Recent Articles Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel French Historical Studies, Volume 26, Number 3, Summer 2003, pp. 563-574 (Article) Published by Duke ...

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Recent Articles
   Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel

   French Historical Studies, Volume 26, Number 3, Summer 2003, pp. 563-574

   Published by Duke University Press

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6875 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES / 26:3 / sheet 167 of 183

                                                                              Recent Articles on French History
                                                                           Compiled by Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel

                                                             BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, REFERENCE, AND ARCHIVAL PUBLICATIONS
                                                           Aymes, E. Bulletin d’histoire bénédictine 14 (2001): 65–140.
                                                           . Bulletin d’histoire bénédictine 14 (2001): 1–48.
                                                           . Bulletin d’histoire bénédictine 15 (2002): 121–219.
                                                           ‘‘Travaux relatifs à l’histoire du moyen âge: 2000.’’ Le moyen âge 108 (2001): 547–67.

                                                                                   GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS
                                                           Abélès, L. ‘‘Les succès en images: La revue théâtrale Les premières illustrées (1881–1888).’’
                                                             Revue d’histoire du théâtre 1–2 (2002): 17–34.
                                                           Ahumada, R. ‘‘De l’historiographie à l’épistémologie de l’histoire.’’ Revue thomiste 105
                                                             (2002): 454–70.
                                                           Barnett, R.-L. ‘‘Convention et contemporanéité théâtrales. Pour un nouveau para-
                                                             digme.’’ Revue d’histoire du théâtre 1–2 (2002): 275–84.
                                                           Bazin, A. ‘‘Three Forgotten French Filmmakers: André Cayatte, Georges Rouquier, and
                                                             Roger Leenhardt.’’ Cinema Journal 42 (2002): 3–20.
                                                           Boucher, J. ‘‘Une lettre retrouvée de Henri III: La mission de Sancy en Suisse (1579–
                                                             1582).’’ Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance 64 (2002): 605–15.
                                                           Broman, T. ‘‘Introduction: Some Preliminary Considerations on Science and Civil
                                                             Society.’’ OSIRIS 17 (2002): 1–21.
                                                           Champagne, R. ‘‘Jean Genet in the Delinquent Colony of Mettray: The Development
                                                             of an Ethical Rite of Passage.’’ French Forum 26 (2001): 71–90.
                                                           Coleman, P. ‘‘Constant and the Froissement of Form.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002):
                                                           Cottereau, A. ‘‘Droit et bon droit. Un droit des ouvriers instauré, puis évincé par le droit
                                                             du travail.’’ Annales: Histoire, sciences sociales 57 (2002): 1521–56.
                                                           Craiutu, A. ‘‘The Battle for Legitimacy: Guizot and Constant on Sovereignty.’’ Historical
                                                             Reflections 28 (2002): 471–91.
                                                           Crawley, A. ‘‘Grammatical Fictions: Reading and Writing the Self in Prison.’’ French Cul-
                                                             tural Studies 12 (2001): 303–18.
                                                           Croguennec, M. ‘‘Le centenaire du port aux yachts de Rouen.’’ Etudes normandes 1
                                                             (2002): 37–52.
                                                           Donato, C. ‘‘Benjamin Constant and the Italian Enlightenment in the Commentaire sur
                                                             l’ouvrage de Filangieri: Notes for an Intercultural Reading.’’ Historical Reflections 28
                                                             (2002): 439–53.
                                                           Elmarsafy, Z. ‘‘Thalassophobia and Geolatry: Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and the Geog-
                                                             raphy of Virtue.’’ Eighteenth-Century Fiction 15 (2002): 35–50.
Tseng 2003.6.4 14:20

                                                           Ezra, E. ‘‘The Latest Attraction: Léos Carax and the French Cinematic Patrimoine.’’
                                                             French Cultural Studies 13 (2002): 225–33.
6875 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES / 26:3 / sheet 168 of 183

