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Launched-girder technique at Cornwall Applications of shape memory alloys UHPC: Hodder Avenue underpass St. Charles River clean-up 2013 | WINTER/HIVER Materials for the 21st Century Les matériaux du 21e siècle Publications Mail Agreement #40069240 www.csce.ca 05CIVcover.indd 1 13-11-20 4:36 PM
contents WINTER 2013/HIVER 2013 | VOLUME 30.5 IN VIEW: PROJECTS 12 Hodder Avenue Underpass 14 North Channel Bridge Replacement Cover photograph: Detail from Hodder Avenue Underpass, Thunder Bay, Ont.. Courtesy Ductal-Lafarge. TECHNICAL: MATERIALS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY / TECHNIQUE : LES MATÉRIAUX 12 DU 21E SIÈCLE 18 Advanced materials provide new opportunities 19 Concrete in the 21st century: Are we still fighting durability issues? 22 High performance concretes for improved blast performance 26 Pushing the envelope: applications of superelastic shape memory alloys FORUM ON SUSTAINABILITY 16 St. Charles River Clean-up and Naturalization/ Le nettoyage et la naturalisation de la rivière Saint-Charles 14 NEWS, VIEWS & DEPARTMENTS/ NOUVELLES, POINTS DE VUE ET DÉPARTEMENTS 16 4 President’s perspective/ 8 Young professionals corner/ Perspective presidentielle Le coin des jeunes professionels 6 From the regions: London 10 In Memoriam: Dr. Leslie & District / De nos regions, Gordon Jaeger London et district 29 Lifelong learning/ 7 Student voice/ Formation continue La voix des étudiants 30 CSCE partners and sponsors/ Associés et sponsors SCGC Canadian Civil Engineer | Winter 2013 3 05CIVcontents.indd 3 13-11-21 10:31 AM
goes PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE | PERSPECTIVE PRÉSIDENTIELLE Reg Andres, P.Eng. FCSCE PRESIDENT, CSCE/PRÉSIDENT SCGC PRESIDENT@CSCE.CA CSCE/SCGC Sustainability Rating System 4877 Sherbrooke St. W., Westmount, Québec H3Z 1G9 Tel.: 514-933-2634, Fax: 514-933-3504 E-mail: info@csce.ca www.csce.ca PRESIDENT/PRÉSIDENT Reg Andres, P. Eng., FCSCE (Toronto, ON) for Infrastructure I CANADIAN CIVIL ENGINEER/L’INGÉNIEUR CIVIL CANADIEN n my last column I introduced the concept of sustainable infrastructure in the context EDITOR/RÉDACTEUR of sustainable communities. Infrastructure systems combine at the community level, Doug Salloum, CSCE Executive Director 514-933-2634 ext. 1, doug.salloum@csce.ca providing the support systems that form the foundation for viable and successful com- munities. The “sustainability quadrant” was identified with the view that communities/ MANAGING EDITOR/ ASSOCIATE EDITOR/ countries must gravitate toward sustainability by sustaining their human development DIRECTEUR DE LA RÉDACTION RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF ADJOINT Cindy Macdonald Bronwen Parsons index (i.e. social support systems – health, education, economics, etc.) and reducing Tel.: 416-510-6755 Tel.: 416-510-5119 their ecological footprint (i.e. environmental impacts from GHG emissions, etc.). This cmacdonald@bizinfogroup.ca bparsons@ccemag.com approach suggests a basis for measuring the sustainability of infrastructure by looking ADVERTISING SALES/ ART DIRECTOR/ at the social, financial and environmental factors at the community level. The idea of a PUBLICITÉ COMPOSITION ARTISTIQUE Maureen Levy Stewart Thomas sustainability rating system for infrastructure measurement has already been initiated in Tel: 416-510-5111 Tel: 416-510-5600 x3212 mlevy@ccemag.com sthomas@bizinfogroup.ca several countries around the world. To be truly sustainable, the rating system needs to be linked to these issues associated with global sustainability. This raises the question of a Annual Subscription Rates/Abonnement annuel Canadian sustainability rating for infrastructure. Canada & U.S./E.U. $35.00, Other countries/Autres pays $45.00; Single copy/Un numéro $7.50; Agency discount/Rabais au distributeurs 10% A number of national organizations have initiated informal discussions to review the con- PUBLICATION ISSN 9825-7515 cept of developing a Canadian sustainability rating system. CSCE has been a key member RETURN ADDRESS/ADRESSE DE RETOUR : of this discussion group that includes the Canadian Pubic Works Association (CPWA), the The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering La Société Canadienne de Génie Civil Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC) and the Canadian Construc- 4877 Sherbrooke St. W., Westmount, Quebec H3Z 1G9 tion Association (CCA). One of the principles discussed by this group was to not reinvent Canadian Civil Engineer (CCE) is published five times per year by the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE). L’ingénieur Civil Canadien (ICC) est the wheel. If there is a system in use in another country that could be applicable in Canada publié cinq fois par année par la Société Canadienne de Génie Civil (SCGC). it should be researched for adaptation/adoption rather than developing a new system. This The opinions expressed in the papers are solely those of the authors and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering is not responsible for the statements led to the first activity of the group by going through an investigation and assessment of the made in this publication. Les opinions exprimées dans les articles sont la seule responsabilité de leurs auteurs et la Société canadienne de génie civil rating systems in use around the world. n’engage pas sa responsabilité dans les propos exprimés. One such system has been developed and is beginning to be introduced by our neighbours CIVIL Magazine is produced by the publishers of Canadian Consulting Engineer Magazine, published by BIG Magazines LP, a division of Glacier BIG to the south. The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) has created the Envision Holdings Ltd. Le magazine Civil est produit par l’editeur de la publication Canadian sustainability rating system in collaboration with the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Consulting Engineer qui est publie par BIG Magazines LP, une division de Glacier BIG Infrastructure at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. ISI is a creation of the Holdings Ltd. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the American Council of Engineering Com- Business Information Group, 80 Valleybrook Drive, panies (ACEC) and the American Public Works Association (APWA). Toronto, Ontario M3B 2S9 Tel.: 416-442-5600; Fax: 416-510-5140 The Envision rating system, in ISI’s own words, “provides a holistic framework for evaluating PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT/POSTES CANADA ENREGISTREMENT #40069240 and rating the community, environmental, and economic benefits of all types and sizes of infra- structure projects. It evaluates, grades, and gives recognition to infrastructure projects that use transformational, collaborative approaches to assess the sustainability indicators over the course of the project’s life cycle.” (See CIVIL Spring 2013, “Evaluate Projects Through the Windows 4 Hiver 2013 | L’Ingénieur civil canadien 05CIVPresMessage.indd 4 13-11-20 4:40 PM
