Maintaining the presence of the prince - EAHN

Maintaining the presence of the prince - EAHN
international conference
Centre   de recherche du château de Versailles
         Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
              Universiteit Utrecht

                                    M a i n ta i n i n g
          the            P resence               of the      P rince
                 Management of Royal Geographies (XIVth-XIXth Centuries)

                                                              15, 16 & 17          september    2021
                                                          Château   de   Versailles,   auditorium and online
Maintaining the presence of the prince - EAHN
Wednesday 15 September 2021
9:30 – Opening                                                Session II – Concepts and Designs (II)
                                                              Session chair: Krista De Jonge, full professor of architectural
9:35 – Welcome on behalf of the Centre de recherche           history (Katholieke universiteit Leuven)
du château de Versailles by Mathieu da Vinha, directeur
                                                              14:00 – Royal Sites in Decay as Containers of Memory:
scientifique                                                  Jovellanos and his Musings on the Bygone Courtly Life of
                                                              Bellver’s Castle
9:45 – Introduction                                           Gijs Versteegen (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
José Eloy Hortal Muñoz (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),
Merlijn Hurx (Universiteit Utrecht) and Benjamin Ringot       14:30 – Concept and evolution of the Royal Geographies in
(Centre de recherche du château de Versailles)                Europe
                                                              José Eloy Hortal Muñoz (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Session I – Concepts and Designs (I)                          15:00 – Pause
Session chair: José Eloy Hortal Muñoz, associate professor
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)                                 Session III – Institutions People (I)
                                                              Session chair: Krista De Jonge, full professor of architectural
10:30 – Construire la légitimité d’Isabelle Ire de Castille   history (Katholieke universiteit Leuven)
sur d’anciennes et de nouvelles fondations
Jorge Fernández-Santos (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)          15:30 – A Roof over One’s Head: Roof Maintenance for
                                                              the Burgundian Dukes and Habsburg Princes in the Low
11:00 – Pause                                                 Merlijn Hurx (Universiteit Utrecht)
11:30 – Titre en attente [en ligne]                           16:00 – Maintenance in Early Modern German Employment
Simon Thurley (Institute of Historical Research/Gresham       Contracts [online]
College)                                                      Anna-Victoria Bognar (Justus Liebig University Giessen)
                                                              16:30 – Serving the King, building the Kingdom: The
12:00 – The Multi-polar Court Culture of the Duchies of       architects and the engineers responsible for the royal palaces
Lorraine and Bar in the 18th Century, from Duke Léopold       renovation during the reign of D. Filipe I of Portugal
to King Stanislas                                             Milton Pedro Dias Pacheco (CHAM - Centre for Humanities
Jonathan Spangler (Manchester Metropolitan University)        | Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
                                                              17:00 – General discussion
Thursday 16 September 2021
Session IV – Institutions and People (II)                                                                                      14:30 – « Où est le jardinier ? » : de l’image aux marchés
Session chair: Merlijn Hurx, lecturer (Universiteit Utrecht)                                                                   d’entretien, représentation et fonction de la profession dans
                                                                                                                               les jardins de Versailles et de Trianon (1671-1827)
9:30 – In the Prince’s Absence (Portugal, 15th-16th                                                                            Gabriela Lamy (Établissement public du château, du musée et
Centuries) [online]                                                                                                            du domaine national de Versailles)
Nuno Senos (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
                                                                                                                               15:00 – The Capodimonte Royal Site in Naples: a
10:00 – L’entretien de l’hôtel ducal, puis maison du roi à
Dijon, du xive au xviiie siècle                                                                                                Century of Projects, Completions, Transformations and
Hervé Mouillebouche (Université de Bourgogne, UMR                                                                              Maintenance (17th to 19th Centuries) [online]
6298 ARTEHIS)                                                                                                                  Francesca Capano (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)

10:30 – Pause                                                                                                                  15:30 – Pause

