Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Parliament

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Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Parliament
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

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                          Mot-clé "manifestation sportive"

                      16 Résultat(s) trouvé(s)

                   Date de création : 11-07-2022
The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar: Turning the spotlight on workers’ rights
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 16-12-2021
                 Auteur IMMENKAMP Beatrix
      Domaine politique Droits de l''homme
                Mot-clé condition de travail | droit du travail | droits de l'homme | esclavage | manifestation sportive | Organisation
                        internationale du travail | organisation sportive | parrainage | Qatar | salaire minimal | travailleur migrant
               Résumé Enormous natural gas resources have turned Qatar into one of the world's richest countries. The 11 610 km2 nation
                        currently has the fourth highest GDP per capita in the world. The absolute monarchy's estimated 340 000-350 000
                        citizens benefit from free education, free healthcare, virtually guaranteed – and well paid – employment, and pay
                        almost no taxes. However, the great majority of the emirate’s nearly 3 million inhabitants live in very different
                        conditions. Qatar has the highest ratio of migrants in the world: 85 % of its population are migrants and 94 % of its
                        workforce comes from abroad, mostly from south Asia and Africa. In contrast to the small percentage of expatriates
                        from the West and other Gulf States, Asian and African migrants live and work in harsh conditions. Around 1 million
                        are employed in construction, and 100 000 are domestic workers. In December 2010, FIFA, world football's governing
                        body, granted Qatar the right to host the 2022 World Cup, which is scheduled to take place from 21 November to 18
                        December. Expanding on an existing development programme enshrined in the Qatar National Vision 2030, the
                        country embarked on an extensive building programme to prepare for the World Cup, involving an estimated 1 million
                        migrant workers. However, these preparations placed the spotlight on Qatar’s poor treatment of migrant workers. In
                        response to international pressure, Qatar has introduced important legal changes to improve the situation of these
                        workers, which the EU has welcomed. However, according to human rights organisations, the country needs to take
                        further steps to stop abuses. Of particular concern is the kafala sponsorship system, which is widely used throughout
                        the six Gulf Cooperation Council States and gives disproportionate power to employers, leading to widespread abuse
                        of migrant workers’ rights. Even though Qatar has started to dismantle the kafala system, important elements remain in
                        place. Moreover, ensuring compliance with more favourable labour laws remains a challenge. Since 2008, the
                        European Parliament has adopted four resolutions addressing the situation of migrant workers in Qatar; it has called
                        on Qatar to end the 'deplorable situation' of migrant workers and prevent preparations for the 2022 World Cup from
                        being 'overshadowed by allegations of forced labour'.
               Briefing EN

Challenges facing sports event organisers in the digital environment
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 17-12-2020
                 Auteur PANELLA Lauro
      Domaine politique Culture | Droit de la propriété intellectuelle | Droit des contrats, droit commercial et droit des sociétés | Législation de
                        l''Union: système et actes juridiques | Protection des consommateurs | Valeur ajoutée européenne
                Mot-clé conséquence économique | Internet | lutte contre le crime | manifestation sportive | piratage audiovisuel | production
                        audiovisuelle | propriété intellectuelle
               Résumé Piracy of online broadcast of sports events is a problem in the EU. No action at EU level in this field would lead to
                        additional burdens on economic operators and would hamper completion of the Digital Single Market. This European
                        Added Value Assessment (EAVA) looks at the existing EU legislation and checks if it provides sports events
                        organizers and their licensees with an adequate level of protection against this risk. It also presents potential EU level
                        action that could help solve the problem and estimates economic benefits of addressing the problem.
                 Étude EN

Gender equality in sports: (slowly) changing the game
     Type de publication   En bref
                   Date    27-02-2020
                 Auteur    KATSAROVA Ivana
      Domaine politique    Culture | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité
                Mot-clé    condition féminine | discrimination sexuelle | manifestation sportive | sport professionnel | égalité homme-femme
               Résumé      Even though women's presence and involvement in the Olympic Movement have progressively evolved, girls and
                           women across the world still get fewer opportunities and less investment, training and corporate attention when they
                           play sport. Today, there is still ample room for improvement when it comes to women's participation in sports
                           governance structures.
                En bref EN
             Multimédia Gender equality in sports: (slowly) changing the game

