"La formation et l'exercice infirmier : quel avenir?" - Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014
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Fédération Européenne des Enseignants En Soins Infirmiers. Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014 "La formation et l’exercice infirmier : quel avenir?"
Mercredi 24 Septembre 2014 Wednesday 24th September 2014 8.15 ACCUEIL ET INSCRIPTION DES PARTICIPANTS Registration AMPHITHEATRE LEPOIS Ouverture de la Conférence 9.00 Opening of the conference M. L.HENART, Ministre Maire de Nancy – FRANCE M. J.P MASSERET, Président du Conseil Régional de Lorraine- FRANCE M. P.MUTZENHARDT, Président de l’Université de Lorraine - FRANCE M. C.D‟HARCOURT, Directeur de l’ARS LORRAINE- FRANCE M. B.DUPONT, Directeur Général du CHU NANCY- FRANCE 9.45 CONFERENCES INAUGURALES M. H.COUDANE, Doyen de la Faculté de Médecine, Directeur d’ETHOS (EA 7299) - FRANCE Accueil et bienvenue - Mme M.SOMMELETTE, Présidente du CEFIEC- FRANCE - Mme JL.DANAN, Présidente de FINE- Europe 10.45 Pause : visite des stands et des posters Refreshments, exhibition and poster viewing 11.15 Les besoins en matière de système de santé, la qualification de soins infirmiers M. W.SERMEUS Professeur - Directeur du Centre de services de santé et de recherche en matière de soins infirmiers Université Catholique de Leuven - BELGIUM 11.45 Pratique infirmière et formation : le point de vue du Conseil International des Infirmières M. P.THERAULAZ Président de l’association Suisse des infirmières (A.S.I) – Membre du Conseil d’Administration - Conseil International des infirmières CII/ICN Par procuration au nom de Judith SHAMIAN – presidente du CII a Echanges avec le public 12.30-14.00 Pause dejeuner Lunch, networking, exhibition and poster viewing 14.00 Symposium - Evolution des besoins et des pratiques, qualité et sécurité des soins : les défis de la formation infirmière
M. L. VAN BERKEL Economiste politique / Affaires Economiques et Service Politique du Marché du travail (Service en charge de la législation du marché du travail) Ministère de la Santé, de la Sécurité Sociale et des Sports Commission Européenne. DG CO.EU Mme G.PERFILIEVA Human Resources for Health Division of Health Systems and Public Health WHO Regional Office for Europe Mme A.C. ALLIN Professeure HES-SO - Doyenne de la Formation et Directrice adjointe - Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source Lausanne - SUISSE 15.15 Recherche et diffusion: les points clés de la qualité de soins Mme. Y.OUHARZOUNE Directrice des revues professionnelles/Health Professionnal Journals Director, Elsevier Masson - FRANCE 15.30 Pause; visite des stands et des posters Refreshments, exhibition and poster viewing 16.00 Table ronde - Formation, exercice et compétence des sages femmes : état des lieux M. A. LEKEUX, FINE Advisoy, WHO taskforce Nursing - BELGIUM Mme N. WIRTH, Directrice de l’Ecole de sages femmes de Metz - FRANCE Mme SPIKRELLE, Présidente du Conseil Régional de l’Ordre des Sages Femmes de Lorraine - France Mme C. DURAND TONNERRE, Vice-présidente de l’ANSEF en charge des Affaires Sociales Mme G. CASTIAUX, Professeur Haute Ecole HENALLUX Belgique Mme A. M WANSA Technical Officer, Nursing and Midwifery, Department of Health Systems, Policies and Workforce - OMS - WHO
16.00-17.30 Sessions parallèles 1 Concurrent session 1 MERCREDI 24 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 International ASSOCIATION Socialisation and Research in education for Collaborations in Nursing GUANGHUA - CHINA Practical innovations in Partnership and Practical innovations in Creating Professional Preparation in Nursing nursing sciences: projects Education: research and education Mentorship in Education education Theme Identities for Nursing Pratiques innovantes en Education Partenariat et mentorat and results experiences Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Socialisation en Recherche