Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail

La page est créée Sylvain Meunier
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
Engineering Practice:
     Civil Engineers in the Workplace
               La pratique du génie :
l’ingénieur civil en milieu de travail

                    spring / printemps
                                   2010   27.1
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
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Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
                                                                                                                       page 12
                                                                                                                       Career Development — A Personal Perspective
                                                                                                                       page 14
                                                                                                                       The New Civil Engineer
                        14                                                                                             page 18
                                                                                                                       Responsible and Registered: The Value of the
                                                                                                                       Engineering Licence in a Changing World
                                                                                                                       page 22
                                                                                                                       Foreign Competition: A Challenge to Canadian Engineering

                                                                                          4     from the editors / mot des rédacteurs
                                                                                          6     presidential perspective / perspective présidentielle
                                                                                          8     profiles / profils
                                                                                          10 membership matters / question d’appartenance
                                                                                          21 the career development committee / le comité de perfectionnement

                         18                                                               21 lifelong learning / l’éducation permanente
                                                                                          25 coming events / calendrier des activités
                                                                                          28 history notes / notes historiques
                    A P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R C A N S E E W H AT O T H E R S C A N ’ T.

cence means they have the education and experience to give them a more comprehensive perspective.
al engineer is committed to public safety and health, and to the highest standards set by the profession.

N G. C A F O R M O R E R E A S O N S W H Y H I R I N G A P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R P R O V I D E S A N E X C E L L E N T R E T U R N O N YO U R I N V E S T M E N T.

Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
From the editors / Mot des rédacte urs
                                                                  louise newman  louise @csce .ca
                                                                  Brian C. Burrell  P.Eng., FCSCE—Chair , CSCE Career Develop ment Comm ittee; P résident
                                                                  Dé veloppement Professionnel .


                                                                        his issue of CIVIL is on the theme          ranking in the 1950s and 1960s. The public
The Canadian Civil Engineer (CCE) ISSN 9825-7515
is published bi-monthly by the Canadian Society for                     of Engineering Practice: Civil              no longer perceives engineering as one of
Civil Engineering (CSCE).                                               Engineers in the Workplace.                 the top five professions in Canada, and its
L’Ingénieur civil canadien (ICC) ISSN 9825-7515 est            Practising engineers in consulting firms,            ranking among the professions probably
publié bi-mensuellement par la Société canadienne              government offices, and industry are the             would have fallen further if not for the
de génie civil (SCGC).
                                                               core of the profession. Therefore, learned           influx of immigrants from countries where
                  CSCE / SCGC                                  societies, such as the CSCE, need to                 engineering is still held in high esteem.
                  4920 de Maisonneuve W., Suite 201
                  Montréal, QC H3Z 1N1
                                                               address issues related to the civil engineer-        There are hopeful signs that Canadian engi-
                  Tel: 514-933-2634 Fax: 514-933-3504          ing practice.                                        neering associations are becoming increas-
                  E-mail:                            The intrinsic nature of engineering as an         ingly aware of the need to promote the
                                                               applied science is the use of knowledge for          profession.
CSCE Office / Office de la SCGC                                  practical ends. Despite this, engineering               Civil engineers in essence sell knowledge,
President / Président
Gordon Jin, P.Eng., FCSCE (St. Johns, NL)                      learned associations traditionally empha-            and this knowledge only has a commercial
Senior Vice-President / Vice-président senior
                                                               sized engineering education over workplace           value if deemed worth purchasing by a
Vic Perry, P.Eng., FCSCE (Calgary, AB)                         issues. The intent of engineering education          client. If potential clients are unsure what
                                                               is to provide qualified engineers who can            civil engineers provide relevant to other
CCE Board / Conseil de l’ICC
CSCE Publications Committee Chair                              successfully practice civil engineering for          groups or if they believe other professions
Présidente, Comité des publications de la SCGC                 the betterment of society. It is the applica-        have more appropriate, relevant or updated
Dagmar Svecova, MCSCE (Winnipeg, MB)
                                                               tion of knowledge not its acquisition that           knowledge, then they will seek expertise
CCE Editor / Rédactrice de l’ICC
Louise Newman (Montréal, QC)
                                                               ultimately is important.                             elsewhere. This applies not only to the con-
                                                                  The status of the engineering profession          sulting community but also to employer-
Editorial Committee Members / Membres du comité éditorial
David Lau, P.Eng., FCSCE (Ottawa, ON)                          in Canada has fallen relevant to law and             employee relationships.
O. Burkan Isgor, Ph.D., P.Eng., MCSCE (Ottawa, ON)             medicine, with which it had a comparable
Annual Subscription Rates / Abonnement annuel
Canada & U.S.A. $35.00

