X Liste provisoire des délégations Provisional List of delegations Lista provisional de delegaciones - ILO

La page est créée Damien Ferrand
X   Liste provisoire des délégations
    Provisional List of delegations
    Lista provisional de delegaciones

                     Conférence internationale du Travail
                     109e session, 2021

                     International Labour Conference
                     109th Session, 2021

                     Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo
                     109.a reunión, 2021
La liste des délégations est présentée sous une forme trilingue. Elle contient d’abord les délégations des Etats membres
de l’Organisation représentées à la Conférence dans l’ordre alphabétique selon le nom en français des Etats. Figurent
ensuite les représentants des observateurs, des organisations intergouvernementales et des organisations internationales
non gouvernementales invitées à la Conférence.

Les noms des pays ou des organisations sont donnés en français, en anglais et en espagnol. Toute autre information (titres
et fonctions des participants) est indiquée dans une seule de ces langues: celle choisie par le pays ou l’organisation pour
ses communications officielles avec l’OIT.

Les noms, titres et qualités figurant dans la liste des délégations correspondent aux indications fournies dans les pouvoirs
officiels reçus au mercredi 19 mai 2021, à 18h00. Une liste révisée sera publiée le 3 juin 2021. Le délai pour la présentation
des protestations concernant les pouvoirs ne courra qu’à partir de la publication, le 3 juin 2021, d’une liste révisée et
expirera le 5 juin à 10 heures.

Toute demande de rectification d'erreurs matérielles (erreurs typographiques, fautes d'orthographe, etc.) pourra être
envoyée au secrétariat de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs ( credentials@ilo.org) pour qu'il en soit tenu
compte dans l'édition révisée de la liste. Toute demande de modification, d'adjonction ou de suppression, etc., concernant
les titres, qualités, fonctions ou statut à la Conférence indiqués dans la liste devra être adressée, sous forme de pouvoirs
officiels signés par le ministre du Travail, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, le chef de la mission permanente à Genève
ou le chef de la délégation du pays intéressé, au secrétariat de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs.

The list of delegations is presented in trilingual form. It contains the delegations of ILO member States represented at the
Conference in the French alphabetical order, followed by the representatives of the observers, intergovernmental
organizations and international non-governmental organizations invited to the Conference.

The names of the countries and organizations are given in French, English and Spanish. Any other information (titles and
functions of participants) is given in only one of these languages: the one chosen by the country or organization for their
official communications with the ILO.

The names, titles and designations appearing in the list of delegations are those appearing in the official credentials
received up to Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 6.00 p.m. The time limit for objections concerning the credentials will run
only from the publication of a revised list on 3 June 2021 and will expire on 5 June at 10 a.m.

Requests for correction of material errors (misprints, wrong spellings, etc.) can be sent to the Secretariat of the
Credentials Committee (credentials@ilo.org) and will be taken into account in the revised edition of the list. Any
requests for modifications, additions, deletions, etc., concerning the titles, positions, functions or Conference status
indicated in the list must be addressed, in the form of official credentials signed by the Minister of Labour, the Minister
of Foreign Affairs, the head of the Permanent Mission in Geneva or the head of the delegation of the country concerned,
to the Secretariat of the Credentials Committee.

La lista de delegaciones se presenta en forma trilingüe. En primer lugar figuran los Estados miembros de la Organización
en orden alfabético en francés. Seguidamente aparecen las delegaciones de los observadores, organizaciones
intergubernamentales y organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales invitadas a la Conferencia.

Los nombres de los Estados y organizaciones asistentes a la Conferencia figuran en francés, inglés y español. Los demás
datos (títulos y cargos de los participantes) aparecen sólo en uno de estos idiomas: el que eligió el país o la organización
para sus comunicaciones oficiales con la OIT.

Los nombres, títulos y cargos que figuran en la lista de delegaciones son los que constan en los poderes oficiales recibidos
hasta el miércoles 19 de mayo de 2021 a las 18:00 horas. El plazo límite para la presentación de objeciones relativas a
los poderes sólo correrá a partir de la publicación, el 3 de junio de 2021, de una lista revisada y expirara el 5 de junio a
las 10 horas.

Toda solicitud de rectificación de errores sustantivos (tipográficos, ortográficos, etc.) puede ser enviada a la secretaría de
la Comisión de Verificación de Poderes (credentials@ilo.org) a fin de tenerla en cuenta en la edición revisada de la lista.
Las solicitudes de modificación, adición, supresión, etc. de los títulos, profesiones, cargos o funciones en la Conferencia
que figuren en la lista deberán dirigirse, en forma de poderes oficiales firmados por el Ministro del Trabajo, el Ministro
de Relaciones Exteriores, el jefe de la Misión Permanente en Ginebra o el jefe de la delegación del país interesado, a la
Secretaría de la Comisión de Verificación de Poderes.
        Afghanistan             Afganistán
                                                                NKOSI, Mxolisi, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent
                                                                  Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
         Minister attending the Conference                      LETOABA, Kgomotso, Mr, Labour Attaché.

TAHYANJ, Bashir Ahmad, Mr, Minister of Labor and                                  Employers' Delegate
  Social Affairs.
                                                                MDWABA, Mthunzi, Mr, Business Unity South Africa
              Government Delegates                                (BUSA).

ANDISHA, Nasir Ahmad, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent                          Advisers and substitute delegates
  Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
SHAHPOOR, Mohammad Ajmal, Mr, Deputy of Labour                  COOVADIA, Cas, Mr, BUSA.
  Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs                MOYANE, Kaizer, Mr, BUSA.
  (MoLSA).                                                      DE VILLIERS, Jahni, Ms, BUSA.
                                                                MOABALOBELO, Sino, Ms, BUSA.
         Advisers and substitute delegates                      JAMES, Cheryl, Ms, BUSA.

TINMES, Mohammad Fahim, Mr, Head, Foreign Affairs,                                 Workers' Delegate
TIMORY, Shoaib, Mr, Minister Counsellor, Permanent              NTSHALINTSHALI, Bheki, Mr, Congress of South
   Mission, Geneva.                                               Africa Trade Unions (COSATU).
RASIKH, Bashir Ahmad, Mr, Director, Labour Audit,
   MoLSA.                                                                Advisers and substitute delegates
HAFIZI, Zikrullah, Mr, Head, Labour Consignment to              LOSI, Zingiswa, Ms, COSATU.
   overseas, MoLSA.                                             WITBOOI, Myrtle, Ms, COSATU.
NAVID, Khalid, Mr, Director of Finance, MoLSA.                  MULAISI, Lebogang, Ms, COSATU.
HABIBI, Abdul Ahad, Mr, First Secretary, Permanent              MPHELA, Pat, Mr, National Council of Trade Unions
   Mission, Geneva.                                               (NACTU).
                                                                MAHLANGU, Jan, Mr, COSATU.
                Employers' Delegate
ATAYEE, Shafiqullah, Mr, Deputy of Policy,                                             Advisers
  Afghanistan's Chamber of commerce and investment.             MOLOTO, Narius, Mr, NACTU.
                                                                MAILE, Modupi, Mr, NACTU.
                 Workers' Delegate                              TSHABANGU, Nqobile, Mr, NACTU.
QADERI, Maroof, Mr, President, National Union of                THOBEJANE, Edward, Mr, NACTU.
  Afghanistan's Workers and Employees.                          MATEBULA, Zanele, Ms, COSATU.

    Afrique du Sud South Africa                                        Algérie         Algeria         Argelia
                                                                         Ministre assistant à la Conférence
         Minister attending the Conference                      DJABOUB, Lachemi, M., Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi
                                                                  et de la Sécurité Sociale.
NXESI, Thembelani, Mr, Minister of Employment and
                                                                           Délégués gouvernementaux
              Government Delegates                              MEKHAZNI, Rabah, M., Directeur des Relations de
                                                                  Travail, Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la
LAMATI, Thobile, Mr, Director-General.                            Sécurité Sociale.
SEAFIELD, Virgil, Mr, Deputy Director-General.                  BAKIR, Mohamed, M., Premier secrétaire, Mission
                                                                  permanente, Genève.
         Advisers and substitute delegates
NDEBELE, Sipho, Mr, Chief Director, International                Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
   Relations.                                                   SOUALEM, Lazhar, M., Ambassadeur, Représentant
HADEBE, Siyabonga, Mr, Director, International                    permanent, Mission permanente, Genève.
   Relations.                                                   LOUHAIDIA, Ali, M., Secrétaire général, Ministère du
TINYANI, Lufuno, Ms, Director, International Relations.           Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité Sociale.
PETERSEN, Georgina, Ms, Deputy Director.