                                                           564                                                   FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                           Godfrey, S. ‘‘Alain Corbin: Making Sense of French History.’’ French Historical Studies 25
                                                             (2002): 381–98.
                                                           Greenhalgh, M. ‘‘French Military Reconnaissance in the Ottoman Empire during the
                                                             Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries As a Source for Our Knowledge of Ancient
                                                             Monuments.’’ Journal of Military History 66 (2002): 359–88.
                                                           Hofmann, E. ‘‘Histoire, politique et religion: Essai d’articulation de trois composantes
                                                             de l’oeuvre et de la pensée de Benjamin Constant.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002):
                                                           Hollengreen, L. ‘‘Illustrating Architecture.’’ Visual Resources 17 (2001): 95–126.
                                                           Hulin, N. ‘‘L’enseignement des sciences naturelles au XIXe siècle dans ses liens à
                                                             d’autres disciplines.’’ Revue d’histoire des sciences 55 (2002): 101–20.
                                                           Hutton, P. ‘‘Philippe Ariès and the Secrets of the History of Mentalities.’’ Historical
                                                             Reflections 28 (2002): 1–14.
                                                           Iannone, G. ‘‘Annales History and the Ancient Maya State: Some Observations on the
                                                             ‘Dynamic Model.’’’ American Anthropologist 104 (2002): 68–78.
                                                           Jaume, L. ‘‘La théorie de l’autorité chez Benjamin Constant.’’ Historical Reflections 28
                                                             (2002): 455–70.
                                                           Klotz, R. ‘‘Blum, critique dramatique (Léon).’’ Revue d’histoire du théâtre 1–2 (2002): 323–
                                                           Laursen, J., and A. Hofmann. ‘‘Benjamin Constant on the Self, Religion, and Politics:
                                                             An Introduction.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 311–19.
                                                           Lepicard, S. ‘‘Le trafic maritime entre Le Havre et la Russie septentrionale de 1787 à
                                                             1848.’’ Etudes normandes 3 (2002): 19–30.
                                                           Lorcin, P. ‘‘Rome and France in Africa: Recovering Colonial Algeria’s Latin Past.’’ French
                                                             Historical Studies 25 (2002): 295–329.
                                                           MacGregor, W. ‘‘Illustration and Its Afterlife: The Visual Uses of Sébastien Le Clerc’s
                                                             Pratique de la géométrie.’’ Visual Resources 17 (2001): 37–94.
                                                           Marwick, A. ‘‘Knowledge and Language: History, the Humanities, the Sciences.’’ History
                                                             87 (2002): 3–17.
                                                           Mertens, J. ‘‘Technology As the Science of the Industrial Arts: Louis-Sébastien Le-
                                                             normand (1757–1837) and the Popularization of Technology.’’ History and Technology
                                                             18 (2002): 203–31.
                                                           Miller, A. ‘‘Teulé’s Gens de France: Retelling the fait divers and Reframing the Evidence.’’
                                                             French Cultural Studies 12 (2001): 319–32.
                                                           Montagne, V. ‘‘Antoine Héroët (1492?–1568) et L’aultre invention extraicte de Platon: Re-
                                                             marques sur les inventions d’un poète-philosophe.’’ Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renais-
                                                             sance 64 (2002): 549–77.
                                                           Mouthon, F. ‘‘La famille et la terre: Exploitations paysannes au sud du Léman à la fin
                                                             du XIIIe siècle.’’ Revue historique 157 (2002): 891–937.
                                                           Murphy, D. ‘‘De-centering French Studies: Towards a Postcolonial Theory of Franco-
                                                             phone Cultures.’’ French Cultural Studies 13 (2002): 165–85.
                                                           Paoletti, G. ‘‘‘L’inconséquence et ses lois’: Croyances religieuses et perspective républi-
                                                             caine chez Benjamin Constant.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 419–38.
                                                           Pearl, M. ‘‘‘What Strange Intimacy’: Janet Flanner’s Letters from Paris.’’ Journal of Euro-
                                                             pean Studies 32 (2002): 303–18.
                                                           Pyenson, L. ‘‘Comparative History of Science.’’ History of Science 40 (2002): 1–33.
                                                           Regev, S. ‘‘The Ambivalent Attitude toward Philosophy in the Sixteenth Century.’’ Revue
                                                             des études juives 161 (2002): 139–58.
                                                           Reid, D. ‘‘Towards a Social History of Suffering: Dignity, Misery, and Disrespect.’’ Social
                                                             History 27 (2002): 343–58.
                                                           Rosenblatt, H. ‘‘Reinterpreting Adolphe: The Sexual Politics of Benjamin Constant.’’
                                                             Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 341–60.
Tseng 2003.6.4 14:20

                                                           Rosset, F. ‘‘Ecriture du politique et écriture du moi chez Benjamin Constant.’’ Historical
                                                             Reflections 28 (2002): 321–40.
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                                                           RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                         565

                                                           Schnapp, A. ‘‘Between Antiquarians and Archaeologists—Continuities and Ruptures.’’
                                                             Antiquity 76 (2002): 134–40.
                                                           Slusser, G. ‘‘Future Liberty: Benjamin Constant in the Light of Speculative Fiction.’’
                                                             Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 493–512.
                                                           Taverdet, G. ‘‘Un écrivain patoisant bourguignon du XXe siècle: Alfred Guillaume.’’
                                                             Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 159 (2001): 209–26.
                                                           Verdo, G. ‘‘Pierre Rosanvallon, archéologue de la démocratie.’’ Revue historique 623
                                                             (2002): 693–720.
                                                           Vincent, K. ‘‘Character, Sensibilité, Sociability, and Politics in Benjamin Constant’s
                                                             Adolphe.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 361–83.

                                                                                        ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL
                                                           Bachrach, B. ‘‘Charlemagne and the Carolingian General Staff.’’ Journal of Military His-
                                                             tory 66 (2002): 313–57.
                                                           Black, J. ‘‘Psalm Uses in Carolingian Prayerbooks: Alcuin and the Preface to De psalm-
                                                             orum usu.’’ Medieval Studies 64 (2002): 1–60.
                                                           Bochaca, M. ‘‘Dernières dispositions et succession d’un bourgeois de Bordeaux: Le
                                                             testament de Bernard de Bertulh et son exécution (1464–1466).’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole
                                                             des chartes 160 (2002): 175–93.
                                                           Boureau, A. ‘‘Droit naturel et abstraction judiciaire. Hypothèses sur la nature du droit
                                                             médiéval.’’ Annales: Histoire, sciences sociales 57 (2002): 1463–88.
                                                           Bracken, P. ‘‘The Myth of the Medieval Minstrel: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the
                                                             Performers and the Chansonnier Repertory.’’ Viator 33 (2002): 100–116.
                                                           Canteaut, O. ‘‘Une première expérience d’enregistrement des actes royaux sous Phi-
                                                             lippe le Bel: Le livre rouge de la chambre des comptes.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes
                                                             160 (2002): 53–78.
                                                           Cassard, J.-C. ‘‘Propositions pour une lecture historique croisée du roman d’Aiquin.’’
                                                             Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 45 (2002): 111–27.
                                                           Cassidy-Welch, M. ‘‘Testimonies from a Fourteenth-Century Prison: Rumour, Evidence,
                                                             and Truth in the Midi.’’ French History 16 (2002): 3–27.
                                                           Claverie, P. ‘‘La succession de l’archevêque Gilles de Nicosie (1268–1269).’’ Le moyen âge
                                                             58 (2002): 333–43.
                                                           Couderc-Barraud, H. ‘‘Donatin pieuse et contrôle familial. Le cas de l’église Saint-
                                                             Martin de Magrens, fin Xe–début XIIe siècle.’’ Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 45
                                                             (2002): 217–36.
                                                           Croenen, G., M. Rouse, and R. Rouse. ‘‘Pierre de Liffol and the Manuscripts of Frois-
                                                             sart’s Chronicles.’’ Viator 33 (2002): 261–93.
                                                           Croizy-Naquet, C. ‘‘Deux représentations de la troisième croisade: L’estoire de la guerre
                                                             sainte et la chronique d’Ernoul et de Bernard le Trésorier.’’ Cahiers de civilisation médi-
                                                             évale 44 (2001): 313–27.
                                                           Depreux, P. ‘‘Ambitions et limites des réformes culturelles à l’époque carolingienne.’’
                                                             Revue historique 623 (2002): 721–53.
                                                           Dodd, G. ‘‘The Calais Staple and the Parliament of May 1382.’’ English Historical Review
                                                             117 (2002): 94–103.
                                                           Dolbeau, F. ‘‘Un domaine négligé de la littérature médiolatine: Les textes hagiogra-
                                                             phiques en vers.’’ Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 45 (2002): 129–39.
                                                           Elliott, D. ‘‘True Presence/False Christ: The Antinomies of Embodiment in Medieval
                                                             Spirituality.’’ Medieval Studies 64 (2002): 241–65.
                                                           Gontero, V. ‘‘Les gemmes dans l’oeuvre de Chrétien de Troyes (Erec et Enide, Cligès,
                                                             le Chevalier de la Charrette, le Chevalier au Lion, Perceval).’’ Cahiers de civilisation
Tseng 2003.6.4 14:20

