European Commission - Daily News

La page est créée Elisabeth Garnier
European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 30 / 06 / 2021
Brussels, 30 June 2021
COLLEGE MEETING - European Citizens' Initiative: Commission decides to register two new
citizens' initiatives
Today, the European Commission decided to register two European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) entitled
‘European EcoScore' and ‘Save cruelty-free cosmetics - Commit to a Europe without animal testing'.
The Commission considers that the two initiatives are legally admissible, as they met the necessary
conditions. The Commission has not analysed the substance of the initiatives at this stage. Following
today's registration of the two ECIs, the organisers can start the process of collecting signatures. If
an ECI receives 1 million statements of support within 1 year from at least 7 different Member
States, the Commission will have to react. The Commission could decide either to follow the request
or not, and in both instances would be required to explain its reasoning. The full press release is
available online. (For more information: Christian Wigand — Tel. + 32 229 62253; Katarzyna
Kolanko — Tel.: + 32 229 63444; Jördis Ferroli — Tel.: + 32 229 92729)

NextGenerationEU: la Commission européenne achève avec succès une deuxième émission
d'obligations afin de soutenir la relance de l'Europe
Afin de financer la relance européenne après la crise du coronavirus et ses conséquences, la
Commission européenne a levé hier, dans le cadre de sa deuxième opération NextGenerationEU, un
montant de 15 milliards d'euros. Cette opération en deux tranches a consisté en l'émission d'une
obligation de 9 milliards d'euros à 5 ans arrivant à échéance le 6 juillet 2026 et d'une obligation de 6
milliards d'euros à 30 ans arrivant à échéance le 6 juillet 2051. Les deux tranches ont suscité un très
vif intérêt de la part des investisseurs en Europe et dans le monde. Johannes Hahn, commissaire
européen chargé du budget et de l'administration, a déclaré: « C'est la deuxième fois que la
Commission s'est rendue sur les marchés afin d'emprunter au titre de NextGenerationEU et nous
avons à nouveau reçu un large vote de confiance de la part de nos investisseurs. Je me réjouis que
les fonds levés puissent contribuer à construire une Europe plus verte, plus numérique et plus
résiliente ». L'opération a été sursouscrite plus de 11 fois, avec un montant d'offres supérieur à 170
milliards d'euros. La Commission a ainsi pu obtenir des conditions tarifaires très favorables, en
s'appuyant sur le succès de la première émission d'obligations au titre de NextGenerationEU au
début du mois et sur l'excellente performance du programme SURE. Après l'opération d'hier, la
Commission a levé jusqu'à présent 35 milliards d'euros au titre de NextGenerationEU. Les fonds vont
maintenant être utilisés pour les premiers paiements au titre du programme, y compris au titre de la
facilité pour la reprise et la résilience et d'autres programmes budgétaires de l'UE financés par
NextGenerationEU. D'ici la fin de 2021, la Commission prévoit de lever quelque 80 milliards d'euros
d'obligations, qui seront complétées par des titres de créance à court terme de l'UE, conformément
au plan de financement publié en juin 2021. Plus d'informations sont disponibles dans ce
communiqué de presse. (Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Claire Joawn
- Tel.: +32 229 56859

Protection des consommateurs: la Commission revoit les règles de l'UE relatives à la
sécurité des produits et au crédit à la consommation
La Commission européenne a proposé aujourd'hui des révisions de deux ensembles de règles de l'UE
visant à renforcer les droits des consommateurs dans un monde remodelé par la numérisation et la
pandémie de COVID-19. La Commission renforce son filet de sécurité à l'égard des consommateurs
de l'UE en donnant l'assurance, par exemple, que les produits dangereux seront retirés du marché ou
que les offres de crédit seront présentées aux consommateurs de manière visible et, aisément
compréhensible sur des appareils numériques. La proposition met à jour à la fois la directive relative
à la sécurité générale des produits, qui existe déjà, et les règles de l'UE en matière de crédit à la
consommation visant à protéger les consommateurs. Pour en savoir plus, un communiqué de presse
est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations : Christian Wigand — Tél. + 32 229 62253 ;
Katarzyna Kolanko — Tél. : + 32 229 63444 ; Jördis Ferroli — Tél. : + 32 229 92729)