CIT Liste des délégations – ILC List of delegations – CIT Lista de delegaciones         (20.05.2021)                    1
Conseillers techniques                                      Conseillers techniques
LITIM, Mehdi, M., Ministre Conseiller, Mission               ADJABI, Salah, M., UGTA.
   permanente, Genève.                                       CHARIT, Souad, Mme, UGTA.
BERKATI, Akli, M., Inspecteur général du Travail,            TOLBI, Nabila, Mme, UGTA.
   Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité       HAMDANE, Sarah, Mme, UGTA.
   Sociale.                                                  KHICHANE, Hichem, M., UGTA.
LADJANI, Abdelkrim, M., Chef de Cabinet, Ministère du        SALHI, Soumia, Mme, UGTA.
   Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité Sociale.           AMARNA, Messaoud, M., UGTA.
BOUDIAF, Mohamed Charef Eddine, M., Directeur                HAMRANI, Djilali, M., Syndicat National Autonome des
   général de l’Emploi et de l’Insertion, Ministère du         Personnels de l’Administration Publique (SNAPAP).
   Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité Sociale.           BENELMILI, Layachi, M., SNAPAP.
HAOUAM, Faouzi, M., Directeur général de la Sécurité         LOGHLAYED, Belamouri, M., SNAPAP.
   sociale, Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la
   Sécurité Sociale.
AISSAOUI, Boualem, M., Directeur des Etudes juridiques
   et de la Coopération, Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi   Allemagne            Germany            Alemania
   et de la Sécurité Sociale.
DROUA, Abdelali, M., Directeur de la Promotion de
   l’Emploi et de l’Insertion, Ministère du Travail, de                   Government Delegates
   l’Emploi et de la Sécurité Sociale.
MERCHICHI, Ahmed, M., Inspecteur central, Ministère          BÖHNING, Björn, Mr, State Secretary, Federal Ministry
   du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité Sociale.          of Labour and Social Affairs.
LAHFAYA, Abderrahmane, M., Directeur général, Caisse         STENDER, Carsten, Mr, Director-General, Federal
   Nationale des Assurances Sociales des Travailleurs          Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
   Salariés (CNAS).
TALEB, Rachid, M., Directeur du Recouvrement, Caisse                 Advisers and substitute delegates
   Nationale de la Sécurité Sociale des Non Salariés         BAUN, Sabine, Ms, Director, Federal Ministry of Labour
   (CASNOS).                                                   and Social Affairs.
GAMOURI, Fatiha, Mme, Sous Directrice de la                  NEU-BRANDENBURG, Kirsten, Ms, Head of Division,
   Coopération, Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la     Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
   Sécurité Sociale.                                         SCHIESSL, Muriel, Ms, Legal Officer, Federal Ministry of
SI YOUCEF, Abdelkrim, M., Sous Directeur de la                 Labour and Social Affairs.
   Législation du Travail, Ministère du Travail, de          FOHGRUB, Svenja, Ms, Labour Counsellor, Permanent
   l’Emploi et de la Sécurité Sociale.                         Mission, Geneva.
                                                             FREIHERR VON UNGERN-STERNBERG, Michael, Mr,
             Délégué des employeurs                            Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent
MEGATELI, El Mahfoudh, M., Secrétaire général,                 Mission, Geneva.
  Confédération Générale des Entreprises Algériennes         JUGEL, Hans-Peter, Mr, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent
  (CGEA).                                                      Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.

    Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant                                       Advisers
NEGHZA, Saida, Mme, Présidente, CGEA.                        SOMMER, Monika Maria, Ms, Head of Task Force,
                                                                Federal Foreign Office.
                                                             MÜLLER, Sebastian, Mr, Legal Officer, Federal Ministry
               Conseillers techniques
                                                                of Labour and Social Affairs.
CHAOUCH, Hassen, M., CGEA.                                   EGGERT, Erik, Mr, Legal Policy Advisor, Federal
AZOUZA, Amokrane, M., CGEA.                                     Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
HERBI, Arezki, M., Confédération Générale du Patronat        ZEITZ, Birgit, Ms, Legal Officer, Federal Ministry of
   BTPH (CGP/BTPH).                                             Labour and Social Affairs.
MAHI, Elhadj, M., CGP/BTPH.                                  LEVEN, Marcus, Mr, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry of
DERDOUR, Aissa, M., Confédération Nationale du                  Labour and Social Affairs.
   Patronat Algérien (CNPA).                                 ULLMANN, Marie, Ms, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry
KIRAT, Souhila, Mme, CNPA.                                      of Labour and Social Affairs.
HADJ SADOK, Abdelkader, M., Union Nationale des              ENGLERT, Dietrich, Mr, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry
   Entrepreneurs Publics (UNEP).                                of Labour and Social Affairs.
SALHI, Samira, Mme, UNEP.                                    FALTERMEIER, Mira, Ms, Assistant Legal Officer,
BOUSSIDA, Nadia, Mme, UNEP.                                     Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
                                                             KLATTE, Cosima Jiyun, Ms, Assistant Policy Officer,
             Délégué des travailleurs                           Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
                                                             GÖGGEL, Kathrin, Ms, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry
LABATCHA, Salim, M., Secrétaire général, l’Union                of Labour and Social Affairs.
  Générale des Travailleurs Algériens (UGTA).

PICKENHAHN, Christiane Mei Ing, Ms, Legal Officer,                         Délégués gouvernementaux
   Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
                                                                IZATA, Margarida, Mme, Ambassadeur, Representant
                                                                   permanente, Mission permanente, Genève.
                Employers' Delegate
                                                                DO CÉU, N´zinga N´gola De Magalhães Co, Mme,
HORNUNG-DRAUS, Renate, Ms, Managing Director,                      Directrice, Cabinet Juridique et Relations Internacional.
  Economic and International Affairs, Confederation of
  German Employers' Associations (BDA).                          Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
                                                                CHIVALA, José Manuel, M., Directeur, National de la
          Adviser and substitute delegate                         S.Social, MAPTSS.
NOLL, Paul, Mr, Deputy Director, Economic and                   MBANGUI, Manuel Mbungalanga, M., Directeur General,
  International Affairs, BDA.                                     INEFOP/MAPTSS.

                        Advisers                                                  Conseillers techniques
BARSAN, Carmen, Ms, Senior Adviser, Economic and                MANUEL KAMUTONDO, Keita, Mme, Chef du
   International Affairs, BDA.                                     Departement des Relations de Travail, MAPTSS.
MONDORF, Stefan, Mr, Senior Advisor, Social Security,           GUIMARAES, Alberto Samy, M., Deuxieme Secretaire,
   BDA.                                                            Mission permanente, Genève.
NIEHUES, Judith, Mr, German Economic Institute.                 DOS SANTOS, Adao, M., Deuxieme Secretaire, Mission
BAYKAL, Benjamin, Mr, Senior Advisor, Economic and                 permanente, Genève.
   International Affairs, BDA.                                  CASSANGA, Severino Marcolino, M., Technicien,
MÜLLER, Susanne, Ms, Deputy Director, Education and                Department des Échanges.
   Vocational Training, BDA.                                    AGOSTINHO VASSILI, Abreu, M., Inspecteur General
STOCKHAUSEN, Maximilian, Mr, German Economic                       du Travail, MAPTSS.
   Institute.                                                   FINDA, Wladmir Mandume Filipe, M., Chef de
                                                                   Département, Cabinet Juridique et Relations
                 Workers' Delegate                                 Internacional, MAPTSS.
BOTSCH, Andreas, Mr, Director, German Trade Union                            Délégué des employeurs
Confederation (DGB).
                                                                TONDELA, José Pedro, M., Chambre du Commerce et
         Advisers and substitute delegates                        d'Industrie d'Angola.
VOLLMANN, Carolin, Ms, Head of Unit, DGB.                           Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
MENNE, Claudia, Ms, Officer, DGB.
                                                                LUIS, Luciano, M., Association Industrial d'Angola.
                                                                              Délégué des travailleurs
HOFMANN, Claudia, Ms, Professor, European-University
   of Viadrina.                                                 CARVALHO FRANCISCO, Maria Fernanda, Mme,
BAZZANI, Tania, Ms, Research Associate, European-                 Secretaire général adjoint, Syndicat National des
   University of Viadrina.                                        Travailleurs Angolais.
FISCHER, Andrea, Ms, Project Assistant, Friedrich-Ebert-
   Foundation (FES).                                                Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
BAUSCHMANN, Ann-Mareike, Ms, Project Assistant,
   FES.                                                         LUIS, Maria Ruth, Mme, Force du Syndicat Angolais,
BOLENIUS, Sonja, Ms, Head of Unit, Higher Education,              Central Syndical.
   University Policy, DGB.
VON WERDER, Marten, Mr, Officer, Fundamentals                                     Conseillers techniques
   Department, IG Metall.                                       FARIA, Divaldo, M., Representant, UNTA-CS.
                                                                SANTOS, Paulo, M., Representant, Central général des
                                                                  syndicats independants et libres d'Angola.