                                                             médiévale 45 (2002): 237–54.
                                                           Jourdan, J. ‘‘Allégories et symboles de l’âme et de l’amour du beau. Essai sur l’icono-
6875 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES / 26:3 / sheet 170 of 183

                                                           566                                                     FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                             graphie des tapisseries à la fin du moyen âge: La tapisserie de Persée et la tapisserie
                                                             des dames à la licorne.’’ Le moyen âge 108 (2001): 455–80.
                                                           Kosto, A. ‘‘Hostages in the Carolingian World (714–840).’’ Early Medieval Europe 11
                                                             (2002): 123–47.
                                                           Lachet, C. ‘‘Merlin dans tous ses états.’’ Le moyen âge 108 (2001): 533–36.
                                                           Léglu, C. ‘‘Vernacular Poems and Inquisitors in Languedoc and Champagne, ca. 1242–
                                                             1249.’’ Viator 33 (2002): 117–32.
                                                           L’Engle, S. ‘‘Justice in the Margins: Punishment in Medieval Toulouse.’’ Viator 33 (2002):
                                                           Lescuyer, M. ‘‘L’inventaire après décès de Raynard Balbet, Bourgeois de Clermont
                                                             (1359).’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 160 (2002): 79–173.
                                                           Lutan, S. ‘‘Le porche septentrional de la collégiale Saint-Martin de Candes (v. 1180) et
                                                             l’image dynastique des Plantagenêt.’’ Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 45 (2002): 341–61.
                                                           Marquez, P. ‘‘Urban Diplomacy: Toulouse and Its Neighbors in the Twelfth and Thir-
                                                             teenth Centuries.’’ Viator 33 (2002): 87–99.
                                                           Marvin, L. ‘‘Thirty-Nine Days and a Wake-Up: The Impact of the Indulgence and Forty
                                                             Days Service on the Albigensian Crusade, 1209–1218.’’ Historian 65 (2002): 75–94.
                                                           McDonough, C. ‘‘Paris, bibliothèque nationale de france lat. 16483: Contents, Audi-
                                                             ence, and the Matter of Old French.’’ Medieval Studies 64 (2002): 131–216.
                                                           Nortier, M. ‘‘Cinq nouvelles publications de cartulaires.’’ Le moyen âge 108 (2001): 523–
                                                           Pânzaru, I. ‘‘Caput mystice. Fonctions symboliques de la tête chez les exégètes de la sec-
                                                             onde moitié du XIIe siècle.’’ Le moyen âge 108 (2001): 439–53.
                                                           Picherit, J. ‘‘L’hôtellerie, les hôteliers et hôtelières dans quelques oeuvres de la fin du
                                                             moyen âge.’’ Le moyen âge 58 (2002): 301–32.
                                                           Pick, S. ‘‘Jewish Aristocracy in Southern France.’’ Revue des études juives 161 (2002): 97–
                                                           Resnick, I. ‘‘Ps.-Albert the Great on the Physiognomy of Jesus and Mary.’’ Medieval
                                                             Studies 64 (2002): 217–40.
                                                           Sietek, F., and T. Deneen. ‘‘The Roman Curia and the Merger of Savigny with Citeaux:
                                                             The Import of the Papal Documents.’’ Revue bénédictine 112 (2002): 323–55.
                                                           Trivellone, A. ‘‘L’iconographie de deux bas-reliefs de Saint-Jean-in-Tumba à Monte
                                                             Sant’ Angelo (Pouilles). Narration de la passion et liturgie de l’Eucharistie.’’ Cahiers
                                                             de civilisation médiévale 45 (2002): 141–64.
                                                           Vielliard, F. ‘‘Richard Coeur de Lion et son entourage normand: Le témoignage de
                                                             L’estoire de la guerre sainte.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 160 (2002): 5–52.