Preventing violence at football matches
     Type de publication   En bref
                   Date    05-09-2019
                 Auteur    KATSAROVA Ivana
      Domaine politique    Culture | Éducation
                Mot-clé    houliganisme | lutte contre le crime | manifestation sportive | sport professionnel
               Résumé      Did you know that 120 million people attended more than 16 000 football matches across Europe in 2016, with
                           incidents taking place in 93% of them? Check out our infographic for more interesting facts.
                En bref EN

11-07-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                                1
Major sporting events versus human rights: Parliament's position on the 1978 FIFA World Cup in
Argentina and the 1980 Moscow Olympics
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  13-06-2018
                 Auteur  SALM Christian
      Domaine politique  Culture | Droits de l''homme
                Mot-clé  Argentine | audition publique | droits de l'homme | débat parlementaire | histoire contemporaine | manifestation sportive
                         | Parlement européen | Russie | résolution PE | URSS | violence politique
                Résumé Major sports events and politics are closely intertwined. Well-known historical examples of major sporting events that
                         were used by regimes for political propaganda purposes are the 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina and the 1980
                         Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. The 1978 World Cup took place around two years after the Argentinian military
                         regime's right-wing coup and its violent repression of critics, and was then the most political World Cup in the history of
                         the International Federation of Association Football (Fédération Internationale de Football Association: FIFA). The
                         1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow were the first to take place in eastern Europe and the first to be held in a
                         socialist country. In addition, the 1980 Summer Olympic Games unleashed a hitherto, in the history of major sporting
                         events, unprecedented boycott by 60 countries, in protest against the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in
                         December 1979. The European Parliament's involvement in the debates on the political reaction to these two major
                         sporting events is a largely unknown aspect of the history of the 1978 World Cup and the 1980 Summer Olympic
                         Games. This Briefing will reconstruct these debates and the policy action that followed, based on new analysis of
                         sources held in the Parliament's Historical Archives, and demonstrates that the EP's leitmotiv was the violation of
                         human rights in both countries. Furthermore, the Briefing shows that these debates set the basis for the EP's current
                         policy action when it comes to major sports events in countries with a poor track record of human rights.
                Briefing EN

Broadcasting of major sports events in the EU
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date 28-05-2018
               Auteur      KATSAROVA Ivana
      Domaine politique    Culture | Éducation
               Mot-clé     droit d'auteur | manifestation sportive | production audiovisuelle | radiodiffusion
              Résumé       The topic of audiovisual sports rights has gained increasing relevance, including in the light of the upcoming football
                           World Cup in Russia this summer. As most people will not be able to attend the sports games they wish to see, they
                           will use the media to hear the news or to get full direct coverage through live broadcasts. However, media coverage of
                           sports events is regulated by complex copyright rules and the exclusive right to broadcast top sports events live comes
                           at a cost. In 2014, the global sports rights market was worth nearly €19 billion. In the EU, broadcasters spent around
                           €5.8 billion on the acquisition of rights in 2009, which represented nearly 17 % of their total €34.5 billion programming
                           spend. But how exclusive can audiovisual rights be?
                 En bref EN

EYE event - Sport without corruption
     Type de publication   En bref
                   Date    16-05-2018
                 Auteur    HALLEUX Vivienne
      Domaine politique    Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice | Éducation
                Mot-clé    corruption | dopage | manifestation sportive | organisation sportive | politique du sport de l’UE | sport professionnel
               Résumé      Played and watched by billions of people across the globe, sport embodies specific values, such as fair play and
                           respect for the rules. Corruption scandals such as those that have made headlines in recent years, be it in football or
                           athletics, seriously tarnish its image, shaking public trust.
                 En bref EN

