Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

La page est créée Sébastien Blanchet
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

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                          Mot-clé "débat parlementaire"

                      24 Résultat(s) trouvé(s)

                   Date de création : 16-12-2021
European Citizens' Initiative: 'End the cage age'
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 02-06-2021
                 Auteur ROJEK Beata
      Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural
                Mot-clé bien-être des animaux | débat parlementaire | initiative citoyenne européenne | ordre du jour | Parlement européen |
                        rapport | résolution PE | volaille pondeuse
               Résumé Throughout the EU, millions of animals are reared in cages, in conditions that seriously harm their welfare. A European
                        Citizens' Initiative, 'End the Cage Age', calls on the European Commission to end the practice of keeping animals in
                        cages and to propose legislation to prohibit their use. In response to this initiative, the European Parliament is
                        expected to hold a debate on the subject and vote a resolution during its June I plenary session.
                En bref EN

Recent cyber-attacks and the EU's cybersecurity strategy for the digital decade
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 02-06-2021
                 Auteur NEVILLE ANN
      Domaine politique Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice
                Mot-clé application de l'informatique | criminalité informatique | débat parlementaire | guerre de l’information | impact des
                        technologies de l'information | ordre du jour | Parlement européen | rapport | stratégie de l’UE | sécurité des systèmes
               Résumé Increasing digitalisation means that public administration at EU and national levels has come to rely on digital
                        technologies as a means of carrying out their core functions, a process that has been intensified by the pandemic. This
                        growing reliance on digital technologies, while beneficial, has also increased the risk of cyber-attacks, and key
                        institutions at EU and national level have recently been targeted by cyber-attacks. During the June I plenary session,
                        Members of the European Parliament will debate with the Council and the Commission on recent cyber-attacks in the
                        EU, and discuss the European Union's cybersecurity strategy for the digital decade.
                En bref EN

Plenary round-up – December 2020
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 21-12-2020
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | débat parlementaire | haut représentant de l'Union pour les affaires étrangères et la
                        politique de sécurité | maladie à coronavirus | ordre du jour | Parlement européen | politique étrangère et de sécurité
                        commune | retrait de l’UE | Royaume-Uni | session parlementaire | vaccination | épidémie
               Résumé The December 2020 plenary session focused on the agreement on EU finances for the coming years, as well as the
                        conclusions of the 10-11 December European Council meeting. Members debated future relations between the
                        European Union and the United Kingdom, and adopted first-reading positions on temporary contingency measures on
                        air and road connectivity, fisheries and aviation safety, to come into force should no agreement be reached with the UK
                        by the end of this year. Members also discussed the preparation of an EU strategy on Covid 19 vaccination, including
                        its external dimension, an EU Security Union strategy and a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality.
                        Members discussed the European Citizens' Initiative, Minority Safepack, seeking to protect minority languages and
                        cultures. Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
                        Josep Borell made statements on recent developments in the Eastern Partnership, on the situation in Mozambique and
                        on the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process and the Southern Neighbourhood.
                En bref EN

Plenary round-up – November II 2020
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 27-11-2020
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Budget | Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union | Espace de
                        liberté, de sécurité et de justice
                Mot-clé débat parlementaire | déclaration publique | haut représentant de l'Union pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de
                        sécurité | liberté d'expression | maladie à coronavirus | ordre du jour | Parlement européen | politique étrangère et de
                        sécurité commune | session parlementaire | violence sexuelle | élection européenne | épidémie
               Résumé During the second November 2020 plenary session, Parliament held a number of debates with Council and the
                        European Commission. Discussions concerned fundamental rights issues such as abortion rights in Poland, the new
                        LGBTIQ equality strategy, and Hungarian interference in the media in Slovenia and North Macedonia. In a debate with
                        Council and Commission, Members also discussed the forthcoming European Council meeting, on 10 11 December
                        2020. Debates with the Commission included discussion of a new consumer strategy and a pharmaceutical strategy
                        for Europe. Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
                        Josep Borell made statements on escalating tensions in Varosha, and on the fight against impunity for crimes
                        committed against journalists around the world, followed by a debate with Members. Members also voted, inter alia, on
                        representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers, on customs duties on certain
                        products, on tariff quotas with Northern Ireland, as well as on a number of own-initiative reports, including on industrial
                En bref EN