                                                                                                 1500 TO 1774

                                                           Abad, R. ‘‘Aux origines du suicide de Vatel: Les difficultés de l’approvisionnement en
                                                             marée au temps de Louis XIV.’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002): 631–41.
                                                           Andersson, D. ‘‘Marc-Antoine Muret’s Moral Philosophy: The Renaissance Contest of
                                                             the Disciplines?’’ Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance 64 (2002): 669–78.
                                                           Auricchio, L. ‘‘The Laws of Bienséance and the Gendering of Emulation in Eighteenth-
                                                             Century French Art Education.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 36 (2003): 231–40.
                                                           Bonney, R. ‘‘France and the First European Paper Money Experiment.’’ French History
                                                             15 (2001): 254–72.
                                                           Carton, F. ‘‘La littérature dialectale à Lille au XVIIIe siècle.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des
                                                             chartes 159 (2001): 69–91.
                                                           Chisick, H. ‘‘Public Opinion and Political Culture in France during the Second Half of
                                                             the Eighteenth Century.’’ English Historical Review 117 (2002): 48–77.
Tseng 2003.6.4 14:20

                                                           Christout, M.-F. ‘‘Louis XIV et le ballet de cour ou le plus illustre des danseurs (1651–
                                                             1670).’’ Revue d’histoire du théâtre 3 (2002): 153–78.
6875 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES / 26:3 / sheet 171 of 183

                                                           RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                        567

                                                           Cook, H. ‘‘Body and Passions: Materialism and the Early Modern State.’’ OSIRIS 17
                                                             (2002): 25–48.
                                                           Daubresse, S. ‘‘Henri III au parlement de Paris: Contribution à l’histoire des lits de
                                                             justice.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 159 (2001): 579–607.
                                                           Denton, M. ‘‘Death in French Arcady: Nicolas Poussin’s The Arcadian Shepherds and
                                                             Burial Reform in France c. 1800.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 36 (2003): 195–216.
                                                           Dickerman, E., and A. Walker. ‘‘Dans les coulisses: Bellièvre and the Struggle for the Seals,
                                                             1599–1607.’’ French History 16 (2002): 111–31.
                                                           Duval, F. ‘‘L’estrif de science, nature et de fortune de Jacques et Octovien de Saint-
                                                             Gelais.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 160 (2002): 195–228.
                                                           Figeac, M. ‘‘Les pratiques alimentaires de la noblesse provinciale à la fin du règne de
                                                             Louis XIV: L’exemple de la Guyenne.’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002): 643–54.
                                                           Gantelet, M. ‘‘La politique, de la pratique à la théorie: Bossuet dans les derniers feux
                                                             de la fronde condéenne (Metz, octobre 1653).’’ XVIIe siècle 216 (2002): 485–510.
                                                           Giocanti, S. ‘‘Descartes face au doute scandaleux des sceptiques.’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002):
                                                           Goodman, D. ‘‘L’ortografe des dames: Gender and Language in the Old Regime.’’ French
                                                             Historical Studies 25 (2002): 191–223.
                                                           Harrison, P. ‘‘Voluntarism and Early Modern Science.’’ History of Science 40 (2002): 63–
                                                           Hiatt, A. ‘‘Blank Spaces on the Earth.’’ Yale Journal of Criticism 15 (2002): 223–50.
                                                           Hickey, D. ‘‘Le rôle de l’état dans la réforme catholique: Une inspection du diocèse de
                                                             Poitiers lors des grands jours de 1634.’’ Revue historique 157 (2002): 939–61.
                                                           Kessler, A. ‘‘Searching for a ‘New System’ of Government: Linguet and the Rise of the
                                                             Centralized, Administrative State.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 93–117.
                                                           Kiser, E., and A. Linton. ‘‘The Hinges of History: State-Making and Revolt in Early
                                                             Modern France.’’ American Sociological Review 67 (2002): 889–910.
                                                           Le Roy Ladurie, E. ‘‘Une vision de Rouen à la fin du XVIe siècle.’’ Etudes normandes 3
                                                             (2002): 77–83.
                                                           Lipp, C. ‘‘Power and Politics in Early Modern Lorraine: Jean-François de Mahuet and
                                                             the Grand Prévôté de Saint-Dié.’’ French Historical Studies 26 (2003): 31–53.
                                                           Lugat, C. ‘‘Les traités de bonne correspondance entre les trois provinces maritimes
                                                             basques (XVIe–XVIIe siècles).’’ Revue historique 623 (2002): 611–55.
                                                           Lynn, M. ‘‘The Fashion for Physics: Public Lecture Courses in Enlightenment France.’’
                                                             Historian 64 (2002): 335–50.
                                                           Maral, A. ‘‘Portrait religieux de Louis XIV.’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002): 697–723.
                                                           Marshall, D. ‘‘The Problem of the Picturesque.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 35 (2002):
                                                           McHugh, T. ‘‘The Hôpital Général, the Parisian Elites, and Crown Social Policy during
                                                             the Reign of Louis XIV.’’ French History 15 (2001): 235–53.
                                                           Michel, D. ‘‘Le dessert au XVIIe siècle.’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002): 655–62.
                                                           Miller, S. ‘‘Lords, Peasant Communities, and the State in Eighteenth-Century Langue-
                                                             doc.’’ French Historical Studies 26 (2003): 55–85.
                                                           Parsons, J. ‘‘Governing Sixteenth-Century France: The Monetary Reforms of 1577.’’
                                                             French Historical Studies 26 (2003): 1–30.
                                                           Perkinson, S. ‘‘From an ‘Art de Mémoire’ to the Art of Portraiture: Printed Effigy Books
                                                             of the Sixteenth Century.’’ Sixteenth Century Journal 33 (2002): 687–723.
                                                           Potter, D. ‘‘The French Protestant Nobility in 1562: The ‘Associacion de Monseigneur
                                                             le Prince de Condé.’’’ French History 15 (2001): 307–28.
                                                           Reguig-Naya, D. ‘‘Descartes à la lettre: Poétique épistolaire et philosophie mondaine
                                                             chez Mme de Sévigné.’’ XVIIe siècle 216 (2002): 511–25.
                                                           Romano, C. ‘‘Les trois médecines de Descartes.’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002): 675–96.
Tseng 2003.6.4 14:20

