Miss Mauritius Mr World Mauritius - Founder President: Mrs Primerose Obeegadoo
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The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) is responsible for the promotion of Mauritius as a tourism destination. It is a parastatal organisation under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism. The MTPA has representative offices in international locations namely France, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, India, China, South Africa and Reunion. With the objective to pursue a steady growth in tourist arrivals, the MTPA also promotes niche segments which have the potential to attract international visitors, including global events, MICE and weddings, cruise tourism and sports tourism among others.
MBC Telecast Live Show 2017 Mrs Vanessa Obeegadoo Deputy National Director Miss Mauritius National Organisation Opening Entertainment Miss Mauritius Contestants Chinese Collection Mr World Mauritius Contestants Indian Collection Miss Mauritius 2016 Bessika Bucktowar Farewell Walk Miss International Mauritius 2016 Julie Wendy Charles Farewell Walk Miss Mauritius Contestants Ashiana Collection Miss Mauritius Contestants Own Evening Wear Mr World Mauritius Contestants Evening Wear Mr World Mauritius Contestants Own Evening Wear Announcement Of 10 Finalists Interview Miss Mauritius Contestants Shinee Boutique Announcement Of Results Mr World Mauritius Contestants Coronation Of Miss Mauritius 2017 FBI/ICON Announcement Of Awards Coronation Of Mr World Mauritius 2017 Closing Show
Message de la Présidente de Miss Mauritius National Organisation Primerose Obeegadoo A vous tous ici présents ce soir, au nom de l’Organisation Nationale Miss Mauritius, j’ai l’immense plaisir de souhaiter une très chaleureuse bienvenue ! Ceci pour la 47ème édition du Concours National Miss Mauritius et Mister World Mauritius sous le haut patronage de l’Hon Anil Kumarsingh Gayan, Ministre du Tourisme. Au terme de deux mois de préparation intensive, nous abordons cette soirée de la Grande Finale avec la certitude de voir élire, tant par le jury que le public, celle qui parmi les 12 finalistes personnifie la plus harmonieusement Beauté, Grace, Intelligence, Talent, Valeur Humaines et Simplicité. Tandis que pour le côté masculin The most désirable Man, in Mauritius comme c’est bien dit par l’organisation Mr World. Nous tenons à étendre à nos 24 concurrents nos sincères souhaits de succès. Il sont venus de diverses régions du pays chacun avec ses compétences, talents et aspirations pour participer en équipe à cette épreuve formative et enrichissante. Ils ont travaillé dur et sans relâche. Notre attente la plus chère est qu’ils emportent des souvenirs mémorables et de fortes amitiés et aussi la certitude d’avoir accompli un stage incomparable. Revenons au présent : en l’espace de deux heures, sous un tonnerre de vivats et parmi les éclairs des flashes, seront proclamées et couronnées Miss Mauritius 2017, Miss World Mauritius 2017, Miss Intercontinental Mauritius 2017, Miss International Mauritius 2017, Mister World Mauritius 2017. Également honorés les dauphines aussi bien que les 2 dauphins de Mister World. Nos ambassadrices et ambassadeurs de charme à leur tour rivaliseront avec les jeunes représentants de la planète réunis sur les scènes Internationales. sans oublier les concours Miss Tourism World et Top Model of the World. Pour en arriver là, il aura fallu rassembler un vaste plateau de contributions diverses, et nous prions tous ces vaillants partenaires de trouver ici notre bien vive reconnaissance. Disons tout haut notre profonde appréciation à : M. Julien Glannes, Directeur du Hennessy Park Hotel et son équipe. Pour nous avoir fourni l’hospitalité requise pour l’entrainement jusqu’à la Grande Finale.et pour son charmant accueil une quatrième année consécutive, ainsi que tout le déroulement scénique comprenant musique et spectacle de Miss Elegance Award et Best Dress Award ainsi que le Talent Award menant à la Grande Finale 2017. M. Patrick Pougnet, Directeur de MyGym Motion and Wellness pour avoir mis à notre disposition toutes les conditions essentielles en vue du Sport award. En conclusion, notre pensée reconnaissante se tourne vers, d’abord notre charmant patron Anil Kumarsingh Gayan, suivi de tous ceux et celles disponibles à tout instant dont les sponsors : Vanessa Obeegadoo, Jennifer Tsang Mang Kin, Geeta Nundlall, Patric Dumolard, Richard Lee Cheong Tong, Ramesh Khadun, Prof Harris Bheemul, Eliette Peres, Jean Claude Le Roy et Notre Comité National. Excellente soirée à vous tous, que le rideau se lève !