11:00 – Conserver Versailles sous Louis-Philippe ? Gestion,                                                                    Session VI – Finance (I)
acteurs, ambition de 1832 à 1848                                                                                               Session chair: Mathieu da Vinha, directeur scientifique
Éric Landgraf – (CHCSC / Université Paris-Saclay)                                                                              (Centre de recherche du château de Versailles)
11:30 – La monarchie outre-mer : l’entretien de la présence                                                                    16:00 – La gestion de l’entretien des résidences royales :
fictive du roi dans les résidences des agents de la Couronne
en Méditerranée et dans l’océan Indien (xviie-xviiie siècles)                                                                  principes et financement sous Louis XIV et Louis XV
Ronan Bouttier (EPHE / EA 7347)                                                                                                Isabelle Gensollen (École du Louvre / Université de Poitiers)
                                                                                                                               and Benjamin Ringot (Centre de recherche du Château de
Session V – Institutions and People (III)                                                                                      Versailles)
Session chair: Mathieu da Vinha, directeur scientifique
(Centre de recherche du château de Versailles)                                                                                 16:30 – Princely recycling: maintaining in the garde-
                                                                                                                               meuble of the Electoral Palatinate [online]
14:00 – La gestion des résidences de la maison de Bavière :                                                                    Mirjam Brandt (Museum August Kestner, Hannover)
maintenance, mobilités et failles de la mécanique curiale
(1650-1726)                                                                                                                    17:00 – General discussion
Cordula Bauer (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Cover illustration: attributed to Étienne Allegrain, Vue cavalière du château et du parc de Saint-Cloud vers 1675 (detail), Versailles, musée national des châteaux de Versailles et Trianon, MV 743.
© RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot – Design: © CRCV / B. Ringot
Chairs of the conference
            Friday 17 September 2021
                                                                    José Eloy Hortal Muñoz (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Session VII – Finance (II)                                                    Merlijn Hurx (Universiteit Utrecht)
Session chair: Benjamin Ringot, adjoint au directeur             Benjamin Ringot (Centre de recherche du château de Versailles)
scientifique (Centre de recherche du château de
Versailles)                                                                 Scientific Committee of the conference
                                                                 Mathieu da Vinha (Centre de recherche du château de Versailles)
9:30 – Maintenance of the par force hunting landscape                   Krista De Jonge (Katholieke universiteit Leuven)
in Denmark                                                        Herbert Karner (Universität Wien-Österreichische Akademie)
Kristoffer Schmidt (Museum Nordsjælland)                          Alexandre Maral (Centre de recherche du château de Versailles)
                                                                   José Martinez Millán (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
10:00 – Management of Royal Geographies in Spain                                Andrea Merlotti (Venaria Reale)
during the reign of José Bonaparte (1808-12)                        Simon Thurley (Institute of Historical Research/Gresham
Félix Labrador Arroyo (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)                                  College, Royaume-Uni)

10:30 – Pause                                                                   Registration and practical details
                                                              This conference will be held, in french and in english, in the auditorium
11:00 – Book presentation : Politics and Piety at               of the Château de Versailles and online via Zoom. In addition, the
the Spanish Royal Sites of the Seventeenth Century                conference will be broadcast live on the Youtube channel of the
(Brepols, 2021)                                                            Research Centre of the Château de Versailles:
José Eloy Hortal Muñoz (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),            If you wish to attend the conference (on site or online), a free but
editor of the book ; Jonathan Spangler (Manchester                   compulsory registration is required via the following form:
Metropolitan University), referent ; Chris VandenBorre,
editor of the serie ‘Habsburg Worlds’ (Brepols publisher) ;                    evenements-sur-inscription.html (in french)
moderator (to be nominated).                                  On site, presentation of a EU Digital COVID Certificate and wearing a
                                                              mask will be required for access to the auditorium. Online, registration
11:30 – General conclusions                                   is personal: your email is your login and you can only register once. The
                                                              link to the videoconference via Zoom will be sent to your email address
                                                                                    a few days before the event.
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