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3W Who What Where and Contact Directory OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
3W - Who What Where General Contact List Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Act Alliance / Diakonie Mondesir Jacques-Philipe Programme Coordinator M:3699-1434 jpmondesir@diakonie-emergencias.org Katastrophenhilfe (Aide Humanitaire Allemagne) Act Alliance / Diakonie Roger Markowski Country Director L: 2816 1617 r.markowski@diakonie-emergencias.org Katastrophenhilfe (Aide Humanitaire Allemagne) Action Citoyenne pour Francois Jean-Rony Coordonnateur General Adjoint M:36342736/28161996 francois.acat@yahoo.fr l'Abolition de la Torture Action Citoyenne pour Dieuveul W. Urbens Coordonnateur General M:46029009 / 28161996 acathaiti@yahoo.fr l'Abolition de la Torture Action Collective pour le Kernais Meteus Directeur L: 3725 3553 kernais@yahoo.fr, infoadno@yahoo.fr Developpement du Nord'Ouest Action Communautaire des Jean Leger Patrick Coordinateur de projets M:3702 1046 patrickleger@hotmail.com Pecheurs Integres Alternative de developpement pour la Population de Dame Marie Action Contre la Faim Anaïs Audoux Assistant Head of Mission M:38 82 52 76 cdmsupport@ht.missions-acf.org Action Contre la Faim Damien Bironneau Coord. Programme PaP M:3701 7747 pcpap@ht.missions-acf.org Action Contre la Faim Fabrice Carbonne Deputy Country Director M:3701 7749 cdmadjoint@ht.missions-acf.org Action Contre la Faim Anne-Charlotte Schneider Country Director M:3784 0556 cdm_haiti@ht.missions-acf.org Action Medeor E.V. Alexandra Geiser Head of Humanitarian Aid M:+49 2156 97881 32 alexandra.geiser@medeor.org Action Medeor E.V. Simon Janika Country Coordinator M:3888-1727 janika.simon@medeor.org Action pour l'Education James Gay Directeur Financier M:3720 9599 acesshaiti@rocketmail.com Sociale et la Santé Action pour l'Education Emmanuel Noel Président L: (509) 3646 0990 gjh.emmanuel@gmail.com Sociale et la Santé Action Secours Ambulance Mathieu Getro Executive Director L: 3495-9575 getro.mathieu@asambulance.org S: asambulance@gmail.com Actionaid International Ghemps Desauguste Humanitarian and Policy L: 3678-7885 ghemps.desauguste@actionaid.org Coordinator Actionaid International Jean Claude Fignole Head Officer L: 3552-5096 JeanClaude.Fignole@actionaid.org OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 1 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Adventist Development and Robinson Etienne Chef de liaison M:3735 7927 adrahaiti@yahoo.fr Relief Agency AFPROD Estelene Isma Secretaire M:3711 3208 / 36 45 71 62 afproga@yahoo.com African Methodist Episcopal Madeline P. Dupiton Head Officer M:3454-1410 Service And Development Agency African Methodist Episcopal Remy Marie Yolaine Responsable des activites de L: 2942 1303 sadahaiti@hotmail.com Service And Development sante Agency Agence d'aide à la Gael Conan Deputy Country Director M:3170 4377/ 3170 4375 gael.conan@acted.org Coopération Technique et au Développement Agence d'aide à la Nicolas Ferminet Programme Development M:3702 7389 nicolas.ferminet@acted.org Coopération Technique et Manager au Développement Agence d'aide à la Dawine Pierre GIS and database responsible L: 3701 2056 gis.ameu@acted.org Coopération Technique et au Développement Agence Francaise de Ernest Barbot Contact secondaire barbot@groupe-afd.org Developpement (AFD) Agence Francaise de Yves Malpel Chef d'Agence M:3936 4019 / 3724 8963 mapely@afd.fr Developpement (AFD) Agencia Española de Laura Cartanya Secondary contact M:3491 2028 laura.cartanya@aecid.ht Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) Agencia Española de Maria Civit Project Manager M:509 3781 0540 maria.civit@aecid.ht Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) Agencia Española de Carmen Rodriguez Head of office M:2941 5070 carmen.rodriguez@aecid.ht Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) Agir pour Sauver un Enfant Rose Marie JOSEPH presidente M:31385990 DHaiti Agricultural Cooperative Emmanuella Emile Laguerre Program M:3841 4651 emilae84@yahoo.fr Development International Assistant/LIVELIHOOD and Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance. Agricultural Cooperative Lucius Mathieu Deputy Chief of Party L: 3701-3325 mlucius@acdivoca-haiti.org Development International and Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance. OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 2 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Agro Action Dirk Guenther Director M:3773 1771 dirk.guenther@werlthungerhilfe.de Allemande/Welthungerhilfe Agro Action Almqvist Olga Program Assistant M:3845-2078 olga.almqvist@welthungerhilfe.de Allemande/Welthungerhilfe Agronomes & Vétérinaires Millet David Cordinator AVSF d.millet@avsf.org Sans Frontières Aide et Action Alain Georges Bangoura Country Coordinator M:3401 0045 alainbangoura@yahoo.fr All Hands Volunteers Nathaniel Harrold Project Coordinator M:3935 4839 nate@hands.org All Hands Volunteers Diana Manilla Project coordinator M:4619-5856 diana@hands.org All Hands Volunteers Alejandro TERRONES Project Director M:+509 34828544 alejandro@hands.org Alliance d'Action Léon D. Pamphile Chief of Party M:3463-3398 leondpamphile@yahoo.com Chrétienne Alliance pour la Gestion des Augustin Russo Marie-Louise Directrice Executive M:3776-1211 / 3441-0454 agerca@yahoo.com risques et la continuité des activités Allied Recovery International John Augsburger Executive Director M:(509) 3803 0256 jaugsburger@alliedri.org America Continental 2000 Mesadieu Wilfrid Coordinator M:3235 4056 / 4781 3544 aamecon@ymail.com America's Development Lowenthal Ira Country Director M:34903367 Foundation America's Development Miller Michael President M:36245188 mmiller@adfusa.org Foundation American Friend Service Ivan Monzon Country Representative M:+509 37024754 IMonzon@afsc.org Committee American Refugee Amelia Kendall Desk Officer M:16126076498 ameliak@archq.org Committee American Refugee John LaPointe Project Director M:3672-1401 lapointe18@yahoo.com Committee Americares Jemps Civil Program Associate jcivil@americares.org Americares Brian Hoyer Country Director M:3483 6237 bhoyer@americares.org Americares Pilar Romero-Ardoy Senior Program Manager promero@americares.org Americares Tom Turley Project Director L: 39334490 tturley@americares.org AMURTEL Ornelia Cabrera orneliacabrera@gmail.com Ananda Marga Universal Russafov Demeter Coordinator M:36659349 mrosbach@amurt.net Relief Team Ananda Marga Universal Rosback Markus Director L: 514-0203 Relief Team APTV Chris Chris Reporter Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Meyer Florian Country Director M:3885 2624 meyer.asb@gmail.com Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Guilia Giordano Project Manager Shelter