AMENDMENT - European Parliament
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European Parliament 2014-2019 Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2017/2131(INL) 17.5.2018 AMENDMENT 1 - 67 Draft report Judith Sargentini (PE620.837v01-00) on a proposal calling on the Council to determine, pursuant to Article 7(1) of the Treaty on European Union, the existence of a clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the values on which the Union is founded (2017/2131(INL)) AM\1153493XM.docx PE622.145v01-00 XM United in diversity XM
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Amendment 1 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 1 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to the to Articles 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 35, 41, 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Or. en Amendment 2 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 1 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), Or. en Amendment 3 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 1 c (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948, Or. en AM\1153493XM.docx 3/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Amendment 4 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 1 d (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in New York on 20 November 1989, Or. en Amendment 5 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 1 e (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), and to the Council Decisions(EU) 2017/865 and (EU) 2017/866 of 11 May 2017 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, Or. en Amendment 6 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 1 f (new) PE622.145v01-00 4/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to the signing of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) by Hungary on 14 March 2011, Or. en Amendment 7 Heinz K. Becker, Cecilia Wikström, Michał Boni, Juan Fernando López Aguilar Motion for a resolution Citation 4 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to its resolution of 29.May.2017 on combating anti-Semitism (2017 / 2692 (RSP)), Or. en Amendment 8 Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Citation 6 Motion for a resolution Amendment — having regard to its resolution of deleted 25 October 2016 with recommendations to the Commission on the establishment of an EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights7 , __________________ 7 Texts adopted, P8_TA(2016)0409. Or. en AM\1153493XM.docx 5/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Amendment 9 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 8 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to OLAF annual 2016 report, Or. en Amendment 10 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Citation 8 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment - having regard to FRA annual reports of 2016 and 2017, Or. en Amendment 11 Marie-Christine Vergiat Motion for a resolution Recital A Motion for a resolution Amendment A. considérant que l’Union est fondée A. considérant que l’Union est fondée sur les valeurs de respect de la dignité sur le respect du socle des valeurs définies humaine, de liberté, de démocratie, notamment par la Charte européenne des d’égalité, de l’état de droit, ainsi que de droits fondamentaux, la Convention respect des droits de l’homme, y compris européenne des droits de l'Homme1a, la des droits des personnes appartenant à des Charte sociale européenne, la Déclaration minorités, ainsi que l’indique l’article 2 du universelle des droits de l'Homme, et les traité sur l’Union européenne (traité UE), deux pactes de New-York affirmant le et que ces valeurs, qui sont communes aux respect de la dignité humaine, de liberté, de PE622.145v01-00 6/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
États membres, constituent la base des démocratie, d’égalité, de l’état de droit, droits dont jouissent les personnes qui ainsi que de respect des droits de vivent dans l’Union; l’Homme, y compris des droits des personnes appartenant à des minorités, ainsi que l’indique aussi l’article 2 du traité sur l’Union européenne (traité UE), qui sont communes aux États membres, constituent la base des droits dont jouissent les personnes qui vivent dans l’Union; __________________ 1a Amendement formel : remplacer "droits de l'homme" par "droits de l'Homme" dans tout le texte Or. fr Amendment 12 Louis Michel, Gérard Deprez, Nathalie Griesbeck, Sophia in 't Veld, Cecilia Wikström, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petr Ježek, Morten Helveg Petersen, Angelika Mlinar Motion for a resolution Recital A Motion for a resolution Amendment A. considérant que l’Union est fondée A. considérant que l’Union est fondée sur les valeurs de respect de la dignité sur les valeurs de respect de la dignité humaine, de liberté, de démocratie, humaine, de liberté, de démocratie, d’égalité, de l’état de droit, ainsi que de d’égalité, de l’état de droit, ainsi que de respect des droits de l’homme, y compris respect des droits de l’homme, y compris des droits des personnes appartenant à des des droits des personnes appartenant à des minorités, ainsi que l’indique l’article 2 du minorités, ainsi que l’indique l’article 2 du traité sur l’Union européenne (traité UE), traité sur l’Union européenne (traité UE), et que ces valeurs, qui sont communes aux et que ces valeurs, qui sont communes aux États membres, constituent la base des États membres et auxquelles tous les Etats droits dont jouissent les personnes qui membres ont librement souscrit, vivent dans l’Union; constituent la base des droits dont jouissent les personnes qui vivent dans l’Union; Or. fr Amendment 13 Louis Michel, Gérard Deprez, Nathalie Griesbeck, Sophia in 't Veld, Cecilia Wikström, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petr Ježek, Morten Helveg Petersen, Angelika Mlinar AM\1153493XM.docx 7/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Motion for a resolution Recital B Motion for a resolution Amendment B. considérant qu’un risque clair de B. considérant qu’un risque clair de violation grave par un État membre des violation grave par un État membre des valeurs consacrées à l’article 2 du traité UE valeurs consacrées à l’article 2 du traité UE ne concerne pas uniquement l’État membre ne concerne pas uniquement l’État membre dans lequel le risque se réalise, mais qu’il a dans lequel le risque se réalise, mais qu’il a une incidence sur la nature même de une incidence sur les autres Etats l’Union et sur les droits de ses citoyens; membres, sur