3W Who What Where and Contact Directory

La page est créée Daniel Petit
3W Who What Where and Contact Directory
3W Who What Where and Contact Directory

OCHA HAITI                                                                                                           December 2nd, 2013

The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
3W - Who What Where
                                                                                        General Contact List

Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone                Email
Act Alliance / Diakonie          Juergen                   Feldmann                 Country Director                   M:3710-8832                 cdhispaniola@diakonie-apoyo-en-
Katastrophenhilfe (Aide                                                                                                                            emergencias.org
Humanitaire Allemagne)
Act Alliance / Diakonie          Mondesir                  Jacques-Philipe          Programme Coordinator              M:3699-1434                 jpmondesir@diakonie-emergencias.org
Katastrophenhilfe (Aide
Humanitaire Allemagne)
Action Citoyenne pour            Francois                  Jean-Rony                Coordonnateur General Adjoint      M:36342736/28161996         francois.acat@yahoo.fr
l'Abolition de la Torture
Action Citoyenne pour            Dieuveul W.               Urbens                   Coordonnateur General              M:46029009 / 28161996       acathaiti@yahoo.fr
l'Abolition de la Torture
Action Collective pour le        Kernais                   Meteus                   Directeur                          L: 3725 3553                kernais@yahoo.fr, infoadno@yahoo.fr
Developpement du
Action Communautaire des         Jean Leger                Patrick                  Coordinateur de projets            M:3702 1046                 patrickleger@hotmail.com
Pecheurs Integres Alternative
de developpement pour la
Population de Dame Marie
Action Contre la Faim            Stephane                  Lobjois                  Directeur Pays                     M:3784-0556                 cdm_haiti@ht.missions-acf.org
Action Contre la Faim            Cédric                    Piriou                   Food Security Coordinator          M:3879 4693                 foodsecco@ht.missions-acf.org
Action Medeor E.V.               Alexandra                 Geiser                   Head of Humanitarian Aid           M:+49 2156 97881 32         alexandra.geiser@medeor.org
Action Medeor E.V.               Miriam                    Speh                     Country Coordinator                M:48904454                  miriam.speh@medeor.org
Action pour l'Education          Emmanuel                  Noel                     Coordonateur                       M:4859-8856 / 3327-4223     acesshaiti@rocketmail.com
Sociale et la Santé
Action Secours Ambulance         Mathieu                   Getro                    Executive Director                 L: 3495-9575                getro.mathieu@asambulance.org
                                                                                                                       S: asambulance@gmail.com
Actionaid International          Myra                      De Bruijn                Policy Manager                     M:3407-3836                 Myra.DeBruijn@actionaid.org
Actionaid International          Daniel                    Gedeon                   Resilience Manager                 M:3492-1807                 Daniel.Gedeon2@actionaid.org
Actionaid International          Jean-Claude               O. Fignolé               Country Director                   M:3419-3838                 JeanClaude.Fignole@actionaid.org
Adventist Development and        Robinson                  Etienne                  Chef de liaison                    M:3735 7927                 adrahaiti@yahoo.fr
Relief Agency
AFPROD                           Estelene                  Isma                     Secretaire                         M:3711 3208 / 36 45 71 62   afprogana@yahoo.fr
AFPROD                           Ketelaine                 Tallegrand               Vice coordonnatrice                M:3701-7749 / 3711 3208     afprogana@yahoo.fr

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
African Methodist Episcopal      Madeline P.               Dupiton                  Head Officer                       M:3454-1410 / 2942 1303   sadahaiti@hotmail.com
Service And Development
African Methodist Episcopal      Remy                      Marie Yolaine            MD, Responsible Technique          M:3454-1410 / 2942 1303   sadahaiti@hotmail.com
Service And Development
African Methodist Episcopal      Mirlande                  Paret                    MD de programme                    M:3411-4120 / 2942-1303   sadahaiti@hotmail.com
Service And Development
Agence d'aide à la               Rebecca                   Bouchet                  Country Director                   M:3170-4375               rebecca.bouchet@acted.org
Coopération Technique et
au Développement
Agence d'aide à la               Cyril                     de Lannurien             Directeur Adjoint aux opérations M:4799 6164                 cyril.de-lannurien@acted.org
Coopération Technique et
au Développement
Agence d'aide à la               Camille                   Saulnier                 Junior Programme Development M:3170 4377                     camille.saulnier@acted.org
Coopération Technique et                                                            Officer
au Développement
Agence d'aide à la               Benjamin                  Van Parys                Programme Development                                        benjamin.van-parys@acted.org
Coopération Technique et                                                            Manager
au Développement
Agence Francaise de              Marie                     Le Gac                   Chargée de Mission                 M:3105 0857 / 2942 2223 / legacm@afd.fr
Developpement (AFD)                                                                                                    3936 4019
Agence Francaise de              Yves                      Malpel                   Directeur d'Agence                 M:3724 8963 / 3936 4019   mapely@afd.fr
Developpement (AFD)
Agence Francaise de              C. Shekinah               Paul                     Secrétaire                         M:2942 2223 / 3936 4019   pauls@afd.fr
Developpement (AFD)
Agencia Española de              Maria                     Civit                    Project Manager for                M:3781 0540 / 2941 5070   maria.civit@aecid.ht
Cooperación Internacional                                                           Humanitarian Affairs
para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Agencia Española de              Jean Rony                 Faldor                   Assistant Administratif            M:2941-5070 / 2941-3676   otc@aecid.ht
Cooperación Internacional
para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Agencia Española de              Rosa                      Santrich                 Project Manager                    M:3701 6330 / 2941 5070   rosa.santrich@aecid.ht
Cooperación Internacional
para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Agir pour Sauver un Enfant       Rose Marie                Joseph                   Presidente                         M:3138 5990               contactagir@yahoo.com

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Agricultural Cooperative         Jeff                      Kalalu                   Health Director                    M:3657-1335               jkalalu@acdivoca-haiti.org
Development International
and Volunteers in Overseas
Cooperative Assistance.
Agricultural Cooperative         Wilner                    Termilus                 DCOP                               M:3719-5418               wtermilus@acdivoca-haiti.org
Development International
and Volunteers in Overseas
Cooperative Assistance.
Agricultural Cooperative         Régis                     Terrien                  Country Representative             M:3111-1822               rterrien@acdivoca-haiti.org
Development International
and Volunteers in Overseas
Cooperative Assistance.
Agro Action                      Marc-Arthur               Georges                  Coordonnateur de Programmes        M:3778-9727               marc-arthur.georges@welthungerhilfe.de
Allemande/Welthungerhilfe                                                           (BUCO)
Agro Action                      Dirk                      Guenther                 Director                           M:3773 1771               dirk.guenther@werlthungerhilfe.de
Agro Action                      Beate                     Maas                     Coordinator Petit Goave            M:3100-8240               beate.maass@welthungerhilfe.de
Aide et Action                   Alain Georges             Bangoura                 Country Coordinator                M:3401 0045               alainbangoura@yahoo.fr
Alliance pour la Gestion des     Augustin Russo            Marie-Louise             Directrice Executive               M:3776-1211 / 3441-0454   agerca@yahoo.com
risques et la continuité des
Allied Recovery International    John                      Augsburger               Executive Director                 M:5093803 0256/ +1 540    jaugsburger@alliedri.org
America Continental 2000         Mose Nahaniel             Albert                   Coordonnatrice WASH                M:31 41 93 14             Albert.mosenahaniel@yahoo.com
America Continental 2000         Sarie Sonia               Meritus                  Coordonnatrice aux Affaires        M:38781797/34580066       oftnb@yahoo.fr
America Continental 2000         Mesadieu                  Wilfrid                  Coordinator                        M:48142988 / 42494622     aamecon@ymail.com
American Friends Service         Roselaure                 Jourdain                 Administrative and Financial       M:39430285                roselaure.afsc@gmail.com
Committee                                                                           Assistant
American Friends Service         Ivan                      Monzon                   Country Representative             M:37430029 / 39430282     IMonzon@afsc.org
American Friends Service         Sergio                    Rogene                   Monitoring and Evaluation          M:36244612                Sergio.afsc@gmail.com
Committee                                                                           Assistant
AmeriCares                       Dr. Minaud                Dacius                   Senior Program Manager             M:3900-4803               mdacius@americares.org
AmeriCares                       Dr. Ceremy                Fertil                   Program Manager                    M:3488-4803               cfertil@americares.org
AmeriCares                       Julie                     Hard                     Country Director                   M:4644-6652               jhard@americares.org
AmeriCares                       Brian                     Hoyer                    Country Director (outgoing)        M:3483 6237               bhoyer@americares.org
Ananda Marga Universal           Markus                    Rosback                  Director                           M:4293-7007 / 3665-9349   mrosbach@amurt.net
Relief Team

