Summer 2018 Year 5 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School

Summer 2018 Year 5 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School
Name: …………………………………………..

Year 5 French Revision Pack
M Hempsted & Mme Chevalley

                       Summer 2018

Introduction for parents and pupils:


Here is your French revision pack for your upcoming summer exams.
Please don’t worry too much, little and often works best!
The exam will be fun and will allow you to show off all that you have
learnt this year.
Just do your best and put in the same brilliant effort that you do in

Bon Courage!
Revision tips

Look, say, cover, write, check.

Learn this French words as you would your English spellings. Use the 5 steps below to learn how to spell
any word.

      1. LOOK – Look carefully at the word for at least 10 seconds.

      2. SAY – Say the word to yourself or out loud to practise pronunciations.

      3. COVER – Cover up the word when you feel that you have learned it.

      4. WRITE – Write the word from memory.

      5. CHECK – Check the word against the original. Did you get it right? If not, what did you get wrong?
         Spend time learning that bit of the word again. Try again until you get it right.


Cognates are words that look similar in French and in English. Try to use these cognates to help you revise
– but be careful with spellings! Sometimes there are little differences for example: Afrique      Africa

Where do you live?
French             English           1st attempt       2nd attempt        3rd attempt

habiter            To live

J’habite à         I live in
Guildford          Guildford

il/elle habite à   He/she lives in
Woking             Woking

C’est….            It is….

un village         A village

une ville          A town

une grande ville A city

la capitale        the capital
à la campagne    in the country

à la montagne    in the

au bord de la    at the seaside

en Afrique       in Africa

en Belgique      in Belgium

au Canada        in Canada

en France        in France

en Guadeloupe    In Guadeloupe

en Tunisie       in Tunisia

   1. I live in Guildford, it’s a big town in England.


   2. J’habite à Paris, c’est la capitale et c’est en France.


French           English          1st attempt     2nd attempt   3rd attempt

J’habite dans…   I live in….

une maison       A semi-
jumelle          detached

une maison       A detached
individuelle     house

une grande       a big house
une petite          a small house

un                  a flat

une ferme           a farm

Break the code: (J = J’habite…)

    1. J D U G M ____________________________________________

    2. J D U F          ____________________________________________

    3. J D U A          ____________________________________________

In the house
French              English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Au premier          On the first
étage               floor

au rez-de-          on the ground
chaussée            floor

il y a              there is/are

la chambre          the bedroom

la cuisine          the kitchen

l’entrée            the hall

le garage           the garage

le jardin           the garden

la salle à          the dining
manger              room

la salle de bains   the bathroom

le salon            the living room

Read the following text and answer the comprehension questions:


Jhabite dans une maison individuelle à La Roche sur Foron, un petit
village à la montagne en France. J’habite avec ma famille. Dans ma
famille, il y a cinq personnes- ma mère, mon père, mes deux frères et
moi. Aussi, j’ai un petit chien marron qui s’appelle Milo.

Dans ma maison au rez-de-chaussée, il y a une petite cuisine verte, un
salon et une grande entrée blanche et grise. Au premier étage, il y a
ma petite chambre orange, la chambre de mes deux frères et ;a
grande chambre violette de mes parents. Finalement, il y a une salle
de bains bleue.

J’adore ma maison!

Au revoir.

  1. What sort of house do they live in?


  2. Where do they live? (give 2 details)


  3. What do we learn about their family? Give some details.

    4. What room on the ground floor is big? What other details do we learn about it?


    5. What rooms are upstairs?


In the bedroom

French           English         1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

il y a           There is/are

beaucoup de      lots of

une armoire      a wardrobe

un bureau        a desk

une chaise       a chair

un chien en      a cuddly toy
peluche          dog

une commode      a chest of

une étagère      a bookshelf

une lampe        a lamp

un lit           a bed

la moquette      carpet

le mur           the wall

un ordinateur    a computer

un poster de….   a poster of….

les rideaux      the curtains
une table        a table

une télé         a TV

Where is it?
French           English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

où est….?        where is….?

où sont….?       where are…?

dans             in

derrière         behind

devant           in front of

sous             under

sur              on

à gauche du/de   on the left of

à droite du/de   on the right of

Quelle heure est-il ? (What time is it ? )                                                   It

   1. It is = il est..

   2. We then add what hour it is.

       Une heure         (1 :00)

       Deux heures       (2 :00)

       Treize heures     (13 :00)

   3. Then add the minutes.

       Il est une heure cinq = 1 :05

       Il est deux heures dix = 2 :10

       Il est treize heures vingt-cinq = 13 :25

       QUARTER PAST = et quart

       HALF PAST = et demie

When it is something ‘to’ , we do the following :

   1. Ask what hour are we travelling towards ?

       So 2 :40 = this is twenty to three

   Take that as your hour

Il est trois heures

   2. We then use the word ‘moins’ (minus) to show how many minutes ‘to’ or away from the hour we
      are :

       2 :40 = il est trois heures moins vingt (three o’clock minus 20)

       QUARTER TO = moins le quart

       1. 2 :05 = __________________________________________

       2. 4 :30 = __________________________________________

       3. 7 :45 = __________________________________________
          4. 10 :15 = __________________________________________

                    une          heure

                                                                          et quart.
                    deux                                                  et demie.
                    trois                                                 dix
                    quatre                                                vingt
                    cinq                                                  vingt-cinq
                    six          heures
Il est
                    dix                                                       cinq
                                                                      (moins) le quart
                    midi                                                      vingt
                    minuit                                                    vingt-cinq

                                                                   Example: Il est huit
                                                                   heures et quart.

