European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...

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European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...
Trade Union Institute
2011– 2015
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...
Contents                               Sommaire

1	Foreword                            2	Préface

3	Crisis, austerity, alternatives     3   Crise, austérité, alternatives
15	Occupational health and safety     15	Santé et sécurité au travail
23	Social Europe /                    23	Europe sociale /
    Industrial relations                   Relations professionnelles
33	Worker participation /             33	Participation des travailleurs /
    Union renewal                          Renouveau syndical
40	Trade union training               40	Formation syndicale
45	Periodicals                        45	Périodiques
48	List of books 2011-2015            48	Liste des livres 2011-2015
51	List of reports 2011-2015          51	Liste des rapports 2011-2015
53	List of Working Papers 2011-2015   53	Liste des Working Papers 2011-2015
57	List of Policy Briefs 2011-2015    57	Liste des Policy Briefs 2011-2015
60 List of guides 2011-2015            60 Liste des guides 2011-2015
62 List of Background analysis         62 Liste des Background analysis
63 E-newsletters                       63	Newsletters électroniques
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...


Welcome to our catalogue of publications for          — Guides cover documents that are designed
the period 2011-2015. This catalogue presents            for trainers to support their work or that aim
all ETUI publications produced in the last four          to outline a question or issue in a clear and
years, including some compiled by ETUI                   simple manner.
researchers but published elsewhere.                  — Background analysis is intended to explain
                                                         and supply background information about
During this period, these publications have dealt        recent EU policies. This series is only avail-
with a wide range of topics (economic and finan-         able online.
cial crisis, European governance, Europeanisa-        — Periodicals: HesaMag, a twice-yearly journal
tion of industrial relations, and many more). The        on occupational health and safety; Transfer,
readership for our work is very diverse. Trade           a quarterly publication focusing on industrial
unionists, social scientists and European policy-        relations, employment, and economic and
makers use our publications to learn about the           social policies; and SEER, a journal covering
latest developments on social issues at EU level         labour and social developments in eastern
or to find scientific support for policy positions.      Europe.
                                                      — Audiovisual products and infographics: the
The ETUI’s publications fall into different series:      ETUI has started producing video recordings
— Policy Briefs introduce a line of argument or         of its events. These are published on YouTube
   key issue in a policy-oriented manner. They           and on our web site. Increasingly, we also use
   are read by a large non-specialised audience,         infographics to visualise in an attractive way
   as well as by decisionmakers and members of           statistical data from ETUI research.
   European think-tanks, and are mainly distrib-      — E-newsletters: the monthly ETUI newsletter
   uted electronically.                                  alerts ten thousand contacts to our latest pub-
— Working Papers present research that is either        lications, events, and training courses. Other
   still ongoing or recently concluded. These            thematic newsletters, which are circulated
   papers are aimed at academics, think-tanks,           to a more specialised and clearly identified
   European institutions, trade unions and non-          audience, cover the following topics: collective
   governmental organisations.                           bargaining; health and safety at work; worker
— Books are intended, depending on topic and            participation.
   goal, for a specialised audience or a larger
   reading public. The content of books may be        Most publications are available free of charge
   the findings of internal ETUI research pro-        from the ETUI website. Others can be ordered
   jects, the results of external research network    directly either from the ETUI or from the pub-
   projects, or annual publications on specific       lisher concerned.
   issues, e.g. Benchmarking Working Europe.
— Reports are more technical documents aimed         We hope that our publications will be of interest
   at an audience already in possession of spe-       to you and of help in your own work.
   cialised knowledge of the area in question.
   In some cases, they are used to outline the        Philippe Pochet,
   results of conferences.                            General Director ETUI
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...


Bienvenue dans notre catalogue de publications          — les guides recouvrent les documents conçus
pour la période 2011-2015. Ce catalogue présente           pour soutenir les formateurs dans leur travail
toutes les publications de l’ETUI produites durant         ou pour traiter d’une question ou d’un sujet
les quatre dernières années, y compris certaines           précis, de façon claire et simple ;
publications compilées par les chercheurs de            — les Background analysis entendent expliquer
l’ETUI mais publiées par d’autres éditeurs.                et fournir une information de fond sur les poli-
Pendant cette période, ces publications ont porté          tiques européennes récentes. Il s’agit de publi-
sur un large éventail de sujets (crise économique          cations en ligne qui peuvent être téléchargées à
et financière, gouvernance européenne, euro-               partir du site internet de l’ETUI ;
péanisation des relations professionnelles, etc.).      — les périodiques : HesaMag, un semestriel consa-
Les lecteurs de nos publications ont des profils           cré à la santé et à la sécurité au travail ; Transfer,
très variés. Les syndicalistes, les chercheurs en          un trimestriel centré sur les relations profession-
sciences sociales et les décideurs politiques euro-        nelles, l’emploi et les politiques économiques
péens utilisent nos publications pour connaître            et sociales ; et SEER consacré aux évolutions
l’évolution récente des questions sociales au              sociales et du monde du travail en Europe de
niveau de l’Union européenne ou pour trouver un            l’Est ;
support scientifique aux positions politiques.          — les supports audiovisuels et infographiques :
                                                           l’ETUI a commencé à produire des enregistre-
Les publications de l’ETUI ont été regroupées              ments vidéo de ses événements. Ceux-ci sont
dans les catégories suivantes :                            publiés sur YouTube et sur le site internet.
— les Policy Briefs ont pour but de présenter une         L’ETUI utilise aussi de plus en plus d’infogra-
   note argumentée ou un thème clé dans une                phies pour visualiser d’une manière attrayante
   optique de recommandations politiques. Ils              les données statistiques liées à ses activités de
   visent le grand public non spécialisé, mais aussi       recherche ;
   les décideurs et les groupes de réflexion euro-      — les newsletters : le bulletin d’information men-
   péens. Ils sont distribués par voie électronique ;      suel de l’ETUI fournit régulièrement des alertes
— les Working Papers font état des recherches             sur les événements, les publications et les cours
   en cours ou finalisées. Ils s’adressent à un            de formation à plus de 10 000 contacts. Des
   public académique, aux groupes de réflexion,            bulletins d’information spécifiques distribués
   aux institutions européennes, aux organi-               à un public plus spécialisé et précis couvrent
   sations syndicales et aux organisations non             actuellement les thèmes suivants : négociation
   gouvernementales ;                                      collective, santé et sécurité au travail, participa-
— les livres sont destinés à un public spécialisé ou      tion des travailleurs.
   à un public plus large en fonction des sujets et
   de l’objectif. Ils sont consacrés soit aux résul-    De nombreuses publications sont disponibles
   tats de projets de recherche internes à l’ETUI       gratuitement et peuvent être téléchargées à partir
   et de projets de réseaux de recherche externes,      du site internet de l’ETUI. D’autres publications
   soit à des publications annuelles sur des sujets     peuvent être commandées directement à l’ETUI
   spécifiques, comme le Benchmarking Working           ou à la maison d’édition concernée.
   Europe ;
— les rapports sont des documents plus tech-           Nous espérons que vous trouverez nos publica-
   niques destinés à un public spécialisé dans le       tions intéressantes et utiles, et qu’elles contribue-
   domaine de recherche concerné. Ils présen-           ront à vous aider dans votre travail.
   tent aussi dans certains cas les résultats de
   conférences ;                                        Philippe Pochet,
                                                        Directeur général de l’ETUI
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...

