Identification and documentation of herbicide resistance - Érudit

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Comptes rendus / Proceedings

Identification and documentation of herbicide resistance
I.M. Heap

Volume 75, numéro 4, 1994                                                     Résumé de l'article
Herbicide Resistance Workshop – Edmonton, Alberta - 9 and                     Les programmes proactifs de gestion de la résistance aux herbicides sont basés
10 december 1993                                                              sur la détection rapide des populations résistantes et sur la connaissance des
Atelier sur la résistance aux herbicides – Edmonton (Alberta) – 9 et          combinaisons de mauvaises herbes et d'herbicides prédisposées au
10 décembre 1993                                                              développement de cette résistance. Les mauvaises herbes annuelles,
                                                                              prolifiques productrices de graines, génétiquement variées et exposées de
                                                                              façon répétée à des herbicides du même mode d'action, sont sujettes au
                                                                              développement rapide de la résistance. Quand la résistance est soupçonnée,
                                                                              des échantillons de graines sont recueillis et évalués par un bioessai du plant
                                                                              entier. Ces bioessais sont conduits en champ, en chambre de croissance ou en
Aller au sommaire du numéro                                                   plats de Pétri. Des courbes complètes de réponse aux doses sont tracées en
                                                                              utilisant une population sensible aux herbicides et une population soupçonnée
                                                                              de résistance. Le bioessai conduit en chambre de croissance est la méthode la
Éditeur(s)                                                                    plus fiable d'identification de nouveaux cas de résistance aux herbicides. Les
                                                                              bioessais basés sur la détection biochimique d'un seul mécanisme de résistance
Société de protection des plantes du Québec (SPPQ)l                           ne sont pas fiables pour la détection de nouveaux cas de résistance.

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Citer cet article
Heap, I. (1994). Identification and documentation of herbicide resistance.
Phytoprotection, 75(4), 85–90.

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Herbicide Résistance Workshop - Edmonton 1993
Atelier sur la résistance aux herbicides - Edmonton 1993

Identification and documentation of
herbicide résistance

lan M. Heap1
Received 1993-11-08; acceptée! 1994-07-11

Proactive herbicide résistance management programs rely upon early
détection of résistant populations and knowledge of which combinations
of weed and herbicide are prone to the development of résistance. Annual
weeds that are prolific seed producers, genetically diverse, and repeatedly
exposed to a single herbicide mode of action, are prone to rapid develop-
ment of résistance. When résistance is suspected, seed samples are col-
lected and evaluated using a whole plant bioassay. Whole plant bioassays
are conducted underfield, growth room, or Pétri dish conditions. Complète
dose response curves for the suspected résistant and a référence suscep-
tible population are used to verify résistance. Bioassay, conducted in growth
rooms, is the most reliable method for identification of new cases of
herbicide résistance. Bioassays, based on the biochemical détection of a
single mechanism of résistance, are not reliable for screening for new
occurrences of résistance.
Heap, I.M. 1994. Identification et documentation de la résistance aux
herbicides. PHYTOPROTECTION 75 (Suppl.): 85-90.
Les programmes proactifs de gestion de la résistance aux herbicides
sont basés sur la détection rapide des populations résistantes et sur la
connaissance des combinaisons de mauvaises herbes et d'herbicides pré-
disposées au développement de cette résistance. Les mauvaises herbes
annuelles, prolifiques productrices de graines, génétiquement variées et
exposées de façon répétée à des herbicides du même mode d'action, sont
sujettes au développement rapide de la résistance. Quand la résistance est
soupçonnée, des échantillons de graines sont recueillis et évalués par un
bioessai du plant entier. Ces bioessais sont conduits en champ, en chambre
de croissance ou en plats de Pétri. Des courbes complètes de réponse aux
doses sont tracées en utilisant une population sensible aux herbicides et
une population soupçonnée de résistance. Le bioessai conduit en chambre
de croissance est la méthode la plus fiable d'identification de nouveaux cas
de résistance aux herbicides. Les bioessais basés sur la détection biochi-
mique d'un seul mécanisme de résistance ne sont pas fiables pour la
détection de nouveaux cas de résistance.
Nomenclature of chemical names cited in the text:
Diclofop-methyl: methyl(±)-2-[4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenoxy]propanoic   acid.

1. Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

INTRODUCTION                                       and Devine 1989; Heap and Morrison
                                                        1992, 1993; Heap et al. 1993; Morrison
     The number of documented cases of                  étal. 1989; Primiani étal. 1990;Saari et
     herbicide résistance hâve increased                al. 1992). Weeds in the Amaranth fam-
     from a few in the early 1970s to over              ily, such as redroot pigweed {Amaran-
     100 in 1990 (Holt and LeBaron 1990).               thus retroflexus L.) and prostrate pig-
     Undoubtedly new cases of herbicide-                weed (Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats.)
     résistant weeds, and the area they in-             are widespread, genetically diverse, and
     fest, will continue to increase. Studies           prolific seed producers, making them
     on the mechanisms, fitness, and mode               likely candidates to follow with résis-
     of inheritance of résistant populations            tance to sulfonylurea herbicides.
     will advance our gênerai scientific                   Herbicides that rapidly sélect for
     knowledge about the résistance phe-                résistance are highly effective on the
     nomena. Studies on sélection pressures,            weed species (when applied at the
     cross-resistance patterns, alternative             recommended rate), and hâve a single
     control measures, and weed popula-                 target site mode of action (Gressel and
     tion dynamics are immediately useful               Segel 1990). Examples are herbicides
     in developing proactive résistance                 that inhibit the enzyme acetyl coenzyme-
     management programs. In order to                   A carboxylase (ACCase) (aryloxyphe-
     manage résistance proactively it is                noxypropionates and cyclohexanedi-
     necessary to predict résistance prob-              ones), or those that inhibit the enzyme
     lems, and document herbicide résis-                acetolactate synthase (sulfonylureas
     tance in a scientific and consistent               and imidazolinones) (Lichtenthaler 1990;
     manner when it occurs. This paper                  Ray 1984).
     describes the characteristics of weed
     and herbicide combinations that are                   Repeated usage of herbicides with
     favorable for the development of résis-            the same mode of action, without
     tance, and outlines procédures for iden-           alternative measures of weed control,
     tification and documentation of résis-             results in rapid development of résis-
     tance.                                             tance (Gressel and Segel 1990). Lack of
                                                        effective or économie cultural controls,
                                                        or herbicides with différent modes of
     CANDIDATES FOR                                     action, combined with product loyalty,
     RESISTANCE                                         marketing stratégies, and low aware-
                                                        ness of the conséquences of résistance,
     The rapidity of appearance of herbicide            hâve led many farmers into a rapid
     résistance is influenced by the charac-            sélection of résistant populations.
     teristics of the weed species, the her-
     bicide, and the usage pattern of the
     herbicide (Gressel and Segel 1990).                INVESTIGATION OF
     Weeds that produce large numbers of
^    genetically différent propagules, and
?    that are repeatedly exposed to a single
3    mode of action of herbicide, are the               Before conducting expensive trials to
 a   most likely to develop résistance. Thèse           détermine if a weed has developed
J5   are the annual weed species, that are              résistance, the investigator should
I^   genetically diverse, prolific seed pro-            détermine if the herbicide normally
J    ducers, widespread, and problematic to             controls the species, if the herbicide
o    growers if left uncontrolled, such as              was applied correctly (check rates,
£    green foxtail [Setaria viridis{L.) Beauv.],        equipment, application misses, environ-
£    wild oats {Avena fatua L), wild mustard            ment, timing etc.), and if the herbicide
o    [Sinapis arvensis (L.)] , kochia [Kochia           controlled other susceptible species
o.   scoparia (L) Schrad.], Russian thistle             présent at the time of application., If the
£    {Salsola pestifer Nels.), and chickweed            answer is yes to ail thèse questions,
^    [Stellaria média (L.) Vill.]. Each of thèse        seed samples should be collected and
°-   species has developed résistance to one            screened for résistance. The herbicide
     or more herbicide mode of action (Hall             history of the field will assist in deter-