        Ministres assistant à la Conférence
                                                                            Antigua and Barbuda
DIAS, Teresa Rodrigues, Mme, Ministre de
   l'Administration Publique du Travail et Securité Social.
                                                                             Antigua y Barbuda
FILIPE, Pedro Jose, M., Secrétaire de l'Etat du Travail et
   de la Securité Social.
                                                                              Government Delegates
                                                                GREGG-PAIGE, Stacey, Mrs, Permanent Secretary.

CIT Liste des délégations – ILC List of delegations – CIT Lista de delegaciones          (20.05.2021)                     3
ANTHONY-ROJAS, Eltonia, Mrs, Labour Commissioner.       SHAIKH, Hussain Albin, Mr, Manager, Council of Saudi
              Employers' Delegate
                                                                        Workers' Delegate
MARTIN, J Arlene, Ms, Executive Secretary.
                                                        ALJARYAD, Nasser Abdulaziz, Mr, Chairman, Saudi
                Workers' Delegate                         National Committee of Workers Committees.
MASSIAH, David, Mr, General Secretary.
                                                                Advisers and substitute delegates
                                                        ALOTAIBI, Faihan Mosaad, Mr, Vice-Chair, Saudi
                                                          National Committee of Workers Committees.
    Arabie saoudite Saudi Arabia                        ALMUTAIRI, Fawaz Falah, Mr, General Secretary, Saudi
                                                          National Committee of Workers Committees.
            Arabia Saudita                              ALHARBI, Sami Jaber, Mr, Consultant, Saudi National
                                                          Committee of Workers Committees.
             Government Delegates
ABUTHNAIN, Abdullah Nasser, Mr, Vice Minister of
  Human Resources and Social Development for Labor.     ALKHATTAF, Khaled, Mr, Consultant, Saudi National
ALUTEEBI, Abdullah Gazi, Mr, General Director for          Committee of Workers Committees.
  International Organizations.                          BINSAAD, Abdullah, Mr, Consultant, Saudi National
                                                           Committee of Workers Committees.
        Advisers and substitute delegates
ALHARBI, Sattam Amer, Mr, Deputy Minister for
  Inspection and Development of work Environment.                 Argentine           Argentina
ALDAHAM, Maram Mohammed, Ms, Head, Compliance
  Unit, Deputyship for International Affairs.
ALAMIRI, Khaled Radhi, Mr, Manager, Labor Statistics.           Ministro asistente a la Conferencia
                                                        MORONI, Claudio, Sr., Ministro de Trabajo, Empleo y
                      Advisers                            Seguridad Social.
ALWASIL, Abdulaziz, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent
  Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.                      Delegados gubernamentales
ALQAHTANI, Abdullah, Mr, First secretary, Head,
  Specialized Agencies Department.                      DI PIETRO PAOLO, Leonardo Julio, Sr., Secretario
ALSAATI, Saud, Mr, Attaché, Specialized Agencies           Nacional de Empleo.
  Department.                                           VILLEGAS, Federico, Sr., Embajador, Misión
ALYAHYA, Rawan Yahya, Mrs, Legal Researcher.               Permanente, Ginebra.
ALSHEHRI, Manal Ali, Ms, Legal Specialist.
ZAWBAEE, Ali Yahya, Mr, International Relations            Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
  Specialist.                                           PROFFEM, Germán Edmundo, Sr., Embajador, Misión
AL QARNI, Alya Mohammed, Ms, International Relations      Permanente, Ginebra.
  Specialist.                                           CORRES, Gerardo Alfredo, Sr., Director de Asuntos
                                                          Internacionales, Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y
              Employers' Delegate                         Seguridad Social.
ALSAYEGH, Abdulghani Bakur, Mr, Vice-Chair, Labor
  Market Committee, Council of Saudi Chambers.                          Consejeros técnicos
                                                        BELLOTTI, Marcelo Claudio, Sr., Secretario de Trabajo,
        Advisers and substitute delegates                  Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social.
KADI, Haitham Ismail, Mr, Labor Market Committee,       BULIT GOÑI, Luis Guillermo, Sr., Secretario de
  Council of Saudi Chambers.                               Seguridad Social, Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y
AAYAT, Ahmad Abusulaiman, Ms, Vice-Chair, Women            Seguridad Social.
  Coordination Council, Council of Saudi Chambers.      RUIZ MALEC, Mara, Sra., Ministra de Trabajo, Provincia
ALQAHTANI, Hussain Abdullah, Mr, Executive                 de Buenos Aires, Presidenta Alterna de la Asamblea
  Manager, Labor Market Committee, Council of Saudi        Federal del Consejo Federal del Trabajo.
  Chambers.                                             RUIZ, Aida, Sra., Secretaría de Trabajo, Santiago del
                                                           Estero, Presidenta del Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo
                                                           Federal del Trabajo.
                      Advisers                          RIVOLTA, Jorge, Sr., Secretario de Trabajo, Provincia de
ALQAHTANI, Lina Saad, Ms, Member of the                    Corrientes, Vicepresidente Primero del onsejo Federal
  Coordinating Council for Women’s Work, Council of        de Trabajo.
  Saudi Chambers.