goes PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE | PERSPECTIVE PRÉSIDENTIELLE That Matter to Society” for more information about Envision.) measured gets managed. The key word for me is “transformational.” Such an approach is key if we are to make the types of changes in In the end, Canadians must transform the way we think about, plan the development and management of our infrastructure that will and implement infrastructure systems such that we do not continue make a difference in the sustainability of our communities. The idea to do the same thing the same way and expect any different result in of rating infrastructure in this context is viewed as an important terms of our social responsibilities for sustainability at a global level. component of a change process with the basic premise: what gets CSCE intends to be a leader in this endeavour. ¢ Un système d’évaluation de la durabilité pour les infrastructures D ans mon dernier message, je mentionnais la notion d’infrastructure durable dans le contexte de collectivités durables. Les infra- structures se rejoignent au niveau des communautés, fournissant les Un tel système a été créé par nos voisins du sud et commence à être appliqué. Le « Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) » a créé le système d’évaluation « Envision », en collaboration avec le systèmes qui constituent la base de communautés viables et réussies. « Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure », à la « Graduate On a déterminé la « zone de durabilité » en considérant que les col- School of Design » de l’Université Harvard. L’ISI est une création de lectivités/pays devaient évoluer vers la durabilité en développant leur l’American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), l’American Council indice de développement humain (par ex. : les systèmes d’appui social of Engineering Companies (ACEC) et de l’American Public Works en matière de santé, d’éducation, d’économie, Association (APWA). etc.) et en diminuant leur empreinte Le système d’évaluation « Envision™ », selon écologique (par ex. : l’impact envi- l’ISI… « fournit un cadre global pour éval- ronnemental des gaz à effets de uer les avantages communautaires, serre, etc.). Cette démarche environnementaux et économiques suggère la possibilité de de toutes les sortes mesurer la durabilité des d’infrastructures. Il éval- infrastructures en étudiant ue, classe et tient compte les facteurs sociaux, financiers des infrastructures qui et environnementaux au niveau utilisent des démarches de transforma- de la communauté. L’idée d’un système tion et de collaboration pour évaluer les indices de d’évaluation des infrastructures a déjà été amorcée dans plusieurs pays durabilité pendant le cycle de vie d’un ouvrage. » (Voir dans CIVIL, du monde. Pour être vraiment durable, un ouvrage doit être reliés à ces printemps 2013, l’article intitulé « Evaluate Projects Through the Win- questions qui sont associées à la durabilité globale. Voilà ce qui soulève dows That Matter to Society » pourf en savoir plus sur « Envision ».) la question d’un système canadien d’évaluation des infrastructures. Ce genre de démarche est capitale si nous devons effectuer à la créa- Certains organismes nationaux ont entrepris des discussions in- tion et à la gestion de nos infrastructures le genre de changements qui formelles pour étudier l’idée d’élaborer un système canadien affecteront la durabilité de nos collectivités. L’idée d’évaluer les infra- d’évaluation des infrastructures. La SCGC était un membre-clé de ce structures dans un tel contexte est considéré comme une importante groupe, qui comprenait l’Association canadienne des travaux publics composante d’un processus de changement, en tenant compte de la (ACTP), l’Association des sociétés de génie conseil et l’Association ca- prémisse de base suivante : tout ce qui est mesuré est aussi géré. Pour nadienne de la construction. L’un des principes étudié par ce groupe moi, le mot clé ici est le mot « transformation ». En dernière analyse, était de ne pas essayer de réinventer la roue. S’il existe, dans un autre les Canadiens doivent transformer leur façon de penser, de planifier pays, un système qui serait applicable au Canada, il faudrait l’étudier et de mettre en œuvre les infrastructures, de telle sorte que nous ne pour fin d’adaptation/adoption, plutôt que de créer un nouveau sys- continuerons pas de faire la même chose en espérant des résultats dif- tème. Ceci a mené à la première activité du groupe, qui a procédé à férents en termes de responsabilité sociale au niveau global. La SCGC l’étude et à l’évaluation des systèmes d’évaluation à travers le monde. compte bien être un leader dans cette démarche. ¢ Canadian Civil Engineer | Winter 2013 5 05CIVPresMessage.indd 5 13-11-21 10:54 AM
FROM THE REGIONS: SECTION NEWS | DE NOS RÉGIONS : NOUVELLES DES SECTIONS London & District Section: The Coming Year The Section is a proud supporter of many teams and events at Western University, in- The Section typically hosts seven dinner cluding the concrete canoe and toboggan meetings every year, with participation rang- teams, and the Polar Stick Bridge Competi- Tom Mara, Ph.D., ing from 20-45 people. tion. The Executive is hoping to see another P.Eng., M.CSCE The coming year will be marked by the on- solid Western performance at the next Great CHAIR, LONDON & going organization process for the 2016 CSCE Northern Concrete Toboggan Race, hosted DISTRICT SECTION, Annual Conference. The participation of a by Western from Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2014. We CSCE variety of local public and private sector engi- also sponsor an annual CSCE student award. neering organizations, as well as professors at I would like to extend a warm invitation T he London & District Section, based in London, Ont., is a joint section