Miss World 2017 Sanya, China 18 November 2017 Julia Morley “ I want young women to be able to learn from each other and be confident without having to take off their clothes. I am a mother and grandmother. I don’t want the girls to parade in bikinis. Not because it is bad but because it is not necessary. A woman does not have to show herself in this way. We are interested more in their mind and elegance. We are very happy to make women comfortableand feel good about themselves as a whole person. ” Julia Morley President-Miss World Miss World 2016 - Stephanie Del Valle
Message du Ministre du Tourisme Hon. Anil Kumarsingh Gayan Le ministère du tourisme salue tout d’abord la constance du concours de Miss Mauritius qui a su année après année tenir toutes ses gageurs. L’évolution de la société mauricienne s’est opérée dans un environnement dynamique et nous souhaitons que cette nouvelle dynamique soit à la fois une source d’inspiration et de motivation pour des jeunes qui s’inscrivent au concours Miss Mauritius et Mr World Mauritius. La beauté mauricienne s’est toujours affirmée de par son interculturalité, son sens d’hospitalité et sa grâce innée. C’est dans “Je vous souhaite à tous un beau rayonnement pour ” cet esprit que le ministère du Tourisme s’est associé au concours de Miss Mauritius et l’année 2017 – 2018. Mr World mauritius pour encourager les jeunes filles et garçons mauriciens à s’exprimer au-delà de nos rives. Hon. Anil K. Gayan, SC Ministre du Tourisme 20 September 2017
Message du Directrice Adjointe de Miss Mauritius National Organisation Vanessa Obeegadoo Déjà la 47ème édition du concours national et Primerose Obeegadoo ne cesse depuis 1970 d’éprouver l’envie et la détermination pour relever le défi de faire de chaque édition une réussite et une fierté nationale ! D’année en année, elle me l’a transmise cette passion, à travers chaque responsabilité qu’elle m’a confiée. Tout d’abord chaperonne Pour cela je remercie infiniment toutes des candidates, puis coordinatrice pour les les personnes qui ont collaboré pour spectacles, prise en charge des finalistes encadrer les finalistes 2017 dans leur à partir du casting jusqu’à la grande finale, stage de perfectionnement que ce soit ainsi que le suivi avec les médias, interviews, les professionnels du maquillage et de la tournages, etc. coiffure, les photographes et cameramen, les journalistes, les spécialistes du spectacle, qui Depuis mes débuts au sein de l’organisation ont à leur manière aidé chacun de ces jeunes il y a 21 ans de cela, j’ai voulu apporter ma à promouvoir pleinement leur potentiel. contribution personnelle pour donner un plus à 12 mauriciennes et élire trois Miss qui Le 23 Septembre, une nouvelle Miss Mauritius représenteront l’ile Maurice aux quatre coins sera élue, mais c’est 12 jeunes filles qui du monde. sortiront gagnantes de cette expérience enrichissante. Je suis fière d’avoir contribué Un des aspects que j’apprécie plus à ce concours national, et cette année encore particulièrement, c’est celui qui consiste à j’en sortirai personnellement grandie en encadrer les jeunes candidats, d’apprendre ayant vécu des moments aussi intenses que à les connaitre, de les voir se transformer, et mémorables en compagnie des finalistes, des évoluer au fil des semaines passées avec eux. membres du comité, des sponsors et de tous Les 12 filles ne se connaissaient pas, venant ceux qui auront participé de loin ou de près au de milieux et d’endroits différents, et pourtant rayonnement de cette 47ème édition. elles intègrent très vite l’esprit de famille qui Je souhaite bonne chance à toutes les ‘Miss règne dans notre organisation et qui est si Finalistes’ qui, je suis sûre, vous captiveront fort. Nous ne sommes pas là pour exploiter de par leur sourire, leur charme, intelligence et leur beauté, mais pour les aider à s’améliorer leur beauté ! sur tous les plans afin de progresser dans leur vie d’étudiante, de professionnelle et personnelle. Et c’est pour cela qu’elles s’épanouissent au fil des semaines, car elles se sentent en confiance et respectées. Cette année, les garçons ont vécu la même expérience exhaltante.