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Ananda Marga Universal           Demeter                   Russafov                 Coordinator                        M:3311-0664               drussafov@amurthaiti.org
Relief Team
APTV                             Chris                     Chris                    Reporter
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund          Guilia                    Giordano                 Project Manager Shelter            M:3745 8029               giordano.asb@gmail.com
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund          Birame Sarr               Sarr                     Country Director                   M:38 85 26 24             sarrb.asb@gmail.com
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund          Gabi                      Solomie                  Operations Manager                 M:31 13 25 05             solomie.asb@gmail.com
Arbo de Vivo Haiti               Saint-Vilmar              Raulexe Auralus          Secretaire General                 M:37037086/33567755       raulexe@yahoo.com
Arbo de Vivo Haiti               Jacques Junior            St-Hilaire               coordonateur des projets           M:36671961/ 32168050      officiersthilaire@yahoo.fr
Arbo de Vivo Haiti               Alexaxndre                Wilkens                  responsable des relations          M:42507697                agrowilkensa12@hotmail.com
Architecture For Humanity        Esmeralda                 Doublette                Development Coordinator            M:3696 2114               esmeraldadoublette@architectureforhumanity.or
Associated Press Television      Yesica                    Fisch                    Reporter
Associated Press Television      Jennifer                  Kay                      Reporter
Associated Press Television      Nico                      Nico                     Reporter
Associated Press Television      Niko                      Price                    Reporter
Association des Chrétiens        Pierre                    Hug                      Coordonateur General               M:3135 2769               acavies@yahoo.fr
pour l'Amélioration des Vies
Association des Industries       Gregor                    Avril                    Directeur                          M:3722 9566 / 3776 1211   gavril@adih.ht
Association des Industries       Georges                   Sassine                  Président                          M:3776 1211               georges@agtextilesb1.com
Association des Prestataires     Kettie                    Archer Gednard           Coordonatrice                                                sprestataire@yahoo.com
de soins en Sante Mentale
Association for Aid and          Ryota                     Hirama (Mr.)             Programme Coordinator              M:3118-5790               aar_ht@aarjapan.gr.jp
Relief, Japan
Association for Aid and          Shoichi                   Toyoi (Mr.)              Acting Country Director            M:3790-1661               aar_ht@aarjapan.gr.jp
Relief, Japan
Association Haïtienne Pour le    Dossaint                  Juliette R.              Director                           M:3408-2692               ahdl1999@yahoo.fr
Développement Local
Association Haïtienne Pour le    Redas                     Raymond                  President Du Conseil
Développement Local                                                                 Administration
Association Nationale de la      Kettly                    Alysee                   Directeur exécutif                 M:3474 5836               kettlya@yahoo.fr
Protection des Femmes et
des Enfants Haitiens

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone             Email
Association of Volunteers in     Cappellini                Fiammetta                Head Officer                       M:3701 4119              fiammetta.cappellini@avsi.org
International Service
Association of Volunteers in     Emanuele                  Gobbi Frattini           Programme Manager et               M:37479364               emanuele.gobbifrattini@avsi.org
International Service                                                               Responsable AGR
Association of Volunteers in     Maria                     Ossola                   Programme Chief                    M:33642357               maria.ossola@avsi.org
International Service
Association Paysans Réunis       Laguerre                  Jean Dieuseul            Chef of Party                      L: 3427-8708
Association pour la              Dr. Ernest                Desir                    Dir. Medical Jacmel                M:3817 2895              desirernest@yahoo.com
Promotion de la Famille
Haïtienne (PROFAMIL)
Association pour la              Edvard                    Tassy                    Technical Director                 M:3464-5896              edvardtassy@hotmail.com
Promotion de la Famille
Haïtienne (PROFAMIL)
ASSODLO                          Joseph L.                 Fleurantin               Director                           M:3842 0606              assodlo@yahoo.fr
ASSODLO                          Irmine                    Sylvain                  Secrétaire                         M:48713416               irminesylvain@yahoo.fr
ATD Quart de Monde-Terre         Regis                     de Muylder               Executif committee member          M:+509 37511216          regis.demuylder@gmail.com
et Homme de demain
ATD Quart de Monde-Terre         Brigitte                  Michaudel                Country Director                   M:37507775               haiti@atd-quartmonde.org
et Homme de demain
Ayiti Gouvenans                  Bora                      Etzer                    Directeur Executif                 M:3455-0760              ayitigouvenans@yahoo.com
Ayiti Gouvenans                  Voltaire                  Jackson                  President                          M:3810-0710              ayitigouvenans@yahoo.com
Ayuda a Haiti                    Rafael                    Taveras                                                     M:37849696               hamaca@gmail.com
BBC radio 4                      Sareen                    Bains                    Producer                           M:37 52-23 10            jjosephfrancoeur@yahoo.fr
BBC radio 4                      Mike                      Thompson                 Reporter
BBC Ten O'Clock News             Tim                       Awford                   Producer
BBC Ten O'Clock News             Nick                      Davis
BBC World Service Trust          Nick                      Davis                    Reporter
BBC World Service Trust          Lisa                      Robinson                 Humanitarian Programme
Bibliothèque sans frontières     Helena                    Hugot                    Chef de mission                    M:3788 4430              helena.hugot@bibliosansfrontieres.org
BIDWAY Haïti                     Mezil Lee                 May Jors                 Coordonateur General               L: 3932 7617 3946 5337   infobidway@gmail.com
Bomberos Unidos sin              Markinsy                  Alexis                   Responsible                        M:3486-8472              alexis@busf.org
BRAC Haiti                       Shahinul                  Hoque                    Programme Manager                  M:37714068               hoque_shahinul@yahoo.com
BRAC Haiti                       Rakibul Bari              Khan                     Country Representative             M:3888 1631              brac.haiti@gmail.com
BRAC Haiti                       Dr.Mazair                 Saint Fleur              Programme Manager                  M:31093080               mazairstfleur@hotmail.com
Build Change                     Nady                      Francois                 Dir. Finance operations            M:3702 0170              nady@buildchange.org
Build Change                     Kate                      Landry                   Fund Development Officer           M:3170-2787              kate@buildchange.org

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone               Email
Build Change                     Tufani                    Noll                     Director of Programs               M:3702-8250                noll@buildchange.org
CAFVAS                           Berline                   Claude                   Adj. Coordonatrice                 M:3142-7465
CAFVAS                           Kedar Hugguens            Elliott                  Coordonateur                       M:3686-2140                cafvas2010@yahoo.fr
CAFVAS                           Monique                   Metayer                  Secretaire Gnl                     M:3117-0073
CAMARA                           Ailish                    O'Reilly                 Project Manager                    M:3795 5538                ailishoreilly@camara.ie
Canadian International           Sandra                    Berberi                  First Secretary (Development)      M:3702 9940                sandra.berberi@international.gc.ca
Development Agency
Canadian International           Karen                     Christie                 First Secretary (Development)      M:3702 99 39 / 3492 1160   karen.christie@international.gc.ca
Development Agency
Canadian International           Jaques-Michel             Gourgues                 Specialiste Education/Education    M:3454 0908 / 3702 9943    jacques-michel.gourgues@international.gc.ca
Development Agency                                                                  Specialist
Canadian International           Serge                     Koskinen                                                    M:3454 0908 / 3702 9943    serge.koskinen@acdi-cida.gc.ca
Development Agency
Cap Anamur                       Mayer                     Christof                                                    M:37118147                 henkg5@yahoo.co.uk
CARICOM                          Esther A                  Compere                  First Secretary                    M:2813-0306                ccrephaiti@gmail.com
CARICOM                          Earl Stephen              Huntley                  Ambassador                         M:2813-0306                ccrephaiti@gmail.com
Caritas Austria                  Coltinette                Polo Alexis              Head of Mission                    M:4799 6386                alexis.caritas.at@gmail.com
Caritas Austria                  Eva Marly                 Steide                   Head of Mission Assistant          M:4799 6395                steide.caritas.at@gmail.com
Caritas Germany                  Dr Mahamadou              Issoufou-Wasmeier        Project Coordinator                M:3485 9892                Mahamadou.Issoufou-Wasmeier@caritas.de
Caritas Germany                  Doris                     Wasmeier                 Technical Adviser                  M:3905 2684                Doris.Wasmeier@caritas.de
Caritas Haiti                    Stéphanie                 Abraham                  Secrétaire de Direction            M:2813-1690                secretaria@communication-caritashaiti.org
Caritas Haiti                    Père Serge B.             Chadic                   Direction Générale de Caritas      M:3701-2241                pchadic@communication-caritashaiti.org
Caritas Haiti                    Madame Marie              Jean-Maurice             Directrice des Opérations          L: 2813 1690               faustajmb@communication-caritashaiti.org
                                 Fausta                    Baptiste
Caritas Swiss                    Richard                   Gluckler                 Head of mission                    M:4799-9688                rglueckler@caritas.ch
Caritas Swiss                    Alexander                 Seifert                  Lead Delegate Schools              M:4799-7820                aseifert@caritas.ch
Catholic Organisation for        Piet                      Spaarman                 Country Representative             M:3105-9169                piet.spaarman@cordaid.net
Relief and Development Aid
Catholic Relief Services-  Carla                           Fajardo                  Deputy Country Representative - M:4658 5715                   carla.fajardo@crs.org
USCCB                                                                               Operations
Catholic Relief Services-  Wilson Luxen                    Fevrin                   Emergency Response Team         M:3701-9173                   wilson.fevrin@crs.org
USCCB                                                                               Leader
Catholic Relief Services-  Darren                          Hercyk                   Country Representative          M:3702-8795                   Darren.hercyk@crs.org