M:3745 8029 giordano.asb@gmail.com OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 3 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Arbo de Vivo Haiti Baptiste François Joseph Director M:3849 6938 fcsdeno1959@yahoo.com Arbo de Vivo Haiti Saint-Vilmar Raulexe Auralus Vice President M:3703-7086 raulexe@yahoo.com Architectes de l'urgence Violaine Colonna d' Istria Chef de projet L: 4408 0423 vcolonnadistria@archi-urgent.com Architectes de l'urgence Sarah Hannou Chef de projet L: 4429 5712 tpoirier@archi-urgent.com Architectes de l'urgence Bruno Hering Administrateur / Logisticien L: 3910 3853 bhering@archi-urgent.com Architectes de l'urgence Fabia Minchilli Chef de projet L: 4713 1467 fminchili@archi-urgent.com Architectes de l'urgence Amaury Mougel Coordinateur de programme L: 4408 0421 amougel@archi-urgent.com Architectes de l'urgence Benoit Rabiller Chef de projet L: 3945 8680 brabiller@archi-urgent.com Architectes de l'urgence Lora Vicariot Chef de mission L: 3476 1206 lvicariot@archi-urgent.com Architecture For Humanity Eric Cesal Program Manager M:509 3 806 3330 ericccesal@architectureforhumanity.org Architecture Sans Frontiere Andrea Panizzo Architect M:38297528 FVG Associated Press Television Yesica Fisch Reporter News Associated Press Television Jennifer Kay Reporter News Associated Press Television Nico Nico Reporter News Associated Press Television Niko Price Reporter News Association des Chrétiens Pierre Hug M:38 65 44 90 acavies@yahoo.fr pour l'Amélioration des Vies Association des Industries Gregor AVRIL Directeur L: 3776 1211 gavril@adih.ht d'Haiti Association des Industries Georges SASSINE Président L: 2514 0184 georges@agtextilesb1.com d'Haiti Association des Prestataires Kettie Archer Gednard Coordonatrice M:3878 2795 sprestataire@yahoo.com de soins en Sante Mentale Association for Aid and Anna Furukawa Programme Coordinator M:3156-2027 aar_ht@aarjapan.gr.jp Relief, Japan Association for Aid and Ryota Hirama Programme Coordinator M:3750-6864 aar_ht@aarjapan.gr.jp Relief, Japan Association Haïtienne Pour le Dossaint Juliette R. Director L: 3713-9807 ahdl1999@yahoo.fr Développement Local Association Haïtienne Pour le Redas Raymond President Du Conseil M:3448-9245 Développement Local Administration Association Nationale de la Kettly Alysee Directeur exécutif M:3474 5836 kettlya@yahoo.fr Protection des Femmes et des Enfants Haitiens OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 4 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Association of Volunteers in Cappellini Fiammetta Head Officer M:3701 4119 fiammetta.cappellini@avsi.org International Service Association of Volunteers in Emanuele Gobbi Fratim Programme Manager M:37479364 emanuele.gobbifrattini@avsi.org International Service Association of Volunteers in Maria Ossola Programme Chief M:33642357 maria.ossola@avsi.org International Service Association Paysans Réunis Laguerre Jean Dieuseul Chef of Party L: 3427-8708 Association pour la Dr. Ernest Desire Dir. Medical Jacmel M:3817 2895 desirernest@yahoo.com Promotion de la Famille Haïtienne Association pour la Gadner Michaud Executive Director M:3733-7101 gadnermichaud2@hotmail.com Promotion de la Famille Haïtienne Association pour la Edvard Tassy Technical Director M:3464-5896 edvardtassy@hotmail.com Promotion de la Famille Haïtienne Association Suisse pour le Eliscar Sergo M:36459088 sergo.eliscar@helvetas.org Développement et la Coopération Association Suisse pour le Bernard Zaugg Head of Office M:3701 5831 bernard.zaugg@sdc.net Développement et la Coopération Associazao Saude em Monica Peralta coordinator/LDGS L: 38813244 asp.reliefhaiti@gmail.com Portuguos ASSODLO Joseph L. Fleurantin Director M:3747 9171 / 3842 0606 assodlo@yahoo.fr ATD Quart de Monde-Terre Regis de MUYLDER Executif committee member M:+509 37511216 regis.demuylder@gmail.com et Homme de demain ATD Quart de Monde-Terre Brigitte MICHAUDEL Country Director M:+509 37507775 brigitte.michaudel@atd-quartmonde.org et Homme de demain Ayiti Gouvenans Bora Etzer Directeur Executif M:3455-0760 ayitigouvenans@yahoo.com Ayiti Gouvenans Voltaire Jackson President M:3810-0710 ayitigouvenans@yahoo.com Ayuda a Haiti Rafael Tavares M:37849696 fafico@hotmail.com BBC radio 4 Sareen Bains Producer M:37 52-23 10 jjosephfrancoeur@yahoo.fr BBC radio 4 Mike Thompson Reporter BBC Ten O'Clock News Tim Awford Producer BBC Ten O'Clock News Nick Davis BBC World Service Trust Nick Davis Reporter BBC World Service Trust Lisa Robinson Humanitarian Programme Manager OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 5 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Bibliothèque sans frontières Céline Ribot Chef de mission M:3788 4430 celine.ribot@bibliosansfrontieres.org BIDWAY Haïti Mezil Lee May Jors Coordonateur General L: 3932 7617 3946 5337 infobidway@gmail.com Bomberos Unidos sin Markinsy Alexis Responsible M:3486-8472 alexis@busf.org Fronteras Boots on the Ground James Clark Director L: 323-446-2185 Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Michael Tseng Associate Director of Charity L: 1-909-447-7799 x 513 michael_tseng@us.tzuchi.org Development Departme Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Michael Tseng Tseng 909-447-7799 x 513 L: 1-909-447-7799 x 513 Build Change Nady Francois Dir. Finance operations L: 3702 0170 nady@buildchange.org Build Change Kate Landry Fund Development Officer M:3170-2787 kate@buildchange.org Build Change Tufani Noll Director of Programs M:3702-8250 noll@buildchange.org Canadian Forces Mc clintock Giles Logs Liaison Officer giles.mcclintock@forces.gc.ca Canadian Forces Lessard Mathieu CIMIC mathieu.pessard@forces.gc.ca Canadian Forces Heeber Patrick Logs Liaison Officer patrick.heebner@forces.go.ca Canadian Forces Chagnon Philippe j9 liaison Civiles hq-jtfh@hotmail.com Canadian International Sandra Berberi First Secretary (Development) M:3702 9940 sandra.berberi@international.gc.ca Development Agency (CIDA) Canadian International Raymonde Chantigny Secondary contact Raymonde.Chantigny@international.gc.ca Development Agency (CIDA) Canadian International Dominique Rosseti Chief Cooperation Section M:3702 9905 / 3928 7452 dominique.rossetti@international.gc.ca Development Agency (CIDA) Cap Anamur Mayer Christof M:37118147 henkg5@yahoo.co.uk CARICOM Esther A COMPERE First Secretary M:2813-0306 ccrephaiti@gmail.com CARICOM Earl Stephen HUNTLEY Ambassador M:2813-0306 ccrephaiti@gmail.com Caritas Austria Jasmine Jean Charles Assist Reconstruction M:4799 64 00 jasmine.caritas.at@gmail.com Caritas Austria Rene Lefebvre PM Reconstruction M:3120 8281 rene.lefebvre@caritas-austria.at Caritas Austria Tihomir Lipohar Head of Mission M:38806823 tihomir.lipohar@caritas-austria.at Caritas Germany Dr Jean Bosco Mbom Representative L: 2940 