16-12-2021                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                             1
Plenary round-up – November I 2020
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 16-11-2020
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé accord de pêche | appellation d'origine | cadre financier pluriannuel | débat parlementaire | maladie à coronavirus |
                        ordre du jour | Parlement européen | programme de l'UE | pêche durable | session parlementaire | terrorisme |
               Résumé During the first November 2020 plenary session, the main debate followed Council and Commission statements on the
                        multiannual financial framework (including own resources), on a rule of law conditionality mechanism and the recovery
                        fund for Europe, subsequent to the agreements recently reached by Parliament's negotiators in trilogue negotiations.
                        Members also discussed the outcome of the United States presidential elections, and condemned recent terror attacks
                        following Council and Commission statements on fighting terrorism and the right to freedom of expression and
                        education. Members also held debates on access to Covid 19 vaccination and the impact of Covid 19 emergency
                        measures on democracy, fundamental rights and the rule of law.
                En bref EN

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 27-10-2020
                 Auteur KOLASSA Doris | MIKULKA MARTIN
      Domaine politique Questions financières et bancaires
                Mot-clé commission PE | comptabilité générale | condensation | contrat d'assurance | débat parlementaire | instrument
                        financier | système normalisé de comptabilité
               Résumé This briefing, prepared for a scrutiny session of the ECON Committee, provides background on the International
                        Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 17 Insurance Contracts which will have a major impact on the accounting of
                        insurance companies. IFRS 17 was issued by the IASB in 2017; the Parliament adopted a resolution on 3 October
                        2018. As some remaining issues were raised at EU level, the IASB has issued amendments to IFRS 17 on 25 June
                        2020. The next step for endorsement was the EFRAG's consultation on its draft endorsement advice of 30 September
                        2020 (closing on 29 January 2021). The scrutiny session feeds ECON's views into this process.
               Briefing EN

Plenary round-up – October II 2020
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 26-10-2020
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union | Environnement
                Mot-clé débat parlementaire | déboisement | décharge du budget | Fonds européen d'ajustement à la mondialisation |
                        intelligence artificielle | maladie à coronavirus | ordre du jour | Parlement européen | politique agricole commune |
                        politique étrangère et de sécurité commune | session parlementaire | épidémie
               Résumé During the second October 2020 plenary session – the first at which Members were able to speak remotely, and not
                        only vote, from the Member States – the European Commission presented its 2021 work programme, which Members
                        largely welcomed. Members also discussed the conclusions of the 15 16 October 2020 European Council meeting, EU
                        measures to mitigate the social and economic impact of Covid 19, police brutality within the EU, the sale of EU
                        passports and visas to criminals, the State of the Energy Union and aligning the Energy Charter Treaty with the
                        European Green Deal. Parliament announced that its 2020 Sakharov Prize will be awarded on 16 December to the
                        Belarusian opposition, in particular the Coordinating Council, for 'an initiative launched by courageous women'.
                En bref EN