CAMINO, Teodoro, Sr., Ministro de Trabajo, Empleo y             CASTRO, Carolina, Sra., Presidente, Departamento de
   Seguridad Social, Provincia de Santa Cruz.                      Legislación, UIA.
LOVERA, Daniel Anibal, Sr., Senador-Presidente,                 RINALDI, Juan Antonio, Sr., Asociación de Bancos
   Comisión de Legislacion de Trabajo y Prevision,                 Argentinos.
   Senado de la Nación.
TAPIA, Maria Belen, Sra., Senadora -Vicepresidente,                       Delegado de los trabajadores
   Comisión de Trabajo y Previsión Social, Senado de la
   Nación.                                                      MARTÍNEZ, R. Gerardo, Sr., Secretario de Relaciones
SILEY, Vanesa, Sra., Diputada-Presidenta, Comisión de             Internacionales, Confederación General del Trabajo de
   Legislacion del Trabajo, Camara de Diputados de la             la República Argentina (CGT-RA).
MOUNIER, Patricia, Sra., Diputada, Camara de Diputados                Consejero técnico y delegado suplente
   de la Nación.                                                RODRIGUEZ, Andrés, Sr., Secretario General Adjunto,
TOPET, Pablo, Sr., Asesor del Ministro, Ministerio de             CGT-RA.
   Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social.
MARIANI, Gustavo Anibal, Sr., Coordinador, Consejo
                                                                                  Consejeros técnicos
   Federal del Trabajo.
BRANDY, Laila, Sra., Jefa de Asesora del Secretario de          MENENDEZ RUIZ, Noemi, Sra., Secretaria de Igualdad
   Empleo, Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad               de Oportunidades y Genero, CGT-RA.
   Social.                                                      PUJADAS, Marta, Sra., Asesora, CGT-RA.
HALPERIN, Celina, Sra., Asesora del Secretario de               ZUCCOTTI, Guillermo, Sr., Asesor de la Secretaria de
   Empleo, Ministerio de Trabajo Empleo y Seguridad                Relaciones Internacionales, CGT-RA.
   Social.                                                      TEPFER, Monica, Sra., Asesora de la Secretaria de
OLIVARI, Mariela Paula, Sra., Especialista en Normas               Relaciones Internacionales, CGT-RA.
   Internacionales del Trabajo, Dirección de Asuntos            PEIDRO, Ricardo, Sr., Secretario General, Central de
   Internacionales, Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y                Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA-A).
   Seguridad Social.                                            JORAJURIA, Daniel, Sr., Secretario Gremial, CTA-A.
ARDU, Paola Patricia, Sra., Especialista en Normas              BARADEL, Roberto, Sr., Secretario de Relaciones
   Internacionales del Trabajo, Dirección de Asuntos               Internacionales, CTA-A.
   Internacionales, Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y             ALESSO, Sonia, Sra., Secretaria General, Confederación
   Seguridad Social.                                               de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República
DURAN, Barbara Maria, Srta., Funcionaria, Dirección de             Argentina (CTERA).
   Asuntos Internacionales, Ministerio de Trabajo,              SOCOLOVSKY, Yamile, Sra., Secretaria de Formación,
   Empleo y Seguridad Social.                                      CTA-A.
LEPORE, Eduardo, Sr., Director Nacional de
   Coordinación de los Regímenes de Seguridad Social,
   Secretaria de Seguridad Social.
                                                                              Autriche         Austria
          Delegado de los empleadores
FUNES DE RIOJA, Daniel, Sr., Presidente de la
                                                                         Minister attending the Conference
  Coordinadora de las Industrias de Productos
  Alimenticio, Vicepresidente del Comité Ejecutivo de la        KOCHER, Martin, Mr, Federal Minister of Labour.
  Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Presidente del
  Consejo Interamericano de Comercio y Producción.                            Government Delegates
                                                                RITZBERGER-MOSER, Anna, Ms, Director General,
     Consejero técnico y delegado suplente
                                                                   Labour Law and Central Labour Inspectortae, Federal
DRAGÚN, Pablo, Sr., Director, Centro de Estudios, UIA.             Ministry of Labour.
                                                                DEMBSHER, Iris, Ms, Head, International Social Policy
                 Consejeros técnicos                               Unit, Federal Ministry of Labour.
ETALA, Juan José, Sr., Vicepresidente, Departamento de
                                                                         Advisers and substitute delegates
  Política Social, UIA.
CORDERO, Julio Gabriel, Sr., Vicepresidente,                    TICHY-FISSLBERGER, Elisabeth, Ms, Ambassador,
  Departamento de Política Social, UIA.                            Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission,
ALDAO ZAPIOLA, Carlos, Sr., UIA.                                   Geneva.
GIMENEZ, Laura Ruth, Sra., Presidente, Departamento de          MÜLLER, Robert, Mr, Minister, Deputy Permanent
  Política Social, UIA.                                            Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
ETCHEBERRY LÓPEZ FRENCH, Pedro, Sr., Cámara                     FEHRINGER, Eva, Ms, Director, European and
  Argentina de Comercio y Servicios.                               International Social Policy/Labour Law, Federal
HULTON, Jorge, Sr., Cámara Argentina de la                         Ministry of Labour.
  Construcción.                                                 HOLZER, Christine, Ms, Deputy Director, Principal Social
GUERRIERI, Abel, Sr., Sociedad Rural Argentina.                    Security Affairs, Federal Ministry of Social Affairs,
                                                                   Health, Care and Consumer Protection.

CIT Liste des délégations – ILC List of delegations – CIT Lista de delegaciones         (20.05.2021)                     5
ZWERENZ, Georg, Mr, Deputy Head, International Social        KARIMOV, Anar, Mr, Deputy Minister of Labour and
  Policy Unit, Federal Ministry of Labour.                     Social Protection of Population.
WALCH, Anna, Ms, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
DORI, Valerie, Ms, European and International Social                 Advisers and substitute delegates
  Policy/Labour Law, Federal Ministry of Labour.
SCHWAIGER, Martina, Ms, European and International           DAYIYEV, Rashad, Mr, Chief, Employment Policy and
  Social Policy/Labour Law, Federal Ministry of Labour.        Demographic Development Issues Department,
                                                               Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population.
                                                             MAHARRAMOV, Abulfat, Mr, Chief, Labour Policy
                                                               Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
SCHWEIGHOFER, Johannes, Mr, Director, International            of Population.
  Labour Market Policy, Federal Ministry of Labour.          ABBASBAYLI, Mustafa, Mr, Chairman, Executive Board,
                                                               State Employment Agency, Ministry of Labour and
               Employers' Delegate                             Social Protection of Population.
                                                             HEYDAROV, Fuad, Mr, Head, State Labour Inspectorate
AUBAUER, Helwig, Mr, Director for Labour, Social               Service, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of
  Affairs and Health, Federation of Austrian Industry.         Population.

        Advisers and substitute delegates                                           Advisers
PROPST, Stephanie, Ms, Labour, Social Aiffairs and           USUBOVA, Irada, Ms, Chief, International Relations
   Health, Federation of Austrian Industry.                    Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
STUPAR, Ingomar, Mr, Social Policy and Health,                 of Population.
   Economic Chamber Austria.                                 MAMMADOVA, Nigar, Ms, Chief, Protocol Division,
RINCON RESTREPO, Sonja, Ms, Social Policy and                  Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population.
   Health, Economic Chamber Austria.                         POPOVA, Svetlana, Ms, Deputy Chief, International
                                                               Relations Department, Ministry of Labour and Social
                 Workers' Delegate                             Protection of Population.
KATZIAN, Wolfgang, Mr, President, Austrian Trade             ABDULLAYEVA, Rana, Ms, Deputy Chief, Employment
  Union Federation.                                            Policy and Demographic Development Issues
                                                               Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
                                                               of Population.
        Advisers and substitute delegates
                                                             MARDALIYEV, Seymur, Mr, Deputy of Permanent
SCHNEDL, Norbert, Mr, Vice-President, Austrian Trade           Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
  Union Federation.
STROHMEIER, Marcus, Mr, International Unit, Austrian                        Employers' Delegate
  Trade Union Federation.
OURNY, Isabelle, Ms, International Unit, Austrian Trade      MUSAYEV, Mammad, Mr, President, National
  Union Federation.                                            Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers)
WÖGERER, Michael, Mr, International Unit, Austrian             Organizations.
  Trade Union Federation.
                                                                       Adviser and substitute delegate
                       Advisers                              HAJIYEVA, Jhala, Ms, Vice-President, National
Vicas, Tanja, Ms, International Unit, Austrian Trade Union     Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers)
   Federation.                                                 Organizations.
KERNDL, Elisabeth, Ms, International Unit, Austrian
   Trade Union Federation.                                                          Advisers
                                                             MAMMADOVA, Kristina, Ms, Acting Secretary-General,
                                                               National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers)
        Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan                               HUMBATOV, Fuad, Mr, Chief, International Relations
              Azerbaiyán                                       and Sustainable Development Department.
                                                             HUMMATZADA, Khagan, Mr, Chief, Labour Relations
                                                               and Law Department, National Confederation of
        Minister attending the Conference                      Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations.
BABAYEV, Sahil, Mr, Minister of Labour and Social                             Workers' Delegate
  Protection of Population.
                                                             MOHBALIYEV, Sattar, Mr, Chairman, Azerbaijan Trade
              Government Delegates                             Unions Confederation.
SADIQOV, Vagif, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent
  Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.

Adviser and substitute delegate                                 Adviser and substitute delegate
ALIYEV, Jahangir, Mr, Chairman, Republican Trade                MORRIS, Tyrone, Mr, Secretary-General, Commonwealth
  Union Committee of Oil and Gas Industry Workers.                of The Bahamas Trade Union Congress.

