European Commission - Daily News

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European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 25 / 11 / 2021
Brussels, 25 November 2021
Programme LIFE: plus de 290 millions d'euros de financement de l'Union européenne pour
des projets en faveur de la nature, de l'environnement et de l'action pour le climat
La Commission a approuvé aujourd'hui un programme d'investissement de plus de
290 millions d'euros pour 132 nouveaux projets du programme LIFE en faveur de l'environnement et
de l'action pour le climat. Ce financement de l'Union européenne mobilisera un investissement total
de 562 millions d'euros, pour des projets dans la plupart des États membres. Les nouveaux projets
LIFE aideront l'Europe à devenir un continent neutre pour le climat à l'horizon 2050, à mettre la
biodiversité de l'Europe sur la voie du rétablissement à l'horizon 2030 et à réaliser la relance
écologique de l'Union après la pandémie de COVID-19. Il s'agit de la première série de projets
sélectionnés dans le cadre de la nouvelle période de programmation 2021-2027, qui enregistre une
augmentation du financement de près de 60 %. Frans Timmermans, vice-président exécutif chargé
du pacte vert pour l'Europe, a déclaré à ce propos: « Les crises du climat et de la biodiversité sont de
véritables crises existentielles et il n'y a pas de temps à perdre. La COP26 à Glasgow a confirmé la
nécessité d'accélérer nos actions au cours de cette décennie. Avec le Pacte vert européen, l'Union
européenne s'efforce de réduire les émissions, de restaurer la nature et de garantir une utilisation
durable des ressources. Nous ne pouvons réussir que si nous travaillons ensemble, dans tous les
secteurs. Les projets LIFE en sont un parfait exemple : ils rassemblent des citoyens, des organismes
publics, des entreprises et des ONG pour œuvrer en faveur du climat et de l'environnement. »
Virginijus Sinkevičius, commissaire à l'environnement, aux océans et à la pêche, a déclaré pour sa
part: « Les crises interconnectées du changement climatique, de la perte de biodiversité et de la
pollution sont les défis majeurs de notre époque. Pour pouvoir relever ces défis, nos sociétés et nos
économies doivent réaliser une transformation en profondeur, afin d'atteindre la neutralité carbone à
l'avenir et d'apprendre à vivre dans les limites de notre planète. Les projets LIFE montrent comment
y parvenir. Ils ont une incidence considérable sur le terrain et mettent en évidence la valeur ajoutée
de la coopération européenne. » Plus d'informations et des exemples de projets sont disponible dans
le communiqué de presse et son Annexe. (Pour plus d'informations: Vivian Loonela - Tél.: +32 229
66712; Daniela Stoycheva – Tél.: +32 229 53664; Lynn Rietdorf – Tél.: +32 229 74959)

