Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...

La page est créée Ludovic Martinez
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
    Le Westin Montréal
    Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

Programme préliminaire

        Version 2019-04-11
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                           Le Westin Montréal
        Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

                                           TABLE DES MATIÈRES

      MOT DE BIENVENUE DU PRÉSIDENT ............................................... 3
      COMITÉS ................................................................................. 4
      LES GRANDES LIGNES.................................................................. 5
      LISTE DES RÉSUMÉS ACCEPTÉS ...................................................... 7

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                         Le Westin Montréal
                                                                      Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

                                                                      MOT DE BIENVENUE DU PRÉSIDENT

Au nom des membres du comité de CIGRE Canada et d’Hydro-Québec, j’aimerais vous souhaiter officiellement la bienvenue
au 14e congrès annuel de CIGRE Canada sur les réseaux électriques. Hydro-Québec est fière d’accueillir cet événement
d’envergure, qui rassemblera plusieurs grands noms du secteur de l’énergie. Du 16 au 19 septembre, des intervenants du
milieu des affaires, des domaines de la construction et de l’ingénierie et des sphères réglementaires et universitaires
convergeront vers Montréal pour échanger sur les dernières avancées techniques et technologiques et les grandes tendances
du secteur de l’électricité.

Au cours des dernières années, la ville de Montréal s’est façonné une réputation de pôle d’excellence en haute technologie et
de haut lieu d’innovation, devenant notamment un leader mondial en intelligence artificielle. Il est donc tout à fait à propos
que le thème de la conférence cette année soit celui de l’innovation au cœur de la transformation des réseaux électriques.

L’innovation se doit d’être au cœur de nos priorités puisque tous les aspects du système électrique de demain intégreront le
numérique, et des fonctions transactionnelles encourageant la participation active du client s’y grefferont. Quel que soit le
rôle que vous jouez dans le secteur, je suis convaincu que, comme moi, vous ressentez présentement les effets de ce contexte
en mouvance. Cet environnement en évolution nous amène à remettre en question nos façons de faire, à revoir nos
paradigmes actuels et à nous repenser. Toutefois, au-delà des défis commerciaux tangibles que la transformation de notre
secteur peut occasionner, personnellement, j’y vois avant tout une opportunité emballante de mettre à profit notre expertise
et de faire preuve de créativité pour innover.

Alors, à l’ère de l’électrification des transports, de la transition numérique et de la domotique, il ne pourrait être plus
opportun de nous rassembler pour partager nos connaissances, notre savoir-faire et nos pratiques innovantes afin de faire
évoluer le système électrique en fonction de la réalité de demain. À cet effet, la conférence CIGRE Canada 2019 promet d’être
riche de rencontres et d’idées nouvelles, vous offrant la chance d’apprendre de vos pairs sur des sujets d’intérêt tels
l’électrification efficiente, la participation des clients, la gestion d’actifs, le réseau électrique intelligent et plus encore.

J’espère de tout cœur que vous saurez également en profiter pour découvrir Montréal ou renouer avec cette ville
cosmopolite dont le mariage de charme européen et d’effervescence nord-américaine fait la renommée à l’échelle mondiale.
En marge des activités de la conférence, je vous encourage à découvrir la culture locale et à visiter les différents quartiers, où
une foule de boutiques, de galeries d’art, de musées et de restaurants réputés vous attendent.

Au plaisir de vous y retrouver !


Marc Boucher
Président, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                       Le Westin Montréal
                                                    Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019


Comité organisateur                          Comité technique

Marc Boucher                                 Alberto Oscar, Tesmec S.p.A, Italie
Président d’Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie        Annissa Heniche, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
Président du congrès                         Basile Agba, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Behzad Kordi, University of Manitoba, Canada
Pierre Van Dyke, Hydro-Québec (IREQ)         Brent Maksymiw, SaskPower, Canada
Représentant canadien SC B2                  Colin Clark, AltaLink, Canada
Président de programme                       Daniel Wong, AltaLink, Canada
Jean-François Allan, Hydro-Québec (IREQ)     David Jacobson, Manitoba Hydro, Canada
Président du comité technique                David Olan, BC Hydro, Canada
                                             Debashish Datta Ray, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Inde
Jean-Pierre Tardif, Hydro-Québec (IREQ)      Derek Oliver, University of Manitoba, Canada
Président des démarches locales              Dipendra Rai, BC Hydro, Canada
Stéphane Talbot, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie   Duc-Hai Nguyen, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
Membre du comité exécutif CIGRE Canada       Francisc Zavoda, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Jean-Bernard Dastous, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
Suzanne Lafrenière, CIGRE Canada             Jean-François Allan, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
Coordonnatrice CIGRE Canada                  John Martin, Alberta Electric System Operator, Canada
                                             Jorge Hollman, Powertech Labs, Canada
Steven Desrochers, Jaguar Média              Julien Beaudry, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
Gestionnaire d’événement                     Kankar Bhattacharya, University of Waterloo, Canada
                                             Manuela Dobrescu, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, Canada
                                             Mark Stemmle, Nexans High Voltage USA Inc., USA
                                             Nicolas Pouliot, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Normann Fischer, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, USA
                                             Patrick Picher, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Pierre Couture, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Pierre Van Dyke, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Rémi Tremblay, Hydro-Québec, Canada
                                             Rick Spyker, AltaLink, Canada
                                             Sébastien Poirier, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Serge Montambault, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
                                             Simon Prud'homme, Hydro-Québec, Canada
                                             Steven Pai, BC Hydro, Canada
                                             Sudhakar Cherukupalli, BC Hydro, Canada
                                             Tarlochan Sidhu, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
                                             Tatiana Guerrero, WSP, Canada
                                             Xicai Zhao, NR Electric, Chine
                                             Zibby Kieloch, Manitoba Hydro, Canada