16-12-2021                                    Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                        2
Plenary round-up – Brussels, October I 2020
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 09-10-2020
      Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé blanchiment d'argent | cadre financier pluriannuel | droit de l'individu | débat parlementaire | maladie à coronavirus |
                        monnaie virtuelle | ordre du jour | Parlement européen | politique étrangère et de sécurité commune | session
                        parlementaire | épidémie | État de droit
               Résumé During the first October 2020 plenary session in Brussels, Parliament held a debate on the rule of law and fundamental
                        rights in the context of introducing conditionality measures in the framework of the 2021 2027 multiannual financial
                        framework (MFF) and Next Generation EU. In parallel, Parliament's negotiating team on the next MFF announced a
                        pause in talks, due to concerns over the Council's lack of engagement on the key issue of top-ups for 15 flagship EU
                        programmes. Parliament also discussed the conclusions of the special European Council meeting of 1 2 October and
                        the preparations for the next regular European Council meeting, on 15 16 October 2020. Parliament approved the
                        allocation of new responsibilities to Executive Vice-President of the Commission Valdis Dombrovskis and approved the
                        appointment of Mairead McGuinness as member of the European Commission. Parliament also debated the role of the
                        European Supervisory Authorities in the Wirecard scandal, on the fight against money laundering, following the
                        FinCEN revelations, and on the impact of the Covid 19 outbreak on long-term care facilities. Parliament debated
                        statements from the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
                        Security Policy, Josep Borell, on the resumption of hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-
                        Karabakh conflict, on the EU diplomatic mission in Venezuela, and on the situation in Iran.
                En bref EN

Plenary round-up – Brussels, September 2020
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date 18-09-2020
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union | Développement et
                        aide humanitaire | Environnement
               Mot-clé Chine | débat parlementaire | maladie à coronavirus | minorité sexuelle | Parlement européen | politique étrangère et
                        de sécurité commune | pollution par les navires | relation interinstitutionnelle (UE) | ressources propres | transport
                        ferroviaire | épidémie | État de droit
              Résumé The September 2020 plenary session was the sixth conducted with Members participating remotely, using the
                        alternative voting procedure put in place in March by Parliament's Bureau, although a majority were again present in
                        Brussels. As well as the Commission President's traditional State of the Union address, Parliament held a joint debate
                        on the risk of breach of the rule of law and LGBTI-free zones in Poland. Parliament also debated European
                        Commission statements on the preparation of the special European Council focusing on Turkey's actions in the
                        eastern Mediterranean, on the consequences for the single market of EU coordination of sanitary measures in the
                        ongoing pandemic, on combatting sexual abuse and exploitation of children, and on the need for a humanitarian EU
                        response to the situation in the Moria refugee camp. Parliament also debated statements from the Vice-President of
                        the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borell, on the situation
                        in Belarus, in Lebanon and the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Parliament also voted on legislative proposals and
                        resolutions, including on arms exports, the Union Civil Protection Mechanism, the EU Association Agreement with
                        Georgia, protecting world forests, EU-African security cooperation in the Sahel, type approval of motor vehicles and
                        the importance of urban and green infrastructure.
               En bref EN

The State of the Union debate in the European Parliament, 2020
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 11-09-2020
                 Auteur MAŃKO Rafał
      Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | discours | débat parlementaire | fonctionnement institutionnel | Parlement européen |
                        président de la Commission
               Résumé The State of the Union address of 2020 will be delivered at a time when the coronavirus pandemic continues to create
                        challenges for the European Union and its Member States. At the same time, the the next multiannual financial
                        framework (MFF), the EU's long-term budget, is yet to be agreed. Unresolved challenges also include ensuring respect
                        for EU values (Article 2 TEU) in the Member States, addressing the threat of climate change, and ensuring Europe is fit
                        for the digital age. The tradition of EU State of the Union addresses, delivered by the President of the European
                        Commission before the European Parliament, dates back to 2010. The address takes stock of the achievements of the
                        past year and presents the priorities for the year ahead. The State of the Union speech constitutes an important
                        instrument for the European Commission's ex-ante accountability vis-à-vis Parliament. It is also aimed at rendering the
                        definition of priorities at EU level more transparent, and at communicating those priorities to citizens. It resembles
                        similar speeches in national democracies. The United States of America, for instance, has a long-standing tradition of
                        presidential State of the Union addresses, in which the President speaks in the Capitol to a joint session of Congress,
                        thus fulfilling his constitutional obligation. By contrast to the US Constitution, the EU Treaties do not prescribe the State
                        of the Union address, which was instigated with the 2010 Framework Agreement between Parliament and the
                        Commission. Former Commission Presidents José Manuel Barroso (2010 to 2013, marked mainly by the economic
                        and financial crisis) and President Jean Claude Juncker each gave four State of the Union speeches. In his 2015
                        address, Jean Claude Juncker presented new proposals on migration, external action, and economic and fiscal policy.
                        In 2016, he announced new initiatives to invest in Europe's young people, jobseekers and start-ups, to expand public
                        access to wifi, and make fairer copyright laws. In 2017, he proposed a roadmap for a more united, stronger and more
                        democratic union. In his final speech in 2018, he called for a more sovereign Europe that allows its nations to be global
                        players, setting out proposals on migration, cybersecurity and foreign policy. This briefing further updates an earlier
                        one, from September 2016, originally written by Eva-Maria Poptcheva.
               Briefing EN