en sciences Collaborations éducation en éducation éducation formation infirmières pluridisciplinaires internationales Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 Amphi 300 ED 11 ED 12 ED 22 ED 29 16.05 1.1.1 1.2.1 1.3.1 1.4.1 1.5.1 1.6.1 1.7.1 1.8.1 Evolution of Nursing Translation, Approche Avoiding Failure to Fail: Development of European Une formation International as a Health modification and communicationnelle the role of triangulation emotional skills in collaboration in entièrement intégrée Cooperation Platform Profession in Italy: validation of the de la transmission nursing students: developing pour les soins for the Development Dr Andrew Melling Metaphors and Chinese version of des savoirs infirmiers the supporting role of professionals infirmiers : c‟est of Chinese Nursing Co-authors Paradoxes knowledge the supervising competences possible ! Education Laurence Lagarde Melling Sarah assessment nurse in working with older Alessandro Stievano, MESSIGNY ET John Unsworth instrument of people (ELLAN Jacinthe Dancot By GONG Lihua, F Co-authors VANTOUX NEW CASTLE UPON Luiza Rodrigues pressure ulcer project) LIBRAMONT Secretary-General of Dyanne Affonso, FRANCE TYNE Co-authors prevention BELGIQUE Guanghua International Laura Sabatino, UK Paula Diogo Irma Mikkonen, Education Association, Carlo Turci, Ming Liu Joana Rodrigues Gennaro Rocco Co-authors Odete Lemos and Co-authors Beijing ROME Sousa Jukka Aho Lei Yin KUOPIO ITALY Weiju Chen LISBON PORTUGAL FINLAND MACAO P.R. CHINA 16.25 1.1.2 1.2.2 1.3.2 1.4.2 1.5.2 1.6.2 1.7.2 1.8.2 Organizational health E-M-F Learning: Nursing Students‟ Working in Une approche European Later Life Promoting the The Exploration and of nurses in some Nursing educator‟s Ideas about Violence partnership to ergologique des Active Network integrated assessment Practice of Cultivating health perspective towards Healthcare facilitate students‟ situations de soins (ELLAN) of competence : the Chinese Caring facilities of Rome and Workers career pathways Health Literacy development and Talents” Isabelle Bayle its Province: / Health testing of TCC and Hasan SEVİNİK Louise Johnston SAVERNE Preparing Italian Nutthita Petchprapai, Capability LMC tools Background Co-authors Co-authors FRANCE student nurses to the as essential MUANG Hasan Sevinik Joan Irwin risks of working in aspect of core John Unsworth THAILAND Ayle Sonay Kurt Ann Campbell complicated competencies Co-authors LIU Zhanshan, M Belgin Akin Kate Moran environments for working with Andrew Melling Deputy Executive Aylin Guclu AYR NEW CASTLE UPON people of older age President and Carlo Turci, KONYA SCOTLAND TYNE Secretary-General of Co-authors TURKEY UK Dyanne Affonso Kriemhild Leitner the Chinese Society of SPITTAL AN DER Technical and Laura Sabatino DRAU Vocational Education, Gennaro Rocco Alessandro Stievano AUSTRIA Beijing ROME - ITALY
Sessions parallèles 1 Concurrent session 1 MERCREDI 24 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 International ASSOCIATION Socialisation and Research in education for Collaborations in Nursing GUANGHUA - CHINA Practical innovations in Partnership and Practical innovations in Creating Professional Preparation in Nursing nursing sciences: projects Education: research and education Mentorship in Education education Theme Identities for Nursing Pratiques innovantes en Education Partenariat et mentorat and results experiences Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Socialisation en Recherche en sciences Collaborations éducation en éducation éducation formation infirmières pluridisciplinaires internationales Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 Amphi 300 ED 11 ED 12 ED 22 ED 29 16.45 1.1.3 1.2.3 1.3.3 1.4.3 1.5.3 1.6.3 1.7.3 1.8.3 Quelle confiance en Innovations in Shaping Apprentissage des Critical care nurses Les échanges Une reflexion autour Reform and Research soi et en sa capacité à Education: Assistant