la confiance mutuelle entre eux, sur la nature même de l’Union et sur les droits de ses citoyens; Or. fr Amendment 14 Marie-Christine Vergiat Motion for a resolution Recital B Motion for a resolution Amendment B. considérant qu’un risque clair de B. considérant qu’un risque clair de violation grave par un État membre des violation grave par un État membre des valeurs consacrées à l’article 2 du traité UE valeurs consacrées à l’article 2 du traité UE ne concerne pas uniquement l’État membre ne concerne pas uniquement l’État membre dans lequel le risque se réalise, mais qu’il a dans lequel le risque se réalise, mais qu’il a une incidence sur la nature même de une incidence sur la nature même de l’Union et sur les droits de ses citoyens; l’Union et sur les droits des citoyens et de tous ceux qui sont présents sur son territoire; Or. fr Amendment 15 Ana Gomes Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) PE622.145v01-00 8/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
Motion for a resolution Amendment B a. whereas the declining respect for fundamental freedoms in Hungary, since 2010, includes appropriations of state and of non-state media by the ruling Fidezs party and deliberate diffusion of hate and xenophobic propaganda , namely aimed at negatively influencing public opinion towards refugees, asylum seekers and migrants; includes also growing political interference in the independence of the judiciary and efforts to restrain non- governmental organisations' actions in Hungary, as well as the integrity of the constitutional system; and includes pervasive corruption, conflicts of interests and corruption-like practices linked to members of the government; whereas the situation in Hungary demands concerted action from the European Union, namely in the condemnation of these breaches of fundamental freedoms and citizens' rights, and corresponding sanctions suspending structural funds to Hungary while these breaches persist; Or. en Amendment 16 Louis Michel, Gérard Deprez, Nathalie Griesbeck, Sophia in 't Veld, Cecilia Wikström, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petr Ježek, Morten Helveg Petersen, Angelika Mlinar Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment B bis. considérant que l’article 7 par. 1 TUE constitue une phase préventive dotant l’Union de la capacité d’intervenir en cas de risque clair de violation grave des valeurs communes; que cette action préventive prévoit un dialogue avec l’État membre concerné et a pour objectif d’éviter d’éventuelles sanctions ; AM\1153493XM.docx 9/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Or. fr Amendment 17 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Recital C Motion for a resolution Amendment C. whereas the scope of Article 7 deleted TEU is not limited to the areas covered by Union law and whereas the Union can assess the existence of a clear risk of a serious breach of the common values in areas falling under Member States’ competences; Or. en Amendment 18 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment C a. whereas according to Article 5 (2) TEU, under the principle of conferral, the Union shall act only within the limits of the competences conferred upon it by the Member States in the Treaties to attain the objectives set out therein. Competences not conferred upon the Union in the Treaties remain with the Member States. Article 2 TEU does not confer any material competence upon the union, hence Article 7 TEU only applies to cases when Member States act within the limits of competences conferred on the Union in the treaties. ; Or. en PE622.145v01-00 10/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
Amendment 19 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment C b. whereas respect of the content of Article 2 TEU by Member States cannot be, under the Treaties, the subject-matter of an action by the institutions of the Union without the existence of a specific material competence; Or. en Amendment 20 Ana Gomes Motion for a resolution Recital D Motion for a resolution Amendment D. whereas despite repeated calls from D. whereas despite repeated calls from Parliament on the Hungarian authorities to Parliament on the Hungarian authorities to take the necessary measures to ensure that take the necessary measures to ensure that Union values are fully respected in Union values are fully respected in Hungary, the situation has not been Hungary, the situation has not been addressed and many concerns remain; addressed and many concerns remain; whereas the Hungarian authorities' disregard for fundamental freedoms, rule of law and liberal democratic values has led to a systemic threat to the rule of law and democracy, impacting the image and the overall cohesiveness of the Union, as well as its effectiveness and credibility in the defence of fundamental rights, human rights and democracy globally; Or. en AM\1153493XM.docx 11/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Amendment 21 Kinga Gál, Traian Ungureanu Motion for a resolution Recital D Motion for a resolution Amendment D. whereas despite repeated calls D. whereas Hungary has always been from Parliament on the Hungarian ready for dialogue at all levels to discuss authorities to take the necessary measures the legality of any specific measure and to ensure that Union values are fully respond to any concern; respected in Hungary, the situation has not been addressed and many concerns remain; Or. en Amendment 22 Heinz K. Becker, Cecilia Wikström, Juan Fernando López Aguilar Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 – point 11 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment (11 a) the need to consistently combat anti-Semitism and prosecute anti-Semitic statements and hateful statements against Jews Or. en Amendment 23 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 – point 12 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment (12 a) Protection of the acquired rights; Or. en PE622.145v01-00 12/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
