Recent Articles on French History - Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel French Historical Studies, Volume 26, Number 1, Winter 2003, pp. 157-167 (Article) ...

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Recent Articles on French History
   Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel

   French Historical Studies, Volume 26, Number 1, Winter 2003, pp. 157-167

   Published by Duke University Press

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6777 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 26:1 / sheet 159 of 176

                                                                            Recent Articles on French History
                                                                         Compiled by Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel

                                                                      BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, REFERENCE, AND ARCHIVAL
                                                         ‘‘XIXe le siècle bibliographie.’’ Dix-neuvième siècle (2002): 149–79.
                                                         Pinon, L., A. Romano, and H. Vérin. ‘‘Bibliographie sélective.’’ Revue du XVIe siècle 20
                                                            (2002): 123–32.
                                                         Weaver, C. ‘‘Jean Vigo (26 April 1905 to 5 October 1934).’’ Bulletin of Bibliography 58
                                                            (2001): 271–77.
                                                         Whidden, S. ‘‘Marie Krysinska: A Bibliography.’’ Bulletin of Bibliography 58 (2001): 1–11.

                                                                                 GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS

                                                         Anderson, B. ‘‘Bertrand de Jouvenel’s Melancholy Liberalism.’’ Public Interest (2001): 87–
                                                         Belmar, G., A. and B. Sanchez, and J. Ramon. ‘‘Viajes a francia para el estudie de la
                                                           quimica, 1770 y 1933.’’ Asclepio 53 (2001): 95–139.
                                                         de Sola, A. ‘‘Traduction et trafic d’influences: The Illustrious French Lover de Penelope
                                                           Aubin et Les illustres françaises de Robert Challe.’’ French Studies 55 (2001): 327–38.
                                                         Dechy, A. ‘‘La création des bonnes: Une réception très critique.’’ Revue d’histoire du théâ-
                                                           tre 53 (2001): 45–56.
                                                         Dine, P. ‘‘(Still) A la recherche de l’Algérie perdue : French Fiction and Film, 1992–2001.’’
                                                           Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 255–75.
                                                         Ferri, L. ‘‘Le Chartiste dans la fiction littéraire (XIXe et XXe siècles): Une figure
                                                           ambiguë.’’ Bibliothèque de l’école des chartes 159 (2002): 615–29.
                                                         Folléas, D. ‘‘An Interview with Benjamin Stora: Guerre d’Algérie: La mémoire par les
                                                           images.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 203–17.
                                                         Gautier,T. ‘‘Théophile Gautier on Bellini: ‘Notice sur Norma.’’’Opera Quarterly 17 (2001):
                                                         Halliday, T. ‘‘Talking Heads and Telling Tales.’’ Art History 24 (2001): 758–62.
                                                         Halpern, A. ‘‘Freemasonry and Party Building in Late-Nineteenth-Century France.’’
                                                           Modern and Contemporary France 10 (2002): 197–210.
                                                         Harrington, A. ‘‘The First Women Religious in Japan: Mother Saint Mathilde Raclot
                                                           and the French Connection.’’ Catholic Historical Review 87 (2001): 603–23.
                                                         Hayden, J., and M. Greenshields. ‘‘Les réformations catholiques en France: Le témoig-
                                                           nage des statuts synodaux.’’ Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 48 (2001): 5–29.
                                                         Horne, A. ‘‘The Balloons of Paris.’’ MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History 13
                                                           (2001): 80–87.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Houpert, J.-M. ‘‘Politique et poétique chez Valéry.’’ Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France
                                                           102 (2002): 265–84.
                                                         Kansteiner, W. ‘‘Finding Meaning in Memory: A Methodological Critique of Collective
                                                           Memory Studies.’’ History and Theory 41 (2002): 179–97.
6777 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 26:1 / sheet 160 of 176

                                                         158                                                     FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                         Knox, E. ‘‘The New York Times Looks at France.’’ French Review 75 (2002): 1172–79.
                                                         Kocoglu, Y. ‘‘La productivité du capital productif fixe sur longue période: Une analyse
                                                           empirique sur la France.’’ Histoire, économie et société 20 (2001): 65–85.
                                                         Kuperty-Tsur, N. ‘‘Le moi, sujet de l’histoire.’’ Nouvelle revue de seizième siècle 19 (2001):
                                                         LeBlanc, A. ‘‘The Origins of the Concept of Dissociation: Paul Janet, His Nephew
                                                           Pierre, and the Problem of Post-Hypnotic Suggestion.’’ History of Science 39 (2001):
                                                         Lerner, L. ‘‘Beyond Grégoire: A Third Discourse on Jews and the French.’’ Modern
                                                           Judaism 21 (2001): 199–215.
                                                         Leroy, M. ‘‘La littérature française dans les instructions officielles au XIXe siècle.’’ Revue
                                                           d’histoire littéraire de la France 102 (2002): 365–87.
                                                         Lorcin, P. ‘‘Women, Gender, and Nation in Colonial Novels of Interwar Algeria.’’ His-
                                                           torical Reflections 28 (2002): 163–84.
                                                         Magnien, C. ‘‘Estienne pasquier historien.’’ Nouvelle revue de seizième siècle 19 (2001): 51–
                                                         Mentzer, R. ‘‘La place et le rôle des femmes dans les églises réformées.’’ Archives de
                                                           sciences sociales des religions 46 (2001): 119–32.
                                                         Moscovici, C. ‘‘An Ethics of Cultural Exchange: Diderot’s Supplément au voyage de Bou-
                                                           gainville.’’ CLIO 30 (2001): 289–307.
                                                         Newsome, W. ‘‘A New Beginning: The Early Years of French Reconstruction and Town
                                                           Planning As Depicted by the Press.’’ Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Associa-
                                                           tion (2001): 99–113.
                                                         Niderost, E. ‘‘Storming the Middle Kingdom.’’ Military Heritage 2 (2001): 78–87.
                                                         Oliveira, M. ‘‘Négoce et territoire: Les passeports nordistes au XIXe siècle (1791–
                                                           1869).’’ Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 48 (2001): 104–22.
                                                         Ollivier-Mellios, A. ‘‘Waldo Frank et Europe: Un Américain et l’Europe.’’ Revue française
                                                           d’études américaines (2001): 17–37.
                                                         Perini, L. ‘‘Il rinascimento al vieusseux.’’ Archivio storico italiano 159 (2001): 171–90.
                                                         Pernot, J.-F. ‘‘Chronique dionysienne.’’ Historiens et géographes 92 (2001): 427–31.
                                                         Peynot, J. ‘‘1932 . . . 2000: Quel changement! . . . Vous croyez?’’ Historiens et géographes
                                                           92 (2001): 93–96.
                                                         Porch, D. ‘‘France’s Protracted Humiliation.’’ MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military His-
                                                           tory 13 (2001): 24–33.
                                                         Porter, L. ‘‘The Present State of Nineteenth-Century French Studies.’’ French Review 75
                                                           (2002): 1213–34.
                                                         Reed, M. ‘‘Historicizing Inversion; or, How to Make a Homosexual.’’ History of the Human
                                                           Sciences 14 (2001): 1–29.
                                                         Reinhardt, C. ‘‘Forgotten Claims to Liberty: Free Coloreds in St. Domingue on the Eve
                                                           of the First Abolition of Slavery.’’ Colonial Latin American Review 10 (2001): 105–24.
                                                         Rocamora, A. ‘‘Le Monde’s Discours de Mode: Creating the Créateurs.’’ French Cultural Studies
                                                           13 (2002): 83–98.
                                                         Saage, R. ‘‘Der Ethnologe als Utopist: Zu Lahontans Bon Sauvage-Utopie.’’ Paideuma 47
                                                           (2001): 43–60.
                                                         Schneider, W. ‘‘Charles Richet and the Social Role of Medical Men.’’ Journal of Medical
                                                           Biography 9 (2001): 213–19.
                                                         Stovall, T. ‘‘Introduction: Bon Voyage!’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 415–22.
                                                         Thom, M. ‘‘‘Liberty and Truth’ or ‘the Sovereignty of Reason’: Carlo Cattaneo and the
                                                           Place of Politics in the Modern World.’’ Journal of Modern Italian Studies 6 (2001): 178–
                                                         Wesseling, H. ‘‘Gabriel Hanotaux: A Historian in Politics.’’ Itinerario 25 (2001): 65–84.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Winter, G., Sr. ‘‘Roadblock at St. Sever.’’ Military Heritage 2 (2001): 34–41.
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                                                         RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                        159