Conversations Nurse soins educatifs et (CCN's) experience internationaux au de l‟art d‟évaluer de of Chinese Nursing être professionnel Practitioners lecturers preventifs dans le stressful situations in profit de la formation débriefing Undergraduate après trois ans de -shaping the future emotional cadre du referentiel their daily working en soins infirmiers Education: Projects formation ? workforce or Management de 2009 environments. Christine Le Bris and Achievements in changing in Higher education: Sabine Wibaut Co-authors the Past Twenty Jacinthe Dancot Dr. Shehnaaz Moola. Nurses‟roles? Implications for Marie-hélène Durand Co-authors Françoise CROSSIN Years LIBRAMONT Co-authors future nursing Pascale Didry IFSI QUIMPER BELGIUM Anneyce Knight Valerie, J. Ehlers practitioners LAXOU Nathalie Dubois FRANCE Prof. JIANG Anli Co-authors Susan Hattingh Jan Parker Dr Eula Miller FRANCE JEDDAH NANCY College of Nursing, The FRANCE Second Military Medical Helen Carmichael MANCHESTER KINGDOM OF SAUDI University, Shanghai Anita Esse UK ARABIA Clare Aspde SOUTHAMPTON - UK 1.1.4 1.2.4 1.3.4 1.4.4 1.5.4 1.6.4 1.7.4 Des étudiants en Une structure Former aux soins To use of intuition by The „bioscience The Importance of Construire son art de soins infirmiers non innovante au service palliatifs pédiatriques nursing students problem‟ in English penser pour mieux bacheliers : quels des compétences en Belgique undergraduate nurse Language in Nursing “panser”, un enjeu facteurs de réussite pédagogiques du Des découvertes Dilek SARI education: Studies éthique pour la 17.05 dans un cursus corps professoral : le Co-authors resolvable or in France formation des futurs Marie Friedel univers Centre d‟Innovation et Ayse Akbiyik unsolvable? soignants BRUXELLES de Promotion Francis MOHSEN Elisabeth Wisniewski BELGIUM Andrew McVicar Pédagogique de IZMIR NANCY Isabelle Bayle LAXOU Co-authors l‟Ecole La Source TURKEY FRANCE Co-authors FRANCE Sharon Andrew Laetitia Dietmann Yvan Dürrenberger John Clancy SAVERNE LAUSANNE CHELMSFORD - UK FRANCE SUISSE 17.30 FIN - End 17.40 Assemblée Générale de FINE, Election du trésorier General Assembly of FINE and election of Treasurer
Jeudi 25 septembre 2014 – ETHIQUE ET BIOETHIQUE Thursday 25 th September Ethics and Bioethics 9.00 Amphithéâtre LEPOIS Ouverture de la Conférence – Opening of the Conference Professeur Henry COUDANE, Directeur de l’EA 7299 (ETHOS) Pratiques professionnelles : aspects méthodologiques, éthiques et juridiques – Doyen de la Faculté Médecine– FRANCE ère 09.15 Installation officielle de la 1 Chaire française en Bioéthique, Ethique médicale et droit de la santé de l‟UNESCO Professeur Amnon CARMI – Président de la Chaire en Bioéthique, Ethique médicale et droit de la santé de l’UNESCO 09.45 Importance de l‟enseignement de l‟éthique et des droits de l‟Homme en Europe Docteur Frédérique CLAUDOT – MCU-PH responsable de l’axe 2 « Ethique et droit de la santé » EA 7299 (ETHOS) – Directeur de la Chaire française en Bioéthique, Ethique médicale et droit de la santé de l’UNESCO de Nancy– FRANCE 10.15 Les enjeux de l‟éthique en santé publique Professeur Jean Pierre DESCHAMPS – Professeur Emérite en Santé Publique– FRANCE 10.45 Pause; visite des stands et des posters Refreshments, exhibition and poster viewing 11.00 Les enjeux/défis éthiques et économiques pour les professions de santé Docteur Jean Pierre BLUM – Conseiller Groupe Numérique et Santé – Assemblée Nationale – FRANCE 11.30 La bioéthique pour faire une différence dans la qualité de la formulation de politiques éthiques en santé publique Mme Isabelle WACHSMUTH – Knowledge Ethic, Research and Knowledge Translation, Evidence Informed Policy Network WHO – Genève – Switzerland 12.00 Ethique et profession de santé: la question de l‟enseignement Madame Agata ZIELINSKI – Professeur agrégé de philosophie – EA 7299 (ETHOS) – FRANCE 12.30-14.00 Pause et déjeuner visite des stands et des posters Lunch, exhibition and poster viewing