Crisis, austerity,
Crise, austérité,

Wage bargaining under the new European               Authors:
Economic Governance                                  Kristin Alsos, Fafo Institute for Labour and
Edited by Guy Van Gyes, HIVA and Thorsten Schul-     Social Research | Ignacio Alvarez, University of
ten, WSI                                             Valladolid | Søren Kaj Andersen, FAOS, University
ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-373-1, 417 pages, 20 €   of Copenhagen | Szilvia Borbély, Economic and
                                                     Social Research Institute of the Trade Unions |
                                                     Odile Chagny, IRES, France | Jesús Cruces Aguilera,
                                                     Fundación 1º de Mayo | Noélie Delahaie, IRES,
                                                     France | Line Eldring, Fafo Institute for Labour
                                                     and Social Research | Lewis Emery, Labour
                                                     Research Department | Michel Husson, IRES,
                                                     France | Christian Lyhne Ibsen, FAOS, University
                                                     of Copenhagen | Maarten Keune, University
                                                     of Amsterdam and AIAS | Salvo Leonardi,
                                                     Associazione Bruno Trentin, Italy | Torsten Müller,
                                                     ETUI | Reinhard Naumann, University Institute
Within the framework of the new European             of Lisbon (IUL) and Instituto Ruben | Kristine
economic governance, neoliberal views on             Nergaard, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social
wages have further increased in prominence           Research, Oslo | László Neumann, Institute for
and have steered various reforms of collec-          Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
tive bargaining rules and practices. As the          Pekka Sauramo, Labour Institute for Economic
crisis in Europe came to be largely inter-           Researh, Finland | Thorsten Schulten, Economic and
preted as a crisis of competitiveness, wages         Social Research Institute (WSI) of the Hans Böckler
were seen as the core adjustment variable for        Foundation, Germany | Guy Van Gyes, KULeuven-
‘internal devaluation’, the claim being that         HIVA, Belgium | Sem Vandekerckhove, HIVA-KU
competitiveness could be restored through a          Leuven | Catherine Vincent, IRES, France | Sepp
reduction of labour costs.                           Zuckerstätter, Vienna Chamber of Labour in Austria
This book proposes an alternative view
according to which wage developments need
to be strengthened through a Europe-wide
coordinated reconstruction of collective
bargaining as a precondition for more
sustainable and more inclusive growth in
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...

Divisive integration. The triumph of failed ideas       A triumph of failed ideas. European models
in Europe — revisited                                   of capitalism in the crisis
Edited by Steffen Lehndorff, University of              Edited by Steffen Lehndorff,
Duisburg-Essen                                          University of Duisburg-Essen
ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-332-8, 367 pages, 20 €      ETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-246-8, 284 pages, 20 €
Also available in German by VSA Verlag, 2014

                                                        The current crisis in Europe is being labelled, in
This book is a follow-up to the ETUI 2012 vol-          mainstream media and politics, as a ‘public debt
ume ‘The triumph of failed ideas’. The focus of         crisis’. The present book draws a markedly dif-
the book is the weight attributed to the different      ferent picture. What is happening now is rooted,
economic and social development paths in ten            in a variety of different ways, in the destabilisa-
individual EU countries, and their interaction          tion of national models of capitalism due to the
with the austerity regime established at EU level       predominance of neoliberalism since the demise
which in fact is deepening the crisis rather than       of the post-war ‘golden age’. Ten country analy-
paving ways out of it.                                  ses provide insights into national ways of coping
                                                        – or failing to cope – with the ongoing crisis.
Authors:                                                They reveal the extent to which the respective
Dominique Anxo, Linnaeus University and CAFO |          socio-economic development models are unsus-
Josep Banyuls, Valencia University | Jörg Flecker,      tainable, either for the country in question, or
University of Vienna and FORBA | Damian Grimshaw,       for other countries.
Manchester Business School and EWERC | Christoph        The bottom-line of the book is twofold. First,
Hermann, FORBA and University of Vienna | Florence      there will be no European reform agenda at all
Jany-Catrice, University Lille 1 and laboratory         unless each country does its own homework.
Clersé-CNRS | Maria Karamessini, Panteion University    Second, and equally urgent, is a new European
of Social and Political Sciences | Michel Lallement,    reform agenda without which alternative ap-
CNAM and laboratory Lise-CNRS | Steffen Lehndorff,      proaches in individual countries will inevitably
IAQ, University of Duisburg-Essen | Janine Leschke,     be suffocated. This message, delivered by the
Copenhagen Business School | Torsten Müller, ETUI |     country chapters, is underscored by more
Albert Recio, Autonomous University of Barcelona        general chapters on the prospects of trade
and IET | Jill Rubery, Manchester Business School       union policy in Europe and on current auster-
and EWERC | Thorsten Schulten, WSI | Annamaria          ity policies and how they interact with the new
Simonazzi, Sapienza University of Rome and Fondazione   approaches to economic governance at the EU
Giacomo Brodolini | Sotiria Theodoropoulou, ETUI |      level. These insights are aimed at providing a
András Tóth, Centre of European Employment Studies      better understanding across borders at a time
at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Hans-Jürgen      when European rhetoric is being used as a
Urban, IG Metall | Andrew Watt, IMK | James             smokescreen for national egoism.
Wickham, Trinity College Dublin
                                                        Dominique Anxo, Linnaeus University and CAFO |
                                                        Josep Banyuls, Valencia University | Jörg Flecker,
                                                        FORBA and University of Vienna | Damian Grimshaw,
                                                        Manchester Business School and EWERC | Christoph
                                                        Hermann, FORBA and University of Vienna | Hortenzia
                                                        Hosszú, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Institute
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...