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                          Le Westin Montréal
                                                       Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

                                                                             LES GRANDES LIGNES

                             Lundi, le 16 septembre 2019
      Visites techniques de l’IREQ                                   Ateliers
      8:00 Départ de la première                9:00-10:00 B2.48 Experience with the mechanical
            visite technique               performance of non-conventional conductors, P. Van Dyke
                                           10:30-11:30 B2.44 Coatings for protecting overhead power
 9:00-12:00 Première visite technique
                                            network equipment in Winter conditions, M. Farzaneh et
      (capacité de 48 personnes)
                                                                   H. Gauthier
     13:00 Départ de la deuxième             13:00-14:00 Asset management and its importance for
           visite technique                          electric power utilities, D. Komljenovic
                                          14:30-15:30 C6 Impact of Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
14:00-17:00 Deuxième visite technique
                                          on transmission grid operations and control, M. de Montigny
      (capacité de 48 personnes)
                                                                 16:00-17:00 C5
                                 18:00-21:00 Réception de bienvenue

Heures d’ouverture des exposants
Mardi           9:00‐16:45; 17:45‐19:00
Mercredi        9:00‐16:30

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                             Le Westin Montréal
                                                          Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

 Horaire                                Mardi, le 17 septembre 2019
06:30    19:00                                              Inscription
07:00    16:00                                       Salle des conférenciers
08:00    08:10                                         Mot de bienvenue
                         Plénière – L’innovation au cœur de la transformation du réseau électrique
08:10 08:30
                                   Éric Martel, Président-directeur général d’Hydro Québec
                                Panel d’entreprises – La transformation du réseau électrique
                                   Marc Boucher, Président d’Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie
                                       Scott Thon*, Président-directeur général Altalink
08:30 10:00
                                   Mayo Schmidt*, Président-directeur général Hydro One
                                   Gaëtan Thomas*, Président-directeur général NB Power
                               Modérateur : Denis Tremblay, Président-directeur général AIEQ
10:00 10:30                                             Pause réseautage
10:30 12:00           Session 1 (6x 15 min.)          Session 2 (6x 15 min.)       Session 3 (6x 15 min.)
12:00 13:15                            Dîner                                  Femmes en génie
13:15 14:30           Session 4 (5x 15 min.)          Session 5 (5x 15 min.)       Session 6 (5x 15 min.)
14:30 15:00                                             Pause réseautage
15:00 16:15           Session 7 (5x 15 min.)          Session 8 (5x 15 min.)       Session 9 (5x 15 min.)
16:15 16:45                                             Pause réseautage
16:45 17:45          Session 10 (4x 15 min.)         Session 11 (4x 15 min.)      Session 12 (4x 15 min.)
                                                Session d’affichage de travaux &
17:45 19:00
                                                       Réception cocktail
19:00 22:30                         Banquet & Prix des meilleurs articles étudiants et NGN
*Invités à être confirmés

 Horaire                               Mercredi, le 18 septembre 2019
06:30    13:00                                          Inscription
07:00    13:00                                   Salle des conférenciers
                                                 AIEQ – Direction future
08:00    08:15
                                    Denis Tremblay, Président-directeur général AIEQ
08:15    09:00                                 Panel des commanditaires
09:00    09:30                                      Pause réseautage
09:30    10:30      Session 13 (4x 15 min.)      Session 14 (4x 15 min.)        Session 15 (4x 15 min.)
10:30    11:00                                      Pause réseautage
11:00    12:00      Session 16 (4x 15 min.)      Session 17 (4x 15 min.)        Session 18 (4x 15 min.)
12:00    13:15                      Lunch                           Réseau de la nouvelle génération
13:15    14:30      Session 19 (5x 15 min.)      Session 20 (5x 15 min.)        Session 21 (5x 15 min.)
14:30    15:00                                      Pause réseautage
15:00    16:00      Session 22 (4x 15 min.)      Session 23 (4x 15 min.)        Session 24 (4x 15 min.)
16:00    16:30                                      Pause réseautage
16:30    17:00                            Discours de fermeture & Tirage de prix

 Horaire                                Jeudi, le 19 septembre 2019
                             Atelier                        Atelier                      Atelier
08:00     12:00
                             ABB*                         Siemens*                        GE*
*À confirmer

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                   Le Westin Montréal
                                                                Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

                                                                          LISTE DES RÉSUMÉS ACCEPTÉS

Un total de 146 résumés en provenance de 15 pays ont été reçus.

Suite à l’analyse de ceux-ci par le comité technique, ci-dessous figure la liste des résumés acceptés pour
présentation au congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada (pour chaque résumé accepté, l’inclusion au programme final
du congrès est conditionnelle à la soumission de l’article final pour le 3 juin 2019, et dans la mesure où au
moins l’un des auteurs est inscrit au congrès).

CIGRE-100                                                       CIGRE-103
  Standardizing Alternative Battery Sizes for Utility             Research on Protection Coordination Strategy of
Applications                                                    Southern Suzhou UPFC Project
Karim Abdel-Hadi1,2, Steven Howell3,4, Colin McKenzie2,         Baoshun Zhang, Yulong Dong, Lei Pan, Ruhai Huang,
Richard Eaton3, Shaahin Filizadeh1                              Dongming Cao
 University of Manitoba (Canada)                                NR Electric Co., Ltd. (Chine)
 Manitoba Hydro
 Square Root Three innovation                                   CIGRE-104
 Transpower New Z                                                 AI-Based Islanding Detection for Utilities and Industrials
                                                                Salman Gill1, Khoi Vu1, Kondalarao Bavisetti1, John Franklin2,
CIGRE-101                                                       Mike Jensen3, Dave Crudele4
   Study of Distributed Grounding Line Selection                 ABB, Inc. (USA)
Application Based on GOOSE Communication                         National Grid
Jiang Miao, Shi Yong, Dong Kaida, Hou Wei, Li Yuqi               PG&E
NR (Chine)                                                       NYSERDA