                                                                                         ANCIENT MEDIEVAL
                                                         Croizy-Naguet, C. ‘‘Les festivités dans l’Estoire de la guerre sainte d’Ambroise.’’ Le Moyen
                                                           Age 108 (2002): 61–82.
                                                         Daubresse, S. ‘‘Henri III au parlement de Paris: Contribution à l’histoire des lits de
                                                           justice.’’ Bibliothèque de l’école des chartes 159 (2002): 579–607.
                                                         Frassetto, M. ‘‘Heretics and Jews in the Writings of Ademar of Chabannes and the Ori-
                                                           gins of Medieval Anti-Semitism.’’ Church History 71 (2002): 1–15.
                                                         Gauvard, C. ‘‘Honneur de femme et femme d’honneur en France à la fin du Moyen
                                                           Age.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 159–91.
                                                         Girardot, A. ‘‘Un homme d’affaires du XIVe siècle: Humbelet de Gondrecourt.’’ Revue
                                                           historique 304 (2002): 275–315.
                                                         Hanawalt, B. ‘‘Medievalist and the Study of Childhood.’’ Speculum 77 (2002): 440–60.
                                                         Mackenzie, L. ‘‘‘Ce Ne Sont Pas des Bois’: Poetry, Regionalism, and Loss in the Forest
                                                           of Ronsard’s Câtine.’’ Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 32 (2002): 343–74.
                                                         Mews, C. ‘‘The Council of Sens (1141): Abelard, Bernard, and the Fear of Social Up-
                                                           heaval.’’ Speculum 77 (2002): 342–82.
                                                         Morelle, L. ‘‘Le concile de Reims de 1049 et le statut de l’abbaye de Montier-en-der:
                                                           Avec l’édition du faux précepte de Louis le Pieux en faveur de l’église de Reims (Bm2
                                                           835).’’ Francia 28 (2001): 91–113.
                                                         Predergast,T. ‘‘The Invisible Spouse: Henry VI, Arthur, and the Fifteenth-Century Sub-
                                                           ject.’’ Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 32 (2002): 305–26.
                                                         Schilling, B. ‘‘Zur Reise Paschalis’ II. nach Norditalien und Frankreich 1106/1107 (mit
                                                           Itineraranhang und Karte) (avec résumé français).’’ Francia 28 (2001): 115–58.
                                                         Shepkaru, S. ‘‘To Die for God: Martyrs’ Heaven in Hebrew and Latin Crusade Narra-
                                                           tives.’’ Speculum 77 (2002): 311–41.
                                                         Sohn, A. ‘‘Mehr als 2000 Jahre Pariser Stadtgeschichte: Anmerkungen zur Geschichts-
                                                           schreibung über die französische Hauptstadt vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert.’’
                                                           Francia 28 (2001): 213–36.
                                                         Sonzogni, D. ‘‘Un acte de vente inédit du chartrier de Saint-Denis (11 avril 702?).’’ Biblio-
                                                           thèque de l’école des chartes 159 (2002): 609–13.
                                                         . ‘‘Tosonis ualle et la cella sancti dionysii: Deux fondations monastiques de l’abbaye
                                                           Saint-Denis au haut Moyen Age.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 193–211.
                                                         Von Moos, P. ‘‘Le sens commun au Moyen Age: Sixième sens et sens social. Aspects
                                                           épistémologiques, ecclésiologiques et eschatologiques.’’ STVDI medievali 43 (2002):
                                                         Wynn, P. ‘‘Wars and Warriors in Gregory of Tours’ Histories I–IV.’’ Francia 28 (2001):

