Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST

Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
Copernicus Climate Change
                              De l’observation à l’action
                   Jean-Noël Thépaut

                   European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts
                   Centre Européen des Prévisions Météorologiques à
                   Moyen Terme
  Climate Change

                   Twitter: @JeanNoelThepaut

                                                   MTES, Paris 14/10/ 2019
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
Le   programme          Copernicus         en   une     planche

                                     6 services use Earth
              Copernicus Sentinels   Observation data to
                                                             Other Satellites
                                          deliver …


                                …added-value products          2
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
L a m i s s i o n d u C O P E R N I C U S C L I M AT E C H A N G E S E R V I C E ( C 3 S )
          Le service est destiné aux institutions et politiques européennes
          ainsi qu'au grand public et aux industriels du secteur privé.
          Ce service est un outil d'aide à la décision, notamment pour les
          mesures d'adaptation et d'atténuation des effets du changement

          • Il fournit un vaste portfolio d’information climatique (passé,
            present, futur) cohérente et faisant autorité

          • Il s’appuie sur les investissements nationaux, européens et
            mondiaux en matière de recherche et d’infrastructures.

          • Il stimule le marché des services climatiques en Europe
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
L a m i s s i o n d u C O P E R N I C U S C L I M AT E C H A N G E S E R V I C E ( C 3 S )

      C3S: Un Service paneuropéen et opérationnel pour l'accès à
      l'information climatique
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
Qui contribute à la mise en place de

          Un effort Européen majeur

          ~300 entités (PMEs, Agences,
          Universités, ..) de
          29 états membres de l’UE et ECMWF,
          Organisations internationals, et pays
          non EFTA
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
C3S portfolio: Access to past, present and future
          climate information
Change                       Observations, climate data records, ECVs and climate
                             Reanalyses                                      Philip

                             Seasonal forecast data
                             and products      Climate model simulations
                                               Sectoral climate impact indicators
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
C3S et ECVs:   - à partir d’observations                                                    in-
           situ/satellite et réanalyses
Change     Objective
               o Provide users with full and timely access to observational records of essential climate
                  variables derived from satellite observations

           C3S is a direct operational response to demand represented by GCOS
                (Global Climate Observing System) requirements

                                                     o 22 from the 55 GCOS
                                                        ECVs provided (+ those
                                                        consistently generated
                                                        by global reanalyses)

          Coordination avec les autres Services
          Copernicus (Atmosphere, Marine, Land)
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
ERA5: Réanalyse globale de l’atmosphere: 1950-2019
ERA-Interim not available for
dates beyond August 2019
Migration to ERA5 has
(mostly) completed
Skill of ERA5 re-forecasts:
Up to one day gain with
respect to ERA-Interim

                                                                                                 ERA5 is available @C3S:
                                                                                                 Currently: 1979 onwards, 2-3 months behind real time
                                                                                                 By end 2019: timely updates, ERA5T, 2-5 days latency
                                                                                                 By 2020 Q2: Back extension 1950-1978

                                                                                             ERA-Interim               ERA5                 ERA5-Land

                              ERA5 land: available from 2001
                              1981-2000 later this year; 2020: back to 1950
                              9km Land downscaling from ERA5
                                                EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM-RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS
Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
L’o f f r e C 3 S
          •   Accès total, ouvert et libre à l’information climatique
          •   Une boîte à outils
          •   Information sur les impacts sectoriels
          •   Assurance qualité
          •   Soutien utilisateurs et formation
          •   Bulletins surveillance du climat
          •   Communication

      One-stop Climate Data Store

Copernicus Climate Change Service: RST
G r o w i n g D e m a n d a n d m a n y Te r a b y t e s d e l i v e r e d

                                                           Parmi les défis:
                                                                •   Comment mieux cibler l’offre au
                                                                    delà des académiques?
                                                                •   Comment mieux servir les
                                                                    besoins en matière de
                                        C3S opérationnel
Les    données            les   plus    populaires

          Une journée ordinaire..                Le 13 de chaque mois..

D e s d o n n é e s b r u t e s à l ’a c t i o n

                                                      Quality assured information and tools for
                                                      scientists, consultants, decision makers.
Applications Sectorielles
Climate   Proof-of-concepts of climate services:
          Demonstration of the value chain with
          several end-to-end demonstrators

      As an operational Service, C3S is an enabler of downstream climate services, by
      providing or brokering high quality and sector relevant climate data and indicators,
      good practices, tools and by supporting compelling use cases.

               Voir presentation par Carlo Buontempo
C3S delivery: European State of the Climate – April each year

                                       Voir presentation par Freja Vamborg
User uptake by the media
Climate                                                BBC, July 2018

              Credit: ZDF – German State TV, Özden Terli, C3S

          Media partnerships with

              Voir presentation par Freja Vamborg
Exemple:   Impact   Media:   Août   2019

Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC)
Change    A suitable EQC framework has been developed for quality assurance of CDS datasets
          Key feature: Quality Assurance Reports to be published on the CDS

                                                                              Quality of data:
                                                                              • assessments
                                 Quality                                      • user guidance
                                                                              • gaps and limitations

                                                                              Quality of tools:
                                                                              • fitness for purpose
                                                                              • best practices

                                                                              Quality of service:
                                                                              • speed, responsiveness
                                                                              • system availability, …
Besoins   utilisateurs        et    leur     analyse

                     Traceability back to User Requirements

Analyse      continue         des      besoins    des     utilisateurs

                                                    Requirements related to the CDS

           User requirement collection Q2 2019
How    to     address            challenges              to        come   (>2021)
          •   Decadal Prediction:
               – Rationale:
                    • Current user requirements surveys and
                      discussions with C3S stakeholders clearly
                      indicate the need for information at
                      decadal timescales.
                    • Current Gap in the Service

          •   Attribution and Extreme Events:                     Credit: WCRP

               – Rationale:
                    • High interest from the society (media,
                      policy makers, planners)
                    • Event attribution studies aim at
                      providing a rigorous scientific approach
                      to determine to what extent weather-
                      related risks have changed due to human
                      influences on climate
                    • Current Gap in the Service
          • C3S started its development early 2015 and has been operational since summer
            2018 and is a direct response to GCOS requirements

          • C3S benefits from European underpinning research and provides an coherent
            infrastructure for downstream applications

          • C3S works with other European Agencies to ensure coherent climate information
            offer to EU policies

          • Huge effort has been made on the infrastructure (CDS), traceability and quality
            assurance, as well as on communication, training and outreach

          • User requirements gathering (time scales, resolution – global to local, impacts, etc..)
            from a wide variety of stakeholders is a continual challenge
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