RÉUNION DU COLLEGE: Démocratie européenne: la Commission fixe de nouvelles règles
législatives en matière de publicité à caractère politique, de droits électoraux et de
financement des partis
La Commission européenne a présenté aujourd'hui une proposition relative à la transparence et au
ciblage de la publicité à caractère politique, dans le cadre de mesures visant à protéger l'intégrité
des élections et un débat démocratique ouvert. Les règles proposées exigeraient que toute publicité
à caractère politique soit clairement identifiée comme telle et contienne des informations telles que
les personnes qui ont payé cette publicité et le montant dépensé. Les techniques de ciblage et
d'amplification politiques devraient être expliquées publiquement avec un niveau de détail inédit et
seraient interdites si elles utilisaient des données à caractère personnel sensibles sans le
consentement explicite de la personne concernée. Les principales mesures énoncées dans la
proposition de règlement sur la transparence et le ciblage des publicités à caractère politiques
concernent : le champ d'application ; des labels de transparence ; des conditions strictes pour le
ciblage et l'amplification et des amendes pour les infractions. La Commission a par ailleurs aussi
proposé de réviser les règles de l'UE relatives au financement des fondations et partis politiques
européens. Enfin, la Commission a proposé de mettre à jour les règles actuelles relatives aux
élections européennes et municipales pour les citoyens de l'Union qui résident dans un État membre
différent de celui dont ils ont la nationalité (les « citoyens mobiles de l'Union »). Pour en savoir plus
sur les nouvelles règles législatives, un communiqué de presse, ainsi qu'un document questions-
réponses et une fiche d'information sont disponibles en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations : Johannes
Bahrke — Tél.: +32 229 58615 ; Katarzyna Kolanko — Tél.: +32 229 63444 ; Jördis Ferroli — Tél.:
+32 229 92729).
REACT-EU: more than €60 million to support health, SMEs and energy efficiency in three
Polish regions
The Commission has approved more than €60 million to three Polish regions under the Recovery
Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU) following the modification of the
respective operational programmes (OP) for the European Regional Development Fund from the
2014-2020 financing period. In the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship, more than €22 million will be
invested in clean transport and to significantly improve the resilience of the health system. A large
part of these investments will also contribute to climate-related expenditures to support the green
transition in the region, including the purchase of a zero emission rolling stock. In the Podlaskie
region, more than €14 million are invested in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), the health
sector and the development of renewable energy. Supported investments include, in particular, the
purchase of equipment enabling SMEs to work remotely; increasing the availability of e-services in
the health sector and support for photovoltaics installations in households. In the Podkarpackie
region, more than €24 million will be used for the digitalisation of health services and the
development of renewable energy sources like photovoltaics. REACT-EU is part
of NextGenerationEU and provides €50.6 billion additional funding (in current prices) over the course
of 2021 and 2022 to Cohesion policy programmes. (For more information: Vivian Loonela – Tel.: +32
229 66712; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 229 87269)

Sécurité aérienne : la Commission adopte la nouvelle liste des compagnies aériennes
interdites dans l'UE
Aujourd'hui, la Commission a mis à jour la liste de sécurité aérienne de l'UE sur laquelle figurent les
compagnies aériennes faisant l'objet d'une interdiction d'exploitation ou de restrictions
opérationnelles dans l'UE parce qu'elles ne répondent pas aux normes de sécurité internationales.
Garantir le plus haut niveau de sécurité aérienne aux Européens et à tous les autres passagers
voyageant à destination et à l'intérieur de l'Union européenne est au cœur même des préoccupations
de la Commission en cette matière. Suite à l'adoption d'aujourd'hui, toutes les compagnies aériennes
certifiées en Moldavie ont été retirées de la liste, grâce aux améliorations apportées par le pays. Un
transporteur aérien russe a toutefois été ajouté à la liste, pour des raisons de non-conformité aux
normes internationales. La commissaire chargée des transports, Adina Vălean, a déclaré :
« Maintenir le plus haut niveau de sécurité pour tous les voyageurs aériens et le personnel est une
priorité absolue. La liste de sécurité aérienne de l'UE reste l'un de nos outils les plus efficaces pour y
parvenir. Je suis particulièrement heureuse qu'après deux ans de travail intense, nous soyons
aujourd'hui en mesure de retirer de cette liste tous les transporteurs aériens de Moldavie, leur
permettant ainsi de voler à nouveau vers l'UE. Une belle démonstration que notre travail acharné et
coopération étroite portent leurs fruits ». La liste de sécurité aérienne de l'UE contribue non
seulement à maintenir des niveaux élevés de sécurité dans l'UE, mais elle est aussi devenue un outil
de prévention important, incitant les pays à prendre des mesures rapides avant qu'une interdiction
ne devienne nécessaire. Un communiqué de presse ainsi qu'un questions-réponses sont disponibles
en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Stefan De Keersmaecker - Tél: +32 229 84680; Anna
Wartberger - Tél: +32 229 82054)