14.00-15.30 Sessions parallèles 2 Concurrent session 2 JEUDI 25 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 ASSOCIATION Socialisation and Ethical and practical Research in education for GUANGHUA - CHINA Practical innovations in Practical innovations in Creating Professional Preparation in Nursing concerns within nursing nursing sciences: projects Theme education education Identities for Nursing Education and healthcare teaching and results Pratiques innovantes en Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Socialisation en L’éthique dans la Recherche en sciences éducation éducation formation pratique des soins infirmières Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 AMPHI 300 ED 11 ED 12 ED 29 E22 14.05 2.1.1 2.2.1 2.3.1 2.4.1 2.5.1 2.6.1 2.7.1 2.8.1 The use of QR codes Mastering patient- Quels pédagogues Determination of An evaluation of Formation à Construction of Nouvelles méthodes to enhance clinical oriented pour quels étudiants Nursing Students‟ student nurses and l‟Evidence-Based Nursing Vocational pédagogiques skills education: A communication skills en soins infirmiers: Clinical Stress midwives‟ beliefs of Nursing en formation Courses with the d‟apprentissage, multidisciplinary through English for le dilemme de la Factors knowledge, reflective de premier cycle: Core of Nursing collaboration Nurses: an Italian «generation Y»? thinking levels and récit d‟une expérience Competency pilot study. Aylin Güçlü. approaches to en Haute Ecole belge Research on the Irving Montorier Terri Downer Delphine Lang Co-authors learning over an MOOC Nursing FNESI Co-authors Joanne Spataro Mustafa Kilic internship trajectory Nadine Jacqmin Courses Nicole Phillips Florin Oprescu Co-authors METZ-FRANCE Serife Kursun Francesco Giunta Louise Kavanagh-McBride LIBRAMONT- Prof. SHANG Shaomei, Lauren McTier Co-authors Nicola Pagnucci KONYA -TURKEY BELGIUM Vice Dean of the Vilma Simbag Owen Prof. Barr Bill Lord School of Nursing, Carol Prof. Curran Helen Forbes PISA -ITALY George Prof. Kernohan Peking University, Nigel Barr Beijing BELFAST-NORTHERN Peter Bright IRELAND SIPPY DOWNS- QUEENSLAND- AUSTRALIA 14.25 2.1.2 2.2.2 2.3.2 2.4.2 2.5.2 2.6.2 2.7.2 2.8.2 Expériental learning Un parcours infirmier Supervising a student Perceptions of Italian Nursing‟ Students Fonder ses décisions The Development of Représentation du of empathy in a care- particulier : what does it mean student nurses of the Thinking Styles And cliniques sur les Chinese Nursing métier d‟infirmier et ethics lab for the teacher? concept of The Relationshp résultats de Education construction d‟une Valérie DROUVOT professional respect Between Thinking recherché: Internationalization identité Chaja DEVRIENDT Reet Urban during their clinical Styles And Ethical L‟Evidence -Based professionnelle, LEVEN APHP PARIS Co-authors practice learning Decision Making Nursing en pratique Ms LIN Ying BELGIUM FRANCE Eve-Merike Sooväli experience President of Guanghua Kersti Viitkar Deniz Koçoğlu Nadine Jacqmin International Education Loïc Massardier TARTU Laura Sabatino Co-authors LIBRAMONT Association, Beijing Président FNESI Co-authors Selda Arslan ESTONIA BELGIUM Gennaro Rocco Fatma Taş-Aslan Alessandro Stievano Şerife Kurşun Rosaria Alvaro KONYA ROME-ITALY TURKEY
Sessions parallèles 2 Concurrent session 2 JEUDI 25 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 ASSOCIATION Socialisation and Ethical and practical Research in education for GUANGHUA - CHINA Practical innovations in Practical innovations in Creating Professional Preparation in Nursing concerns within nursing nursing sciences: projects Theme education education Identities for Nursing Education and healthcare teaching and results Pratiques innovantes en Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Socialisation en L’éthique dans la Recherche en sciences éducation éducation formation pratique des