2151 jean-bosco.mbom@caritas.de Caritas Haiti Fausta Jean-Maurice Baptiste Directrice des Opérations L: 2813 1690 communication@caritashaiti.org Caritas Haiti Charles Clément Coordonnateur coordination@caritashaiti.org Caritas Haiti Thomas Dickinson Reporting Officer M:509 3841 5828 td.caritas@gmail.com Caritas Haiti Bernadel Laude Secretaire secretaria@caritashaiti.org Caritas Swiss Stefan Ege Construction Delegate M:4704 8673 sege@caritas.ch Caritas Swiss Thomas Friebel Head of Mission M:3999 1683 tfriebel@caritas.ch OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 6 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Catholic Medical Mission Cheristin Rachelle M:3758-6465 rcheristin@cmmb.org Board Catholic Organisation for Piet Spaarman Country Representative M:3105-9169 piet.spaarman@cordaid.net Relief and Development Aid Catholic Relief Services- Wilson Luxen Fevrin Emergency Response Team M:3701-9173 wilson.fevrin@crs.org USCCB Leader Catholic Relief Services- Sebastian Jayasuriya Deputy Country Representative - M:3609-3812 Sebastian.Jayasuriya@crs.org USCCB Operation Catholic Relief Services- Lucas King Country Representative M:3702-8795 lucas.king@crs.org USCCB Catholic Relief Services- Nicole Klaesener Program Manager WASH M:3641 9540 nicole.klaesener@crs.org USCCB Catholic Relief Services- Jeffrey Mcintosh Deputy Country Representative - M:3170-7457 jeffrey.mcintosh@crs.org USCCB Program Center for Development in Kendy Massena President L: 3452-1250 Community Education S: 4311-6878 Centre CAPEVI Clerveaux Domino Coordonateur General M:3743 2125 klevoamonik@yahoo.fr Centre CAPEVI Charles Langchoi Responsable Technique M:3686 9124 langchoi@hotmail.com Centre d'Accueil et de Sony Cely President L: 3421-4566 carpa3me2000@yahoo.fr Récupération des Personnes du 3e Age Centre d'Accueil et de Lamour C. Melisson M:3676 5607 Récupération des Personnes du 3e Age Centre d'Accueil et de Mercedes Rouzard Co-Founder Support des Gonaives Centre d'Etudes et de Sylvain Sama Coordonateur Departmental M:3674 8521/ 3423 9295 sylvains@ceci.ca Coopération internationale Centre de Coopération Martine Bernier Head Officer L: 3456-7786 Internationale en Santé et en Développement Centre de Développement Oscar Rév. Harry Director L: 3727-3924 3711-2193 Intégré de la Mission de l'Eglise de Dieu Indépendante de la Porte Etroite CESAL Jordi Bach Representative M:37885297 jbach@cesal.org Channel 4 News Helene Helene Producer L: 36282548 Channel 4 News Job Rabkin Producer Children's Nutrition Program Jillian Emerson Program Manager M:36682504 jemerson@cnphaiti.org OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 7 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Children's Nutrition Program Gouillart Katherine Country Director M:3701 6088 kgoulliart@cnphaiti.org Children's Nutrition Program Kelly Kkerry Executive Director M:37333590 kkelly@cnphaiti.org Christian Aid Ronald Labady Programme Officer M:+509 37248578 rlabady@christian-aid.org Christian Aid Florence Mawanda Deputy Country Mngr L: 2813 1999 fmawanda@christian-aid.org (Emergencies) Christian Aid Lucia Mbofana Emergency Programme Officer M:3896-6960 LMbofana@christian-aid.org Christian Aid Prospery Raymond Country Manager/ Caribbean M:3702 4200 / 37104200 praymond@christian-aid.org Team Leader Christian Aid Starry Sprenkle Regular Programme Manager M:3619-5820 ssprenkle@christian-aid.org Christian Blind Mission Odnel Eleazard Advocacy Program Manager M:3448 1194 cbmhaiti.advocacy1@gmail.com Christian Blind Mission Laurene Leclercq Country Coordinator M:+509 37020080 cbmhaiti@gmail.com Christian Blind Mission Regine Polynice Head of Programs - CCO M:3170-8527 cbmhaiti.program@gmail.com Christian Fellowship Mission Jared Coblentz Christian Reformed World Andries Leendert de Blaeij Head Officer Relief Committee Christian Reformed World Willys Geffrard Progam Manager M:3693 9650 wgeffrard@crcna.org Relief Committee Christian Veterinary Mission Paul Rudenberg Representative M:34842152 Christian World Outreach, Rév. Père Yves L. Regaillard Head Officer L: 3422-0547 Inc Church World Service Tate Aaron Haiti Earthquake Response M:3990-0776 atate@churchworldservice.org Coordinator Church World Service Margot de Greef Country Representative M:3691 7902 mdegreef@cwslac.org Club des Futuristes du pays Vanel Sylvestre Secretaire Gnl L: 37201033 / 36215185 clufu07@yahoo.fr Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Dr. Juan Carlos Alonso Health Cluster - Emergency M:3701 5027 / 3106 6748 alonsojc@hai.ops-oms.org Cluster Coordination advisor Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Karen Barsamian ETC Cluster Coordinator M:3715 7133 Karen.barsamian@wfp.org Cluster Coordination Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Antoine Belair Agriculture Cluster Field M:3402 0611 antoine.belair@fao.org Cluster Coordination Operations Officer Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Ugo Blanco Early Recovery Cluster M:3106 5011 ugo.blanco@undp.org Cluster Coordination Coordinator Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Chantal Calvel Health Cluster - Contingency M:3170 4557 calvelc@hai.ops-oms.org Cluster Coordination planning focal point Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Giovanni Cassani CCCM/Shelter Cluster M:3803 2105 gcassani@iom.int, cccmhaiti@iom.int Cluster Coordination Coordinator Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Mohamed Fall Education Cluster Coordinator M:3702 8964 mmfall@unicef.org Cluster Coordination OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 8 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Mehret Ghebray Protection Cluster Deputy M:3125 0080 ghebray@un.org Cluster Coordination Coordinator Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Elsa Le Pennec Protection Cluster Coordinator M:3818 0073 lepennec@un.org Cluster Coordination Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Papamoussa Ndoye Agriculture Cluster FS & N et E M:3151 9387 papamoussa.ndoye@fao.org Cluster Coordination Expert Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Edmondo Perrone Logistics Cluster Coordinator M:37012341 edmondo.perrone@wfp.org Cluster Coordination Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Byron Ponce-Segura Food Cluster - Chef VAM and M:3882 0445 Byron.Poncesegura@wfp.org Cluster Coordination S&E Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Rafaelle Robelin CCCM/Shelter Cluster Policy M:3702 7862 rrobelin@iom.int Cluster Coordination Advisor & Liaison Offi Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Herbert Schembri WASH Cluster Coordinator M:3766-3102 hschembri@unicef.org Cluster Coordination Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Anne-Marie Serrano GBV Subcluster Coordinator