La solidarité européenne en action: 119 millions d'euros en faveur de la France, de la Grèce
et de la Croatie suite aux récentes catastrophes naturelles
La Commission soutiendra la reprise de la France, de la Grèce et de la Croatie grâce aux 119 millions
d'euros du Fonds de solidarité de l'Union européenne (FSUE) qui viendront en aide à la population
locale touchée par les catastrophes naturelles en 2020. La commissaire chargée de la cohésion et des
réformes, Elisa Ferreira a déclaré : « Le Fonds de solidarité de l'UE permet aux États membres de
remédier aux conséquences des urgences naturelles et sanitaires. La France, la Grèce et la Croatie
bénéficieront désormais du soutien de l'UE. C'est un véritable exemple de solidarité européenne au
bénéfice direct des citoyens. » 53,3 millions d'euros aideront notamment la région française
Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur à se relever des graves dommages causés en octobre 2020 par la
tempête Alex. Un transfert de 24,6 millions d'euros à la Grèce soutiendra le pays dans les efforts de
redressement après le cyclone méditerranéen Ianos de septembre 2020, les inondations d'août 2020
dans la région de Sterea Ellada et le tremblement de terre d'octobre 2020 dans les îles de Samos,
Ikaria et Chios. La Commission a déjà versé en 2021 des avances en rapport avec ces quatre
catastrophes régionales. La Commission fera également une avance de plus de 41 millions d'euros à
la Croatie à la suite de la série de tremblements de terre dévastateurs qui ont frappé le comté de
Sisak-Moslavina et certaines parties des comtés de Karlovac et de Zagreb en Croatie en décembre
2020 et janvier 2021. Cette aide du FSUE à la Croatie s'ajoute à une réaffectation par l'UE de 111
millions d'euros provenant du Fonds européen de développement régional effectuée début juin 2021
pour la reconstruction et la construction de logements sociaux pour les plus démunis qui sont dans
l'incapacité de trouver un logement pour des raisons sociales, économiques ou de santé. (Pour plus
d'informations : Vivian Loonela - Tél. : +32 229 66712 ; Veronica Favalli - Tél. : +32 229 87269)

Commission launches a new call for reform support projects
Today, in the framework of the Technical Support Instrument Annual Conference, the Commission
has launched a new Technical Support Instrument (TSI) call for Member States to support their
reform projects in 2022. By 31 October 2021 as part of the call, Member States can propose requests
for technical support to reforms in a wide range of areas, such as the green and digital transition,
diversity, public and private finance, migration, business environment, health or education. Member
States can also request support through the TSI for the preparation and implementation of their
Recovery and Resilience Plans. The annual TSI call is open to all requests from public authorities of
the Member States. Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, said: “The coronavirus
pandemic has driven changes in how people live and work. It has also reminded us about the
important role of efficient public administrations. The technical support the Commission offers is an
important opportunity for Member States to shape and achieve successful reforms. The TSI is there
to assist Member States in building capacity, accessing expertise and exchanging experience, for a
sustainable and inclusive growth.” The TSI Annual Conference gathers representatives from all
Member States responsible for implementing reforms. Besides presenting the general opportunities
provided to Member States through the TSI, to help them address their particular needs for technical
support, it will also be an occasion to present proposed Flagship technical support projects, that
Member States could opt for in the context of the 2022 TSI call. This month, the Commission has
also launched a brand new website devoted to reform support. With an interactive map, it is possible
to search details on the policy areas covered by the TSI support, the role of public administration and
all details on the projects supported. Between July and September 2021, dedicated events will be
organised at national level to present the new TSI call and to assist Member States in preparing their
requests for technical support. Member States have until 31 October 2021 to put forward their TSI
applications. All details in the press release. (For more information: Vivian Loonela - Tel.: +32 229
66712; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 229 87269)