of Political Science, Budapest | Florence Jany-Catrice,      Authors:
University Lille 1 and CNRS | Maria Karamessini,             Sylvia Borbonus, Wuppertal Institute for Climate,
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences,        Environment and Energy | Bruno Estrada López, |
Athens | Michel Lallement, CNAM and CNRS | Steffen           Béla Galgóczi, ETUI | Elena Grimaccia, Italian National
Lehndorff, IAQ, University of Duisburg-Essen | Janine        Statistics Institute | Sven Hergovich, Austrian economist
Leschke, ETUI | László Neumann, Hungarian Academy            and policy adviser | Miriam Paprsek, Vienna Economics
of Sciences and Institute of Political Science, Budapest |   and Business University | Tommaso Rondinella, Italian
Albert Recio, Autonomous University of Barcelona             National Statistics Institute | Marco Torregrossa, Euro
and IET | Jill Rubery, Manchester Business School and        Freelancers
EWERC | Annamaria Simonazzi, Sapienza University
of Rome and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini | Sotiria           Greening industries and creating jobs
Theodoropoulou, ETUI | András Tóth, Hungarian                Edited by Béla Galgóczi, ETUI
Academy of Sciences and Institute of Political Science,      ETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-249-9, 223 pages, 20 €
Budapest | Hans-Jürgen Urban, IG Metall | Andrew
Watt, ETUI | James Wickham, Employment Research
Centre at Trinity College Dublin

Europe’s energy transformation in the austerity trap
Edited by Béla Galgóczi, ETUI
ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-364-9, 173 pages, 20 €

                                                             How the objective of a resource-efficient low car-
                                                             bon economy is to be reached and how the tran-
                                                             sition is managed are the key issues addressed
                                                             by this publication. The two main focuses are
                                                             industrial policy and employment prospects
                                                             on the road to a green economy that retains its
                                                             industrial base.
Our planetary limits demand a radical transi-                Any lasting recovery of the real economy will
tion from the energy-intensive economic model                necessarily take the shape of a more resource-
based on the extraction of finite resources,                 efficient production model. While we argue
which has been dominant since the first indus-               that only a more ambitious and comprehensive
trial revolution, to a model that is both sustain-           European climate policy framework would have
able and equitable.                                          a chance of delivering the broader 2050 climate
Unfortunately however, energy transformation                 targets, this does not mean that Europe has to
in Europe has, after a promising start, fallen               give up its industrial base and its related compe-
hostage to austerity and to the main philosophy              tences. Several chapters of this book argue that
underpinning the crisis management policies                  the option of attaining a low-carbon economy
in which overall competitiveness is reduced                  through ‘deindustrialisation’ would prevent
to the much narrower concept of cost-com-                    Europe from preserving its competitiveness and
petitiveness. Regulatory uncertainty, design                 knowledge base, which are also essential for
failures built into incentive systems, and unjust            exploiting the potential of the emerging eco-in-
distribution of the costs, have also contributed             dustry. While decoupling economic growth from
to the reversal of progress in energy transfor-              resource use is also possible with an industrial
mation currently observable across Europe. In                base that is more energy-and resource-efficient,
this book three country case studies highlight               this does require a fundamental shift in terms
the different facets of these conflicts, while               of how the economy is managed and how busi-
additional light is thrown on the situation by               ness decisions are made. Sustainable industrial
an account of the lack of progress in achieving              and structural policies are needed also in order
energy efficiency.                                           to ensure that this revolutionary process takes
                                                             place in a socially balanced manner.
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...

Authors:                                                   he recommends as an alternative and better
Béla Galgóczi, ETUI | Éloi Laurent, OFCE | Alain Mestre,   indicator in the context of the Alert Mechanism
Syndex | Philippe Morvannou, Syndex | Guido Nelissen,      Reports to be issued by the European Commis-
ACV-CSC METEA | Tommaso Rondinella, Istat’s                sion in the future.
Secretariat to the Presidency | Philipp Schepelmann,
Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy in           Exiting from the crisis: towards a model of more
Wuppertal | Marco Torregrossa, independent consultant      equitable and sustainable growth
and EU legal advisor | Peter Wilke, Wilke, Maack and       Edited by David Coats, The Smith InstituteI
Partner, Hamburg | Annika Wolff, Wilke, Maack und          ETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-218-5, 278 pages, 20 €
Partner, Hamburg                                           Also available in French, Italian and Russian

Macroeconomic imbalances and
comparative advantages in the Euro Area
Stefan Collignon, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
ETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-274-1, 139 pages, 15 €

                                                           The global economy is still struggling to emerge
                                                           from the worst financial crisis and global
                                                           recession since the Second World War. In this
                                                           context, TUAC, ETUI, GURN and ITUC created
                                                           a Task Force to define the parameters of a new
The emergence of macroeconomic imbalances                  growth model. This publication which is the
among EU member states is often seen as a major            initial result of its work, takes up the challenge
underlying factor of the recent European debt              of developing progressive alternatives to the
crisis. In order to identify and tackle these imbal-       failed neo-liberal model that has dominated eco-
ances, the European authorities established, in            nomic policy for over three decades. It consists
2011, a new surveillance tool incorporating rules          of contributions by more than 30 authors, all
to prevent future imbalances and labelled the              with links to the global labour movement, and a
Excessive Imbalance Procedure (EIP).                       preface by Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz.
Stefan Collignon argues that the premises of               The different chapters analyse the causes and
the Excessive Imbalance Procedure are in fact              implications of the crisis and propose alternative
wrong, and its implementation therefore mis-               ways toward more equitable and sustainable
guided, in that they take for granted the policy           models of growth. A comprehensive approach is
framework of the nation state whereas the Euro             taken and the topics addressed include: the need
Area economy is, in reality, integrated into a             for a new approach to macroeconomic policy
single market with a single currency, such that            to promote strong and stable growth and high
so-called ‘foreign’ debt is, effectively, debt to          employment; developing alternative welfare
other residents in the Euro Area.                          measures to GDP; how to re-regulate financial
The author demonstrates, furthermore, that                 markets so that they serve the real economy; a
strict adherence to the EIP could, in conjunction          development model for the global South; a new
with other new economic governance instru-                 approach to labour markets that ensures that
ments, entail devastating consequences for                 they deliver decent jobs and promote greater
peripheral countries in the European Union.                equality; the need for a comprehensive set of
Following his observation that current indicators          policies to make economic activity ecologically
used by the Commission fail to provide a correct           sustainable.
or accurate assessment of imbalances in the
Euro Area, the author devises a new ‘Competi-              Authors:
tive Index’, calculated as the difference between          Jim Baker, Council of Global Unions | Peter Bakvis,
actual and equilibrium unit labour costs, which            TUC — Ron Blackwell, AFLCIO | Sharan Burrow, ITUC |
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...