soins infirmières Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 AMPHI 300 ED 11 ED 12 ED 29 E22 14.45 2.1.3 2.2.3 2.3.3 2.4.3 2.5.3 2.6.3 2.7.3 2.8.3 Introducing the Trends in today‟s Globalization and Determination of Finish service users‟ Modernization of The application of La formation initiale : Webfolio Model of nursing, methodology Nursing nursing students‟ experiences on Nursing education at Scenario Simulated vectrice du Evidence-Based of teaching and views on empowerment in a State Funded Teaching in the développement de la Learning for motivation of nursing Emine Sarı, complementary and cross-cultural project Educational experimental teaching recherche en soins Healthcare Students students at medical Co-authors alternative medecine Institution of of Fundamental infirmiers, on Elective university of Tirana Akın, B practices Liisa Koskinen Vocational Secondary Nursing Placements Co-authors Education Mary Brown Alma Pulabyle KONYA Mustafa Kiliç Irma Mikkonen Vice Prof. JIN Xiaoyan Irving Montorier Co-authors Co-authors TURKEY Co-authors Klara Dokova Elena Grishina School of Nursing, FNESI Kirstie Coolin Silvana Gripshi Selda Arslan Eileen Savage Co-authors Peking University, Richard Windle Mimoza Kalaja Mocka Carolyn Wallace Marina Margaeva Beijing Chris Booth KONYA KUOPIO -FINLAND Anna Smirnova Helen Parsons TIRANE TURKEY Tatiana Shacneva NOTTINGHAM-UK ALBANIA MOSCOW - RUSSIA 15.05 2.1.4 2.2.4 2.3.4 2.4.4 2.5.4 2.6.4 2.7.4 2.8.4 Relier mémoire de fin Les cadres de santé Nursing students‟ La vulnérabilité du Can the grading of A Nursing Comparison of Two Café européen : d‟études et évaluation entre « culture du learning approaches soignant, une vertu clinical practice undergraduate Different Types of échanges et des pratiques soin » et « culture du and factors affecting éthique? reliably contribute to curriculum program Peripherally Inserted témoignages professionnelles en management »... these. the assessment of centered in nursing Central Catheter Tube d‟étudiants sur la formation infirmière Jalons pour Une Agata Zielinski competence and knowledge in Chemotherapy mobilité :un en-(j)eu de reconstruction Burcu Ceylan promote core nursing Patients internationale professionnalisation identitaire Co-authors VANDOEUVRE-LÈS- values? The use of Santos, João Selda Arslan NANCY statistical modelling Co-authors DING Xiaorong Marielle Boissart Marie Cécile Blaison Burcu Ceylan FRANCE Bacatum Cláudia Director of the Nursing Sirot Deniz Kocoglu Dr. Mary Gobbi D’Espines Luisa Department of AUBAGNE Co-authors Henriques, Eunice Shenzhen Hospital of FRANCE CHAMAGNIEU KONYA Davis J Lopes Maria Anjos Peking University, FRANCE TURKEY Lathlean, J Oliveira Célia Shenzhen Muijs, D. Pinheiro, Maria José SOUTHAMPTON - UK LISBOA PORTUGAL 15.30 Pause; visite des stands et des posters Refreshments, exhibition and poster viewing
16.00 Sessions parallèles 3; Concurrent session 3 JEUDI 25 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 International Collaborations in Nursing Research in education for Research in education for ASSOCIATION Practical innovations in Practical innovations in GUANGHUA - CHINA Theme Creating Professional Education: research and nursing sciences: projects nursing sciences: projects education education Identities for Nursing experiences and results and results Pratiques innovantes en Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Collaborations Recherche en sciences Recherche en sciences éducation éducation pluridisciplinaires infirmières infirmières internationales Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 ED 11 ED 12 AMPHI 300 ED 29 E22 16.05 3.1.1 3.2.1 3.3.1 3.4.1 3.5.1 3.6.1 3.7.1 La simulation Faire évoluer un European The Perceived Involving older How do nursing The Quantity, en santé: des dispositif collaboration: a Competence and the people in teaching students perceive Allocation Structure, recommandations à la pédagogique. L‟outil