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Catholic Relief Services-        Jeffrey                   Mcintosh                 Deputy Country Representative - M:3170-7457                  jeffrey.mcintosh@crs.org
USCCB                                                                               Program
Catholic Relief Services-        Atli                      Moges                    Deputy Country Representative- M:3609 3812 / 3902 6157       Atli.Moges@crs.org
USCCB                                                                               Operation
Center for Development in        Kendy                     Massena                  President                       L: 3452-1250
Community Education
Centre CAPEVI                    Clerveaux                 Domino                   Coordonateur General               M:3743 2125               klevoamonik@yahoo.fr
Centre CAPEVI                    Charles                   Langchoi                 Responsable Technique              M:3686 9124               langchoi@hotmail.com
Centre d'Accueil et de           Sony                      Cely                     President                          M:3728-8419 / 3421-4566   carpa3me2000@yahoo.fr
Récupération des Personnes
du 3e Age
Centre d'Accueil et de           Mercedes                  Rouzard                  Co-Founder
Support des Gonaives
Centre D'action Educative,       Sylvestre                 Berthony                 Directeur Adjoint                  M:36215185                cacecul2012@gmail.com
Culturelle et de Loisirs
Centre D'action Educative,       Laguerre                  Felga                    Resp. Relations Publiques          M:37267834                cacecul2012@gmail.com
Culturelle et de Loisirs
Centre D'action Educative,       Vanel                     Sylvestre                Secretaire Gnl                     L: 37201033 / 36215185    cacecul2012@gmail.com
Culturelle et de Loisirs
Centre de Coopération            Centre de                 en Sante et en                                              M:2813-0892               prisma@ccisd-haiti.org
Internationale en Santé et en    Cooperation Intl          Dvlpmnt
Centre de Développement          Paul Zacharrie            Oska                     Directeur Executif                 M:3388 0354 / 3435 8726   zigizagoska@yahoo.fr
Intégré de la Mission de
l'Eglise de Dieu
Indépendante de la Porte
Centre de Développement          Pierre Harry              Oska                     President                          M:3711-2193               oskapaz@yahoo.fr
Intégré de la Mission de
l'Eglise de Dieu
Indépendante de la Porte
CESAL                            Jordi                     Bach                     Directeur                          M:37885297                jbach@cesal.org
CESAL                            Egido                     Sanz                     Coordonnatrice Territorial         M:36743682                esanz@cesal.org
                                                                                    Fonds- Verrettes
Channel 4 News                   Helene                    Helene                   Producer                           L: 36282548
Channel 4 News                   Job                       Rabkin                   Producer
Christian Aid                    Francky                   Ciceron                                                                               fciceron@christian-aid.org
Christian Aid                    Prospery                  Raymond                  Country Manager/ Caribbean         M:3702 4200 / 37104200    praymond@christian-aid.org
                                                                                    Team Leader

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Christian Aid                    Joseph Jonides            Villarson                Emergency Programme Officer        M:36 33 18 00             JVillarson@christian-aid.org
Christian Blind Mission          Odnel                     Eleazard                 Advocacy Program Manager           M:3448 1194               odnel.eleazard@cbm-haiti.org
Christian Blind Mission          Laurene                   Leclercq                 Country Coordinator                M:+509 37020080           laurene.leclercq@cbm-haiti.org
Christian Blind Mission          Regine                    Polynice                 Head of Programs - CCO             M:3170-8527               regine.polynice@cbm-haiti.org
Christian Fellowship Mission     Jared                     Coblentz
Church World Service             Tate                      Aaron                    Haiti Earthquake Response          M:3490 0776               atate@churchworldservice.org
Church World Service             Margot                    de Greef                 Country Representative             M:3691 7902               mdegreef@cwslac.org
Church World Service             Rony                      Janvier                  Programme Officer                  M:37171965                rjanvier@cwslac.org
Cluster Information              Ginia                     Alcimé                   Protection Officer                 M:3725 0604 / 3413 7776   alcimeg@un.org
Management Focal Points
Cluster Information              Catulle                   Beaudouin                Cluster WASH Info Mngr             M:3461 5550               beaudouin.catulle@dinepa.gouv.ht
Management Focal Points
Cluster Information              Lovinksy                  Buissereth               IM/PI Assistant - CCCM/Shelter M:3804-1913 / 3170 5833       lbuissereth@iom.int
Management Focal Points                                                             Cluster
Cluster Information              Ulrick                    Caduchon                 Gestionnaire d'information aux M:3744 2940                   ulrick.caduchon@dinepa.gouv.ht
Management Focal Points                                                             urgences
Cluster Information              Ouvens                    Jean Louis               Protection Officer             M:3703 1833                   jeanlouiso@un.org
Management Focal Points
Cluster Information              Patrick                   Midy                     Groupe de Travail                  M:31701479                patrick.midy@wfp.org
Management Focal Points                                                             Télécommunication d'Urgence
Cluster Information              Marie Murielle            Morné                    IM Focal Point                     M:4420 0668               Murielle.Morne@fao.org
Management Focal Points
Cluster Information              Lorenza                   Rossi                    IM - CCCM/Shelter Cluster          M:3701 4864               lrossi@iom.int
Management Focal Points
Cluster Information              Jean-Max                  Saint Fleur              Reporter Assistant Log             M:3816 2126               jean-max.saintfleur@wfp.org
Management Focal Points
CNN                              Cooper                    Anderson
Coeur Haiti                      Jean Wilfrid              Raphael                  Vice President                     M:4600-4503 / 3477-5650   jeanwilfridr@yahoo.fr
COFEDES                          Marie Yolette             Ravix                    Président                          M:3719 9035
Combite pour la Paix et le       Laforet                   Jean Milfort             Secretaire General                 M:31708317                konbit27@yahoo.fr
Combite pour la Paix et le       Fritznel                  Pierre                   Directeur Executif                 M:3890 8430               combitepourlapaix@yahoo.fr
Combite pour la Paix et le       Doirin                    Saurel                   Comptable                          M:3-704 3760              combitpourlapaixdeveloppement@gmail.com
Comite de la Cour des            Marie Quettelie           Phanord D.               Presidente                         M:3758 0979               mariequetteliedph@yahoo.fr
Enfants de Quettstar

