La page est créée André Marin
10ème Forum Urbain Mondial
                    Abu Dhabi, 8 au 13 Février 2020

        AU TRAVAUX DU WUF 10

       Le Samedi 8
       février 2020,
       de 14h50 à

Dans le cadre du Programme de l'Assemblée Mondiale des Gouvernements
Locaux et Régionaux organisée par CGLU et sur instructions du Secrétaire
Général, Mr Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, la Directrice de ALGA a facilité la 1ère
Table Ronde sur "Le rôle des politiques urbaines et territoriales la protection du
Patrimoine Culturel", en presence de plus de 500 participant(e)s. Cette Table
Ronde a connu la participation du Ministère de l'Habitat et de la Gouvernance
Locale de Malaisie, la Maire de Banjul, le Conseiller Régional de Kalar, la Vice-
Maire de Madrid, le Maire de Kitchener, le Maire de Deirnbouh, le Maire de
Tawau, la ville de Basque et la Ville de Cap Town.
Les principales conclusions retenues :
    Le Panel a été un moment d'apprentissage, de partage, de plaidoyer et de
      proposition d'inputs pour un secteur qui unit l'Humanité toute entière et
      dans sa diversité, mais qui surtout contribue à garantir sa stabilité, sa paix,
      son progrès et sa durabilité.

 Il y a un large consensus et une conviction intime parmi les Gouvernements
     Locaux et régionaux que le Patrimoine culturel est un levier stratégique
     pour le développement durable ;
    Il y a un large consensus sur la diversité qui caratérise le Patrimoine
     culturel ;
    La dimension contextuelle est cruciale ;
    L'existence de défis et problématiques, surtout pour les pays vivant dans
     des situations de conflits ou de crises ;
    C'est un secteur qui require, aujourd'hui plus que jamais, une gouvernance
     multi-acteurs et multi-niveaux de gouvernance ne laissant personne et
     aucune place ou territoire en marge, moyennant des politiques et des
     approaches inclusives, participatives, intégrées et cohérentes.

                                      Participation à
 Le Dimanche 9 Février
                                 l'Événement parallèle
 De 14h45 à 16h15
                                   « Votre ville est-elle
                                       inclusive ? »

La Directrice de ALGA a pris part à l'événement parallèle organisé par l'UNESCO
et le Centre européen de formation aux droits humains et à la démocratie (ETC-
Graz, Autriche) qui sont deux Partenaires de ALGA de CGLU-Afrique.
Cet événement parallèle intitulé « Votre ville est-elle inclusive ?" visait la
presentation d'un Guide pour la participation du public, l'accès à l'information,
l'inclusion des jeunes par le sport, et l'éducation à la citoyenneté et aux droits de
l'homme dans les villes ».
La Session a réuni un groupe d'experts internationaux, d'universitaires et de
responsables municipaux pour débattre des opportunités et des défis auxquels sont
confrontées les collectivités locales impliquées dans la construction de villes
inclusives. La session a été aussi également l'occasion de lancer la publication de
l'UNESCO-ETC « Le Guide pour l'inclusion urbaines dans les villes arabes » et
l'étude « Mise en œuvre des droits humains dans le cadre de l'Agenda 2030 pour
le développement durable au niveau local ».
Elle a été marquee aussi par la participation de l'Honorable Gouverneur du Caire
(Egypte) et l'Honorable Maire de Amman (Jordanie).
La Directrice de ALGA a pris part également à la Session organisée par le
Enfin, tout au long du WUF 10, la Directrice de ALGA et la Responsible des
Affaires pédagogiques ont veillé à animer le Stand de CGLU-Afrique pour
présenter les programmes et initiatives de l'Organisation et pour explorer de
nouvelles opportunités de collaboration et de partenariat./.