Elegance Award & Best Dress Award (Girls) Hennessy Park Hotel Backstage 18 August 2017 RAVINA BEGUE Murielle Laetitia
Elegance Award & Best Dress Award (Boys) Hennessy Park Hotel Backstage 18 August 2017 CURPANEN Alexandre ITTOO Lavine
Message du Manager, Hennessy Park Hotel Julien Glannes It is already five wonderful years that we are partners with Miss Mauritius National Organisation and I must say that we really enjoy helping the organisation to go ahead in its constant pursuit of the evolution of our youth. As you may be aware Hennessy Park Hotel “ is engaged in promoting the local fashion industry and there have been many Miss I would like to congratulate Mauritius National Pageant participants who have become famous models and contributed the Miss Mauritius National in the promotion of our beautiful island. Organisation for its enthusiasm This year we have had the pleasure of and dedication to always bring ” welcoming Miss Mauritius and Mr World Mauritius contestants for the Elegance award the competition to higher levels. but as well Best Dress and Talent awards, preliminary contests in our Lounge Bar ‘Backstage’ and it was a fantastic success which was mostly appreciated by our guests and regular customers. The Hennessy Park Hotel team joins me to wish each of the 24 contestants all the best.
Miss Mauritius 2016
Message du Miss Mauritius 2016 Bessika Bucktowar - Leaving, sometimes, is not a matter of choice... And already, 1 year has passed since I was crowned Miss Mauritius 2016. Since the very beginning of my participation in the Miss Mauritius National Pageant, I was aiming for the crown and I have learned that you really get what you work for. Indeed it was not just a remarkable step, but also a great responsibility for me. My journey as Miss Mauritius has helped me to gain much more self confidence, inner growth, and maturity, to overcome any obstacle in life. And I now love the person I have become; always smiling, happy, strong, humble, and confident. What made my journey even more memorable is all the people I have met and the love I have received from them. Moreover it has been an amazing experience and the best is yet to come as it is with great honour that I spent one of the best moments of my journey will represent our beautiful Mauritius at the with them and I wish them best of luck and Miss World Pageant this coming November in great success in life. China. And to the lucky lady who will get to wear the I would like to thank Mrs. Primerose crown, I wish her to enjoy each moment, every Obeegadoo and the persons who have second and every person who will cross her collaborated with Miss Mauritius National path. Pageant, and especially all the sponsors for their contributions, be it small or big. This is a once in a lifetime experience that I will take with me forever. Thank you all and To my family and friends, you are the perfect God bless Mauritius. balance in the foundation that supports me and I am so lucky to have you in my life. To the 2017 finalists, I would like to tell them that I
Miss Intercontinental Mauritius 2016
Message of Miss Intercontinental Mauritius 2016 Julie Wendy Charles “We know what we are, but we know not what we may be.” - William Shakespeare. Luck can be as unpredictable as everyone could imagine. I was so happy to be first runner-up in the Miss Mauritius 2016 competition. Two months later, I had the great joy and surprise of flying to Colombo for Miss Intercontinental 2016. I just wanted to represent my country and make it proud. And In return, I had one of the most incredible journey of my life where I was awarded the Cooking award as well as 2nd runner-up for Miss Hospitality. What a journey this has been! A year filled with emotions, learning, friendship and growth. There are so many people to thank. The Miss Mauritius National Organisation, I am absolutely grateful to all of you, especially Mrs. Primerose Obeegadoo. My Family and Friends, you are the perfect balance in the foundation that supports me. And finally I thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon all of us. The next beauty queens, take advantage of this grand opportunity and note that this is only the beginning of a promising and brilliant future. To all I shall bid my farewell.