16-12-2021                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                               3
The role of cohesion policy in tackling the socio-economic fallout from coronavirus
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 06-07-2020
                 Auteur MARGARAS Vasileios
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Développement régional
                Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | Chine | cohésion économique et sociale | conséquence économique | débat parlementaire
                        | Fonds structurels et d'investissement européens | impact social | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité |
                        Parlement européen | épidémie
               Résumé The Committee on Regional Development has tabled a question to the European Commission on the role of cohesion
                        policy in tackling the socio-economic fallout from Covid-19. The Commission is due to respond during a debate at
                        Parliament's July plenary session.
                En bref EN

Plenary round-up – Strasbourg, February 2020
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 14-02-2020
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé Banque centrale européenne | cadre financier pluriannuel | débat parlementaire | Frontex | Parlement européen |
                        petites et moyennes entreprises | Pologne | retrait de l’UE | Royaume-Uni | Viêt Nam | égalité homme-femme | États-
               Résumé Highlights of the February session included debates on a review of economic governance; the revised enlargement
                        methodology proposed by the Commission; a breach of Council Decision 2017/2074 concerning restrictive measures
                        in view of the situation in Venezuela; the current situation in Syria; on fighting against antisemitism, racism and hatred
                        across Europe; as well as on the ongoing threat to the rule of law in Poland. Members also adopted a resolution on the
                        illegal trade in companion animals. They debated the state of play in the EU's fight against money laundering (in light
                        of the Luanda Leaks); the humanitarian situation of refugees at EU external borders; and the coronavirus outbreak.
                        Members also voted on a resolution on EU priorities for the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of
                En bref EN

Future of Europe debates IV: Parliament hosts Heads of State or Government
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 12-04-2019
                 Auteur DRACHENBERG Ralf | KOTANIDIS Silvia
      Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | changement climatique | chef d'État | chef de gouvernement | commerce international |
                        droits sociaux | débat parlementaire | Parlement européen | politique de sécurité et de défense commune | politique
                        migratoire de l'UE | politique énergétique de l'UE | union économique et monétaire
               Résumé As the 2019 European elections approach, the 'Future of Europe debates' are coming to their natural conclusion. This
                        April II session is the last plenary session at which one of the Heads of State or Government will set out their vision of
                        the future path that Europe should follow. This initiative has been meant to provide the occasion to reflect deeply on
                        how to shape the future of the EU and its institutions, as a concrete contribution to the Sibiu Summit taking place on 9
                        May 2019. The series of debates started with the invitation of the President of the European Parliament, Antonio
                        Tajani, who announced at the European Council in October 2017 his intention to host debates during plenary sessions,
                        as a democratic and open forum in which Heads of State or Government would be invited to express their vision of the
                        future. Originally intended to run for the whole of 2018, the debates, which have to date featured the leaders of 19
                        Member States, continued into 2019, up to the 2019 European elections. This is the fourth edition of a Briefing
                        designed to provide an overview of the Future of Europe debates. As usual it takes stock of the views of the (four)
                        most recent participating leaders (Juha Sipilä, Giuseppe Conte, Peter Pellegrini, Stefan Löfven) on a number of key
                        policy areas such as economic and monetary union (EMU), the EU's social dimension, migration policy, security and
                        defence, the next multiannual financial framework (MFF), trade and climate change.
               Briefing EN

