture of Bohemia and its
                                  artistic heritage to an international audience.

                                  xxi + 323 p., 50 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54805-0
                                  Hardback: € 90
                                  Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 33

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Cultural History & Art Theory

                                  The Profane Arts
                                  Norms and Transgressions
                                  Naomi Reed Kline, Paul Hardwick (eds)

                                  The subject ‘Norms and Transgressions’ brings to light cultural norms and boundaries passed on
                                  through proverbs, maxims, and communal rules of behavior that include promises of betrothal
                                  and marriage.

                                  240 p., 85 b/w ills, 22 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56923-9
                                  Paperback: € 75
                                  Series: Profane Arts of the Middle Ages, vol. 5

                                  L’icône dans la pensée et dans l’art
                                  Constitutions, contestations, réinventions de la notion
                                  d’image divine en contexte chrétien
                                  Kristina Mitalaitė, Anca Vasiliu (éd.)

                                  Trois séries d’articles proposent des recherches thématiques sur les liens entre le concept théologique
                                  d’ « image de Dieu » et l’icône comme image de culte dans le christianisme gréco-latin, syriaque,
                                  médiéval byzantin, russe et polonais. Chacun des articles étudie les implications de l’image dans la
                                  réflexion sur le divin et, en retour, l’impact de cette réflexion sur la configuration de l’image elle-même.

                                  xiv + 471 p., 67 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56983-3
                                  Paperback: € 95
                                  Série: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 10

                                  Imagery and Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe
                                  Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Chipps Smith
                                  Catharine Ingersoll, Jessica Weiss, Alisa Carlson (eds)

                                  This collection of essays brings together new scholarship on European art from the fifteenth to
                                  the seventeenth centuries by a wide range of artists. Topics include the training of artists and
                                  the practices of making; the communicative importance of particular subjects, iconographies, and
                                  artistic processes; the shifting meanings of objects due to re-use; and the importance of location
                                  and tradition in the creation and reception of artworks.

                                  approx. 300 p., 91 b/w ills, 19 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56860-7
                                  Paperback: approx. € 135
                                  Published outside a Series
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018


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Cultural History & Art Theory

                                             Netherlandish Culture of the
                                             Sixteenth Century
                                             Urban Perspectives
                                             Ethan Matt Kavaler, Anne-Laure Van Bruaene (eds)

         A selection of essays by an international group of historians and art historians on the rich urban culture of
         the sixteenth-century Low Countries.

         The authors of this volume examine various fields of cultural discourse in the Netherlands of the sixteenth century:
         the political, commercial, religious, artistic, and sensory domains, and less obviously metaphysical properties like time
         and space. What defined the Low Countries were not its borders and its territories but its cities, and their economies
         dominated political relations. A dense network of large cities and small towns developed hand in hand with a broad
         range of textile and luxury industries. In Antwerp, culture was commerce: its art and printing industries catered to
         much of the Western world and, at the same time, carved a confident self-image celebrating the liberal arts as a
         means of social and self-improvement. Antwerp is omnipresent in this book, with essays on its painting, printing, politics,
         and public festivals. But other cities such as Bruges, Leuven, and Leiden also figure prominently. It was precisely the
         interconnectedness of urban centers, large, middle and small, rather than their autonomous character, that defined civic
         culture in the Low Countries. Among the topics treated are differing notions of urban topography, the dialogue between
         city and court, issues of censorship, and the sensory and psychological response to texts and images.

                                                                     Table of Contents

         E. M. Kavaler & A.-L. Van Bruaene, Introduction Space & Time J. De Rock, From Generic Image to Individualized Portrait. The Pictorial City View
         in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries - E. M. Kavaler, Mapping Time. The Netherlandish Carved Altarpiece in the Early Sixteenth Century - S.
         Mareel, Making a Room of One’s Own. Place, Space, and Literary Performance in Sixteenth-Century Bruges Guilds & Artistic Identities R.
         Adam, Living and Printing in Antwerp in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries. A Social Enquiry - A. Glover, What Constitutes Sculpture?
         The Guild Dispute of 1544 over the Saint Gertrude Choir Stalls in Leuven - K. De Jonge, Tales of the City. The Image of the Netherlandish Artist in
         the Sixteenth Century Dialogues between City and Court E. Neumann, Inventing Europe in Antwerp’s 1520 Entry for Charles V. An Erasmian
         Allegory in the Face of Global Empire - S. Bussels & B. Van Oostveldt, ‘Restored Behaviour’ and the Performance of the City Maiden in Joyous
         Entries into Antwerp - V. Soen, Habsburg Political Culture and Antwerp Defiant. Pacification Strategies of Governors-General during the Dutch Revolt
         (1566-1586) - O. Horbatsch, Printing the Female Ruler. Nicolas Hogenberg’s Death of Margaret of Austria (1531) The Poetics of History and
         Mythology M. A. Bass, Batavia, the New World, and the Origins of Man in Jan Mostaert’s Eve and Four Children - G. Fiorenza, Frans Floris and the
         Poetics of Mythological Painting in Antwerp - T. Uchacz, Mars, Venus, and Vulcan. Equivocal Erotics and Art in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp Literary
         Practices: License and its Limits D. E. H. De Boer, Fun, Greed, and Popular Culture. Lotteries and Lottery-Rhymes as a Mirror of the Cultural
         Legacy of the Low Countries’ ‘Long Sixteenth Century’ - A.-L. Van Bruaene, State of Play. Rhetorician Drama and the Ambiguities of Censorship in
         the Early Modern Low Countries Cognitive and Affective Strategies H. Roodenburg, Continuities or Discontinuities? Exploring Affective Piety
         in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries - K. Jonckheere, The Timanthes Effect. Another Note on the Historical Explanation of Pictures Beyond the
         Low Countries K. Ottenheym, A Missing Link? Sixteenth-Century Protestant Basilicas by Netherlandish Architects outside the Low Countries - H.
         Cools & N. Lamal, An Italian Voice on the Dutch Revolt. The Work of Francesco Lanario in a European Perspective

