Autumn 2018 Year 6 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School

Autumn 2018 Year 6 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School
Name: …………………………………………..

Year 6 French Revision Pack
Mme Chevalley & Mme Welmers

Introduction for parents and pupils:


Here is your French revision pack for your upcoming autumn exams.
Please don’t worry too much, the best thing to do is little and often.
The exam will be fun and will allow you to show off all that you have
learnt so far this year.
Just do your best and put in the same brilliant effort that you do in

Bon Courage!
Revision tips
Look, say, cover, write, check.

Learn this French words as you would your English spellings. Use the 5 steps below to learn how to spell
any word.

     1. LOOK – Look carefully at the word for at least 10 seconds.

     2. SAY – Say the word to yourself or out loud to practise pronunciations.

     3. COVER – Cover up the word when you feel that you have learned it.

     4. WRITE – Write the word from memory.

     5. CHECK – Check the word against the original. Did you get it right? If not, what did you get wrong?
        Spend time learning that bit of the word again. Try again until you get it right.


Cognates are words that look similar in French and in English. Try to use these cognates to help you revise
– but be careful with spellings! Sometimes there are little differences for example: Afrique     Africa


Like in English French words have sound patterns too. These patterns contain the same letters,
remembering these phonics will help you to spell words correctly. While revising you could write lists of
words that sound similar:

Pêche                                       Patinoire

Planche                                     Voile

Post-it Notes

Still struggling to remember those tricky spellings, or those verbs? Try writing them out on post-it notes
and sticking these notes somewhere you will see them 3 or 4 times a day. On the mirror? On your lap-top?
On your wardrobe door?

Show off

An exam is your chance to show off everything that you know about a topic – so add colour, size and use a
variety of vocabulary etc. at every opportunity to show the examiner how great you are!
N.B: Remember that le/la/ les = the

 To say ‘a’ = le  un

                   la  une

 En ville
French             English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Dans ma ville      In my town

Il y a…            There is/are…

Il n’y a pas de…   There

Ni de…             Nor a…

Est-ce qu’il y     Is there/are
a… ?               there…?

Où est…?           Where is…?

Où sont…?          Where are…?

aussi              also

beaucoup de        A lot of

on a               we have

ici                here

 Les endroits (places)
French             English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Une/ la banque A/ the bank

Une/ la            A/ the library

Une/ La fête       A/ the funfair

Une/ la            A/ the ice-rink

Une/ la piscine     A/ the
                    swimming pool

Une/ la poste       A/ the post

Une/ la gare        A/ the train

Un/le camping       A/ the campsite

Un/le cinéma        A/ the cinema

Un/le collège       A/ the school

Une/ l’église (f)   A/ the church

Un/l’hôpital        A/ the hospital

Un/l’hôtel (m)      A/ the hotel

Un/le magasin       A/ the bike
de vélos            shop

Des/ les            Some/ the
magasins            shops

Un/le marché        A/ the market

Un/le musée         A/ the museum

Un/le parc          A/ the park

Un/le parking       A/ the car park

Un/le stade         A/ the stadium

Un/le               A/ the
supermarché         supermarket

Un/ le tabac        A/ the

Des/ les            Some/ the
toilettes           toilets

Most of the places in town can be made plural in the same way as we do in
English – by adding an ‘s’. Un café  deux cafés

**The only exception to this here is with hôpital, which changes to hôpitaux**

                              3 hospitals = trois hôpitaux

                                    WORD ORDER

          1.             2.                         3.        4.

          Number         size                       place     colour

          Un             Petit / grand              marché    vert

          Une            Petite/grande              Piscine   violette

          trois          petits /grands             cafés     Bleus

          Cinq           petites/grandes            banques   blanches
                  No. 2 & 4 need to agree with the gender of No.3!
1. In my town, there is a bank and a café. There isn’t a park nor a museum.

           _________________________________________________________ .

       2. Dans ma ville, il n’y a pas de supermarché ni d’église mais il y a une grande piscine.

           __________________________________________________________ .

       3. In my town, there is a small cinema and three shops.

           __________________________________________________________ .

       4. In my town there are 3 big pink swimming pools.


 Les directions
French            English              1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

tu vas..          you go..

vous allez..      you go.. (polite)

tu tournes..      you turn..

vous tournez      you turn

à droite          right (on the

à gauche          left (on the left)

tu continues      you continue

vous continuez    you continue

tout droit        straight on

puis              then

Je vais           I go (I am

tu vas            you go (you are

il va             he goes (he is

elle va           she goes (she is

on va             we go (we are

vous allez        you go (you are
                  going) polite

tu passes         you pass

vous passez       you pass

devant            in front of

derrière          behind

Tu y es!          You’re here!