16-12-2021                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                            4
Future of Europe debates III: Parliament hosts Heads of State or Government
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 29-01-2019
                 Auteur DRACHENBERG Ralf | KOTANIDIS Silvia
      Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | changement climatique | chef d'État | chef de gouvernement | commerce international |
                        droits sociaux | débat parlementaire | Parlement européen | politique de sécurité et de défense commune | politique
                        migratoire de l'UE | politique énergétique de l'UE | union économique et monétaire
               Résumé As the 2019 European elections approach, deep reflections on how to shape the future of the EU are taking on greater
                        prominence. The 'Future of Europe' debates, an initiative of the European Parliament, aim to make a tangible
                        contribution to the broader discussion on how to reform EU policies and institutions. The series of debates started with
                        the invitation of the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, who announced at the European Council in
                        October 2017 the intention to host debates during plenary sessions, as a democratic and open forum in which Heads
                        of State or Government would be invited to express their vision of the future. Originally intended to run for the whole of
                        2018, the debates, which have to date featured the leaders of 15 Member States, will now run into 2019, approaching
                        the 2019 European elections. This is the third edition of a briefing designed to provide an overview of the Future of
                        Europe debates. As usual, it takes stock of the views of the (five) most recent participating leaders (Iohannis, Merkel,
                        Rasmussen, Anastasiades and Sánchez) on a number of key policy areas such as economic and monetary union
                        (EMU), the EU’s social dimension, migration policy, security and defence, the next multiannual financial framework
                        (MFF), trade and climate change.
               Briefing EN

Plenary round-up – Brussels, November II 2018
     Type de publication   En bref
                   Date    30-11-2018
                 Auteur    FERGUSON CLARE | SOCHACKA KATARZYNA
      Domaine politique    Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé Balkans occidentaux | coopération interinstitutionnelle (UE) | débat parlementaire | Kosovo | négociation d'adhésion |
                        ordre du jour | Organisation mondiale du commerce | Parlement européen | retrait de l’UE | Royaume-Uni | session
                        parlementaire | vote parlementaire
               Résumé The highlights of the November II plenary session were the debate on the future of Europe with the Prime Minister of
                        Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, and the discussion on the Council and Commission statements on UK withdrawal
                        from the European Union. Debates were held on a Commission statement on the single market package and the long-
                        term strategy for reducing EU greenhouse gas emissions. Members debated and adopted reports on five Western
                        Balkan countries, as well as a report on the way forward for the World Trade Organization (WTO). A number of
                        legislative reports were voted without debate, including on trade in goods that could be used for capital punishment,
                        torture or other cruel treatment or punishment, the temporary reintroduction of border controls at the internal borders,
                        and common rules for the operation of air services.
                En bref EN