         xvi + 388 p., 110 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57582-7
         Paperback: € 99
         Series: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 41

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Cultural History & Art Theory

                                  Les Écrits de Sir Joshua Reynolds
                                  Jan Blanc

                                  Présentant pour la première fois l’intégralité des textes connus de sir Joshua Reynolds, qu’ils aient
                                  été publiés de son vivant et après sa mort ou restés à l’état de manuscrits, cet ouvrage propose
                                  ainsi une révision complète des théories et des pratiques artistiques du peintre, à l’aune de textes
                                  connus, méconnus et inconnus.

                                  2 vols, 1113 p., 100 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-54337-6
                                  Paperback: € 200
                                  Série: Théorie de l’art (1400-1800) / Art Theory (1400-1800), vol. 4

                                  Die Künstler der Teutschen Academie von
                                  Joachim von Sandrart
                                  Aus aller Herren Länder
                                  Anna Schreurs-Morêt, Lucia Simonato, Susanne Meurer (eds)

                                  Table of Contents:

                                  456 p., 200 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-55321-4
                                  Paperback: € 150
                                  Series: Théorie de l’art (1400-1800) / Art Theory (1400-1800), vol. 8

                                  Late Eighteenth-Century Music and Visual Culture
                                  Cliff Eisen, Alan Davison (eds)

                                  The late eighteenth century witnessed a flourishing exchange between music and visual art
                                  which was expressed in the creative as well as commercial cultures of the time. Nevertheless,
                                  there has been relatively little research to actively consider and thoroughly examine the symbiotic
                                  relationship between looking and listening during the period.

                                  v + 231 p., 92 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54629-2
                                  Paperback: € 85
                                  Series: Music and Visual Cultures, vol. 1


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                                  Example or Alter Ego?
                                  Aspects of the Portrait Historié in Western Art
                                  from Antiquity to the Present
                                  Volker Manuth, Rudie van Leeuwen, Jos Koldeweij (eds)

                                  The present collection of essays on the subject of the portrait historié treats examples of this subgenre
                                  of portraiture stemming from Classical Antiquity, medieval times, the Renaissance and Baroque period,
                                  but also from Romantic era and the modern movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A
                                  portrait historié can be described as an artistic rendering of an individual in the guise of a historical figure.

                                  iv + 315 p., 106 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56816-4
                                  Hardback: € 135
                                  Published outside a Series

                                  Transformations in Persons and Paint
                                  Visual Theology, Historical Images, and the Modern Viewer
                                  Chloë Reddaway

                                  Transformations in Persons and Paint looks at images from the viewer’s position, standing in a
                                  series of Florentine chapels, surrounded by frescoes, and discovering their powerful capacity to
                                  communicate what it means to live in a post-Resurrection world. This book uncovers previously
                                  overlooked theological content, and demonstrates the rewards of attentive interaction between
                                  a modern viewer and historical images.

                                  iv + 299 p., 94 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56554-5
                                  Hardback: € 125
                                  Series: Arts and the Sacred, vol. 1

                                  A l’Escu de France
                                  Guillebert de Mets et la peinture de livres à Gand
                                  à l’époque de Jan van Eyck (1410-1450)
                                  Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, Erik Verroken

                                  Le XVe siècle est encore balbutiant quand Guillebert de Mets, un jeune scribe prometteur, quitte
                                  Grammont en Flandre pour monter à Paris. Il est proche de Jean sans Peur et après l’assassinat
                                  du duc de Bourgogne, en septembre 1419, il se voit forcé de regagner Grammont. Il y acquiert
                                  une vaste auberge, l’Écu de France, où il installe sa propre librairie.

