Bibliography of Canadian Educational History / Bibliographie d'histoire de l'éducation canadienne

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        Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation
                                                         BIBLIOGRAPHY / BIBLIOGRAPHIE

  Bibliography of Canadian Educational History /
       Bibliographie d’histoire de l’éducation

                        Compiled by / compilée par Kristin Hall

This issue continues the biennial bibliography on Canadian educational history and related
fields most recently listed in Volume 28, number 2 (Fall 2016). Please note that suggestions for
possible inclusion in the bibliography of Canadian educational history are welcome and should
be forwarded to the Historical Studies in Education editorial team. Nous poursuivons ici notre
bibliographie de l’histoire de l’éducation au Canada et autres domaines connexes, bibliographie
dont la dernière mis à jour fut effectuée dans le volume 28, numéro 2 (automne 2016). S’il
vous-plaît, noter que les suggestions pour une éventuelle inclusion dans la bibliographie de
l’éducation canadienne sont les bienvenues et doivent être envoyées à l’équipe éditoriale de la
Revue d’histoire de l’éducation.

Journals systematically searched include/Les périodiques qui ont fait l’objet d’un dépouillement
systématique sont : Acadiensis, Alberta History, BC Studies, British Journal of Educational Studies,
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin canadien d’histoire du médecine, Canadian Ethnic
Studies/Études éthniques au Canada, Canadian Geographer/Géographe canadien, Canadian
Historical Review, Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l’éducation, Canadian
Journal of Higher Education/La revue canadienne de l’enseignement supérieure, Canadian Journal
of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de la sociologie, Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de
sociologie, Carrefours de l’éducation (France), Comparative and International Education, Encounters
in Theory and History of Education/Rencontres en Théorie et Histoire de L’Éducation, Histoire de
l’éducation (France), Histoire sociale/Social History, Historia y Memoria de la educación (Spanish
Society of the History of Education), Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éduca-
tion, History of Education (England), History of Education and Children’s Literature (Italy), History
of Education Quarterly, History of Education Researcher (History of Education Society, UK),
History of Education Review (Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society), History
of Intellectual Culture, Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue des études canadiennes, Journal of the
Canadian Historical Association/Revue de la Société historique du Canada, Journal of Educational
Administration and History, Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, Labour/Le travail,
Manitoba History, McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill, Ontario
History, Oxford Review of Education, Paedagogica Historica (International Standing Conference
for the History of Education), Perspectives on the History of Higher Education (formerly History
of Higher Education Annual), Prairie Forum, Queen’s Quarterly, Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique
française, Revue d’histoire de l’enfance ‘irregulière’ (France), Revue française de pédagogie (France),
Saskatchewan History, Teacher’s College Record, Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine.

    Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 30, 2, Fall / automne 2018
130 Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation