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone                Email
Compassion International         Myriam                    Cadet                    Senior Human Ressources                                        mcadet@ht.ci.org
Compassion International         Jean Kisomair             Duré                     Programm Implementation            L: 2813-1984 / 2813-1985    KDure@ht.ci.org
Compassion International         Dominique                 Jeanty                   Ministry Services Manager          L: (509) 3813-1985          djeanty@ht.ci.org
Compassion International         M.Guilbaud                Saint Cyr                Country Director                                               gsaint-cyr@ht.ci.org
Compassion of Christ Word        Jacques Marc              Derisse                  Facilatator                        M:3114 2520                 derisse2@yahoo.fr
Compassion of Christ Word        Brenda Joyce              Fuller                   Head Officer                       M:3404-2399 / 4654-3527     ecolecomp_christ@yahoo.fr
Concern Worldwide                Suzanne                   Louchard                 Programme Manager                  M:3758-5747                 suzanne.louchard@concern.net
Concern Worldwide                Peter                     McNichol                 Country Director                   L: 34550504                 peter.mcnichol@concern.net
Concern Worldwide                Alessandra                Radaelli                 Assistant Country Director -       M:3759 4721                 alessandra.radaelli@concern.net
Concern Worldwide                Jean Frenel               Tham                     Assistant Country Director -       M:3751-7926                 Jeanfrenel.tham@concern.net
Consulate of Belgium             Edna                      Francois                 Assistant                          M:3772 7700 / 2811 9636
Consulate of Belgium             Sophie                    Vincotte                 Assistant                          M:4714 1720/ 2811 9636      sophie@caribbean-craft.com
Consulate of Norway              Alex                      Flambert                 General Consul                     M:34 58 09 71               alex.flambert@gmail.com
Consulate of Russian             Wilhelm Ernst             Lemke                    Honorary Consul                    M:2812-3434 / 2813-3434 /   consrus@dadesky.com
Federation                                                                                                             3744-4226
Consulate of Russian             Stanley                   Paul                     Customer Service                   M:2813-3434 / 2814-3434     spaul@dadesky.com
Consulate of Sweden              Gregroire                 Fouchard                 Honorary Counsul                   M:37024654                  gregfouchard@edssa.ht
Consulate of Sweden              Gilbert                   Fouchard                 Honorary General Consul            M:3800 7272                 gfouchard7@yahoo.com
Cooperation for Assistance       Carolina                  Cordero - Scales         Assistant Country Director -       M:3678-7706                 cordero@pap.care.org
and Relief Everywhere                                                               Program Quality
Cooperation for Assistance       Cibille                   Lafortune                Program Unit & Direction           M:3678-6164                 lafortune@pap.care.org
and Relief Everywhere                                                               Support Officer
Cooperation for Assistance       Jean-Michel               Vigreux                  Country Director                   M:+509 37671344             vigreux@pap.care.org
and Relief Everywhere
Cooperative Housing              Nuba                      Goudsouzian              Country Director                   M:3701-4088                 ngoudsouzian@haiti.chfinternational.org
Foundation International
Cooperative Housing              Jerome                    Lebleu                   Program Development Manager        M:1-301-587-4700            jlebleu@chfinternational.org
Foundation International
Cooperative Housing              Samba                     Sidibe                   Program Manager                    M:1-301-587-4700            ssidibe@chfinternational.org
Foundation International
Cooperazione International       Morena                    Zucchelli                Head of Mission                    M:3702 7720 / 2945 1212     coord.haiti@coopi.org

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone            Email
Croix-Rouge Américaine           Sinan Mahdi Ali           Al-Najjar                Deputy Country Representative-     M:3457 0060             Sinan.Al-Najjar@redcross.org
Croix-Rouge Américaine           Dien                      Diouf                    Disaster Risk Reduction Delegate   M:3995-5649             dioufp@usa.redcross.org
Croix-Rouge Américaine           Chantal-Sylvie            Imbeault                 Deputy Country Representative -    M:4408 0597             chantal-sylvie.imbeault@redcross.org
Croix-Rouge Américaine           Kenneth                   Smith                    Deputy Country Representative-     M:3488 5892             Kenneth.Smith2@redcross.org
Croix-Rouge Britannique          Wendy                     McCance                  Programme Support Delegate         M:39 99 08 06           wmccance@redcross.org.uk
Croix-Rouge Britannique          Amelia                    Rule                     Shelter Delegate                   M:39 99 08 00           arule@redcross.org.uk
Croix-Rouge Britannique          Melvin                    Tebbutt                  Head of Delegation                 M:39 36 44 82           mtebbutt@redcross.org.uk
Croix-Rouge Canadienne           Stephanie                 Lysius                   Country Representative Assistant   M:3701-4452             Stephanie.Lysius@redcross.ca
Croix-Rouge Canadienne           Ricky                     Munday                   Head of BSU                        M:3701 1575             Ricky.Munday@redcross.ca
Croix-Rouge Canadienne           Eugene                    Sienkiewics              Head of Programs/ Deputy           M:3701 1581             Eugene.sienkiewics@redcross.ca
                                                                                    Country Representative
Croix-Rouge Canadienne           Karsten                   Voigt                    Country representative             M:37012030              karsten.voigt@redcross.ca
Croix-Rouge Espagnole            Mikel Larraza             Alvarez                  Construction delegate in Jacmel    M:37019082              del.mla@cruzroja.es
Croix-Rouge Espagnole            Raquel Fernández          Gibaja                   Head of mission                    M:37013341              del.rfg@cruzroja.es
Croix-Rouge Espagnole            Hernán Badenas            Roig                     Leogane and Jacmel Coordinator     M:37019989              del.hsbr@cruzroja.es
Croix-Rouge Francaise            Frédéric                  Bertrand                 Délégué reporting &                M:38 93 22 53           reporting.haiti.frc@croix-rouge.fr
Croix-Rouge Francaise            Laurianne                 Bouman                   chef de sous-délégation            M:3652 2875             hosd.art.frc@gmail.com
Croix-Rouge Francaise            Marie                     David                    chef de délégation                 M:3867 9209             hod.haiti.frc@gmail.com
Croix-Rouge Haitienne            Michaele                  Amedee Gedeon            Presidente                         M:3856 7469             m.amedee-gedeon@croixrouge.ht
Croix-Rouge Haitienne            DR. Agenord Junior        Clerge                   Emergency health coordinator       M:39013530 / 34789633   jc.agenor@croixrouge.ht
Croix-Rouge Neerlandaise         Emmanuel Foromo           Kalivogui                Health Coordinator                 M:3170 3084             ekalivogui@redcross.nl
Croix-Rouge Neerlandaise         Pradeep                   Mittal                   Finance Delegate                   M:3170 3080             pmittal@redcross.nl
Croix-Rouge Neerlandaise         Anna van                  Rooyen                   Country Manager                    M:3170 3079             avanrooyen@redcross.nl
Croix-Rouge Suisse               Stephane Rolland          De Rengerve              Delegate GRD                       M:3457 4501             stephane.derengerve@redcross.ch
Croix-Rouge Suisse               Danielle Valérie          Domersant                Responsable santé                  M:3900 7469             danielle.domersant@redcross.ch
Croix-Rouge Suisse               Olivier                   Le Gall                  Delegate WASH                      M:3491 7838             Olivier.legall@redcross.ch
Croix-Rouge Suisse               Paul                      Rueegg                   Chef de délégation                 M:3405 9007             paul.rueegg@redcross.ch
CSS Global                       Steve                     Coe                      Emergency Response Project
CSS Global                       Diane Devereaux           Devereaux                Emergency Response Project
CSS Global                       Diane                     Devereaux                Emergency Response Project

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
CSS Global                       Anthony                   Tejeda                   Director of Security / ERT and
                                                                                    Crowd Control
DATIP                            Gerard Elvis              Cineus                   Directeur Technique                M:3832 1409 / 3106 9930   aymerickarim@yahoo.fr
DATIP                            Alphonse                  Francis                  Directeur                          M:31703014                alphonsefrancis@live.com
DATIP                            Ginette                   Jules                    Administratrice                    M:37027426                jules_ginette@yahoo.fr
DEFI Haiti                       Alexandre                 Applefield-Alvarez       Coordinateur                       M:3609 6824               defihaiti@hotmail.com
DEFI Haiti                       Jean-Romel                Cyril                    Animateur Réseau                   M:3811 2915               cr.defihaiti@gmail.com
DEH                              Jeanrock                  Mahothiere               Coordonnateur General              M:3448 6186               deh.orghaiti@yahoo.com
Delegation Departementale        Stanley                   Alexandre                Secretaire General / Nippes        M:+50934070623
Delegation Departementale        Jean Michel               Auguste                  Délégué Départemental /            M:3754 5454 / 3900 5454   jeanmichelauguste@yahoo.com
Delegation Departementale        Hugo                      Charles                  Delegue / Nord-Est                 M:3431 0701
Delegation Departementale        Gonzague                  Day                      Delegue / Ouest                    S: 3870 1745              louisgonzagueday@gmail.com
Delegation Departementale        Lucien                    Desamour                 Secretaire General / Nord-Est      M:+50932908291            desamour57lucien@yahoo.com
Delegation Departementale        Elan                      Dubois                   Secretaire General / Artibonite    M:3457 9959
Delegation Departementale        Edner                     Fortune                  Vice-Délégué / Saint-Marc          M:3615 1354 / 3854 6830   gerarda_elysee@hotmail.com
Delegation Departementale        Francois                  Fortune                  Secretaire General / Sud           M:+50932364198 /
Delegation Departementale        Georges                   Garnier                  Delegue / Centre                   M:3454 0603
Delegation Departementale        Roosevelt                 Guerrier                 Secretaire General / Sud           M:+50937278675 /          roosevelito510@yahoo.fr
                                                                                                                       34455938 / 33582909
Delegation Departementale        Jean Joseph               Guillaume                Secretaire General / Nippes
Delegation Departementale        Sylvera                   Jean Simon               Secretaire General / Ouest
Delegation Departementale        Jonas                     Jerome                   Secretaire General / Centre
Delegation Departementale        Ing.Agr Pierre            Lafontant                Delegue / Sud-Est                  M:3702-7131               poupi03@yahoo.fr
Delegation Departementale        Rebus                     Laguerre                 Secretaire General / Sud           M:+5093608699
Delegation Departementale        Previl                    Louikange                Secretaire General / Nord
Delegation Departementale        Romel                     Louis                    Secretaire General / Grand’Anse
Delegation Departementale        Jacques                   Mauricette               Vice-Délégué / Marchand            M:3739 7612 / 3467 7179
Delegation Departementale        Fedmond                   Mazar                    Secretaire General / Nord-Ouest
Delegation Departementale        Maxene                    Pierre                   Secretaire General / Centre        M:+50934327740
Delegation Departementale        Frantz-Magela             Pierre-Louis             Secretaire General / Sud-Est       M:+50936076214
Delegation Departementale        Arthur                    Policarpes               Secretaire General / Grand’Anse
Delegation Departementale        Emmanuel                  Remy                     Delegue / Nord-Ouest               M:3702-0874
Delegation Departementale        Alez                      Tropnas                  Delegue / Nippes                   M:3179 8888
Delegation Departementale        Norman                    Wienner                  Delegue / Grand-Anse               M:3702 0756