                                  2 vols, 860 p., 156 x 234 mm, ISBN 978-2-930054-29-2
                                  Hardback: € 89,63
                                  Series: Scientia Artis, vol. 13

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                                  French Painting ca. 1500
                                  New Discoveries, New Approaches
                                  Christine Seidel, Nicholas Herman (eds)

                                  In the years around 1500, France was undergoing profound demographic and political shifts.
                                  Responding to the kingdom’s rise as a geostrategic power, artists broadened their outlook and
                                  produced stunning images to reflect this new reality. This volume presents a wide array of new
                                  discoveries related to French painting and manuscript illumination of the period.

                                  200 p., 120 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55319-1
                                  Hardback: approx. € 100
                                  Series: Ars Nova, vol. 18
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

                                  Regina Cœli. Les images mariales et le culte des reliques
                                  Entre Orient et Occident au Moyen Âge
                                  Anna Maria Migdal

                                  Les images-reliquaires se définissent par la complexité de leur composition tant au point de
                                  vue artistique qu’au point de vue religieux. C’est pourquoi, nous souhaitons les joindre aux
                                  créations semblables répandues dans l’art entre Orient et Occident au Moyen Âge. Dans la
                                  même optique, il serait également intéressant de s’interroger sur la continuité de tels objets
                                  au-delà de l’époque médiévale.

                                  438 p., 110 b/w ills, 26 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56858-4
                                  Hardback: € 95
                                  Série: Hagiologia, vol. 12

                                  Fra Angelico
                                  Liturgie et mémoire
                                  Cyril Gerbron

                                  L’étude porte sur neuf retables et l’armadio degli argenti de Fra Angelico. La démarche adoptée,
                                  de caractère anthropologique, vise à mieux comprendre les fonctions et les usages des images
                                  au sein des communautés monastiques et pour les fidèles, à tenter de saisir comment elles
                                  façonnent les imaginaires, prescrivent des comportements, participent à renforcer des croyances
                                  et à créer la présence du surnaturel.

                                  400 p., 49 b/w ills, 86 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56769-3
                                  Paperback: € 75
                                  Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 18


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                                  Light and Shade in Dutch and Flemish Art
                                  A History of Chiaroscuro in Art Theory and Artistic Practice in
                                  the Netherlands of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
                                  Ulrike Kern

                                  This book presents the first systematic analysis of artistic techniques and terminology related to the
                                  rendering of light and shade in Dutch and Flemish art from the early-seventeenth to the mid-eighteenth
                                  century. It traces a shift in aesthetic perception, which is visible in the handling of chiaroscuro in Dutch and
                                  Flemish art in the course of 150 years, and challenges the view, widespread since Julius von Schlosser’s
                                  influential survey of European art and literature, that Netherlandish art was mainly uninventive.

                                  224 p., 55 b/w ills, 55 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, ISBN 978-2-503-54944-6
                                  Paperback: € 100
                                  Series: Théorie de l’art (1400-1800) / Art Theory (1400-1800), vol. 7

                                  Rubens and the Human Body
                                  Cordula van Wyhe (ed.)

                                  Did contemporary audiences recognise the sensuously painted ‘Rubensian body’ as a particular,
                                  if not peculiar, artistic repertoire? How can we best understand seventeenth-century practises
                                  of reading and viewing the Rubensian body? Can our criteria for eroticism be linked with that of
                                  Rubens? Was the body a ‘fluid’ category for Rubens and where does the boundary of the human
                                  body lie? It is hoped that these investigative questions will lead to a detailed evaluation about the
                                  paradigmatic status of the Rubensian body and whether we are justified in stressing its singularity
                                  within seventeenth-century Flemish and the broader early modern European visual culture.

                                  approx. 348 p., 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57775-3
                                  Paperback: approx. € 90
                                  Series: The Body in Art, vol. 3
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

                                  The Age of Rubens
                                  Diplomacy, Dynastic Politics and the Visual Arts in
                                  Early Seventeenth-Century Europe
                                  Luc Duerloo, Malcolm Smuts (eds)

                                  This volume explores the multi-faceted relationship between international politics, diplomacy
                                  and the visual arts that developed during the early seventeenth century. The contributors display
                                  a variety of methodological approaches, demonstrating many different ways in which historical
                                  research can be fruitfully integrated with art historical analysis to generate new insights into both
                                  the visual culture and the politics of baroque Europe.

                                  iv + 302 p., 81 b/w ills, 21 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-54948-4
                                  Paperback: € 95
                                  Series: Museums at the Crossroads, vol. 26

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                                  Creative and Imaginative Powers in
                                  the Pictorial Art of El Greco
                                  Livia Stoenescu (ed.)

                                  This is a collection of novel and provocative insights into El Greco’s pictorial art based on art-
                                  historical, social and historiographical sources and methodologies. It presents an innovative art-
                                  historical outlook on the prevalent interpretations and theoretical analyses of El Greco’s paintings.