Vous y êtes!      You’re here

 Où es-tu? (where are you?)
French            English            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Je suis au café   I’m at the café

Je suis à la      I’m at the bank

Je suis à l’église I’m at church

Je suis aux       I’m at the shops
Où vas-tu ? (Where are you going ?)
French             English            1st attempt        2nd attempt       3rd attempt

Je vais au café    I’m going to the

Je vais à la       I’m going to the
bibliothèque       library

Je vais à          I’m going to the
l’hôpital          hospital

Je vais aux        I’m going to the
magasins           shops

 Grammar: remember that when we are saying you are at a place or you are going to a place it changes. .

 Masc.                                      – au          (au marché)

 Fem.                                       – à la        (à la boulangerie)

 If the place starts with a vowel or an ‘h’ – à l’       (à l’hôtel)

 Plural                                      – aux       (aux magasins)

 Decide whether the following takes au / à la / à l’ or aux (refer to the page
 about places in town to figure out whetherplaces are masculine, feminine or

              1. Tu vas _______________ patinoire.

              2. Vous allez ____________ piscine.

              3. On va __________              église.

              4. Vous allez ____________ parking.

              5. Tu vas ________________ fête foraine.

              6. Je suis ________________ gare.
Now have a go at translating the following into French.

            1. I am going to the swimming pool.


            2. I am going to the museum.


            3. He is going to the hospital.


            4. She is going to the toilets.


            5. I am at the park

            6. I’m at the bank.

The following is used to say where you like to go. OPINION + ALLER + to the place.

E.g. J’adore aller à la piscine.



Je n’aime pas

Je déteste                                                       (aller)

                 ** Remember to use either au / à la / à l’ or aux**
Have a go at writing the following:

 I like to go to the supermarket

 I hate to go to the post office

 I love to go to the stadium
 I don’t like to go to the newsagents

 Les invitations et les opinions
French            English              1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Tu viens?         Are you

Tu voudrais       Would you like
venir?            to come?

Super!            Fantastic!

Oui, j’aime       Yes, I like that.
bien ça.

Ça m’est égal     I don’t mind.

Je ne sais pas,   I don’t know, if
si tu veux.       you want.

Non, c’est        No, that’s boring.

C’est nul.        That’s rubbish.

Je déteste ça!    I hate that.
Au snack-bar (at the snack-bar)
English           French            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Bonjour           hello

Je voudrais       I would like

C’est combien?    How much is it?

S’il vous plait   Please

Merci             Thank you

Au revoir         Good bye

 Les boissons (drinks)
French            English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

un café           a coffee

un chocolat       a hot chocolate

un coca           a cola

un coca light     a diet cola

un fanta          a fanta

un jus d’orange an orange juice

Une limonade      a lemonade

Un milkshake à    a strawberry
la fraise         milkshake

Un orangina       an orangina

un thé            a tea
Les snacks
French             English        1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Une glace à la     a strawberry
fraise             ice cream

un hamburger       a hamburger

un hot-dog         a hot-dog

A cheese           Un sandwich
sandwich           au fromage

A ham              Un sandwich
sandwich           au jambon

 Read the following conversation between a man and a woman. Answer
 the comprehension questions:

          Bonjour monsieur, vous avez choisi?
                  Bonjour madame, je voudrais trois cafés, une limonade,
                   un chocolat chaud et cinq tranches de pizza. S’il vous

          D’accord, voilà – c’est tout?
                  Et une portion de frites et deux hot-dogs s’il vous plait.
                   C’est combien?

          Ça fait treize euros soixante-cinq, s’il vous plait.
                  Voilà madame, au revoir.

          Merci, au revoir monsieur.
1. What drinks do the man order? How many?


2. Does he order any food? If so, what does he order?


3. What is the phrase for ‘how much is it?”


4. What is the grand total of his order?

What will be in the exam ?
The exam will mostly focus on what we have done in Unit 4 (all the vocabulary here!)

BUT! You will also be asked to write a small text about answering questions about what there is in
your town and where you like to go. Have a look over this example and see how much you
understand and think whether you could write something similar.


Je m’appelle Sébastien.

J’habite à Caen dans le nord de la France. Dans ma ville il y a beaucoup de cafés et
de musées mais ici il n’y a pas de piscine. C’est nul parce que j’adore nager ! Il y a
aussi une grande bibliothèque.

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ta ville ?

J’adore ma ville, j’aime aller à la patinoire, cependant je déteste aller aux magasins
avec ma mère – c’est ennuyeux !

Où aimes-tu aller dans ta ville ?

Au revoir

A toi! Answer Sébastien’s email – use all the information in this booklet to help you
check structures and spellings.











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