A toi! Draw some hands on the clock, and write a sentence to say what time it is.

Tip! Using different colours to draw different times will allow you to make more

1- Il est __________ heures________________________________________________

2- Il est________________________________________________________________

3- ____________________________________________________________________






In the evening
French            English            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

on                we

on écoute de la   we listen to
music             music/we are
                  listening to

on n’écoute pas we don’t listen
de musique      to music/we
                are not
                listening to

on joue au foot   we play
                  football/we are
                  playing football
on mange         we eat/we are

on prépare le    we prepare the
dîner            dinner/we are
                 preparing the

on range         we tidy/we are

on regarde la    we watch
télé             TV/we are
                 watching Tv

on téléphone à   we phone
des copains      friends/we are

on travaille     we work/we
                 are working

Numbers 20 – 60
French           English          1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

vingt            20

trente           30

trente et un     31

trente-deux      32

trente-trois     33

trente-quatre    34

trente-cinq      35

quarante         40

cinquante        50
soixante          60

Useful Verbs and Grammar hints
Avoir – to have

French                 English            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Avoir                  To have

J’ai                   I have

Tu as                  You have

Il/elle/on a           He/it/she/we

Nous avons             We have

Vous avez              You have

Ils/elles ont          They have

être – to be

French                 English            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Être                   To be

Je suis                I am

Tu es                  You are

Il/elle/on est         He/it/she(we) is

Nous sommes            We are

Vous êtes              You are

Ils/elles sont         They are
 Habiter – to live

 (a regular –er verb)

 French                  English         1st attempt           2nd attempt         3rd attempt

 Habiter                 To live

 J’habite                I live

 Tu habites              You live

 Il/elle/on habite       He/it/she/we

 Nous habitons           We live

 Vous habitez            You live

 Ils/elles habitent      They live

 Handy hint: once you know this, you know how to conjugate 90% of French Verbs! – learn
 these endings for -er verbs in the present tense. To make another verb simply take off the
 –er and add on the correct endings for each person.


 jouer – to play

 Jouer                    jou + e/es/e/ons/ez/ent

subject               ending
                                                       So, we play = nous jouons

 Je ___________ -e                                     Can you fill in the following gaps?

 Tu ___________-es                                     I play= _______________

 Il/Elle ________-e                                    She plays = _______________

 Nous _________-ons                                    They (fem) play = _____________

 Vous _________-ez                                     You (plural) play = _______________

 Ils/Elles _______-ent
            Revising your subjects (who is doing the action) won’t hurt!

      Pick a colour for each French subject and match them up with their
English equivalent, by colouring them in using the same colour.
     Pssst… you may find some help in the vocab part of this booklet…


                               Elles                                 Tu
                                                       They ()fem)
                                        You (plural)
                         Ils                                              Il
                                   he         They (masc)

                                            You (singular)

                               Vous                               Elle

     Can you match up those subjects to the right verb? The answer is in the

                                                        portent                         parles

         joue                          Il

                   écoutez                                                      Elles

      Vous                                                                     Tu
What will be in the exam ?
The exam will mostly focus on what we have done in Unit 3 (all the vocabulary here!)

BUT! You may be asked to talk about your family and pets, or even your birthday!!! Make sure you have a
little look over the vocabulary pages in your white homework book to check that you still know it all.

Have a look at the paragraphs that you have written about your house and where you live. You may be
required to write something similar to this:

Bonjour, je m’appelle Sébastian. J’ai un frère qui s’appelle Thibaud, il est
grand et sportif. J’ai un petit hamster marron, il s’appelle Speedy. J’ai les
cheveux longs et noirs et les yeux verts.

J’habite à Nice dans une grande maison. Au rez-de-chaussée il y a
l’entrée, un grand salon et la cuisine. Au premier étage il y a ma chambre,
la chambre de mon frère et la chambre de mes parents. Il y a aussi deux
salles de bains. Ma chambre est grande et confortable, les murs sont
jaunes et la moquette est bleue.

What can I do if I know all the vocabulary?
At the back of this pack there are the answers to the revision pages in your white homework books. Give
pages 28 and 29 a go and then check your answers.

                         (The online version will not have these due to Copyright)
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