                                                                                              1500 TO 1774
                                                         Armstrong, M. ‘‘Spiritual Reform, Mendicant Autonomy, and State Formation: French
                                                           Franciscan Disputes before the Parlement of Paris, 1500–1600.’’ French Historical
                                                           Studies 25 (2002): 505–30.
                                                         Bardet, J.-P. ‘‘Early Marriage in Pre-Modern France.’’ History of the Family 6 (2001): 345–
                                                         Beaurepaire, P.-Y. ‘‘Médiations et appropriations culturelles dans l’espace maçonnique
                                                           atlantique.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 219–30.
                                                         Beik, W. ‘‘Absolutism and the Rise of Capitalism in France and England.’’ Journal of Early
                                                           Modern History 5 (2001): 62–67.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Bérenger, J. ‘‘A propos d’une commémoration: Quelques ouvrages sur la paix de West-
                                                           phalie.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 85–107.
6777 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES 26:1 / sheet 162 of 176

                                                         160                                                      FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                         Black, J. ‘‘A Different West? Counterfactualism and the Rise of Britain to Great Power
                                                           Status.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 129–45.
                                                         Boutroue, M.-E. ‘‘Ne dites plus qu’elle est amarante: Les problèmes de l’identification
                                                           des plantes et de leurs noms dans la botanique de la Renaissance.’’ Revue du XVIe siècle
                                                           20 (2002): 47–64.
                                                         Brioist, P. ‘‘L’artillerie à la Renaissance.’’ Revue du XVIe siècle 20 (2002): 79–95.
                                                         Brockliss, L. ‘‘Classification des sciences dans le monde universitaire et les facultés de
                                                           médecine (1540–1640).’’ Revue du XVIe siècle 20 (2002): 31–45.
                                                         Charara, Y. ‘‘L’opposition à l’absolutisme politique et à la société marchande: Droit et
                                                           vertu dans la pensée de Mably.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 385–98.
                                                         Charles, S. ‘‘La figure de Berkeley dans la pensée de Voltaire.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33
                                                           (2001): 367–84.
                                                         Cheney, P. ‘‘Les économistes français et l’image de l’Amérique: L’essor du commerce
                                                           transatlantique et l’effondrement du gouvernement féodal.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33
                                                           (2001): 231–45.
                                                         Chisick, H. ‘‘Ethics and History in Voltaire’s Attitudes toward the Jews.’’ Eighteenth-
                                                           Century Studies 35 (2002): 577–600.
                                                         Cornand, S. ‘‘Claude Crébillion, amateur d’estampes.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 419–
                                                         Cronk, N. ‘‘Picturing the Text: Authorial Direction of Illustration in Eighteenth-
                                                           Century French Fiction.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 14 (2002): 393–414.
                                                         da Vinha, M. ‘‘Les Nyert, exemple d’une ascension sociale dans la maison du roi au
                                                           XVIIe siècle.’’ XVIIe siècle (2002): 15–34.
                                                         De Cock, J. ‘‘De l’homme, le premier ouvrage de Jean-Paul Marat.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33
                                                           (2001): 481–91.
                                                         Deveau, J.-M. ‘‘La traité négrière atlantique.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 49–61.
                                                         Dorigny, M. ‘‘L’Atlantique: Un état de la question.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 7–16.
                                                         Drouin, J.-M. ‘‘Rousseau, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre et l’histoire naturelle.’’ Dix-huitième
                                                           siècle 33 (2001): 507–16.
                                                         Drouin-Hans, A.-M. ‘‘Rapport au savoir et utopie en éducation chez Rousseau et Ber-
                                                           nardin de Saint-Pierre.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 548–58.
                                                         . ‘‘Variations en miroir.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 493–96.
                                                         Duflo, C. ‘‘De la religion naturelle à la religion de la nature.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001):
                                                         Duranton, H. ‘‘La très joyeuse et très véridique histoire du Régiment de la Calotte.’’
                                                           Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 399–417.
                                                         Dziembowski, E. ‘‘The English Political Model in Eighteenth-Century France.’’ Historical
                                                           Research 74 (2001): 151–71.
                                                         Elisabeth, L. ‘‘Géopolitique de la mer des Antilles, de la fin de 17e siècle à la guerre
                                                           d’indépendance américaine.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 133–48.
                                                         Ferrand, N. ‘‘La mise en fiction de l’imprimé dans les romans du XVIIIe siècle.’’ Eigh-
                                                           teenth-Century Studies 14 (2002): 415–39.
                                                         Fontaine, L. ‘‘Antonio and Shylock: Credit and Trust in France, c. 1680–c. 1780.’’ Eco-
                                                           nomic History Review 54 (2001): 39–57.
                                                         Forrestal, A. ‘‘‘Fathers, Leaders, Kings’: Episcopacy and Episcopal Reform in the Seven-
                                                           teenth-Century French School.’’ Seventeenth Century 17 (2002): 24–47.
                                                         Frautschi, R., and A. Martin. ‘‘French Prose Fiction Published between 1701 and 1750:
                                                           A New Profile of Production.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 14 (2002): 735–56.
                                                         Gainot, B. ‘‘La santé navale et l’Atlantique comme champs d’expérimentation: Les
                                                           hôpitaux flottants.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 165–82.
                                                         Gal, S. ‘‘Peurs urbaines et engagements politico-religieux au XVIe siècle: L’exemple de
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                           la ligue grenobloise.’’ Histoire, économie et société 20 (2001): 3–21.
                                                         Gantet, C. ‘‘La mémoire, objet et sujet d’histoire: Enquête sur l’historicité et sur l’écri-
                                                           ture de l’histoire.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 109–28.
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                                                         RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                         161