other countries / autres pays $45.00
single copy / au numéro $7.50                                            e présent numéro de L’ICC est con-         public ne perçoit plus le génie comme étant
agency discount / rabais aux distributeurs 10%                           sacré au thème la pratique du génie :      l’une des cinq plus hautes professions au
Design / Production                                                      l’ ingénieur civil en milieu de travail.   Canada, et le statut de la profession serait
AN Design Communications (Ottawa, ON)                          Les praticiens au service des ingénieurs-­           probablement tombé encore plus bas sans
613-744-0444                                                   conseils, des gouvernements et de l’industrie        l’arrivée d’immigrants issus de pays où le
                                                               représentent le cœur de la profession. C’est         génie jouit toujours de la faveur publique. Il
Advertising / Publicité                                        pourquoi les sociétés savantes comme la              y a des indices encourageants selon lesquels
Dovetail Communications Inc.
T: 905-886-6640                                                SCGC doivent se préoccuper des problèmes             les associations regroupant la profession
F: 905-886-6615                                                reliés à la pratique du génie.                       sont de plus en plus conscientes de la néces-
Janet Jeffery 905-886-6641 ext. 329
                                                                   L’utilisation du savoir à des fins pratiques     sité de faire la promotion de la profession.
                                                               constitue la nature intrinsèque de cette                Au fond, l’ingénieur civil vend un savoir,
The opinions expressed in the papers are solely those of the   ­science appliquée qu’est le génie. Malgré           et ce savoir n’a de valeur commerciale que
authors and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering is
not responsible for the statements made in this publication.    cette réalité, les sociétés savantes du secteur     dans la mesure où un client désire acheter
                                                                du génie ont toujours privilégié les questions      ce savoir. Si des clients en puissance sont
Les opinions exprimées dans les articles sont la seule
responsabilité de leurs auteurs et la Société canadienne de
                                                                de formation plutôt que les questions reliées       incertains quant à ce qu’offre le génie, com-
génie civil n’engage pas sa responsabilité dans les propos      au milieu de travail. Le but de la formation        parativement à d’autres professions, ou s’ils
exprimés.                                                       est de produire des ingénieurs diplômés en          pensent que d’autres professions offrent un
All commentaries and questions about this publication           mesure de pratiquer efficacement le génie           savoir plus pertinent, plus approprié ou plus
should be forwarded to the Editor:                              pour le mieux-être de la société. En dernière       à jour, ces clients iront vers d’autres savoirs.
Pour vos commentaires ou de plus amples informations,
contacte la rédactrice :                                        analyse, c’est la mise en œuvre du savoir qui       Ceci est valable pour le génie-conseil comme
Louise Newman, 514-933-2634 ext. 23              est importante, et non son acquisition.             pour les relations employeur-employés.
Return Address / Adresse de retour :                               Le statut de la profession au Canada a              Employeurs et clients appuient les pro-
The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering                      diminué par rapport au droit et à la méde-          fessions qui, selon eux, offrent des services
La Société canadienne de génie civil
4920 de Maisonneuve W., Suite 201                               cine, alors que ce statut était comparable          comparables, surtout si elles coûtent moins
Montréal, QC H3Z 1N1                                            dans les années cinquante et soixante. Le           cher. D’autres professions ont ­graduellement
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
Employers and clients will employ and         of other professions or occupations to do            Ken Peck provides the benefit of 30 years
support the profession or occupations they       this work.                                        of experience in his article. He highlights
consider have comparable skills, especially if      Engineering underemployment and                the changes in the workplace he experienced
cost savings may accrue. Other professions       cyclical unemployment in different sectors        during his career.
and occupations have occupied gradually          of civil engineering seem to be subjects             In their article, Alan Perks and Reg
the fringe areas (sometimes called the gray      largely ignored by engineering associations.      Andres describe how social, economic and
areas of civil engineering practise) thereby     Employment issues of civil engineers need         financial pressures affect the set of skills
gradually eroding the scope of civil engi-       to be better studied and the demand (rela-        and abilities that civil engineers need in the
neering practise. The loss of peripheral areas   tive to supply) for civil engineers, both in      workplace.
of engineering work may eventually lead          the short term and long term, needs better           In his article, William Meyer reminds
to a loss of employment opportunities for        quantification.                                   us that the holders of a professional licence
engineering graduates, particularly during          Although individual engineers may be           are legally and morally responsible for the
economic downturns.                              able to isolate themselves from societal          safety of their work.
   Many of these soft engineering topics         change, the profession as a whole cannot.            Rishi Gupta and Brian Burrell con-
relate to the management of infrastruc-          The individual engineer may be able to            tend the future success of Canadian civil
ture and resources. These include traffic        afford being uninvolved with professional         engineering in the international market
management, water resources planning and         issues, but collectively such an attitude is      for engineering services requires market
management, urban planning, and trans-           detrimental to the future of civil engineer-      research, strategy development, and finan-
portation planning. These “management            ing in Canada.                                    cial investment.
functions” often involve decision-making            The authors of the four articles in this          Practising engineers need to be
that directly affects engineering, such as       issue on civil engineering practice take dif-     involved with the professional associa-
infrastructure prioritization and budgeting,     fering approaches to the subject of civil         tions. The CSCE provides opportunities
and the individuals holding these positions      engineers in the workplace, but each article      to serve on committees, such as the Career
often become the higher-paid supervisors of      provides insights and perspectives that           Development Committee, for the better-
engineers. Some civil engineers still work in    deserve further consideration and discus-         ment of the profession.                    n
these areas, the trend is towards the hiring     sion within the profession.

occupé certaines zones limites (parfois             Le sous-emploi des ingénieurs et le               Ken Peck profite de ses 30 années
appelées les zones grises de la pratique du      chômage cyclique dans divers secteurs du          d’expérience pour commenter les change-
génie), réduisant ainsi le champ du génie        génie civil semblent des sujets oubliés par       ments qu’il a vécus dans le milieu de travail.
civil. La perte de ces zones périphériques       les associations d’ingénieurs. Le dossier des        Alan Perks et Reg Andres décrivent
pourrait éventuellement provoquer une            débouchés pour les ingénieurs civils mérite       comment les pressions de nature sociale,
perte d’emplois pour les diplômés en génie,      plus d’attention, et la demande (par rapport      économique et financière affectent les quali-
surtout lorsque la conjoncture économique        à l’offre) pour les ingénieurs civils doit être   fications dont l’ingénieur civil a besoin en
est mauvaise.                                    évaluée de façon plus précise.                    milieu de travail.
   Plusieurs de ces secteurs sont reliés à          Même si chaque ingénieur civil, au                William Meyer nous rappelle que les
la gestion des infrastructures et des res-       niveau personnel, est en mesure d’éviter les      détenteurs d’un permis de pratique profes-
sources, comme le contrôle de la circula-        conséquences des mutations de la société,         sionnelle ont une responsabilité morale et
tion, la planification et la gestion de l’eau,   l’ensemble de la profession ne peut s’y sous-     juridique en ce qui a trait à la sécurité de
l’aménagement urbain et la planification         traire. L’ingénieur civil, peut, à titre indi-    leurs œuvres.
des transports. Ces « fonctions de ges-          viduel, se permettre de ne pas s’occuper             Rishi Gupta et Brian Burrell soutiennent
tion » comportent souvent des décisions          des enjeux professionnels, mais une telle         que le succès futur du génie civil canadien
qui affectent directement le génie, comme        attitude, pour l’ensemble de la profession,       sur le marché international des services de
l’établissement des priorités et des budgets     ne peut que nuire à l’avenir de la profession     génie exige des recherches de marché, une
en matière d’infrastructure, et les détenteurs   au Canada.                                        stratégie de développement et un investisse-
de ces fonctions deviennent souvent les             Les auteurs des quatre articles publiés        ment financier.
superviseurs (mieux payés) des ingénieurs.       dans ce numéro portant sur la pratique de            Les praticiens doivent participer à la vie
Certains ingénieurs civils travaillent tou-      la profession examinent divers aspects qui        de leurs associations professionnelles. La
jours dans ces domaines, bien que la ten-        méritent plus d’attention de la part de la        SCGC leur donne l’occasion d’être mem-
dance actuelle soit d’embaucher d’autres         profession.                                       bres de comités comme le comité de perfec-
professions pour ces travaux.                                                                      tionnement afin d’améliorer l’avenir de la
                                                                                                   profession.                               n