The 2018 State of the Union debate in the European Parliament
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 07-09-2018
                 Auteur DOBREVA Alina
      Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé accord interinstitutionnel (UE) | cadre financier pluriannuel | discours | débat parlementaire | Parlement européen |
                        président de la Commission | situation de l'Union européenne
               Résumé European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s State of the Union address to the European Parliament, and
                        the subsequent debate, on 12 September 2018 is to be the last one during the current mandate. It comes in the
                        context of the ongoing reflection on the future path of the European Union, especially in view of the European elections
                        next May. The debate will therefore be an occasion to reflect on the legacy and achievements of this Commission, to
                        present the priorities until the end of the mandate and to follow up on the ongoing debate on the future path of the
                        European Union of 27. President Juncker’s speech is expected to be accompanied by a set of concrete initiatives and
                        proposals with the aim to deliver positive results for citizens by the time of the Sibiu summit in May 2019. This year’s
                        speech comes as the campaigns for the European elections start to take shape, but also in the period of intensive
                        debate on the Commission’s proposals for the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), which set out the
                        Commission’s vision of the EU financing of policies during that period. The State of the Union debate now forms part of
                        the process for the adoption of the annual Commission Work Programme and thus plays an important role in
                        identifying major political priorities to be agreed in interinstitutional dialogue. This briefing is an update of an earlier
                        one, of September 2017, by Eva-Maria Poptcheva.
               Briefing EN

16-12-2021                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                              5
Major sporting events versus human rights: Parliament's position on the 1978 FIFA World Cup in
Argentina and the 1980 Moscow Olympics
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 13-06-2018
                 Auteur SALM Christian
      Domaine politique Culture | Droits de l''homme
                Mot-clé Argentine | audition publique | droits de l'homme | débat parlementaire | histoire contemporaine | manifestation sportive
                        | Parlement européen | Russie | résolution PE | URSS | violence politique
               Résumé Major sports events and politics are closely intertwined. Well-known historical examples of major sporting events that
                        were used by regimes for political propaganda purposes are the 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina and the 1980
                        Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. The 1978 World Cup took place around two years after the Argentinian military
                        regime's right-wing coup and its violent repression of critics, and was then the most political World Cup in the history of
                        the International Federation of Association Football (Fédération Internationale de Football Association: FIFA). The
                        1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow were the first to take place in eastern Europe and the first to be held in a
                        socialist country. In addition, the 1980 Summer Olympic Games unleashed a hitherto, in the history of major sporting
                        events, unprecedented boycott by 60 countries, in protest against the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in
                        December 1979. The European Parliament's involvement in the debates on the political reaction to these two major
                        sporting events is a largely unknown aspect of the history of the 1978 World Cup and the 1980 Summer Olympic
                        Games. This Briefing will reconstruct these debates and the policy action that followed, based on new analysis of
                        sources held in the Parliament's Historical Archives, and demonstrates that the EP's leitmotiv was the violation of
                        human rights in both countries. Furthermore, the Briefing shows that these debates set the basis for the EP's current
                        policy action when it comes to major sports events in countries with a poor track record of human rights.
               Briefing EN

Plenary round-up – Strasbourg, December 2017
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date 15-12-2017
      Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
               Mot-clé commission PE | débat parlementaire | délit sexuel | Fonds européen pour les investissements stratégiques | Israël |
                        Kazakhstan | Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale | politique sociale européenne | politique étrangère et de
                        sécurité commune | protection de l'enfance | pêche durable | retrait de l’UE | Royaume-Uni | réduction des émissions
                        de gaz | élaboration du droit de l'UE
              Résumé The December session highlights were the pre-European Council debate, including on the state of play of 'Brexit'
                        negotiations, as well as the debate on foreign, security and defence policy, with a statement from Federica Mogherini
                        on PESCO. Members also debated US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and the PANA Committee of
                        Inquiry report. Parliament adopted, inter alia, the 'Omnibus' regulation for agriculture, extension of EFSI, and a
                        regulation on aviation emissions.
               En bref EN