Miss Rodrigues Mauritius Regional Contest Patricia Prosper - Directrice MPTA Rodrigues
Talent Award (Girls) Hennessy Park Hotel Backstage 09 September 2017 Talent Award: RAVINA Murielle
Best wishes to the 19 Finalists S C R E E N & D I G I TA L Best wishes to the 19 Finalists
Talent Award (Boys) Hennessy Park Hotel Backstage 09 September 2017 Talent Award: HAUMEER Hanetish
Les 19 Finalistes
THAKOOREE Ashwina (New Grove, Grand Port) Age: 19 Height: 1m65 Qualification: 2nd Year, BSc Laws (Pantheon Assas Paris II) Occupation: Student Ambition: Barrister, Legal Advisor Talent: Dancing, Blogging Sport Practised: Jogging NOOKOOLOO Ashna (Curepipe) Age: 21 Height: 1m68 Qualification: 2nd Year, BSc Finance (UOM Trust) Occupation: Administrative Officer Ambition: Risk Management Talent: Entertainment Sport Practised: Tennis, Swimming, C.Training, Basket, Volley, Gym BEGUE Laetitia (Arsenal, Pamplemousses) Age: 18 Height: 1m68 Qualification: 2nd Year, HR Management (UOM) Occupation: Student Ambition: HR Manager Talent: Singing Sport Practised: Swimming, Volley HAURHEERAM Urvashi (Riv. Du Rempart) Age: 22 Height: 1m70 Qualification: BSc Law & Management Occupation: None Ambition: Legal Advisor Talent: Dancing Sport Practised: Gym
RAMMA Rishika (Moka) Age: 19 Height: 1m71 Qualification: 1st Year, Banking & Finance (CTI) Occupation: Student Ambition: Banker Talent: Dancing, Acting Sport Practised: Swimming, Volley SANDOCE Luicinda (Curepipe) Age: 24 Height: 1m74 Qualification: BSc Political Science Occupation: Communications Executive Ambition: Mechatronics Engineering & Politics Talent: Stand Up Comedy Sport Practised:Basket, Volley, Gym RAVINA Murielle (Rose Hill) Age: 22 Height: 1m76 Qualification: BSc Political Science Occupation: Administrative Officer Ambition: Work in the education sector & Politics Talent: Dancing, Dance, Slam Sport Practised: Basket, Volley
POTAGE Jonathan (Quatre Bornes) Age: 25 Height: 1m68 Qualification: Architectural & Structural Design Occupation: Draughtsman Ambition: Architect & Model Talent: Drummer & Music Sport Practised: Swimming, Gym, Football ITTOO Lavine (Q.Bornes,Palma) Age: 23 Height: 1m70 Qualification: Law & Management Degree (UOM) Occupation: Fund Accountant Ambition: Accountant Talent: Dancing Sport Practised: Swimming, Gym MUNGLA Krishna (Poste de Flacq, Flacq) Age: 18 Height: 1m72 Qualification: GCE “O” Level Occupation: Student Ambition: Be Famous Talent: Singing Sport Practised: Martial Arts, Body Building HAUMEER Hanetish (Quatre Bornes) Age: 23 Height: 1m75 Qualification: ACCA level 2 Occupation: Accounts Officer Ambition: Accountant Talent: Painting & Drawing Sport Practised: Gym
BISSESSUR Vashist (Grand Bassin, Bois Chéri) Age: 21 Height: 1m75 Qualification: SC Occupation: Gym Trainer Ambition: Be famous Talent: Dancing Sport Practised: Boxing, Gym, Football LADOUA Madhav (Poudre d’Or, Riv. du Rempart) Age: 23 Height: 1m76 Qualification: Graphic Design Deg + 3rd Year Computer Science (UOM) Occupation: Student Ambition: Be successful Talent: Singing & Painting Sport Practised: Gym, Swimming, Football BACHOO Giriraj (Quatre Bornes) Age: 19 Height: 1m77 Qualification: S.C Occupation: Student Ambition: Be famous Talent: Cooking, Dancing Sport Practised: Gym CURPANEN Alexandre (G.Gaube, Riv. du Rempart) Age: 20 Height: 1m80 Qualification: 2nd Year BA Joint Humanities (UOM) Occupation: Student Ambition: Teacher, Entrepreneur Talent: Cooking & Dancing Sport Practised: Swimming, Foot, Volley, Gym