                                                           Salmon, J. ‘‘A Second Look at the Noblesse Seconde: The Key to Noble Clientage and Power
                                                             in Early Modern France?’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 575–93.
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                                                           568                                                     FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                           Schmitter, A. ‘‘Representation and the Body of Power in French Academic Painting.’’
                                                             Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (2002): 399–424.
                                                           Schneider, R. ‘‘Political Power and the Emergence of Literature: Christian Jouhaud’s
                                                             Age of Richelieu.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 357–80.
                                                           Shovlin, J. ‘‘Emulation in Eighteenth-Century French Economic Thought.’’ Eighteenth-
                                                             Century Studies 36 (2003): 224–30.
                                                           Soll, J. ‘‘Healing the Body Politic: French Royal Doctors, History, and the Birth of a
                                                             Nation, 1560–1634.’’ Renaissance Quarterly 55 (2002): 1259–86.
                                                           Teyssandier, B. ‘‘Allégories du fromage au grand siècle.’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002): 595–
                                                           Tobin, R. ‘‘Qu’est-ce que la gastrocritique?’’ XVIIe siècle 217 (2002): 621–30.
                                                           Vuillemin, J.-C. ‘‘Enseignement du théâtre classique.’’ Revue d’histoire du théâtre 1–2
                                                             (2001): 125–46.
                                                           Woods, R. ‘‘Did Montaigne Love His Children? Demography and the Hypothesis of
                                                             Parental Indifference.’’ Journal of Interdisciplinary History 33 (2003): 421–42.
                                                           Zinsser, J. ‘‘Entrepreneur of the ‘Republic of Letters’: Emilie de Breteuil, Marquise du
                                                             Châtelet, and Bernard Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002):

                                                                            REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD AND NAPOLEON
                                                           Bell, D. ‘‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being French: Law, Republicanism, and National
                                                             Identity at the End of the Old Regime.’’ American Historical Review 106 (2001): 1215–
                                                           Boudon, J.-O. ‘‘Le voyage du premier consul en Normandie.’’ Etudes normandes 2 (2002):
                                                           Chaline, J.-P. ‘‘Les monuments du souvenir napoléonien en Normandie.’’ Etudes nor-
                                                             mandes 2 (2002): 87–101.
                                                           Dwyer, P. ‘‘From Corsican Nationalist to French Revolutionary: Problems of Identity in
                                                             the Writings of the Young Napoleon, 1785–1793.’’ French History 16 (2002): 132–52.
                                                           Glas, E. ‘‘Socially Conditioned Mathematical Change: The Case of the French Revolu-
                                                             tion.’’ Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 33A (2002): 709–28.
                                                           Heuer, J. ‘‘Hats on for the Nation! Women, Servants, Soldiers, and the ‘Sign of the
                                                             French.’’’ French History 16 (2002): 28–52.
                                                           Horn, J. ‘‘Building the New Regime: Founding the Bonapartist State in the Department
                                                             of the Aube.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 225–63.
                                                           Kaplan, N. ‘‘Virtuous Competition among Citizens: Emulation in Politics and Pedagogy
                                                             during the French Revolution.’’ Eighteenth-Century Studies 36 (2003): 241–48.
                                                           Lannoy, F. ‘‘La Manche et ses préfets.’’ Etudes normandes 2 (2002): 57–62.
                                                           Leggiere, M. ‘‘From Berlin to Leipzig: Napoleon’s Gamble in North Germany, 1813.’’
                                                             Journal of Military History 67 (2003): 39–84.
                                                           Lemarchand, G. ‘‘Troubles populaires en Basse-Normandie.’’ Etudes normandes 2 (2002):
                                                           Lentz, T. ‘‘L’esprit public en Basse-Normandie: Deux rapports de Roederer.’’ Etudes
                                                             normandes 2 (2002): 23–35.
                                                           Maciak, J. ‘‘Of News and Networks: The Communication of Political Information in the
                                                             Rural South-West during the French Revolution.’’ French History 15 (2001): 273–306.
                                                           Manneville, P. ‘‘Les protestants normands sous le Consulat et l’Empire.’’ Etudes norman-
                                                             des 2 (2002): 63–68.
                                                           Martin, J.-C. ‘‘Le corps préfectoral ornais de 1800 à 1815.’’ Etudes normandes 2 (2002):
Tseng 2003.6.4 14:20

                                                           McCallam, D. ‘‘Waxing Revolutionary: Reflections on a Raid on a Waxworks at the Out-
                                                             break of the French Revolution.’’ French History 16 (2002): 153–73.
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                                                           RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                          569

                                                           Monnier, R. ‘‘Républicanisme et révolution française.’’ French Historical Studies 26
                                                             (2003): 87–118.
                                                           Moore, A. ‘‘Voyage: Dominique-Vivant Denon and the Transference of Images of
                                                             Egypt.’’ Art History 25 (2002): 531–49.
                                                           Rapport, M. ‘‘Belgium under French Occupation: Between Collaboration and Resis-
                                                             tance, July 1794 to October 1795.’’ French History 16 (2002): 53–82.
                                                           Saunier, E. ‘‘La franc-maçonnerie en Normandie à l’époque de Napoléon.’’ Etudes
                                                             normandes 2 (2002): 69–86.
                                                           Shapiro, B. ‘‘Self-Sacrifice, Self-Interest, or Self-Defense? The Constituent Assembly
                                                             and the ‘Self-Denying Ordinance’ of May 1791.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002):