                                  iv + 171 p., 26 b/w ills, 73 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56555-2
                                  Paperback: € 85
                                  Series: Museums at the Crossroads, vol. 28

                                  Cambridge and the Study of Netherlandish Art
                                  The Low Countries and the Fens
                                  Meredith Hale (ed.)

                                  The nine essays of this volume which presents new research by no fewer than seven Speelman
                                  Fellows and is edited by the post’s present incumbent explore the study and collecting of
                                  Netherlandish art in Cambridge.

                                  223 p., 96 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56634-4
                                  Paperback: € 90
                                  Series: Museums at the Crossroads, vol. 29

                                  Workshop Practice in Early Netherlandish Painting
                                  Case Studies from Van Eyck through Gossart
                                  Maryan-W. Ainsworth (ed.)

                                  This volume presents essays on recent revelations about the workshop practices of notable
                                  Early Netherlandish painters including Van Eyck, Bouts, David, and Gossart, through the technical
                                  examination of selected key works.

                                  136 p., 112 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56668-9
                                  Hardback: € 100
                                  Series: Me Fecit, vol. 10


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                                  Frans Pourbus l’Ancien à Tournai
                                  Les panneaux peints pour l’abbatiale Saint-Martin.
                                  Histoire, iconographie, style, technique, restauration
                                  Monique Maillard-Luypaer

                                  Au début des années 1570, un jeune peintre établi à Anvers, Frans Pourbus, reçoit une
                                  commande importante pour l’abbatiale de Saint-Martin de Tournai, saccagée par les
                                  iconoclastes en 1566 : l’exécution de deux séries de peintures sur bois représentant la Passion
                                  du Christ et la Vie de saint Martin.

                                  230 p. 230 x 290 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-930054-30-8
                                  Hardback: € 45,29
                                  Series: Scientia Artis, vol. 14

                                  Jan de Beer
                                  Gothic Renewal in Renaissance Antwerp
                                  Dan Ewing

                                  This is the first published monograph on the Antwerp painter Jan de Beer (c.1475-1527 /28),
                                  with an oeuvre catalogue. This study argues that De Beer’s work, plus that of the Mannerists and
                                  the city’s retable carvers, should be understood as a novel, modern expression of late Gothic
                                  art, a sixteenth-century renewal of the Gothic mode that was also manifested in contemporary
                                  architecture, calligraphy, music and poetry.

                                  vi + 385 p., 62 b/w ills, 203 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-55531-7
                                  Hardback: € 150
                                  Series: Me Fecit

                                  Rogier van der Weyden and Spain
                                  Lorne Campbell, José Juan Perez Preciado (eds)

                                  Table of contents:

                                  200 p., 100 b/w ills, 36 col. ills, 200 x 250 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-84-8480-374-4
                                  Paperback: € 60
                                  Series: Publications of the Museo del Prado, vol. 5

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                                                          Van Dyck’s Hosts in Genoa
                                                          Lucas and Cornelis de Wael’s Lives,
                                                          Business Activities and Works
                                                          Alison Stoesser

          Long overshadowed by the brilliance of their close friend, Anthony van Dyck, Lucas and Cornelis de Wael, active as
          artists and dealers in Antwerp, Genoa and Rome, have largely been ignored in Flemish art historical literature. No
          monograph on them has appeared since 1925. This book aims to rectify this situation by giving a global overview of
          their wide-ranging pursuits. However, before assessing their personal histories it first examines the historical context,
          particularly with respect to the 17th-century art market in these three cities, with special attention given to its structure
          in Genoa, so far neglected in surveys of the Italian markets. A fresh appraisal of information from archival and other
          sources in each city has been undertaken to give a revealing up-to-date insight into their lives, trading activities in
          goods ranging from art works to second-hand clothing and hides, as well as their extensive network of friends and
          clients stretching from the Northern Netherlands to Sicily, including their close business association with the prominent
          Flemish art dealer Matthijs Musson and the Moretus family, owners of the Plantin-Moretus publishing house. Their own
          contribution to the art world is not neglected, with a full discussion of their works and an accompanying catalogue
          raisonné, which, in Cornelis de Wael’s case, includes his extensive oeuvre of paintings, drawings and prints. In addition,
          the De Wael brothers’ crucial function as hosts to Dutch and Flemish artists in both Genoa and Rome, with Van Dyck
          being the most famous, is also considered, while Cornelis de Wael’s not inconsiderable role in making Rembrandt’s prints
          known in both cities in his capacity as an art dealer is brought into focus. Despite the relative obscurity of his works till
          now, the sometimes unexpected influence of these on other artists from as far apart as the Northern Netherlands and
          Spain is also given careful attention.

          2 vols, 986 p., 604 b/w ills, 33 col. ills, 190 x 250 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-53175-5
          Hardback: approx. € 250
          Series: Pictura Nova, vol. 19


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                                  Michael Sweerts (1618-1664)
                                  Shaping the Artist and the Academy in Rome and Brussels
                                  Lara Yeager-Crasselt

                                  The Flemish artist Michael Sweerts has long been considered one of the most fascinating and
                                  enigmatic painters of the seventeenth century. This book examines the career of the Brussels
                                  artist Michael Sweerts through an examination of the artistic, intellectual and cultural contexts
                                  that shaped his work and academy in the Netherlands and Italy in the seventeenth century.