     Abbas, Jihan. “Perceptions of Our Childhood: Confronting Social Constructions of Care,
       Disability, and Childhood.” In The Sociology of Childhood and Youth in Canada, edited
       by Xiaobei Chen, Rebecca Raby, and Patrizia Albanese, 128–143. Toronto: Canadian
       Scholars Press, 2018.
     Abdi, Ali A. “The Education of African Canadian Children: Historical, Philosophical,
       and Socio- cultural Analyses.” In The Education of African Canadian Children. Critical
       Perspectives, edited by Ibrahim, Awad, and Ali A. Adbi, 43–57. Montreal and Kingston:
       McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
     Acker, Sandra and Eve Haque. “Left Out in the Academic Field: Doctoral Graduates Deal
        with a Decade of Disappearing Jobs.” Canadian Journal of Higher Education 47, no. 3
        (2017): 101–119.
     Alexander, Kristine. “Childhood and Colonialism in Canadian History.” History Compass 14,
        no. 9 (2016): 397–406.
     Alexander, Kristine. Guiding Modern Girls: Girlhood, Empire, and Internationalism in the
        1920s and 1930s. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2017.
     Allison, John. A Most Canadian Odyssey: Education Diplomacy and Federalism, 1844–1984.
         London, ON.: Althouse Press, 2016.
     Atkinson, Leah, Albert Big Canoe, Andrew Big Canoe, Lauri Hoeg, Susan Hoeg, Barbara
        McDonald, and John L. Steckley, eds. The Chippewas of Georgina Island: A People of Stories.
        Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2018.
     Aubin, Paul. « La formation à l’enseignement dans une communauté enseignante. Les Frères
       des écoles chrétiennes du Québec 1837–1980. » Historical Studies in Education / Revue
       d’histoire de l’éducation 28, nº 2 (2016): 28–48.
     Azzarello, Louise. “Reverberations of Neo-Liberal Policies: The Slow Dilution of Secondary
        Alternative Schooling in the Toronto District School Board.” In Alternative Schooling and
        Student Engagement Canadian Stories of Democracy within Bureaucracy, edited by Nina
        Bascia, Esther Sokolov Fine, Malcolm Levin, 55–68. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
     Baby, Antoine, entretiens avec Denis Simard. Le gout d’apprendre : Une valeur à apprendre.
        Laval : Presses de l’Université Laval, 2017.
     Barnabé, Clermont et Toussaint, Pierre. L’administration de l’éducation, Une perspective
        historique, 2e édition. Montréal : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2018.
     Barman, Jean. Abenaki Daring: The Life and Writings of Noel Annance, 1792–1869. Montreal
        and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
     Barman, Jean. “Revisiting the Histories of Indigenous Schooling and Literacies / Un regard
        renouvelé sur l’histoire de l’éducation des Autochtones.” Historical Studies in Education /
        Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 29, no. 1 (2017): 3–7.
     Barron, Sandy R. “‘An Excuse for Being So Bold’: D.W. McDermid and the Early
        Development of the Manitoba Institute of the Deaf and Dumb, 1888–1900.” In Untold
        Stories: A Canadian Disability History Reader, edited by Nancy Hansen, Roy Hanes, and
        Diane Driedger, 91–109. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
     Bear Chief, Arthur. My Decade at Old Sun, My Lifetime of Hell. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca
        University Press, 2016.
Bibliography/Bibliographie 131

Beeman, Christopher. “Indigenous Education as Failed Ontological Reconfiguration.” In
   Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II, edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo
   Zaldívar, 280–300. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
Bélanger, Damien-Claude. Thomas Chapais, historien. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université
   d’Ottawa, 2018.
Bell, David. “The Lady Music Teacher As Entrepreneur: Minnie Sharp and the Victoria
   Conservatory of Music in the 1890s.” BC Studies 191 (Autumn 2016): 85–110.
Bellomo, Katherine. “Learning to Teach and Becoming a Science Teacher at City School.”
   In Alternative Schooling and Student Engagement Canadian Stories of Democracy within
   Bureaucracy, edited by Nina Bascia, Esther Sokolov Fine, Malcolm Levin, 131–142.
   London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Bennett, Paul W. “Unsettling ‘Old Ways’: Matter or Method, Relevance or Standards in Nova
   Scotia Teacher Education, 1855 to the Present.” In The Curriculum History of Canadian
   Teacher Education, edited by Theodore Michael Christou, 75–92. New York: Routledge,
Berg, Sharon. “The Name Unspoken: Wandering Spirit Survival School.” In Alternative
   Schooling and Student Engagement Canadian Stories of Democracy within Bureaucracy,
   edited by Nina Bascia, Esther Sokolov Fine, Malcolm Levin, 189–202. London: Palgrave
   Macmillan, 2017.
Brenyo, Brent. “Educational Malpractice? Human Rights, Censorship, and the LGBTQ+
   Community in Ontario’s Health and Physical Education Curriculum.” Historical Studies
   in Education 28, no. 2 (2016): 49–75.
Broom, Catherine, Anthony Di Mascio, and Douglas Flemming. “Citizenship Education in
   Canada, Past and Present.” In Youth Civic Engagement in a Globalized World, edited by
   Catherine Broom, 15–36. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017.
Brown, Nolan. “‘Evangelization, Not Legislation:’ Christian Fundamentalism, the Briercrest
   Bible Institute, and the Politics of the Great Depression.” Manitoba History 84 (2017):
Bruce, Lorne D. “The Carnegie Corporation Advisory Group on Canadian College Libraries,
   1930–1935.” Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 28, no. 2
   (2016): 97–125.
Brunet, Marie-Hélène. « Combien ou comment ? Les femmes canadiennes dans les récits
   scolaires et dans la mémoire collective, rétrospective des recherches depuis 1980. » Revue
   d’histoire de l’éducation 30, no. 1 (2018): 42–53.
Bruneau, William. “My Acquaintance with the CJE/RCE, 1988–1992.” Canadian Journal of
   Education 40, no. 2 (2017): 1–7.
Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. “Catholic Education Across Time and Space: From Educational Projects in
   Early Modernity, Through Colonial Education, to Open Spaces of Social Transformation.”
   Encounters in Theory and History of Education 18 (2017): xi–xv.
Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. “The Missionary Oblate Sisters: Renewal and the Tortuous Journey of
   the Prophetic Feminist Vision of Alice Trudeau.” In Vatican II and Beyond: The Changing
   Mission and Identity of Canadian Women Religious, edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Heidi
   MacDonald, and Elizabeth M. Smyth, 55–105. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s
   University Press, 2017.
132 Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation

     Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. “The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in Canada, the Long 1960s, and
        Vatican II: From Carving Spaces in the Educational State to Living the Radicality of the
        Gospel.” In Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II, edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and
        Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, 189–212. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
     Bruno-Jofré, Rosa, Heidi MacDonald, and Elizabeth M. Smyth. Vatican II and Beyond: The
        Changing Mission and Identity of Canadian Women Religious. Montreal and Kingston:
        McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
     Bruno-Jofré, Rosa and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, eds. Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II.
        Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
     Bruno-Jofré, Rosa and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. “Emerging Issues and Approaches in the Analysis
        of Catholicism and Education: Fifty Years after Vatican II.” In Catholic Education in the
        Wake of Vatican II, edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, 3–20. Toronto:
        University of Toronto Press, 2017.
     Bruno-Jofré, Rosa and Josh Cole. “What the Dead Say to the Living. Time, Politics, and
        Teacher Preparation in English Canada’s Long-1960s.” In Pedagogy and Educational
        Knowledge: Ambitions and Imaginations in Teacher Education/Pädagogisches Wissen:
        Ambitionen in und Erwartungen an die Ausbildung von Lehrpersonen, edited by Andreas
        Hoffmann-Ocon and Rebekka Horlacher, 247–264. Bad Heilbrunn, Germany:
        Klinkhardt, 2016.
     Buri, George. Between Education and Catastrophe: The Battle over Public Schooling in Postwar
        Manitoba. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
     Calder, Kim and Angela Aucoin. Inclusive Education: Stories of Success and Hope in a Canadian
        Context. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2018.
     Capitaine, Brieg and Karine Vanthuyne, eds. Power Through Testimony: Reframing Residential
       Schools in the Age of Reconciliation. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2017.
     Carleton, Sean. “Settler Anxiety and State Support for Missionary Schooling in Colonial
        British Columbia, 1849–1871.” Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de
        l’éducation 29, no. 1 (2017): 57–76.
     Carrington-Decker, Caroline E.M. “Remembering the Boys.” In Untold Stories: A Canadian
        Disability History Reader, edited by Nancy Hansen, Roy Hanes, and Diane Driedger,
        66–90. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
     Charabin, Nadine. “A Lasting Commitment: Evelyn Eager’s Bequest (1919–1991).”
       Saskatchewan History 69, no. 1 (2017): 1–14.
     Chen, Xiaobei. “Racism, Culture, and Power in Children’s Books.” In The Sociology of
       Childhood and Youth in Canada, edited by Xiaobei Chen, Rebecca Raby, and Patrizia
       Albanese, 182–197. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
     Chen, Xiaobei, Rebecca Raby, and Patrizia Albanese, eds. The Sociology of Childhood and Youth
       in Canada. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
     Christou, Theodore Michael. “Curriculum History and Canadian Teacher Education.” In The
       Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education, edited by Theodore Michael Christou,
       1–6. New York: Routledge, 2017.
     Christou, Theodore Michael, ed. The Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education.
       New York: Routledge, 2017.
Bibliography/Bibliographie 133