Esther Busser, ITUC | Thomas Carlen, LO Sweden |                           Climate change: Implications for employment.
David Coats, The Smith Institute | Claire Courteille,                      Key findings from the intergovernmental panel on
ITUC | Sébastien Dupuch, FO | John Evans, TUAC |                           climate change fifth assessment report
Béla Galgóczi, ETUI | Pierre Habbard, TUAC |                               Mike Scott, freelance journalist
Frank Hoffer, ILO-ACTRAV | James Howard, ITUC |                            ETUI and European Climate Foundation, 2014, 20 pages / EN, FR, ES
Andrew Jackson, Canadian Labour Congress | Anousheh
Karvar, CFDT | Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect |
Adhemar Mineiro, TUCA | John Monks, ETUC | Rory
O’Farrell, ETUI | Kwabena Otoo, Ghana TUC | Tim
                                                                            Climate Change:
Page, TUC | Thomas Palley, New America Foundation |                         Implications for
Anabella Rosemberg, ITUC/TUAC | Patuan Samosir,
ITUC | Roland Schneider, TUAC | Joseph Stiglitz,                            Key Findings from the

Columbia University | Raymond Torres, ILO IILS |
                                                                            Intergovernmental Panel
                                                                            on Climate Change
                                                                            Fifth Assessment Report

Lora Verheecke, TUAC | Sigurt Vitols, WZB and ETUI |                        Key Findings from the
                                                                            Intergovernmental Panel
                                                                            on Climate Change
                                                                            Fifth Assessment Report

Andrew Watt, ETUI

                                                                           This guide is one of a series of summaries of the
Guides                                                                     Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) for stakeholders
                                                                           synthesising the most pertinent findings of AR5
Towards a social-ecological transition. Solidarity in                      for workers and employment.
the age of environmental challenge
Éloi Laurent, OFCE, and Philippe Pochet, ETUI
ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-382-3, 40 pages                                Reports
Also available in French published by Les Petits matins in cooperation
with the Veblen Institute under the following title: Pour une transition   Vocational education and training and
sociale-écologique – égalités, emploi, protection sociale                  the Great Recession: supporting young people
                                                                           in a time of crisis
                                                                           Report 131
                                                                           Jason Heyes, University of Sheffield
    Towards a social-ecological
    transition                                                             ETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-317-5, 62 pages, 15 €
    Solidarity in the age
    of environmental challenge

                                                                           This report examines developments in Voca-
    Éloi Laurent and Philippe Pochet

                                                                           tional Education and Training (VET) since the
                                                                           start of the recent economic crisis. It focuses on
                                                                           initial VET and labour market measures aimed
                                                                           primarily at young people. The report inves-
                                                                           tigates the extent to which participation rates
The primary aim of this short guide is to tie the                          in VET and employer support for apprentice-
ecological transition firmly to the simultaneous                           ships in EU member states have changed since
demand for social progress. As the authors see                             2008. It also examines the content of recent
it, such social progress must be erected upon                              government policies and changes relating to the
the tripod of equality, employment and social                              administration and organisation of vocational
protection. These are the three pillars of the                             training provision, comparing and evaluating
edifice required to produce a social-ecological                            developments in a variety of EU countries. The
transition. Simply put, the social-ecological                              report assesses the implications of policies and
transition answers environmental change with                               actions at national and European levels for the
social progress.                                                           achievement of EU social policy goals and the
                                                                           labour market transitions of young people.
European Trade Union Institute Publications 2011 2015 - European Trade Union ...

Public funding for green energy in a context         Free movement of labour in Europe: a solution for
of crisis                                            better labour allocation?
Report 130                                           Working Paper 2015.06
Mike Scott, freelance journalist                     Béla Galgóczi, ETUI and Janine Leschke, Copenhagen
ETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-301-4, 32 pages, 15 €    Business School
                                                     ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 32 pages
This summary report looks at how the finan-
cial and economic crisis has affected financial      Using empirical evidence, this Working Paper
support by public authorities for renewable          describes the main trends in post-enlargement
energy in six EU countries (Germany, Spain,          east/west intra-EU labour mobility. It looks
Italy, UK, Sweden and Bulgaria). The report          at how different population groups, nationals,
examines the policy and regulatory frame-            EU8 and EU21 migrants have been affected by
work, the current situation for renewable en-        the turbulent processes of opening up national
ergy in Europe and the jobs impact the sector        labour markets and subsequently by the crisis.
has had and could have in future, against the
background of the continuing need to combat          Beyond the CEE ‘black box’: crisis and industrial
climate change and move to a low-carbon              relations in the new EU member states
economy. The different types of funding in-          Working Paper 2015.05
struments are explored, with a focus on those        Magdalena Bernaciak, ETUI
that encourage innovation.                           ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 50 pages

                                                     This Working Paper maps out developments of
Working Papers                                       industrial relations in Central-Eastern Europe
                                                     (CEE) during the period 2008-2014. It looks
The public-private sector pay debate in Europe       at wage trends and public sector austerity
Working Paper 2015.08                                measures, collective bargaining practices, social
Torsten Müller (ETUI) and Thorsten Schulten (WSI)    dialogue performance and the incidence of
ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 57 pages                  strikes and protests.

This Working Paper critically reviews the            ‘Better regulation’: a bureaucratic simplification
empirical evidence and the basic assumptions         with a political agenda
on which European and national policymakers          Working Paper 2015.04
base their strategy of cutting and freezing public   Eric van den Abeele, University of Mons
sector pay as one central element of the current     ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 88 pages / EN, FR
crisis management.
                                                     This Working Paper aims to shed light on the
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment               machinations behind recent developments
Partnership (TTIP): a controversial agreement and    regarding the Better Regulation agenda. How
dangerous for workers                                should we interpret the Commission’s insistence
Working Paper 2015.07                                on relentlessly attacking its own legislation?
Claude Serfati, IRES                                 Why does it constantly refer to the costs, yet
ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 31 pages                  never once mention the benefits?