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Delegation Departementale        Ardouin                   Zephirin                 Delegue / Nord                     M:3720-8864               zephirin@aol.com
Development Activities And       Ronald                    Laroche                  Executive Director                 M:+509 34642765           rlaroche@dashprocare.org
Services For Health
Development Activities And       Dr. Reginald              Ternier                  Medical Director                   M:3449-5491               reginald1006@yahoo.fr
Services For Health
Development for Freedom          Milien                    Chery                    Program Manager                    M:4739-0212               m.chery@developmentforfreedom.com
Development for Freedom          Helen                     Kim                      Director                           M:4788-0721               helen@develomentforfreedom.com
DINECO SA                        Joseph                    Dorsainvil               President Director                 M:37651292                dorsainviljoseph@yahoo.fr
Direct Relief International      Caherine                  Hermantin                In-country Haiti Programs          M:3620-6120               chermantin@directrelief.org
Direct Relief International      Andrew                    MacCalla                 Emergency Response Manager         M:4712 2292               amaccalla@directrelief.org
Direction de la Protection       Jean Elie                 Constant                 Administrateur du comite           M:3679 4469
Civile                                                                              protection civile / Saint
Direction de la Protection       Tony                      Denis                    Technical Coordinator / Sud-Est    M:3605-1749               tony_denis74@yahoo.com
Direction de la Protection       Eliodor                   Descartes                                                   M:3600 5269
Direction de la Protection       Berthol                   Elestin                  Coordonateur CASEC / Grande        M:3680 4101
Civile                                                                              Saline
Direction de la Protection       Max-Rony                  Fervil                                                      M:3750 4597 / 3431 7773   maxronyfer@hotmail.com
Direction de la Protection       Leon                      Gabriel                  Technical Coordinator / Nord       M:3721-0665               Dechanel_p@yahoo.fr
Direction de la Protection       Sylvéra                   Guillaume                Technical Coordinator /            M:3777-3970 / 3476-7587   gsylvera@yahoo.fr
Civile                                                                              Grand'Anse
Direction de la Protection       Victor                    Jean                     Coordonnateur Adj / Gonaives       M:3757 6608               jeant.victor2@yahoo.fr
Direction de la Protection       Moise                     Jean Pierre              Central Coordinator / Ouest        M:3445-2694 / 3701-2694   Moisejp8@hotmail.com
Direction de la Protection       Rethone                   Jose                     Technical Coordinators / Nord-     M:3605 8453 / 3407 6242   rethone@yahoo.fr
Civile                                                                              Ouest
Direction de la Protection       Youdeline                 Joseph C.                Coordonnatrice de PC               M:3618 8351               youdcheri@yahoo.fr
Civile                                                                              communale / Gonaives
Direction de la Protection       Sergo                     Luma                                                        M:3643 7527
Direction de la Protection       Fidèle                    Nicolas                  Technical Coordinator / Nippes     M:3478-5337 / 3751-7390   fidelenicolas@yahoo.fr

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                               Mobile Phone              Email
Direction de la Protection       Blaise                    Noel                                                         M:3638 6423
Direction de la Protection       Jean Philippe             Octama                                                       M:3600 5253
Direction de la Protection       Jean-Michel               Sabbat                   Technical Coordinator / Sud-Est     M:3616-3991 / 288-3991    jmsabbat@yahoo.com
Direction du                     Boris                     Maver                    Coordonnateur adjoint Aide          M:3603 4333               boris.maver@eda.admin.ch
Développement et de la                                                              Humanitaire
Coopération Suisse / Bureau
de la Coopération Suisse
Embassy of Argentina             Alline                    Labbe                    Assistant                           M:2940-6711@6714          ehait@mrecic.gov.ar
Embassy of Argentina             Mariano Hernan            Mujica                   Minister                            M:47627589                mhm@mrecic.gov.ar
Embassy of Argentina             Juan J.                   Nunez                    Minister Councellor                 M:37480988                nju@mrecic.gov.ar
Embassy of Bahamas               Crevin Bryant             Anderson                 Diplomat Attaché                    M:2813-1589               bahamasembassy@hainet.net
Embassy of Bahamas               Frankie                   Campbell                 Chargé d’affaires                   M:3794 8310               bahamasembassy@hainet.net
Embassy of Bahamas               Phara                     Jean                     Assistant                           L: 2813-1589              bahamasembassy@hainet.net
Embassy of Brazil                Luis Guilherme            Da Silva                 Counselor                           M:3881 6605 / 3905 5022   lnascentes1@gmail.com
Embassy of Brazil                Luciana Vasques           Farnesi                  2nd Secretary                       M:3170-8503               Luciana.farnesi@gmail.com
Embassy of Brazil                Stéphanie                 Luxama                   Assistant                           M:3819 1312               stecie28@yahoo.fr
Embassy of Brazil                Mikerlange                Mitton                   Ambassador Assistant                M:3905-5022 / 3901 8455   mikmitton@gmail.com
Embassy of Canada                Nathalie                  Deragon Decelles         Executive Assistant                                           Nathalie.DeragonDecelles@international.gc.ca
Embassy of Canada                Marie-Carmelle            Francois                 Assistant to the Head of Consular   M:2812-9000 Ext 3301
Embassy of Canada                Myriam                    Malette                  Assistant to the Head of            M:2812-9000 Ext 3451      myriam.malette@international.gc.ca
Embassy of Chile                 Diego                     Jaritua                  Third Secretary / Consul            M:3811 1557 / 3455 0887   consuladohaiti@gmail.com
Embassy of Chile                 Ruth Sabine               Laforest                 Assistant                           L: 28131918-1613          ruthsabine@yahoo.fr
Embassy of Cuba                  Isabel Castañeda          Blanco                   Third Secretary / Consul            L: 2256-2943              embajada@ht.embacuba.cu
Embassy of Cuba                  Rita Rojas                de Armas                 Assistant                           L: 2256-3504              secretaria@ht.embacuba.cu
Embassy of Cuba                  Liliana                   Garcia Rojas             Consular Assistant                  M:47990117                embajada@ht.embacuba.cu
Embassy of Dominican             Monika                    Abraham                  Assistant                           M:3822 3660               embrepdomhai@yahoo.com
Embassy of Dominican             José                      Ortiz                    Minister Counsellor                 M:3654-7193               joraoral@hotmail.com
Embassy of France                Dominique                 Delpuech                 First Counselor                     L: 299-9004 / 05          dominique.delpuech@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Embassy of France                Idriss                    Elisabeth                Assistant                           L: 2999 9000 / 9001       idriss.elisabeth@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Embassy of France                Stephanie                 Gourguechon              Assistant                           M:3939-0447               stephanie.gourguechon@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Embassy of France                Frederick                 Paruta                   First Secretary                     L: 2999-9046              Frederick.Paruta@diplomatie.gouv.fr