of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Western University, bodes well for a compre- hensive and dynamic conference. The 2013-2014 season began with a Na- to anyone interested in either becoming involved with any of the events or opportu- nities mentioned above or attending one of (CSCE) and Canadian Geotechnical Soci- tional Lecture Tour presentation on Canada’s our meetings. Visit www.csce-cgs-london. ety (CGS). The Section Executive has strong Infrastructure Report Card by Reg Andres org for details. ¢ ties with Western University, and comprises and Nick Larson. Other topics scheduled for a cross-section of local industry members, the coming year include: the Niagara Tunnel professors, and students. In developing our project; a tour of the new WindEEE Research program, we try to ensure that our focus is Institute; the impact of built heritage on en- aligned with the three CSCE strategic di- gineering projects; repair of the Lynn River rections: providing enhanced services to lift bridge; geologic controls and disposal of members; growing with youth; and providing excess soil from construction; and challenges leadership in sustainable development. This ef- of condition assessment for the Lake Huron CSCE/CGS London & District Executive / fort is compatible with our CGS goals as well. primary water supply system. L’exécutif de la section. Section de London & District : l’année qui vient l’impact de l’héritage bâti sur les projets de gé- nie ; la réparation du pont levant de Lynn River Tom Mara, Ph.D., ing., M.SCGC ment compatible avec les objectifs de la SCG. ; les contrôles géologiques et l’élimination des PRÉSIDENT, SECTION DE LONDON La section organise à chaque année sept surplus de terre provenant de la construction, & DISTRICT, SCGC activités sociales, dont la participation varie et les défis de l’évaluation de l’état du système entre 20 et 45 personnes. primaire d’approvisionnement du lac Huron. L a section de London & District, qui est basée à London, ON, est une section conjointe de la Société canadienne de génie L’année qui vient sera marquée par l’organisation du congrès annuel de la SCGC de 2016. La participation de divers organ- La section appuie nombre d’équipes et d’activités à l’Université Western, dont l’équipe du canot en béton, l’équipe du to- civil (SCGC) et de la Société canadienne de ismes d’ingénierie locaux, publics et privés, boggan en béton , le concours « Polar Stick géotechnique (SCG). L’exécutif de la section ainsi que de professeurs de l’Université Bridge », et la commandite du prix annuel entretient des liens étroits avec l’Université Western, permet d’anticiper un congrès dy- décerné par la SCGC à un étudiant excep- Western et comporte un échantillonnage, namique et global pour 2016. tionnel. L’exécutif se réjouit de la bonne d’industriels, de professeurs et d’étudiants de La saison 2013-2014 a démarré avec une performance de l’Université Western à la la région. Dans l’élaboration de notre pro- visite de la Tournée nationale de conférences course de toboggans en béton du grand nord gramme, nous essayons de tenir compte des portant sur le Bulletin canadien des infra- de 2014, qui est organisée par l’Université trois orientations stratégiques de la SCGC : structures, avec Reg Andres et Nick Larson. Western, du 29 janvier au 2 février 2014. améliorer les services aux membres ; croître avec Les autres sujets au programme pour l’année J’invite tous les intéressés à participer aux les jeunes ; assurer un leadership en matière de sont : le projet du tunnel Niagara ; une visite activités de la section. Consultez notre site développement durable. Cet effort est égale- du nouveau « WindEEE Research Institute » ; web à l’adresse www.csce-cgs-london.org. ¢ 6 Hiver 2013 | L’Ingénieur civil canadien 05CIV-RegionNews.indd 6 13-11-20 4:36 PM
THE STUDENT VOICE | LA VOIX DES ÉTUDIANTS New CSCE Student Chapter Formed at University of Victoria By Dr. Rishi Gupta, faculty advisor, and Simon Citerneschi and Alex Eichhorn, co-chairs, UVic Student Chapter A new student chapter of the Canadian Society for Civil Engi- neering has been formed at the University of Victoria. The student chapter kick-off event was held Sept. 12. It featured presen- tations by Kevin Baskin, MOTI (chair, Vancouver Island section, CSCE); Carl Wong, MOTI (young member coordinator, CSCE); Dr. Caterina Valeo, UVic (civil engineering program co-ordinator); and Dr. Rishi Gupta, UVic (treasurer, Western region, CSCE). The presentation included details about CSCE, membership ben- efits, and the formation of a new CSCE student chapter at UVic. It formally opened the floor for members of the civil engineering cohort to acquire membership and to develop the first executive committee. Currently, the newly elected executive committee is working to promote the student chapter among students and industry, as well as setting up events for the upcoming year. The first social event has already been concluded. Other events being considered for this term are a site tour of the Johnson Street Replacement Bridge in Victoria, a popsicle stick bridge building competition at the Uni- CSCE UVic Student Chapter Executive / L’exécutif du chapitre étudiant de la SCGC à l’UVic (2013-2014). L to R/ de gauche à droite : Kears Porttris, Andrew White-Deshamois, Usman Khan, Simon Citerneschi (co-chair/co-président), Stefanie Cutler, Alex Eichhorn (co-chair/ co-président), Teresa Cutler, Adham El Newihy, Kris Plata. Not in the photo/n’apparaissent pas sur la photo : Jacob Pez, Kristina Frolova, Dr. Rishi Gupta (faculty advisor/conseiller de faculté). Canadian Civil Engineer | Winter 2013 7 05CIVStudentNews-YoPro.indd 7 13-11-21 10:38 AM