M:3753 1174 aserrano@unfpa.org Cluster Coordination Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Laura Sheridan Early Recovery Cluster M:3106 5280 laura.sheridan@undp.org Cluster Coordination Coordinator Alternate Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Olivier Thonet Cluster WASH UCCW M:3765 8393 othonet@unicef.org Cluster Coordination Cluster Coordinators / Inter- Jorge Valles Child Protection SubCluster M:3702 8961 / 3881 2381 jvalles@unicef.org Cluster Coordination Coordinator Cluster Information Ginia Alcimé Protection Officer L: 3725 0604 / 3413 7776 alcimeg@un.org Management Focal Points Cluster Information Catulle Beaudouin Cluster WASH Info Mngr M:3461 5550 beaudouin.catulle@dinepa.gouv.ht Management Focal Points Cluster Information Jean Max Beauliere Monitoring Officer - Nutrition Jbeauliere@unicef.org Management Focal Points Cluster Cluster Information Lovinksy Buissereth IM/PI Assistant - CCCM/Shelter M:3804-1913 / 3170 5833 lbuissereth@iom.int Management Focal Points Cluster Cluster Information Naoko Imoto IM - Education Cluster M:3765 9551 educluster.haiti.im@gmail.com Management Focal Points Cluster Information Ouvens Jean Louis Protection Officer M:3703 1833 jeanlouiso@un.org Management Focal Points Cluster Information Damien Jusselme IM/PI Officer - Shelter/CCCM M:3702 7952 djusselme@iom.int Management Focal Points Cluster Cluster Information Stephane Kluser Information Mngr/GIS - Early M:509 3600 7460 stephane.kluser@undp.org Management Focal Points Recovery Cluster Cluster Information Valentz Polo Info Mngr - WASH Cluster M:3860 6658 polo_valentz@yahoo.fr Management Focal Points OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 9 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Cluster Information Julio Urruela Monitoring Specialist - WASH M:3881 2368 washresponse.julio@gmail.com Management Focal Points Cluster CNN Cooper Anderson COFEDES Marie Yolette Ravix Président M:3719 9035 cofedes@compusoftsystem.com Combite pour la Paix Fritznel Pierre M:3890 8430 combitepourlapaix@yahoo.fr Comitato Internazionale per Maurizio Verrina Head of Mission M:3438-2020 lo Sviluppo dei Popoli Comite de la Cour des Marie Quettelie Phanord D. Presidente M:3758 0979 mariequetteliedph@yahoo.fr Enfants de Quettstar Comite Olympique Haiten Ricardo Noelizaire Program Admin Coordinator L: 3614-3659 Comité d'Aide Médicale Segolen Guillaumat Responsable relations bailleurs M:3164 6768 hom.haiti@cam-int.org et développement Comité d'Aide Médicale Samuel Rosambert Agent de liason M:3658 4541 liaison.officer.haiti@cam-int.org Communautaire MP3K Dr Laguerre Pierre M:3615 5854 bethelintel94@yahoo.fr Compassion International Laura Kenneth Facilities Reconstruction Coord. M:3106 5052 Klaura@us.ci.org Compassion International M.Guilbaud Saint Cyr Head Officer M:246-2781 djeanty@ht.ci.org Compassion of Christ Word Brenda Joyce Foller Head Officer L: 512-9760 ecolecomp_christ@yahoo.fr Mission Concern Worldwide Laura Cliff Program Support Officer M:3758 5969 laura.cliff@concern.net Concern Worldwide Bazziga Giulia Assist. Program Mngr M:36418541 / 38337504 giulia.bazziga@concern.net Concern Worldwide Suzanne Louchard Programme Manager M:3758-5747 suzanne.loucahrd@concern.net Concern Worldwide Peter McNichol Directeur Pays L: 34550504 peter.mcnichol@concern.net Concern Worldwide Alessandra Radaelli Assistant Country Director - M:3759 4721 alessandra.radaelli@concern.net Programmes Concern Worldwide Dona Stephan DRR Coordinator M:3646 2354 stephan.dona@concern.net Concern Worldwide Jean Frenel Tham Assistant Country Director - M:3751-7926 Jeanfrenel.tham@concern.net Programmes Consulate of Belgium Joel Dresse Honorary Consul M:3477 9636 / 3792-3309 jdresse@gmail.com Consulate of Belgium Edna Francois Assistant M:3792 3309 / 3455 0935 fdresse@gmail.com Consulate of Portugal Hilledegarde Mousson Cassis Honorary Consul M:3778-6889 Cooperation for Assistance Carolina Cordero - Scales Assistant Country Director - M:3678-7706 cordero@pap.care.org and Relief Everywhere Program Quality Cooperation for Assistance Colleen Smith Program Development and M:3678 0787 csmith@pap.care.org and Relief Everywhere Monitoring Advisor Cooperation for Assistance Jean-Michel Vigreux Country Director M:+509 37671344 vigreux@pap.care.org and Relief Everywhere Cooperative Housing Lee Ann Acting Country Director M:3701-4088 alee@haiti.chfinternational.org Foundation International OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 10 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Cooperazione e Sviluppo Ludovica Ghilardi Country Director M:3739 1624 cesvipmcaphaitien@cesvioverseas.org Cooperazione e Sviluppo Daniele Rizzo PM WASH M:4602 6711 cesvipmwash@cesvioverseas.org Croix-Rouge Allemande Catalina Jaime Sanchez DRR and Climate Change M:3701 6803 drk.catalina.jaime@gmail.com Delegate Croix-Rouge Américaine Sinan Al-Najjar Deputy Country Representative M:3932 8073 vaesb@usa.redcross.org Croix-Rouge Américaine Sandrine Capelle Manuel Head of mission M:+509 39347050 capellems@usa.redcross.org Croix-Rouge Américaine Dien Diouf Disaster Risk Reduction Delegate M:3995-5649 dioufp@usa.redcross.org Croix-Rouge Américaine Adesh Tripathee Senior Disaster Risk Reduction M:3483-8450 adesh.tripathee@redcross.org Delegate Croix-Rouge Britannique Wendy McCance Programme Support Delegate M:39 99 08 06 wmccance@redcross.org.uk Croix-Rouge Britannique Amelia Rule Shelter Delegate M:39 99 08 00 arule@redcross.org.uk Croix-Rouge Britannique Melvin Tebbutt Head of Delegation M:39 36 44 82 mtebbutt@redcross.org.uk Croix-Rouge Canadienne Karsten Voigt Country representative M:+509 37012030 karsten.voigt@redcross.ca Croix-Rouge Canadienne Emmanuel Wahpo Head of Program M:3701-1581 emmanuel.wahpo@redcross.ca Croix-Rouge Espagnole Alicia de Oliva Community Development M:37021080 alioli@cruzroja.es Croix-Rouge Espagnole Octavi Mezquida Disaster Preparednes M:3702 1083 del.oma@cruzroja.es Croix-Rouge Espagnole Maria Pereira Shelter Delegate M:3702 1081 del.mapm@cruzroja.es Croix-Rouge Espagnole Ignacio San Roman Coordination M:37027906 isanroman@cruzroja.es Croix-Rouge Francaise Aaron Brent Chef de Délégation L: 3477 6987 hod.haiti.frc@gmail.com Croix-Rouge Francaise Marie David Coordinatrice des Opérations M:36 40 93 68 coordo.ope.haiti.frc@gmail.com Croix-Rouge Francaise Elodie Flory Charge de programme M:37024804 deleg3.shelter.haiti.frc@gmail.com shelter/Croix des Bqts Croix-Rouge Haitienne Michaele Amedee Gedeon Presidente M:3492 5492 m.amedee-gedeon@croixrouge.ht Croix-Rouge Haitienne Guetson Lamour Head Administrator L: 34923179 lamourguetson@yahoo.fr Croix-Rouge Neerlandaise Hendrik Meyer Head of mission M:+509 34616088 Croix-Rouge Neerlandaise Serge Soubeiga DRR-Livelihoods Delegate M:3456 6708 