                                                         Garrioch, D. ‘‘Sacred Neighborhoods and Secular Neighborhoods: Milan and Paris in
                                                           the Eighteenth Century.’’ Journal of Urban History 27 (2001): 405–19.
                                                         Geggus, D. ‘‘The French Slave Trade: An Overview.’’ William and Mary Quarterly 58
                                                           (2001): 119–38.
                                                         Gury, J. ‘‘Le philosophe et la morue: Histoire philosophique et politique de la pêche et
                                                           du commerce de la morue de la Terre-Neuve.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 81–100.
                                                         Hall, M. ‘‘Gender and Reading in the Late Eighteenth Century: The Bibliothèque Uni-
                                                           verselle des Romans.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 14 (2002): 771–89.
                                                         Hochner, N. ‘‘Louis XII and the Porcupine: Transformations of a Royal Emblem.’’
                                                           Renaissance Studies 15 (2001): 17–36.
                                                         Humphreys, D. ‘‘A Study in Emulation: Philip Van Wilder’s En despit des envyeulx.’’ Early
                                                           Music 29 (2001): 93–106.
                                                         Jacobson-Schutte, A. ‘‘Suffering from the Stone: The Accounts of Michel de Montaigne
                                                           and Cecilia Ferrazzi.’’ Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance 64 (2002): 21–36.
                                                         Janczukiewics, J. ‘‘Le renouvellement de la paulette en 1648.’’ XVIIe siècle (2002): 3–14.
                                                         Kahn, D. ‘‘La condamnation des thèses d’Antoine de Villon et Etienne de Clave con-
                                                           tre Aristote, Paracelse et les cabalistes (1624).’’ Revue d’histoire des sciences 55 (2002):
                                                         King, S. ‘‘Gasping at Straw Men: The Politics of Fear in Early Modern French Farce.’’
                                                           Viator 32 (2001): 229–44.
                                                         Kohlndorfer, R. ‘‘Jacques Bongars (1554–1612): Lebenswelt und Informationsnetz-
                                                           werke eines frühneuzeitlichen Gesandten.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 1–15.
                                                         Laboulais-Lesage, I. ‘‘Sur les traces de Coquebert de Montbret: A la recherche d’une
                                                           géographie invisible.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 343–56.
                                                         Larrère, C. ‘‘Du jardin de Julie au jardin de Virginie.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 497–
                                                         Leonardo, D. ‘‘ ‘Cut Off This Rotten Member’: The Rhetoric of Heresy, Sin, and Disease
                                                           in the Ideology of the French Catholic League.’’ Catholic Historical Review 88 (2002):
                                                         Lindwall, A. ‘‘The Encounter between Kempenfelt and de Guichen, December 1781:
                                                           Some Documents in the Dobelin Collection, Stockholm.’’ Mariner’s Mirror 87 (2001):
                                                         Loskoutoff, Y. ‘‘Fascis cum sideribus III: Le symbolisme armorial dans le éloges du Car-
                                                           dinal Mazarin, ses prolongements dans les Mazarinades, chez Corneille, Racine et La
                                                           Fontaine.’’ XVIIe siècle (2002): 55–98.
                                                         Louichon, B. ‘‘Editer un roman à succès (1800–1830).’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 14
                                                           (2002): 757–70.
                                                         Mandosio, J.-M. ‘‘Méthodes et fonctions de la classification des sciences et des arts
                                                           (XVe–XVIIe siècles).’’ Revue du XVIe siècle 20 (2002): 19–30.
                                                         Mapp, P. ‘‘French Reactions to the British Search for a Northwest Passage from Hudson
                                                           Bay and the Origins of the Seven Years’ War.’’ Terrae Incognitae 33 (2001): 13–32.
                                                         Marzagalli, S. ‘‘Sur les origines de l’Atlantic History paradigme interprétatif de l’histoire
                                                           des espaces atlantiques à l’époque moderne.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 17–31.
                                                         McTavish, L. ‘‘On Display: Portraits of Seventeenth-Century French Men-Midwives.’’
                                                           Social History of Medicine 14 (2001): 389–415.
                                                         Menant, S. ‘‘Littérature et enseignement: La réduction polymathique.’’ Revue d’histoire
                                                           littéraire de la France 102 (2002): 355–64.
                                                         Metzler, G. ‘‘Markgraf Karl Friedrich von Baden und die französischen Physiokraten.’’
                                                           Francia 28 (2001): 35–63.
                                                         Monter, W. ‘‘The Fate of the English and French Reformations, 1554–1563.’’ Bibliothèque
                                                           d’humanisme et Renaissance 64 (2002): 7–19.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Morineau, M. ‘‘Quodlibet: Or brésilien, macroéconomie et croissance économique en
                                                           France et en Angleterre au XVIIIe siècle.’’ Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 48
                                                           (2001): 245–306.
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                                                         162                                                   FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                         Müller, M. ‘‘La suppression des Jésuites dans le royaume de France en 1764 et la
                                                           réorganisation du collège de Louis-le-Grand par le parlement de Paris: Analyse des
                                                           sources manuscrites conservées dans les archives nationales et dans la Bibliothèque
                                                           Nationale de France, Paris.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 155–61.
                                                         Nuel, M. ‘‘La question de la publication dans le roman français de la seconde moitié
                                                           du XVIIIe siècle.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 14 (2002): 271–88.
                                                         Orth, M. ‘‘French Renaissance Manuscripts and l’Histoire du Livre.’’ Viator 32 (2001): 245–
                                                         Outram, Q. ‘‘The Demographic Impact of Early Modern Warfare.’’ Social Science History
                                                           26 (2002): 245–72.
                                                         Pantin, I. ‘‘L’astronomie et les astronomes à la Renaissance: Les facteurs d’une muta-
                                                           tion.’’ Revue du XVIe siècle 20 (2002): 65–78.
                                                         Peiffer, J. ‘‘La perspective, une science mêlée.’’ Revue du XVIe siècle 20 (2002): 97–121.
                                                         Perfetti, A. ‘‘L’hypothèse atomistique dans l’autre monde de Cyrano de Bergerac.’’ Revue
                                                           d’histoire des sciences 55 (2002): 215–38.
                                                         Pétré-Grenouilleau, O. ‘‘Les négoces atlantiques français: Anatomie d’un capitalisme
                                                           relationnel.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 33–49.
                                                         Pietsch, T. ‘‘Charles Plumier (1646–1704) and His Drawings of French and American
                                                           Fishes.’’ Archives of Natural History 28 (2001): 1–57.
                                                         Pigning, E. ‘‘Le commerce brésilien et la transnationalité: Le cas de la compagnie
                                                           Corsico (1715–1730).’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 63–80.
                                                         Pinon, L., A. Romano, and H. Vérin. ‘‘Introduction: Renaissance des savoirs scien-
                                                           tifiques et techniques?’’ Revue du XVIe siècle 20 (2002): 7–18.
                                                         Potofsky, A. ‘‘La révolution transatlantique des émigrés: Des réseaux aux institutions.’’
                                                           Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 247–63.
                                                         Regourd, F. ‘‘Lumières coloniales: Les Antilles françaises dans la république des let-
                                                           tres.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 183–99.
                                                         Reynolds-Cornell, R. ‘‘Les misères de la femme mariée: Another Look at Nicole Liébault
                                                           and a Few Questions about the Woes of the Married Woman.’’ Bibliothèque d’humanisme
                                                           et Renaissance 64 (2002): 37–54.
                                                         Roveda, L. ‘‘Bernard Lamy, une poétique de l’origine du langage.’’ XVIIe siècle (2002):
                                                         Soëtard, M. ‘‘Fin, finalité, finalisme: Le rôle de l’imaginaire chez Rousseau et Bernardin
                                                           de Saint-Pierre.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 528–38.
                                                         Sonnino, P. ‘‘From D’Avaux to Dévot: Politics and Religion in the Thirty Years War.’’ His-
                                                           tory 87 (2002): 192–203.
                                                         Struck, B. ‘‘De l’affinité sociale à la différence culturelle: La France vue par les voyageurs
                                                           allemands au XVIIIe siècle.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 17–34.
                                                         Thibault, G.-R. ‘‘L’idée de nature comme fondement d’un programme éducatif.’’ Dix-
                                                           huitième siècle 33 (2001): 539–47.
                                                         Thornton, A.-M. ‘‘A Gift from Jean-Jacques Rousseau to George Simon Harcourt: Etch-
                                                           ings and Proofs of the Illustrations to His Works.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 14 (2002):
                                                         Tingle, E. ‘‘Nantes and the Origins of the Catholic League of 1589.’’ Sixteenth Century
                                                           Journal 33 (2002): 109–28.
                                                         Ultee, M. ‘‘Defending the Honor of French Surgery, 1760–1788.’’ Proceedings of the
                                                           Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History 27 (2001): 51–62.
                                                         Umbach, M. ‘‘Classicism, Enlightenment, and the ‘Other’: Thoughts on Decoding Eigh-
                                                           teenth-Century Visual Culture.’’ Art History 25 (2002): 319–40.
                                                         VandenBerg, R., and C. Salvat. ‘‘Scottish Subtlety: André Morellet’s Comments on the
                                                           Wealth of Nations.’’ European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 8 (2001): 146–85.
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                                                         Venard, M. ‘‘Un édit bien enregistre: Le quatrième centenaire de l’édit de Nantes.’’
                                                           Revue d’histoire de l’église de France 87 (2001): 27–45.
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                                                         RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                        163