Le sport
     Type de publication   Fiches thématiques sur l’UE
                   Date    01-09-2017
                 Auteur    ISKRA Katarzyna Anna
      Domaine politique    Culture
                Mot-clé    manifestation sportive | organisation sportive | politique de la jeunesse | programme de l'UE | éducation physique
               Résumé      Le sport est un domaine de compétence relativement nouveau de l'Union européenne puisque celle-ci n'est
                           compétente en la matière que depuis l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne en décembre 2009. L'Union est chargée
                           de définir une politique fondée sur des éléments probants, d'encourager la coopération et de gérer les initiatives qui
                           favorisent l'activité physique et le sport en Europe. Pour la période 2014-2020, pour la première fois, une ligne
                           budgétaire spécifique a été créée dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ afin de soutenir les projets et les réseaux
                           dans le domaine du sport.
  Fiches thématiques sur BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV

11-07-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              2
Audiovisual rights in sports events: An EU perspective
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 02-03-2017
                 Auteur KATSAROVA Ivana
      Domaine politique Culture
                Mot-clé distribution exclusive | droit d'auteur | droit de l'UE | manifestation sportive | organisation sportive | propriété des biens |
                        radiodiffusion | État membre UE | étude d'impact
               Résumé Premium live sports content attracts large audiences, drives TV subscriptions upwards and generates advertising for
                        broadcasters, particularly in an increasingly diversified media landscape. With no foreseeable end to the rush for
                        premium sports rights over a handful of major sports events, the dramatic intensification of competition in the past 20
                        years has led to a steep increase in the pricing levels of audiovisual rights. In 2009, EU broadcasters spent around
                        €5.8 billion on the acquisition of rights, representing nearly 17 % of their total €34.5 billion programming spend.
                        Although sports events do not qualify as works of authorship, the audiovisual recordings of such events enjoy copyright
                        protection and entitle rights-holders of the first fixation of the event to the right of reproduction, distribution, rental and
                        communication to the public. In this context, the regulatory framework under which audiovisual sports rights
                        agreements are negotiated in the EU features two predominant models – the joint selling of rights, where rights are
                        sold by specially created associations on behalf of sports clubs, and exclusivity – a model referring to territorial
                        exclusivity over the exploitation of audiovisual rights. In spite of the prominence of the latter model, the Audiovisual
                        Media Services Directive contains two provisions that curb the restrictive allocation of rights, making it possible to
                        freely receive information about events of major importance for society and enabling the public to have access to short
                        extracts within general news programmes. The ongoing revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive does not
                        currently envisage any changes to these provisions.
               Briefing EN

Schengen and EURO 2016
     Type de publication En bref
                   Date 21-06-2016
               Auteur GATTO Alexandra
      Domaine politique Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice
               Mot-clé accord de Schengen | contrôle à la frontière | France | frontière intérieure de l'UE | houliganisme | manifestation
                        sportive | terrorisme
              Résumé With an estimated 7 million fans and 1 million foreign visitors, the UEFA European Football Championships, EURO
                        2016, promises to be one of the largest sports events taking place this year. In order to be better equipped against the
                        threats of terrorism and hooliganism, France has reintroduced controls at its borders under the Schengen Borders
                        Code (SBC). In the past, sporting events, G7 meetings, major international conferences and high profile state visits
                        have also triggered the introduction of border controls in several Schengen member countries, for limited periods of
                        time. However, strict conditions and procedures are applied to assess the necessity and the proportionality of the
                        measure and its likely impact on the free movement of people within the Schengen area.
               En bref EN

The Role of Sport in Fostering Open and Inclusive Societies
     Type de publication
         Auteur externeIan Henry (Centre of Olympic Studies & Research, Loughborough University)
      Domaine politiqueCulture | Planification | Éducation
                Mot-cléapprofondissement de l'Union européenne | identité européenne | intégration des migrants | intégration sociale | lutte
                       contre la discrimination | manifestation sportive | pluralisme culturel | rôle social | santé publique | sensibilisation du
                       public | sport professionnel
               Résumé TThis briefing paper provides an overview of models of the roles sport can play in different intercultural and
                       multicultural policy approaches. It highlights in particular the relationship between intercultural and multicultural
                       approaches in the development of social capital among marginal groups in society. Central to the discussion is the
                       adoption of a realist approach to identifying causal mechanisms which bring about social change, and the place of
                       Intergroup Contact Theory in explaining the potential for the development of intercultural understanding through sport.
                 Étude EN