CIGRE-102                                                       CIGRE-105
  System Based Technique to Evaluate the Risk of Self-            A Station Domain Islanding Detection Method Based on
Excitation of Synchronous Machines                              Topology Analysis
Sameh Kodsi, Thiromi Rajapakse, Jun Tan                         Xiujuan Hua, MiaoM Jiang, Guangfu Xu
Teshmont Consultants LP (Canada)                                NR Electric Co., Ltd. (Chine)

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada - Programme préliminaire Le Westin Montréal Montréal (Québec) Canada Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019 ...
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                        Le Westin Montréal
                                                                     Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-106                                                            CIGRE-116
  Generator Failure Forensic Simulations Study, Lessons                The Design of Control and Protection System of 150
Learned                                                              MVAr SVC in Nuevo Vallarta Substation in Mexico
HESAMALDIN MALEKI, DAN KELL, Iftikhar Khan                           Xin Huang, Lei Zhang, Chihan Chen, Haiying Li, Qiwen Zhou
Hatch (Canada)                                                       NR Electric (Chine)

CIGRE-107                                                            CIGRE-117
   Research and Application of Optical Current Transducer              Analysis of Short Circuit Withstand Capability of Power
Applied to Power Plant Relay Protection                              Transformers
Kai Wang, Guang Wang, Yao Wang, Huazhong Li, Jun Chen,               IVAN LAZARIEV
Jiasheng Chen, Qixue Zhang                                           JSC "VIT" (Ukraine)
CIGRE-108                                                              Simulation and Analysis of Resilient Power Systems in
  The Identification of Transmission Line Overload and               PJM
Fault Based on Ucosφ                                                 Natalie Tacka, Anthony Giacomoni, Scott Benner, Rebecca
XINGGUO WANG1, ZEXIN ZHOU1, HUANZHANG LIU2,                          Hilderbrand
DINGXIANG DU2                                                        PJM Interconnection (USA)
 China Electric Power Research Institute (Chine)
 Central China Grid Company Limited                                  CIGRE-119
                                                                       Control Strategies for Yunnan-Guizhou Interconnected
CIGRE-109                                                            Multi-terminal HVDC Link
  A Simulation Training Platform for the HVDC converter              Dongbin Lu
Cooling System                                                       NR Electric Co., Ltd (Chine)
WEN Yu-liang1, ZHOU Jian-hui2, WANG Guang-wu1, WANG
Hang2, DUAN Xiao-wei1                                                CIGRE-120
 Guangzhou Goaland Energy Conservation Tech.Co (Chine)                 Torsion of Transformer Windings Under Short Circuit
 State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute                            IVAN LAZARIEV
                                                                     JSC "VIT" (Ukraine)
  Design of Air Clear Distance between Two- Sections                 CIGRE-122
Arrester and Valve Tower of ±1100kV UHVDC Valve                        A Simplified Practical Relation of Tap-Changer Control
Yingfeng Zhao                                                        Mode Upon HVDC Valve Power Loss and its Engineering
NR Electric (Chine)                                                  Application
                                                                     Zhongyuan Zhao, Bin Wang
CIGRE-111                                                            NR Electric (Chine)
  Power System Stabilizer Tuning with the Presence of
Torsional Oscillations                                               CIGRE-123
Ali Moshref1, Hatem Tagourti1, Nick Wooster1, Tony                     Experiences in 735 kV Series Compensation Protection
Ricioppo2                                                            and Control System Upgrading Project
 BBA Engineering Ltd. (Canada)                                       Dechang Wang, Fengfeng Ding, Xiaoxia Zhang
 ATCO Power                                                          NR Electric Co., Ltd. (Chine)

CIGRE-112                                                            CIGRE-124
  Smart Transmission Grid Based on Smart Power Lines                   The main circuit schemes suitable for refurbishing
with Independent and Redundant Optical Network                       existing LCC-HVDC to hybrid HVDC
Pierre Couture                                                       Wenqiang Zhao, , Nanjing Yongping Wang, Nanjing Yu Lu,
Hydro-Québec (Canada)                                                Nanjing Jie Tian, Nanjing Haiying Li, Nanjing Dongming Cao
                                                                     NR Electric Co., Ltd. (Chine)
  Condition assessment and reliability analysis of porcelain         CIGRE-125
and toughened glass cap and pin insulators                             The improvements on Control and Protection Strategy
Christian Bonilla                                                    for ORMOC-NAGA HVDC Retrofit Project in Philippines
Powertech Labs (Canada)                                              Wenqiang Zhao, Yongping Wang, Jianming Yang, Jie Tian,
                                                                     Haiying Li, Dongming Cao
CIGRE-114                                                            NR Electric Co., Ltd. (Chine)
  Insulator contamination problems, mitigation methods
and innovative predictive maintenance of overhead lines              CIGRE-127
JEAN MARIE GEORGE                                                      DC-GRID Control and Protection for ZhangBei Project
SEDIVER (France)                                                     Yu Lu, Nannan Wang, Zhiguo Li
                                                                     NR Electric Co., Ltd (Chine)