                                                                                      Printemps 2010 • l’ingénieur CIVIL canadien • 5
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
Presidential Perspective / perspective pré sidentielle
   Gordon Jin  P.Eng.,   FCSCE

          ur first issue of CIVIL for 2010
          focuses on Professional Practice—
          Civil Engineers in the Workplace.
As the bells ring in 2010, we bid farewell to
an unforgettable 2009 and welcome a prom-
ising New Year. The world has experienced
the greatest economic downturn since the
Depression. As we lead into the next decade,
civil engineers have an obligation to help
our country and further the goals of our
Society. We look forward to renewed success
as we forge ahead in our mission.
     We will be in the midst of National
Engineering and Geoscientist Month by
the time you read this issue. It’s an oppor-
tunity for all civil engineers to celebrate our
accomplishments and promote our major
achievements. Too often, the engineering
profession has been deemed the “silent”
profession. We do not do enough to pro-
mote ourselves. Proclaiming the true value
of our contributions to society makes us
uncomfortable. Our preference is to let our
built works and infrastructure speak for
us. Unfortunately, that approach does not
always work and adequately inform others
about the value that we provide every day.
   Among our recent accomplishments, the          Order of the Engineer Ceremony (Oct. 31, 2009). From left to right: Pat Natale, ASCE Executive Director; Gordon Jin, CSCE
                                                  President; Blaine Leonard, ASCE President; and Wayne Klotz, ASCE Past-President.
highly successful CSA S16 structural steel
design code course was offered in ten (10)           We saw the departure of Mr. Peter                           to meet with Doug during his travels to
cities across Canada last fall. Due to an         Casquinha, Executive Director; from CSCE                       your respective Section/Region in the com-
overwhelming demand, the S16 course was           following our Fall Board. Peter joined the                     ing months.
offered again in Vancouver early this year.       CSCE in early 2006 when the Society was                           I shall also be visiting as many of our
   At the 139th Annual ASCE Civil                 facing severe financial restraints. As a result                Sections/Regions where possible during my
Engineering Conference held in Kansas             of Peter’s fiscal management practices, our                    term as President. A Presidential Visit to
City, Missouri last October, I met with           Society fared reasonably well, but we are                      meet with our colleagues in the CSCE
my colleagues from around the world and           still suffering from a decline in member-                      Hong Kong Branch and our sister engi-
discussed issues of relevance to all civil        ship. We have much to be proud of as a                         neering Societies in China is scheduled for
engineers. I also had the opportunity to          learned Society and must maintain our                          mid-April. I hope to strengthen our existing
attend the Order of the Engineer ceremony         fiscal management approach and plan for                        relationships and develop new ones while
(the American equivalent of the Iron Ring         long-term sustainability of programs and                       waving the CSCE flag overseas.
ceremony in Canada)—see attached photo.           services. We wish Peter every success in his                      We will continue our efforts to bring
As an Alternate Warden of Camp 20, it was         new endeavours.                                                new programs and services to our members,
indeed a humbling experience to be part of           In early fall, an Executive Search                          present ourselves on the international stage,
this event.                                       Committee for our new Executive Director                       broaden our perspectives and dedicate our-
   The CSCE Fall Board workshop on                was formed under Vic Perry’s leadership.                       selves to the goal of making the Canadian
Vision 2020 led by Vic Perry, Senior VP;          Extensive work was undertaken in the                           Society for Civil Engineering the voice of
was a success. It provided the Society fur-       subsequent months and in mid-January,                          civil engineering in this country. I look
ther direction and priorities going forward       the Executive Search Committee recom-                          forward to hearing from you on what ideas
into the next decade. We have captured the        mended Mr. Doug Salloum to the position                        you have to offer. Please drop me a note at
feedback from all participants and will initi-    of Executive Director effective January 18,                                  n
ate further action.                               2010. I hope you will have the opportunity