mining the likelihood that résistance has        SCREENING WEEDS FOR
developed, but the possibility that              HERBICIDE RESISTANCE
résistant seed has been imported should
not be ignored.
                                                 Screening weed populations for herbi-
                                                 cide résistance, based on the response
SEED SAMPLING                                    of whole plants, has been conducted
                                                 via field, growth room, and Pétri dish
Collection                                       bioassays. Biochemical methods, based
Seed should be collected from mature,            on extracted enzyme activity in the
surviving, treated plants, and not from          présence of a herbicide, hâve also been
untreated areas. Survivors may be                used to identify spécifie résistance
widely dispersed individuals or dense            mechanisms. Gerwick et al. (1993) hâve
clusters, covering a few square meters           reported such a technique for identifi-
to 100 ha, thus it is not practical to           cation of sulfonylurea-resistant broad-
outline a standard sampling path or              leaf weeds.
frequency. It is important that the seed
collected is représentative of the popu-         Bioassays
lation in the area to be tested, whether         A susceptible control of the same
that area be a few square meters or a            species must be included for référence,
whole field. Collection of seed from a           regardless of the type of bioassay.
single plant will not allow an accurate          Ideally, this susceptible control should
évaluation of résistance. For most               hâve a similar genetic background to
species, the seed sample should be               that of the suspected résistant popula-
collected from at least 40 mature plants         tion (usually in the vicinity of the
and constitute more than 1000 viable             suspected résistant plants where herbi-
seeds. Collection of seed from larger            cides hâve not been applied). Where
numbers of plants will increase the              numerous samples (> 100) are to be
accuracy of évaluation of the propor-            collected and tested for résistance, it is
tion of résistant individuals in the             impractical to collect and test a match-
population. A susceptible population             ing susceptible for each. In such cases
with a similar genetic background to             it is sufficient to test several susceptible
the suspected résistant plants will be           populations (never exposed to herbi-
needed for comparison, and can nor-              cides) from separate locations to déter-
mally be obtained from nearby, in an             mine the natural variation in levels of
area where herbicides hâve not been              tolérance. If this natural variation is
applied.                                         relatively small, then one average
                                                 susceptible population may be used in
                                                 subséquent bioassays as a référence
Identification of sample
                                                 population. If the variation is large then
Correct identification of the sample is
                                                 a susceptible population collected in
essential. Identification should include
                                                 the same vicinity of each suspected
the growers name, address, téléphone
                                                 résistant population will hâve to be used
number, the species collected, the field
                                                 for comparison.
name, location (map) of the collection
site, date of sampling, an outline of              A complète dose-response curve for
the problem, and a detailed crop and             both the référence susceptible and the
herbicide history in the field for the           suspected résistant populations should
past 10 yr.                                      be established to détermine the level of
                                                 résistance. An example of such a dose-
Handling of sample                               response curve is given in Figure 1
The sample should be dry and kept                (Heap, unpublished data; Brain and
in paper bags during storage and                 Cousens 1989). Levels of herbicide
shipping. Seed samples stored in                 résistance are expressed as the ratio of
plastic bags (or any airtight container)         the G R ^ f o r the résistant (R) to the
are prone to an increase in the inci-            susceptible (S) population (GR50 R: GR50
dence of overheating and mold, result-           S). GR50 values are the dosages of
ing in a decrease in seed viability.             herbicide, normally in g a.i. ha 1, that

100 < 1-r — — • • • • —1

                                                   A*\                                          •                      • UM8
                                                                                                A                      A UM7
       £ ^
                    60                                                                          Y^95.47/l(l + e , - ()6( - 5 - 7,) X 1 - 06 )