ssoubeiga@redcross.nl Croix-Rouge Suisse Anne Jean Baptiste Responsable santé M:3900 7469 anne.jeanbaptiste@redcross.ch Croix-Rouge Suisse Paul Rueegg Chef de délégation M:3405 9007 paul.rueegg@redcross.ch CSS Global Steve Coe Emergency Response Project Manager CSS Global Diane Devereaux Devereaux Emergency Response Project Manager CSS Global Diane Devereaux Emergency Response Project Manager CSS Global Anthony Tejeda Director of Security / ERT and Crowd Control DATIP Gerard Elvis Cineus Directeur Technique M:3832 1409 / 3106 9930 aymerickarim@yahoo.fr DEFI Lenaik Le Poul Coordinator M:+509 36096824 defihaiti@hotmail.com OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 11 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email DEFI Pablo Sanz Architecte, Charge d'etude M:+509 36091020 sanzdragon@yahoo.es DEH Jeanrock Mahothiere Coordonnateur General M:3448 6186 deh.orghaiti@yahoo.com Delaware Medical Relief Kahlon Randeep Executive Director M:36 20 47 13 Team Delegation Departementale Stanley Alexandre Secretaire General / Nippes M:+50934070623 Delegation Departementale Yvon Altéon Delegue / Nord M:3106 6072 yalteon@yahoo.com Delegation Departementale Emmanuel Asmil Vice-Délégué / Gonaives M:3702 0820 emmanuelasmil@yahoo.fr Delegation Departementale Jean Michel Auguste Délégué Départemental / M:3754 5454 / 3900 5454 jeanmichelauguste@yahoo.com Artibonite Delegation Departementale Hugo Charles Delegue / Nord-Est M:3431 0701 Delegation Departementale Gonzague Day Delegue / Ouest S: 3870 1745 louisgonzagueday@gmail.com Delegation Departementale Lucien Desamour Secretaire General / Nord-Est M:+50932908291 desamour57lucien@yahoo.com Delegation Departementale Elan Dubois Secretaire General / Artibonite M:3457 9959 Delegation Departementale Francois Fortune Secretaire General / Sud M:+50932364198 / 37944398 Delegation Departementale Jean Gabriel Fortune Delegue / Sud M:3485 0746 / 3898 6158 jeangabrielfortune@yahoo.fr Delegation Departementale Edner Fortune Vice-Délégué / Saint-Marc M:3615 1354 / 3854 6830 gerarda_elysee@hotmail.com Delegation Departementale Georges Garnier Delegue / Centre M:3454 0603 Delegation Departementale Roosevelt Guerrier Secretaire General / Sud M:+50937278675 / roosevelito510@yahoo.fr 34455938 / 33582909 Delegation Departementale Jean Joseph Guillaume Secretaire General / Nippes Delegation Departementale Sylvera Jean Simon Secretaire General / Ouest Delegation Departementale Jonas Jerome Secretaire General / Centre Delegation Departementale Ing.Agr Pierre Lafontant Delegue / Sud-Est M:3702-7131 poupi03@yahoo.fr Michel Delegation Departementale Rebus Laguerre Secretaire General / Sud M:+5093608699 Delegation Departementale Previl Louikange Secretaire General / Nord Delegation Departementale Romel Louis Secretaire General / Grand’Anse Delegation Departementale Jacques Mauricette Vice-Délégué / Marchand M:3739 7612 / 3467 7179 Dessalines Delegation Departementale Fedmond Mazar Secretaire General / Nord-Ouest Delegation Departementale Maxene Pierre Secretaire General / Centre M:+50934327740 Delegation Departementale Frantz-Magela Pierre-Louis Secretaire General / Sud-Est M:+50936076214 Delegation Departementale Arthur Policarpes Secretaire General / Grand’Anse Delegation Departementale Emmanuel Remy Delegue / Nord-Ouest M:3702-0874 Delegation Departementale Alez Tropnas Delegue / Nippes M:3179 8888 Delegation Departementale Norman Wienner Delegue / Grand-Anse M:3702 0756 OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 12 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Development Activities And Ulrick Edouard M:3430 6280 edul82@yahoo.fr Services For Health Development Activities And Ronald Laroche Executive Director M:+509 34642765 rlaroche@dashprocare.org Services For Health Development Activities And Dr. Reginald Ternier Medical Director M:3449-5491 reginald1006@yahoo.fr Services For Health Development for Freedom Helen H Program Manager M:509-4739-6040 helen@developmentforfreedom.com International DINECO SA Joseph Dorsainvil President Director M:37651292 dorsainviljoseph@yahoo.fr Direct Relief International Williams Brett Logs bwilliams@directrelief.org Direct Relief International Andrew MacCalla Emergency Response Manager M:34521316 amaccalla@directrelief.org Direction de la Protection Jean Elie Constant Administrateur du comite M:3679 4469 Civile protection civile / Saint Direction de la Protection Tony Denis Technical Coordinator / Sud-Est M:3605-1749 tony_denis74@yahoo.com Civile Direction de la Protection Eliodor Descartes M:3600 5269 Civile Direction de la Protection Berthol Elestin Coordonateur CASEC / Grande M:3680 4101 Civile Saline Direction de la Protection Max-Rony Fervil M:3750 4597 / 3431 7773 maxronyfer@hotmail.com Civile Direction de la Protection Leon Gabriel Technical Coordinator / Nord M:3721-0665 Dechanel_p@yahoo.fr Civile Direction de la Protection Sylvéra Guillaume Technical Coordinator / M:3777-3970 / 3476-7587 gsylvera@yahoo.fr Civile Grand'Anse Direction de la Protection Victor Jean Coordonnateur Adj / Gonaives M:3757 6608 jeant.victor2@yahoo.fr Civile Direction de la Protection Moise Jean Pierre Central Coordinator / Ouest M:3445-2694 / 3701-2694 Moisejp8@hotmail.com Civile Direction de la Protection Rethone Jose Technical Coordinators / Nord- M:3605 8453 / 3407 6242 rethone@yahoo.fr Civile Ouest Direction de la Protection Youdeline Joseph C. Coordonnatrice de PC M:3618 8351 youdcheri@yahoo.fr Civile communale / Gonaives Direction de la Protection Sergo Luma M:3643 7527 Civile Direction de la Protection Fidèle Nicolas Technical Coordinator / Nippes M:3478-5337 / 3751-7390 fidelenicolas@yahoo.fr Civile Direction de la Protection Blaise Noel M:3638 6423 Civile OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 13 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Direction de la Protection Jean Philippe Octama M:3600 5253 Civile Direction de la Protection Jean-Michel Sabbat Technical Coordinator / Sud-Est M:3616-3991 / 288-3991 jmsabbat@yahoo.com Civile Direction du Sabine Rosenthaler Coordinatrice Adjointe Aide M:3603 4333 sabine.rosenthaler@sdc.net Développement et de la Humanitaire Coopération Suisse Direction Sanitaire Ernst Augustin ADM M:3649 6292 ernsau@yahoo.fr Direction Sanitaire Cupidon Collette Eugene M:3465 6841 colette_eugene@yahoo.fr Direction Sanitaire Philogene Mercedes Joseph M:3711 8106 mercephiloge@yahoo.fr Direction Sanitaire Claude Loiseau M:3761 1174 clloiseau@yahoo.fr Direction Sanitaire Serge Vertilus Directeur / Gonaives M:3752 1499 docsergevertilus@hotmail.com Embassy of Argentina Alline Labbe Assistant M:3676 0359 embarghaiti@hainet.net Embassy of Argentina Mariano Mujica Minister M:2940 6711 to 14 eahait@mre.cic.gov.ar Embassy of Argentina Juan J. Nunez Minister