THE STUDENT VOICE | LA VOIX DES ÉTUDIANTS versity of Victoria, and social gatherings ing connections and potential sponsorship region, Vancouver section and Vancouver exclusive to members, including networking from industry. Anyone interested in work- Island section for providing seed funding events and industry night. ing with the student chapter should write to for our chapter. The support of the National The student chapter is looking to connect csce@uvic.ca. The student chapter acknowl- office with our membership drive is also with fellow CSCE chapters as well as seek- edges the support from CSCE’s Western greatly appreciated. Un nouveau chapitre étudiant de la SCGC à l’Université de Victoria professeur Rishi Gupta, UVic (trésorier, ré- bâtons de popsicle à l’Université de Victoria, Par Rishi Gupta Ph.D., conseiller de gion de l’Ouest de la SCGC). et des rencontres sociales réservées aux mem- faculté, et Simon Citerneschi et Alex L’exposé comportait des détails sur la SCGC, bres, des activités de réseautage et des soirées Eichhorn, co-présidents, du chapitre les avantages offerts aux membres et la forma- avec des industriels. étudiant de l’UVic tion d’un nouveau chapitre étudiant à l’UVic. Le chapitre étudiant cherche à rejoindre les Il invitait les membres de la profession à devenir autres chapitres étudiants de la SCGCet à U n nouveau chapitre étudiant de la So- ciété canadienne de génie civil a été créé à l’Université de Victoria. L’activité de lance- membres et à créer le premier comité exécutif. En ce moment, le comité exécutif nouvelle- ment élu travaille à la promotion du chapitre établir des commandites avec l’industrie. Toute personne intéressée à travailler avec le chapitre étudiant peut s’adresser à csce@ ment du chapitre étudiant a eu lieu le 12 étudiant auprès des étudiants et de l’industrie uvic.ca. Le chapitre étudiant remercie pour septembre, avec un exposé de Kevin Baskin, ainsi qu’à l’organisation d’activités pour leur appui la région de l’Ouest de la SCGC, MOTI (président de la section de la SCGC de l’année qui vient. La première activité sociale la section de Vancouver et la section de l’île l’île de Vancouver) ; Carl Wong, MOTI (co- a déjà eu lieu. D’autres activités sont à l’étude de Vancouver, qui ont financé le lancement ordonnateur des jeunes membres de la SCGC) pour ce mandat, dont une visite au chantier de notre chapitre. Nous avons également ap- ; le professeur Caterina Valeo, UVic (coordon- pour le remplacement du pont de la rue précié l’aide de la permanence dans notre nateur du programme de génie civil ) ; et le Johnson, à Victoria, un concours de ponts en campagne de recrutement. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS’ CORNER | LE COIN DES JEUNES PROFESSIONELS Young Professionals Across Canada: Western Region By Nigel Parker, EIT, als and students in an informal setting took M.Eng, LEED AP place on the evening of September 25, 2013. BD+C, AMCSCE The two chapters would also like to co-host a CHAIR, CSCE YOUNG tour later this year. The Calgary YP vision for PROFESSIONALS this upcoming season is to bring together COMMITTEE young professionals from different back- grounds; to connect with students that are the I n the second of our series of articles featuring highlights of Young Professional (YP) events held, or to be held, we feature the Alberta sec- future; and to build long lasting professional relationships. -- Chelsea Smolka, EIT, AMCSCE tions of the Western region. Edmonton CSCE Edmonton YoPro committee members. Calgary To finish off the 2012/2013 season, the Ed- / Les membres du comité « YoPro » The Calgary Young Professionals chapter has monton Young Professionals “YoPros” spent d’Edmonton. Photo : Matthew Lui been collaborating with the student chapter at a Sunday afternoon at the Telus World of the University of Calgary on events this fall. Science, watching Rocky Mountain Express planned for the 2013/2014 season are a Speed A mixer that brought together new profession- in IMAX. Some of the major events that are Mentoring session, which will give the op- 8 Hiver 2013 | L’Ingénieur civil canadien 05CIVStudentNews-YoPro.indd 8 13-11-20 4:43 PM
YOUNG PROFESSIONALS’ CORNER | LE COIN DES JEUNES PROFESSIONELS portunity for the YoPros to interact and pick emas” to present a topic related to a smaller If you are interested in getting involved or the brains of some our professionals. As well, branch of civil engineering, Biomechanical. want more information about any of the events we have teamed up with “Science in the Cin- -- Matthew Lui, EIT, AMCSCE above, please get in touch: nparker@rjc.ca Les jeunes professionnels à travers le pays : Région de l’Ouest D ans ce deuxième article de notre série sur les activités des jeunes profession- nels prévues ou réalisées, nous nous attardons conjointement une visite au cours de l’année. Les plans de la section des jeunes profession- nels de Calgary consistent à réunir des jeunes des principales activités prévues pour 2013/2014, mentionnons une séance de « Speed Mentoring », qui donnera l’occasion sur les sections albertaines de la région de de différents horizons pour faire le lien avec aux jeunes professionnels d’interagir et de l’Ouest. les étudiants, qui représentent l’avenir, et de profiter de l’expérience de certaines de nos créer des relations professionnelles durables. professionnels. Nous nous sommes également Calgary -- Chelsea Smolka, EIT, MASCGC associés à « Science in the Cinemas » pour Le chapitre des jeunes professionnels de Cal- exposer un sujet relié à un secteur plus re- gary collabore avec le chapitre étudiant de Edmonton streint du génie civil, la biomécanique. l’Université de Calgary au cours de Pour clore la saison 2012/2013, les jeunes -- Matthew Lui, EIT, MASCGC l’automne. Une réception a réuni les nou- professionnels d’Edmonton (YoPros) ont veaux professionnels et les étudiants, dans un passé un dimanche après-midi au « Telus Si vous désirez participer ou si vous désirez cadre intime, le soir du 25 septembre 2013. World of Science » pour regarder « Rocky avoir plus de renseignements sur les activités Les deux chapitres espèrent aussi organiser Mountain Express » en IMAX. Au nombre ci-dessus, adressez-vous à nparker@rjc.ca BREAKING GROUND. BUILDING FUTURES. Pile Driving Installation Pre-Drill Services Pipe Sales Welding Services Heavy Hauling Design-Build Engineering Services FORCEPILEDRIVING.COM | 1.888.277.2133 Canadian Civil Engineer | Winter 2013 9 05CIVStudentNews-YoPro.indd 9 13-11-20 4:43 PM