                                                         Villiers, P. ‘‘La bataille pour l’Atlantique de Louis XIV à Louis XVI.’’ Dix-huitième siècle
                                                           33 (2001): 101–17.
                                                         Wachenheim, P. ‘‘Le thème du crible dans l’estampe: Les avatars d’une composition
                                                           satirique récurrente.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 457–80.
                                                         Weil, F. ‘‘La présence des romans dans le colportage à la fin du XVIIIe siècle: Les
                                                           archives de Boisserand.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 14 (2002): 791–96.
                                                         Wulf, N., and E. Marienstras. ‘‘Traduire, emprunter, adapter la déclaration d’indépen-
                                                           dance des Etats-Unis: Transferts et malentendus dans les traductions françaises.’’ Dix-
                                                           huitième siècle 33 (2001): 201–18.

                                                                         REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD AND NAPOLEON
                                                         Belissa, M. ‘‘Les Lumières contre la guerre de course (1763–1795).’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33
                                                           (2001): 119–131.
                                                         Broers, M. ‘‘Cultural Imperialism in a European Context? Political Culture and Cultural
                                                           Politics in Napoleonic Italy.’’ Past and Present (2001): 152–80.
                                                         Duprat, A. ‘‘Le commerce de la librairie Wéber à Paris sous la Révolution.’’ Dix-huitième
                                                           siècle 33 (2001): 357–66.
                                                         Roger, P. ‘‘Trading Words, Waging War: The Mystified Relationship between British
                                                           Radicals and French Révolutionnaires.’’ Huntington Library Quarterly 63 (2000): 299–
                                                         Rossignol, M.-J. ‘‘Esclavage et espace atlantique: Courants et contre-courants révolu-
                                                           tionnaires: L’article 7 du traité anglo-américain de 1783 et ses conséquences jusqu’en
                                                           1794.’’ Dix-huitième siècle 33 (2001): 281–99.
                                                         Wagner, M. ‘‘Ideologischer Fanatismus oder politisches Kalkül? Die Terreur während
                                                           der französischen Revolution in revisionistischer Sicht.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 147–53.