This Working Paper on the Transatlantic Trade        ‘Mieux légiférer’ : une simplification bureaucratique
and Investment Partnership (TTIP) highlights         à visée politique
the controversial benefits of speeding up free       Working Paper 2015.04
trade and puts the negotiations between the EU       Eric van den Abeele, université de Mons
and the US in the context of the fall-out of the     ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 88 pages /EN, FR
financial crisis.
                                                     Ce Working Paper propose un décryptage de ce
                                                     que cachent les évolutions récentes de l’agenda
                                                     Meilleure réglementation. Comment interpréter
                                                     l’obstination de la Commission à attaquer sans
                                                     relâche sa propre législation ? Pourquoi ne

l’évoque-t-elle qu’en termes de coûts, et jamais      in the workplace and, in combination with other
de bénéfices ?                                        reforms, the pauperisation of workers, thus vio-
                                                      lating the fundamental rights of workers, as laid
Spain’s labour market reforms: the road to            down in the Treaty.
employment – or to unemployment?
Working Paper 2015.03                                 The Euro crisis and its impact on national
Laszlo Horwitz, GIZ and Martin Myant, ETUI            and European social policies
ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 35 pages                   Working Paper 2013.05
                                                      Christophe Degryse, Maria Jepsen and
This Working Paper looks at recent structural         Philippe Pochet, ETUI
reforms of the Spanish labour market and evalu-       ETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 44 pages
ates them against the government’s stated objec-
tives to reduce unemployment.                         This critical Working Paper looks at the series
                                                      of political choices, circumstances and windows
The TTIP’s impact: bringing in the missing issue      of opportunity that have enabled one particular
Working Paper 2015.01                                 vision of the model of EU monetary union to gain
Martin Myant, ETUI and Ronan O’Brien, independent     acceptance. In the context of this model, politi-
researcher                                            cal union is not considered an accessible way to
ETUI 2015, ISSN 1994-4446, 41 pages                   manage the crisis, for the rescue of the euro is
                                                      regarded as feasible only in a more competitive
This Working Paper reviews the findings of the        economy.
most prominent studies on the economic impact         The social dimension, accordingly, becomes the
of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment             adjustment variable. In this regard, the state-
Partnership (TTIP), focussing on those commis-        ments made by the President of the European
sioned by the European Commission and by the          Central Bank announcing the death of the
German government.                                    European Social Model, are merely the anticipa-
                                                      tion of a reality that is the outcome of a political
Labour law reforms in Europe: adjusting               choice, based on a set of economic prescriptions
employment protection legislation for the worse       and which takes for granted the impossibility of
Working Paper 2014.02                                 attaining true political union.
Isabelle Schömann, ETUI
ETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 58 pages                   Working time reforms in times of crisis
EN, DE, ES, FR                                        Working Paper 2013.04
                                                      Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and
This Working Paper is intended to map reforms         Stefan Clauwaert, ETUI
of employment protection law in the member            ETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 29 pages
states with the aim of addressing these legal         EN, FR
changes in the context of the crisis, but also in
the context of the deregulation agenda of the         This Working Paper extends and complements
European Commission.                                  the analysis of pre-2012 anti-crisis measures
The report critically addresses the large-scale de-   published in the earlier ETUI Working Paper
regulation of employment protection law in the        ‘The crisis and national labour law reforms: a
EU member states, which basically started under       mapping exercise’ which dealt with anti-crisis
the umbrella of flexicurity, in particular the EU’s   measures on working time taken before Febru-
so-called ‘better regulation agenda’, its follow-up   ary 2012.
‘smart regulation agenda’ and, finally, the Com-      Using a country-by-country analysis of reforms
mission’s annual country-specific recommenda-         in the area of working time, the authors of this
tions and the memoranda of understanding with         paper confirm that most of the working time
programme countries within the framework of           reforms adopted by EU Member States during
so-called anti-crisis measures. The report shows      the crisis leveraged the crisis as a – false – ex-
that the EU Commission’s deregulation doctrine        cuse to legitimate the introduction of legislation
not only contradicts primary and secondary            detrimental to workers.
European hard law on employment protection,
but it also helped to exacerbate precariousness

Atypical forms of employment contracts in times        historical overview of how this new European
of crisis                                              economic governance came about and what the
Working Paper 2013.03                                  new structures for surveillance, coordination
Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and                     and sanctions (Euro-Plus Pact, Fiscal Compact,
Stefan Clauwaert, ETUI                                 European Stability Mechanism, and so on) mean
ETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages                    for the European project.
                                                       Intra-EU labour migration after Eastern
This Working Paper builds on previous re-              enlargement and during the crisis
search undertaken by the ETUI on the impact            Working Paper 2012.13
of the economic and financial crisis on labour         Béla Galgóczi and Janine Leschke, ETUI
law reforms in EU Member States. It maps the           ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages
landscape and evolutions in the regulation of
atypical employment contracts, analysing how           This Working Paper looks at recent trends in
some of these evolutions can be related to the         labour migration from new EU member states to
context of the economic and financial crisis.          the EU15, with a focus on the impact of the crisis
The paper uses a country-by-country analysis, pin-     on intra-EU labour mobility. Based on data from
pointing the main trends and tendencies regarding      the European Labour Force Survey, the findings of
atypical employment and how the crisis has been        the study contradict expectations, previously ex-
used to push through reforms in this area.             pressed in the literature, according to which deep
                                                       recessions will result in a slowdown in migration
European enlargement and the economic crisis:          flows. When looking at the direct impact of the cri-
impact and lasting effects                             sis, the authors find that, in terms of both employ-
Working Paper 2013.01                                  ment and unemployment rates, EU10 migrants
Rebecca Zahn, University of Stirling                   in the majority of EU15 countries were harder hit
ETUI 2010, ISBN 1994-4446, 53 pages                    by the crisis than were nationals and thus appear
                                                       to have served, at least partially, as labour market
This Working Paper looks at the effects of the         buffers. Other important issues addressed in the
economic crisis on the enlarged European Union         paper include the use of posted workers and (bo-
and the European Social Model. Starting from an        gus) self-employment to circumvent restrictions
analysis of the well-known Viking and Laval deci-      on labour mobility imposed by transitional meas-
sions of the European Court of Justice from 2007       ures, and the mismatch between the skills of EU10
and 2008, the author of the report sees increas-       migrants and the jobs they take in the EU15.
ing tensions between EU member states over
‘social dumping’, austerity packages and growing       See also:
inequality between workers. This development           EU Labour Migration in Troubled Times. Skills
results in citizens questioning the benefits of fur-   Mismatch, Return and Policy Responses
ther European integration and threatens the very       Edited by Béla Galgóczi, ETUI, Janine Leschke, ETUI, and
existence of the European social model.                Andrew Watt (IMK - Hans-Böckler Foundation)
                                                       Ashgate 2012, ISBN 978-1-4094-3450-4, 308 pages, 54 £
The new European economic governance
Working Paper 2012.14                                  European labour market policies in (the) crisis
Christophe Degryse, ETUI                               Working Paper 2012.12
ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4454, 84 pages                    Jochen Clasen, University of Edinburgh, Daniel Clegg,
EN, DE                                                 University of Edinburgh, and Jon Kvist, University of
                                                       Southern Denmark
For more than two years, the European Union            ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 30 pages
has been endeavouring to cope with an unprec-
edented public debt crisis. Under pressure from        This Working Paper examines the nature of im-
the financial markets, the EU and its member           pact of the economic and political challenges en-
states have put in place a new set of regulations,     gendered by the ‘Great Recession’ on labour mar-
procedures and institutions that have come to be       ket policy reforms in Europe. The authors thus
known as the ‘new European economic govern-            consider the question of whether the economic
ance’. This Working Paper provides a thorough          crisis has also brought a labour market policy