Plenary round-up - Strasbourg, October I 2017
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 06-10-2017
                 Auteur SOCHACKA KATARZYNA
      Domaine politique Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé action publique | commission PE | coopération interinstitutionnelle (UE) | débat parlementaire | organisme de l'UE |
                        politique en matière de changement climatique | protection du consommateur | retrait de l’UE | Royaume-Uni | sécurité
                        maritime | transport de voyageurs | élaboration du droit de l'UE | État de droit
               Résumé The adoption of Parliament's resolution on the state of play of the Brexit negotiations was one of the main points of the
                        October I plenary session, as was a debate on the constitution, rule of law and fundamental rights in Spain. Other
                        subjects debated during the week included the cancellation of flights by Ryanair, the forthcoming COP23 climate
                        change conference in Bonn, the situation in Moldova and breaches of human rights in Africa, Ukraine and the
                        Maldives. As for legislative procedures, Members voted, inter alia, on proposals for three directives related to the
                        safety of passenger ships and on the incorporation of recommendations of the International Commission for the
                        Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) into EU law. Parliament also gave its consent to establishing the European
                        Public Prosecutor's Office, following a procedure introduced under enhanced cooperation between 20 Member States.
                        The Office is intended to cooperate closely with Eurojust in order to investigate and prosecute crimes against financial
                        interests of the Union. This 'at a glance' note is intended to review some of the highlights of the plenary part-session,
                        and notably to follow up on key dossiers identified by EPRS. It does not aim to be exhaustive. For more detailed
                        information on specific files, please see other EPRS products, notably our 'legislation in progress' briefings, as well as
                        the plenary minutes.
                En bref EN

16-12-2021                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                                6
Plenary round-up - Strasbourg, September 2017
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date  15-09-2017
                 Auteur  SOCHACKA KATARZYNA
      Domaine politique  Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clé  approfondissement de l'Union européenne | Birmanie/Myanmar | Chili | commerce des armes | commission PE |
                         compétence du PE | coopération interinstitutionnelle (UE) | débat parlementaire | facilités pour handicapés | fossé
                         numérique | lutte anti-incendie | président de la Commission | soins aux invalides | sécurité d'approvisionnement |
                         terrorisme | violence domestique | élaboration du droit de l'UE
                Résumé In addition to the State of the Union address by European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, the main
                         debates held during Parliament's September plenary session included questions such as fire safety in buildings, the
                         impact of hurricane Irma, breaches of human rights and a series of statements related to external relations presented
                         by the High Representative, Federica Mogherini. On the legislative front, Members voted, inter alia, on proposals
                         concerning the WIFI4EU regulation (an initiative to promote internet connectivity in local communities), security of gas
                         supply, the European Accessibility Act and the European Venture Capital Funds and European Social
                         Entrepreneurship Funds investment schemes. Parliament pushed the Council to move forward with ratifying the
                         Istanbul Convention on combating violence against women. It also raised concerns over the EU Common Position on
                         arms export, as well as adopting three resolutions aimed at modernising EU-Chile trade relations.
                 En bref EN

WORKSHOP: Energy poverty
     Type de publication Étude
                   Date 15-09-2017
         Auteur externe Saska Petrova, University of Manchester
                         Benjamin Greiner, Öko- Institut Berlin
                         Sergio Ugarte, SQ Consult B.V.
      Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Énergie
                 Mot-clé analyse comparative | bien-être social | débat parlementaire | parlementaire européen | pauvreté | politique
                         énergétique de l'UE | rendement énergétique | soutien économique | État membre UE
                Résumé This report summarises the presentations and discussions made during a workshop on ‘Energy Poverty’ organised on
                         9 November 2016 by Policy Department A for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). The invited
                         experts provided an academic perspective on energy poverty landscapes in the European Union and presented results
                         of two studies on energy poverty commissioned by the ITRE Committee. The presentations and proceedings of this
                         workshop should support the ITRE Members in their evaluation of the related legislative proposals in the “Clean
                         Energy for All Europeans” package.
                  Étude EN