La Commission propose des mesures coordonnées pour la réouverture en toute sécurité des
secteurs de la culture et de la création
La Commission a présenté hier des lignes directrices de l'UE visant à assurer la reprise en toute
sécurité des activités dans les secteurs de la culture et de la création dans l'ensemble de l'UE. Elles
devraient guider la conception et la mise en œuvre de mesures et de protocoles dans les pays de l'UE
pour permettre la réouverture en toute sécurité et la reprise durable dans les secteurs de la culture
et de la création. Margaritis Schinas, vice-président chargé de la promotion de notre mode de vie
européen, a déclaré à ce propos: « La culture a aidé la population à faire face aux conséquences du
confinement et de la distanciation sociale. C'est maintenant à notre tour d'accompagner ces secteurs
sur la voie de la réouverture. Nous avons besoin d'efforts coordonnés et sur mesure dans toute l'UE
pour permettre au monde culturel de reprendre progressivement ses activités en toute sécurité et
d'être mieux préparé aux crises futures. Les secteurs de la culture et de la création constituent de
solides atouts européens. Ils sont importants pour la reprise durable de l'Europe, le renforcement de
la résilience de la société européenne et, plus généralement, notre mode de vie européen. » Mariya
Gabriel, commissaire à l'innovation, à la recherche, à la culture, à l'éducation et à la jeunesse, a
déclaré quant à elle: « Les secteurs et industries de la culture et de la création ont payé un lourd
tribut depuis le début de la pandémie de coronavirus. Dans le même temps, la crise a mis en
évidence leur importance pour notre société et notre économie. Grâce à l'augmentation du taux de
vaccination, la levée progressive des restrictions, y compris dans le domaine de la culture, est en
cours. L'objectif de ces lignes directrices est de faciliter la coordination des mesures prises par les
États membres au niveau de l'UE. Une réouverture en toute sécurité des lieux culturels devrait aller
de pair avec une série d'actions visant à assurer la reprise durable et la résilience de l'ensemble du
secteur. » Les lignes directrices de l'UE reposent sur l'expertise du Centre européen de prévention et
de contrôle des maladies (ECDC) et sur des échanges avec le comité de sécurité sanitaire. Elles
tiennent compte des différentes situations épidémiologiques dans les États membres et de leur
évolution. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter notre communiqué de presse, la conférence de
presse ou encore les discours du Vice-Président Schinas et de la Commissaire Gabriel. (Pour plus
d'informations: Sonya Gospodinova — Tél.: + 32 229 66953; Célia Dejond – Tél.: +32 229 88199)

EU Humanitarian Air Bridge to deliver aid to Mozambique
In the margins of the G20 Ministerial event on 30 June in Brindisi, an EU Humanitarian Air Bridge
flight, co-organised also with Italy and Portugal, will depart to Mozambique, carrying 15 tonnes of
life-saving cargo addressing pressing humanitarian needs. Commissioner for Crisis Management,
Janez Lenarčič, who is attending the G20 event and the ceremony at the departure of the flight,
said: “The humanitarian situation in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique continues to deteriorate at an
alarming rate. We are sending a new EU funded Humanitarian Air Bridge flight to get vital aid to this
hard to reach part of the country. I thank Italy and Portugal for providing the medical equipment and
humanitarian cargo of the flight. It is essential that full humanitarian access is granted in critical
parts of Mozambique to save lives.” The flight is expected to arrive in Pemba, Mozambique, on 3 July
2021. Two more flights carrying additional humanitarian aid are expected to depart from Brindisi in
the coming days. Since the beginning of 2021, the EU has mobilised over €17 million in
humanitarian funding for Mozambique, mainly to address the consequences of the ongoing internal
conflict. EU aid helps to ease the suffering of the affected population including those internally
displaced and host communities, provide education for children, while also better preparing
communities to deal with natural disasters. The full press release is available online. (For more
information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.: +32 229 69140)

Maria Leptin appointed next President of the European Research Council
The European Commission has today appointed Professor Maria Leptin as the next President of the
European Research Council (ERC). Professor Leptin, who is currently the Director of EMBO (the
European Molecular Biology Organization), will take on her new role on 1 October 2021, when
President ad interim Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon will end his mandate. The new President joins
the European Research Council at an important moment for its development. Over the entire long-
term EU budget 2021-2027, the European Research Council is set to receive over €16 billion from
Horizon Europe, an increase of 22% vis-à-vis Horizon 2020. Professor Maria Leptin is a highly
respected scientist working on developmental biology and immunology. She leads research groups at
the Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, and at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory
(EMBL), in Heidelberg. In 2010, she was appointed Director of EMBO. Today's appointment marks
the end of a process of almost exactly one year involving an independent Search Committee, led by
Professor Helga Nowotny, former President of the European Research Council and professor emerita
of Science and Technology Studies, ETH Zurich. The independent Search Committee made
recommendations to the Commission on the best candidates on the basis of a consultation of the
scientific community and an open call for applications. The candidates met with the ERC Scientific
Council, who also support the appointment of Professor Leptin. Professor Maria Leptin is appointed by
the Commission for a term of office limited to four years, renewable once. More information is
available in this press release. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615;
Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 229 83583)