transferable Status of Ready to about aging – nursing profession and Distribution of mise en pratique en Di Pro et la pédagogie educational model to Clinical Practice Example of an Obstetrical Nursing IFSI de l‟intégration au develop Among Nursing educational Ayla Ünsal Human Resources in service Compassionate Care Students After innovation TURKEY Eastern China: A Mireille Grillet Fundamental of Cross-sectional Study Co-authors Marie-Cécile Wilmot Anneyce Knight Nursing Skill Traning Sanna Koskinen Frédérique Strub GILLY-BELGIQUE Co-authors Co-authors CAI Wenzhi Karine Giudici Andrea Pokorná Tugba GÖZÜTOK Leena Salminen Vice Dean of School of Théophile Génelot Carlos Moreno Co-authors Helena Leino-Kilpi Nursing, Southern LAXOU-FRANCE Leguizamon Deniz Koçoglu TURKU-FINLAND Medical University, SOUTHAMPTON-UK Belgin Akin Guangzhou KONYA-TURKEY 16.25 3.1.2 3.2.2 3.3.2 3.4.2 3.5.2 3.6.2 3.7.2 Analyse de la Mentoring program in Retour d‟expérience Including nursing First Do No Harm: Final year nursing Observation on perception de supporting the de formations students in Assessing the students‟ levels of job effects of different l‟efficacité development of d‟agents de santé au promotional and recognition and search worry health education pédagogique de deux expert mentors Sénégal par des preventive activities, rescue of the (employment anxiety) modes on knowledge stratégies étudiants infirmiers and research deteriorating patient and hopelessness of health care in d‟enseignement Marja Anneli projects at the in the first 16 weeks puerperium L‟apprentissage par Hynnnynen Andrée Raubuch College of Nursing of an undergraduate Belgin Akin problèmes et la Co-authors Co-authors Jesenice : importance nursing programme Co-authors MENG Ping simulation clinique Irma Mikkonen Corinne Hung of competences for Gülnur Erdoan Vice President of haute fidélité KUOPIO-FINLAND Maud Barthelemy career Guy Tucker KONYA-TURKEY Maternal & Child Health Jean-Marc Dollet development Co-authors Hospital, Fushan Jean-Christophe Chantale Heinrich Dr John Unsworth Servotte ST DIE DES VOSGES Sanela Pivac NEW CASTLE UPON SUARLÉE - BELGIQUE -FRANCE Co-authors TYNE-UK Sedina Kalender Smajlovic, JESENICE-SLOVANIA
Sessions parallèles 3; Concurrent session 3 JEUDI 25 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 International Collaborations in Nursing Research in education for Research in education for ASSOCIATION Practical innovations in Practical innovations in GUANGHUA - CHINA Theme Creating Professional Education: research and nursing sciences: projects nursing sciences: projects education education Identities for Nursing experiences and results and results Pratiques innovantes en Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Collaborations Recherche en sciences Recherche en sciences éducation éducation pluridisciplinaires infirmières infirmières internationales Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 ED 11 ED 12 AMPHI 300 ED 29 E22 16.45 3.1.3 3.2.3 3.3.3 3.4.3 3.5.3 3.6.3 3.7.3 Apprendre ensemble Problem Solving International Opinions of Student La collaboration et le Approche qualitative Oriz Comparison of pour travailler Training for First Line Collaboration: Nurses on Euthanasia partenariat entre les du rôle des pères lying-in woman ensemble Nurse Managers Palliative Care établissements dans le soutien à autonomous Education (UK and Gökçe Demir formateurs l‟allaitement maternel selection labor with Florence Policard Deniz Kocoglu Czech Republic) Co-authors grâce à l‟ECOS. des enfants nés dans non-horizontal CLERMONT- Co-authors Sevil Biçer un contexte de position or hontal FERRAND Sergül Duygulu Anneyce Knight Ayla Ünsal Corinne Bay grande précarité- position FRANCE Süheyla Abaan Co-authors TURKEY LIBRAMONT PHRIP accepté REN Suying Belgin Akin Marie Mackova BELGIUM Ralph Balez Director of the Nursing Co-authors Department of Nanshan KONYA SOUTHAMPTON Magdalini Dargentas