Councellor M:3676-0359 nju@mrecic.gov.ar Embassy of Argentina Marcelo Raúl Sebaste Ambassador L: 2940-6711 to 14 mrs@mrecic.gov.ar Embassy of Bahamas Crevin Bryant Anderson Assistant L: 2813-1589 /2813-1590 banderson@hotmail.com Embassy of Bahamas Frankie Campbell Chargé d’affaires a.i M:3794 8310 bahamasembassy@hainet.net Embassy of Bahamas Pharah Paul Assistant L: 2813-1589 phara71@hotmail.com Embassy of Belgium Federic Meurice Ambassador M:3792-3309 Embassy of Brazil Luis Guilherme Da Silva Counselor M:3881 6605 / 3905 5022 lnascentes1@gmail.com Nascentes Embassy of Brazil Luciana Vasques FARNESI Secretary M:3170-8503 Luciana.farnesi@gmail.com Embassy of Brazil Daniel Guimaraes Secretary M:3896 7076 cadguimaraes@gmail.com Embassy of Brazil José Luiz Machado Machado e Costa Ambassador M:3449-5692 / 3731-3100 jose.costa@itamaraty.gov.br Embassy of Brazil Mikerlange Mitton Ambassador Assistant M:3905-5022 / 3901 8455 mikmitton@gmail.com Embassy of Canada Concepcion Mattey Maillet Assistant L: 2819-9000 concepcion.mattey@international.gc.ca Embassy of Canada Henri-Paul Normandin Ambassador M:2812-9000 Ext 3201 henri-paul.normandin@international.gc.ca Embassy of Canada Allison Poff 2nd Political Secretary L: 2812-9047 Allison.Poff@international.gc.ca Embassy of Canada Faidlyne Policard Working Group Program Agent L: 2812-9046 Faidlyne.Policard@international.gc.ca Embassy of Chile Jose Juan Hernandez Chavez Third Secretary / Consul M:3811 1557 / 3455 0887 consuladohaiti@gmail.com Embassy of Chile Ruth Sabine Laforest Assistant L: 28131918-1613 ruthsabine@yahoo.fr Embassy of Chile Mauricio Leone Bravo Ambassador M:3445-2011 / 3701-0143 mleoneb@hotmail.com Embassy of Chile Diego Rivera Lopez Political Counselor M:3702-2255 consuladohaiti@gmail.com Embassy of Cuba Isabel Castañeda Blanco Third Secretary L: 2256-2943 embajada@ht.embacuba.cu Embassy of Cuba Rita Rojas de Armas Assistant L: 2256-3504 secretaria@ht.embacuba.cu Embassy of Cuba Ricardo Garcia Napoles Ambassador M:3701-3812 / 3446-4490 embajador@ht.embacuba.cu OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 14 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Embassy of Dominican Monika Abraham Assistant M:3822 3660 embrepdomhai@yahoo.com Republic Embassy of Dominican José Ortiz Minister Counsellor M:3654-7193 joraoral@hotmail.com Republic Embassy of Dominican Ruben Silie Valdez Ambassador M:3657 2932 / 3529-8892 embajadorsilie@gmail.com Republic Embassy of France Bruno Asseray Chargé de coopération L: 2299-9023 bruno.asseray@diplomatie.gouv.fr Embassy of France Stephanie Gourguechon Assistant M:3490-3599 / 3912-0830 stephanie.gourguechon@diplomatie.gouv.fr Embassy of France Elizabeth Idriss Assistant L: 2999 9000/9001 idriss.elisabeth@diplomatie.gouv.fr Embassy of France Didier Le Bret Ambassador M:3785 9221 / 3401-2823 didier.lebret@diplomatie.gouv.fr Embassy of France Rodolphe Sambou First Secretary L: 2999-9046 rodolphe.sambou@diplomatie.gouv.fr Embassy of Germany Marie Yves Dufresne Fleurant Assistant M:3942 0202/3477 4701 marie-yves.dufresne-fleurant@diplo.de Embassy of Germany Oliver Thomas Jungel First Secretary L: 2949 0202 v@portp.auswaertiges-amt.de Embassy of Germany Louis-Anne Lamothe Delille Assistant M:3463 0830 / 3869 5788 louis-anne.delille@diplo.de Embassy of Germany Jens Peter Voss Ambassador L: 2949 0202 l@portp.auswaertiges-amt.de Embassy of Great Britain Florence Boucard Honorary Consul M:3744 6371 / 3401 3424 florence.boucard-hon@fconet.fco.gov.uk Embassy of Great Britain Steven Fisher Ambassador M:(809) 849-0749 steven.fischer@fco.gov.uk Embassy of Israel Shelly Hugler Livne Consul M:2814-0000 consisrha@gbgroup.net Embassy of Israel Moshe Sermoneta Ambassador L: 2814-0000 consisrha@gbgroup.net Embassy of Japan Nadege Beaulieu Assistant M:3448-2732 sabe@japanemb.ht Embassy of Japan Kentaro Minami Ambassador (a.i.) M:3455 0865 à 67 ambjaponhaiti@gmail.com Embassy of Mexico Sandrine Lafontant Assistant L: 2813-0089 embmxhai@yahoo.com Embassy of Mexico Luis Manuel Lopez Moreno Ambassador L: 2702-2122 llopez@sre.gob.mx Embassy of Mexico Jorge Rodriguez Arroyo Consul L: 2813-0089 / 2813-0249 jrodrigueza@sre.gob.mx Embassy of Netherlands Chris Kaput Officer assigned to Haiti M:3919 3554 chris.kaput@minbuza.nl (Santo Domingo) Embassy of Panama Marie Jackie Belizaire Executive Assistant L: 2813-1295/ 2813-1296 panaembahaiti@yahoo.com Embassy of Panama Floreal Garrido Consejero Economico L: 2813 1295/1296 flogarido@hotmail.com Embassy of Panama Cassandre L. Volcius Consul Secretary M:3473 4362 / 3645 0073 vollancassy@yahoo.com Embassy of Republic of Shang-yi Huang First secretary M:3930 5600 syhuang@mofa.gov.tw China - Taiwan Embassy of Slovakia Claude Martin Jr Honorary Consul in Haiti M:3734 1008 consulathonoraireslovak@yahoo.com Embassy of Spain Yannick LOUIS Officer M:2940 0952/2940 0954 yannick.louis@maec.es Embassy of Spain Sandra Noel Noble Ambassador Assistant L: 2940 1098 sandra.noel@maec.es Embassy of Spain Manuel Hernandez RUIGOMEZ Ambassador M:3401 6757 / 3410 2873 emb.puertoprincipe@maec.es Embassy of Switzerland Gaelle Dominique- Assistant M:3701-5831 / 3616-1407 gaelle.francillon-dominique@eda.admin.ch Francillon Embassy of Switzerland Edita Vokral Ambassador M:3840 8990 / 3941 0503 edita.vokral@eda.admin.ch OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 15 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Embassy of United States Neyssa Etienne Economic Assistant M:3435 9849 etiennen@state.gov Embassy of United States Altidor Paul Ambassador Embassy of United States Beatrice Vilain Protocol Assistant M:3463-9231 / 2229-8503 vilainbm@state.gov Embassy of Venezuela Pedro Antonio Canino Gonzalez Ambassador M:3485 0096 / 3443 4127 embve.htppr@mre.gob.ve Embassy of Venezuela Luis Eduardo Espinoza Perez Chargé d'affaires a.i. M:3485 0096 Embassy of Venezuela Lic Micheline J.PIERRE-LOUIS Assistant M:3762-7668 / 3477 8352 michelinejean45@hotmail.com Embassy of Venezuela Luis José Quijada Minister Councellor M:3443-4127 embaj.pacaninogonzalez@yahoo.com Embassy of Venezuela Naomie Saint Cyr Assistant M:3485-0096 embaj.pacaninogonzalez@yahoo.com Emergency Group Mario Jeanniton Manager L: 3715 5784 emergencygroupe@yahoo.fr Organization ENFOFANM Clorinde Zephir M:3822 5623 clozephir@yahoo.fr Entrepreneurs du Monde Marie-Hermine de Montangon Responsible of programmes M:+509 3702 3963 mariehermine.demontangon@entrepreneursdum Habitat onde.org Entrepreneurs du Monde Helene Mauduit Resp. de programme Initiatives M:3883 2724 helene.mauduit@entrepreneursdumonde.org Entreprises Espoir Sans Frontieres Haiti / Sejour Gertrude C. Chef of Party M:3402-0248 info@fondationmauricesixto.org Fondation Maurice Sixto European Commission Nolex Fontil Program Assistant L: nolex.fontil@echohaiti.eu