SATTAROVA, Jamila, Ms, Chairperson, Republican                       Bahreïn          Bahrain          Bahrein
  Trade Union Committee of Workers of Culture.
ALIYEVA, Sevda, Ms, Chairperson, Trade Union of
  Lukoil-Azerbaijan CJSC Workers.
                                                                         Minister attending the Conference
OSMANOV, Hikmat, Mr, Chairman, Republican Trade
  Union Committee of Workers of State Organizations             HUMAIDAN, Jameel, Mr, Minister of Labour and Social
  and Public Service.                                             Development.
MAHBALIYEV, Anar, Mr, Deputy Chief, International
  Relations Department, Azerbaijan Trade Unions                               Government Delegates
GARAYEVA, Roya, Ms, Specialist, International                   ALSHAMI, Hussain, Mr, Director, Employment, Ministry
  Relations Department, Azerbaijan Trade Unions                   of Labour and Social Development (MLSD).
  Confederation.                                                SALMAN, Abbas, Mr, Chief, International and Arabic
                                                                  Relations, MLSD.

                                                                         Advisers and substitute delegates
                     Bahamas                                    BUCHEERI, Yusuf, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent
                                                                  Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
                                                                ALKOHEJI, Khalid, Mr, Acting Undersecretary, MLSD.
              Government Delegates                              ALHAIKIE, Ahmed, Mr, Assistant Undersecretary,
PINDER, John, Mr, Director, Ministry of Labour.                   Labour Affairs, MLSD.
BAIN, Keva L., Ms, Ambassador, Permanent                        ESSAM, Alalawi, Mr, Director, Training and Manpower
   Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.                     Development, MLSD.

         Advisers and substitute delegates                                             Advisers
BRICE, Patrenda, Mrs, Deputy Director, Ministry of              ALSHEHABI, Layla, Mrs, Chief, Arbitration, MLSD.
  Labour.                                                       ABDULLA, Ali, Mr, Chief, Trade Unions Affairs, MLSD.
FARQUHARSON, Robert, Mr, General Manager,                       ALKHALOFI, Ahmed, Mr, Chief, Training, MLSD.
  Ministry of Labour.                                           ALBANBALI, Lamees, Mrs, Head, Arabic Relations,
YALLOP, Yolantha, Mrs, Assistant Director, Ministry of            MLSD.
  Labour.                                                       ALKHAJA, Bader, Mr, Specialist, International Relations,
DAVIS, Frank, Mr, Minister/Counsellor, Permanent                  MLSD.
  Mission, Geneva.                                              ALFADALAH, Muneera, Ms, Specialist, International
RUSSELL, Janet, Ms, Assistant Director, Ministry of               Relations, MLSD.
  Labour.                                                       ALMAKHLOOQ, Husain, Mr, Counsellor, Permanent
COLEBROOKE, Michael, Mr, Assistant Director,                      Mission, Geneva.
  Ministry of Labour.                                           ALMANNAEI, Noora, Ms, Third Secretary, Permanent
RUSSELL, Kristie, Ms, Third Secretary, Permanent                  Mission, Geneva.
  Mission, Geneva.
                                                                                  Employers' Delegate
                Employers' Delegate                             JANAHI, Sonya, Mrs, Board Member, Bahrain Chamber
GOUDIE, Peter, Mr, Director, Bahamas Chamber of                   of Commerce and Industry (BCCI).
  Commerce and Employers Confederation.
                                                                         Advisers and substitute delegates
          Adviser and substitute delegate                       ALAMER, Mohamed, Mr, Manager, Legal Affairs, BCCI.
GODET, Rionda, Mrs, Member, Bahamas Chamber of                  ALTAMIMI, Ebrahim, Mr, Manager, Institutional
  Commerce and Employers Confederation.                           Communication, BCCI.

                 Workers' Delegate                                                     Advisers
EVANS, Bernard, Mr, President, National Congress of             ALI, Wafa, Mrs, Head, International Relations, BCCI.
  Trade Unions.                                                 ALAYNATI, Fahad, Mr, Senior Specialist, International
                                                                  Relations, BCCI.

CIT Liste des délégations – ILC List of delegations – CIT Lista de delegaciones         (20.05.2021)                    7
Workers' Delegate                         HAQUE, Shanchita, Ms, Deputy Permanent
                                                             Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
SHEHAB, Abdulqader, Mr, Secretary-General, General        KAMRUZZAMAN, Md, Mr, Counsellor, Permanent
  Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBTU).                Mission, Geneva.
                                                          KAYES, Akm Mohiuddin, Mr, First Secretary, Permanent
        Advisers and substitute delegates                    Mission, Geneva.
ALHALWAJI, Hassan, Mr, Deputy Secretary-General,          ISLAM, Suhana, Ms, Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry
   GFBTU.                                                    of Labour and Employment.
JASSAM, Mahdeya, Mrs, Assistant Secretary-General,        YASMEEN, Farida, Ms, Director, Ministry of Foreign
   International and Arabic Relations, GFBTU.                Affairs.
                                                          BHUIYAN, Md. Nazmul Islam, Mr, Manager, Bangladesh
                       Advisers                              Export Processing Zones Authority.

HUSAIN, Yaqoob, Mr, Chief, Bahrain Free Labour                           Employers' Delegate
  Unions Federation (BFLUF).
MOHAMED, Osama, Mr, Secretary, BFLUF.                     RAHMAN, Kamran T., Mr, President, Bangladesh
SEYADI, Basem, Mr, Assistant Secretary, BFLUF.              Employers’ Federation (BEF).
HASSAN, Ayman, Mr, Deputy Chief, International and
  Arabic Relations, BFLUF.                                        Advisers and substitute delegates
ALNOAIMI, Sarah, Mrs, Deputy Chief, Women and Child       HASSAN, Faruque, Mr, President, Bangladesh Garment
  Affairs, BFLUF.                                           Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA).
FAQEHI, Ahmed, Mr, Deputy Chief, Labour Relations,        KARIM, Habibullah N., Mr, Vice-President, BEF.
  BFLUF.                                                  HATEM, Mohammad, Mr, First Vice-President,
MURAD, Mohamed, Mr, Deputy Chief, Occupational              Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters
  Safety and Health, BFLUF.                                 Association (BKMEA).
MEARAJ, Abdullah, Mr, Deputy Chief, Media and Public      UDDIN, A N M Saif, Mr, Former Director, Bangladesh
  Relations, BFLUF.                                         Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association
                                                          AHMED, Farooq, Mr, Secretary-General and CEO, BEF.
                  Bangladesh                                               Workers' Delegate
                                                          MANNAN, Noor Kutub Alam, Mr, President (Acting),
        Minister attending the Conference                   Jatiyo Shramik League.
SUFIAN, Begum Monnujan, Mrs, Minister of Labour and
                                                                  Advisers and substitute delegates
                                                          MIA, Md. Alauddin, Mr, Executive President, Jatiyo
             Government Delegates                            Shramik League.
                                                          ISLAM, Khan Sirajul, Mr, Joint General Secretary, Jatiyo
RAHMAN, Md. Mustafizur, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent            Shramik League.
  Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.              AHAMMAD, Sultan, Mr, Joint General Secretary, Jatiyo
SALAM, K.M. Abdus, Mr, Secretary, Ministry of Labour         Shramik League.
  and Employment.                                         AKTER, Suraiya, Ms, President, Jatiyo Mohila Shramik
        Advisers and substitute delegates                 NAHAR, Shamsun, Ms, MP, Executive President Jatiyo
ISLAM, Major General Md Nazrul, Spp, Mr, Executive           Mohila Shramik League.
   Chairman, Bangladesh Export Processing Zone
BEGUM, Sakeun Nahar, Mrs, Additional Secretary,
   Ministry of Labour and Employment.                                Barbade            Barbados
AHMED, Md. Nasir Uddin, Mr, Inspector General,
   Department of Inspection for Factories and
   Establishments.                                                Minister attending the Conference
KUMAR, Goutom, Mr, Director-General, Department of        JORDAN, Colin, Mr, Minister, Ministry of Labour and
   Labour.                                                  Social Partnership Relations.
ZAMAN, Abu Hena Mostofa, Mr, Joint Secretary,
   Ministry of Home Affairs.
                                                                        Government Delegates
KABIR, Md. Humayun, Mr, Joint Secretary, Ministry of
   Labour and Employment.                                 BEST, Karen, Mrs, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of
KAZI, Faiyaz Murshid, Mr, Director-General, Ministry of     Labour and Social Partnership Relations.
   Foreign Affairs.                                       HOPE-GREENIDGE, Claudette, Mrs, Chief Labour
ELIAS, Andalib, Mr, Director-General (Multilateral          Officer, Ministry of Labour and Social Partnership
   Economic Affairs), Ministry of Foreign Affairs.          Relations.