Christou, Theodore Michael. Progressive Rhetoric and Curriculum: Contested Visions of
  Public Education in Interwar Ontario. London: Routledge, 2017.
Clark, Penney. “‘A Grand Old House:’ Canadian Educational Publisher Copp Clark,
   1841– 2004.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 55, no. 1 (2017): 51–90.
Clark, Penney. “‘A Business Activity Surrounded by a Cultural Environment’: Regional
   Educational Publishing, 1970–2015.” BC Studies 195 (Autumn 2017): 35–63.
Clark, Penney and K. M. Gemmell. “‘The school book question is a farce’: Free Textbook
   Provision in Nova Scotia, 1864–1944.” Acadiensis 46, no. 2 (2017): 59–87.
Clark, Penney and Amy von Heyking. “Back to School? Historians and the View from the
   Classroom.” Historical Studies in Education 30, no. 1 (2018): 24–41.
Clark, Penney, K. M. Gemmell, and Mona Gleason. “Historical Studies in Education / Revue
   d’histoire de l’éducation — A Journal’s Journey from Past to Present.” Scholarly Research and
   Communication 9, no. 1 (2018): 1–11.
Cole, Josh. “‘Our Only Hope is Apocalypse’: Marshall McLuhan, Antimodernism, and 1960s
   Education Reform.” Historia de la Educación 35 (2016): 89–103.
Condette, Jean-François. Les personnels d’inspection. Contrôler, évaluer, contrôler les enseignants.
  Retour sur une histoire France/Europe (XVIIe XXe siècle). Rennes : Presses de l’Université de
  Rennes, 2017.
Cook, Sharon Ann. “Who Do You Think You Are? Feminist Change in Postsecondary
  Education: An Uneven Record.” In Transforming Conversations: Feminism and Education
  in Canada Since 1970, edited by Dawn Wallin and Janice Wallace, 22–41. Montreal and
  Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
Cook, Sharon Ann, Ruby Heap, and Lorna McLean. “The Writing of Women into Canadian
  Educational History in English Canada and Francophone Quebec, 1970 to 1995.”
  Historical Studies in Education 30, no. 1 (2018): 9–23.
Cooper, Afua. “Black Canada and the Law: Black Parents and Children in the Legal Battle for
  Education in Canada West: 1851–1864.” In The Education of African Canadian Children.
  Critical Perspectives, edited by Ibrahim, Awad, and Ali A. Adbi, 19–42. Montreal and
  Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
Cooper Diallo, Habiba. “High School and the Black Body in Canada: A Recollection of a
  Female High School Student.” In The Education of African Canadian Children. Critical
  Perspectives, edited by Ibrahim, Awad, and Ali A. Adbi, 90–95. Montreal and Kingston:
  McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
Cowan, Mairi. “Education, Francisation, and Shifting Colonial Priorities at the Ursuline
  Convent in Seventeenth-Century Québec.” Canadian Historical Review 99, no. 1 (2018):
Cowin, Robert. Postsecondary Education in British Columbia: Public Policy and Structural
  Development, 1960–2015. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2018.
Croteau, Jean-Philippe. Les commissions scolaires montréalaises et torontoises et les immigrants,
   1875–1960. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2016.
Curtis, Bruce. “The Missing Memory of Canadian Sociology: Reflexive Government and
  ‘the Social Science.’ ” Canadian Review of Sociology 53, no. 2 (2016): 203–225.
134 Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation

     Damer, Eric and Gerald Thomson. “Swimming Against the Current of Secular Education:
       The Rise and Fall of Columbian Methodist College, 1892–1937.” Historical Studies in
       Education 30, no. 1 (2018): 85–113.
     Daub, Mervin. Gael Force: A History of Football at Queen’s, 1882–2016, 2nd ed. Montreal and
       Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
     Davidson, Sara Florence. “Make Your Mind Strong: My Father’s Insights into Academic
       Success.” Canadian Journal of Education 39, no. 2 (2016): 1–21.
     De Zwart, Mary Leah. “Alice Ravenhill: Making Friends with the Powers That Be.” BC Studies
        191 (Autumn 2016): 35–57.
     Delaney, Douglas E., Robert C. Engen, and Meghan Fitzpatrick. Military Education and the
        British Empire, 1815–1949. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2018.
     Deluca, Christopher and Michael Pitblado. “Continuity and Change in Canadian Teacher
        Education: Assessing Our Progress and Looking to the Future.” In The Curriculum History
        of Canadian Teacher Education, edited by Theodore Michael Christou, 259–272. New
        York: Routledge, 2017.
     Di Mascio, Anthony. “The Struggle for a Profession: Teacher Education in Quebec.” In The
        Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education, edited by Theodore Michael Christou,
        111–124. New York: Routledge, 2017.
     Drinkwater, Mary A., Stephen Bahry, Teodora Ajanovska Gligorova, Melissa Beauregard,
        and Wales Wong. “OISE-CIDEC-CIESC 50-Year Relationship: Lessons Learned in
        Leadership, Mentorship, Partnerships, Identity and Innovation.” Comparative and
        International Education 46, no. 2 (2017): online.
     Dubensky, Kate and Helen Raptis. “Denying Indigenous Education in British Columbia:
       Examples from Wai Kum (Campbell River) and We Wei Kai (Cape Mudge).” BC Studies
       195 (2017): 13–34.
     Dufour, Andrée. « La formation en techniques de laboratoire médical au Québec, 1943–1968
       : Vingt-cinq ans avant le Cégep. » Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 30, n° 1 (2018): 163–169.
     Dufour, Emanuelle. « Du Collège Manitou de la Macaza à l’Institution Kiuna d’Odanak : la
       genèse des établissements postsecondaires par et pour les Premières Nations au Québec. »
       Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 70, n° 4 (2017): 5–33.
     Dufour, Richard. Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval. 165 ans d’histoire. 1852–2017. Québec:
       Presses de l’Université Laval, 2018.
     Duquette, Catherine and Rose Fine-Meyer. “Gaining Nationhood: A Comparative Analysis of
       Images Found in Ontario and Quebec History Textbooks, 1920–1948.” Historical Studies
       in Education 29, no. 2 (2017): 48–73.
     Eastmure, Lori. “Teacher Education in the Yukon: Together Today for Our Children
        Tomorrow.” In The Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education, edited by Theodore
        Michael Christou, 231–240. New York: Routledge, 2017.
     El Atia, Samira. L’éducation supérieure et la dualité linguistique dans l’Ouest canadien. Défis et
        réalités. (Mémoire historique sur le campus St-Jean affilié à l’Université de l’Alberta). Québec :
        Presses de l’Université Laval, 2018.
     Ellis, Jason. “Brains Unlimited: Giftedness and Gifted Education in Canada before Sputnik
         (1957).” Canadian Journal of Education 40, no. 2 (2017): 1–26.
Bibliography/Bibliographie 135