The State of the Union debate in the European Parliament
     Type de publication
                 AuteurPOPTCHEVA Eva-Maria Alexandrova
      Domaine politiqueDroit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union
                Mot-clécommissaire européen | compétence institutionnelle (UE) | discours | débat parlementaire | procédure parlementaire |
                       président de la Commission | relation interinstitutionnelle (UE) | sensibilisation du public | situation de l'Union
                       européenne | situation politique | situation économique | élaboration du droit de l'UE
                Résumé The United States has a long-standing tradition of presidential State of the Union addresses, in which the President
                       speaks in the Capitol to a joint session of Congress, thus fulfilling his constitutional obligation. In contrast to the US
                       Constitution, the EU Treaties do not prescribe the EU State of the Union address given by the President of the
                       European Commission. Rather, that was instigated with the 2010 Framework agreement between the European
                       Parliament and the European Commission as part of the annual political and legislative programming of the Union.
                       Four State of the Union speeches were delivered by President José Manuel Barroso between 2010 and 2013 during
                       his second term as Commission President, marked mainly by the economic and financial crisis in the EU.

                           The State of the Union speech by the President of the European Commission constitutes an important instrument for
                           ex-ante accountability vis-à-vis Parliament but it is also aimed at rendering the definition of priorities at EU level more
                           transparent and at communicating those priorities to citizens.

                           The 2015 State of the Union speech by President Jean-Claude Juncker takes place in a decisive year for the
                           European Union, marked by the Greek debt crisis, the asylum and immigration crisis as well as international
                           geopolitical challenges. But the State of the Union debate is, for the first time, also set in the broader process of
                           political agenda-setting that started with the 2014 elections to the European Parliament and the nomination of the 'lead
                           candidates' for the Presidency of the Commission. The ensuing election of the President of the Commission by
                           Parliament and the parliamentary hearings of the Commissioners-designate, as well as the adoption of the 2015
                           Commission Work Programme, led to a politically intense year, changing the context in which Juncker's first State of
                           the Union address has now to be delivered.
                Briefing EN

16-12-2021                                        Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                                 7
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): The US Congress’s Positions
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 09-09-2014
                 Auteur BIERBRAUER Elfriede | TROSZCZYNSKA VAN GENDEREN Wanda
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Agriculture et développement rural | Commerce international | Droit de la propriété intellectuelle |
                        Droit des contrats, droit commercial et droit des sociétés | Environnement | Industrie | Législation de l''Union: système
                        et actes juridiques | Marché intérieur et union douanière | Politique sociale | Protection des consommateurs | Sécurité
                        des aliments | Énergie
                Mot-clé accord de libre-échange | accès au marché | appellation d'origine | contrat public | débat parlementaire | libération des
                        échanges | marché agricole de l'UE | négociation d'accord (UE) | politique énergétique | propriété intellectuelle | États-
               Résumé The US Congress is mandated by the US Constitution to exercise a regulatory and oversight role in international trade.
                        It also has a role to play in negotiating external trade agreements, exercising its oversight, legislative and advisory
                        functions. To date, the Congress has played an active role in the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and
                        Investment Partnership (TTIP), overseeing the negotiations, gathering the views of key stakeholders during hearings
                        and events it has organised, and flagging issues it considers politically important. While the US Congress has been
                        broadly supportive of the negotiations, there appears to be no political consensus at the moment on the key issues
                        under consideration, including the potential desirability and likely impact of the measures under discussion.
                        Contentious issues include agriculture, intellectual property rights, regulatory cooperation and the EU’s access to the
                        US public procurement and energy markets.
               Briefing EN

Iceland: enlargement talks on hold
     Type de publication   En bref
                   Date    09-01-2014
                 Auteur    CIRLIG Carmen-Cristina
      Domaine politique    Affaires étrangères
                Mot-clé aide de préadhésion | débat parlementaire | Espace économique européen | Islande | négociation d'adhésion |
                        parlement national | politique de la pêche | référendum
               Résumé In May 2013, Iceland's new coalition government put on hold the accession talks with the EU, opened in June 2010. It
                        dissolved the country's EU Negotiation Committee and announced that an assessment of the negotiations would be
                        submitted to the Parliament – the Althingi.
                En bref EN

16-12-2021                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE                                                            8
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