Anti-corruption measures in EU sports policy
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 12-06-2015
                 Auteur HALLEUX Vivienne
      Domaine politique Culture | Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice | Éducation
                Mot-clé compétence de l'UE | coopération institutionnelle | corruption | financement de l'UE | jeu de hasard | manifestation
                        sportive | organisation sportive | sport professionnel | traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE | éthique des affaires
               Résumé Corruption and good governance in sport have been a constant concern for the EU since the very beginning of its sport
                        policy. Preserving the integrity of sport has been given top priority in the two EU Work Plans for Sport adopted by the
                        Council in recent years.
                En bref EN

11-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                                 3
Migrant workers' conditions in Qatar: Prospects of change on the road to the 2022 World Cup
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 25-11-2013
                 Auteur LATEK Marta
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères | Droits de l''homme
                Mot-clé condition de travail | condition socio-économique | convention internationale | droit du travail | esclavage |
                        manifestation sportive | Organisation internationale du travail | politique d'investissement | politique extérieure | Qatar |
                        travailleur migrant
               Résumé The decision of FIFA, world football's governing body, to hold the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, despite its climate
                        constraints and the lack of a domestic football tradition, was a major victory in Qatar's long-term strategy aimed at
                        enhancing the Emirate's international outreach, within a broader ambitious foreign policy. However the challenge of
                        hosting the World Cup could trigger major social change, endangering the Qatari political system which has remained
                        untouched by the Arab Spring. Indeed the absolute monarchy is sustained by a generous benefits system for the
                        minority – Qatari citizens – while the majority – 94% of the, mostly migrant, workforce – suffers harsh working and
                        living conditions.
               Briefing EN

Football: Broadcasting and the "Big Four" leagues
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    21-03-2012
                 Auteur    RAGONNAUD Guillaume
      Domaine politique    Culture
                Mot-clé    manifestation sportive | radiodiffusion | sport professionnel | télévision payante | équipement sportif
               Résumé      Broadcasting rights have been the main driver behind the dramatic increase in the revenues of Europe's four biggest
                           football leagues (England, Germany, Spain and Italy). These rights represented the main revenue source (46%) of
                           these leagues in the 2009-10 season...
                Briefing EN

The EU and sport
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 18-02-2010
                 Auteur RAGONNAUD Guillaume
      Domaine politique Législation de l''Union: système et actes juridiques | Éducation
                Mot-clé action de l'UE | aide de l'UE | dopage | manifestation sportive | organisation sportive | sport professionnel | éducation
               Résumé Sport is very popular among EU citizens, not only as an activity, but also as entertainment. However, the growing
                        commercialisation of sport has challenged its social, educational and cultural dimensions. Until 1st December 2009,
                        sport was not mentioned in the Treaties. The Community's involvement in sport has thus been based on existing
                        policies (e.g. audiovisual or health). Moreover, the case law of the Court of Justice (e.g. Bosman) has played a major
                        role in clarifying the impact on sport of the provisions on both the free movement of workers and on competition. The
                        Lisbon Treaty gives explicit powers to the EU to carry out actions to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of
                        the Member States in the field of sport.
               Briefing EN

The European Union and Sport
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 15-06-2004
                 Auteur WINTHER Pernille
      Domaine politique Éducation
                Mot-clé dopage | houliganisme | libre circulation des personnes | manifestation sportive | politique de l'audiovisuel |
                        reconnaissance des diplômes | sport professionnel | éducation physique
               Résumé More than one third of Europe's citizens participate in sporting activities and many aspects of the Union's policies
                        influence the sporting world in areas such as free movement of persons, competition policy, media policy and health
                        policy. However, it was only after 1997, with the inclusion of a Declaration on Sport in the Amsterdam Treaty that the
                        European Union started to deal with sport from angles which were not purely economic. The briefing deals with these
                        topics in detail.
               Briefing EN

11-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                                  4
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