Advisers                                OSTROVSKAYA, Olga, Ms, Head, International
                                                                  Cooperation and Social Partnership Department,
BLACKMAN, Chad, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent                         Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
   Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
KELLMAN, Ricardo, Mr, Counsellor, Permanent Mission,
                                                                                  Employers' Delegate
INNISS, Dwaine, Mr, First Secretary, Permanent Mission,         KHARLAP, Anatol, Mr, Chairperson, Confederation of
   Geneva.                                                        Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Republican-level
GRIFFITH-JACK, Shani, Mrs, First Secretary, Permanent             Association of Industrial Enterprises (BelAPP).
   Mission, Geneva.
HOWELL, Marva, Ms, Deputy Permanent Secretary,                            Adviser and substitute delegate
   Ministry of Labour and Social Partnership Relations.
BROWNE, Tricia, Mrs, Administrative Officer, Ministry           BOROVOI, Nikolai, Mr, Chairperson, Association of
   of Labour and Social Partnership Relations.                    International Road Carriers (BAMAP).
BURKE, Psyche, Mrs, Senior Economist, Ministry of
   Labour and Social Partnership Relations.                                            Advisers
                                                                ANCHUK, Aliaksandr, Mr, Acting Deputy Chairperson,
                Employers' Delegate                                BelAPP.
MAYERS-GRANVILLE, Sheena, Mrs, Executive                        KALININ, Aliaksander, Mr, Chairperson, Belarusian
  Director, Barbados Employers Confederation.                      Union of Entrepreneurs.
                                                                NIAKREVICH, Andrei, Mr, Director, Republican-level
                                                                   Agro-Industrial Union (BelAPS).
                                                                SHARAMET, Mikalai, Mr, Chairperson, Union of
CUMMINS, Chavonne, Ms, Labour Management Advisor,                  Builders.
  Barbados Employers Confederation.
BRADSHAW, Sheena, Ms, Labour Management Advisor,                                   Workers' Delegate
  Barbados Employers Confederation.
DOWNES, Dylan, Mr, Labour Management Advisor,                   ORDA, Mikhail, Mr, Chairperson, Federation of Trade
  Barbados Employers Confederation.                               Unions of Belarus (FTUB).

                 Workers' Delegate                                        Adviser and substitute delegate
MOORE, Toni, Mrs, General Secretary, Barbados                   VARFALAMEYEVA, Hanna, Ms, International Secretary,
  Workers' Union.                                                 FTUB.

                        Advisers                                                       Advisers
TROTMAN-EDWARDS, Lesley, Mrs, Legal Officer,                    KLOTSHOK, Svetlana, Ms, Chairperson, Belarusian
  Barbados Workers' Union.                                        Trade Union of Chemical, Mining and Oil Industries
BENJAMIN, Kamisha, Ms, Legal Officer, Barbados                    Workers.
  Workers' Union.                                               BELANOVSKY, Nikolay, Mr, Counsellor, Minsk City
WILLIAMS, Shakeda, Ms, Industrial Relations Officer,              Association of Trade Unions.
  Barbados Workers' Union.                                      LAZAR, Maryna, Ms, Head, Directorate-General for Legal
                                                                  Work and Legal Support, FTUB.
                                                                SHAUCHUK, Dzmitry, Mr, Head, Directorate-General for
                                                                  Social Partnership and Labour Relations, FTUB.
     Bélarus           Belarus          Belarús                 KOMOTSKAYA, Irina, Ms, Head, Research Department
                                                                  of International University (MITSO).
                                                                SHYLA, Viachaslau, Mr, Chairperson, Belarusian Trade
              Government Delegates                                Union of Health Workers.
                                                                KURSEVICH, Valery, Mr, Chairperson, Belarusian Trade
KOSTEVICH, Irina, Ms, Minister of Labour and Social               Union of Industrial Workers (BELPROFMASH).
  Protection.                                                   YAKUBOVICH, Tatsiana, Ms, Chairperson, Belarusian
STAROVOYTOV, Igor, Mr, Deputy Minister of Labour                  Trade Union of Education and Science Workers.
  and Social Protection.                                        VOLK, Elena, Ms, Professor, Department of Civil Law
                                                                  Disciplines, MITSO.
         Advisers and substitute delegates
AMBRAZEVICH, Yury, Mr, Ambassador, Permanent
   Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
PISAREVICH, Vadim, Mr, Deputy Permanent
   Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
NIKALAYENIA, Dmitry, Mr, Counsellor, Permanent
   Mission, Geneva.

CIT Liste des délégations – ILC List of delegations – CIT Lista de delegaciones         (20.05.2021)                   9
SBRISSA, Jessica, Mme, Expert, Relations extérieures,
     Belgique          Belgium           Bélgica               Direction des Relations internationales et
                                                               institutionnelles, FOREM.

        Ministre assistant à la Conférence                                Délégué des employeurs
DERMAGNE, Pierre-Yves, M., Vice-Premier Ministre et          DE MEESTER, Kris, M., Premier Conseiller, Fédération
  Ministre de l’Economie et du Travail.                        des entreprises de Belgique.

           Délégués gouvernementaux                              Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
PECSTEEN DE BUYTSWERVE, Marc, M.,                            HELLEBUYCK, Annick, Mme, Premier Conseiller,
  Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Mission                 Fédération des entreprises de Belgique.
  permanente, Genève.
BOUTSEN, Thérèse, Mme, Ministre-Conseillère, Mission                        Conseillers techniques
  permanente, Genève.
                                                             DE JONGHE, Monica, Mme, Directeur Général,
 Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants                 Fédération des entreprises de Belgique.
                                                             DE BISSCHOP, Ineke, Mme, Conseiller Adjoint,
BEVERS, Tom, M., Conseiller général, Division des              Fédération des entreprises de Belgique.
   relations internationales et des études                   COENEGRACHTS, Sandra, Mme, Conseiller, Fédération
   socioéconomiques, Service Public Fédéral Emploi,            des entreprises de Belgique.
   Travail et Concertation sociale.                          VERMEERSCH, Catherine, Mme, Premier Conseiller,
LIZIN, Elise, Mme, Attachée, Division des relations            Fédération des entreprises de Belgique.
   internationales et des études socioéconomiques, Service   DEFAUW, Alice, Mme, Conseiller, Fédération des
   Public Fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale.     entreprises de Belgique.
                                                             CATTELAIN, Ann, Mme, CEO, Federgon.
               Conseillers techniques                        DENYS, Jan, M., Director External Communication and
                                                               Public Affairs, Randstad.
MAENAUT, David, M., Délégué général, délégation de la
   Flandre, Genève.
REUTER, Fabienne, Mme, Déléguée générale, délégation
                                                                          Délégué des travailleurs
   générale Wallonie-Bruxelles, Genève.                      LEEMANS, Marc, M., Président, Confédération des
MORSA, Marc, M., Conseiller, Direction générale soutien        syndicats chrétiens.
   et coordination politiques du Service Public Fédéral
   Sécurité sociale.                                          Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
MOENECLAEY, Stephanie, Mme, Attachée, Direction
   générale soutien et coordination politiques du Service    LAMAS, Rafael, M., Directeur, Service international,
   Public Fédéral Sécurité sociale.                            Fédération générale du travail de Belgique.
COENEN, Ann, Mme, Attachée, Division des Relations           CORTEBEECK, Luc, M., Président honoraire,
   internationales et des études socioéconomiques du           Confédération des syndicats chrétiens.
   Service Public Fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation
   sociale.                                                                 Conseillers techniques
GIOVANIS, Yana, Mme, Attachée, Division des Relations        DOYEN, Isabelle, Mme, Conseillère, Fédération générale
   internationales et des études socioéconomiques du            du travail de Belgique.
   Service Public Fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation    VALENTIN, Olivier, M., Secrétaire national, Centrale
   sociale.                                                     générale des syndicats libéraux de Belgique.
BALTAR, Ana Maria, Mme, Attachée, délégation générale
                                                             SERROYEN, Chris, M., Chef, Service d’Etude,
   Wallonie-Bruxelles, Genève.                                  Confédération des syndicats chrétiens.
PERSOONS, Marie-Anne, Mme, Advisor, International            PANNEELS, Anne, Mme, Conseillère, Fédération
   Policy, Department of Education and Training,                générale du travail de Belgique.
   Flemish Community of Belgium.                             SINTUBIN, Stijn, M., Responsable, Service international,
VAN MELKEBEKE, Taube, Mme, Work and social
                                                                Confédération des syndicats chrétiens.
   economy attaché, Permanent Representation of
                                                             QUINTARD, Christophe, M., Directeur politique
   Belgium to the EU, General Representation of the             économique et sécurité sociale, Fédération générale du
   Government of Flanders to the EU.                            travail de Belgique.
BUYSE, Tim, M., International Relations officer &            ROUSSEAU, Véronique, Mme, Conseillère, Service des
   Economic advisor, Social and Economic Council of             relations internationales, Confédération des syndicats
   Flanders (SERV).
HAEVERANS, Eva, Mme, Policy Officer, Flanders
                                                             VAN HIEL, Isabelle, Mme, Conseillère, Fédération
   Chancellery and Foreign Office.                              générale du travail de Belgique.
DREYE, Philippe, M., Directeur, Direction de la
   Formation professionnelle du Service public de
   Wallonie Emploi/Formation.

Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
                 Bénin         Benin
                                                                AMOUSSOU, Anselme, M., Secrétaire Général,
                                                                  Confédération des Syndicats Autonomes du Bénin.
        Ministres assistant à la Conférence
                                                                                  Conseillers techniques
MATHYS, Adidjatou A., M., Ministre du Travail et de la
  Fonction Publique (MTFP).                                     CHADARE, Noel, M., Secrétaire Général, Confédération
KEREKOU, Modete Tihounté, M., Ministre des Petites et              des Organisations Syndicales Indépendantes du Bénin
  Moyennes Entreprises et de la Promotion de l’Emploi.             (COSI-Bénin).
                                                                SOSSOUKPE, Mathurine, Mme, Secrétaire Générale
           Délégués gouvernementaux                                Adjoint, Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du
LEGBA ADANKON, Mireille C., M., Directrice Générale,            D'ALMEIDA, Calixta, Mme, Secrétaire chargée aux
  Travail.                                                         affaires féminines et de la promotion du genre,
ZANOU, Atadé Pierre, M., Conseiller Technique, Travail             Confédération des Syndicats Autonomes du Bénin.
  et au Dialogue Social.                                        BATOKO, Machioud, M., Deuxième Secrétaire Général,
 Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants                  ODJOUBE, Basilia, Mme, Membre, CNDS.
                                                                HOUNDEDAKO, Sossou Vincent, M., Membre, CNDS.
ZOUNMATOUN, Gbètoho Raymond, M., Directeur,
  Normes du Travail.
HONVOH, V. Victorin, M., Directeur de Cabinet, MTFP.
                                                                   Bolivie (État plurinational de)
               Conseillers techniques
                                                                   Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
SOGLO, Sêtondé Bernis E., M., Chef, Service des Normes
   et de la Promotion des Principes et Droits                     Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de)
   Fondamentaux au Travail.
FAIZOUN, Elodie, Mme, Directrice Générale, Promotion
   de l'Emploi et de l'Entrepreneuriat.                                 Ministro asistente a la Conferencia
ATTIGBE, Guillaume, M., Président, Conseil National du          NAVIA TEJADA, Verónica Patricia, Sra., Ministra de
   Dialogue Social (CNDS).                                        Trabajo, Empleo y Previsión Social.
AHISSOU, Bernard, M., Secrétaire Permanent, CNDS.
TOKO, Lucien, M., Membre, CNDS.                                            Delegados gubernamentales
HEDOKINGBE, Paul, M., Directeur Général Adjoint,
   Travail.                                                     QUISPE TICONA, Víctor Pedro, Sr., Viceministro de
KANHOUNON, Norbert Boccace, M., Secrétaire Général,               Trabajo, Empleo y Previsión Social.
   MTFP.                                                        BAZURCO OSORIO, Martin, Sr., Viceministro de
AIHOU, Désiré, Mme, Membre, CNDS.                                 Trabajo, Empleo y Previsión Social.
BEDIE TOIHEN, Lucile, Mme, Directrice, Sécurité
   Sociale.                                                        Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
TOKO AGODOKPESSI, Léilatou, Mme, Inspectrice du
                                                                ZAMBRANA AVILA, Gonzalo O., Sr., Director General
                                                                  de Empleo, Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Previsión
             Délégué des employeurs                             ALESSANDRI SEVERICH, Jose María Arturo, Sr.,
HOUNNOUVI, Bernard, M., Directeur Exécutif, Conseil               Director General de Trabajo, Higiene y Seguridad,
  National du Patronat du Bénin.                                  Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Previsión Social.
                                                                MACDONAL ALVAREZ, Maira Mariela, Sra.,
    Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant                     Representante Permanente, Misión Permanente,
ADOUKONOU, Laure Irenée, Mme, Assistante du                     NARVÁEZ VARGAS, Mariana Yarmila, Sra., Segundo
  Directeur Exécutif, Conseil National du Patronat du             Secretario, Misión Permanente, Ginebra.
                                                                          Delegado de los empleadores
               Conseillers techniques
                                                                CARRASCO QUINTANA, Bladimir Pablo, Sr.,
ADAGBE, Nicolas, M., Membre, CNDS.                                Presidente, Comisión Jurídico Laboral, Confederación
TOUKOUROU, Moutiatou, M., Membre, CNDS.                           de Empresarios Privados de Bolivia (CEPB).
ZINSOU, Cosme, M., Membre, CNDS.
                                                                   Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
             Délégué des travailleurs
                                                                ÁGREDA GÓMEZ, Rodrigo Emanuel, Sr., Director
KASSA MAMPO, Nagnimi Mpampo, M., Secrétaire                        Ejecutivo, CEPB.
  Général, Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du          PINO THAINE, Roberto, Sr., Miembro del Comité
  Bénin.                                                           Ejecutivo, CEPB.