Security and justice in the digital world: Commission proposals for ratification of new
international instrument to improve cooperation on access to electronic evidence
Today, the Commission adopted two proposals to authorise EU Member States to sign and to ratify
the Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. This
Protocol will improve access to electronic evidence necessary for criminal investigations and
strengthen law enforcement and judicial authorities' capacity to fight against cybercrime. It provides
a basis in international law for more efficient cooperation between authorities and private sector
service providers to obtain electronic evidence. It will also enhance mutual legal assistance and help
in setting up joint investigation teams. The Protocol also includes strong safeguards to protect
fundamental rights, including the right to privacy and the right to the protection of personal data.
This will promote the application of such safeguards as a basis for law enforcement cooperation
globally. The Commission negotiated the Protocol on behalf of the European Union. The text of the
Protocol was adopted by the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers on 17 November 2021,
following four years of negotiations amongst the 66 State parties to the Budapest Convention. It is
now for the Council of the European Union to adopt the decisions authorising EU Member States to
sign and ratify the Second Additional Protocol in the interest of the European Union. The consent of
the European Parliament is required for the decision on ratification. The Council of Europe is expected
to organise a signature ceremony for the Protocol in spring 2022. The Budapest Convention lies at
the heart of a global alliance against cybercrime and has been signed by all EU Member States. It is
the foundation for of anti-cybercrime legislation in 80% of countries worldwide. (For more
information: Adalbert Jahnz - Tel.: +32 229 53156; Laura Bérard - Tel.: +32 229 55721; Ciara
Bottomley - Tel.: +32 229 69971)

Cities are invited to join the Mission '100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030'
Today, the European Commission has launched a call for expression of interest for cities willing to
join the European Mission ‘100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030', one of the five missions
identified in the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan. The objectives of this mission are to achieve 100
climate-neutral and smart European cities by 2030 and to ensure that these cities act as
experimentation and innovation hubs to enable all European cities to follow suit by 2050. In the call
launched today, European cities with the ambition to move ahead in their green transition, are
invited to submit information about their current circumstances and work, as well as their future
plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The selected cities will be right at the forefront of the
transition towards climate neutrality, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, and will
deliver multiple benefits to their communities in terms of reduced air and noise pollution, less
congestion, and healthier lifestyles. Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and
Youth, Mariya Gabriel, said: “We need cities and regions at the forefront of our efforts to reach
climate neutrality. It is great to see the enthusiasm and ambition that many cities have already
shared with us. I would like to strongly encourage cities to participate in this call, not just those that
are already far advanced on their journey to climate neutrality, but also those who are in an earlier
stage of their transformation.” After registering their interest and following an assessment by
independent experts, the selected cities will be announced in April 2022. They will be able to start
working towards their goals, with the help of a ‘Mission Platform', as soon as the selection process is
completed. More information about the selection process and the European Mission ‘100 Climate-
Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030' is available here, in the Info Kit for cities and in the Frequently
Asked Questions, as well as in this Factsheet. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32
229 58615; Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 229 83583)

Winners of the 2021 European Capital of Innovation Awards and EU Prize for Women
Innovators announced
At the European Innovation Council Summit that has been taking place yesterday and today in
Brussels, the Commission announced the winners of the seventh edition of the European Capital of
Innovation Awards (‘iCapital'), recognising the cities' long-term efforts to create an environment that
enables and embraces innovation. The city of Dortmund in Germany is the European Capital of
Innovation 2021 and the city of Vantaa in Finland is the European Rising Innovative City. The second
place in the European Capital of Innovation category is endowed to Dublin in Ireland and to Malaga
in Spain. Vilnius in Lithuania is awarded the third place. Cascais in Portugal and Trondheim in
Norway are granted the second and third places in the European Rising Innovative City category.
More information is available in this press release. Furthermore, the Commission has announced the
winners of this year's edition of the EU Prize for Women Innovators. The prize is awarded to the most
talented women entrepreneurs from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, who
have founded a successful company and brought innovation to the market. The winners, selected by
a jury of independent experts, are: Merel Boers from the Netherlands, co-founder and CEO of NICO-
LAB, a company offering cutting-edge technology to help physicians improve emergency care;
Mathilde Jakobsen from Denmark, co-founder and CEO of Fresh.Land, a digital platform that shortens
and digitises the food supply chain, providing easy access to good quality food; and Daphne Haim
Langford from Israel, founder and CEO of Tarsier Pharma, a company developing disruptive medical
solutions for the treatment and cure of autoimmune and inflammatory ocular diseases. At the same
time, the Rising Innovator 2021 prize, awarded to an exceptional innovator under the age of 30, has
been granted to Ailbhe and Isabel Keane from Ireland, founders of Izzy Wheels. Their company
creates fashionable wheel covers for wheelchairs. More information is available in this press release.
During the EIC Summit, the Commission also announced the new edition of the EIC Impact report
and key achievements, as well as the winners of the European Innovation Procurement Awards. (For
more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615; Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 229