6 • Canadian CIVIL Engineer • spring 2010
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
          e premier numéro de L’ICC en 2010            Notre directeur exécutif, Peter                  Je rendrai également visite à plusieurs
          est consacré au thème suivant : la        Casquinha, nous a quitté peu après la          s­ ections/régions au cours de mon mandat.
          pratique du génie : l’ ingénieur civil    réunion d’automne du c.a. Peter s’était         Une visite est prévue à la section de Hong
en milieu de travail. En ce début d’année,          joint à nous au début de 2006, alors que        Kong et à nos homologues de Chine à la mi-
nous laissons derrière nous une année 2009          la SCGC devait affronter une situation          avril. J’espère raffermir nos relations et en
marquée par la pire crise économique depuis         financière délicate. Grâce à sa gestion ser-    créer de nouvelles, tout en faisant connaître
la grande dépression. À l’aube d’une nou-           rée, la SCGC se porte relativement bien,        la SCGC à l’étranger.
velle décennie, l’ingénieur civil hérite du         malgré une légère diminution du nombre              Nous poursuivrons nos efforts en vue
devoir d’aider le pays et de souscrire aux          de membres. Nous sommes fiers de notre          d’offrir de nouveaux programmes et ser-
objectifs de notre Société. Nous espérons           statut de société savante et nous devrons       vices, d’être plus présent sur la scène inter-
accumuler les succès dans la poursuite de           poursuivre cette gestion serrée, tout en        nationale, d’élargir nos horizons et de faire
notre mission.                                      élaborant des programmes et des services        de la SCGC la voix de la profession au pays.
    Lorsque vous lirez ces lignes, nous serons      durables pour l’avenir. Nous souhaitons         Je vous invite aussi à me faire parvenir vos
en plein mois national du génie et des              bonne chance à Peter Casquinha dans ses         idées et suggestions, à l’adresse president@
­sciences de la terre. C’est l’occasion, pour       nouvelles fonctions.                                                     n
 les ingénieurs civils, de célébrer nos réus-          Au début de l’automne, un comité pour
 sites et de faire connaître nos œuvres. Trop       le recrutement du directeur exécutif a été
 souvent, notre profession pèche par excès de       créé, sous la direction de Vic Perry. Ce
 silence et ne fait rien pour faire connaître ses   comité a bien travaillé, de sorte qu’à la
 œuvres. On dirait que nous sommes gênés            mi-janvier, il a été en mesure de recom-
 par l’idée de faire connaître nos réussites, en    mander l’embauche de Douglas Salloum,
 croyant que nos œuvres vont parler d’elles-        à compter du 18 ­janvier 2010. J’espère que
 mêmes. Malheureusement, cette discrétion           vous aurez l’occasion de le rencontrer dans
 ne sous sert pas et n’informe pas les gens de      votre région/section au cours des prochains
 la valeur des services que nous rendons à          mois.
 chaque jour.
    Parmi nos réussites, mentionnons le
 fait que notre cours sur le nouveau code
 CSA S16 sur les charpentes en acier a été
 offert dans 10 villes du pays au cours de
 l’automne. Suite à une forte demande, ce
 cours a de nouveau été offert à Vancouver
 en début d’année.
    Lors du 139e congrès de l’ASCE, à Kansas                        R.V. Anderson
                                                                    Associates Limited
 City, au Missouri, en octobre dernier, j’ai
 rencontré des collègues du monde entier et
 j’ai discuté de questions qui préoccupent                          engineering · environment · infrastructure
 tous les ingénieurs civils. J’ai également
 eu l’occasion d’assister à la cérémonie de
 l’Order of the Engineer (l’équivalent de
 la cérémonie de remise de la bague, au
 Canada). (Voir photo ci-jointe). Ce fut toute
 une expérience!
    L’atelier d’automne du c.a. de la SCGC
 sur « Vision 2020 » a été animé par Vic
 Perry, premier vice-président, et fut un suc-
 cès. Cet atelier a contribué à l’orientation
 et à la définition des priorités pour la pro-
 chaine décennie. Nous avons enregistré les
 commentaires de tous les participants et
 nous poserons des gestes concrets.

                                                                                       Printemps 2010 • l’ingénieur CIVIL canadien • 7
                                                                                                              Canadian Civil Engineer
                                                                                                                      4.875” x 3.625”
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
Profiles / P rofils
   Doug Salloum     BSc, MBA, PMP, Executive D irector/Directeur Exéc utif—dou g.salloum@csce .ca

G                                                                         B
           reetings fellow Civils! This is my first contribution to the              onjour à mes confrères civils ! Ceci est ma première contri-
           CSCE magazine. It will also, without a doubt, be my least                 bution à L’ICC. Ce sera aussi, sans doute, ma contribution
           informed contribution. The deadline for this article was                  la moins fouillée, dans la mesure où j’ai dû rédiger cet
the end of my fifth day on the job.                                       article après seulement cinq jours en fonction.
    I have a great deal to learn as I take on the role of Executive          J’ai beaucoup à apprendre dans mes nouvelles fonctions de
Director and I thank you in advance for the understanding and             directeur exécutif et je vous sais gré à l’avance pour votre com-
patience I know I can expect from you, the members and staff of the       préhension et votre patience, à l’heure où je m’initie aux structures,
Society, as I get caught up on the structure, services and processes      aux services et aux façons de faire de la maison.
of the CSCE.                                                                 Mon prédécesseur, Peter Casquinha, s’est employé à réduire
    Peter Casquinha, my predecessor, focused his attentions on            les frais d’exploitation et à instaurer une structure administrative
reducing operating costs and establishing an efficient administra-        efficace. Avec un budget particulièrement modeste, lui et les perma-
tive structure for the Society. With a shoestring budget, he and the      nents ont réussi, avec l’aide des bénévoles à travers le pays, à mainte-
National Office staff worked with willing and able member volun-          nir et à développer les services aux membres. J’ai la chance d’arriver
teers across the country to maintain and develop member services. I       à un moment où la SCGC jouit d’une base financière saine et se
am in the fortunate position of being able to step in at a time when      retrouve prête à assurer son avenir en adoptant de nouvelles priorités.
the CSCE is on a stable financial footing. The ground is prepared            Lors de mon entrevue de recrutement, on m’a dit que le directeur
for the future of the Society as we turn our attention to a new set       exécutif, en plus de surveiller le budget de la SCGC, devait œuvrer
of priorities.                                                            de façon créative avec le c.a. pour élaborer des stratégies de crois-
    As I was interviewing for this          “I realize the key to         sance et assurer la mise en œuvre de ces stratégies. Je me rends
position I was told the Executive                                         compte que la clé, en matière de recrutement, est d’offrir des
                                            membership growth
Director, in addition to maintain-                                        avantages et des services à un nombre croissant d’ingénieurs civils
ing a close eye on the bottom line of is to provide benefits              au Canada. L’accroissement des avantages offerts aux membres
the Society, now needs to work cre-                                                                     fera en sorte que plus d’ingénieurs civils
                                               and services to            « L’accroissement du renouvelleront leur appartenance ou se
atively with the Board of Directors to
develop membership growth strate-              more and more               nombre de membres joindront à la SCGC. L’accroissement
gies and then to manage the imple-                                                                      du nombre de membres signifiera une
                                             civil engineers in                signifiera une
mentation of these strategies. I realize                                                                hausse des revenus (et des services aux
the key to membership growth is to                 Canada.”                hausse des revenus membres) et une présence plus mar-
provide benefits and services to more                                                                   quée de la SCGC et de la profession au
and more civil engineers in Canada. Increasing member benefits                (et des services          Canada. Ce rayonnement permettra à la
will result in more civil engineers renewing their memberships or            aux membres) et            SCGC de mieux représenter la profes-
joining the Society for the first time. Increased membership means                                      sion au pays, face à des dossiers critiques
more revenue (which will result in more services for members) and           une présence plus et à un monde en pleine évolution, et
a higher profile for our Society and our profession in Canada. More        marquée de la SCGC notamment à des dossiers comme le
profile will allow the Society to represent the Civil Engineering                                       besoin de renouvellement des infrastruc-
profession as this country faces critical national issues and trends,       et de la profession tures durables, l’urbanisation croissante
including a need for sustainable infrastructure renewal, increasing             au Canada. »            et les questions d’offre et d’utilisation de
urbanization and national energy supply and utilization policies.                                       l’énergie.
    I bring to this position experience in municipal infrastructure,         J’apporte à ces fonctions mon expérience en matière
business and international development in both the public and the         d’infrastructures municipales, d’affaires et de développement inter-
private sectors. I will draw on lessons learned in all these arenas as    national, dans les secteurs public et privé. Je profiterai des ensei-
I find ways to benefit CSCE members and develop the image of the          gnements que je retiens de ces expériences pour trouver des façons
profession. I am looking forward to justifying the confidence placed      d’offrir des avantages aux membres et de faire rayonner l’image
in me by the Board.                                                       de la profession. J’entends bien honorer ainsi la confiance que m’a
    I also look forward to meeting and talking to many of you in          accordée le c.a.
the months leading up to our Annual Conference in Winnipeg. I                J’ai hâte de rencontrer et de travailler avec vous au cours des pro-
welcome your suggestions and advice as well as your pent up frus-         chains mois, d’ici au congrès annuel de Winnipeg. Il me fera plaisir
trations and complaints. You can expect me to listen closely and          d’écouter vos suggestions et vos conseils, aussi bien que vos plaintes
respond to the full extent of my abilities. I work for you so don’t       et vos frustrations. J’essayerai d’y répondre le mieux possible. Je suis
hesitate to tell me what is on your mind.                           n    à votre service.                                                       n