                                                                                               1815 TO 1870
                                                         Benhamou, N., and V. Gramfort. ‘‘Quand le jeune Zola monte un canular.’’ Romantisme
                                                           (2002): 65–84.
                                                         Compère, D. ‘‘Puff, bluff et humbug: De Barnum à Jules Vernes.’’ Romantisme (2002):
                                                         Davidson, D. ‘‘Controlling Urban Amusements: The Police and Provincial Theater,
                                                           1800–1830.’’ Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History 27
                                                           (2001): 140–49.
                                                         Disegni, S. ‘‘ ‘Paul Alexis-Triblot’ du vrai et du faux dans le naturalisme.’’ Romantisme
                                                           (2002): 85–96.
                                                         Dörries, M. ‘‘Purity and Objectivity in Nineteenth-Century Metrology and Literature.’’
                                                           Perspectives on Science 9 (2001): 233–50.
                                                         Duroux, R. ‘‘The Temporary Migration of Males and the Power of Females in a Stem-
                                                           Family Society: The Case of Nineteenth-Century Auvergne.’’ History of the Family 6
                                                           (2001): 33–49.
                                                         Fettah, S. ‘‘Les consuls de France et la contrebande dans le port franc de Livourne à
                                                           l’époque du risorgimento.’’ Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 48 (2001): 148–61.
                                                         Hamman, P. ‘‘La notabilitée dans tous ses états? Alexandre de Geiger à Sarreguemines,
                                                           un patron en politique sous le Second Empire.’’ Revue historique 304 (2002): 317–52.
                                                         Harrington, P. ‘‘Napoleon’s Veterans.’’ Military Heritage 2 (2001): 60–63.
                                                         Jeandillou, J.-F. ‘‘Mon très cher et très amé Euclides.’’ Romantisme (2002): 35–47.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Kerautret, M. ‘‘Frédéric II et l’opinion française (1800–1870): La compétition post-
                                                           hume avec Napoléon.’’ Francia 28 (2001): 65–84.
                                                         Kliebenstein, G. ‘‘Une mystification absolue.’’ Romantisme (2002): 19–34.
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                                                         164                                                     FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                         Leff, L. ‘‘Jewish Solidarity in Nineteenth-Century France: The Evolution of a Concept.’’
                                                           Journal of Modern History 74 (2002): 33–61.
                                                         Loudcher, J.-F. ‘‘The Origins of French Boxing: Bare-Knuckle Duelling, Savate and
                                                           Chausson, 1820–45.’’ International Journal of the History of Sport 18 (2001): 168–78.
                                                         Newman, E. ‘‘Pygmalion Manqué: George Sand’s Failed Attempt to Rewrite Life.’’ Pro-
                                                           ceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History 27 (2001): 160–70.
                                                         Podvin, J.-L. ‘‘A propos de la Pierre de Rosette.’’ Historiens et géographes 92 (2001): 67–74.
                                                         Preiss, N. ‘‘De Pouf à Pschitt!—De la blague et de la caricature politique sous la Mon-
                                                           archie de Juillet et après.’’ Romantisme (2002): 5–17.
                                                         Sacquin, M. ‘‘‘Evangelisez la France’: Les bibles protestantes dans la France rurale
                                                           (1814–1870).’’ Revue de l’histoire des religions 218 (2001): 113–41.
                                                         Schweber, L. ‘‘Manipulation and Population Statistics in Nineteenth-Century France
                                                           and England.’’ Social Research 68 (2001): 547–82.

                                                                                            THIRD REPUBLIC
                                                         Agostinis, S. ‘‘La naissance de la criminalistique et la notion d’identité.’’ Archives inter-
                                                           nationales d’histoire des sciences 51 (2001): 55–64.
                                                         Akinyeye,Y. ‘‘The Air Factor in West Africa’s Colonial Defence, 1920–1945: A Neglected
                                                           Theme.’’ Itinerario 25 (2001): 9–24.
                                                         Berstein, S. ‘‘Consensus politique et violences civiles dans la France du 20e siècle.’’ Ving-
                                                           tième siècle (2001): 51–60.
                                                         Blanckaert, C. ‘‘Logiques de l’anthropotechnie: Mesure de l’homme et bio-sociologie
                                                           (1860–1920).’’ Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences 51 (2001): 65–73.
                                                         Bocqueraz, C. ‘‘The Development of Professional Associations: The Experience of
                                                           French Accountants from the 1880s to the 1940s.’’ Accounting, Business, and Financial
                                                           History 11 (2001): 7–27.
                                                         Bompaire-Evesque, C. ‘‘Le procès de la rhétorique dans l’enseignement supérieur fran-
                                                           çais à la fin du XIXe siècle.’’ Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France 102 (2002): 389–404.
                                                         Cardoza, T. ‘‘Exceeding the Needs of the Service: The French Army and the Suppres-
                                                           sion of Female Auxiliaries, 1871–1906.’’ War and Society 20 (2002): 1–22.
                                                         Cockfield, J. ‘‘Loyal to the End: The Russian Legion of Honor in the Great War, 1917–
                                                           18.’’ Journal of Slavic Military Studies 14 (2001): 27–36.
                                                         Coustaury, A. ‘‘Etude d’un document d’histoire: Présenter la couverture de match du
                                                           31 août 1939.’’ Historiens et géographes 92 (2001): 85–90.
                                                         Dubosclard, A. ‘‘Diplomatie culturelle et propagande française aux Etats-Unis pendant
                                                           le premier vingtième siècle.’’ Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 48 (2001): 102–19.
                                                         Friedrich, A. ‘‘Boleslaw Prus and the Dreyfus Jewry.’’ Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 14
                                                           (2001): 271–80.
                                                         Furlough, E. ‘‘Une leçon des choses: Tourism, Empire, and the Nation in Interwar France.’’
                                                           French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 441–73.
                                                         Galliano, R. ‘‘L’évolution du statut de la femme en France: De la soumission à la
                                                           liberation (1880–1930)?’’ Historiens et géographes 92 (2001): 79–84.
                                                         Gray, F. ‘‘Loving and Hating Simone Weil.’’ American Scholar 70 (2001): 5–11.
                                                         Green, N. ‘‘The Comparative Gaze: Travelers in France before the Era of Mass Tourism.’’
                                                           French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 423–40.
                                                         Guislin, J.-M. ‘‘Les débats au Palais-Bourbon en 1934: Entre l’ancienne et la future
                                                           guerre.’’ Revue du nord 83 (2001): 101–24.
                                                         Hannoum, A. ‘‘Colonialism and Knowledge in Algeria: The Archives of the Arab Bu-
                                                           reau.’’ History and Anthropology 12 (2001): 343–79.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Harrison, D. ‘‘Locks and Bagels: Jews and the Panama Canal.’’ Western States Jewish History
                                                           33 (2001): 248–56.
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                                                         RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                           165