State aid: Commission approves €8 million Greek scheme to support companies active in
the audio-visual distribution sector in context of coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved a €8 million Greek scheme to support film distributors and
cinemas affected by the coronavirus outbreak and by the restrictive measures that the Greek
government had to implement to limit the spread of coronavirus. The scheme was approved under
the State aid Temporary Framework. Under the scheme, the public support will take the form of
direct grants. The measure will address the losses incurred by the beneficiaries during the period
between October and December 2020 due to the closure of cinemas. The aid amount per beneficiary
will be calculated based on the number of cinema seats and, for film distributors, on the basis of lost
income. The Commission found that the Greek scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the
Temporary Framework. In particular, the aid (i) will not exceed €1.8 million per company; and (ii)
will be granted no later than 31 December 2021. The Commission concluded that the measure is
necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a
Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary
Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU State aid rules. More
information on the Temporary Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the
economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the
decision will be made available under the case number SA.63004 in the State aid register on the
Commission's competition website, once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more
information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria
Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves modification of two Italian guarantee schemes to further
support companies in the context of the coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has found that the prolongation and modification of two existing Italian
schemes to support companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak to be in line with the State aid
Temporary Framework. The original schemes, which go under the names of ‘Fondo di garanzia per le
PMI' and ‘Garanzia Italia (di SACE)', were both approved by the Commission under the Temporary
Framework on 13 April 2020 (SA.56966 & SA.56963). Italy notified some modifications to the
existing schemes, including notably: (i) an extension of the eligible period, until 31 December 2021;
and (ii) an increase of the maximum maturity of the guaranteed loans from six to eight years, with
consequent adjustment of the premiums. The Commission found that the schemes, as modified,
continue to be in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. In particular, (i) the
modulation of the maturities and premiums is in line with the conditions and limits set out in the
Temporary Framework and with the case practice developed by the Commission; and (ii) the aid will
be granted no later than 31 December 2021. The Commission concluded that the schemes, as
modified, remain necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the
economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the
Temporary Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the amended schemes under EU
State aid rules. The non-confidential version of the decisions will be made available under the case
numbers SA.63597 (amendment to SA.56966) and SA.63653 (amendment to SA.56963) in the
State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have
been resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.:
+32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed acquisition of Air Europa
by IAG
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess the proposed acquisition
of Air Europa by IAG, under the EU Merger Regulation. The Commission is concerned that the
proposed transaction may reduce competition in the markets for passenger air transport services on
Spanish domestic routes and on international routes to and from Spain. The Commission is also
concerned about the effect of the proposed transaction on routes on which other airlines rely on Air
Europa's domestic and short-haul network for their own operations at the Madrid airport and a
number of other EU airports. The Commission will now carry out an in-depth investigation into the
effects of the proposed transaction to determine whether it is likely to significantly reduce effective
competition. The proposed transaction was notified to the Commission on 25 May 2020. IAG and Air
Europa have decided not to submit commitments. The Commission has now 90 working days, until 5
November 2021, to take a decision. The opening of an in-depth investigation does not prejudge the
outcome of the investigation. Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, responsible for
competition policy, said: “IAG, which flies with Iberia and Vueling among others, and Air Europa are
leading airlines in Spain. They are also key providers of connectivity between Spain, the rest of
Europe and Latin America. We will carefully assess whether the proposed transaction would
negatively affect competition on domestic, short-haul and long-haul routes to and from Spain,
possibly leading to higher prices and reduced quality for travellers. Although the financial situation of
many airlines is still fragile, there are signs that demand for air transport services is recovering from
the coronavirus crisis. It is important to ensure that the recovery of the sector takes place in a
competitive environment preserving sufficient choice for travellers.” A full press release is available
online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229