CIT Liste des délégations – ILC List of delegations – CIT Lista de delegaciones          (20.05.2021)                 11
Consejeros técnicos
FLORES IVANOVIC, María Bernarda, Sra., Asesora
  Jurídica, CEPB.
VALENCIA AQUINO, José, Sr., Director Programas,                   Minister attending the Conference
PAZ CÓRDOVA, Isabel, Sra., Confederación de               BALOPI, Mpho, Mr, Minister of Employment, Labour
  Empresarios Privados de Bolivia, (CEPB).                   Productivity and Skills
          Delegado de los trabajadores
                                                                        Government Delegates
PORTILLO QUISPE, Francisco, Sr., Secretario de
  Relaciones Internacionales, Central Obrera Boliviana    GOITSEMANG, Gaeimelwe, Mr, Permanent Secretary,
  (COB).                                                    Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and
                                                            Skills Development.
     Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes            MOLOKOMME, Athalia, Mrs, Ambassador, Permanent
                                                            Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
ESCOBAR TORREZ, Osman Vladimir, Sr., Secretario de
  Derechos Humanos, COB.                                          Advisers and substitute delegates
PAREDES CABRERA, Edgar, Sr., Secretario de
  Conflictos, COB.                                        MOJAFI, Claude A., Mr, Deputy Permanent Secretary,
AGUILERA APAZA, Abel, Sr., Secretario de Regimen            Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and
  Interno, COB.                                             Skills Development.
                                                          KOORAPETSE, Michael Sean, Mr, Labour Attaché,
                 Consejero técnico                          Permanent Mission, Geneva.
VILLA VALDEZ, Boris, Sr., Secretario de Seguridad                                Advisers
   Social, COB.
                                                          KOKORWE, Goitseone Tsone, Mrs, Commissioner of
                                                             Labour, Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity
                                                             and Skills Development.
           Bosnie-Herzégovine                             MOSALAKATANE, Goitseone N., Mrs, Director,
                                                             Directorate of Public Service Management.
         Bosnia and Herzegovina                           BOGOSI, Tefo Goitseone, Mr, State Counsel, Directorate
          Bosnia y Herzegovina                               of Public Service Management.
                                                          PHALALO, Joseph, Mr, Director of Occupational Health
                                                             and Safety, Ministry of Employment Labour
              Government Delegates                           Productivity and Skills Development.
                                                          PALAI, Tidimalo Ithuteng, Ms, Principal Industrial
NOVAKOVIC, Nenad, Mr, Head, Department for Labor
                                                             Relations Officer I, Ministry of Employment Labour
  and Employment, Ministry of Civil Affairs.
                                                             Productivity and Skills Development.
KRSMANOVIC, Zorica, Ms, Senior Associate,
                                                          SEBEKE, Letsweletse, Mr, Principal Industrial Relations
  International Cooperation, Labor and Employment,
                                                             Officer II, Ministry of Employment Labour
  Ministry of Civil Affairs.
                                                             Productivity and Skills Development.
                                                          GAUMAKWE, Phologo J., Mr, Deputy Permanent
               Employers' Delegate                           Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
ACIC, Saša, Mr, Director, Union of Employers’             MATHIBA, Annah, Ms, Judge, Industrial Court.
  Associations of Republic of Srpska.                     SIBANDA, Wananani, Ms, Registrar, Industrial Court.

          Adviser and substitute delegate                                Employers' Delegate
JUSIC, Mersiha, Ms, Secretary, Association of Employers   MOLOBE, Dichaba, Mr, Director of Policy and Advocacy,
   in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.             Business Botswana.

                Workers' Delegate                                   Adviser and substitute delegate
MIŠIC, Ranka, Ms, President, Federation of Trade Unions   MOKOTO, Lebole Mpho, Mrs, Head of Human
  of Republika Srpska.                                      Resources; Board Member, Business Botswana.

          Adviser and substitute delegate                                        Advisers
ŠATOROVIC, Selvedin, Mr, President, Federation of         TSIMANYANA, Pako, Mr, Human Resources Manager;
  Independent Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.        Board Member, Business Botswana.
                                                          HULE, Tebatso, Mr, Head of Employee Relations; Board
                                                             Member, Business Botswana.
                                                          MADONDO, Vanishing, Mrs, Consultant; Board Member,
                                                             Business Botswana.

MAJE, Motheo, Mrs, Sector Coordinator, Business                 FERREIRA CRUZ E PIC, Daniela, Sra., Advisor,
  Botswana.                                                        Secretariat of Labour.
                                                                DA COSTA NOGUEIRA, Ana Clara, Sra., Coordinator,
                 Workers' Delegate                                 International Affairs of Labour, Special Secretariat of
                                                                   Social Security and Labour.
RARI, Tobokani, Mr, Secretary-General, Botswana                 MACIEL SAQUETO PERETO, Simone, Sra., General-
  Federation of Public Service Unions (BOFEPUSU).                  Coordinator of Standards, Secretariat of Labour.
                                                                DE PINHO FERREIRA, Silvia Maria, Sra., Coordinator of
          Adviser and substitute delegate                          International Affairs of Social Security, Special
BUTALE, Thusang, Mr, Secretary-General, Botswana                   Secretariat of Social Security and Labour.
  Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU).                            OLIVEIRA PEREIRA, Durval Luiz, Sr., Head of the
                                                                   Division of Citizenship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
                                                                MELCHERT SAGUAS PRESAS, Luciana, Sra., First
                                                                   Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
MOLAMU, Obeilwe, Mr, Deputy President, BOFEPUSU.                OLIVEIRA MORAIS, Rodrigo, Sr., Second Secretary,
MOTSHEGWA, Ketlhalefile, Mr, Deputy Secretary,                     Permanent Mission, Geneva.
  BOFEPUSU.                                                     CUNHA FERREIRA, Nero, Sr., Second Secretary,
MOTSHEGWA, Mogomotsi, Mr, Council Member,                          Permanent Mission, Geneva.
  BOFEPUSU.                                                     BORGES BRANCO, Louise, Sra., Second Secretary,
OUTULE, Neo, Ms, Council Member, BOFEPUSU.                         Advisor, Division of Citizenship, Ministry of Foreign
MOLEMA, Martha, Ms, President, BFTU.                               Affairs.
MHOTSHA, Gadzani, Mr, Council Member, BFTU.                     PIACESI DE SOUZA, Pedro, Sr., Second Secretary,
BALEMOGE, Keolopile, Ms, Second Deputy President,                  Permanent Mission, Geneva.
  BFTU.                                                         RAVAGNANI DUARTE SILVA, Vismar, Sr., Second
                                                                   Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
                                                                BANDEIRA, Helges, Sr., Second Secretary, Permanent
                                                                   Mission, Geneva.
          Brésil        Brazil        Brasil                    KEPPE NOGUEIRA, Luiz Carlos, Sr., Third Secretary,
                                                                   Advisor, Division of Citizenship, Ministry of Foreign
        Ministro asistente a la Conferencia
                                                                          Delegado de los empleadores
BIANCO LEAL, Bruno, Sr., Special Secretary for Social
   Security and Labor.                                          COSTA, Vander, Sr., Presidente, Confederação Nacional
                                                                  do Transporte, (CNT).
          Delegados gubernamentales
                                                                      Consejero técnico y delegado suplente
SILVA DALCOLMO, Bruno, Sr., Secretary of Labour,
   Special Secretariat of Social Security and Labour.           RODRIGUES DA ROCHA SAMPAIO, Guilherme Theo,
ESCOREL DE MORAES, Maria Luisa, Sra., Ambassador,                 Sr., Head of Cabinet of the Presidency, CNT.
   Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission,
   Geneva.                                                                        Consejeros técnicos
                                                                GOULART, Nicole, Sra., National Executive Director,
   Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
                                                                   SEST SENAT.
BATISTA DE OLIVEIRA, Luís Felipe, Sr., Program                  HUGUENEY DO AMARAL MELLO, Rodrigo, Sr., Legal
  Director, Secretariat of Labour.                                 Advisor, Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do
SÁVIO BARROS FIGUEIRÔA, Christiano, Sr., Minister                  Brasil, (CNA).
  Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva.                        MAIA FERRAZ, Rudy, Sr., Head of Legal Advisory,
                 Consejeros técnicos                            DALL’ ACQUA JUNIOR, Ivo, Sr., Vice-President,
                                                                   Fecomercio/SP, CNC.
MÊMOLO PORTELA, Felipe, Sr., President,                         CERQUEIRA COIMBRA DUQUE, Patricia, Sra., Head,
  FUNDACENTRO.                                                     Trade Union Division, CNC.
BRAGA COSTA PEREIRA, Pablo, Sr., General-                       FURLAN, Alexandre, Sr., President, Council of Labor
  Coordinator, International Affairs, Special Secretariat          Relations and Social Development, Confederação
  of Social Security and Labour.                                   Nacional da Indústria, (CNI).
MARTINS SOARES, Rodrigo, Sr., General Coordinator,              TEIXEIRA DE SOUSA, Sylvia Lorena, Sra., Executive
  Public Policies and Labor Modernization, Secretariat of          Manager, Labour Relations, CNI.
  Labour.                                                       VELOSO DE QUEIROZ NETO, Clovis, Sr., General
BARBOSA RAMOS, Éder, Sr., Coordinator, Secretariat of              Coordinator Labor and Trade Union Relations,
  Labour.                                                          CNSaúde.
SCHUCK CANDEMIL, Guilherme, Sr., Advisor,                       DA CUNHA TAVARES, Andrea Carolina, Sra., Legal
  Subsecretariat for Labor Inspection, Secretariat of              Director, CNTur.

CIT Liste des délégations – ILC List of delegations – CIT Lista de delegaciones         (20.05.2021)                   13
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