8 • Canadian CIVIL Engineer • spring 2010
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
WANTED:                                             RECHERCHONS :
CIVIL ENGINEERS                                     INGÉNIEURS CIVILS
“I’ve always enjoyed helping others. Now I have     « J’ai toujours voulu venir en aide aux autres. Et
the opportunity to do just that. Whether helping    c’est exactement l’occasion qui m’est donnée ici.
out with flood relief, or building a school where   Que ce soit en participant aux efforts de recons-
there was none, I know I’m making a difference.”    truction après une inondation ou en érigeant une
2nd Lieutenant JAMES KIM                            école où il n’y en avait pas avant, j’ai la chance
                                                    d’exercer un métier que j’aime. »
                                                    Sous-lieutenant JAMES KIM

                               FORCES.CA            1-800-856-8488

                                                      Printemps 2010 • l’ingénieur CIVIL canadien • 9
Engineering practice: Civil engineers in the Workplace La pratique du génie : l'ingénieur civil en milieu de travail
members hip matters / question d’appartenance
   V.H.(Vic) Perry   FCSCE, FEC, MASc., P.E ng., S enior Vice-President / FSCGC, FEC, MAS c., ing ., Premier vice -président

VISION2020                                                                  VISION2020
I have been a member of the CSCE con-
                                                    “The image of the CSCE brand has Je suis membre de la SCGC depuis mes
tinuously since I was a student in the 1970’s.                                                    années d’université, vers 1970. Je suis devenu
I joined the Society because I believed I had to change if CSCE expects to exist                  membre de la SCGC parce que j’estimais
an obligation to give back to the organiza-                                                       devoir faire quelque chose pour l’organisme
                                                    beyond 2020!”
tion that helped develop civil engineering                                                        qui avait contribué à faire du génie civil une
into a profession that is highly recognized
                                                        « L’image de marque de la SCGC profession reconnue contribuant à planifica-
as honorable, dependable and provides plan-                                                       tion, à la conception, à la construction et à
ning, design, construction, and maintenance                doit changer si nous tenons à l’entretien des infrastructures qui permettent
of infrastructure—infrastructure that allows
                                                      exister encore au-delà de 2020! » aux Canadiens de transporter de façon sécu-
Canadians the ability to safely and efficiently                                                   ritaire les personnes et les marchandises. Ces
move people and goods: the fundamental                                                            infrastructures constituent les réseaux qui
                                                    “Civil engineers and CSCE need
networks that support our quality of life and                                                     garantissent notre niveau de vie et notre
our standard of living.                             to raise their profile.”                      qualité de vie.
   Of course my philanthropic beliefs were                                                           Mes préoccupations altruistes n’allaient pas
also a little selfish: what is in it for me? As        « Les ingénieurs civils et la SCGC sans un certain égoïsme, et j’espérais bien
a young graduate I realized that I had just
                                                          doivent rayonner davantage. » y trouver quelque avantage! Jeune diplômé,
received a good technical foundation in civil                                                     j’étais conscient d’avoir reçu une bonne for-
engineering; however, I didn’t feel I was fully competent in the         mation technique de base en génie civil, mais je sentais que je
“soft-skills”—negotiating, effectively dealing with people, leader-      manquais de compétence dans les aspects non-techniques comme
ship or public speaking. What better place to learn and refine these     la négociation, les rencontres avec les gens, le leadership ou l’art de
soft skills than by being on a committee with other civil engineers,     parler en public. Il n’y a pas de meilleure place pour apprendre et
where I could practice without my employer being judgmental. At          améliorer ces aspects que d’être membre d’un comité, avec d’autres
the same time I could build my networks, which would provide             ingénieurs civils, sans risque d’encourir les jugements de mon
immediate and future opportunities for developing business in            employeur. En même temps, je créais mes réseaux, ce qui m’assurait
my current job or future employment prospects. Now that I am             des possibilités, dans l’immédiat comme pour l’avenir, de faire
nearing the other end of the employment life cycle I am constantly       de meilleures affaires. Étant maintenant plutôt en fin de carrière,
observing bright young engineers, serving on CSCE Committees,            j’observe souvent de jeunes et brillants ingénieurs qui se dévouent au
as future potential employees.                                           sein de nos comités et qui pourraient devenir de futurs employés…
   So in 2009, when I was asked by the CSCE to let my name stand            Lorsqu’en 2009, la SCGC m’a invité à poser ma candidature au
for Senior Vice-President, I was honored and humbled; however I          poste de premier vice-président, j’ai éprouvé des sentiments à la
also realized that this position comes with a large responsibility—to    fois de fierté et d’humilité. Ce poste me conférait une importante
serve Canadian civil engineers.                                          responsabilité, celle de servir les ingénieurs civils canadiens.
   Over the past several years that I have been involved with the           En travaillant, au cours des dernières années, dans les comités
CSCE on the Board and on various committees, I have noticed that         et au c.a., j’ai remarqué que le nombre de nos membres était stag-
our membership has become stagnant and has even seen a slight            nant, accusant même une légère baisse, ce qui constitue un signal
downward trend—a trend that is alarming! Since the CSCE Annual           d’alarme. Depuis l’assemblée générale annuelle tenue à St. John’s
Meeting in St. John’s, NL in May 2009, I have traveled coast to          (TNL), en mai 2009, j’ai traversé tout le pays et rencontré des mem-
coast meeting with both CSCE members and non-members, vol-               bres et des non-membres, des bénévoles et des non-bénévoles, des
unteers and non-volunteers, civil engineers and non-civil engineers,     ingénieurs civils et des non-ingénieurs, afin de mieux saisir ce que
to better understand what CSCE means or should mean to people.           la SCGC représente ou devrait représenter pour les gens. Pourquoi
Why do some civil engineers choose to join our Society while others      certains ingénieurs civils choisissent-ils de devenir membres de la
choose not to?                                                           SCGC alors que d’autres ne le font pas?
   When asked “What image of the CSCE brand do you have?”,                  À la question « quelle image de marque avez-vous de la SCGC? »,
the response is not an image of a vibrant organization where young       on ne m’a pas dit que la SCGC était un organisme débordant de vie,
engineers feel they need to be seen or belong. This is well supported    auquel les jeunes ingénieurs éprouvaient le besoin d’appartenir. Les
when you review our membership statistics. Associate Members             statistiques sur nos membres reflètent cette constatation. Les mem-
(< 4 years since graduation), the future of CSCE, total less than        bres associés (< 4 ans depuis l’obtention du diplôme) sont l’avenir de
100 (< 2%); and the 10-year trend is downward. However, over             la société et il n’y en a pas 100 (< 2%). Et les projections sur 10 ans
the same period the number of civil engineering graduates was            indiquent une baisse. Cependant, au cours de cette même période,
continued on page 25                                                        suite à la page 25