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                         Le Westin Montréal
                                                                      Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-128                                                             CIGRE-136
  Research and Application of Protection Principle of                    Line Monitoring Systems: Comparing different DLR
300Mvar Class New Synchronous Condenser                               systems within OTLM system
Yaoyao Ji, Huimin Wang, Guang Wang, Zigang Guo, Kai Wang,             W. TROPPAUER1, M. KOVAČ2, V. LOVRENČIĆ3, N. GUBELJAK4,
Jun Chen,                                                             B. NEMETH5, G. GOCSEI5
NR Electric (Chine)                                                    Mosdorfer GmbH (Autriche)
                                                                       OTLM d.o.o.
CIGRE-129                                                              C&G d.o.o. Ljubljana
  Shunt Reactor with Auxiliary Winding System Inter-turn               University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Protection Based on Zero Sequence Differential Current                 Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Yarong Guo1, Huanzhang Liu2, Dan Liu3, Xingguo Wang1
 China Electric Power Research Institute (Chine)                      CIGRE-137
 Central China Grid Company Limited                                     Upgrade to HVDC AC Filters Protections – Using
 China National Electric Power Dispatch and Co                        Impedance Calculation
                                                                      Pierre-Andre Chiasson, Sébastien Tremblay
CIGRE-130                                                             Hydro-Québec (Canada)
  Various Benefits for Line Surge Arrester Application &
Advantages of Externally Gapped Line Arresters                        CIGRE-138
FLORENT GIRAUDET                                                         Risk-Informed Decision-Making in Asset Management of
SIEMENS AG (Allemagne)                                                Electrical Utilities
                                                                      Dragan Komljenovic1, Darragi Messaoudi2, Pierre Larivière2,
CIGRE-131                                                             Steve Caron2, Ramzi Chahine2
   Control Function Research and Performance Test of                   IREQ (Canada)
Wujiang STATCOM Project                                                Hydro-Quebec Transport
Jinjiao Lin, Peng Li, Chi Zhang
State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company (Chine)                     CIGRE-139
                                                                        Mobile units: A new approach to modernize protection
CIGRE-132                                                             and control systems
  A Probabilistic Stress - Life Model for Fretting Fatigue of         Jean-Sébastien Labbée
Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced Cable - Clamp                     Hydro-Québec (Canada)
Oluwafemi Thomas                                                      CIGRE-140
McGill University (Canada)                                              Generation Connection Process - North American vs
                                                                      Australian Experience
CIGRE-133                                                             Maziar Heidari, Jeff Jiang, Jay Tailor, Tarek Abdel-Galil
  HV and EHV Current Transformer dielectric condition                 SNC Lavalin Inc (Canada)
assessment and root cause analysis
Diego M. Robalino1, Ismail Guner2                                     CIGRE-141
 Megger                                                                 Technology Selection and Development of the Business
 Hydro-Québec (Canada)                                                Case for Critical Infrastructure Microgrids
                                                                      Nikoo Kouchakipour, Shadi Chuangpishit, Farid Katiraei,
CIGRE-134                                                             Allan Van Damme
  Condition Assessment Methodology for Power                          Quanta Technology (Canada)
Brian Sparling1, Ismail Guner2                                        CIGRE-142
 Dynamic Ratings                                                        Sizing Study for a Hybrid Power Flow Controller –
 Hydro-Québec (Canada)                                                Comparison with the Nanjing UPFC
                                                                      Jovan Bebic1, Bin Wang2, Lei Pan3, Yunlong Dong3
CIGRE-135                                                              HPFC Ltd. (Canada)
  The fundamental evaluation of the methodology of                     NR Electric USA LLC
constrained connection for Distributed Generation for                  Research Institute of NR Electric Co. Ltd.
procuring flexibility in European countries –lessons for
Japan-                                                                CIGRE-143
Ken Furusawa                                                             Applications and Benefits of Alternate Insulation Systems
CRIEPI (Japon)                                                        in Liquid Immersed Transformers
                                                                      Casey Ballard, Richard Marek
                                                                      DuPont (USA)

                                                                        MULTI -FPGA SOLUTION FOR LARGE POWER SYSTEMS
                                                                      AND MICROGRIDS REAL TIME SIMULATION
                                                                      Amine Yamane, Luc-Andre Gregoire, Jean-Nicolas Paquin,
                                                                      Sayed Qasseem Ali
                                                                      OPAL-RT Technologies (Canada)

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                          Le Westin Montréal
                                                                       Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-145                                                              CIGRE-155
  Discussion on the Application Prospect of a New Field                  Computing Asset Health Indices Through the
Installation IED in Intelligent Substation                             Employment of Competing Risk Models
GUOWEI LIU                                                             Karim Abdel-Hadi
NR Electric Co.,Ltd (Chine)                                            Manitoba Hydro/University of Manitoba (Canada)

CIGRE-146                                                              CIGRE-157
  Normalised Voltage Instability Sensitivity Index: A New                 Bypassing GSU transformers in case of emergencies or
Concept for Monitoring Voltage Stability in the Control                maintenance
Centre                                                                 EDUARDO GOMEZ HENNIG1, Kurt Kaineder2, Robert Mayer2,
Vinay Sewdien                                                          Ewald Schweiger3
TenneT TSO B.V. (The Netherlands)                                       Siemens Canada Ltd. (Canada)
                                                                        Siemens Austria
CIGRE-147                                                               Siemens AG (Allemagne)
  Digital Intelligent Vegetation Management System-
DIVAMS Framework                                                       CIGRE-158
Sridhar Seshadri                                                         Early Fault Detection on Energized Substation Equipment
Wipro (USA)                                                            Charles Jean, Reginald Weiser
                                                                       Positron Inc. (Canada)
  The Value of Performing Power Factor Sweep                           CIGRE-159
Measurements on Bushings                                                 Implementation and Testing of a Flickermeter with IEC
Brandon Dupuis                                                         61850-9-2 Sampled Values Input
OMICRON electronics corp. (USA)                                        Jagannath Wijekoon1, Nuwan Perera2, Athula Rajapakse1,
                                                                       Adeyemi Charles Adewole1
CIGRE-149                                                               University of Manitoba (Canada)
  Obstacles Associated with Winding Resistance                          ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd
Measurements of Transformers
Charles Sweetser                                                       CIGRE-160
OMICRON electronics Corp. (USA)                                          Transformers cooling system monitoring using neural
CIGRE-150                                                              Arnaud Zinflou, Patrick Picher, Luc Vouligny, Alexia
  Talega SynCon - Power Grid Support for Renewable-                    Marchand
based Systems                                                          Hydro-Québec (Canada)
Cesar Guerriero
Siemens (USA)                                                          CIGRE-161
                                                                         Determination of hot spots in gas generators using
CIGRE-151                                                              Brillouin based fiber optic distributed sensing
  Reactive Power Planning Strategy for the BC Hydro                    Lufan Zou1, Omur Sezerman1, Craig Spencer2, George Dailey3
Transmission System                                                     OZ Optics (Canada)
Yansong Leng, Paul Horan, Ming Zou, Wah Shum                            Calpine Corp.
BC Hydro (Canada)                                                       QPS Photronics Inc