                                                         Hazareesingh, S. ‘‘An Intellectual Founder of the Third Republic: The Neo-Kantian
                                                           Republicanism of Jules Barni (1818–78).’’ History of Political Thought 22 (2001): 131–65.
                                                         Horne, J. ‘‘‘The Lungs of Paris’: Urban Reform, Hygienic Strategies, and the Politics
                                                           of Parks, 1902–1920.’’ Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French
                                                           History 27 (2001): 102–10.
                                                         Jablonka, I. ‘‘Paths toward Autonomy: The Living Conditions of Fostered Children in
                                                           Western France in the Early Twentieth Century.’’ History of the Family 6 (2001): 401–21.
                                                         Johansen, A. ‘‘State Bureaucrats and Local Influence on the Use of Military Troops
                                                           for Maintenance of Public Order in France and Prussia, 1889–1914.’’ Crime, histoire et
                                                           sociétés 5 (2001): 53–73.
                                                         Jovanovic, F., and P. LeGall. ‘‘Does God Practice a Random Walk? The ‘Financial
                                                           Physics’ of a Nineteenth-Century Forerunner, Jules Regnault.’’ European Journal of the
                                                           History of Economic Thought 8 (2001): 332–62.
                                                         Kalman, S. ‘‘Vers un ordre économique nouveau: Conflict between the Traditional and Mod-
                                                           ern in the Croix de Feu/ Parti Social Français Economic Vision.’’ Proceedings of the
                                                           Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History 27 (2001): 260–71.
                                                         Kaufman, A. ‘‘Phoenicianism: The Formation of an Identity in Lebanon in 1920.’’ Middle
                                                           Eastern Studies 37 (2001): 173–94.
                                                         Kaufmann, J. ‘‘La question des Raketa: Colonial Struggles with Prickly Pear Cactus in
                                                           Southern Madagascar, 1900–1923.’’ Ethnohistory 48 (2001): 87–121.
                                                         Livak, L. ‘‘Making Sense of Exile: Russian Literary Life in Paris As a Cultural Construct,
                                                           1920–40.’’ Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 2 (2001): 489–512.
                                                         Matsuda, M. ‘‘Geopolitics of Desire: The French at Panama.’’ Proceedings of the Annual
                                                           Meeting of the Western Society for French History 27 (2001): 272–80.
                                                         Mazgaj, P. ‘‘Engagement and the French Nationalist Right: The Case of the Jeune
                                                           Droite.’’ European History Quarterly 32 (2002): 207–32.
                                                         Mock, S. ‘‘The Panama Canal, Part 1: The French Attempt.’’ Manuscripts 53 (2001): 193–
                                                         Murray, A. ‘‘Screening Family Values: The Politics of Rural Educational Film, 1919–
                                                           1939.’’ Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History 27 (2001):
                                                         Plott, M. ‘‘The Rules of the Game: Respectability, Sexuality, and the Femme Mondaine in
                                                           Late-Nineteenth-Century Paris.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 531–56.
                                                         Prete, R. ‘‘Imbroglio par Excellence: Mounting the Salonika Campaign, September–
                                                           October 1915.’’ War and Society 19 (2001): 47–70.
                                                         Quedraogo, A. ‘‘Food and the Purification of Society: Dr. Paul Carton and Vegetarian-
                                                           ism in Interwar France.’’ Social History of Medicine 14 (2001): 223–45.
                                                         Quincy-Lefebvre, P. ‘‘To Punish, Treat, or Pardon: French Society and the Enuretic
                                                           Child in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.’’ History of the Family 6 (2001): 329–
                                                         Sardella, L.-P. ‘‘La condamnation de la neutralité et des manuels scolaires par les
                                                           évêques français en 1909: Archéologie d’un texte.’’ Revue d’histoire de l’église de France
                                                           87 (2001): 71–85.
                                                         Smallman-Raynor, M., and A. Cliff. ‘‘The Geographical Transmissions of Smallpox in
                                                           the Franco-Prussian War: Prisoner of War Camps and Their Impact upon Epidemic
                                                           Diffusion Processes in the Civil Settlement System of Prussia, 1870–71.’’ Medical His-
                                                           tory 46 (2002): 241–64.
                                                         Storm, E. ‘‘The Rise of the Intellectual around 1900: Spain and France.’’ European History
                                                           Quarterly 32 (2002): 139–60.
                                                         Szabo, J. ‘‘Seeing Is Believing? The Form and Substance of French Medical Debates over
                                                           Lourdes.’’ Bulletin of the History of Medicine 76 (2002): 199–230.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Udovicki-Selb, D. ‘‘The Elusive Faces of Modernity: Jacques Greber and the Planning
                                                           of the 1937 Paris World Fair.’’ Urban History Review 29 (2001): 20–35.
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                                                         166                                                      FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                         Voracek, E. ‘‘Instrukce Sovetske Vojenske Delegaci Pro Jednani S Britsou a Francouz-
                                                           skou Vojenskou Misi V Lete 1939.’’ Slovansky Prehled 87 (2001): 43–46.
                                                         Weintrob, L. ‘‘From ‘Petite Patrie’ to National ‘Solidarité’: Regionalism and Inter-Class
                                                           Alliances in Mutual Aid Societies.’’ Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society
                                                           for French History 27 (2001): 229–40.
                                                         Whitney, S. ‘‘Gender, Class, and Generation in Interwar French Catholicism: The Case
                                                           of the Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne Féminine.’’ Journal of Family History 26 (2001):
                                                         Wilder, G. ‘‘Framing Greater France between the Wars.’’ Journal of Historical Sociology 14
                                                           (2001): 198–225.