                                                                                                  1815 TO 1870

                                                           Barberis, D. ‘‘Moral Education for the Elite of Democracy: The Classe de Philosophie
                                                             between Sociology and Philosophy.’’ Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 38
                                                             (2002): 355–69.
                                                           Blaise, M. ‘‘A propos du haut pays sans nom: Paysage mélancolique et traditions mo-
                                                             dernistes.’’ Romantisme 117 (2002): 77–98.
                                                           Cantagrel, L. ‘‘Dire l’absence, Chateaubriand et la mise en scène du mélancolique
                                                             autour de 1800.’’ Romantisme 117 (2002): 31–44.
                                                           Denton, M. ‘‘Francis Wey and the Discourse of Photography as Art in France in the
                                                             Early 1850s: ‘Rien n’est beau que le vrai; mais il faut le choisir.’ ’’ Art History 25 (2002):
                                                           Fortescue, W. ‘‘Morality and Monarchy: Corruption and the Fall of the Regime of Louis-
                                                             Philippe in 1848.’’ French History 16 (2002): 83–100.
                                                           Iverson, J. ‘‘Putting Voltaire’s Henriade in the Hands of the Young.’’ French Review 76
                                                             (2003): 522–33.
                                                           Kale, S. ‘‘Women, Salons, and the State in the Aftermath of the French Revolution.’’
                                                             Journal of Women’s History 13 (2002): 54–80.
                                                           Kertzer, D. ‘‘The Montel Affair: Vatican Jewish Policy and French Diplomacy under the
                                                             July Monarchy.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 265–93.
                                                           Landrecies, J. ‘‘Un pamphlétaire en picard sous Louis-Philippe: Henri Carion, auteur
                                                             de L’z’Epistoles Kaimberlottes.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 159 (2001): 93–127.
                                                           Lathers, M. ‘‘A Masterpiece for the Modern Museum: The Venus de Milo.’’ Contemporary
                                                             French Civilization 26 (2002): 179–90.
                                                           Moore, L. ‘‘Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives
                                                             and Libraries in France, 1820–70.’’ Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 96
                                                             (2002): 531–41.
                                                           Shuh, R. ‘‘Madness and Military History in Balzac’s ‘Adieu.’’’ French Forum 26 (2001):
                                                           Somerset, R. ‘‘The Naturalist in Balzac: The Relative Influence of Cuvier and Geoffroy
                                                             Saint-Hilaire.’’ French Forum 27 (2002): 81–111.