BISSESSUR Krishna.R (Belle Vue, Riv. du Rempart) Age: 23 Height: 1m80 Qualification: 2nd Year, Software Engineering (UDM) Occupation: Student Ambition: Create own video games Talent: Dancing Sport Practised: Swimming, Gym, Basket, Volley LOUIS Jérôme (Rose Hill) Age: 23 Height: 1m85 Qualification: S.C Occupation: Storekeeper Ambition: Parts Analyst Talent: Cooking Sport Practised: Basket, Swimming BALGOBIN Poosand (St Julien d’Hotman, Flacq) Age: 24 Height: 1m86 Qualification: BSc Finance (Minor Law) Occupation: None Ambition: Be Financially Independent and Travel the World Talent: Singing Sport Practised: Swimming, Foot, Gym PERES Darel (Quatre Bornes) Age: 17 Height: 1m88 Qualification: Brevet de College, Bac, 1st Year, Lycée Labourdonnais Occupation: Student Ambition: Lawyer Talent: Cooking & Pâtisserie Sport Practised: Swimming, C.Training, Volley, Basket
Sports Award MyGym Motion & Wellness 01 September 2017
Annual Dinner Lakaz Cascavelle Restaurant March 2017 Hon Anil K. Gayan Minister of Tourism, Mr Jean François Chaumière, Mrs Primerose Obeegadoo Founder President Miss Mauritius National Organisation, Hon. Alain Wong Minister of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment, Bessika Bucktowar Miss Mauritius 2016, Julie Charles Miss Intercontinental Mauritius 2016, Mrs Magalie Antoo Nozaique Miss Mauritius 2004, Mr Thierry Nozaique, Mr Kevin Obeegadoo Vice President Miss Mauritius National Organisation, Mrs Vanessa Obeegadoo Deputy Director Miss Mauritius National Organisation, Committee Members
Elliette Coiffure & Esthetic
List of Miss World Mauritius List of Miss Universe Mauritius 1970 Florence Muller 1974-1975 Nirmala Sohun 1971 Marie Anne Ng Sik Kwong (among 10 finalists) 1975-1976 Mirella Tse Sik Sun 1972 Marie Ange Bestel 1976-1977 Daniella Bouic 1973-74 Ginny Ombrasine 1978-1979 Geneviève Chanea 1975 Mariella Tse Sik Sun (among 10 finalists) 1979-1980 Carole Fitzgerald 1976 Anne Lise Lesur 1988-1989 Jacqueline Randabel 1977 Ingrid Desmarais 1989-1990 Anita Ramgutty 1978 Geneviève Chanea 1990-1991 Dhandevy Jeetun 1979 Marie Allard 1991-1992 Stéphanie Raymond 1980 Carole Mackay 1992-1993 Daniella Pascal 1986 Géraldine Pastor 1993-1994 Viveka Babajee (among 10 top model) 1987 Géraldine Mamet 1994-1995 Priscilla Mardaymootoo 1988 Véronique Ash 1997-1998 Cindy Ceasar 1989 Nathalie Clément (Winner of African Queen of Beauty) 1998-1999 Leena Ramphul 1990 Audrey Pitchen 1999-2000 Michaëlla L’Hortalle 1991 Géraldine Deville 2000-2001 Jenny Arthemidor 1992 Sarawadee Rengasamy 2001-2002 Karen Alexandre 1993 Viveka Babajee 2002-2003 Marie- Aimée Bergicourt 1994 Priscilla Mardaymootoo 2003-2004 Sabine Bourdet 2002 Marie Aimée Bergicourt 2004-2005 Magalie Antoo (Committee member) 2003 Connie Rosse 2005-2006 Isabelle Antoo 2004 Magalie Antoo (Committee member) 2006-2007 Sandra Faro 2005 Meenakshi Putty 2007-2008 Olivia Carey 2006 Vanesha Seetohul (among 15 top Model) 2008-2009 Anaïs Veerapatren 2007 Melody Selvon 2009-2010 Dalysha Doorga 2008 Olivia Carey 2010-2011 Laëticia Darché 2009 Anaïs Veerapatren (among 10 Top Talent award) 2011-2012 Ameeksha Dilchand 2010 Dalysha Doorga 2012-2013 Diya Beeltah 2011 Joëlle Nagapen 2013-2014 Pallavi Gungaram 2012 Shalini Panchoo 2014- 2015 Sheetal Khadun 2013 Nathalie Lesage 2014 Sheetal Khadun List of Miss Rodrigues Regional Contest 2015 Aurellia Begue 1977 Jocelyne Templin 2016 Véronique Allas 1989 May Anne Wong Tong 1992 Sonia Rousty 2000 Maurine Phillipe List of Miss International 2001 Mariana Meunier 2012 Anaïs Veerapatren (Goodwill Ambassador) 2002 Nathalie Latour 2013 Ameeksha Dilchand (Miss Friendship) 2007 Jessica Allas 2014 Shiksha Matabadul 2009 Sherrielane Begue 2015 Anoushka Ah Keng 2010 Gloriana Joseph 2016 Manjusha Faugoo 2011 Maurine Perrine 2012 Murielle Ravina List of Miss Intercontinental 2013 Cécile Spéville 