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone                 Email
Embassy of Germany               Marie Yves                Dufresne Fleurant        Assistant                          M:(509) 3401 8803            marie-yves.dufresne-fleurant@diplo.de
Embassy of Germany               Oliver Thomas             Jungel                   First Secretary                    L: 2949 0202                 v@portp.auswaertiges-amt.de
Embassy of Germany               Louis-Anne                Lamothe Delille          Assistant                          M:3463 0830 / 3869 5788      louis-anne.delille@diplo.de
Embassy of Japan                 Nadege                    Beaulieu                 Assistant                          M:2256-3333 / 2256-5885      nadege.beaulieu@ht.mofa.go.jp
Embassy of Mexico                Marco Antonio             Bustillos                Chargé d’Affaires                  M:2813-0249                  mfraire@sre.gob.mx
Embassy of Mexico                Maria Guadalupe           Polanco                  Consul                             M:2813-0049                  erios@sre.gob.mx
                                 Eugenia Rios Santa
Embassy of Mexico                Guisselle                 Velásquez                Assistant                          M:2813-0089                  gvelasquez@sre.gob.mx
Embassy of Panama                Stephanie                 Alexis                   Executive Assistant                L: 2813-1295/96/ 4708 9488   panaembahaiti@yahoo.com
Embassy of Panama                Floreal                   Garrido                  Economic Counselor                 L: 28131295 / 1296           flogarido@hotmail.com
Embassy of Panama                Cassandre                 Lelain                   Consul Secretary                   M:3473 4362 / 3645 0073      vollancassy@yahoo.com
Embassy of Republic of           Shang-yi                  Huang                    First secretary                    M:3930 5600                  syhuang@mofa.gov.tw
China - Taiwan
Embassy of Republic of           Chia-liang                Yen                      Counselor                          M:3759 9834                  clyen@mofa.gov.tw
China - Taiwan
Embassy of Spain                 Yannick                   Louis                    Officer                            M:2940 0952/2940 0954        yannick.louis@maec.es
Embassy of Spain                 Sandra                    Noel Noble               Ambassador Assistant               L: 2940 1098                 sandra.noel@maec.es
Embassy of Switzerland           Gaelle                    Dominique-               Assistant                          M:3701-5831 / 3616-1407      gaelle.francillon-dominique@eda.admin.ch
Embassy of United Kingdom        Florence                  Boucard                  Honorary Consul                    M:3744 6371 / 3401 3424      florence.boucard-hon@fconet.fco.gov.uk
Embassy of United Kingdom        Rick                      Shearn                   Charge d'affaires                  M:2812 9191                  rick.shearn@fco.gov.uk
Embassy of United States of      Neyssa                    Etienne                  Commercial Specialist              M:3435 9849                  etiennen@state.gov
Embassy of United States of      Henry                     Rector                   Political Counselor                                             RectorHM2@state.gov
Embassy of United States of      Beatrice                  Vilain                   Protocol Assistant                 M:3463-9231 / 2229-8503      vilainbm@state.gov
Embassy of Venezuela             Lic Micheline             J.Pierre-Louis           Assistant                          M:3762-7668 / 3477 8352      michelinejean45@hotmail.com
Embassy of Venezuela             Luis José                 Quijada                  Minister Councellor                M:3443-4127                  embaj.pacaninogonzalez@yahoo.com
Embassy of Venezuela             Naomie                    Saint Cyr                Assistant                          M:3485-0096                  embaj.pacaninogonzalez@yahoo.com
Emergency Group                  Mario                     Jeanniton                Manager                            L: 3715 5784                 emergencygroupe@yahoo.fr
Entrepreneurs du Monde           Marie-Hermine             de Montangon             Coordinatrice des programmes       M:+509 3702 3963             mariehermine.demontangon@entrepreneursdum
Entrepreneurs du Monde           Cécile                    Haller                   Administratrice Générale           M:378 83 2685                cecile.haller@entrepreneursdumonde.org
Equipe de Coordination           Gabriel                   Bidegain                 Advisor on data collection &       M:3701 1692                  bidegain@unfpa.org
Intersectorielle (ECI)                                                              population statistics

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Equipe de Coordination           Elodie                    Cantier Aristide         Head of the protection cluster /   M:4858 0355               cantier-aristide@un.org
Intersectorielle (ECI)                                                              team
Equipe de Coordination           Melanie                   Gingue                                                      M:3701 0358               gingue@un.org
Intersectorielle (ECI)
Equipe de Coordination           Marie-Joelle              Jean Charles             Reporting Officer in support of    M:3701 3887               mariejo.jncharles@wfp.org
Intersectorielle (ECI)                                                              GTSAN
Equipe de Coordination           Bradley                   Mellicker                Coordinateur - CCCM/Shelter        M:3702 7593               bmellicker@iom.int
Intersectorielle (ECI)                                                              cluster
Equipe de Coordination           Paul Christian            Namphy                   Coordonnateur, DINEPA, Projet      M:3618 1196 / 3775 7464   christianpaul1970@yahoo.com
Intersectorielle (ECI)                                                              d'Appui aux Mairies
Equipe de Coordination           Edmondo                   Perrone                  Logistics Cluster Coordinator      M:37012341                edmondo.perrone@wfp.org
Intersectorielle (ECI)
Equipe de Coordination           Rafaelle                  Robelin                  DRR/Emergency preparedness         M:3702 7862               rrobelin@iom.int
Intersectorielle (ECI)                                                              and response
Espoir Sans Frontieres           Sejour                    Gertrude C.              Vice-Presidente                    M:3402-0248 / 3449-3583   info@fondationmauricesixto.org
European Union                   Lucas                     Cibor                    Political Counsellor               M:3701-5807               lucas.cibor@eeas.europa.eu
European Union                   Sophie                    Juste Telhomme           Assistant                          L: 2949 4949              sophie.juste@eeas.europa.eu
Famille Interne pour le          Jonas                     Auguste                  Directeur des Operations           M:3818-1798               fidehaiti@yahoo.fr
Developpement des Enfants
Famille Interne pour le          Juno                      Bataille                 Directeur Executif                 M:3708-6314/3463-6662     fidehaiti@yahoo.fr
Developpement des Enfants
Famille Interne pour le          Osner                     Leconte                  Secretaire -Adjoint                M:3716-1178               fidehaiti@yahoo.fr
Developpement des Enfants
FDEH/FNOP                        Jn Ynes                   Bien-Aime                Delegue                            L: 3498 2420              dorcemedilien@yahoo.fr
FDEH/FNOP                        Dorcely                   Medilien                 Coordonateur                       M:3725 7780               dorcemedilien@yahoo.fr
FDEH/FNOP                        Immacule                  Paul                     Porte-Parole                       M:4399 6096
Federation Handicap              Rosenide                  Beaugé                   Secrétaire                         M:2813-05 43              secretariat.hid@handicap-international-haiti.org
Federation Handicap              Jean-Luc                  Grossoleil               Head of mission                    M:+509 36178993           cdm@handicap-international-haiti.org
Federation Handicap              Patrick                   Senia                    Directeur de Programme             M:3170- 4814              dp@handicap-international-haiti.org
Federation Handicap              Marine                    Sicre                    Coordinatrice Urgence et DRR       M:3881-0375               coordo.drr@handicap-international-haiti.org
Financial Times                  Benedict                  Mender                   Reporter
Finn Church Aid                  Jean Eric                 Duval                    Emergency Officer                  M:3702 2714               emergency@fca.ht

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone               Email
Finn Church Aid                  Liisa                     Perkkiö                  Programme Coordinator              M:37016322                 liisa.perkkio@kua.fi
Finn Church Aid                  Sylvia                    Raulo                    Country Representative             M:3702 0399                representative.lacro@kua.fi
Fondation Architectes de         Guillaume                 Beaussier                Head of Mission                    M:3898 6115                gbeaussier@archi-urgent.com
Fondation Architectes de         Fabia                     Minchilli                Chef de projet                     L: 4713 1467               fminchilli@archi-urgent.com
Fondation Bon Samaritain en      Ricardo                   Brize                    Directeur Medical                  M:3896 6112                ricardombrize@hotmail.fr
Fondation Bon Samaritain en      Eddy                      Destine                  Executive Director                 L: (509) 3109 6737         foundationsamaritan2003@yahoo.com
Fondation Emmaus pour la         Jeannia                   Dupoux                   Présidente                         L: 3684 7685               feddedh@yahoo.fr
defense des droits de l'enfant
et du developpement Humain
Fondation Le Berger              Marie Navia               Deralyn                  Assistante Administrative          M:3818-5098 / 3350-6744    fondationleberger@yahoo.fr
Fondation Le Berger              Jean Marc                 Louishomme               Project Manager                    L: 3350-3493               fondationleberger@yahoo.fr
Fondation Le Berger              Jean Ednor                Timaitre                 Education Manager                  M:3714-1125                fondationleberger@yahoo.fr
Fondation Monique                Jean                      Fanélise                 Director                           M:3656-0867                fomonije@yahoo.com
Fondation Seguin                 Léon                      Philippe                 Director administratif et          M:3401-6999                info@fondationseguin.org
Fondation Solidarite pour le     Romeo E                   Des Cars                 Directeur Exécutif                 L: 3723-0051               fsda.artibonite@gmail.com
Developpement de l'Art
FONDEFH                          Dr. Morose                Belonne                  Directeur Technique                M:3448 8881
FONDEFH                          Dr. Margareth             Mallet                   Presidente du Conseil              L: 29408218 25138218       margarethmallet@yahoo.fr
Fonds de Reconstruction          Gabrielle                 Dujour                   Team Assistant                     M:3701-1218                adujour@worldbank.org
Fonds de Reconstruction          Berdine                   Edmond                   Communications Officer             M:3106-4831                bedmond@worldbank.org
Fonds de Reconstruction          Maria Deborah             Kim                      Operations Officer                 M:3113-3148                mkim1@worldbank.org
Fonds de Reconstruction          Josef                     Leitmann                 Manager                            M:3760-9596                jleitmann@worldbank.org
Fonds Humanitaire pour la        Jean Rene                 Archer                   Coordonnateur                      M:3919-3383                archerrene288@yahoo.fr
Promotion et la Valorisation
de l'Homme Haitien et de la
Production Nationale
Food and Agriculture             Bakary                    Diarra                                                                                 bakary.diarra@fao.org
Organization of the United
Nations (FAO)