CIGRE-152                                                              CIGRE-162
  Reliability and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Various HV              Improving Cross-Zonal Transfer Capability and Increasing
Substation Configurations                                              Operational Flexibility with Modular FACTS
Aleksandar Boricic, Dhruv Bhatt, Per Westerlund                        Paul Haering1, Ruby Chan1, Jenny Erwin2, Michael Longoria2
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Suède)                               Central Hudson (USA)
                                                                        Smart Wires
  Harmonic Resonance phenomena in lightly loaded MV                    CIGRE-163
network                                                                  Operational Experience of Essex STATCOM after
Surendra Singh Chhajta1, Mohamed Bin Jarsh2, Jayaraj Peter             Refurbishment
Prasad1                                                                Joshua Burroughs1, Jingxuan (Joanne) Hu2, Bruno Bisewski2
1                                                                      1
 TRANSCO (Émirats arabes unis)                                          Vermont Electric Power Company (USA)
2                                                                      2
 DoE                                                                    RBJ Engineering Corp

CIGRE-154                                                              CIGRE-165
  Distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution                     Design Validation and Field Testing Experience of Linear
systems – role in electricity supply systems of the future             Shore Line Grounding Electrodes for Reliable HVDC Link
Geza JOOS1, Christine SCHWAEGERL2                                      Operation
 McGill University (Canada)                                            Ali Dariani
 Augsburg University of Applied Sciences                               SNC LAVALIN (Canada)

                                                              - 10 -
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                        Le Westin Montréal
                                                                     Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-166                                                            CIGRE-175
  Improved Jiles-Atherton Hysteresis Model for Converter               A Station Service Voltage Transformer Designed and
Transformer Controlled Switching Assessment in Nelson                Tested to Withstand a Severe Internal Arc Fault
River Bipole III HVDC System                                         Samuel Brodeur, Huan Dinh
Chun Fang1, Athula Rajapakse2, Rohitha Jayasinghe3                   ABB Inc (USA)
 Manitoba Hydro (Canada)
 University of Manitoba                                              CIGRE-176
 Manitoba Hydro International                                           Développement d’un système d'aide à la décision pour la
                                                                     gestion des actifs à TransÉnergie
CIGRE-167                                                            Alain Côté1, Darragi Messaoudi2, Dragan Komljenovic1,
  Development of transmission voltage class,                         Stéphane Pelletier2, Stéphane Alarie1, Olivier Blancke1,
reconnectable 230 x 115 kV mobile transformers for                   Mohamed Gaha1, Eric Truchon1
improved reliability of power delivery                                IREQ (Canada)
Tomasz Kalicki1, Krishnamurthy Vijayan2, Waldemar Ziomek2            2
 PTI Transformers LP (Canada)                                        CIGRE-177
                                                                       Assessing Water Content and Vibration from Dynamic
CIGRE-168                                                            Measurement in Transformer
  Implementation Experience of URTDSM (Unified Real                  Akré Simplice1, Vahid Behjat1, Peter Kung2, Issouf Fofana1
Time Dynamic State measurement) Project in Indian Power               UQAC (Canada)
System                                                                QPS Photronics
P K Agarwal, Chandan Kumar, Rajkumar Anumasula
Power System Operation Corporation Ltd (Inde)                        CIGRE-178
                                                                        Secured Substation Protection & Automation IED
CIGRE-169                                                            Firmware Management
  SIEAERO: the Next Generation of Overhead Transmission              Anca Cioraca, Mital Kanabar
Line Monitoring                                                      GE Grid Solutions (Canada)
Michael Wernlein
Siemens AG (Allemagne)                                               CIGRE-179
                                                                        A Complete Average Model of Modular Multilevel
CIGRE-170                                                            Converters
  The Impact of CLOD Load Model Parameters on Dynamic                Jinling Qi1, Haihao Jiang2, Boon-Teck Ooi2
Simulation of Large Power Systems                                     Harbin Institute of Technology (Chine)
Amir Saman Hoshyarzadeh1, Hamidreza Zareipour1, Ping-                2
                                                                      McGill University
kwan Keung2, Syed Sabbir Ahmed2
 University of Calgary (Canada)                                      CIGRE-180
 Alberta Electric System Operator                                       Increasing Transient Stability Limit by Nonlinear Damping
CIGRE-171                                                            Jinpeng Guo, Haihao Jiang, Boon Teck Ooi
  Utilizing Visual and Thermal Video Analytics to Enhance            McGill University (Canada)
Operational Efficiency
Edgar Sotter                                                         CIGRE-181
Systems With Intelligence (Canada)                                     Real-Time Dynamic Protection Zone Determination for
                                                                     Interconnected Power Systems using Network Theory
CIGRE-172                                                            Principles
  Concept & Case for Nationwide Electrified EHV/HSR                  Adeyemi Charles Adewole1, Athula D. Rajapakse1, Dean
Transport                                                            Ouellette2, Paul Forsyth2
Mike George                                                           University of Manitoba (Canada)
(Canada)                                                              RTDS Technologies Inc.