                                                                                              THIRD REPUBLIC
                                                           Atack, M. ‘‘L’affaire dominici: Rural France, the State, and the Nation.’’ French Cultural
                                                             Studies 12 (2001): 285–301.
                                                           Barnes, D. ‘‘Scents and Sensibilities: Disgust and the Meanings of Odors in Late-
                                                             Nineteenth-Century Paris.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 21–49.
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                                                           Bond, J. ‘‘Women Workers in the Bourges Government Arsenals during World War I.’’
                                                             Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 119–36.
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                                                           570                                                       FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                           Borella, V. ‘‘Les écrits épistémologiques de Poincaré, obstacles à la diffusion de la
                                                             relativité?’’ Revue d’histoire des sciences 55 (2002): 45–81.
                                                           Bouvier, J.-C. ‘‘Place et fonction du dialecte dans les journaux d’opinion au XIXe siècle:
                                                             Jacquemart et l’impartial de Romans.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 159 (2001):
                                                           Bruce, R. ‘‘America Embraces France: Marshal Joseph Joffre and the French Mission to
                                                             the United States, April–May 1917.’’ Journal of Military History 66 (2002): 407–41.
                                                           Burgess, G. ‘‘France and the German Refugee Crisis of 1933.’’ French History 16 (2002):
                                                           Carley, M. ‘‘Resurgent France or Decadent France? War Origins Once Again.’’ Canadian
                                                             Journal of History 37 (2002): 311–17.
                                                           Conklin, A. ‘‘Civil Society, Science, and Empire in Late Republican France: The Foun-
                                                             dation of Paris’s Museum of Man.’’ OSIRIS 17 (2002): 255–90.
                                                           Delaporte, S. ‘‘Le corps et la parole des mutilés de la grande guerre.’’ Guerres mondiales
                                                             et conflits contemporains 205 (2002): 5–14.
                                                           Desbois, E. ‘‘Gourbi des saute-en-l’air: Les bonnes adresses du front français en 14–18.’’
                                                             Communications 73 (2002): 31–48.
                                                           Descimon, R. ‘‘Declareuil (1913) contre Hauser (1912). Les rendez-vous manqués de
                                                             l’histoire et de l’histoire du droit.’’ Annales: Histoire, sciences sociales 57 (2002): 1615–36.
                                                           Dobelbower, N. ‘‘Scientific Ideology and Self-Understanding in Nineteenth-Century
                                                             France.’’ Contemporary French Civilization 26 (2002): 311–22.
                                                           Elms, E. ‘‘The Conseil d’Etat and the Religious Communities, 1879–1906.’’ French History
                                                             16 (2002): 174–202.
                                                           Faron, O. ‘‘Aux côtés, avec, pour les pupilles de la nation, les formes de mobilisation
                                                             en faveur des orphelins de la première guerre mondiale.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits
                                                             contemporains 205 (2002): 15–33.
                                                           Fenster, K. ‘‘The Abdicating Clergy of the Gironde.’’ Catholic Historical Review 85 (1999):
                                                           Gelfand, T. ‘‘11 January 1887, the Day Medicine Changed: Joseph Grancher’s Defense of
                                                             Pasteur’s Treatment for Rabies.’’ Bulletin of the History of Medicine 76 (2002): 698–718.
                                                           Guibert, N. ‘‘André Antoine à la bibliothèque nationale de France.’’ Revue d’histoire du
                                                             théâtre 1–2 (2002): 7–16.
                                                           Harison, C. ‘‘‘La Question du Marchandage’: The Political and Legal Struggle against
                                                             Exploitative Subcontracting in Paris, 1881–1911.’’ European History Quarterly 32 (2002):
                                                           Hébrard, J. ‘‘The Writings of Möise (1898–1985): Birth, Life, and Death of a Great War.’’
                                                             Comparative Studies in Society and History 44 (2002): 263–92.
                                                           Heyriès, H. ‘‘L’armée italienne et le maintien de l’ordre dans les villes de 1871 à 1915
                                                             d’après les attachés militaires français.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 206
                                                             (2002): 11–28.
                                                           Holman, V., and D. Kelly. ‘‘Introduction, War in the Twentieth Century: The Function-
                                                             ing of Humour in Cultural Representation.’’ Journal of European Studies 31 (2001):
                                                           Jordan, M. ‘‘How Jazz Got Françisé: A Case Study in the Ongoing Construction of Cul-
                                                             tural Identity.’’ French Cultural Studies 13 (2002): 187–208.
                                                           Kaeser, M.-A. ‘‘On the International Roots of Prehistory.’’ Antiquity 76 (2002): 170–76.
                                                           Kaplan, S. ‘‘Documenting History, Historicizing Documentation: French Military Offi-
                                                             cials’ Ethnological Reports on Cilicia.’’ Comparative Studies in Society and History 44
                                                             (2002): 344–69.
                                                           Kear, J. ‘‘Le sang provençal: Joachim Gasquet’s Cézanne.’’ Journal of European Studies 32
                                                             (2002): 135–50.
                                                           Le Dez, M. ‘‘La C.I.M. (1920–1940): Regard sur un acteur portuaire du Havre.’’ Etudes
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                                                             normandes 3 (2002): 5–18.
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                                                           Le Naour, J.-Y. ‘‘Laughter and Tears in the Great War: The Need for Laughter/the Guilt
                                                             of Humour.’’ Journal of European Studies 31 (2001): 265–75.
                                                           Lewis, M. ‘‘The Strangeness of Foreigners: Policing Migration and Nation in Interwar
                                                             Marseille.’’ French Politics, Culture, and Society 20 (2002): 65–96.
                                                           Mameli-Ghaderi, S. ‘‘Le tracé de la frontière entre la Syrie et la Turquie (1921–1929).’’
                                                             Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 207 (2002): 125–38.
                                                           Martel, P. ‘‘Le petit monde de l’édition en langue d’oc au temps des félibres (seconde
                                                             moitié du XIXe siècle).’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 159 (2001): 153–70.
                                                           Marwick, A. ‘‘The Great War in Print and Paint: Henri Barbusse and Fernand Léger.’’
                                                             Journal of Contemporary History 37 (2002): 509–21.
                                                           Meadwell, H. ‘‘The Political Economy of Tariffs in Late-Nineteenth-Century Europe:
                                                             Reconsidering Republican France.’’ Theory and Society 31 (2002): 623–51.
                                                           Monroe, J. ‘‘Cartes de visite from the Other World: Spiritism and the Discourse of Laïcisme
                                                             in the Early Third Republic.’’ French Historical Studies 26 (2003): 119–53.
                                                           Montes, J.-F. ‘‘L’office national des anciens combattants et victimes de guerre. Création
                                                             et actions durant l’entre-deux-guerres.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 205
                                                             (2002): 71–83.
                                                           Moreau-Trichet, C. ‘‘La propagande nazie à l’égard des associations françaises d’anciens
                                                             combattants de 1934 à 1939.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 205 (2002):
                                                           O’Brien, D. ‘‘Reproducing the Colonies in Nineteenth-Century France.’’ Contemporary
                                                             French Civilization 26 (2002): 191–204.
                                                           O’Brien, E. ‘‘‘Laugh? I Nearly Died’: A Comparative Study of Humour and Ideology in
                                                             Gaspard (1915) and Le Feu (1916).’’ Journal of European Studies 31 (2001): 329–44.
                                                           Purseigle, P. ‘‘Mirroring Societies at War: Pictorial Humour in the British and French
                                                             Popular Press during the First World War.’’ Journal of European Studies 31 (2001): 289–
                                                           René, M. ‘‘L’instruction sur la conservation et la recherche des antiquités.’’ La France et
                                                             les Balkans 226 (2002): 71–80.
                                                           Reynolds, D. ‘‘The Origins of the Two ‘World Wars’: Historical Discourse and Interna-
                                                             tional Politics.’’ Journal of Contemporary History 38 (2003): 29–44.
                                                           Richard, N. ‘‘Archaeological Arguments in National Debates in Late-Nineteenth-
                                                             Century France: Gabriel de Mortillet’s La formation de la nation française (1897).’’
                                                             Antiquity 76 (2002): 177–84.
                                                           Rosenberg, C. ‘‘Albert Sarraut and Republican Racial Thought.’’ French Politics, Culture,
                                                             and Society 20 (2002): 97–114.
                                                           Sajous, F. ‘‘Les bases anglaises de Seine-Inférieure dans la Grande Guerre.’’ Etudes
                                                             normandes 1 (2002): 53–78.
                                                           Sarazin, J.-Y. ‘‘L’historien et le notaire: Acquis et perspectives de l’étude des actes privés
                                                             de la France moderne.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 160 (2002): 229–70.
                                                           Saunders, N. ‘‘Excavating Memories: Archaeology and the Great War, 1914–2001.’’
                                                             Antiquity 76 (2002): 101–8.
                                                           Simoni-Aurembou, M.-R. ‘‘Les chroniques en parler régional dans la presse du Perche
                                                             aux XIXe et XXe siècles.’’ Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes 159 (2001): 189–208.
                                                           Tanguy, J. ‘‘Une monnaie provisoire: Les billets de nécessité de la chambre de com-
                                                             merce de Rouen.’’ Etudes normandes 3 (2002): 45–52.
                                                           Young, R. ‘‘Out of the Ashes: The American Press and France’s Postwar Recovery in the
                                                             1920s.’’ Historical Reflections 28 (2002): 51–72.