                                  340 p., 58 b/w ills, 42 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-55530-0
                                  Hardback: € 125
                                  Series: Pictura Nova, vol. 21

                                  Peter Snayers (1592-1667):
                                  Between Remembrance and Glorification
                                  A Contextual Study of the Topographical
                                  Battle Paintings for the Habsburg Elite
                                  Leen Kelchtermans

                                  Despite being considered one of the most important representatives of seventeenth-century topographical
                                  battle iconography in his time and today, Peter Snayers and his topographical œuvre have never yet been
                                  thoroughly researched. For the first time, this book zooms in on Snayers’s life, his oeuvre and his patrons.

                                  approx. 360 p., 180 b/w ills, 81 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56728-0
                                  Hardback: approx. € 160
                                  Series: Pictura Nova, vol. 22
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SUMMER 2018

                                  D’une même main. Peintures murales du XVe siècle
                                  dans la principauté de Liège
                                  Regards croisés sur la chapelle du château de Ponthoz et l’église de Bois
                                  Ilona Hans - Collas (ed.)

                                  Deux ensembles de peintures murales du XVe siècle, aussi exceptionnels que méconnus, sont ici au cœur
                                  d’une passionnante enquête pluridisciplinaire : ceux de la chapelle Saint-Hubert du château de Ponthoz
                                  et ceux de l’église Saint-Lambert de Bois (commune de Clavier, Wallonie, Belgique). Une équipe de
                                  spécialistes s’est plongée dans les décors peints de ces deux hameaux et a interrogé tous leurs aspects.

                                  430 p., 230 x 290 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-930054-27-8
                                  Paperback: € 60
                                  Series: Scientia Artis, vol. 11

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                                  La technique des peintres vénitiens à la Renaissance
                                  Michel Hochmann

                                  Cet ouvrage a obtenu le prix Eugène Carrière 2017 de l’Académie française.

                                  La technique des peintres vénitiens a longtemps été une sorte de mythe pour les peintres. Elle a été l’objet
                                  d’un grand nombre de commentaires et d’hypothèses. Nos connaissances sur le sujet ont cependant
                                  été profondément renouvelées. On cherche donc à croiser des différentes sources d’information pour
                                  mieux comprendre les principaux aspects matériels du travail des peintres de cette époque.

                                  iv + 395 p., 25 b/w ills, 164 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-55537-9
                                  Hardback: € 150
                                  Publié hors série

                                  Examining Giovanni Bellini
                                  An Art ‘More Human and More Divine’
                                  Carolyn C. Wilson (ed.)

                                  This book presents a collection of fifteen essays on the Venetian painter Giovanni Bellini, one
                                  of the most innovative and influential artists of the Italian Renaissance. Long renowned for his
                                  embrace of oil technique, astute mastery of perspective, and development of landscape painting,
                                  Bellini has been admired across the ages as well for the profoundly human and deeply reverent
                                  character of his works.

                                  393 p., 150 b/w ills, 68 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-53570-8
                                  Paperback: € 100
                                  Series: Taking Stock, vol. 3

                                  Velázquez Re-Examined
                                  Theory, History, Poetry, and Theatre
                                  Giles Knox, Tanya Tiffany (eds)

                                  Featuring the work of five prominent scholars, this collection analyzes the paintings of Diego
                                  Velázquez within the cultural, intellectual, and political frameworks of seventeenth-century Spain.
                                  Each essay offers novel insight into the greatest artist of the Spanish Golden Age by bringing a
                                  remarkable range of material to bear upon the interpretation of his works.

                                  130 p., 47 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56918-5
                                  Paperback: € 65
                                  Series: Taking Stock, vol. 5


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                                  De l’expertise artistique à la vulgarisation
                                  au siècle des Lumières
                                  Jean-Baptiste Descamps (1715-1791) et la peinture flamande,
                                  hollandaise et allemande
                                  Gaëtane Maës

                                  Cette étude de la carrière et des livres de Jean-Baptiste Descamps contribue à définir le statut de
                                  l’expertise artistique et de l’écriture de vulgarisation dans l’Europe des Lumières. Elle s’attache aussi
                                  à définir la place des Arts dans l’espace public ouvert. Elle met enfin l’accent sur l’attraction puissante
                                  qu’ont exercée les œuvres flamandes, hollandaises et allemandes sur les collectionneurs du XVIIIe siècle.