IN MEMORIAM By Saeed Mirza, clarity of vision and engineering skills. sign. The prestigious Gzowski and Leipholz P.Eng., Ph.D., After brief assignments with the Royal medals are among the numerous honours FCSCE Navy and the University of London, Dr. and awards conferred upon him; he was also Jaeger joined McGill University as a full a recipient of the Order of Canada. W ith great sad- ness, CSCE learned of the pass- professor in 1962. His academic career continued as dean of engineering at the Uni- versity of New Brunswick, followed by senior Dr. Jaeger’s intellect, leadership quali- ties, sense of humour and warmth attracted graduate students from around the world. Dr. Leslie ing of past-president appointments at Acadia University and the He had a rare knack for reducing complex Gordon Jaeger Leslie Gordon Jaeger, Technical University of Nova Scotia. concepts to the simplest terms, and could (1926-2013) BA, MA (Cantab.), During his career, Dr. Jaeger was actively get students to clearly understand and apply Ph.D, D.Sc., Univer- involved with CSCE and NSERC. He was these concepts. sity of London, on August 20, 2013. He is CSCE president in 1992-93, and was chair Dr. Jaeger was dedicated to developing survived by his wife, Kathleen, and daughters, of the NSERC Cooperative Research Op- strong international exchange programs be- Valerie (Michael) and Hilary (Christopher), portunities Committee. He was a visionary tween CSCE and sister societies, especially and grandchildren Marc (Courteney) and Al- Founding Member of ISIS, and initiator of those in developing countries. In addition, his exandra, niece Merrill and nephews David, many useful research projects for the net- strong ties with his former students led to his Ian and Roger, and relatives and friends. work. He was a Fellow of the Canadian involvement in lecture tours, seminars, confer- Dr. Jaeger was unique in his ability to Society for Civil Engineering, Canadian ences and interesting projects in India, China combine applied mathematics and applied Academy of Engineering, Engineering In- and Pakistan. This interest was recognized by mechanics with his exceptional expertise in stitute of Canada, and The Royal Society his appointment as honorary professor of civil advanced structural analysis, earthquake en- of Edinburgh. Carleton University, Memo- engineering at Tongji University in China, gineering and highway bridge design. He used rial University of Newfoundland, Technical and as honorary president of the Usman In- his extensive knowledge as technical editor of University of Nova Scotia and Dalhousie stitute of Technology, Pakistan. the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code, University conferred their honorary doctor- Leslie Jaeger was an exceptional person, a and its successor the Canadian Highway ate degrees on him for his exemplary lifetime daring and brilliant researcher, a truly out- Bridge Design Code. In addition, Leslie Jae- contributions to engineering and the society. standing engineer, and an exemplary and ger was a brilliant researcher and an excellent Professor Jaeger was the author or co- caring teacher, who was always well ahead of professional engineer, who could visualize author of nine books and more than 180 the times. He was a tremendous mentor and, difficult engineering problems and find safe refereed articles on earthquake engineering, above all, a most considerate friend to many. and sustainable solutions, demonstrating his advanced structural analysis and bridge de- He will be dearly missed. ¢ WE DO IT ALL CORROSION PROTECTION & SEALING SYSTEMS YOU CAN DEPEND ON Extend Structure Life, Reduce Maintenance & Repair Costs • for industrial steelwork, pipework & road surfaces • above & below ground pipe, valves, fittings & steel www.densona.com Toronto • Edmonton • offshore marine piling protection Denso North America Inc. • road, bridge, airport & asphalt applications 90 Ironside Cres. Unit 12 Toronto, ON M1X 1M3 A member of Winn & Coales International. Tel: 416.291.3435 Fax: 416.291.0898 10 Hiver 2013 | L’Ingénieur civil canadien 05CIVtribute.indd 10 13-11-20 4:47 PM
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IN VIEW: PROJECTS | PROJETS EN VEDETTE Hodder Avenue Underpass An innovative bridge near Thunder Bay, Ontario, incorporates ultra-high-performance concrete in both its precast elements and field-cast connections. By Vic Perry, FCSCE, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. UHPC used for this project, “Ductal,” is also supplied by Lafarge.) DUCTAL / LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA It is the first project in North America to incorporate a precast UHPC pier cap and stay-in-place pier column shells. The underpass T he Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) has embarked on an aggressive four-laning project in northwestern Ontario that involves construction of about 30 kilometres of new highway and up to also has precast high-performance concrete (HPC) box girders, abut- ment caps, ballast walls, sidewalks/parapet walls, slope paving panels and approach slabs. All connections were field-cast using UHPC. 30 structures in an area with extremely rugged terrain. Part of this proj- ect is a new “parclo” interchange that includes the recently constructed Pier cap beam incorporated into superstructure Hodder Avenue Underpass on Highway 11/17: a two-span structure In consideration of the aesthetic requirements, a unique design concept that spans six lanes of traffic and is founded on a combination of hard was developed whereby the pier cap beam was incorporated into the till and bedrock. The spans, each 33.5 metres long, are supported on a superstructure, making it appear to be integral with the box girders centre pier and two false abutments. and providing a frame that seems to go directly into the superstruc- Due to the location and harsh environment, the project required ture. This aesthetic design feature is achievable with conventional structural quality, superior durability and speedy construction. Aes- post-tensioned cast-in-place superstructures, but is extremely difficult thetics were important too since it is the first structure one encounters to achieve using prefabricated elements. Other challenges were the when approaching the City of Thunder Bay, and, considering its close relatively shallow superstructure in which to incorporate the main proximity to the Terry Fox monument, MTO wanted an attractive pier cap/cross beam, and the analytical complexity of two-way behav- structure that would complement the surrounding landscape. iour created by the continuous box girders intersecting the transverse To meet the requirements, the project team developed an innova- cross beam. In the final configuration, the pier cap/cross beam had to tive modular construction approach with extensive use of precast become integral with the box girders and provide a continuous span and ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC). Almost all structural between the piers and cantilever at each end. Photos: Lafarge Canada elements were pre-fabricated at Lafarge’s plant in Winnipeg, then The main pier cap was redesigned using prestressed UHPC with assembled on-site and connected with field-cast UHPC joints. (The a characteristic design compressive strength of 150 MPa, resulting Completed bridge. Inset: Underside of UHPC pier column shell and pier cap. 12 Hiver 2013 | L’Ingénieur civil canadien 05CIVHodderUnderpass.indd 12 13-11-20 4:38 PM