                                                                                         1940 TO THE PRESENT
                                                         Aguirre-Rojas, C. ‘‘Braudel in Latin America and the U.S.: A Different Reception.’’
                                                           Review 24 (2001): 25–46.
                                                         Allwood, G., and K. Wadia. ‘‘French Feminism: National and International Perspec-
                                                           tives.’’ Modern and Contemporary France 10 (2002): 211–23.
                                                         Arrighi, G. ‘‘Braudel, Capitalism, and the New Economic Sociology.’’ Review 24 (2001):
                                                         Aymard, M. ‘‘One Braudel or Several?’’ Review 24 (2001): 13–24.
                                                         Bedarida, F. ‘‘Winston Churchill’s Image of France and the French.’’ Historical Research
                                                           74 (2001): 95–105.
                                                         Bernstein, Martha E. ‘‘The French Dilemma: Reaction to U.S. Cultural Policy, 1950–
                                                           1954.’’ Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History 27 (2001):
                                                         Blanton, R., D. Mason, and B. Athow. ‘‘Colonial Style and Post-Colonial Ethnic Conflict
                                                           in Africa.’’ Journal of Peace Research 38 (2001): 473–91.
                                                         Boel, B. ‘‘La France, les Etats-Unis et la politique occidentale d’embargo, 1948–1954.’’
                                                           Revue d’histoire diplomatique 115 (2001): 33–58.
                                                         Carrard, P. ‘‘‘L’équipe de France du Monde’: Sport and National Identity.’’ French Cul-
                                                           tural Studies 13 (2002): 65–82.
                                                         Çelik, Z. ‘‘Colonial/Postcolonial Intersections: Lieux de Mémoire in Algiers.’’ Historical
                                                           Reflections 28 (2002): 143–62.
                                                         Chafer, T. ‘‘French African Policy in Historical Perspective.’’ Journal of Contemporary
                                                           African Studies 19 (2001): 165–82.
                                                         Chen, X. ‘‘Lixing, Baoshou Zhuyi Yu Lishi Xuejia De Zeren: Chulun Buluodaier Shixue
                                                           Sixiang Jiqi Shijian Xiaoying.’’ Shijie Lishi [World history] (2001): 78–89.
                                                         Cohen, W. ‘‘The Algerian War, the French State, and Official Memory.’’ Historical Reflec-
                                                           tions 28 (2002): 219–39.
                                                         Cotillon, J. ‘‘Un homme d’influence à Vichy: Henry du Moulin de Labarthète.’’ Revue
                                                           historique 304 (2002): 353–85.
                                                         Fivaz-Silbermann, R. ‘‘Refoulement, accueil, filières: Les fugitifs juifs à la frontière
                                                           franco-genevoise entre 1942 et 1944: Pour un nouveau modèle du refuge.’’ Schweizer-
                                                           ische Zeitschrift für Geschichte 51 (2001): 296–317.
                                                         Fletcher, A. ‘‘France Enters the Information Age: A Political History of Minitel.’’ History
                                                           and Technology 18 (2002): 103–17.
                                                         Gemelli, G. ‘‘U.S. Foundations and Braudel’s Institution Building.’’ Review 24 (2001):
                                                         Godin, E. ‘‘La fédération française des étudiants catholiques (Ffec) de l’entre-deux-
                                                           guerres au régime de Vichy.’’ Revue d’histoire de l’église de France 87 (2001): 87–110.
Tseng 2002.12.16 11:08

                                                         Gourbin, P. ‘‘La reconstruction de l’hotel d’Escoville à Caen: Histoire d’un conflit
                                                           (1948–1963).’’ Annales de Normandie 51 (2001): 71–95.
                                                         Heffer, J. ‘‘Is the Longue Durée Un-American?’’ Review 24 (2001): 125–37.
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                                                         RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                      167

                                                         Henig, R. ‘‘The Treaty of Versailles Eighty Years On: ‘A Complex Interplay of Forces.’’’
                                                           Modern History Review 12 (2001): 2–5.
                                                         Humphreys, J. ‘‘Memories of Abandonment and Intervention: Reconsidering French
                                                           Communism during Prague 1968.’’ Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society
                                                           for French History 27 (2001): 22–32.
                                                         Jaron, S. ‘‘Autobiography and the Holocaust: An Examination of the Liminal Genera-
                                                           tion in France.’’ French Studies 56 (2002): 207–19.
                                                         Jennings, E. ‘‘Last Exit from Vichy France: The Martinique Escape Route and the
                                                           Ambiguities of Emigration.’’ Journal of Modern History 74 (2002): 289–324.
                                                         Josselin, D. ‘‘Trade Unions for Emu: Sectoral Preferences and Political Opportunities.’’
                                                           West European Politics 24 (2001): 55–74.
                                                         Kaplan, S. ‘‘Un laboratoire de la doctrine corporatiste sous le régime de Vichy: L’institut
                                                           d’études corporatives et sociales.’’ Mouvement social (2001): 35–77.
                                                         . ‘‘The 1960’s: Was Braudel a Turning-Point?’’ Review 24 (2001): 185–210.
                                                         Lamezec,Y. ‘‘Les efforts britanniques en vue de restaurer la France à son rang de grande
                                                           puissance à la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale.’’ European Review of History 8 (2001):
                                                         Le, E. ‘‘Human Rights Discourse and International Relations: Le Monde’s Editorials on
                                                           Russia.’’ Discourse and Society 13 (2002): 373–408.
                                                         Le Sueur, J. ‘‘Beyond Decolonizations? The Legacy of the Algerian Conflict and the
                                                           Transformation of Identity in Contemporary France.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002):
                                                         Maio, G. ‘‘Ärztliche Ethik als Politikum: Zur französischen Diskussion um das Human-
                                                           experiment nach 1945.’’ Medizinhistorisches Journal 36 (2001): 35–80.
                                                         Molho, A. ‘‘Like Ships Passing in the Dark: Reflections on the Reception of La Méditer-
                                                           ranée in the U.S.’’ Review 24 (2001): 139–62.
                                                         Renauld, A. ‘‘Le changement social à la S.N.C.F.: L’exemple de la mise en place des
                                                           comités d’établissement et du comité central d’entreprise (1982–1986).’’ Mouvement
                                                           social (2001): 101–18.
                                                         Reynaud-Paligot, C. ‘‘Les surréalistes et la guerre d’Algérie.’’ French Cultural Studies 13
                                                           (2002): 33–47.
                                                         Rogers, S. ‘‘Which Heritage? Nature, Culture, and Identity in French Rural Tourism.’’
                                                           French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 475–503.
                                                         Roussellier, N. ‘‘A la fenêtre de vingtième siècle (1984–2000).’’ Vingtième siècle (2001):
                                                         Ruedy, J. ‘‘Chérif Benhabylès and Ferhat Abbas: Case Studies in the Contradictions of the
                                                           mission civilisatrice.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 185–201.
                                                         Schalk, D. ‘‘Of Memories and Monuments: Paris and Algeria, Fréjus and Indochina.’’
                                                           Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 241–54.
                                                         Stuard, S. ‘‘A Capital Idea: Pursuing Demand.’’ Review 24 (2001): 163–83.
                                                         Sutton, F. ‘‘The Ford Foundation’s Transatlantic Role and Purposes, 1951–81.’’ Review
                                                           24 (2001): 77–104.
                                                         Vanke, J. ‘‘De Gaulle’s Atomic Defence Policy in 1963.’’ Cold War History 1 (2001): 119–26.
                                                         . ‘‘An Impossible Union: Dutch Objections to the Fouchet Plan, 1959–62.’’ Cold
                                                           War History 2 (2001): 95–112.
                                                         Wallerstein, I. ‘‘Braudel and Interscience: A Preacher to Empty Pews?’’ Review 24 (2001):
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