Humanitarian Aid Office f_iunctis_viribus@ymail.co (ECHO) m European Commission Val Lauramare Assistant de programme L: 2813-1181 lauramare.val@echohaiti.eu Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) European Commission Elke Leidel Head of mission M:3701-1183 elke.leidel@echofield.eu Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) European Commission Daniel Urena Risk Reduction Focal Point L: 2813 1181 daniel.urena-cot@echofield.eu Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) European Union Lucas Cibor Political Counsellor M:3701-5807 lucas.cibor@eeas.europa.eu European Union Carlo De Filippi Head of EU Delegation M:2949 4949 / 3701 3700 carlo.de-filippi@eeas.europa.eu European Union Sophie Juste Telhomme Assistant L: 2949 4949 sophie.juste@eeas.europa.eu Famille Interne pour le Juno Bataille Directeur Executif M:3708-6314/3463-6662 fidehaiti@yahoo.fr Developpement des Enfants d'Haiti Famille Interne pour le Pierre Marjorie Bataille Secretaire /conseiller Jurique M:3456-1941/3859-7656 fidehaiti@yahoo.fr Developpement des Enfants d'Haiti OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 16 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Famille Interne pour le Osner Leconte Secretaire -Adjoint M:3716-1178 fidehaiti@yahoo.fr Developpement des Enfants d'Haiti Fanm Deside Marie-Ange Noel Directrice L: 3408 7855 fanmdeside@yahoo.fr FDEH/FNOP Jn Ynes Bien-Aime Delegue L: 3498 2420 dorcemedilien@yahoo.fr FDEH/FNOP Bazelais Facto Vice-Coordonnateur M:3905 1648 FDEH/FNOP Dorcely Medilien Coordonateur M:3725 7780 dorcemedilien@yahoo.fr Federation Handicap Aline Martin Head of mission M:+509 36178993 cdm@handicap-international-haiti.org International Federation Handicap Patrick Senia Directeur de Programme M:3170- 4814 dp@handicap-international-haiti.org International Financial Times Benedict Mender Reporter Finn Church Aid Jean Eric Duval Emergency Coordinator M:3702 2714 emergency@fca.ht Finn Church Aid Mishiki Mamboleo Country Representative M:3702-0399 representative@fca.ht Finn Church Aid Hanna Matinpuro Development Programme M:37016322 development@fca.ht Coordinator Flore des Femmes Wilda Pyram M:3771 7125 floredefemme@yahoo.fr Fondation Architectes de Benoit Berge Chef de mission M:3476 1206 bberge@archi-urgent.com l'Urgence Fondation Architectes de Patrick Martin Chef de projet M:3420-8503 pmartin@archi-urgent.com l'Urgence Fondation Architectes de Olivier Million Chef de projet M:3945-8679 omillion@archi-urgent.com l'Urgence Fondation Bon Samaritain en Eddy Destine Executive Director L: (509) 3109 6737 foundationsamaritan2003@yahoo.com Action Fondation BRAC Haiti Rakibul Bari Kan Country Representative M:50938881631 Fondation Emmaus pour la Jeannia Dupoux Présidente L: 3684 7685 feddedh@yahoo.fr defense des droits de l'enfant et du developpement Humain Fondation Enfant Jesus A. Duncan Mme Rose Lucienne Director L: 3405-0660 3529-3933 cejglg@yahoo.fr Fondation Le Berger Marie Navia Deralyn Assistante Administrative M:3818-5098 / 3350-6744 fondationleberger@yahoo.fr Fondation Le Berger Jean Marc Louishomme Project Manager L: 3903-7966 fondationleberger@yahoo.fr Fondation Le Berger Jean Ednor Timaitre Education Manager M:3714-1125 fondationleberger@yahoo.fr Fondation Mission de Jean-Lubin M. Jean Marc Director L: 3408-6171 brad@mohhaiti.org l'Espoir Fondation Monique Jean Fanélise Director M:3656-0867 fomonije@yahoo.com Fondation pour le Louise Brassard Coordonnatrice de Projet M:3881-6784 louisebrassard2000@yahoo.ca Développement Économique et Social OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 17 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Fondation pour le Chouinard Genevieve Gestionnaire programme sante genevieve.chouinard@fodes5.org Développement Économique et Social Fondation Seguin Serge Cantave Directeur Executif M:3604 1919 info@fondationseguin.org Fondation Seguin Léon Philippe Director M:3401-6999 info@fondationseguin.org Fondation Sévère d'Haïti Cramer Patrick Representative L: (478)461-8308 pilgrim@cox.net Fondation Sévère d'Haïti Rev. Willy Severe Director M:3802-9060 fondationsevere@yahoo.fr Fondation Solidarite pour le Romeo E Des Cars Directeur Exécutif L: 3723-0051 fsda.artibonite@gmail.com Developpement de l'Art FONDEFH Dr. Morose Belonne Directeur Technique M:3448 8881 FONDEFH Dr. Margareth Mallet Presidente du Conseil L: 29408218 25138218 margarethmallet@yahoo.fr S: fondefhsecretariat@yahoo Fonds Humanitaire pour la Jean Rene Archer Coordonnateur M:3919-3383 archerrene288@yahoo.fr Promotion et la Valorisation de l'Homme Haitien et de la Production Nationale Food and Agriculture Bakary Diarra bakary.diarra@fao.org Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Food and Agriculture Frantz Jacques Pierre Coord. Adjoint M:3701 2366 Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Food and Agriculture Adam Yao Representative a.i. M:3798 4213 adam.yao@fao.org Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Food for the Hungry Bekele Hankebo Country Director M:+509 4687 5154 bhankebo@fh.org Foresopa Dr Clement Belonne Coordonnateur de projet foresopa@yahoo.com Foresopa Anne Rose Saint-Preux Responsable Nutrition M:3417 1648 FORHAD Ronald Alphonse President Fondateur L: 3677 4341 forhadf17@yahoo.fr Foundation for Humanitarian Herns L. EUGENE Haiti/Mission Director & M:3718 1643 / 4272 9613 fhedcharities@hotmail.com Education and Development, General Coordinator Incorporate Foundation for Humanitarian Mirlande GILBERT Directrice Adjoint M:509 3716 6263 fhedinc2000@gmail.com Education and Development, Incorporate Foundation for the Jacky Poteau Executive Director L: (508) 857-0830 Technological and Economic S: (508) 577-3488 Advancement of Mirebalais Fraternité Franciscaine Soeur Marcella Catozzi Representant L: 509 3901 4898 OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 18 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Freelance Christopher Gilette Reporter Global Therapy Group Jo Ann Roberts Executive Director M:3756 8577 jroberts@globaltherapygroup.org GOAL Derek Butler Country Director M:+509 37879744 dbutler@ht.goal.ie GOAL Francesca Fedele Consultant Plan de Contingence ffedele@goalhaiti.org GOAL Caroline Tassart Programme Support Coordinator M:38 83 23 58 ctassart@ht.goal.ie GOALS Haiti Jolinda Hackett Good Neighbors International Do-Gyeong Kim Country director L: +509)2943-1733 dgkim@goodneighbors.org Groupe d Paul LAMOTHE President M:37 17 78 31 / 34 89 38 60 / 33 54 06 75 Groupe d'Action Tilus David Director M:3401-9641 Francophone pour l'Environnement Groupe d'Appui aux Parents Denise C. Annoual Vice Presidente L: 3448-7648 gapel_haiti@yahoo.com d'Elèves Groupe d'Appui aux Parents Domersant Ketelie A. Directrice L: 2516-0286 gapel_haiti@yahoo.com d'Elèves Groupe