IN VIEW: PROJECTS | PROJETS EN VEDETTE Centre photo and line drawing: HMM in a total of three pier columns, instead of projects for field-cast connections between the four columns in the initial design using precast elements. By employing this tech- 60-MPa concrete. The pier cap is actually an nology and eliminating post-tensioning inverted-T beam, embedded between two for precast elements, designers can greatly spans. This feature presented significant simplify the precast panel fabrication and technical challenges because the geometry installation processes. This simplified design limits the T-beam’s depth and cross-sectional provides the owner with improved tolerances, area to only about 50% and 25%, respective- reduced risk, increased speed of construction, ly, of the average depth and cross-sectional T-beam prior to installation. construction cost savings, and a more dura- area of conventional pier caps. The challenge ble, longer-lasting bridge solution. was overcome by precasting the pier cap entirely with UHPC, and Overall, the successful completion of this project involved a strong strengthening the pre-tensioning design to take full advantage of the collaborative partnership including the owner, engineer, UHPC sup- ultra-high strength of the material. plier and precaster. The result is a resilient, elegant bridge structure During the winter months, the stay-in-place UHPC pier column — built to endure the harshest conditions and to still look good for shells will be frequently exposed to vehicle salt sprays. Since UHPC years to come. is extremely low in porosity and has a high durability against chlo- ride ingress, its incorporation into the pier columns results in far more durable elements. A customized UHPC shell was therefore designed to act as a non-structural form that could be filled with standard reinforced concrete on-site. In addition to their durability, the octagon-shaped UHPC shell pier columns have flared tops to enhance the structure’s aesthetic appeal. Manufacture and erection of columns Manufacturing the column shells proved to be a challenge due to Left: formwork detail for UHPC joint. Right: UHPC joint connection. their height (8.35 m) and complex shape. Hence, they were cast on a 15-degree angle, using an inner and outer steel formwork. The mate- rial was placed slowly from the top of the column through an inlet In 2013, the Hodder Avenue Underpass project won: a Precast/ funnel. The inner steel mould was self-collapsing to allow for initial Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Design Award; a PCI Harry H. Ed- shrinkage of the UHPC during setting. wards Industry Advancement Award; and an Ontario Concrete Award. ¢ The pier column shells were erected to act as leave-in-place forms for the cast-in-place columns. To properly position them, the origi- V.H. (Vic) Perry, FCSCE, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. is a former president (2010) nal steel casting forms were shipped to the site and wrapped around of CSCE and currently vice-president and general manager of Ductal, the precast shells before the concrete infill placement. In addition, a Lafarge North America, based in Calgary. Email him at: ductal@la- robust steel support structure was necessary to support the UHPC farge.com or visit www.ductal-lafarge.com pier column shells and main pier cap until the concrete box girders had been placed. Then, the entire superstructure was made composite This article is based on an article co-authored by Vic Perry: “Hodder Avenue with the pier cap by field-casting UHPC into the connections and Underpass – A New Prefabricated Bridge Solution Utilizing Ultra-High the robust steel support structure was removed. Performance Concrete,” presented at the 2013 CSCE Annual Conference. Benefits in durabilty, aesthetics and construction The Hodder Avenue Underpass used advanced concrete materials OWNER: The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and a unique, modular construction approach in order to meet rigid BRIDGE DESIGN ENGINEERS: Hatch Mott MacDonald design and durability requirements. When UHPC is used for both CONTRACTOR: Teranorth Construction precast elements and field-cast connections, the result can be innova- UHPC SUPPLIER, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND PRECASTER: tive, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Lafarge Canada Ultra-high performance concrete is increasingly specified in bridge Canadian Civil Engineer | Winter 2013 13 05CIVHodderUnderpass.indd 13 13-11-20 5:27 PM
IN VIEW: PROJECTS | PROJETS EN VEDETTE North Channel Bridge Replacement To replace a bridge that connects the city of Cornwall in Ontario to New York State, a launched-girder erection technique was used in order to minimize the environmental risks. By Dominique Blouin, P.Eng., launching and the leveling of the bridge on its bearings after the STRUCTAL-BRIDGES launch completion. Structal-Bridges was also responsible for the design and fabrication of 20 Goodco Z-Tech structural bearings T he North Channel Bridge, which spans the Saint Lawrence Seaway between Canada and the U.S., connects the City of Cornwall and Cornwall Island in Ontario to the State of New York. composed of 12 PF-Series fixed pot bearings installed at piers 1, 2 and 3, and 8 PMG-series unidirectional pot bearings for the abut- ments. Structal-Bridges also performed all the engineering required The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, which owns the bridge, to execute the launches, including the verification of structural efforts awarded the contract to replace the aging structure to general con- at each phase and the engineering of all launching system elements. tractor Aecon Group Inc., who in turn selected Structal-Bridges, a The 1,800 Imperial tons of steel components that form the super- division of Canam Group Inc., to fabricate and erect the new steel structure were fabricated at the Canam Group plant in Quebec City. superstructure. The bridge design was entrusted to engineering firm Structal-Bridges’ expertise was brought to bear in all aspects of this McCormick Rankin, a member of MMM Group. project, from the complex fabrication and handling of the girders, to The new 335-metre (1,100 ft.) bridge, which will replace the existing the transportation of the oversized components to the erection site 1962 structure, is expected to be completed in 2016. It features four located some 400 kilometres away. spans composed of 20 box girders, each measuring 4.18 metres (13.75 ft.) wide, 3.3 metres (10.85 ft.) high and weighing a maximum of 95 New launching technique using counterweights Imperial tons. Conventional bridge building methods normally involve the construc- Structal-Bridges’ mandate included the fabrication, delivery and tion of jetties in the water or the use of barges to support high-capacity assembly of the structure at the erection site and the incremental cranes. In the case of the North Channel Bridge replacement project, 14 Hiver 2013 | L’Ingénieur civil canadien 05CIVNorthChannel.indd 14 13-11-20 4:40 PM