Maternity and Child TURKEY UK Healthcare Hospital of Hélène Denoual Sandrine Roudaut Shenzhen, Shenzhen Jacques Sizun BREST-FRANCE 17.05 3.1.4 3.2.4 3.3.4 3.4.4 3.5.4 3.6.3 L‟évaluation du Professional Values, Un partenariat UPNT1 Just in time teaching: Utilisation des The investigation of formateur/débriefer Ethical State Levels (Viet Nam) /HERS can state of the art évaluations cliniques the opinions of new dans les pratiques and Moral Sensitivity (Belgique) dans le but training movie objectives graduated students simulées Relationship between de soutenir replace the teacher? structurées en about bachelor‟s Vers une nouvelle Nurses: A l‟amélioration des travaux dirigés degree compétence? Correlational Study compétences dans la Katrin Gillis (ecos) Corinne Perrot formation en soins Co-authors Hulya YLMAZ Co-authors Fatma Tas Arslan Inge Tency Pascale Didry Co-authors infirmiers à Ho Chi Nadia Pecquenard, Co-authors Art Vereecke Co-authors Duygu BAYRAKTAR Minh Ville Candice De Windt Alexandra Tony Deniz Kocoglu Linda Allane Leyla KHORSHID Marie-Clotilde Lebas, Laure Le Goff Selda Arslan Muriel Thiebaut Co-authors SINT NIKLAAS CORBEIL ESSONNES Serife Kursun Claudine Robert Solange de Harlez BELGIUM FRANCE KONYA-TURKEY NANCY-FRANCE LIBRAMONT-BELGIUM 17.30 Fin End 20.00 Dîner de Gala, Hôtel de ville de Nancy, Place Stanislas Gala dinner, Hôtel de ville de Nancy, Place Stanislas
Vendredi 26 septembre 2014 Friday 26 th September 2014 9.00 Ouverture de la Conférence – Amphithéâtre LEPOIS Opening of the conference – Amphitheatre LEPOIS M. C. CHOSEROT - Conseil Régional de Lorraine- METZ - FRANCE Vice-Président délégué aux actions régionales relevant de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation 9.15 Le rôle des écoles doctorales pour le développement de la recherche pour les professions de santé M. P. MENU - Directeur de l’Ecole Doctorale BioSE Pole BMS - Université de Lorraine – France 9.30 Résultat du meilleur poster : Fine president J.L DANAN – Fine executive council – Béatrice COLLIN MACSF 9.45 Pause; visite des stands Refreshments, exhibition 10.15 Importance de l’enseignement virtuel pour les professions de santé M. BENHAMOU, délégué interministériel Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la santé – Paris - FRANCE Directeur de l’Université médicale virtuelle francophone 10.45 Le CUESIM, un outil de formation pour les professions de santé M. M.BRAUN, Faculté de Médecine de Nancy - FRANCE 11.00 Echanges avec le public
11.15 -12.45 Sessions parallèles 4; Concurrent session 4 VENDREDI 25 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 ASSOCIATION Practical innovations in Practical innovations in Research in education for GUANGHUA - CHINA Creating Professional Identities nursing sciences: projects and Theme education education for Nursing results Pratiques innovantes en Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Recherche en sciences éducation éducation infirmières Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 AMPHI 300 ED 29 E22 11.15 4.1.1 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.4.1 4.5.1 4.6.1 Teaching spiritual care A care job, that‟s working Pratique Réflexive et Introducing clinical The Effect of the Family Représentation des through poetry with your HEAD, HANDS Pratique Pédagogique en grading: challenges and Structure and Function on étudiants en soins AND HEART IFSI experiences Inpatient infirmiers, intérêt et rôle Dr Janice Clarke sociale, Worcester Lon Holtzer Rosette Bensimon Davis, J. Ms XIE Xiaohua UK Leuven Co-authors Co-authors Director of the Nursing BELGIUM Yann Voirin Gobbi, M Department of the Second Loïc Massardier LAXOU Lathlean, J People’s Hospital of Président FNESI FRANCE Muijs, D. Shenzhen, Shenzhen SOUTHAMPTON UK 11.35 4.1.2 4.2.2 4.3.2 4.4.2 4.5.2 4.6.2 L'intelligence du corps à Travail, identité et langage, Dispositifs pédagogiques Des soins infirmiers aux Construct and implement