Digital Finance: Commission welcomes political agreement on the Distributed Ledger
Technology pilot regime
The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached yesterday between the European
Parliament and the Council on the Commission's proposal for a Regulation on a pilot regime for
market infrastructures based on distributed ledger technology (the ‘DLT pilot regime'). This is an
important part of the Commission's Digital Finance Strategy, which aims to make Europe's financial
services more digital-friendly and to stimulate responsible innovation and competition among
financial service providers in the EU. The pilot regime will allow EU regulators and market
participants to gain experience using distributed ledger technology (i.e. the technology used for the
trading and settlement of ‘tokenised' financial instruments), while ensuring that they can deal with
risks to investor protection, market integrity and financial stability. In doing so, the pilot regime will
help develop secondary markets for financial instruments in a crypto-asset form and promote the
uptake of this technology in the trading and post-trading area. The Commission also welcomes the
political agreement reached on the changes to the Central Securities Depositories Regulation that
allow for a deferral of mandatory buy-ins. This will allow further time to determine the best way
forward to improve settlement efficiency while avoiding potential negative consequences. Mairead
McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union,
said: “I warmly welcome the political agreement between the European Parliament and Council and
would like to thank the negotiators for both the speed and effectiveness of their work on the DLT
pilot regime proposal. This agreement is important as it allows Europe to move forward in
supporting innovation while safeguarding investor protection, market integrity and financial
stability.” The Commission also welcomes the adoption yesterday by Member States in COREPER of a
general approach on the two other legislative proposals that are part of the Digital Finance Strategy:
the proposal for a Regulation on markets in crypto-assets (MiCA) and the proposal for a Regulation
on digital operational resilience for the financial sector (DORA). (For more information: Daniel Ferrie
– Tel.: +32 229 86500; Aikaterini Apostola – Tel.: +32 229 87624)

RÉUNION DU COLLEGE: Semestre européen – paquet d'automne: sortir plus forts de la crise
et rendre l'Europe plus verte et plus numérique
Hier, la Commission européenne a lancé le cycle du Semestre européen 2022 de coordination des
politiques économiques. Le paquet d'automne du Semestre européen comprend l'examen annuel de
la croissance durable, les avis sur les projets de plan budgétaire (PPB) des États membres de la zone
euro pour 2022, les recommandations politiques pour la zone euro et la proposition de rapport
conjoint sur l'emploi de la Commission. Le paquet s'appuie sur les prévisions économiques de
l'automne 2021, selon lesquelles l'économie européenne passe d'une phase de reprise à une phase
d'expansion, mais est aujourd'hui confrontée à de nouvelles turbulences. L'examen annuel de la
croissance durable propose pour 2022 un programme ambitieux, qui réoriente l'UE de la gestion de
crise vers une reprise durable et équitable, à même de renforcer la résilience de l'économie
européenne. Il expose également comment la facilité pour la reprise et la résilience (FRR) —
l'élément clé de NextGenerationEU —, ainsi que les objectifs de développement durable, seront plus
profondément intégrés dans le nouveau cycle du Semestre européen. Nous attirons votre attention
sur la mise à jour du site web de la FRR, avec des nouveaux graphiques et tableaux, ainsi qu'une
section dédiée par pays, détaillant les principaux investissements et réformes des plans de reprise et
résilience approuvés. Un communiqué de presse et questions-réponses sont disponibles en ligne.
(For more information: Veerle Nuyts – Tel.: +32 229 96302; Andrea Masini – Tel.: +32 229 91519)