CIGRE-173                                                            CIGRE-182
  Coordinated control strategy of STATCOM for HVDC                     Analysis on the Firing Angle Influence on Thyristor
system                                                               Switched Phase-Shifting transformer
Xinshun ZHU, Xiaodan WU, Xiaodong SHENG                              Fengfeng Ding, Dechang Wang, Qiwen Zhou
NR Electric Co., Ltd (Chine)                                         NR Electric Co., Ltd. (Chine)

CIGRE-174                                                            CIGRE-183
  Meeting the challenge of modernizing the grid to                     The research on the key equipment for 750kV Fixed
stabilize the integration of renewable energy                        Series Compensation in 3000m a.s.l.
Gary Rackliffe                                                       Yuanjun Chen
ABB (USA)                                                            NR Electric Co., Ltd. (Chine)

                                                            - 11 -
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                        Le Westin Montréal
                                                                     Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-184                                                            CIGRE-192
  Ten Years of Experience with Natural Ester Dielectric                Investigating the Choice of Load Model and its
Fluid in 245 kV: Shunt Reactor of Vilhena Substation –               Parameters for Different Voltage Response Scenarios in
Eletronorte                                                          Large Power Systems
Roberto Da Silva1, Iran Arantes2, Maurício De Lima2, Ito             Amir Saman Hoshyarzadeh1, Hamidreza Zareipour1, Ping-
Capinos3, Lucas De Oliveira1, Geraldo Nicola4                        kwan Keung2, Syed Sabbir Ahmed2
1                                                                    1
 Cargill (Brésil)                                                     University of Calgary (Canada)
2                                                                    2
 Eletronorte                                                          Alberta Electric System Operator
 Consultant                                                          CIGRE-193
                                                                       New Methodologies for Accurate Modeling and
CIGRE-185                                                            Simulation of Advanced Telecommunication-Based
  Recognition of the benefits by the use of Transformers             Protection Schemes in a Software Environment
and Reactors immersed in insulating fluid with high fire             Hadi Khani, Daniyal Qureshi, Saman Alaeddini, Ishwarjot
point (k class): the case of Fire Department of Sao Paulo            Anand
state in Brazil                                                      Quanta Technology (Canada)
Roberto Da Silva, Alexandre Coelho
Cargill (Brésil)                                                     CIGRE-194
                                                                       Amélioration de la durée de vie en fatigue du conducteur
CIGRE-186                                                            en utilisant une pince de suspension avec des élastomères
  Renewable Energy Integration in India: Regulatory                  coniques
Measures to Enable its Integration in the Indian Grid                Josée Paradis, Pierre Van Dyke
P K Agarwal, S K Jain                                                Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec (Canada)
Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (Inde)
CIGRE-187                                                              A General Weighted and Queuing Method for
  Design optimization of a 138 kV transmission line with             Distributing Power among Discretely and Continuously
optical phase conductors                                             Controlled Assets within DER Group in a Microgrid
Richard Maranda                                                      Chu Sun1, Geza Joos1, Syed Qaseem Ali2, Francois Bouffard1
BBA (Canada)                                                          McGill University (Canada)
                                                                      OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES
  Challenges Faced and Lessons Learnt in Development of              CIGRE-196
Indian Electricity and Markets and Regulations                          Multi-Feeder Protection Methodology and New Product
S K Jain, P K Agarwal                                                Design for Distribution Substations
Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (Inde)                       Kamyar Javan Moghadam1, Joshua Kuchison2, Rainer
CIGRE-189                                                             Siemens Canada Limited (Canada)
  Method for Suppressing Current Spike in Wide Input                  EPCOR Transmission
Flyback converter                                                     Siemens AG
Yuwei XIAO1, Jing PENG2, Xuandong LIU1, Wei SUN3
 Xi'an Jiaotong University (Chine)                                   CIGRE-197
 Electric Power Research Institute of Yunnan P                         Con Edison Transmission System Reliability Model
 Wuyi University                                                     Razib Hasan1, Dr. David Allen2, Matthew Viele1
                                                                      Consolidated Edison Company of NY (USA)
CIGRE-190                                                             The Risk Research Group, Inc.
SUBSTATION PILOT THROUGH DIGITAL SUBSTATION                             Experience with Frequency Response Analysis for
REPLICA                                                              Assessing the Integrity of a Service-Aged Transformer
Saurabh Talwar1, David Lambert2, Eric Loiselle2, William             Regelii S. A. Ferreira1, Hugo Simard2, Patrick Picher3, Vahid
Boutin2, Michel Lavallee2, Jonathan Blachere1, Felipe                Behjat1, Issouf Fofana1, Hassan Ezzaidi1
Sarubbi1                                                             1
                                                                      Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network
 Siemens Canada Limited (Canada)                                     Infrastructure (ViAHT), University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie                                           (Canada)
                                                                      Énergie Électrique Rio Tinto, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
CIGRE-191                                                             Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ)
  Converter Transformer Cold Starts – Specification
Nuances and Operational Impacts                                      CIGRE-199
Colin Madsen1, Ben Korbutiak1, Lyle Neumann1, Lance                    Refining Transmission Line Routes While Simultaneously
Benoit1, Mark Mielke1, Tyler Thompson2, Kerry Walker3                Performing Geomorphological Assessments
 ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit (Canada)                      Claude Roy, Sébastien Paradis
 Nalcor Energy                                                       BBA (Canada)