Ellis, Jason. “Early Educational Exclusion: ‘Idiotic’ and ‘Imbecilic’ Children, Their Families,
    and the Toronto Public School System, 1914–50.” Canadian Historical Review 98, no. 3
    (2017): 483–504.
Ellis, Jason. A Class By Themselves? Children, Youth, and Special Education in a North American
    City — Toronto, 1910–45. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.
Enns, Charlotte, Bruce Koskie, Rita Bomak, and Gregory Evans. “Winnipeg Community
  Centre of the Deaf: Program Development as Community Development.” In Untold
  Stories: A Canadian Disability History Reader, edited by Nancy Hansen, Roy Hanes, and
  Diane Driedger, 297–305. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
Éthier, Marc-André, Vincent Boutonnet, Stéphanie Demers et David Lefrançois. Quel sens
   pour l’histoire. Analyses critiques du nouveau programme d’histoire du Québec et du Canada.
   Montréal : M Éditeurs, 2017.
Falkenberg, Thomas and Jon Young. “Understanding Curriculum: The History of Initial
   Teacher Education in Manitoba.” In The Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher
   Education, edited by Theodore Christou, 145–160. New York: Routledge, 2017.
Farney, James. “Stability amid Change: Ontario’s Religious Schools and Canada’s Regime of
   Secularism.” American Review of Canadian Studies 47, 1 (2017): 74–88.
Fine-Meyer, Rose. “Feminist Reformers: Creating Pedagogical Change to Curriculum in
   Toronto Schools through inclusive Content.” In Transforming Conversations: Feminism
   and Education in Canada Since 1970, edited by Dawn Wallin and Janice Wallace, 44–70.
   Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
Fine-Meyer, R. and K. Llewellyn. “Women Rarely Worth of Study: A History of Curriculum
   Reform in Ontario Education.” Historical Studies in Education 30, no. 1 (2018): 54–68.
Fisher, Donald. “Professional Legitimation for Education in Canadian Universities: The
   Canadian Journal of Education, 1976–1997.” Canadian Journal of Education 40, no. 2
   (2017): 1–23.
Foran, Timothy P. Defining Métis: Catholic Missionaries and the Idea of Civilization in
   Northwestern Saskatchewan, 1845–1898. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2017.
Forseille, Ashley and Helen Raptis. “Future Teachers Clubs and the Socialization of
   Pre-Service and Early Career Teachers, 1953–2015.” Teaching and Teacher Education 59
   (2016): 239–246.
Foisy, Catherine. Au risque de la conversion. L’expérience québécoise de la mission au XXe siècle
   (1945–1980). Montréal : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2018.
Frank, David. “In Search of C.B. Wade, Research Director and Labour Historian,
   1944–1950.” Labour/Le travail 79 (2017): 9–52.
Gaffield, Chad. “From Centennial to Sesquicentennial in Canada: Transformative Research in
   the History of Education.” Historical Studies in Education 30, no. 1 (2018): 1–8.
Garneau, Philippe. « Crétin, Snob et Chic type : figures de l’étudiant dans le journal Brébeuf. »
   Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 29 nº 2 (2017): 74–90.
Gebhard, Amanda M. “Reconciliation or Racialization? Contemporary Discourses about
  Residential Schools in the Canadian Prairies.” Canadian Journal of Education 40, no. 1
  (2017): 1–30.
136 Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation

     Glassford, Sarah. Mobilizing Mercy: A History of the Canadian Red Cross. Montreal and
        Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
     Gleason, Mona. “Avoiding the Agency Trap: Caveats for Historians of Children, Youth, and
        Education.” History of Education 45, no. 4 (2016): 446–459.
     Gleason, Mona. “Families Without Schools: Rurality, Correspondence Education, and the
        Promise of Schooling in Interwar Western Canada.” History of Education Quarterly 57,
        no. 3 (2017): 305–330.
     Gleason, Mona. “‘Knowing Something I Was Not Meant to Know:’ Exploring Vulnerability,
        Sexuality and Childhood, 1900–50.” Canadian Historical Review 98, no. 1 (2017): 35–59.
     Gleason, Mona. “Metaphor, Materiality, and Method: The Central Role of Embodiment in
        the History of Education.” Paedagogica Historica 54, no. 1–2 (2018): 4–19.
     Godbout, Jacques. De l’avantage d’être né. Montréal : Boréal, 2018.
     Goulet, Henri. Histoire des pensionnats indiens catholiques au Québec : Le role determinant des
       pères oblats. Montréal : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2016.
     Griffith, Jane. “Off to School: Filmic False Equivalence and Indian Residential School
        Scholarship.” Historical Studies in Education 30, no. 1 (2018): 69–83.
     Habkirk, Evan J. “From Indian boys to Canadian men? The use of cadet drill in the Canadian
       Indian Residential school system.” British Journal of Canadian Studies 30, no.2 (2017):
     Hallowell, Gerald. “On the Edge, at the Centre: A Life in History.” Canadian Historical
        Review 98, no. 2 (2017): 378–402.
     Hämäläinen, Juha. “The Origins and Evolution of Child Protection in Terms of the History
       of Ideas.” Paedagogica Historica 52, no. 6 (2016): 734–747.
     Hansen, Nancy, Roy Hanes, and Diane Driedger, eds. Untold Stories: A Canadian Disability
       History Reader. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
     Helmes-Hayes, Richard and Emily Milne. “The Institutionalization of Symbolic
        Interactionism in Canadian Sociology, 1922–1979.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 42,
        no. 2 (2017): 145–196.
     Helyar, Frances. “Thwarted Ambitions: Teacher Education in New Brunswick.” In The
        Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education, edited by Theodore Christou, 93–110.
        New York: Routledge, 2017.
     Hendrigan, Holly. “Neo-liberalism and Institutionalism in the Short Life of TechBC.”
       Historical Studies in Education 29, no. 2 (2017): 91–112.
     Hewitt, Jean. “Feminist Influence on Ontario Schools.” In Transforming Conversations:
       Feminism and Education in Canada Since 1970, edited by Dawn Wallin and Janice
       Wallace, 71–90. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
     Huebner, Harry and Paul Dyck. A University of the Church of the World: Essays in Honour of
       Gerald Gerbrandt. Winnipeg: Canadian Mennonite University Press, 2016.
     Iozzo-Duval, Alessandra. “The Education of ‘Good’ and ‘Useful’ Citizens: Work, Disability
        and Deaf Citizenship at the Ontario Institution for the Education of the Deaf, 1892–
        1902.” In Untold Stories: A Canadian Disability History Reader, edited by Nancy Hansen,
        Roy Hanes, and Diane Driedger, 66–90. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
Bibliography/Bibliographie 137

Ishiguro, Laura. “‘Growing Up and Grown Up…in Our Future City’: Discourses of
    Childhood and Settler Futurity in Colonial British Columbia.” BC Studies 190 (Summer
    2016): 15–37.
Kealey, Gregory S. “Community, Politics, and History: My Life as a Historian.” The Canadian
   Historical Review 97, no. 3 (2016): 404–425.
Kew, J. E. Michael. “Reflections on Anthropology at the University of British Columbia.” BC
  Studies 193 (Spring 2017): 163–185.
Kmiec, Patricia. “Lessons for Girls in Sunday School Stories: Representations of Evangelical
  Femininity in Nineteenth-Century Religious Periodicals for Children in Protestant
  Canada.” In Saving the World: Girlhood and Evangelicalism in Nineteenth-Century
  Literature, edited by Allison Giffen and Robin L. Cadwallader, 38–51. London:
  Routledge, 2018.
Lachapelle, François and Patrick John Burnett. “Replacing the Canadianization Generation:
   An Examination of Faculty Composition from 1977 through 2017.” Canadian Review of
   Sociology 55, no. 1 (2018): 40–66.
Lachapelle Lemire, Daniel. “Bittersweet Memories: Narratives of Japanese Canadian
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   Studies 192 (2016–17): 71–104.
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