Concentrations: La Commission autorise l'acquisition en commun de Aviva S.p.A par CNP
Assurances et UniCredit, ainsi que l'acquisition de Aviva Life et de Aviva Servizi par CNP
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations,
l'acquisition du contrôle en commun d'Aviva S.p.A., basée en Italie, par CNP Assurances S.A., basée
en France, et UniCredit S.p.A., basée en Italie. Dans le même temps, la Commission européenne a
autorisé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations, l'acquisition du contrôle exclusif de
Aviva Life S.p.A. et Aviva Italia Servizi, S.c.a.r.l. («Aviva Servizi») par CNP Assurances. Aviva S.p.A.
et Aviva Life fournissent des produits d'assurance vie en Italie. Aviva Servizi fournit des services aux
sociétés faisant partie du groupe Aviva plc, notamment des services fiscaux, administratifs et
financiers. CNP Assurances est active dans le secteur de l'assurance au niveau mondial. En Italie,
CNP Assurance est principalement active dans le domaine de l'assurance vie. UniCredit est un groupe
bancaire fournissant des services bancaires et financières au niveau mondial. La Commission
considère que les deux acquisitions de contrôle constituent une concentration unique. La Commission
a conclu que la concentration envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problème de concurrence, compte tenu
de l'absence d'impact sur la structure du marché et des chevauchements très limités entre les
activités des entreprises concernées. L'opération a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure
simplifiée du contrôle des concentrations. De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site
Internet de la concurrence de la Commission, dans le registre public des affaires de concurrence,
sous le numéro M.10352. (Pour plus d'informations: Arianna Podesta – Tél.: +32 229 87024; Maria
Tsoni – Tél.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of sole control of Aviva Italia by Allianz
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole
control over Aviva Italia S.p.A. by Allianz S.p.A., both of Italy. Aviva Italia is active in the provision
and the distribution of non-life insurance services in Italy, and Allianz also offers such services in
Italy. The proposed transaction gives rise to a limited number of horizontal and vertical overlaps in
relation to the companies' activities in the provision and the distribution of credit and suretyship
insurance in Italy. The Commission concluded that the proposed transaction would raise no
competition concerns given its limited impact on the markets concerned. The transaction was
examined under the normal merger review procedure. More information is available on the
Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10229. (For
more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears the acquisition of joint control over 10 Station Road by PSP
and Aviva
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint
control over an office building located on 10 Station Road in Cambridge, UK, by Public Sector Pension
Investment Board (‘PSP') of Canada and Aviva Plc Group (‘Aviva') of the UK. PSP manages a
diversified global portfolio including stocks, bonds and other fixed-income securities as well as
investments in private equity, real estate, infrastructure, natural resources and credit investments.
Aviva provides a broad range of insurance, savings and investment products. The Commission
concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, because of the limited
impact it would have on the market. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger
review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the
public case register under the case number M.10289. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.:
+32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

President von der Leyen, Commissioner Dalli and Commissioner Urpilainen participate in
the Generation Equality Forum in Paris
Today, President Ursula von der Leyen will address via videoconference the Generation Equality
Forum, a major global platform striving for gender equality around the globe. The event is convened
by UN Women and co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France. The President's speech will
be broadcast live on EbS at +/- 15:30. Commissioners Helena Dalli and Jutta Urpilainen, on their
side, are in Paris and will speak at the Forum today. They will focus on the actions taken within the
EU and beyond to push for greater gender equality, including tackling gender-based violence,
supporting victims' rights and promoting women's empowerment. Their speeches will be available on
EbS. (For more information: Eric Mamer – Tel.: +32 229 94073; Dana Spinant – Tel.: +32 229
90150; Christian Wigand - Tel.: +32 229 62253; Ana Pisonero +32 2 295 4320)

The College travels to Ljubljana to mark the beginning of the Slovenian Presidency of the
Council of the EU
Tomorrow, 1 July, the College of Commissioners will travel to Slovenia on the first day of the
country's presidency of the Council. The Members of the College will meet in the morning their
counterparts of the Slovenian Government in thematic clusters. This session will be followed by a
working lunch of the College and the Slovenian Government hosted by the Prime Minister of
Slovenia, Janez Janša. After the lunch, President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Janša will hold a
joint press conference. Later, the College will meet the President of the National Assembly, Igor
Zorčič and will discuss in thematic cluster with the members of the Assembly. President von der
Leyen will also meet the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor. In the evening, the College will
participate in a cultural event in Bled Island, at which President von der Leyen will deliver an
introductory speech. The press conference and the speech at the cultural event will be broadcast live
on EbS+. (For more information: Eric Mamer – Tel.: +32 229 94073; Dana Spinant – Tel.: +32 229


The European Commission appoints a new Principal Adviser in DG FISMA Today, the European
Commission has appointed Elisabetta Siracusa as Principal Adviser in the Directorate-General for
Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA). Ms Siracusa will, in
particular, be in charge of advising the Director-General on issues pertaining to sustainable finance,
which is an essential component of the Green Deal, a key priority for this Commission. She is
currently working as Seconded Head of Unit in the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural
Development (AGRI). Previously, she took on several challenging roles including as Deputy Head of
Cabinet for Trade Commissioner Hogan from 2019 until 2020, and Deputy Head of Cabinet of
Commissioner for Agriculture Hogan from 2014 until 2019. In earlier stages of her career, she
acquired extensive experience in international negotiations on trade and in interinstitutional
negotiations, and she headed various units in DG AGRI. (For information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32
229 54578; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 229 56859)

Eurostat: communiqués de presse

As of 1 July the Spokesperson's Service will re-open the Berlaymont press room to a limited
number of journalists. For more information, please see here
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