2003 Karen Alexandre 2014 Anoushka Ah Keng 2005 Magalie Antoo (Committee member) 2015 Véronique Allas 2006 Melody Selvon 2016 Ann Cheddy Casimir 2007 Vanesha Seetohul 2017 Cécilia Collet 2011 Laëtitia Darché (among 10 top) List of Top Model of the World List of Miss Wonderland 2003 Karen Alexandre 1989 Sonia Leong Song 2014 Anaïs Veerapatren 1990 Michèle Yin Yong Piew 2015 Danika Atchia List of Miss Tourism World - 2012 Diya Beeltah List of Miss Mauritius Asia 1977 Ingrid Desmarais 1978 Navada Doolub List of Mrs Universe - 2014 Magalie Antoo Nozaique List of Miss North - 2013 Neha Gyah List of Miss East Africa 2009 Dalysha Doorga (1st Runner Up) List of Miss Savanne - 2014 Anoushka Ah Keng
Florence Muller Marie Anne Ng Sik Kwong Ingrid Desmarais Carol Mackay Miss World Mauritius 1970 Miss World Mauritius 1971 Miss World Mauritius 1977 Miss World Mauritius 1980 Jacqueline Randabel Anita Ramgutty Magalie Antoo Vanesha Seetohul Miss World Mauritius 1988 Miss World Mauritius 1989 Miss World Mauritius 2004 Miss World Mauritius 2006 Miss Mauritius Beauty Queens Anais Veerapatren Miss Mauritius 2008 Dalysha Doorga Laëtitia Darché Diya Beeltah Sheetal Khaden Miss Mauritius 2009 Miss Mauritius 2010 Miss Mauritius 2012 Miss World Mauritius 2014 Danika Atchia Véronique Allas Bessika Bucktowar Julie Charles Miss Mauritius 2015 Miss World Mauritius 2016 Miss Mauritius 2016 Miss Intercontinental Mauritius 2016
Members of the National Committee 2017 Mrs Primerose Obeegadoo Founder President & National Director | Miss Mauritius National Organisation Mr Kevin Obeegadoo Vice President | Managing Director I.M.S Ltd Mrs Vanessa Obeegadoo Deputy National Director | Miss Mauritius National Organisation Mr Gautam Ramdoyal Committee Member | Legal Advisor | Attorney at Law Mr Patrick Fanchette Committee Member | Team Leader for Rodrigues | Managing Director W.T.M Ltd. Mr Richard Lee Choong Tong Committee Member | Managing Director High Quality Press Ltd Mr Guy Leroux Committee Member | Insurance Consultant Miss Geeta Nundlall Committee Member | Managing Director Golden Wheel Ltd Real State Agency Mrs Magalie Antoo Nozaique Committee Member | Chief Chaperone | Miss Mauritius 2004 Tourism Com. Representative Mr Thierry Nozaique Committee Member | Dietetics and Sports Director Commercial Technician Interior Furnishing Mrs Jacqueline Lee Choong Tong Committee Member | Director High Quality Press Ltd
Special Thanks 2016 -2017 MTPA Mr Kevin Ramkelawon Rodrigues Regional Committee Mrs Patricia Prosper MBC TV & Radio Mr Mekraj Baldowa Air Mauritius Dr Arjoon Suddhoo Hennessy Park Hotel Mr Julien Glannes Mauritius Telecom Mr Bobby Ramsoondur Mado Parfums Dr Ingar Pastel Cosmetics & Green Brand Mrs Shamima Dauhoo Elliette Coiffure & Esthetic Mrs Elliette Peres Lakaz Cascavelle Mr Jean Pierre Gambini & Mr Nicolas Jean Pierre Oxenham Mr Alan Oxhenham MyGym Motion & Wellness Mr Patrick Pougnet Outside the box Mr Nicolas Hannelas ICV Maurice Mr Ramesh Khadun Artline Ltd Mrs Jennifer Tsang Mang Kin IMS Ltd / Consultant in Communication Mr Kevin Obeegadoo HyperPharm Mr Ashvin Kumar Bundhun Planet Health Pharmacy Mrs Poonam Bundhun Sphere Media Technologies Mrs Ranjana Foogooa IM Serigraphy Mr Iqbal Mungly High Quality Press Mr Richard Lee Chong Tong Shinee Boutique Mrs Darishma Sookhee & Ms Jenilla Agathe China Cultural Centre Ms Manon Ashiana Fashion Dr Ben Bauccha FBI / ICON Mr Harvin Appadoo Train 2 Gain Mr Harrish Bheemul Bounty Croisières Mr Patrick Fanchette Official Dentist Dr Gayanan Chummun Official Florist – Gerbera Mr Jason Kisten Swift Messenger System Limited Mr Brian Dholah
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