                                                            - 12 -
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                          Le Westin Montréal
                                                                       Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-200                                                              CIGRE-210
  Active Power Priority Vs. Reactive Power Priority                      Economical way for transmission line asset upgradation
Operating Modes in Solar Plants                                        and congestion management using ERS structure
Mehdi Daryabak, Matin Rahmatian, Khosro Kabiri, Kalyan                 Sumana Chattaraj, Sushri Mukherjee, Madhuri Kumari Shaw,
Chilukuri                                                              Md. Irfan Khan, Dr. Dharmbir Prasad, Pradip Barua, Harish
PSC Consulting (Canada)                                                Agarwal
                                                                       Supreme & Co. Pvt. Ltd (Inde)
  Mitigation of inrush current in back to back switching of            CIGRE-211
capacitor banks using air core dry type reactors                         Distribution of Energy Saving Lamps in Madagascar: Both
Monty Goulkhah, David Caverly, Michael Sharp                           a Necessity and a Contribution to the Achievement of
Trench Limited (Canada)                                                Environmental Performance
                                                                       Andrianirina Rakotomalala
CIGRE-202                                                              Electrical Power Advisor (Canada)
  The Energy Twin – A Solution for Techno-Economic
Business Case Analysis of Microgrids and Distributed                   CIGRE-212
Energy Systems (DES)                                                     Risk, Constraints and mitigation measures in migrating a
Alif Gilani                                                            Conventional substation to IEC-61850 based substation
Siemens Canada Limited (Canada)                                        Nitin Raghav, YSP RAO, Richa Ms
                                                                       Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (Inde)
  Field Validation of Various Line Rating Methods on a                 CIGRE-213
138kV Transmission Line in British Columbia                              Active Filtering of harmonic voltages or currents utilizing
Ming Lu, Chandan Singh, Kevin Zhang, Mike Guite, Dipayan               a MMC STATCOM - Design Aspects and Performance
Chakrabarti                                                            Experiences
BC Hydro (Canada)                                                      Georg Pilz, Thomas Schlegl
                                                                       Siemens (Allemagne)
  Novel Protection Coordination Strategy for Overcurrent               CIGRE-214
Relay based Circuit Breakers Employed in Distribution                    Steel foundations design optimization of a 138 kV
Networks with Distributed Generators                                   transmission line
Sridhar Bala Subramanian, Dr. Rajiv Varma                              Richard Maranda
University of Western Ontario (Canada)                                 BBA (Canada)

CIGRE-206                                                              CIGRE-215
  Feeder-level Rapid Voltage Control in Distribution                     Reliability improvement of transmission line using Quad
Network Based on Wide-area Feedback Information                        spacer damper and Quad rigid spacer
Yuqiao Jia, Yuanzhang Sun, Jian Xu, Siyang Liao                        Sumana Chattaraj, Sushri Mukherjee, Madhuri Kumari Shaw,
electrical engineering and automation, Wuhan (Chine)                   Md. Irfan Khan, Dr. Dharmbir Prasad, Pradip Barua, Harish
CIGRE-207                                                              Supreme & Co. Pvt. Ltd (Inde)
  Paradigm Shift in Operational Philosophy of POWERGRID
Sunil Agarwal, P.K. Srivastav, Sunil Kumar, Manoj Kumar,               CIGRE-216
Vikas Bishnoi                                                            Sensitivity-Analysis-based Method for Increasing
POWERGRID (Inde)                                                       Penetration Level of Power Electronic Interfaced
                                                                       Renewable Generations
CIGRE-208                                                              Nakisa Farrokhseresht1, Jose Rueda Torres1, Mart van der
   VSC Converter Operation with induced fundamental                    Meijden1,2
frequency voltages on the DC line                                       Technical University of Delft (Pays-Bas)
Ewgenij Starschich1, Guenter Ebner1, Manuel Weiland1,                  2
                                                                        Tennet TSO
Rodrigo Teixeira Pinto1, Michael Schmidt1, Denis Steyn2
 Siemens AG (Allemagne)                                                CIGRE-217
 Siemens CA                                                              Energy Storage and Ancillary Services Markets in North
CIGRE-209                                                              Hisham Alharbi, Kankar Bhattacharya
  Web Applications for Transmission System Asset Health                University of Waterloo (Canada)
Sunil Agrawal, P K Srivastava, Sunil Kumar, Manoj Kumar,               CIGRE-218
ABHISHEK BHARDWAJ                                                        Reduction of CLPU Overload Through Active Load
POWERGRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. (Inde)                             Management
                                                                       Sanja Dzeletovic, François Bouffard, Géza Joós
                                                                       McGill University (Canada)