                                  608 p., 89 b/w ills, 28 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56770-9
                                  Paperback: € 125
                                  Publié hors série

                                  Radiography and Painting
                                  Elisabeth Ravaud, Marie Lionnet – de Loitière, Astrid Roche

                                  Radiography is a technique which has been employed in the study of paintings for more than a
                                  century. This volume seeks to demonstrate that we can access new fields of radiological analysis
                                  by identifying two categories of ‘signs’: those that may be obvious and those which are not
                                  immediately comprehensible. This study has been primarily based on a thorough and essential
                                  reviewing of current literature.

                                  approx. 400 p., 200 b/w ills, 200 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55454-9
                                  Paperback: approx. € 150
                                  Published outside a Series
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

                                  James Ensor, Occasional Modernist
                                  Ensor’s artistic and social ideas and of the interpretation of his art
                                  Herwig Todts

                                  This book explores James Ensor’s writings, ideas and works in greater depth than they have hitherto
                                  enjoyed in art-historical scholarship. The analysis of Ensor’s writings is no small task, for he gave
                                  little attention to structure and coherence, and employed a complex ‘wondermiraclelikefulistic’
                                  language from which the essence of his personal views and beliefs is often difficult to distill.

                                  approx. 400 p., 60 b/w ills, 120 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57030-3
                                  Hardback: approx. € 120
                                  Series: XIX: Studies in 19th-Century Art and Visual Culture, vol. 1
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

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Books & Manuscripts
                                  Die bebilderte Enea Silvio Piccolomini Handschrift
                                  des Charles de France
                                  Ein Beitrag zur Buchmalerei in Bourges und
                                  zum Humanismus in Frankreich
                                  Robert Schindler

                                  Die vorliegende Studie ist die erste ausführliche Untersuchung der Handschrift Ms. 68 in der
                                  Sammlung des J. Paul Getty Museums. Der Kodex enthält zwei Texte des bedeutenden Humanisten
                                  und Diplomaten Enea Silvio Piccolomini, des späteren Papstes Pius II., De Curialium miseriis und
                                  Historia de duobus amantibus, die er 1444 noch vor Beginn seiner klerikalen Karriere verfasste.

                                  280 p., 138 b/w ills, 29 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54612-4
                                  Hardback: € 125
                                  Series: Ars Nova, vol. 17

                                  Merveilleux et marges dans le livre profane à la fin
                                  du Moyen Age (XIIe-XVe siècles)
                                  Adeline Latimier, Joanna Pavlevski-Malingre, Alicia Servier (éd.)

                                  Les auteurs du présent volume s’interrogent sur la relation entre la représentation du merveilleux
                                  et la notion de marge, entendue dans un sens littéral (marge géographique et du manuscrit)
                                  et figuré (marge ontologique, sociale), en confrontant le texte et l’image dans un corpus de
                                  manuscrits réalisés entre le XIIe et le XVe siècle.

                                  180 p., 84 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56917-8
                                  Paperback: € 75
                                  Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 8

                                  Illustrations médiévales de la légende de Troie
                                  Catalogue commenté des manuscrits fr. illustrés
                                  du Roman de Troie et de ses dérivés
                                  Carine Durand

                                  Au sein de l’ample diffusion de la légende de Troie au Moyen Age, le Roman de Troie de Benoît
                                  de Sainte-Maure se distingue par sa notoriété et sa postérité. Les manuscrits illustrés français
                                  de ce texte et de ses dérivés permettent ainsi de cerner l’appropriation médiévale de cette
                                  “histoire”, du XIIIe au XVe siècle. Ce catalogue classe et commente 69 manuscrits.

                                  approx. 1000 p., 5 b/w ills, 75 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-52626-3
                                  Paperback: approx. € 150
                                  Publié hors série
                                  PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2018


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Books & Manuscripts


                     The term ‘bibliology’ is used to refer to the sum of disciplines that deal with books, whether manuscript
                     or printed: the history of books, the history of ancient libraries, bibliophily, bibliopoly, the French concept
                     ‘bibliothéconomie’, and bibliography.

                                           Theoretical Approaches and Practical Solutions
                                           Nataša Golob, Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič (eds)

                                           This is a collection of twelve studies encompassing considerations on bookbinding
                                           structures, practices of binders in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, as well as
                                           theoretical reflections on the cataloguing of bindings, and on the choice of conservation
                                           and restoration methods. Much of the attention is on Portuguese, Estonian and Slovenian
                                           library and archive material – that is, on material that has rarely been the centre of attention.

                                           306 p., 67 b/w ills, 26 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57498-1
                                           Paperback: € 80
                                           Series: Bibliologia, vol. 45

                                           Watermarked Paper from the Archives in
                                           Ravenna (1287-1693)
                                           Nicolangelo Scianna

                                           Unique repertoire of watermarks scanned from the manuscripts of Medieval Civil Notaries and
                                           Church Offices in Ravenna, Italy.This work is divided into three sections plus conclusions: a brief
                                           history with specific in-depth studies; a repertoire of almost 3,000 scanned images of watermark
                                           designs, listed by type; and 641 in scale reproductions of watermarked folios. The author ends
                                           this look into the world of antique paper with a discussion on the spread of paper to the city of
                                           Ravenna and notes a method for intrepreting the placement of the mark on the mould.