Amendment 24 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 – point 12 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment (12 b) The functioning of the new electoral law; Or. en Amendment 25 Kinga Gál, Traian Ungureanu Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 Motion for a resolution Amendment 2. Believes that the facts and trends 2. Believes that the facts and trends mentioned in the Annex to this resolution mentioned in the Annex to this resolution taken together represent a systemic threat are specific policy issues, the majority of to democracy, the rule of law and which have either already been fundamental rights in Hungary and satisfactorily concluded or are currently constitute a clear risk of a serious breach of being discussed in the course of regular the values of Article 2 TEU; dialogues between Hungarian authorities and relevant EU or international bodies. These specific individual concerns are unrelated to the fulfilment of fundamental European values and the principles of rule of law and thus fall short of representing a systemic threat to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary and by no means constitute a clear risk of a serious breach of the values of Article 2 TEU; Or. en Amendment 26 Nadine Morano AM\1153493XM.docx 13/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 Motion for a resolution Amendment 2. estime que les faits et les tendances 2. estime que les faits et les tendances exposés dans l’annexe à la présente exposés dans l’annexe à la présente résolution représentent ensemble une résolution constituent un risque clair de menace systémique pour la démocratie, violation des valeurs inscrites à l’article 2 l’état de droit et les droits fondamentaux du traité UE; en Hongrie et constituent un risque clair de violation grave des valeurs inscrites à l’article 2 du traité UE; Or. fr Amendment 27 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 Motion for a resolution Amendment 2. Believes that the facts and trends 2. Believes that the facts and trends mentioned in the Annex to this resolution mentioned in the Annex to this resolution taken together represent a systemic threat taken together do not represent a systemic to democracy, the rule of law and threat to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary and fundamental rights in Hungary and do not constitute a clear risk of a serious breach of constitute a clear risk of a serious breach of the values of Article 2 TEU; the values of Article 2 TEU; Or. en Amendment 28 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 a. Notes the outcome of the parliamentary elections in Hungary, PE622.145v01-00 14/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
which took place on the 8th April 2018, which ensured the re-election of the previous ruling party - Fidesz, however highlights the fact that the new electoral law, introducing the system of single- member constituencies, was implemented in order to favour of the governing party. The new system is undermining the ability of candidates to compete on an equal basis. Or. en Amendment 29 Jörg Meuthen Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Motion for a resolution Amendment 3. übermittelt dem Rat aus diesem entfällt Grund und im Einklang mit Artikel 7 Absatz 1 EUV diesen begründeten Vorschlag und fordert ihn auf, festzustellen, dass die eindeutige Gefahr einer schwerwiegenden Verletzung der in Artikel 2 EUV genannten Werte durch Ungarn besteht, und diesbezüglich geeignete Empfehlungen an Ungarn zu richten; Or. de Amendment 30 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Motion for a resolution Amendment 3. Submits, therefore, in accordance 3. Submits, therefore, in accordance with Article 7(1) TEU, this reasoned with Article 7(1) TEU, this reasoned proposal to the Council, inviting the proposal to the Council, inviting the AM\1153493XM.docx 15/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Council to determine that there is a clear Council to determine that there is no clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the values referred to in Article 2 TEU and to values referred to in Article 2 TEU; address appropriate recommendations to Hungary in this regard; Or. en Amendment 31 Kinga Gál, Traian Ungureanu Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Motion for a resolution Amendment 3. Submits, therefore, in accordance 3. Submits, therefore, in accordance with Article 7(1) TEU, this reasoned with Article 7(1) TEU, this reasoned proposal to the Council, inviting the proposal to the Council, inviting the Council to determine that there is a clear Council to determine that there is no clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the values referred to in Article 2 TEU and to values referred to in Article 2 TEU; address appropriate recommendations to Hungary in this regard; Or. en Amendment 32 Nadine Morano Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Motion for a resolution Amendment 3. soumet par conséquent, 3. soumet par conséquent, conformément à l’article 7, paragraphe 1, conformément à l’article 7, paragraphe 1, du traité UE, la présente proposition du traité UE, la présente proposition motivée au Conseil, invitant le Conseil à motivée au Conseil, invitant le Conseil à constater qu’il existe un risque clair de constater qu’il existe un risque clair de violation grave, par la Hongrie, des valeurs violation, par la Hongrie, des valeurs visées à l’article 2 du traité UE et à visées à l’article 2 du traité UE et à adresser à la Hongrie des recommandations adresser à la Hongrie des recommandations appropriées à cet égard; appropriées à cet égard; PE622.145v01-00 16/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
Or. fr Amendment 33 Jörg Meuthen Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 Motion for a resolution Amendment 4. beauftragt seinen Präsidenten, diese 4. beauftragt seinen Präsidenten, diese Entschließung und den in der Anlage Entschließung und den in der Anlage enthaltenen begründeten Vorschlag für enthaltenen begründeten Vorschlag für einen Beschluss des Rates der Kommission einen Beschluss des Rates der Kommission und dem Rat sowie den Regierungen und und dem Rat sowie den Regierungen und Parlamenten der Mitgliedstaaten zu Parlamenten der Mitgliedstaaten nicht zu übermitteln. übermitteln. Or. de Amendment 34 Louis Michel, Gérard Deprez, Nathalie Griesbeck, Sophia in 't Veld, Cecilia Wikström, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petr Ježek, Morten Helveg Petersen, Angelika Mlinar Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 1 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment (1 bis) Selon l’article 49 du TUE, l’adhésion à l’Union requiert le respect ainsi que la promotion des valeurs visées à l’article 2. L’adhésion de la Hongrie était une démarche volontaire relevant de la souveraineté nationale et qui reflétait un large consensus sur tout le spectre politique hongrois. Or. fr Amendment 35 Kinga Gál, Traian Ungureanu AM\1153493XM.docx 17/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 3 Motion for a resolution Amendment (3) The European Parliament also deleted noted that the Hungarian authorities have repeatedly failed to take the actions recommended in its previous resolutions. Or. en Amendment 36 Louis Michel, Gérard Deprez, Nathalie Griesbeck, Sophia in 't Veld, Cecilia Wikström, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petr Ježek, Morten Helveg Petersen, Angelika Mlinar Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 4 Motion for a resolution Amendment (4) Dans sa résolution du 17 mai 2017 (4) Dans sa résolution du 17 mai 2017 sur la situation en Hongrie, le Parlement sur la situation en Hongrie, le Parlement européen a déclaré que la situation actuelle européen a déclaré que la situation actuelle en Hongrie représentait un risque clair de en Hongrie représentait un risque clair de violation grave des valeurs visées à violation grave des valeurs visées à l’article 2 du traité UE; l’article 2 du traité UE et qu'elle justifiait le lancement de la procédure prévue à l'article 7, paragraphe 1 du TUE; Or. fr Amendment 37 Louis Michel, Gérard Deprez, Nathalie Griesbeck, Sophia in 't Veld, Cecilia Wikström, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petr Ježek, Morten Helveg Petersen, Angelika Mlinar Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 5 Motion for a resolution Amendment (5) Toute une série d’acteurs à (5) Dans sa communication de 2003 l’échelon national, européen et sur l’article 7 du Traité sur l’Union international n’ont cessé de faire part de européenne 1 a, la Commission leur profonde préoccupation à l’égard de la européenne nomme les rapports des PE622.145v01-00 18/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
situation de la démocratie, de l’état de droit organisations internationales et des ONG et des droits fondamentaux en Hongrie, comme sources d’informations permettant dont les institutions et organes de l’Union, le suivi du respect des valeurs communes. le Conseil de l’Europe, l’Organisation La Commission cite à cet égard la pour la sécurité et la coopération en commission des droits de l’Homme des Europe (OSCE), les Nations unies ainsi Nations unies, le Commissaire aux droits que de nombreuses organisations de la de l’Homme du Conseil de l’Europe, société civile. l’OSCE ainsi que les ONG Amnesty International, Human Right Watch et la Fédération Internationale des Droits de l’Homme. Ces organes et ONG mais également les institutions et organes de l’Union figurent parmi les acteurs à l’échelon national, européen et international qui n’ont cessé de faire part de leur profonde préoccupation à l’égard de la situation de la démocratie, de l’état de droit et des droits fondamentaux en Hongrie. __________________ 1a COM(2003) 606 Or. fr Amendment 38 Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 5 Motion for a resolution Amendment (5) A wide range of actors at the (5) A wide range of actors at the national, European and international level, national, European and international level, have repeatedly expressed their deep have repeatedly expressed their deep concerns about the situation of democracy, concerns about the situation of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary, including the institutions and Hungary, the Council of Europe, the bodies of the Union, the Council of Organisation for Security and Co-operation Europe, the Organisation for Security and in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the (UN), as well as numerous civil society United Nations (UN), as well as numerous organisations, but these are to be civil society organisations. considered legally non-binding opinions, since only the Court of Justice of the European Union may interpret the provisions of the Treaties. AM\1153493XM.docx 19/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Or. en Amendment 39 Nadine Morano Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 5 Motion for a resolution Amendment (5) Toute une série d’acteurs à (5) Toute une série d’acteurs à l’échelon national, européen et l’échelon national, européen et international n’ont cessé de faire part de international ont fait part de leur profonde leur profonde préoccupation à l’égard de la préoccupation à l’égard de la situation de la situation de la démocratie, de l’état de droit démocratie, de l’état de droit et des droits et des droits fondamentaux en Hongrie, fondamentaux en Hongrie, dont les dont les institutions et organes de l’Union, institutions et organes de l’Union, le le Conseil de l’Europe, l’Organisation pour Conseil de l’Europe, l’Organisation pour la la sécurité et la coopération en Europe sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE), les Nations unies ainsi que de (OSCE), les Nations unies ainsi que de nombreuses organisations de la société nombreuses organisations de la société civile. civile. Or. fr Amendment 40 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 6 Motion for a resolution Amendment (6) Since its adoption and entry into deleted force in January 2012, the Constitution of Hungary (the “Fundamental Law”) has been amended six times. The Venice Commission expressed its concerns regarding the constitution-making process in Hungary on several occasions, both as regards the Fundamental Law and amendments thereto. The criticism focused on the lack of transparency of the process, the inadequate involvement of civil society, the absence of sincere PE622.145v01-00 20/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
consultation, the endangerment of the separation of powers and the weakening of the national system of checks and balances. Or. en Amendment 41 Josef Weidenholzer, Christine Revault d'Allonnes Bonnefoy, Péter Niedermüller, Tanja Fajon, Dietmar Köster, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Monika Beňová, Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, Sylvie Guillaume Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 6 Motion for a resolution Amendment (6) Since its adoption and entry into (6) Since its adoption and entry into force in January 2012, the Constitution of force in January 2012, the Constitution of Hungary (the “Fundamental Law”) has Hungary (the “Fundamental Law”) has been amended six times. The Venice been amended six times - having regard to Commission expressed its concerns the Fundamental Law of Hungary, regarding the constitution-making process adopted on 18 April 2011 by the National in Hungary on several occasions, both as Assembly of the Hungarian Republic, regards the Fundamental Law and which entered into force on 1 January amendments thereto. The criticism focused 2012 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the on the lack of transparency of the process, Fundamental Law’), the Transitional the inadequate involvement of civil Provisions of the Fundamental Law of society, the absence of sincere Hungary, adopted on 30 December 2011 consultation, the endangerment of the by the National Assembly, which also separation of powers and the weakening of entered into force on 1 January 2012 the national system of checks and balances. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Transitional Provisions’), the First Amendment to the Fundamental Law, tabled by the Minister for National Economy on 17 April 2012 and adopted by the Hungarian Parliament on 4 June 2012, establishing that the Transitional Provisions are part of the Fundamental Law, to the Second Amendment to the Fundamental Law, tabled on 18 September 2012 in the form of an individual member's bill and adopted by the Hungarian Parliament on 29 October 2012, introducing the requirement of voter registration into the Transitional Provisions, the Third Amendment to the AM\1153493XM.docx 21/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Fundamental Law, tabled on 7December 2012, adopted by the Hungarian Parliament on 21 December 2012 and establishing that the limits and conditions for acquisition of ownership and for use of arable land and forests and the rules concerning the organisation of integrated agricultural production are to be laid down by cardinal law, the Fourth Amendment of the Fundamental Law, tabled on 8 February 2013 in the form of an individual member's bill and adopted by the Hungarian Parliament on 11 March 2013, which, among other provisions, integrates into the text of the Fundamental Law the Transitional Provisions (with some exceptions including the provision requiring voter registration) annulled by the Constitutional Court of Hungary on 28 December 2012 on procedural grounds (Decision No 45/2012), and remaining provisions of a genuinely transitional nature in this document. The Venice Commission expressed its concerns regarding the constitution-making process in Hungary on several occasions, both as regards the Fundamental Law and amendments thereto. The criticism focused on the lack of transparency of the process, the inadequate involvement of civil society, the absence of sincere consultation, the endangerment of the separation of powers and the weakening of the national system of checks and balances. Or. en Amendment 42 Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 6 Motion for a resolution Amendment (6) Since its adoption and entry into (6) Since its adoption and entry into PE622.145v01-00 22/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
force in January 2012, the Constitution of force in January 2012, the Constitution of Hungary (the “Fundamental Law”) has Hungary (the “Fundamental Law”) has been amended six times. The Venice been amended six times, predominantly Commission expressed its concerns following the suggestions of the Venice regarding the constitution-making process Commission and the European in Hungary on several occasions, both as Commission.. The Venice Commission regards the Fundamental Law and expressed its concerns regarding the amendments thereto. The criticism focused constitution-making process in Hungary on on the lack of transparency of the process, several occasions, both as regards the the inadequate involvement of civil Fundamental Law and amendments society, the absence of sincere thereto. The Venice Commission consultation, the endangerment of the welcomed in its opinion that the separation of powers and the weakening of Fundamental Law establishes a the national system of checks and balances. constitutional order based on democracy, the rule of law and the protection of fundamental rights as underlying principles, as well as acknowledged the efforts to establish a constitutional order in line with the common European democratic values and standards, and to regulate fundamental rights and freedoms in compliance with binding international instruments, including the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The criticism focused on the lack of transparency of the process, the inadequate involvement of civil society, the absence of sincere consultation, the endangerment of the separation of powers and the weakening of the national system of checks and balances, despite the fact that an ad hoc parliamentary committee of 45 members, representing all parliamentary parties was established for the necessary political debate concerning the Fundamental Law, and a national consultative body was also set up in January 2011, followed by a large scale public survey on the draft based on a questionnaire of 12 questions. Furthermore, several public debates were organized on the values and aims of the Fundamental Law, with the involvement of universities, churches and the civil society, as a result of which almost a million citizens expressed their opinion on the draft constitution. AM\1153493XM.docx 23/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Or. en Amendment 43 Nadine Morano Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 6 Motion for a resolution Amendment (6) Depuis son adoption et son entrée (6) Depuis son adoption et son entrée en vigueur en janvier 2012, la Constitution en vigueur en janvier 2012, la Constitution hongroise (dénommée «Loi hongroise (dénommée «Loi fondamentale») a été modifiée à six fondamentale») a été modifiée à six reprises. La Commission de Venise a fait reprises, ce qui relève pleinement de la part à plusieurs reprises de ses souveraineté de la Hongrie. La préoccupations à l’égard du processus Commission de Venise a fait part à constituant en Hongrie, tant en ce qui plusieurs reprises de ses préoccupations à concerne la Loi fondamentale que les l’égard du processus constituant en modifications qui y ont été apportées. Ses Hongrie, tant en ce qui concerne la Loi critiques portaient sur le manque de fondamentale que les modifications qui y transparence du processus, le fait que la ont été apportées. Ses critiques portaient société civile y ait été insuffisamment sur le manque de transparence du associée, l’absence de consultation sincère, processus, le fait que la société civile y ait la mise en danger de la séparation des été insuffisamment associée, l’absence de pouvoirs et l’affaiblissement du système consultation sincère, la mise en danger de national de contre-pouvoirs. la séparation des pouvoirs et l’affaiblissement du système national de contre-pouvoirs. Or. fr Amendment 44 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 7 Motion for a resolution Amendment (7) The competences of the deleted Hungarian Constitutional Court were restricted as a result of the constitutional reform, including with regard to budgetary matters, the abolition of the PE622.145v01-00 24/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