effective at very low dosages under               détection of new occurrences of résis-
controlled environment conditions, and            tance.
the recommended field rate may kill
both susceptible and résistant popula-
tions. The résistance ratio, based on             REFERENCES
GRcn, is more informative than the
                                                  Brain, P., and R. Cousens. 1989. An équation
actual rate required to kill the résistant           to describe dose responses where there
population.                                           is stimulation of growth at low doses.
                                                     Weed Res. 29: 93-96.
Pétri dish    bioassays                           Devine, M.D., S.A. Maclsaac, M.L. Romano,
Pétri dish bioassays are reliable if they            and J.C. Hall. 1992. Investigation of the
hâve been correlated with controlled                  mechanism of diclofop résistance in two
environment or field data. In thèse                   biotypes of Avena fatua. Pestic. Biochem.
assays, the seed or seedling is exposed               Physiol. 42: 88-96.
to intermittent or continuous herbicide           Devine, M.D., J.C. Hall, M.L. Romano, M.A.S.
solutions, and évaluation is made on                 Maries, L.W. Thomson, and R.H. Shima-
seedling mortality and shoot elonga-                 bukuro. 1993. Diclofop and fenoxaprop
tion. Pétri dish bioassays are most                   résistance in wild oat is associated with
                                                     an altered effect on the plasma mem-
useful for cost effective screening of               brane electrogenic potential. Pestic. Bio-
large numbers of suspected résistant                 chem. Physiol. 45: 167-77.
samples, after initial growth room trials         Gerwick, B.C., L.C. Mireles, and R.J. Eilers.
hâve established that résistance to the              1993. Rapid diagnosis of ALS/AHAS-
herbicide occurs.                                    resistant weeds. Weed Technol. 7: 519-
 Biochemical        methods                       Gressel, J., and LA. Segel. 1990. Modelling
                                                     the effectiveness of herbicide rotations
Biochemical bioassays that screen for                and mixtures as stratégies to delay or
spécifie mechanisms of résistance are                preclude résistance. Weed Technol. 4:
not reliable for screening populations                186-198.
suspected of being résistant. Popula-             Hall, L.M., and M.D. Devine. 1989. Cross
tions of annual ryegrass           (Lolium           résistance of a chlorsulfuron résistant
rigidum Gaud.), wild oats and green                  biotype of Stellarîa média to triazolopy-
foxtail vary dramatically in their levels            rimidine herbicide. Plant Physiol. 93: 962-
of résistance and patterns of cross-                 966.
resistance to ACCase-inhibitor herbi-             Heap, I.M., and R.A. Knight. 1990. Variations
                                                     in herbicide cross-resistance among
cides (Heap and Knight 1990; Heap and                populations of annual ryegrass (Lolium
Morrison 1993; Heap et al. 1993). It is              rigidum) résistant to diclofop-methyl.
likely that there are many différent                 Aust. J. Agric. Res. 41: 121-128.
mutations and mechanisms of résis-                Heap, I.M., and I.N. Morrison. 1992. Résis-
tance in thèse species. For instance, in             tance to auxin-type herbicides in wild
two ACCase-inhibitor résistant popula-               mustard (SinapisarvensisL.) populations
tions of wild oats, one was found to                 in western Canada. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc.
resist diclofop via increased metabo-                Am. 32: 164 (Abstract).
lism, whilst the other resisted via an            Heap, I.M., and I.N. Morrison. 1993. Résis-
                                                     tance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate and
altered plasma membrane response
                                                     cyclohexanedione herbicides in green
(Devine et al. 1992, 1993). In one pop-              foxtail (Setaria viridis). Proc. Weed Sci.
ulation of green foxtail, the mechanism              Soc. Am. 33: 185 (Abstract).
of résistance was due to an altération of         Heap, I.M., B.G. Murray, H.A. Loeppky, and
the ACCase enzyme (Maries et al. 1993).              I.N. Morrison. 1993. Résistance to aryl-
It is also likely that someof thèse mech-            oxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexan-
anisms will be novel, and not just var-              edione herbicides in wild oats (Avena
iations of an altered ACCase enzyme, or              fatua). Weed Sci. 41: 232-238.
an increase in metabolism. Any assay              Holt, J.S., and H.M. LeBaron. 1990. Signifi-
that targets détection of a spécifie                 cance and distribution of herbicide
                                                     résistance. Weed Technol. 4: 141-149.
mechanism of résistance will miss ail             Lichtenthaler, H.K. 1990. Mode of action of
other possible mechanisms, known and                 herbicides affecting acetyl-CoA carboxyl-
unknown. Whole plant détection tech-                 ase and fatty acid biosynthesis. Z.
niques are the only reliable method for              Naturforsch. 45: 521-528.

Maries, M.A.S., M.D. Devine, and J.C. Hall.          Ray, T.B. 1984. Site of action of chlorsul-
        1993. Herbicide résistance in Setaria               furon. Inhibition of valine and isolleucine
        viridis conferred by a less sensitive form           biosynthesis in plants. Plant Physiol. 75:
        of acetyl coenzyme-A carboxylase.                    827-831.
        Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 46: 7-14.               Saari, L.L., J.C. Cotterman, W.F. Smith, and
     Morrison, I.N., B.G. Todd, and K.M.                     M.M. Primiani. 1992. Sulfonylurea herbi-
        Nawolsky. 1989. Confirmation of tri-                cide résistance in common chickweed,
        fluralin-resistant green foxtail (Setaria            perennial ryegrass, and Russian thistle.
        viridis) in Manitoba. Weed Technol. 3:               Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 42: 110-118.
     Primiani, M.M., J.C. Cotterman, and L.L.
        Saari. 1990. Résistance of kochia {Kochia
        scoparia) to sulfonylurea and imida-
        zolinone herbicides. Weed Technol. 4:


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