La place de l‟éthique dans corps: pour le au cœur de la relève pour soutenir la pratique sciences infirmières the management of clinical la formation clinique vue développement d'ateliers de soignant réflexive en soins nursing education and par les étudiants réflexion corporelle infirmiers. Véronique Pechey training mode Anne Joachim LAXOU Cédric Juliens, Professeur de VERMAISON Marie Robinot FRANCE YANG Chen Lisa Cann Co-authors FRANCE Co-authors Director of the Nursing Department FNESI of the Fourth People’s Hospital of Laura Danero Julie Schelfhaut Shenzhen; also a standing BRUXELLES/ BELGIQUE committee member of Nursing LIBRAMONT/ BELGIQUE Branch of Guangdong Hospital Association, Shenzhen
Sessions parallèles 4; Concurrent session 4 VENDREDI 25 SEPTEMBRE 2014 Session 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 ASSOCIATION Practical innovations in Practical innovations in Research in education for GUANGHUA - CHINA Creating Professional Identities nursing sciences: projects and Theme education education for Nursing results Pratiques innovantes en Pratiques innovantes en Identité Professionnelle Recherche en sciences éducation éducation infirmières Room AMPHI LEPOIS ED 15 ED 10 AMPHI 300 ED 29 E22 11.55 4.1.3 4.2.3 4.3.3 4.4.3 4.5.3 4.6.3 Empowering nursing L‟universitarisation des Using knowledge café‟s as Phexcel –Testing the Establishment of Secret professionnel, un students utilizing practical études infirmières dans les a reflexive inquiry based Feasibility of a Quality Assessment for Nurses and paradoxe éthique critical pedagogy IFSI publics Lorrains approach to Label for Professional Application of Quantified strategies, sharing the UAE Learning Higher Education Management Cyril Georges- Cindy VARINOT experience at Fatima Conchita Szyba Excellence Charlotte SENAULT-KLEIN Hall Carol YOU Weihong Margaux GOTTI- Elsa CAILLET college for health sciences LORRY LES METZ Clare Hopkinson The University of Nottingham UK Director of the Nursing Lucille BOUVIER Magalie Nesreen M. ALqaissi FRANCE BRISTOL TONNELLIER- Déniz SEVIM Co-authors Department, Women and Children ABU DABI UK IFSI LAXOU A Wipf - A Camilleri - C Dury - L Health Centre of Luohu District of UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Ebert - M rankowicz - R Kristensen Shenzhen, Shenzhen FRANCE - L Messa NOTTINGHAM -UK 12.15 4.1.4 4.2.4 4.3.4 4.4.4 4.5.4 4.6.4 Developing a new Relationship between Really learning through Postgraduate students‟ The Application of the 360- Mobilité internationale des curriculum for the anxiety levels and clinical work: a review of case faced problems and Degree Feedback étudiants en soins professional bachelor in practice skills among studies in work-based solutions during Evaluation Method in the infirmiers nursing students of child health and learning. The education process Performance Assessment diseases nursing by the Head Nurse in the Liesbeth Van Heck Clive Warn Emine Sari Specialist Hospital Delphine Thézé Co-authors Sevil OZKAN Co-authors Co-authors FNESI Arzu Koçak Uyaroğlu ZHU Shening Sonia Labeau Co-authors Clare Hopkinson Hamide Aygör Director of the Nursing Marc Dhaeze Deniz ALTIPARMAK BRISTOL Tuba Demirel Department, Shenzhen Maternity & GHENT-BELGIUM KONYA-TURKEY UK Raziye Çelen Child HealthCare Hospital affiliated Burcu Ceylan to the Southern Medical University, Neslihan Değerli Kodaz Shenzhen Büşra Altinel Hatice Dönmez KONYA-TURKEY 12.45 Pause et déjeuner Lunch
14.00 European directive: update - La directive European 2013/55/eu. EFN general secretary: P. DE RAEVE - FINE vice-president: C. Hall - FEPI vice –president : G .ROOCO - FEPI : A. M RYAN - FNESI : President Loic MASSARDIER - ESNO : Vice Président F CHARNAY-SONNEK 16.00 Allocution de cloture Fine president : Jane –Laure DANAN Fine executive council : Cecile DURY - Carol HALL - Maria Filomena GASPAR - Christophe DEBOUT
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