State aid: Commission adopts revised State aid rules on Important Projects of Common
European Interest
The European Commission has adopted a revised Communication on State aid rules for Important
Projects of Common European Interest (‘IPCEI Communication'). The revised IPCEI Communication
will apply from 1 January 2022. It sets the criteria for the Commission to assess Member State
support to cross-border IPCEIs that overcome market failures and enable breakthrough innovation in
key sectors and technologies and infrastructure investments, with positive spill-over effects for the
EU economy at large. The Commission adopted the revised IPCEI Communication following an
evaluation of the current rules conducted in 2019 as part of the State aid Fitness Check and after an
extensive consultation of all interested parties. The review also reflects the Commission's experience
stemming from its case practice. The revised IPCEI Communication includes a number of targeted
adjustments to reflect experience gained from the application of the 2014 IPCEI Communication and
to align the relevant rules to the current EU priorities. In particular, the revised Communication: (i)
further enhances the European and open character of IPCEIs; (ii) facilitates the participation of small
and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in IPCEIs; and (iii) aligns its objectives with the current EU
priorities. At the same time, the revised IPCEI Communication confirms the requirement for IPCEIs
to deliver significant positive spill-over effects across the EU and also maintains strong safeguards to
ensure that aid is limited to what is necessary and to prevent undue distortions of competition. On
this basis, the Commission will continue to support ongoing efforts by Member States to jointly
design IPCEIs that overcome market failures by enabling breakthrough innovation and infrastructure
investments in hydrogen, cloud, health and microelectronics. Executive Vice-President Margrethe
Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “Our State aid rules on Important Projects of
Common European Interest enable Member States and the industry to jointly invest in breakthrough
innovation and infrastructure. They do so when the market alone does not deliver, because the risks
are too big for a single Member State or company to take. And it has to benefit the EU economy at
large. Following an extensive consultation process, we have made targeted changes to our rules to
further enhance the openness of IPCEIs and facilitate the participation of small and medium-sized
enterprises.” A press release is available online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32
229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)