10 • Canadian CIVIL Engineer • spring 2010
WANTED:                                           RECHERCHONS :
ENGINEERS                                         INGÉNIEURS
“My job is constantly evolving, but I was given   « Mon métier est en constante évolution mais
the training to deal with whatever comes my       heureusement, j’ai été entraînée pour faire face
way. Updating our technology, repairing heavy     à l’inattendu. En une seule journée, je peux
machinery, solving problems. It’s all in a        effectuer la mise à niveau de nos technologies,
day’s work.”                                      résoudre une variété de problèmes ou même
Lieutenant (Navy) AMY O’RIELLY                    réparer de la machinerie lourde. »
                                                  Lieutenant de vaisseau AMY O’RIELLY

                                FORCES.CA         1-800-856-8488

                                                   Printemps 2010 • l’ingénieur CIVIL canadien • 11
                                                            A Personal Perspective
                                                            I volunteered to write this article on career    teamwork in a very real sense and knew
Ken Peck            P.Eng.                                  development with the intention of offering       how useful it was for my brothers and me
Senior Geotechnical Engineer, AMEC Earth & Environmental,   some direction to today’s younger engineer-      to develop practical skills.
Fredericton, NB
                                                            ing talent. To that end, I offer the following      Neither of my parents discussed career
                                                            career story for your consideration even         development with us. Unlike today, there
                                                            though it might interest you to know that I      weren’t that many careers to consider and
                                                            have three grown sons and not one of them        fewer options about being able to select
                                                            is intending to be an engineer!                  one. Their advice related more to the need
                                                                Let me begin by saying that I am one of      to get an education, then a good paying job
                                                            those dam engineers. My interest in dams         with a pension. That’s what taking the best
                                                            and soils started when I was a kid con-          career path was about to them, so going to
                                                            structing small crib works out of sticks and     university was very much expected of me.
                                                            branches on soil slopes at my family’s sum-         My first degree was in science. Although
                                                            mer cottage. After filling the back side with    I majored in geology, I also took some
                                                            earth and rocks, a few fire crackers made the    chemistry and I threw in two classes of
                                                            whole thing go away with a “Bang!” and a         engineering math for good measure. After
                                                            minor landslide. That fun of a childhood         graduation it took one seasonal job for me
                                                            summer was an ingredient in for my life-         to realize that, as much as I liked being
                                                            long interest in how things work.                outdoors, geology had its limitations as a
                                                                Perhaps more fundamental to my early         career. Perhaps I lacked sufficient imagina-
                                                            destiny for an engineering career was my         tion to be able to take the geological train-
                                                            Dad’s desire to move every boulder on our        ing to something beyond field work. Maybe
                                                            cottage property into the lake. This was         it was because I did so much of my geology
                                                            done using logs for rollers and small trees      work alone without senior guidance.
                                                            as pry-bars for leverage. Grade school sci-         I do not consider my studies in geology
                                                            ence didn’t have a lot more to teach me          a wasted effort—quite the contrary. As a
                                                            about mechanical advantage after several         geotechnical engineer, my geology back-
                                                            summer vacations doing that kind of work.        ground has helped me greatly to understand
                                                            There was also the unspoken lesson from          site conditions and the geological field work
                                                            my father that chores needed to get done.        helped refine my observation powers. It
                                                            They should get done safely and with satis-      has allowed me to venture into projects
                                                            faction. He had started his career as a town     that involve engineering geology, environ-
                                                            labourer digging for ditches and under-          mental engineering, geomorphology, rock
                                                            ground services with hand tools during the       mechanics, as well as the more traditional
                                                            Depression. He understood manpower and           soils and foundation engineering. It was