         TO THE WORK OF WUF10

Saturday 8 February, 2020
From 14:50pm to 15:30pm

As part of the Program of the World Assembly of Local and Regional
Governments organized by UCLG and based on the instructions from the
Secretary General, Mr Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, the Director of ALGA facilitated
the 1st RoundTable on "The role of urban and territorial policies in preserving the
Cultural Heritage ", in the presence of more than 500 participants. This Round
Table was animated by the Ministry of Housing and Local Governance of
Malaysia, the Mayor of Banjul, the Regional Councilor of Kalar, the Deputy
Mayor of Madrid, the Mayor of Kitchener, the Mayor of Deirnbouh, the Mayor
of Tawau, the Vice-Councillor for Territorial Planning, Basque Country, and the
City of Cap Town Councillor.

The main conclusions retained:
- The Panel was a moment of learning, sharing, advocating and proposing
   inputs for a sector which unites all of Humanity in its diversity, but which
   above all contributes to guarantee its stability, its peace, its progress and its
- There is a broad consensus and an intimate conviction among Local and
   Regional Governments that Cultural Heritage is a strategic lever for
   sustainable development;
- There is a broad consensus on the diversity that characterizes the Cultural
- The contextual dimension is crucial and matters;
- The existence of challenges and issues, especially for countries living in
   situations of conflicts or crises;
- It is a sector that requires, today more than ever, multi-actors and multi-level
   governance leaving no one and no place or territory behind, through inclusive,
   participatory, integrated and coherent policies and approaches.

 Sunday 9 february, 2020
                                  Participation to the
 From 14:45pm to 16:15
                                   Side Event "How
                                inclusive is your city?"

The Director of ALGA of UCLG-Africa took part to the Side Event on "How
inclusive is your city?".
 UNESCO and the European Training Center for Human Rights and Democracy
(ETC-Graz) have jointly organized a side event entitled “How inclusive is your
city? Guide to public participation, access to information, youth inclusion through
sports, and citizenship and human rights education in cities”. The session was
organized from 14:45 – 16:15 on 9 February 2020, in the context of the 10th
World Urban Forum (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 8-13 February 2020).
The session brought together a group of international experts, scholars and city
officials to debate opportunities and challenges faced by local governments
involved in building inclusive cities. It was an opportunity to launch the
UNESCO-ETC “Toolkit for Urban Inclusion in Arab Cities” and the study
"Implementing Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
at the Local Level".

The session “How inclusive is you city?” addresses city officials and local
administrators to take concrete actions toward building inclusive and sustainable
cities. It brings together a group of international experts, scholars and city
officials, such as, Cairo Governor, Mayor of Amman and UNESCO Chair in
Human Rights and Human Security to debate opportunities and challenges local
governments face in building inclusive cities. The panelists had the opportunity
to reflect from academic and practical perspectives on possible actions local
authorities can take in cooperation with other stakeholders in the society to make
their city more inclusive.
The session was also an opportunity to launch two publications:
1- The “Toolkit for Urban Inclusion in Arab Cities”, prepared with the support
of UNESCO and the European Training Centre for Democracy and Human
Rights, under the umbrella of the Coalition of Arab Cities against Racism,
Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance, member of UNESCO’s
International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities – ICCAR. The toolkit
presents policy models and hands-on guidance covering the full policy cycle on
four topics of high relevance to the Arab cities; namely, public participation,
access to information, sport for youth inclusion, and citizenship and human rights
2- The study "Implementing Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development at the Local Level", is the first volume of the Human
Rights Go Local Publication Series that is jointly edited by the UNESCO Centre
for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels (Graz,
Austria) and the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security at the
University of Graz.
Additionally, the joint policy brief on Local inclusion of migrants and refugees –
A gateway to existing ideas, resources and capacities for cities across the world
to include newcomers” will be presented during the session.
Among the Speakers :
- Mr Khaled Abdel Al, Cairo Governor, Egypt.
- Mr Youssef El Shawarba, Mayor of Greater Amman Municipality, Jordan.
- Gerd Oberleitner, UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security,

The Director of ALGA took part also to REFELA Session.
Finally, during all the WUF, the Director of ALGA and the Officer in charge of
Pedagogical Affairs animated the Booth of UCLG-Africa in the Urban Expo, to
present and share UCLG-Africa programs and initiatives, and to explore new
partnerships and niches of future collaboration./.

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