State aid: Commission approves €2.27 billion Greek aid scheme to support electricity
production from renewable energy sources and high efficiency combined heat and power
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €2.27 billion Greek scheme for
the production of electricity from renewable sources and high efficiency combined heat and power
(CHP). The measure will help Greece reach its renewable energy targets, without unduly distorting
competition, and will contribute to the new European objective of achieving climate neutrality by
2050. The scheme will support electricity produced from various renewable energy sources, namely
onshore wind, photovoltaic, wind and photovoltaic with storage, biogas, biomass, landfill gas,
hydroelectric power, concentrated solar power and geothermal power plants. It will also support high
efficiency combined heat and power. The measure has a total maximum budget of approximately
€2.27 billion and aims to support around 4.2 GW of installed capacity. The scheme is open until 2025
and aid can be paid out for a maximum of 20 years. The Commission concluded that the scheme is in
line with EU State aid rules, in particular the 2014 Guidelines on State aid for environmental
protection and energy. Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition
policy, said: “This Greek scheme will provide important support to a wide range of technologies
generating electricity from renewable energy sources, in line with EU rules. It will support the
objectives of the Green Deal, contributing to substantial reductions in greenhouse emissions. The
selection of the beneficiaries through a competitive bidding process for the main supported
technologies will ensure the best value for taxpayers' money and will minimise possible distortions of
competition.” A press release is available online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32
229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves 2022-2027 regional aid map for Lithuania
The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules Lithuania's map for granting
regional aid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027, within the framework of the revised
Regional aid Guidelines (‘RAG'). The revised RAG, adopted by the Commission on 19 April 2021 and
entering into force on 1 January 2022, enable Member States to support the least favoured European
regions in catching up and to reduce disparities in terms of economic well-being, income and
unemployment – cohesion objectives that are at the heart of the Union. They also provide increased
possibilities for Member States to support regions facing transition or structural challenges such as
depopulation, to contribute fully to the green and digital transitions. At the same time, the revised
RAG maintain strong safeguards to prevent Member States from using public money to trigger the
relocation of jobs from one EU Member State to another, which is essential for fair competition in the
Single Market. Lithuania's regional aid map defines the Lithuanian regions eligible for regional
investment aid. The map also establishes the maximum aid intensities in the eligible regions. The aid
intensity is the maximum amount of State aid that can be granted per beneficiary, expressed as a
percentage of eligible investment costs. Under the revised RAG, regions covering the entire
population of Lithuania will be eligible for regional investment aid. A press release is available online.
(For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344;
Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission opens in-depth investigation into the proposed acquisition of Recticel
by Greiner
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess the proposed acquisition
of Recticel by Greiner under the EU Merger Regulation. Greiner and Recticel are both leading
producers and suppliers of technical foams in Europe. The Commission's initial market investigation
identified a number of preliminary concerns in relation to the combination of Greiner's and Recticel's
technical foams businesses. At this stage, the Commission is concerned that the transaction may
lead to reduced choice and higher prices for technical foam rolls; noise, vibration, and harshness
reducing foams as well as filter foams in a number of local European markets. For each of the above
technical foam products, the merged entity would hold high combined market shares in already
concentrated markets, in particular locally in central European countries such as Austria, Germany,
Poland and the Czech Republic. The Commission will now carry out an in-depth investigation into the
effects of the proposed transaction to determine whether its initial competition concerns are
confirmed. The Commission now has 90 working days, until 8 April 2022, to take a decision. The
opening of an in-depth investigation does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation. A press
release is available online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria
Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of joint control of RAC Group by Silver Lake, CVC
Capital Partners and Sphinx Investment
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint
control of RAC Group Holdings Limited (‘RAC') of the UK by Silver Lake Group, L.L.C. (‘Silver Lake') of
the US, CVC Capital Partners SICAV-FIS SAA (‘CVC') of Luxembourg and Sphinx Investment Pte Ltd
(‘Sphinx') of Singapore. RAC provides breakdown and other motor-related services in Ireland and the
UK. Silver Lake is a global investment firm focused on technology, technology-enabled and related
growth industries. CVC advises and manages investment funds with interests in companies active in
various industries around the world, primarily in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, and the US. Sphinx
is an investment entity of GIC Special Investments Pte. LTD (‘GICSI') whose primary business is the
management of a diversified global portfolio of investments in private equity, venture capital and
infrastructure funds, as well as direct investments in private companies. GICSI's portfolio includes
investments in Asia, the European Economic Area, the UK and the US. The Commission concluded
that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given its limited impact on the
market. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More
information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under
the case number M.10492. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria
Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Chipita by Mondelēz
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole
control of Chipita Industrial and Commercial Company S.A. (‘Chipita') of Greece by Mondelēz
International, Inc. (‘Mondelēz') of the US. While both companies are active producers in the markets
of bakery and confectionery goods, their products are mostly complementary on the markets where
their activities overlap. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no
competition concerns, given that: (i) Mondelēz and Chipita are not close competitors; (ii) their
market shares in most of the markets where their activities overlap are relatively low; and (iii)
several alternative suppliers would remain on the market following the transaction. The transaction
was examined under the normal merger review procedure. More information is available on the
Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10350. (For
more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)


Vice-President Schinas in Uzbekistan today to hold meetings with government
Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, is today in Tashkent,
Uzbekistan. This visit is the fifth stop in a tour of partner countries key to putting a stop to the
instrumentalisation of people by the Belarussian regime and aims to further reinforce the overall
cooperation on migration and security with Uzbekistan. The Vice-President will meet with the
President of the Republic, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdulaziz Kamilov,
and with the Minister of Transport, Ilkohm Makhkamov. Vice-President Schinas will also meet with a
delegation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including Najmiddin Turakhodjaev, Deputy Minister of
Internal Affairs, and Mekhriddin Khayriddinov, Advisor to the Prime Minister. (For more information:
Adalbert Jahnz - Tel.: +32 229 53156; Ciara Bottomley - Tel.: +32 229 69971; Laura Bérard - Tel.:
+32 229 55721)