IN VIEW: PROJECTS | PROJETS EN VEDETTE Photos courtesy: Structal-Bridges The lightweight launching nose has a sloped bottom chord to allow View from inside the launching nose in cantilever. the girders to land on the piers without the use of lifting equipment. the incremental launched-girder erection technique was chosen in order For the second launch, the box girder and launching nose assembly to minimize the environmental risks associated with conducting opera- measured over 116 metres (380 ft.), and the tipping operation was tions in the channel’s powerful currents. With this method, portions of performed over the water, leaving very little room to manoeuvre. It the bridge components are assembled behind an abutment and pulled was therefore crucial to properly guide the structure so that once the over the water until the structure reaches the opposite shoreline. As a assembly had touched down, the extremities of the two launching result, no transitional work was performed in the river itself during the nose girders were perfectly centered on the supports. erection process. In addition, the assembly of the structure was carried In addition to the development of this groundbreaking technique, out at ground level on the northern shore, thus reducing the risk of the simultaneous launch of two box girders required Structal-Bridges accidents and optimizing productivity at the site. to gather data on an ongoing basis in order to validate the anticipated One of the particular features of the new structure is that it was stress in the structure throughout the launching operations. Critical erected below the existing bridge, thus limiting the amount of space considerations, such as the reaction of supports, vertical deflection available to assemble the sections prior to the launches. A temporary and the lateral displacement of structural elements, were continu- pier was built near the northern shoreline, at the edge of the assembly ously analyzed on site by the engineering team. Specialized systems area, to be able to achieve the minimum required assembly length. composed of rollers and guide rails were designed and installed on To minimize structural efforts during the launches, Structal-Bridges each pier to limit the structure’s lateral movements. The roller system designed a specialized launching nose weighing less than the sections was also equipped with a leveling mechanism in order to properly dis- themselves that was installed in front of the structure in order to pull tribute the reactions under each box girder and ensure the adequate the assemblies into place. transfer of loads to the bridge foundations. ¢ Given the restricted assembly area, only two box girder segments could be assembled ahead of each launch. Also, due to the sloped bot- Dominique Blouin, P.Eng. is construction and business development tom flange of the launching nose and the horizontal bottom flange of manager with Structal-Bridges. the box girders, it was impossible to roll on the girders and launching nose simultaneously during the first two phases of the launch. To solve this problem, Structal-Bridges elaborated an exclusive technique PROJECT: North Channel Bridge replacement, Cornwall, Ontario that consists in rolling the structure and then tipping the launching OWNER: The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited nose to complete the first two increments of the launch. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Aecon Group Inc. This technique relies on the use of counterweights installed at the ENGINEERING DESIGN: McCormick Rankin Corporation/MMM Group back of the assembled structure in order to undertake the first few BRIDGE FABRICATION & ERECTION: Structal-Bridges (Dominique metres of the pull. Just before the tipping point is reached (equivalent Blouin, P.Eng.,Gaétan Losier, P.Eng., Raphaël Gagné, Jr. Eng.) weight both behind and in front of the main support), the counter- OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Roche Ltd., Consulting Group (engineering weights are removed in order to allow the assembly to touch down structure analysis); Montacier International (manpower at jobsite). gently on the launching nose girders. Canadian Civil Engineer | Winter 2013 15 05CIVNorthChannel.indd 15 13-11-20 4:40 PM
SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE | LES INFRASTRUCTURES DURABLES St. Charles River Clean-Up and Naturalization Nick Larson, MEPP, P.Eng. Society: The basins improved the ability to use the river for recreation activities, enhanc- A t CSCE’s Annual Conference in Mon- treal earlier this year, the Award for Governmental Leadership in Sustainable ing the historically poor appearance of the river that had been caused by the high level of pollution. However, the city also took the Infrastructure was awarded to La Ville de opportunity to construct an extensive park Québec (City of Quebec) for its project to and trail network. revitalize a stretch of the St. Charles Riv- Resources: The excavated materials from er. From CSCE’s perspective, sustainable the construction of the retention basins were infrastructure needs to consider the eco- used to produce 65,000 m2 of wildlife habitat nomic, social and environmental factors that with natural vegetation. are influenced by the project along its entire Planning, decision-making and leadership: life cycle. The St. Charles River project is a The city also took the bold step to leverage premier example of how all of these factors the project to revitalize the Pointe-aux-Lièvres were taken into account. neighbourhood. The