12 • Canadian CIVIL Engineer • spring 2010
a great introduction into projects associ-         “Instead, for career advancement, you need to move yourself into
ated with the mining industry dealing with
tailings management and the development             situations where you can excel with the capabilities and training
of mine infrastructure. Experience in the           that are part and parcel of your own professional repertoire.”
soils lab, in a variety of field situations and
several graduate courses in soils and geology      bility. I had positions that sent me to remote   background are sought after. This is how
allowed me to understand the bigger picture        northern outposts for weeks and months           you garner respect from your fellow employ-
of geotechnology. I compare this to junior         while my wife was home with a young              ees and associates.
soils engineers nowadays who must learn            family. With time, I moved into positions           Engineers are facilitators. We take an
the trade in the absence of access to a soils      where I supervised others doing that type        idea or a problem and move it to a work-
lab, or sufficient field training.                 of regular travel and then I moved onward        able outcome or solution. We understand
   While I was a geology student, learning         to senior management. It surprises me to         the mechanics of systems and have train-
seemed to be an individual pursuit. Each           this day how little training senior manage-      ing in how to build and construct things.
one of us was expected to study the mate-          ment offers to middle managers in how to         Individually, we might focus on different
rial and then explain relevant parts of it         run business operations and develop team         aspects of a job and we are likely better at
during an exam. In contrast, engineering           work, company loyalty and leadership. It         some things that others. Some of us write
students often work as a team to complete          seems the required management skills have        reports well. Some of us are good at client
assignments. It took me a long time to             to be acquired from experience, hard work        relations and business development. Others
understand the value in this “engineering          and self-initative.                              of us are experts at estimating project costs.
team” approach and I only grasped it solidly          The next phase of my career involved          It takes many different talents to complete
once it became so evident to me, as a profes-      nearly a decade running my own business          an engineering project.
sional engineer, how engineers working on          out of my home as an engineering con-               Every team has a leader. Some engineers
a particular project are dependent on one          sultant. This included several stints as a       are naturals at this while others are not.
another. I now know that having the ability        contract employee. The basics of the work        Influencing and directing others is a subtle
to share a work load and break down tasks          environment are the same: keeping on bud-        talent. A successful senior manager not only
into components is a true art form. Good           get, spending less than the earnings, doing      recognizes and develops leadership skills of
project managers gain this artistry at the         good work for reliable clients, providing        his or her junior staff but provides oppor-
university level, if not before.                   cost effective, efficient designs and being      tunities and funding to support individual
   After I graduated from engineering, my          in the right place at the right time with        growth and fostering of leadership skills. A
first job was as a junior member in a local        the necessary talent. A lot of business can      good leader sees this as an investment in
office of a multi-national company. I soon         be developed based on who you know.              the future.
learned that designation as a “local office”       Networks, connections, recommendations              Change inevitably happens and some-
meant a variety of projects with limited           and cordial relationships are indispensible.     times it is hard to understand how we can
staff to do the work. The “multi-national”         Not all of the networking happens through        move forward in a career given the changing
part meant that you could expect to con-           the business world either. I made connec-        conditions. Changes in technology, envi-
nect with individuals at the senior level          tions that ended up providing me with con-       ronmental awareness, and socio-economic
who might be elsewhere in the country but          tracts through being a scout leader, serving     demands on the profession are matters that
who had lots of experience to share with           on local committees and attending events         force civil engineers to seek the continu-
you. Once a rapport was established, the           of local professional associations. Overall,     ing education and project experience that
senior cadre was an ongoing source for good        as a self-employed engineer, I learned that      would keep them near the forefront of engi-
advice and technical guidance.                     effort needs to be expended before you can       neering practice. Not all change is seen for
   My first reports were typed by a secretary      expect rewards.                                  the better, but nevertheless, we sometimes
using carbons to make multiple copies. I              Thinking back on these past thirty years      are faced with the need to adjust to new
remember using colored pencils to highlight        of my life as a professional engineer has        (and sometimes what we feel as backward)
different soil strata in the final borehole logs   made me realize that even during my first        approaches. As professional engineers, we
and stratigraphic sections before the reports      engineering projects I was aware that the        have to develop engineering knowledge that
were sent out. Reports were often delivered        way to succeed is not just showing up and        is compatible with previous learning and
by mail. It may have taken a month or more         trying to do good work every day. Instead,       marketable to employers and clients. This
for a client to review a draft so that the final   for career advancement, you need to move         is not easy in an era of globalization where
version could be produced. Compare that            yourself into situations where you can excel     technological growth and communication
to today when this cycle is often expected         with the capabilities and training that are      of ideas is increasing rapidly.
to be completed within a single working day        part and parcel of your own professional            Hopefully my story may be of some ben-
thanks to email!                                   repertoire. You can make a reasonable liv-       efit in helping you write yours. There is an
   Development of my engineering career            ing and feel satisfied in a supporting role,     old saying: “Good judgment comes from
followed a journey that was probably not           but professional fulfillment comes more          experience. Much experience comes from
unlike others seeking a variety of project         often from contributing fully in a situation     bad judgment.”                            n
experiences and increased levels of responsi-      where your experiences, knowledge and

                                                                                      Printemps 2010 • l’ingénieur CIVIL canadien • 13
The New Civil Engineer

Alan R. Perks                P.Eng., FCSCE                      How should civil engineers be prepared         providing innovative management and
Past President CSCE, Senior Consultant,                         for the workplace today? What is the right     operational strategies for improved, sus-
R.V. Anderson Associates Limited, Ottawa, ON                    balance between “number crunching” and         tainable solutions. Instead of jumping to
Reg Andres               P.Eng., FCSCE                          “management skills”?                           the latest, highest technology, lower cost-
Vice President, R.V. Anderson Associates Limited, Toronto, ON      Preparing new graduates for the world of    demand management solutions may in fact
                                                                infrastructure involves such questions as:     be preferred.
                                                                   • What will new graduates face?                The question civil engineers must answer
                                                                   • What do they need to know? and            has changed; it is not only about “how”,
                                                                   • W hat qualifications will make them      it is about “why”. In the modern public
                                                                      “saleable”?                              environment, the “why” question (justifi-
                                                                   After graduation, engineers need lifelong   cation, effectiveness, relative cost, public
                                                                learning to gain the skills and experience     acceptability and downstream impacts) has
                                                                required to be successful in the workplace     to be clearly explained and communicated
                                                                today.                                         to the public long before the “how” ques-
                                                                   In an increasingly populated and tech-      tion can be addressed (design, construction
                                                                nology dependant world, civil engineering      and operation). The implications of that
                                                                strategies and solutions are subject to more   new question have been rippling through
                                                                social, economic and financial pressures       civil engineering over the last two decades.
                                                                than ever before. Technology is more com-      Foremost among those implications are the
                                                                plex, decision-making is multi-dimensional,    skills and abilities civil engineers need in
                                                                and the public does not readily accept         the workplace.
                                                                imposed solutions. The most cost-effective,       For example, public consultation is para-
                                                                environmentally benign, easiest to operate     mount in virtually every environmental
                                                                infrastructure solutions that achieve the      assessment protocol. The function, cost and
                                                                desired level of service may be the most       impacts of public infrastructure projects
                                                                sustainable in the end.                        have to be communicated in very clear,
                                                                   The civil engineer now has to focus on      understandable terms, and the public’s
                                                                functionality as well as design standards/     views and opinions must be factored into
                                                                criteria in order to present the most appro-   the planning and design process in a very
                                                                priate solutions for the stakeholders and      transparent manner. The French use the
                                                                the community involved. This necessar-         term “vulgarization” to describe the trans-
                                                                ily involves integrating civil technologies    lation of detailed technical information
                                                                in ways the public can understand, and         into clear, concise writing the public can