                                           2 vol., approx. 940 p., 3457 b/w ills, 2 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56969-7
                                           Paperback: € 170
                                           Series: Bibliologia, vol. 43
                                           PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

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Books & Manuscripts

                                  Manuscrits enluminés d’origine germanique
                                  XVe siècle
        Manuscrits enluminés
        d’origine germanique      Laure Rioust
        I. XVe siècle

                                  Il s’agit d’un catalogue raisonné des manuscrits enluminés au XVe siècle dans les pays de langue
                                  allemande ou en Europe centrale, conservés au département des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque
                                  nationale de France. Ce corpus très varié fait pour la première fois l’objet d’un catalogue raisonné
                                  exhaustif et richement illustré, organisé selon un classement géographique puis chronologique.

        a                         approx. 380 p., 1 b/w ill., 154 col. ills, 210 x 300 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57790-6
                                  Hardback: approx. € 150
                                  Série: Manuscrits enluminés d’origine germanique, vol. 1
                                  PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2018

                                  Le Pontifical de Pierre de la Jugie
                                  Le Miroir d’un Archêveque
                                  Anne Dubois

                                  Orné de 85 enluminures encore en place, l’ouvrage est un témoignage exceptionnel, bien
                                  documenté, qui permet de comprendre les modalités de la commande des manuscrits liturgiques
                                  enluminés au XIVe siècle, et qu’il est possible de replacer dans un contexte politique, religieux et
                                  artistique bien déterminé.

                                  480 p., 196 b/w ills, 39 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57468-4
                                  Hardback: € 125
                                  Series: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 3

                                  The Bar Books
                                  Manuscripts Illuminated for Renaud de Bar,
                                  Bishop of Metz (1303-1316)
                                  Kay Davenport

                                  This detailed study gives an overview of the man and his books, paying special attention to the
                                  heraldry, the calendars, and the marginalia in three appendices. The heraldry of his Breviary in
                                  two volumes is unique, astonishing in a church book, as it contains about 180 non-Bar shields of
                                  arms in two-line initials, in addition to about 225 shields of Bar and Toucy.

                                  approx. 728 p., 254 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57467-7
                                  Hardback: approx. € 100
                                  Series: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 2
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018


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Books & Manuscripts

                                  Maelwael Van Limburg Studies I
                                  Johan Oosterman, Jos Koldeweij (eds)

                                  The Maelwael Van Limburg Studies Series is a new international forum for innovative research with
                                  a focus on the late medieval art of Johan Maelwael (ca. 1370 - 1415) and Herman, Paul and Johan
                                  van Limburg (ca. 1380 - 1416).The Maelwael Van Limburg Studies series presents scholarly articles
                                  that contribute to the (art) historical research about their art and the context of their times in
                                  various cultural areas: Guelders, France Italy, The Holy Roman Empire, England and elsewhere.

                                  approx. 192 p., 194 col. ills, 220 x 300 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57715-9
                                  Paperback: approx. € 100
                                  Series: Maelwael Van Limburg Studies, vol. 1
                                  PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2018

                                  La pensée du regard
                                  Études d’histoire de l’art du Moyen Âge offertes à Christian Heck
                                  Pascale Charron, Marc Gil, Ambre Vilain (éd.)

                                  Ce recueil de 35 études, écrites par d’éminents spécialistes d’histoire de l’art médiéval, rend
                                  hommage au Professeur Christian Heck et à sa carrière exemplaire. Les trente-cinq essais,
                                  écrits par d’éminents spécialistes français et étrangers, touchent aux différents domaines de
                                  prédilection de Christian Heck.

                                  448 p., 176 b/w ills, 41 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56870-6
                                  Paperback: € 150
                                  Publié hors série

                                  Verbal and Visual Communication in Early English Texts
                                  Matti Peikola, Aleksi Mäkilähde, Hanna Salmi, Mari-Liisa Varila,
                                  Janne Skaffari (eds.)

                                  When reading a text our understanding of its meaning is influenced by the visual form and
                                  material features of the page. The chapters in this volume investigate how visual and material
                                  features of early English books, documents, and other artefacts support – or potentially
                                  contradict – the linguistic features in communicating the message. In addition to investigating
                                  how such communication varies between different media and genres, our contributors propose
                                  novel methods for analysing these features, including new digital applications.