Consumer Protection: Commission launches first Annual Digital Consumer Event
Today, the Commission holds the first edition of the Annual Digital Consumer Event, a virtual
workshop gathering authorities, businesses and interest groups to discuss consumer challenges in
the digital world. Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice, said: “Today's Annual Digital
Consumer Event is the first opportunity for stakeholders to hold a common reflection on whether
current EU rules sufficiently ensure equal fairness online and offline. It is essential that we all work
together to protect consumers in light of the rapid digitalisation of markets.” EU consumer protection
legislation provides a solid framework to tackle unfair practices both in the online and offline world.
However, the increase of online trade and the emergence of new digital market practices urged the
Commission to commit to the New Consumer Agenda to evaluate whether it needs to strengthen
existing EU consumer laws to ensure digital fairness. Today's event also serves as a platform to
debate whether the Product Safety Pledge signed by 11 major online marketplaces should be
expanded into a Consumer Law Pledge. Earlier this morning, Commissioner Reynders held meetings
with representatives of the signatory companies to take stock of their experience with this innovative
voluntary cooperation effort and to discuss the future of the Pledge. Today's event can be viewed
online from 14:00. (For more information: Adalbert Jahnz — Tel.: +32 229 53156; Katarzyna
Kolanko — Tel.: +32 229 63444; Jördis Ferroli — Tel.: +32 229 92729)

Le commissaire Lenarčič au Portugal pour mettre l'accent sur les investissements dans le
domaine de la prévention des catastrophes
Lors de sa participation au Forum européen de 2021 pour la réduction des risques de catastrophe qui
se tient au Portugal aujourd'hui, le commissaire chargé de la gestion des crises, Janez Lenarčič,
défendra les investissements dans le domaine de la prévention et de la préparation pour mieux
résister à l'avenir, à de fréquentes catastrophes de grande ampleur. Le commissaire chargé de la
gestion des crises, Janez Lenarčič, a déclaré : « La pandémie de COVID-19 est la pire crise sanitaire
observée dans l'histoire de l'UE. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas le seul événement extrême que nous
avons connu ces dernières années. Compte tenu du changement climatique, nous devons anticiper
davantage les catastrophes qui requerront d'agir ensemble et de se préparer à l'avenir. En tant que
coorganisateur du Forum européen pour la réduction des risques de catastrophe, nous voulons
parvenir à une résilience accrue et plus verte, et renforcer la prévention des catastrophes, en
s'appuyant sur les meilleures pratiques et connaissances scientifiques, en Europe et dans le
monde. » Lors du Forum européen pour la réduction des risques de catastrophe de cette année 2021,
22 leaders gouvernementaux de toute l'Europe se sont réunis à cette occasion pour s'engager
conjointement à faire de la prévention des catastrophes et des actions visant à renforcer la résilience
face à celles-ci, une priorité. Le Forum européen a lieu après la COP26 qui établit des liens étroits
avec les effets attendus du changement climatique, y compris les catastrophes plus extrêmes, les
tragédies humaines et les dégâts matériels plus importants. Vous trouverez plus de détails à propos
de l'événement ici. (Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari - Tél.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi -
Tél.: +32 229 69140)

Commissioner Vălean in Moldova, to discuss cooperation on transport policy and
Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, visits Chisinau on 25-26 November, meeting with
representatives of the national authorities to discuss strengthened cooperation in the area of
transport, in anticipation of the Eastern Partnership Summit on 15 December. On Thursday,
Commissioner Vălean meets the Prime Minister of Moldova, Natalia Gavriliţa. Their meeting will be
followed by a joint press conference. On Friday, she meets the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu,
the President of the Moldovan Parliament, Igor Grosu, and the Minister for Infrastructure and
Regional Development, Andrei Spînu. Discussions will focus on the development of and EU support
for the transport infrastructure in Moldova, including its connection to the European Trans-European
Network. Commissioner Vălean will also visit an infrastructure project on the European road E58,
connecting Chisinau to the Romanian border. (For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.:
+32 229 84680; Anna Wartberger – Tel.: +32 229 82054)
Liste des points prévus à l'ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission
Veuillez noter que ces informations sont données sous réserve de modifications.

Prochains événements de la Commission européenne
Eurostat: communiqués de presse

The Spokesperson's Service has re-opened the Berlaymont press room to a limited number
of journalists. For more information, please see here.
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