14 • Canadian CIVIL Engineer • spring 2010
comprehend. This is an important skill, as            Civil engineers must now also be con-            • Multi disciplinary teamwork & consen-
demonstrated by the public discourse over          cerned with the very long term, life life-             sus building;
civil engineering projects in any city news-       cycle impacts of projects and engineering           • Facilitation and group dynamics;
paper these days. For example, a combined          activities—indeed with sustainable devel-           • Public consultation & communications;
sewer overflow into the Ottawa River was           opment. This involves a much wider knowl-           • Ability to factor in social, economic and
described as “350 Olympic sized swimming           edge and understanding of non-technical                environmental factors in design; and
pools of sewage”. At the minimum flow in           skills like economics, public affairs, govern-      • Understanding the process of “learn-
the Ottawa river, some 226,000 Olympic             ment and regulations in order to contribute            ing” and application of learned knowl-
sized swimming pools would flow past the           fully to project development. They need to             edge to new situations.
same overflow point during that spill, a           consider what the civil project is enabling         Civil engineering has indeed contributed
perspective that was never mentioned in the        to occur over the long term. For example,        greatly to human development and quality
newspapers.                                        the City of New Orleans is situated below        of life through the provision of public infra-
   Increasingly stringent environmental            sea level. The levees and dykes to protect the   structure for water supply, pollution con-
regulations and standards, such as water           city from flooding were all designed accord-     trol, transportation, industrial/commercial
quality and effluent discharge criteria, quite     ing to accepted standards of the day, but        developments. Such infrastructure makes
often determine the size, cost and com-            engineers failed to consider the effects of      life more comfortable, convenient, reward-
plexity of a civil engineering project. The        piecemeal development and environmental          ing, healthy and longer for all. However,
civil engineer needs to question and assess        changes that aggravated the flood condition      as urban settlements have increased far
imposed standards and explain their impact         over time. The present-day rehabilitation        beyond the natural carrying capacity of
to the public, and sometimes devise innova-        costs now involved would likely have gone        the earth, humanity has become technol-
tive options that may be more cost-effective.      a long way in the past towards a fail-safe       ogy dependant, and the impacts upon the
For example, to reduce phosphorus dis-             solution.                                        global environment are becoming increas-
charge into a river, investing in on-farm             Many young people likely enter civil          ingly obvious. The CSCE was one of the
agricultural improvements may be much              engineering because they did well in math,       first learned societies to adopt guidelines
less costly than building a tertiary treatment     and perhaps were not interested or exposed       for sustainable development to inform its
plant for an adjacent town or village. This is     to the humanities, arts and literature. They     members about these issues and trends.
called water-quality trading.                      may have been motivated more towards the         The CSCE’s 2005 Sustainable Development
   The instant electronic access to techni-        applied aspects of civil engineering seen        Guidelines highlighted the emerging issues.
cal information at every stage of project          in the buildings, roads bridges, dams and               “The sheer size and scale of that same
delivery has also changed the public’s per-        waterways civil engineers designed and built        infrastructure is contributing to environ-
ceptions of civil infrastructure. The civil        over the decades. The technical skill sets          mental degradation. There are increasing
engineer is no longer the main interpreter of      honed through five years of post secondary          signs that the human population is seri-
technical information on the function and          education, and perhaps longer, may not be           ously impacting the global environment,
design of public infrastructure, certainly at      enough to enable a professional to deal with        including the atmosphere. The unin-
the planning stages. He or she is usually one      the pressures and public issues discussed           tended consequences of modern infra-
of a team of disciplines involved in project       above.                                              structure, such as resource consumption,
development, and must accept input and                The distinction between the skill sets           waste discharges and gaseous emissions,
advice from many other stakeholders. That          needed for a technical career versus a proj-        now threaten the global environment and
role is very different from the role civil engi-   ect management career is now sharper than           our life-support systems.
neers have been trained for in past.               ever. After university, younger civil engi-             Civil engineers are thus faced with
   The design criteria and assumptions             neers need to become more proficient in             an increasingly complex and interrelated
underlying every infrastructure project are        areas such as public communications, stra-          world; a world that is growing rap-
no longer being accepted without question.         tegic thinking, and economics by means of           idly in population, and becoming more
Demand projections, peaking factors, his-          continuing education programs and “on-              urbanized and economically developed.
torical trends, material performance spec-         the-job” training.                                  Infrastructure development can no longer
ifications (i.e. hydraulic friction factors)          What are the attributes of a new graduate        be done in a microcosm on a project level
and modelling criteria are all questioned          that make them saleable in the workplace            —a more holistic consideration of the
vigorously in the public environment. The          today?                                              complex interactions of human society,
civil engineer needs to examine and assess            • Good interpersonal communication              and the environment upon which we
these assumptions at the earliest stages of a            skills—oral & written and listening;          depend, is needed.”
project. In a recent value engineering exer-          • The practical application of new tech-        The “new civil engineer” has to develop
cise, consideration of strategic, short term             nologies using traditional engineering     the broad skills and experience to function
storage of peak wastewater flows resulted                analysis;                                  well in the interrelated world we now live
in the reduction of the cost of a conven-             • Effective problem solving—with the         in, just like the early civil engineers who
tional sewage pipeline from $60 million to               freedom to think out of the box;           developed the infrastructure centuries ago
$40 million.                                          • Strategic thinking so that all options     the enabled us to enjoy the quality of life we
                                                         can be identified and explored;            now have.                                    n

                                                                                      Printemps 2010 • l’ingénieur CIVIL canadien • 15
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