actio popularis, the possibility for the Court to refer to its case law prior to 1 January 2012 and the limitation on the Court’s ability to review the constitutionality of any changes to the Fundamental Law apart from those of a procedural nature only. The Venice Commission expressed serious concerns about those limitations and about the procedure for the appointment of judges, and made recommendations to the Hungarian authorities to ensure the necessary checks and balances in its Opinion on Act CLI of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary adopted on 19 June 2012 and in its Opinion on the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary adopted on 17 June 2013. Or. en Amendment 45 Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 7 Motion for a resolution Amendment (7) The competences of the Hungarian (7) The competences of the Hungarian Constitutional Court were restricted as a Constitutional Court were preserved and result of the constitutional reform, broadened as a result of the constitutional including with regard to budgetary reform, especially in terms of the scope of matters, the abolition of the actio the right to initiate ex ante legality review popularis, the possibility for the Court to of legislative drafts and by reinforcing its refer to its case law prior to 1 January competence and gaining practical 2012 and the limitation on the Court’s competences for ex post legality review. ability to review the constitutionality of The abolition of the actio popularis was any changes to the Fundamental Law explicitly requested by the Constitutional apart from those of a procedural nature Court of Hungary itself and limitations only. The Venice Commission expressed regarding the review of constitutional serious concerns about those limitations amendments is also in line with the and about the procedure for the position of the Constitutional Court which appointment of judges, and made explicitly confirmed in its case-law that recommendations to the Hungarian the Court had no competence to review authorities to ensure the necessary checks the substance of such amendments, as it is AM\1153493XM.docx 25/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
and balances in its Opinion on Act CLI of itself subordinate to the constitution and 2011 on the Constitutional Court of cannot review the constitution. In its Hungary adopted on 19 June 2012 and in Opinions the Venice Commission also its Opinion on the Fourth Amendment to identified a number of positive elements the Fundamental Law of Hungary of the reforms, such as provisions on adopted on 17 June 2013. budgetary guarantees, the fact that the Hungarian authorities have taken up the Commission’s suggestion to rule out the re-election of Constitutional Court Judges; it appreciated that the Act provides for a time limit for the appointment of new judges in order to ensure continuity, functional immunity of the judges, as well as that there is a provision on the extension of the mandate of the incumbent member in case the Parliament fails to elect a new member to the Constitutional Court within the time- limit. Rules on the ex post review of legal acts were warmly welcomed by the Venice Commission. Provisions on access to the Constitutional Court out of time in exceptional circumstances were also considered as positive elements. Although no statutory changes were made following the opinion of the Venice Commission on the possibility for the Constitutional Court to refer back to its case law, the Hungarian Constitutional Court, in a decision taken in 2013, stated that it was possible to refer back to the substance of its case law created under the former constitution and has indeed done so in a number of its recent decisions. Or. en Amendment 46 Lívia Járóka Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 7 Motion for a resolution Amendment (7) The competences of the (7) The Venice Commission expressed Hungarian Constitutional Court were serious concerns about the procedure for PE622.145v01-00 26/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
restricted as a result of the constitutional the appointment of judges, and made reform, including with regard to recommendations to the Hungarian budgetary matters, the abolition of the authorities to ensure the necessary checks actio popularis, the possibility for the and balances in its Opinion on Act CLI of Court to refer to its case law prior to 1 2011 on the Constitutional Court of January 2012 and the limitation on the Hungary adopted on 19 June 2012 and in Court’s ability to review the its Opinion on the Fourth Amendment to constitutionality of any changes to the the Fundamental Law of Hungary adopted Fundamental Law apart from those of a on 17 June 2013, whereas the new rules procedural nature only. The Venice on the composition of the Constitutional Commission expressed serious concerns Court (election based on qualified about those limitations and about the majority and high level professional procedure for the appointment of judges, requirements) are high level guarantees and made recommendations to the of the independence of judges, as it does Hungarian authorities to ensure the the reduction of the length of appointment necessary checks and balances in its from 12 to 9 years and the exclusion of Opinion on Act CLI of 2011 on the their reappointment. Constitutional Court of Hungary adopted on 19 June 2012 and in its Opinion on the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary adopted on 17 June 2013. Or. en Amendment 47 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 8 Motion for a resolution Amendment (8) In the concluding observations of deleted 5 April 2018, the UN Human Rights Committee expressed concerns that the current constitutional complaint procedure affords more limited access to the Constitutional Court, does not provide for a time limit for the exercise of constitutional review and does not have a suspensive effect on challenged legislation. It also mentioned that the provisions of the new Constitutional Court Act weaken the security of tenure of judges and increase the influence of the government over the composition and operation of the Constitutional Court by AM\1153493XM.docx 27/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