                                  xii + 280 p., 30 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57464-6
                                  Hardback: € 80
                                  Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 37

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Books & Manuscripts

                                                      Tristan and Isolde
                                                      Medieval Illustrations of the Verse Romances
                                                      Stephanie C. Van D’Elden

          The story of Tristan and Isolde was one of the most popular in the Middle Ages. Resonances of it appear in other
          narratives, in poetry, and especially in art in the form of wall paintings, wall hangings, tapestries, bed coverings, tablecloths,
          and other needle work, floor tiles, marriage caskets, mirrors, purses, shoes, and combs. More publicly, scenes from the
          story appear on misericords from English cathedrals and on Baltic city halls; stone figures grace façades and mantlepieces
          of grand palaces of the rich bourgeoisie. And, of course, there are a number of illuminated manuscripts illustrating
          the texts themselves. The purpose of this book is to list all the extant manuscripts and artefacts – objets d’art, and to
          describe the scenes depicted on them.

          viii + 462 p., 216 b/w ills, 322 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-53098-7
          Hardback: € 150
          Published outside a Series

                                          Agency and Intention in English Print, 1476–1526
                                          Kathleen Tonry

                                          This volume offers a new intellectual framework for early print that bridges divisions between the study
                                          of print and the study of literature, between manuscripts and printed books, and between pre- and
                                          post-1500 textual cultures.Through an extensive focus on medieval texts and ideas, it is demonstrated
                                          here that in the half-century before the Reformation, English print was part of a highly energetic
                                          tradition of late medieval textual production. Central to this tradition was the expression of ethical
                                          agency, or moral ‘entente’, through the creation of texts and books. This insight reveals how the first
                                          English printed books expressed the deliberate moral and cultural commitments of individual printers.

                                          xv + 241 p., 15 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-53576-0
                                          Hardback: € 75
                                          Series: Texts and Transitions, vol. 7


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                                  Romanesque Cathedrals in Mediterranean Europe
                                  Architecture, Ritual and Urban Context
                                  Gerardo Boto Varela, Justin E.A. Kroesen (eds)

                                  This volume explores the architecture and layout of Romanesque cathedrals in Europe,
                                  especially around the Mediterranean, paying special attention to liturgical ritual, church
                                  furnishings, iconography, and urban context. The various contributions to this volume discuss
                                  the architecture, interior, and urban setting of Romanesque cathedrals and analyze the factors
                                  which helped to shape them.

                                  vi + 332 p., 76 b/w ills, 26 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-55250-7
                                  Paperback: € 94
                                  Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 7

                                  Memory and Redemption
                                  Public Monuments and the Making of Late Medieval Landscape
                                  Achim Timmermann

                                  This is the first critical study of some fascinating and rich structures written by a medievalist art
                                  historian. It looks at the homiletic, literary, devotional and artistic imagination, in which wayside
                                  crosses and other such structures helped constitute a spiritual and allegorical landscape that very
                                  much complemented and put pressure on the physical landscapes traversed and inhabited by
                                  the contemporary public.

                                  442 p., 335 b/w ills, 50 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54652-0
                                  Paperback: € 105
                                  Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 8

                                  Decorated Revisited
                                  English Architectural Style in Context, 1250-1400
                                  John Munns (ed.)

                                  In ten essays, leading established and emerging scholars reassess the nature, significance and
                                  context of the Decorated style in English Gothic architecture. Drawing on a range of innovative
                                  methodologies, they present exciting new insights into the nature and significance of English
                                  architecture in the period, focusing particularly on its broader European context.

                                  x + 248 p., 222 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55434-1
                                  Paperback: € 91
                                  Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 9

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                                               Monuments & Memory
                                               Christian Cult Buildings and
                                               Constructions of the Past
                                               Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw
                                               Mariëtte Verhoeven, Lex Bosman, Hanneke Van Asperen (eds)

          Essays on the memorial potential of Christian buildings, of their location, or of the accoutrement,
          whether or not still in situ, with a special attention to Rome’s churches.

          This volume honours Sible de Blaauw on the occasion of his retirement from Radboud University. It is above all a
          tribute to an influential and respected voice in the field of early Christian art and architecture. Thirty-one authors have
          sought to provide their own unique answer to the question of how Christian cult buildings have played a role in cultural
          memory in different periods and in various geographical and cultural contexts. From its very onset, this publication was
          envisioned as a parallel to De Blaauw’s own research interests: Rome and its monuments, early Christianity, Christian
          religious heritage, liturgy and architecture, continuity of tradition, and memory. The contributions have been arranged
          according to three sections: Monuments – Places – Decoration & Liturgical Furnishing. Every essay addresses the
          memorial potential of Christian buildings, of their location, or of the accoutrement, whether or not still in situ. Not
          surprisingly, Rome re-appears frequently in all sections, with Rome’s churches receiving special attention. Together the
          essays cover a period from Late Antiquity to modern times, from Helena to Gerhard Richter, from late antique poets
          to a Ravennesque mosaic in the 1930s. Thus, this volume assumes the diachronic nature that characterizes De Blaauw’s
          own scholarship. The leitmotifs of Christian cult and material and immaterial constructions of the past tie together the
          sections as well as the book as a whole. Nevertheless, the main binding element between the essays is their authors’
          fondness and appreciation of Sible de Blaauw.

          Table of Contents:

          405 p., 125 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56973-4
          Paperback: € 100
          Series: Architectural Crossroads, vol. 3


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