reform crisis in its wake. The three research-           Job quality in the crisis – an update of the Job
ers studied six EU member states (the Czech              Quality Index (JQI)
Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain and            Working Paper 2012.07
the United Kingdom) and observed different re-           Janine Leschke, ETUI, Andrew Watt, ETUI and Mairéad
sponse patterns depending on the interpretative          Finn, The Economic and Social Research Institute
framing – or ‘narrative’ – of the crisis.                in Dublin
                                                         ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 51 pages
What did they expect? Lessons for Europe from a
retrospective ex-ante evaluation of the first Greek      This Working Paper is an update of the syn-
bail-out programme                                       thetic job quality index (JQI) for the EU27
Working Paper 2012.10                                    countries which has been created in 2008 (see
Sotiria Theodoropoulou, ETUI, and Andrew Watt, ETUI      ETUI Working Paper 2008.03 and 2008.07) in
ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 41 pages                      an attempt to shed light on the question of how
                                                         European countries compare with each other
The original Greek adjustment programme, as              and how they are developing over time in terms
spelled out in the Memorandum of Understanding           of job quality. The results point out that the cri-
signed in May 2010, contained, from the outset,          sis seems to have affected different dimensions
the seeds of its own failure. This is the conclusion     of job quality in different ways. Overall, there
of the authors of the present Working Paper which        is a decline in measured job quality and job
assesses, on its own premises, the original adjust-      quality levels in Europe remain highly diverse.
ment programme that was agreed for the Greek             There is a clear increase in the use of part-time
bail-out. This analysis provides valuable lessons        and fixed-term contracts and/or in the extent to
for the adjustment programmes of other bailed out        which workers reported that they were working
member states (Ireland or Portugal) or those cur-        in such jobs involuntarily. Moreover, the num-
rently in ‘the shadow of a bail-out’ (Spain or Italy).   bers of workers who are afraid to lose their job
                                                         have increased markedly which are clear signs
Work less to pollute less? What contribution can         of the declining bargaining power of labour
or must working time reduction play in reducing          brought on by the crisis.
carbon emissions?
Working Paper 2012.08                                    The crisis and national labour law reforms:
Andrew Watt, ETUI                                        a mapping exercise
ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 28 pages                      Working Paper 2012.04
                                                         Stefan Clauwaert and Isabelle Schömann, ETUI
This Working Paper asks whether we can, and              ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 19 pages / EN, FR, DE, IT, ES
whether we must, work less to pollute less. After
examining different scenarios, the only strategy         This Working Paper maps the labour law
that appears commensurate with the normative             reforms in various European countries either
views set out in the paper, i.e. meeting emissions       triggered by the crisis or introduced using the
targets while maintaining employment – seems             crisis – falsely – as an excuse. Such reforms
to be a combination of radical efforts to acceler-       generally render existing labour law provi-
ate the decoupling of emissions from economic            sions more flexible and loosen minimum
growth and considerably more substantial                 standards, shifting the emphasis to soft law
reductions in average working hours than have            (deregulation).
been the norm in recent decades. The author              In some countries it consists only of piecemeal
argues that only if the required decoupling              although significant deregulatory measures,
acceleration can be achieved, our children and           while in others it involves far-reaching overhauls
grandchildren can enjoy decent living standards          of the whole labour code. Furthermore, in
and high levels of employment, along with con-           several countries fundamental changes are be-
siderably greater free time, while dramatically          ing made to industrial relations structures and
reducing Europe’s carbon emissions.                      processes which might jeopardise social dialogue
                                                         and collective bargaining there.

La crise et les réformes nationales du droit               impact of the crisis on employment, unem-
du travail : bilan                                         ployment, earnings and inequality varied
Working Paper 2012.04                                      considerably. This Working Paper analyses
Stefan Clauwaert et Isabelle Schömann, ETUI                the variation in the consequences of the crisis
ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 22 pages / FR, EN, DE, IT, ES   among the member states of the EU. First,
                                                           it discusses some theoretical views on the
Ce Working Paper dresse le relevé des réformes             impact of the crisis on earnings and income
du droit du travail dans différents pays européens,        distribution. Next, it gives a concise overview
provoquées par la crise ou introduites en invo-            of empirical studies, based on data from pre-
quant à tort la crise comme excuse. De manière             vious business cycles.
générale, ces réformes rendent les dispositions
du droit du travail plus flexibles et entraînent un        Pensions after the financial and economic crisis:
assouplissement des normes minimales, en met-              a comparative analysis of recent reforms in Europe
tant l’accent sur le soft law (dérégulation).              Working Paper 2011.07
Dans certains pays, il ne s’agit que de mesures pro-       David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna-Forlí
gressives, mais significatives, de dérégulation alors      ETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 32 pages
que dans d’autres, la réforme entraîne une remise
en question profonde de l’ensemble du droit du             This Working Paper sheds light on the initial
travail. En outre, dans plusieurs pays, des change-        impact of the economic and financial crisis
ments fondamentaux ont également été apportés              on pensions policy across Europe, and as-
aux structures et aux processus des relations              sesses the first measures proposed and/or
industrielles, qui sont susceptibles de remettre en        introduced in four EU countries. The author
cause le dialogue social et la négociation collective.     argues that while the impact on different pen-
                                                           sion models naturally varies, some common
Has the economic crisis contributed to more                trends can be identified: short-term measures
segmentation in labour market and welfare                  to grant additional protection for the elderly
outcomes?                                                  at risk of poverty, raising of the statutory
Working Paper 2012.02                                      retirement age, incentives for active ageing.
Janine Leschke, ETUI                                       The role of private pension funds has been
ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 49 pages                        at the core of a renewed and intense debate,
                                                           with opposite strategies having been pursued
This Working Paper analyses whether                        in the four countries.
developments on the labour market and in the
welfare system during the economic crisis can be           The economic crisis – challenge or opportunity
seen as perpetuating the trend towards labour              for gender equality in social policy outcomes?
market segmentation or whether the crisis may              A comparison of Denmark, Germany and the UK
actually have contributed to containing some               Working Paper 2011.04
of the divisions forged in recent decades. The             Janine Leschke and Maria Jepsen, ETUI
emphasis is placed on (involuntary) part-time              ETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 67 pages
and temporary employment. With regard
to labour market developments, the author                  This new Working Paper aims to assess the
demonstrates a further segmentation during                 impact of the current financial and economic
the crisis, in particular for youth and people             crisis on gender equality in terms of labour
with low educational levels who have been                  market and welfare outcomes.
disproportionately affected by unemployment.               The authors undertake an in-depth
                                                           examination of three European countries
The impact of the crisis on earnings and income            with differing welfare state configurations
distribution in the EU                                     and different prevailing gender regimes:
Working Paper 2012.01                                      Denmark (universal bread-winner model),
Paul de Beer, AIAS                                         Germany and the United Kingdom (dual
ETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 37 pages                        earner/female part-time career).