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Food and Agriculture             Frits M.J.                Ohler                    Representative                     L: 2813-1998              Frits.Ohler@fao.org
Organization of the United
Nations (FAO)
Food and Agriculture             Volny                     Paultre                  Assistant Représentant             M:4420-0603               Volny.Paultre@fao.org
Organization of the United                                                          Programme
Nations (FAO)
Food and Agriculture             Frantz Jacques            Pierre                   Coord. Adjoint                     M:3701 2366
Organization of the United
Nations (FAO)
Food and Agriculture             Lesly                     Suzelhomme               Responsable Logistique             M:4420-0607               Lesly.Suzelhomme@fao.org
Organization of the United
Nations (FAO)
Food for the Hungry              Archelet                  Duverne                  Area coordinator/Mountain          M:3642-5070               aduverne@fh.org
Food for the Hungry              Bekele                    Hankebo                  Country Director                   M:+509 4687 5154          bhankebo@fh.org
Food for the Hungry              Patrick S                 Nyeko                    Program Director                   M:3879 2153               pnyeko@fh.org
FORHAD                           Ronald                    Alphonse                 President Fondateur                M:3677 4341               forhadf17@yahoo.fr
Foundation for Humanitarian      Herns L.                  Eugene                   Haiti/Mission Director &           M:3296 6725 - 4467 4303   fhedcharities@hotmail.com
Education and Development,                                                          General Coordinator
Foundation for Humanitarian      Jean Junior               Jean Baptiste            Secretary                          M:3840 5771 - 4256 - 9687 jbjeanjunior@gmail.com
Education and Development,
Foundation for Humanitarian      Pierre Rose               Napoleon                 Director Assistant                 M:3791 0750 / 3265 1286   npierrerose@yahoo.fr
Education and Development,
Fraternité Franciscaine          Soeur Marcella            Catozzi                  Representant                       L: 3901 4898              marsi63@hotmail.com
Freelance                        Christopher               Gilette                  Reporter
Global Therapy Group             Jo Ann                    Roberts                  Executive Director                 M:3756 8577               jroberts@globaltherapygroup.org
GOAL                             Chada                     Mohamed                  Operations Manager                 M:4799 9632               cmohamed@ht.goal.ie
GOAL                             Hannah                    Reed                     Assistant Country Director         M:4799 9631               hreed@ht.goal.ie
GOAL                             Kristie                   Van-der-Wetering         Country Director                   M:4799 9630               KvdWetering@ht.goal.ie
Good Neighbors International     Do-Gyeong                 Kim                      Country director                   L: +509)2943-1733         dgkim@goodneighbors.org
GRET - Professionnels du         Laetitia                  Morlat                   Responsable du Projet de           M:37 02 52 66             morlat@gret.org
développement solidaire                                                             développement
Groupe d'Action                  Tilus                     David                    Director                           L: 2813-0759              gafe_haiti@yahoo.fr
Francophone pour
Groupe d'Appui aux Parents       Denise C.                 Annoual                  Vice Presidente                    M:3448-7648               gapel_haiti@yahoo.com

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                      Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone               Email
Groupe d'Appui aux Parents        Domersant                 Ketelie A.               Directrice                         M:3448-7648                gapel_haiti@yahoo.com
Groupe Urgence                    Caroline                  Broudic                  Coordinatrice Pays                 M:3170 7570                cbroudic@urd.org
Groupe Urgence                    Richener                  Noel                     Assistant Recherche                                           assisthaiti@urd.org
Groupe Urgence                    Julie                     Patinet                  Researcher Water, sanitation and L: 33(0)475 28 29 35         jpatinet@urd.org
Réhabilitation                                                                       Hygiene
GRUEEDH                           Clifford                  Etienne                  Program Coordinator                                           cliffordetienne1@yahoo.fr
GRUEEDH                           Madocher                  Malbranche               President                          M:31147090 / 3863 4694 /   m.madocher@ymail.com
Gruppo Volontariato Civile        Petra                     Bonometti                Chef de Mission / Superviseur      M:3446 0207                petra.bonometti@gvc-italia.org
                                                                                     Projet Parsch
Gruppo Volontariato Civile        Daniele                   Rizzo                    Expert WASH                        M:34450209                 daniele.rizzo@gvc-italia.org
Haiti en Marche pour le           Pierre Elioth             Paul                     Directeur Executif                 M:3731 3711                haitienmarche@yahoo.fr
Haiti Enfant du Lendemain         Ange-Marie G.             Florantin                Vice président                     M:3459 8982                haitienfantdulendemain@gmail.com
Haiti Enfant du Lendemain         Amos                      Florantin                Chairman                           M:3179-2641                haitienfantdulendemain@gmail.com
Haiti Participative               Florantin                 Amos                     Deputy Coord./Chef Prog            M:37019204                 hp.bp.urgence@gmail.com
Haiti Participative               Sandrine                  Edouard                  Chef de Programmes Nutrition       L: 3487 9903               hp.bpu.health@gmail.com
                                                                                     & Sante
Haiti Participative               Steeve                    Jean Baptiste            Coordonnateur G./Chef de           M:37019202/37388236        haitiparticipative@gmail.com
Haiti Vision Inc.                 Jacques P                 Eugene                   Vice-Président/Coordonnateur       M:3784-8838                jpeugene@hotmail.com
Haiti Vision Inc.                 Rév. Daniel               Sudre                    President/Directeur General        M:3234-4499/3684-6527      haitivision1@yahoo.com
Haiti Vision Inc.                 Damas                     Sudre                    Directeur des Operations           M:757-2036                 sudredamas@yahoo.fr
Haven Haiti                       Farah Dorisme             Dorisme                  Community Development              M:3706 8380                farah.dorisme@havenpartnership.com
Haven Haiti                       John                      Moore                    Country Director                   M:3614 9561                cdhaiti@havenpartnership.com
Healing Art Missions              Dr Jacques                Jean-Fritz               Coordonnateur Medical              L: 36593554                jjnfritz@yahoo.fr
Healing Hands For Haïti           Evelyne                   Bernard                  HR & Administration                M:3882-2535                evelynebernard@healinghandsforhaiti.org
Healing Hands For Haïti           Oreste                    Joseph                   Education Coordinator              M:4688 2353                orestejoseph@healinghandsforhaiti.org
Healing Hands For Haïti           Riche                     Zamor                    Executive Director                 M:31702857                 richezamor@healinghandsforhaiti.org