                                                              - 13 -
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                              Le Westin Montréal
                                                                           Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-219                                                                  CIGRE-229
   Use of GIS Tools and Space Technologies for Optimal                        Study of Ester-based Fluid for Application in
Transmission Line Routing and Asset Mapping                                Transformers Serving in Cold Climatic Regions
B. N. De. Bhowmick, V. K. Bhaskar, S. B. R. Rao, Pradeep Patil,            Mohan Rao Ungarala1, Issouf Fofana1, Esperanza Mariela
Pradeep Singh Chauhan, Shalini Raj                                         Rodriguez Celis2, Jocelyn Jalbert2, Bernard Noirhomme2,
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Gurgaon (Inde)                     Patrick Picher2
                                                                            UQAC (Canada)
CIGRE-220                                                                   IREQ/Hydro Québec
  Design of a large diameter monopole tower with pinned
support                                                                    CIGRE-230
Pierre-Luc Massé, Richard Maranda, Guillaume Vachon                          The GREAT-DR Project – Empowering the transformation
BBA (Canada)                                                               at the grid edge
                                                                           Marc Lacroix1, Raed Adbdullah2
CIGRE-221                                                                   eMcREY Solutions (Canada)
  Magnetic and Thermal Impact of GIC on Power                               Hydro Ottawa
Transformers: A Case Study
Mickel Saad, Ramsis Girgis, Ed teNyenhuis, Colin Clark                     CIGRE-231
ABB (Canada)                                                                 Fabrication of a durable superhydrophobic coating for
                                                                           high voltage porcelain insulators
CIGRE-222                                                                  Anahita Allahdini
  A novel differential protection scheme for the DC filter                 University of Quebec in Chicoutimi (Canada)
Hong Cao, Zexin Zhou
China Electric Power Research Institute (Chine)                            CIGRE-232
                                                                              Validation d’un conducteur AACSR avec fils trapézoïdaux
CIGRE-223                                                                  pour une traversée de rivière
  HVDC O&M Strategy                                                        Pierre Van Dyke1, Simon Prud'homme2, Josée Paradis1
Dena Kavanagh1, Colin Madsen2, Dan Kell3                                   1
                                                                            Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec (Canada)
1                                                                          2
 Nalcor Energy, Power Supply (Canada)                                       Hydro-Québec
 ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit
 Hatch Engineering                                                         CIGRE-233
                                                                             Application of small signal analyses in model validation
CIGRE-225                                                                  studies
  Research on Key Technical Parameters of Main                             Farhad Yahyaie, Pouya Zadkhast
Equipments for UHV Converter Station in High Altitude                      Powertech Labs Inc. (Canada)
He Zhang                                                                   CIGRE-234
State Grid Economic and Technological Research Institute                     Hosting Capacity Approaches and Use Cases
Co., Ltd. (Chine)                                                          Surhud Vaidya
                                                                           ICF (Canada)
  Substation Anomaly Detection System – A Substation &                     CIGRE-235
Distributed Network Cybersecurity Early Warning System                       Line Rating Optimisation with Numerical Weather
Eric Hawthorne, Moein Manbachi, Alif Gilani                                Models: the ALiRA Project
Siemens (Canada)                                                           George Liljebakk, James Parr, Filiberto Braglia
                                                                           Digital Engineering Ltd (Royaume-Uni)
  A COORDINATION CONTROL BETWEEN SVC AND                                   CIGRE-236
BUS/SHUNT REACTORS                                                           Optimal Energy Management of Electric Vehicles
LOKESH CHUNDAWAT, ALOK SHARMA                                              Alok Deshpande, Joshua Taylor
POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD (Inde)                                 University of Toronto (Canada)

CIGRE-228                                                                  CIGRE-237
  Synchronous Generator Load Sharing Models for Diesel-                       Automated Approach for Compliance with NERC PRC-
Based Remote Systems                                                       027-1 Requirements for Protection System Coordination of
Jason Zrum, Michael Ross                                                   BES Elements
Yukon College (Canada)                                                     Ishwarjot Anand, Saman Alaeddini, Tim Chang
                                                                           Quanta Technology (Canada)

                                                                             Effects of Future Uncertainty on Present-day Asset
                                                                           Kurtis Martin-Sturmey
                                                                           METSCO Energy Solutions (Canada)

                                                                  - 14 -
Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada
                                                                                                            Le Westin Montréal
                                                                         Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

CIGRE-239                                                                CIGRE-246
  Impact of Load Modelling Parameters on Motor Start                       Dynamic Interactions between a large PV plant and a
Simulations in Electrical Grid Studies                                   STATCOM
Edmond Chih                                                              Sibin Mohan, Dr. Rajiv.K Varma
University of Calgary (Canada)                                           University of Western Ontario (Canada)

CIGRE-240                                                                CIGRE-247
   Demand Response Services in Electricity Markets of US                   A novel reactive power-based controller for
and Canada                                                               simultaneous enhancement of frequency stability and
Nitin Padmanabhan1, Mohamed Ahmed2, Kankar                               power oscillation damping by PV-STATCOMs
Bhattacharya1                                                            Mohammad Akbari, Rajiv K. Varma
 University of Waterloo (Canada)                                         Western University (Canada)
CIGRE-241                                                                  Digital Transformation: Proactive Maintenance, Asset
  Flexibility requirements for the integration of distributed            Health Management, Monitoring and Ranking of High-
energy resources (DER) – services, aggregation and                       Voltage Circuit Breakers - Connecting Controlled Switching
implementation platforms                                                 Devices in Substations to Analytics Tools in Operations
François Bouffard, Géza Joós                                             Centers to Increase the Service
McGill University (Canada)                                               Vincent Balvet
                                                                         VIZIMAX Inc. (Canada)
   Comprehensive Motor Condition Monitoring Integrated                   CIGRE-249
in Advanced Protection Relays – A real case study                          PV Solar Farm Control as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for
Umar Khan1, Mittal Kanabar1, Mathieu Harvey2, Carlos                     Alleviating Subsynchronous Oscillations
Oliveira3                                                                Reza Salehi, Rajiv K. Varma
 GE Renewable Energy (Canada)                                            University of Western Ontario (Canada)
 Arcelor Mittal Mines Canada
 Trelec Inc.                                                             CIGRE-250
                                                                            Photovoltaic Penetration Evaluation on Distribution
CIGRE-243                                                                System During Black Start Procedure
  Dynamic Performance Analysis of a SVC Frequency                        Yi-Ting Chou1, Yi-Jen Wang1, Yung-Fu Wang2
Stabilizer Module and its Grid Impact                                     Green Electric Energy Research Center (Taïwan)
Oscar Amaya-Zepeda, Daniel Leon Rodriguez                                 Taiwan Power Research Institute
Siemens Canada Ltd (Canada)
CIGRE-244                                                                  Lifecycle Management for HVDC Systems
  The Aurora vulnerability: the sword of Damocles over the               Urban Elgqvist
heads of rotating machines                                               ABB (Suède)
Marc Potvin
BBA inc. (Canada)                                                        CIGRE-261
                                                                            Influence of extreme low humidity on the dielectric
CIGRE-245                                                                strength of air insulation under critical design voltages
  Digital in an Analog World                                             L. AREVALO1, D. WU1, M. LARSSON2, C. TORNKVIST2
Andrew West                                                               ABB Power Grids – HVDC (Suède)
SUBNET Solutions Inc. (Canada)                                            ABB Corporate Research

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