Although the economic crisis that started
in 2008 hit all EU member states hard, the

Why trade unions seek to coordinate wages                Through its annual ‘country-specific recom-
and collective bargaining in the Eurozone:               mendations’ (CSRs), the EU is imposing
past developments and future prospects                   drastic reforms on member states in for
Working Paper 2011.03                                    example wage-setting, pension systems, etc.
Vera Glassner and Philippe Pochet, ETUI                  This publication provides the latest overview
ETUI 2011, 1994-4446, 32 pages                           and comparison of the CSRs in the social field
                                                         since 2011 and was updated with the recently
In the run-up to European Monetary Union                 proposed CSRs for 2015-2016 adopted by the
(EMU) trade unions across Europe began to                Council in June 2015.
coordinate their bargaining policies transnation-
ally. This paper provides an overview of the efforts     Tackling tax evasion, avoidance and tax heavens
made by European and national trade unions to            Background analysis 2015.02
coordinate collective bargaining and wage forma-         Paul Sweeney, former chief economist Irish Congress of
tion at the sectoral and intersectoral levels to date,   Trade Unions
embedding them in the broader framework of a             ETUI 2015, 48 pages
European industrial relations system. It concludes
with a brief discussion of the likely implications       This Background analysis examines the vast
for the trade unions’ transnational bargaining           enterprise of tax avoidance and evasion and sets
coordination policies of the plans to further cen-       out a summary of some of the major tax avoid-
tralise economic policies in the Eurozone.               ance schemes. It analyses what is being done to
                                                         curb both of these – evasion and avoidance – and
Withdrawal symptoms: an assessment of                    concludes by making 20 concrete recommenda-
the austerity packages in Europe                         tions for further action to reform the tax system
Working Paper 2011.02                                    in Europe to make it fit for the 21st Century.
Sotiria Theodoropoulou and Andrew Watt, ETUI
ETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 40 pages                      An examination of tax shifting and ‘harmful taxes’
                                                         Background analysis 2015.01
Based on a survey of national experts, this Work-        Paul Sweeney, former chief economist Irish Congress of
ing Paper evaluates from a European and national         Trade Unions
comparative perspective the austerity packages           ETUI 2015, 64 pages
that the governments of EU member states have
announced and implemented following the recent           This Background analysis examines the concept
financial crisis and the Great Recession. The            of tax shifting and makes a critical assessment as
study raises serious doubts about the drive for          to what ‘tax shifting’ aims to achieve. It also sets
austerity being embarked upon by EU countries.           out what a good tax system might look like and
It is widely believed in policymaking circles that       provides an overview of the development of both
austerity is necessary for consolidation, and            tax rates and tax revenues for the past decades.
consolidation necessary for growth and jobs. In
contrast, the authors believe that Europe needs          Youth Guarantees and recent developments on
to grow out of its public-sector deficits and debts,     measures against youth unemployment.
which resulted from the spectacular failings of an       A mapping exercise
unregulated private sector, especially in finance.       Background analysis 2013.04
To do that it needs to invest. And it should em-         Margherita Bussi and Leonard Geyer
bark on that course without delay.                       ETUI 2013, 49 pages

                                                         In April 2013, the Council adopted a Recom-
Background analysis                                      mendation for a European Youth Guarantee
                                                         (EYG). This Background analysis outlines the
The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) in           EYG and discusses possible challenges to its
the social field. An overview and comparison.            success. Further, it provides an overview of
Update including the CSRs 2015-2016                      the implementation of the EYG and the exist-
Background analysis 2015.03                              ence of recent labour market policies targeting
Stefan Clauwaert, ETUI                                   young people in the 28 member states until
ETUI 2015, 123 pages                                     mid-November 2013. Wherever possible,