changing the judicial appointments procedure, the number of judges in the Court and their retirement age. The Committee was also concerned about the limitation of the Constitutional Court’s competence and powers to review legislation impinging on budgetary matters. Or. en Amendment 48 Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 8 Motion for a resolution Amendment (8) In the concluding observations of 5 (8) In the concluding observations of 5 April 2018, the UN Human Rights April 2018, the UN Human Rights Committee expressed concerns that the Committee expressed concerns that the current constitutional complaint procedure current constitutional complaint procedure affords more limited access to the affords more limited access to the Constitutional Court, does not provide for a Constitutional Court, does not provide for a time limit for the exercise of constitutional time limit for the exercise of constitutional review and does not have a suspensive review and does not have a suspensive effect on challenged legislation. It also effect on challenged legislation. In reality mentioned that the provisions of the new however, following the abolishment of the Constitutional Court Act weaken the actio popularis in line with the explicit security of tenure of judges and increase request of Constitutional Court of the influence of the government over the Hungary, the introduction of a truly composition and operation of the effective constitutional complaint has Constitutional Court by changing the considerably increased the competences judicial appointments procedure, the of the Constitutional Court, since it can number of judges in the Court and their exercise constitutional control over the retirement age. The Committee was also whole of the judiciary and is able to annul concerned about the limitation of the any court judgment in the case of its Constitutional Court’s competence and unconstitutionality. powers to review legislation impinging on budgetary matters. Or. en PE622.145v01-00 28/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
Amendment 49 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 9 Motion for a resolution Amendment (9) In its statement adopted on 9 April deleted 2018, the limited election observation mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights concluded that the 2018 parliamentary elections were characterised by a pervasive overlap between state and ruling party resources, undermining the ability of candidates to compete on an equal basis. Voters had a wide range of political options but intimidating and xenophobic rhetoric, media bias and opaque campaign financing constricted the space for genuine political debate, hindering the ability of voters to make a fully informed choice. It also expressed concerns about the delineation of single-member constituencies. Similar concerns were expressed in the Joint Opinion of 18 June 2012 on the Act on the Elections of Members of Parliament of Hungary adopted by the Venice Commission and the Council for Democratic Elections. Or. en Amendment 50 Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 9 Motion for a resolution Amendment (9) In its statement adopted on 9 April (9) In its statement adopted on 9 April 2018, the limited election observation 2018, the limited election observation mission of the OSCE Office for mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Democratic Institutions and Human Rights AM\1153493XM.docx 29/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
concluded that the 2018 parliamentary stated that the 2018 parliamentary elections elections were characterised by a pervasive were characterised by a pervasive overlap overlap between state and ruling party between state and ruling party resources, resources, undermining the ability of undermining the ability of candidates to candidates to compete on an equal basis. compete on an equal basis. Voters had a Voters had a wide range of political wide range of political options but options but intimidating and xenophobic intimidating and xenophobic rhetoric, rhetoric, media bias and opaque campaign media bias and opaque campaign financing financing constricted the space for genuine constricted the space for genuine political political debate, hindering the ability of debate, hindering the ability of voters to voters to make a fully informed choice. It make a fully informed choice. However, also expressed concerns about the on the other hand, the preliminary delineation of single-member findings and conclusions of the OSCE constituencies. Similar concerns were also noted within the context of the 2018 expressed in the Joint Opinion of 18 June Hungarian parliamentary elections that 2012 on the Act on the Elections of fundamental rights and freedoms were Members of Parliament of Hungary respected overall, the campaign was adopted by the Venice Commission and the animated, media coverage was extensive, Council for Democratic Elections. voters had a wide range of political options, the public broadcaster fulfilled its mandate to provide free airtime to contestants, online media provided a platform for pluralistic, issue-oriented political debate. The OSCE also added that the electoral legal framework formed an adequate basis for democratic elections, the right to seek an effective remedy for electoral violations was inclusive and generally respected, and the election administration fulfilled its mandate in a professional and transparent manner and enjoyed overall confidence among stakeholders. It also expressed concerns about the delineation of single-member constituencies. The Joint Opinion of 18 June 2012 on the Act on the Elections of Members of Parliament of Hungary adopted by the Venice Commission and the Council for Democratic Elections identified the delineation of single-member constituencies as positive change, in line with international standards and good practice that as required by the Constitutional Court, electoral constituencies are less unequal than previously, when the differences violated the constitutional principles. It was considered as an element that might PE622.145v01-00 30/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