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   The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Heartland Alliance for           Clemence                  Billoud                  Deputy Country Director            M:3881 2338               cbilloud@heartlandalliance.org
Human Needs & Human
Heartland Alliance for           Sophie                    Orthela                  Country Director                   M:3701 4874               sorthela@heartlandalliance.org
Human Needs & Human
Heifer Project International     Paul dit Justin           Alce                     General Manager                    M:3785-8780               justin.alce@heifer.org
Heifer Project International     Hervil                    Cherubin                 Directeur National                 M:3620-6812               hervil.cherubin@heifer.org
HEKS-EPER Entraide               Dr. Jean Bosco            Mbom                     Country Director                   L: 2813 0706              mbom@heks.ch
Protestante Suisse
Help University Hospital &       Eloi                      Berius                   Directeur general                  M:3717-8039               helphospitalorg@yahoo.fr
Medical Center
Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe       Joan                      Mamique                  Programme Coordinator              M:3739 28 19              mamique@help-ev.de
Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe       Gregor                    Werth                    Head of Mission                    M:3657 4058 / 3492 4680   werth@help-ev.de
HelpAge International            Jean-Claude               Gosselin                 Country Director                   M:3701 7883               countrydirector@helpageinternationalhaiti.org
HelpAge International            Bertin                    Meance                   Program Support Manager            M:3701-7163               bmeance@helpageinternationalhaiti.org
HELVETAS Swiss                   Peter                     Michel                   Coordonnateur du projet EPA-V      M:50937028429             peter.michel@helvetas.org
HELVETAS Swiss                   Morand                    Nicolas                  Cordonnateur du Projet             M:50937025488             nicolas.morand@helvetas.org
Intercooperation                                                                    Intervention Post Seisme (I
HELVETAS Swiss                   Seth                      Pierre                   Chargé de Programme a.i.           M:50938200220             seth.pierre@helvetas.org
Hilfswerk Austria                Sonja                     Schilling                Project Manager Haiti              M:4216-5277 / 3672-5703   Sonja.Schilling@hwa.or.at
IEDA Relief                      Adanette                  Augustin                 Log Officer                        M:3618 8056               aaugustin@iedarelief.org
IEDA Relief                      Elvy                      Esteve                   Field Supervisor                   M:+509 37024025           eesteve@iedarelief.org
IEDA Relief                      Phil                      Maanulwa                 Head of Mission                    M:37024021                philma@iedarelief.org
IMA World Health                 Abdel Nasser              Direny                   NTD Advisor / Senior Program       L: 3816-5969              abdeldireny@imaworldhealth.org
IMA World Health                 Giannie                   Jean Baptiste            Finance Manager                    M:3702 0012               gianniejean-baptiste@imaworldhealth.org
IMA World Health                 Franck                    Monestime                Ass. Program Manager               M:3731 8509               franckmonsestime@imaworldhealth.org
Inter-American Development       Guirlaine                 Dennis Charles           Senior Office Associate            M:2812 5060               guirlained@iadb.org
Bank (IDB)
Inter-American Development       Ghislaine                 Pierre Joseph            Operations Analyst.                M:2812 5010               ghislainej@iadb.org
Bank (IDB)
Inter-American Development       Peter                     Sollis                   Senior Advisor                     M:2812 5030 / 202 355     peterso@iadb.org
Bank (IDB)                                                                                                             8734

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
Intermon Oxfam                   Vincent Maurepas          Jeudy                    Directeur de Pays                  M:3701 9421 / 3402 1816 / vmjeudy@intermonoxfam.org
Intermon Oxfam                   Jordi                     Torres                   Responsable Programme Action       M:3712-9558               jtorres@intermonoxfam.org
International Committee of       Marc                      Achermann                Head of Delegation                                           poa_portauprince@icrc.org
the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Committee of       Olivier                   Chow                     Deputy Head of office              M:3702 3153               ochow@icrc.org
the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Committee of       Christine                 Laguerre                 Assistante du Chef de              M:2122 5642 / 3377 9948   claguerre@icrc.org
the Red Cross (ICRC)                                                                Délégation
International Faith Missions     Martin                    Michael                  Project Manager                    M:3863 0690               mikenhaiti@gmail.com
International Federation of      Kenneth                   Chulley                  Settlement Movement                M:3170 4958               kenneth.chulley@ifrc.org
Red Cross And Red Crescent                                                          Coordinator
International Federation of      Alexandre Claudon         de Vernisy               Country Representative             M:3170 7809               alexandre.claudon@ifrc.org
Red Cross And Red Crescent
International Federation of      Elisabeth 'Ellen"         Verluyten                Head of Strategic Relations &      M:3170 7252               elisabeth.verluyten@ifrc.org
Red Cross And Red Crescent                                                          Coord./Deputy Countr
International Fund for           Esther                    Kasalu-Coffin            Representante                      M:2813 1435               e.kasalu-coffin@ifad.org
Agricultural Development
International Fund for           Marcelin                  Norvilus                 Country Programme Officer          M:3655-6788               marcelin.norvilus@undp.org
Agricultural Development
International Lifeline Fund      Raffaella                 Bellanca                 Country coordinator                M:3715 4356               raffa@lifelinefund.org
International Lifeline Fund      Entela                    Sula                     Administrator                      M:3332 9765.              entela@lifelinefund.org
International Medical Corps      Grace                     Awantang                 M&E officer                        M:3814 9062               gawantang@internationalmedicalcorps.org
International Medical Corps      Dr. Virginia              Chevalier                Program Coordinator                M:3761 6530               vchevalier@internationalmedicalcorps.org
International Medical Corps      David                     Holdridge                Country Director                   M:3691 2029               dholdridge@internationalmedicalcorps.org
International Medical Corps      Efanor                    Noré                     M&E officer                                                  enore@internationalmedicalcorps.org
International Monetary Fund      Marcelle                  Bouzy                    Assistant                          M:3404-6103               mbouzyht@yahoo.fr
International Monetary Fund      Gladys                    Heyliger                 Responsable du bureau              M:3413-7815               gheyliger@imf.org
International Organization       Rosalia                   Gitau                    Liaison Officer                    M:3701 6197               rgitau@iom.int
for Migration (IOM)
International Organization       Gregoire                  Goodstein                Head of mission                    M:3702 5860               ggoodstein@iom.int
for Migration (IOM)
International Organization       Peter Guchu               Kioy                     Project Manager (CCCM Data         M:3702-1663               pkioy@iom.int
for Migration (IOM)                                                                 Management)

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
Organization                     Name                      Last Name                Title                              Mobile Phone              Email
International Organization       Marc                      Levesque                 Prog. Manager                      M:509 3702 5064
for Migration (IOM)
International Organization       Falaschi                  Valeria                  M&E officer                        M:3701 0402               vfalaschi@iom.int
for Migration (IOM)
International Rescue             Miriam                    Castaneda                Country Director                   M:4799 6252               miriam.castaneda@rescue.org
International Rescue             Nicole                    Klaesener                Environmental Health               M:3170 1954               nicole.klaesener@rescue.org
Committee                                                                           Coordinator
International Rescue             Mae                       Lindsey                  Grants Manager                     M:4799 6253               mae.lindsey@rescue.org
InterNews                        Michel                    Guillaume                Liason
Islamic Relief Worldwide         Wasim                     Bahja                    Head of Mission-IR Haiti           M:3170-9050               Wasim.Bahja@irworldwide.org
Islamic Relief Worldwide         Samuel                    Lucien                   Head of Program-IR Haiti           M:4773-3253               samuel.lucien@islamic-relief.ht
Islamic Relief Worldwide         Lisa                      Smyth                    School Construction Program        M:3170-8920               lisa.smyth@islamic-relief.ht
IsraAID/ Tevel b'Tzedek          Yael                      Eshel                    Country Director                   M:3992 1313               haitigrows@tevelbtzedek.org
J/P Haitian Relief               Benjamin                  Krause                   Country Director                   M:3402 1800               benjamin@jphro.org
J/P Haitian Relief               Gary                      Philoctete               Country Director                   M:3443 9063 / 2943 2120   gary.philoctete@jphro.org
J/P Haitian Relief               Starry                    Sprenkle                 Medical or Community               M:4707-3097               starry.sprenkle@jphro.org
Organization                                                                        Development Programs
Jamaica Digi Cell                Ken                       Mason
Japan Emergency NGO              Ludovic                   Blanco                   Head of office                     M:3458-2020               pohaiti2@jen-npo.org
Japan International              Hiromitsu                 Masumoto                 Directeur du bureau de liaison     M:38966953                masumoto.hiromitsu@jica.go.jp
Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan International              Yuji                      Takahashi                Expert en coordination d'aide      M:4614 8697               yuji.haiti@gmail.com
Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan International              Claude                    Thomas                   Consultant                         M:34542136                clax_thomas@yahoo.fr
Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Jeunesse Haitienne Outil         Pasteur Guerrier          Antoine                  Coordonnateur                      M:3151 3249               jhochj@yahoo.fr
Changement d'Haiti
Jeunesse Haitienne Outil         Pasteur Lorinson          Guerrier                 Coordonnateur                      M:3626 5961 / 3490 8641   jhoch2007@yahoo.fr
Changement d'Haiti
Johanniter International         Raymond                   Chevalier                Country Director                   M:37029120                Countrydirector.haiti@thejohanniter.org
Johanniter International         Dr Charles                Dago                     Senior Programme Coordinator       M:3702 7159               medical.haiti@thejohanniter.org

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  The OCHA 3W database was developed with assistance from the Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
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