new green space of the Environment: The project included the Parc Cartier-Brebeuf and the adjacent river construction of retention basins that capture has become the focal point of a vibrant com- The banks of the St. Charles River, before and store excess wastewater flows during wet munity that will be a place that families can (above) and after (below)./ Berges de la weather periods. These basins allow for 95% live, work and play for generations to come. rivière St-Charles (avant/après). of wastewater flows to be treated, greatly In the next issue of CIVIL we will use improving water quality in the St. Charles this column to discuss CSCE’s new award River. The project also included the natural- guidelines that will be used in the submission ization of the river and shoreline to restore process for the 2014 Award for Governmen- the natural ecosystem. tal Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure. Clean-up of the St. Charles River, phases 2 & 3 T he St. Charles is a river located in the heart of Quebec City, in one of the most ancient areas of this historic city. The In order to alleviate the impact of such overflows, the most efficient and affordable solution was the construction of seven under- the “water traffic” in order to optimize the accumulation of water. The project was designed to control the over- objectives at the start of this project were to ground holding basins capable of receiving a flow to the river, re-naturalize the banks of the facilitate access to the river, to conserve the total volume of 85,000 m³. river by demolishing the concrete walls in the quality of the environment and to improve These basins, as well as various other di- urban section of the river, and reconstruct nat- the quality of life for residents. version works, are entirely controlled by ural banks with provisions for wildlife habitat. Before the project, the St. Charles River a management system operating in real The project was budgeted at $110 million was practically an open sewer because of time. Based on predictive data analysed by and was built within budget and according the state of the water. Whenever there was the Csoft computer program, instructions to schedule. The success of this important heavy rainfall, the rain would engorge the are analysed to decide towards which basin project can doubtless be attributed to the sewer system and the water treatment plants. the system should direct the wave of water close cooperation of all stakeholders and to Every summer, strong rains would cause be- building in the sewer. If necessary, the opera- the rigid discipline of all participants. tween 50 and 60 overflows of the city’s sewer tor remotely opens or closes the floodgates -- Ville de Québec, submission for CSCE system, which flowed towards the St. Charles strategically located throughout the system, Award for Governmental Leadership in Sus- River. which amounts to real-time management of tainable Infrastructure 16 Hiver 2013 | L’Ingénieur civil canadien 05CIVSustainable.indd 16 13-11-20 4:44 PM
SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE | LES INFRASTRUCTURES DURABLES Le nettoyage et la naturalisation de la rivière Saint-Charles Nick Larson, MEPP, ing. la naturalisation de la rivière et de ses rives afin de restaurer l’écosystème naturel. Construction of a reservoir / Construction L ors du congrès annuel de la SCGC, à Montréal, le prix pour leadership gouver- nemental en matière d’infrastructures durables La société : les bassins améliorent la capacité à utiliser la rivière à des fins de loisirs, amélio- rent l’apparence traditionnellement mauvaise d’un réservoir Pointe-aux-Lièvres. Le nouvel espace vert du a été décerné à la ville de Québec pour son pro- de la rivière, causée par le haut niveau de pol- parc Cartier-Brébeuf et de la rivière adjacente jet de revitalisation d’une section de la rivière lution. Toutefois, la ville a également profité est devenu le cœur d’une communauté bien Saint-Charles. Dans l’optique de la SCGC, les de l’occasion pour aménager un grand parc et vivante et deviendra un lieu apprécié où des infrastructures durables doivent tenir compte un important réseau de sentiers. familles pourront vivre, travailler et jouer des facteurs économiques, sociaux et envi- Les ressources : le matériel excavé pour la pendant des générations. ronnementaux qui sont influencés par le projet construction des bassins de rétention a été Dans le prochain numéro de CIVIL nous tout au long de son cycle de vie. Le projet de la utilisé pour produire 65,000 mètres carrés discuterons des nouveaux critères de GCSC rivière Saint-Charles est un exemple de la façon d’habitat pour la faune, avec une végétation qui seront utilisés pour l’attribution du prix dont ces facteurs ont été pris en considération. naturelle. pour leadership gouvernemental en matière L’environnement : le projet inclut la con- La planification, la prise de décision et d’infrastructures durables, en 2014. struction de bassins de rétention qui captent et le leadership : la entreposent les eaux usées pendant les périodes ville a également pluvieuses. Ces bassins permettent de traiter pris l’audacieuse environ 95 % des eaux usées, ce qui améliore décision de se ser- énormément la qualité de l’eau de la rivière vir du projet pour Saint-Charles River. Le projet comporte aussi revitaliser le secteur Assainissement de la rivière Saint-Charles, phases 2 et 3 L a rivière Saint-Charles est un cours d’eau situé au cœur du centre urbain de Québec dans les quartiers les plus anciens. Les objec- tifs de départ qui sont à l’origine de ce projet étaient de rendre l’accès à la rivière plus convivial, de préserver la qualité de l’environnement et l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des résidents. Avant la réalisation de ce projet, la rivière Saint-Charles, en rai- son de l’état de ses eaux, était pratiquement un égout à ciel ouvert. Lorsqu’il pleuvait abondamment, les précipitations engorgeaient le réseau d’égouts et surtout les usines de traitement d’eau. Chaque année, en saison estivale, des épisodes de précipitations abondantes provoquaient entre 50 et 60 déversements des trop-pleins du réseau d’égouts unitaire de la ville vers la rivière Saint-Charles. Afin de minimiser les impacts des débordements, la solution la plus Suite à la page 25 Canadian Civil Engineer | Winter 2013 17 05CIVSustainable.indd 17 13-11-20 4:45 PM
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