the perspectives of national trade unions are            See also:
included.                                                Social policy in the European Union: state of
                                                         play 2015
The two pack on economic governance:                     Edited by David Natali and Bart Vanhercke, OSE
an initial analysis                                      ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-374-8, 297 pages, 20 €/ EN, FR
Background analysis 2013.03
Sergio De la Parra                                       Social developments in the European Union 2013
ETUI 2013, 29 pages                                      Edited by David Natali, OSE
                                                         ETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-321-2, 263 pages, 20 €/ EN, FR
This Background analysis provides a first critical
assessment of the two regulations on European            Social developments in the European Union 2012
economic governance (known as the ‘two pack’)            Edited by David Natali and Bart Vanhercke, OSE
which were adopted in May 2013. The two pack             ETUI 2013, ISBN, 299 pages, 20 € /EN, FR
aims to further strengthen EU-level surveillance
of national budgets. The analysis looks at the           Social developments in the European Union 2011
legislative process that led to the adoption of the      Edited by David Natali and Bart Vanhercke, OSE
two pack and tries to answer questions about the         ETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-270-3, 285 pages, 20 € / EN, FR
impact on austerity policies and growth and on
the room for manoeuvre for member states to              Benchmarking Working Europe 2015
define their budgetary policies.                         Edited by the ETUC and ETUI
                                                         ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-334-2, 80 pages, 25 €
The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) in
the social field. An overview, comparison and            Benchmarking Working Europe 2014
update including the CSRs 2014-2015                      Edited by the ETUC and ETUI
Background analysis 2014                                 ETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-307-6, 132 pages, 25 €
Stefan Clauwaert
ETUI 2014                                                Benchmarking Working Europe 2013
                                                         Edited by the ETUC and ETUI
This Background analysis provides an update              ETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-284-0, 116 pages, 20 €
of the Background analysis 2013.02 providing
overview of specific recommendations to the              Benchmarking Working Europe 2012
EU Member States in the field of employment              Edited by the ETUC and ETUI
and social policies. It includes a brief ‘statistical’   ETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-262-8, 132 pages, 20 €
comparison between the CSRs for 2014 and
those presented by the Commission and adopted            The country-specific recommendations (CSRs)
by the European Council in 2011, 2012 and 2013.          in the field of health and safety at work and
                                                         labour inspection services. An overview
The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) in           Background analysis 2013.01
the social field. An overview and initial comparison     Stefan Clauwaert
Background analysis 2013.02                              ETUI 2013, 44 pages
Stefan Clauwaert
ETUI 2013, 40 pages                                      Austerity, rights and democracy:
                                                         a guide for trade unions
As part of the European Semester, the main               Alina Caia, CNSLR-FRATIA, Isabelle Ourny, ÖGB,
pillar of Europe’s new economic governance,              Christos Triantafillou, INE-GSEE, Antoine Cochet
the Commission puts forward every year the               ETUI 2014, 82 pages, EN, FR, ES, FI, IT, PT, RO
‘country-specific recommendations’ (CSRs).
This Background analysis provides an overview            Trade unions and the fight against poverty
of specific recommendations to the EU member             and social exclusion
states in the field of employment and social             ETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-188-1 (pdf), 128 pages / EN, FR
policies. It also includes a brief ‘statistical’ com-
parison between the CSRs for 2013-14 and those
presented by the Commission and adopted by
the European Council in 2011 and 2012.

                                    health and safety
                                    Santé et sécurité
                                    au travail

                                    Les rouages de la politique de santé et sécurité             The art of preventive health and safety
                                    dans l’Union européenne. Histoire, institutions              in Europe
                                    et acteurs                                                   Alfredo Menéndez-Navarro, University of Granada
                                    Laurent Vogel, ETUI                                          ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-333-5, 60 pages, 20 € /EN, FR,
                                    ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-368-7, 88 pages, 10 € / FR, EN   DE, ES

           Trade Union Institute

           Bd du Roi Albert II, 5
           1210 Bruxelles

           +32 (0)2 224 04 70

                                       Les rouages de la politique                                              rt of
                                       de santé et sécurité                                               The vaentive
                                                                                                          pre h
                                       dans l’Union européenne                                             healtsafety
                                       Histoire, institutions                                              and urope
                                                                                                            in E
                                       et acteurs                                                           —

                                       Laurent Vogel
                                       Chargé de recherche, Institut syndical européen


                                    Ce guide donne un aperçu de l’historique,                    This book stemming from the exhibition ‘The
                                    des principaux acteurs et des outils essentiels              art of preventive health and safety in Europe’
                                    de la politique communautaire de santé et                    presents historical and vintage posters from
                                    sécurité au travail. Il entend contribuer à une              various European countries showing how
                                    meilleure compréhension de cette politique                   graphic design has been used to promote
                                    et permettre une intervention plus efficace                  health and safety prevention in more than
                                    sur la scène européenne.                                     20 different cultural environments.

                                    The workings of the health and safety at work                La promotion de la santé et de la sécurité
                                    policy in the European Union                                 au travail: tout un art!
                                    History, institutions and actors                             Alfredo Menéndez-Navarro, université de Grenade
                                    Laurent Vogel, ETUI                                          ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-354-0, 60 pages, 20 € /EN, FR,
                                    ETUI 2015, ISBN ISBN 978-2-87452-370-0, 88 pages             DE, ES

                                    Forthcoming                                                  La publication de l’Institut syndical européen
                                                                                                 pour l’exposition « La promotion de la santé
                                                                                                 et de la sécurité au travail : tout un art ! »
                                                                                                 présente des affiches historiques et vintage

de différents pays européens qui montrent com-            The asbestos lie. The past and present
ment la conception graphique a été utilisée pour          of an industrial catastrophe
promouvoir la santé et la sécurité dans plus de           Maria Roselli
vingt environnements culturels différents.                ETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-313-7, 180 pages, 20 €

Les risques du travail. Pour ne pas perdre sa vie
à la gagner
Edited by Annie Thébaut-Mony, Inserm / Philippe Dave-
zies, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 / Laurent Vogel,
ETUI / Serge Volkoff, Centre d’études et de l’emploi
La Découverte 2015, ISBN 9782707178404, 608 pages, 28 €

                                                          On 3 June 2013 the Swiss billionaire Stephan
                                                          Schmidheiny was sentenced by an Italian appeal
                                                          court to 18 years’ imprisonment for causing the
                                                          death of more than 3000 people, employees of,
                                                          or people living close to, the Eternit factories
                                                          in Italy. For hundreds of thousands of asbestos
                                                          victims the world over, this is an extremely
Cet ouvrage présente de manière accessible à un           important judgment, for it signifies an end to the
large public les connaissances les plus récentes          impunity enjoyed by the magnates of the asbes-
sur les risques du travail, dans tous les secteurs.       tos industry. Yet how is it that this highly lucra-
Mobilisant une équipe internationale de spé-              tive business was able to prosper unimpeded in
cialistes et prenant en compte des expériences            Europe throughout the 20th century? This book
conduites dans de nombreux pays, il constitue             retraces the history of one of the most powerful
à la fois une référence incontournable pour               families of Swiss industrialists who, starting out
réfléchir à l’avenir de la prévention et un outil         from a modest roof-tiling production plant, grew
pratique proposant des pistes d’action.                   to become one of the most important groups
                                                          worldwide in the building materials sector.
Electromagnetic fields in working life.
A guide to risk assessment                                Preventing work cancers. A workplace
Kjell Hansson Mild and Monica Sandström, Umeå             health priority
University                                                Marie-Anne Mengeot, with Tony Musu
ETUI 2015, ISBN 978-2-87452-336-6, 31 pages               and Laurent Vogel
                                                          ETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-311-3, 80 pages, 10 € / EN, FR

      Electromagnetic fields
      in working life
      A guide to risk assessment
     Kjell Hansson Mild
     Monica Sandström

The Guide presents an overview of occupational
exposure to electromagnetic field according to            Cancers are the main cause of death by poor
frequency: static fields, low, intermediate and           working conditions in Europe, but have received
radio frequencies.                                        scant regard from Community policies of the
                                                          past decade. The political context is against ef-
                                                          fective prevention of long-term factors that do
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