Urgence Caroline Broudic Coordinatrice Bureau Haïti M:3170 7570 cbroudic@urd.org Réhabilitation Développement Groupe Urgence Julie Patinet Researcher Water, sanitation and L: 33 (0)475 28 29 35 jpatinet@urd.org Réhabilitation Hygiene Développement GRUEEDH Clifford Etienne Program Coordinator M:3411 8906 cliffordetienne1@yahoo.fr GRUEEDH Mardocher Malbranche President M:3863 4694 grueedhhaiti@yahoo.fr Gruppo Volontariato Civile Mattia Bellei Chef de mission/Resp. projet M:3375 9551 mattia.bellei@gvc-italia.org DRR Haiti en Marche pour le Pierre Elioth PAUL Directeur Executif M:3731 3711 hmdhaiti@yahoo.fr Developpement Haiti Enfant du Lendemain Amos Florantin Chairman M:3179-2641 haitienfantdulendemain@gmail.com Haiti Enfant du Lendemain Ange-Marie G. Florantin Vice président L: 3179 2641 haitienfantdulendemain@gmail.com Haiti Participative Sandrine Edouard Nutritionniste L: 3487 9903 hp.bpu.nutrition@gmail.com Haiti Participative Steeve Jean Baptiste President haitiparticipative@gmail.com Haiti Vision Inc. Vilme Jean Claude Operation Director M:509 3868 6689 Haiti Vision Inc. Rév. Daniel Sudre Head Officer haitivision@yahoo.com Haitian Movement for Rural Vedrine Strauss Executive director M:3803 9520 mhdrural@hotmail.com Development Haitian Movement for Rural Sylvera Sylvaince M:3483 5092 sylvainces@yahoo.fr Development Hands Together Jn Liphete Nelson Head of Office M:3443-2790 nelsonjl@hotmail.com OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 19 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Hands Together Jn Robert Nelson Director M:3833-1692 nelsonjro@hotmail.com HappyNow Won Park Secretary General L: 82 010 9316 9191 happi-now@hanmail.net Harvest International, Inc Etienne Rév. Past. Charles Head Officer L: 2851928 harvestinthaiti@yahoo.com Haven Haiti Sasi Luxmanan Project Manager M:3701 2172 sasi.luxmanan@havenpartnership.com Healing Art Missions Dr Jacques Jean-Fritz Coordonnateur Medical L: 36593554 jjnfritz@yahoo.fr Healing Hands For Haïti Al Ingersoll Country Director M:3702 4431 alingersoll@healinghandsforhaiti.org Healing Hands For Haïti Fritz Gérald Moise Medical Director M:3429-1355 fritzgeraldmoise@healinghandsforhaiti.org Healing Hands For Haïti Fiona Stephenson Klinik Kay Kapab Director M:3892-2332 fionastephenson@healinghandsforhaiti.org Healing Hands For Haïti Riche Zamor Executive Director M:+509 31702857 richezamor@healinghandsforhaiti.org Heartland Alliance for Clemence Billoud Program Coordinator M:3881 2338 cbilloud@heartlandalliance.org Human Needs & Human Rights Heartland Alliance for Ramon Olaf Broers Country Director M:3816-8250 RBroers@heartlandalliance.org Human Needs & Human Rights Heartland Alliance for Sophie Orthela WE LEAD Program Director M:3701 4874 sorthela@heartlandalliance.org Human Needs & Human Rights Heaven in Me international Lee Sori Project Coordinator M:509 3994 2564 heavenabove@gmail.com Heifer Project International Paul dit Justin Alce Coordonnateur National de M:3785-8780 justin.alce@heifer.org Haiti Programme Heifer Project International Hervil Cherubin Directeur National M:3620-6812 hervil.cherubin@heifer.org Haiti Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Gregor Werth Head of Mission M:3657 4058 / 3492 4680 werth@help-ev.de HelpAge International Kizito Chiwala Acting Country Director M:3701 7883 countrydirector@helpagehaiti.org HelpAge International Frances Crowely Program officer M:4412 3362 fcrowley@HELPAGE.onmicrosoft.com HelpAge International Bertin Meance Program Support Manager M:3701-7163 bmeance@helpagehaiti.org HelpAge International Claudel Victor Communication Officer M:+509 34619191 claudelvictor@gmail.com Hilfswerk Austria Michael Weber Project Manager L: 36 72 57 03 michael.weber@hwa.or.at International Hopital Saint Boniface Ellen Boldon Program Coordinator M:3832 4778 ecboldon@hotmail.com Hopital Saint Boniface Shapiro Conor Directeur Executif M:3634 1567 conorshap@yahoo.com Humanitarian & Lohic A. d'Almeida Acting Chief M:509 37 02 68 80 dalmeidal@un.org Development Coordination Section Office Humanitarian & Alex Mulahuko Regional Hum. & Dvlpmnt M:3819 5308 mulahuko@un.org Development Coordination Coord Officer Section Office OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 20 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization Name Last Name Title Mobile Phone Email Humanitarian & Omel Senophat Humanitarian Officer L: 3404 0068 senophat@un.org Development Coordination Section Office IEDA Relief Phil Maanulwa Head of Mission M:3785-2340 phil.maanulwa@gmail.com IEDA Relief Pascal Baylon MVOGO Disaster Risk Reduction Advisor L: 47 54 27 51 pascalmvogo@iedarelief.org BENYOMO IMA World Health Abdel Nasser Direny NTD Advisor / Senior Program L: 3816-5969 abdeldireny@imaworldhealth.org Manager iMMAP Mutahar Hezam Information management officer M:00967736946299 xyzmutahar@gmail.com (IMO) Institut Haïti de Flambert M. Frantz Head Officer L: 2514-1365 Développement Intégral Inter-American Development Eduardo Marques Almeida Resident Representative L: 2812 5000 ealmeida@iadb.org Bank (IADB) Inter-American Development Pascaline Conserve Deneaud Assistant L: 2812-5000 pascalined@iadb.org Bank (IADB) Interchurch Medical Ambroise Jean Sylvain Head Officer L: 2510-7340 Assistance Interchurch Medical Jodel Pierre Haiti Program Manager M:3855 9011 jodelpierre@imaworldhealth.org Assistance Intermon Oxfam Marc Comas Projet Manager M:3712 9754 fmeq3ht@intermonoxfam.org Intermon Oxfam Maria Maggio Field Manager L: 38511129 fmeq1ht@intermonoxfam.org Intermon Oxfam Alix Moliere DRR/GRD referent phpaeq3ht@IntermonOxfam.org Intermon Oxfam Andreu Munne Emergency Manager M:3712 9558 rahht@intermonoxfam.org International Committee of Simon Ashmore Head of Delegation M:3702 7159 sashmore@icrc.org the Red Cross (ICRC) International Committee of Marie-Astrid Blondiaux Deputy Head of office M:3702 3153 mablondiaux@icrc.org the Red Cross (ICRC) International Faith Missions Martin Michael Field Administrator L: 3863 0690 International Federation of Hugh Brennan Shelter Delegate, Project L: 3462 2052 hugh.brennan@IFRC.org Red Cross And Red Crescent Manager (IFRC) International Federation of Brigitte Gaillis Movement Cooperation M:3900 6619 brigitte-gaillis@ifrc.org Red Cross And Red Crescent Coordinator (IFRC) International Federation of Luis Luna Humanitarian Diplomacy M:3940 4667 luis.luna@ifrc.org Red Cross And Red Crescent Coordinator (IFRC) International Lifeline Fund Christine Roy Program Director M:+509 3 715 4356 croy@lifelinefund.org International Medical Corps Grace Awantang M&E officer M:3814 9062 gawantang@internationalmedicalcorps.org OCHA HAITI November 15th, 2012 21 of 35 The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
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