improve the administration of elections. Or. en Amendment 51 Barbara Kudrycka, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 9 Motion for a resolution Amendment (9) In its statement adopted on 9 April (9) In 2011, Fidesz politician János 2018, the limited election observation Lázár, has proposed a redesign to mission of the OSCE Office for Hungarian voting districts; considering Democratic Institutions and Human Rights the territorial results of previous elections, concluded that the 2018 parliamentary this redesign is favouring the right-wing elections were characterised by a pervasive politicians according to the opposition. overlap between state and ruling party Since then, the law has been passed by the resources, undermining the ability of Fidesz-majority Parliament. Formerly it candidates to compete on an equal basis. took twice as many votes to gain a seat in Voters had a wide range of political some election districts as in some others. options but intimidating and xenophobic Gerrymandering is a practice intended to rhetoric, media bias and opaque campaign establish a political advantage for a financing constricted the space for genuine particular party or group by manipulating political debate, hindering the ability of district boundaries. In its statement voters to make a fully informed choice. It adopted on 9 April 2018, the limited also expressed concerns about the election observation mission of the OSCE delineation of single-member Office for Democratic Institutions and constituencies. Similar concerns were Human Rights concluded that the 2018 expressed in the Joint Opinion of 18 June parliamentary elections were characterised 2012 on the Act on the Elections of by a pervasive overlap between state and Members of Parliament of Hungary ruling party resources, undermining the adopted by the Venice Commission and the ability of candidates to compete on an Council for Democratic Elections. equal basis. Voters had a wide range of political options but intimidating and xenophobic rhetoric, media bias and opaque campaign financing constricted the space for genuine political debate, hindering the ability of voters to make a fully informed choice. It also expressed concerns about the delineation of single- member constituencies. Similar concerns were expressed in the Joint Opinion of 18 June 2012 on the Act on the Elections of Members of Parliament of Hungary adopted by the Venice Commission and the AM\1153493XM.docx 31/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
Council for Democratic Elections. Or. en Amendment 52 Lívia Járóka Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 9 Motion for a resolution Amendment (9) In its statement adopted on 9 April (9) In its statement adopted on 9 April 2018, the limited election observation 2018, the limited election observation mission of the OSCE Office for mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Democratic Institutions and Human Rights concluded that the 2018 parliamentary expressed concerns about the delineation of elections were characterised by a single-member constituencies. Similar pervasive overlap between state and ruling concerns were expressed in the Joint party resources, undermining the ability Opinion of 18 June 2012 on the Act on the of candidates to compete on an equal Elections of Members of Parliament of basis. Voters had a wide range of political Hungary adopted by the Venice options but intimidating and xenophobic Commission and the Council for rhetoric, media bias and opaque Democratic Elections, whereas the campaign financing constricted the space electoral districts in Hungary are defined for genuine political debate, hindering the with a view to the full application of the ability of voters to make a fully informed principle of proportionality, as also choice. It also expressed concerns about acknowledged by the decision of the the delineation of single-member Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of constituencies. Similar concerns were Europe. expressed in the Joint Opinion of 18 June 2012 on the Act on the Elections of Members of Parliament of Hungary adopted by the Venice Commission and the Council for Democratic Elections. Or. en Amendment 53 Nadine Morano Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 9 PE622.145v01-00 32/43 AM\1153493XM.docx XM
Motion for a resolution Amendment (9) Dans sa déclaration adoptée le 9 (9) Dans sa déclaration adoptée le 9 avril 2018, la mission d’observation avril 2018, la mission d’observation électorale limitée du Bureau des électorale limitée du Bureau des institutions démocratiques et des droits de institutions démocratiques et des droits de l’homme de l’OSCE a conclu que les l’homme de l’OSCE a conclu que les élections législatives de 2018 avaient été élections législatives de 2018 avaient été marquées par une confusion généralisée marquées par une confusion généralisée entre les ressources de l’État et celles du entre les ressources de l’État et celles du parti au pouvoir, empêchant les candidats parti au pouvoir, empêchant les candidats de se présenter aux élections sur un pied de se présenter aux élections sur un pied d’égalité. Les électeurs disposaient certes d’égalité. Les électeurs disposaient d’un d’un large éventail d’options politiques, large éventail d’options politiques, mais les mais les intimidations, les propos intimidations, les propos xénophobes, le xénophobes, le manque d’objectivité des manque d’objectivité des médias et médias et l’opacité du financement de la l’opacité du financement de la campagne campagne ont limité les possibilités de ont restreint le champ du débat politique. débat politique véritable et empêché les La mission d’observation électorale s’est électeurs de faire leur choix en toute également dite préoccupée par la connaissance de cause. La mission délimitation des circonscriptions d’observation électorale s’est également uninominales. Des préoccupations dite préoccupée par la délimitation des semblables avaient été exprimées dans circonscriptions uninominales. Des l’avis conjoint du 18 juin 2012 relatif à la préoccupations semblables avaient été loi sur les élections des membres du exprimées dans l’avis conjoint du 18 juin Parlement de Hongrie adopté par la 2012 relatif à la loi sur les élections des Commission de Venise et le Conseil des membres du Parlement de Hongrie adopté élections démocratiques. par la Commission de Venise et le Conseil des élections démocratiques. Or. fr Amendment 54 József Szájer, Lívia Járóka, Kinga Gál Motion for a resolution Annex I – point 10 Motion for a resolution Amendment (10) In recent years the Hungarian deleted Government has extensively used national consultations. On 27 April 2017, the Commission pointed out that the national consultation “Let’s stop Brussels” AM\1153493XM.docx 33/43 PE622.145v01-00 XM
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