                                                                                          1940 TO THE PRESENT
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                                                           Ahearne, J. ‘‘Questions of Cultural Policy in the Thought of Michel de Certeau (1968–
                                                             1972).’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001): 447–63.
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                                                           572                                                   FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                           Arnason, J. ‘‘The Forgotten 1968 and the False End of History.’’ Thesis Eleven 68 (2002):
                                                           Barrière, P. ‘‘Au nom de la mémoire. Les associations grenobloises d’anciens combatt-
                                                             ants et victimes de guerre à la Libération (1944–1945).’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits
                                                             contemporains 205 (2002): 35–53.
                                                           Begag, A. ‘‘Les relations France-Algérie vues de la diaspora algérienne.’’ Modern and
                                                             Contemporary France 10 (2002): 475–82.
                                                           Blake, N. ‘‘Lacan’s Legacy in France Today.’’ Contemporary French Civilization 26 (2002):
                                                           Bonn, C. ‘‘La littérature algérienne francophone serait-elle sortie du face-à-face post-
                                                             colonial?’’ Modern and Contemporary France 10 (2002): 483–93.
                                                           Carrard, P. ‘‘History As a Kind of Writing: Michel de Certeau and the Poetics of Histo-
                                                             riography.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001): 465–82.
                                                           Chamak, B. ‘‘L’émergence des sciences cognitives en France.’’ Archives internationales
                                                             d’histoire des sciences 51 (2001): 309–31.
                                                           Cléro, J.-P. ‘‘Maurice Merleau-Ponty et la guerre.’’ Revue philosophique 3 (2002): 315–31.
                                                           Colebrook, C. ‘‘Certeau and Foucault: Tactics and Strategic.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100
                                                             (2001): 543–74.
                                                           Conley, V. ‘‘Processual Practices.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001): 483–500.
                                                           Cowans, J. ‘‘Fear and Loathing in Paris: The Reception of Opinion Polling in France,
                                                             1938–1977.’’ Social Science History 26 (2002): 71–104.
                                                           Dalisson, R. ‘‘La propagande festive de Vichy. Mythes fondateurs, relecture nationaliste
                                                             et contestation en France de 1940 à 1944.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains
                                                             207 (2002): 5–35.
                                                           Davies, C. ‘‘Humour Is Not a Strategy in War.’’ Journal of European Studies 31 (2001):
                                                           Delporte, C. ‘‘Humour As a Strategy in Propaganda Film: The Case of a French Cartoon
                                                             from 1944.’’ Journal of European Studies 31 (2001): 367–77.
                                                           D’hondt, J. ‘‘Un enseignement de philosophie sous l’occupation allemande (1941–
                                                             1943).’’ Revue philosophique 3 (2002): 261–92.
                                                           Dine, P. ‘‘France, Algeria, and Sport: From Colonisation to Globalisation.’’ Modern and
                                                             Contemporary France 10 (2002): 495–505.
                                                           Driscoll, C. ‘‘The Moving Ground: Locating Everyday Life.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100
                                                             (2001): 381–98.
                                                           Dumont, M. ‘‘Les européens dans la rue pendant la guerre d’Algérie.’’ Guerres mondiales
                                                             et conflits contemporains 206 (2002): 59–85.
                                                           Dunne, K. ‘‘Sport As Media Propaganda Vehicle: The Tour de France and French
                                                             Television, 1948–62.’’ French Cultural Studies 13 (2002): 309–17.
                                                           Fichou, J.-C. ‘‘La conserverie de poisson, 1939–1945: Une activité sinistrée?’’ Guerres
                                                             mondiales et conflits contemporains 207 (2002): 61–75.
                                                           Forsdick, C. ‘‘‘Direction les oubliettes de l’histoire’: Witnessing the Past in the Contem-
                                                             porary French Polar.’’ French Cultural Studies 12 (2001): 333–50.
                                                           Freccero, C. ‘‘Toward a Psychoanalytics of Historiography: Michel de Certeau’s Early
                                                             Modern Encounters.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001): 365–79.
                                                           Frow, J. ‘‘Discursive Justice.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001): 331–48.
                                                           Garraud, P. ‘‘Les contraintes industrielles dans la préparation de la guerre de 1939–
                                                             1940: La modernisation inachevée de l’aviation française.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits
                                                             contemporains 207 (2002): 37–59.
                                                           Gemie, S. ‘‘The Politics of Language: Debates and Identities in Contemporary Brittany.’’
                                                             French Cultural Studies 13 (2002): 145–64.
                                                           Ginsborg, P., L. Passerini, B. Stråth, and P. Wagner. ‘‘1968–2001: Measuring the Dis-
                                                             tance: Continuities and Discontinuities in Recent History.’’ Thesis Eleven 68 (2002):
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                                                           RECENT ARTICLES ON FRENCH HISTORY                                                        573

                                                           Gorrara, C. ‘‘Malheurs et ténèbres: Narratives of Social Disorder in Léo Malet’s 120, rue
                                                             de la gare.’’ French Cultural Studies 12 (2001): 271–83.
                                                           Goscha, C. ‘‘La guerre par d’autres moyens: Réflexions sur la guerre du Viêt Minh dans
                                                             le Sud-Vietnam de 1945 à 1951.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 206 (2002):
                                                           Gueritat, K. ‘‘La politique de mémoire de l’ONAC à travers l’example de la Commis-
                                                             sion de l’information historique pour la paux (CDIHP) du Loiret.’’ Guerres mondiales
                                                             et conflits contemporains 205 (2002): 85–95.
                                                           Hargreaves, A. ‘‘France and Algeria, 1962–2002: Turning the Page?’’ Modern and Con-
                                                             temporary France 10 (2002): 445–47.
                                                           Hutton, M.-A. ‘‘Female Identities in the Nazi Camps: French Deportees’ Testimonial
                                                             Accounts of the 1990s.’’ Romance Studies 20 (2002): 55–64.
                                                           Lazen, M. ‘‘Living-Dead Culture: The Ecomusée d’Alsace and the Local Heritage in
                                                             Postmodern France.’’ French Cultural Studies 13 (2002): 125–44.
                                                           Le Sueur, J. ‘‘Ghost Walking in Algiers? Why Alek Baylee Toumi Resurrected Sartre and
                                                             de Beauvoir.’’ Modern and Contemporary France 10 (2002): 507–17.
                                                           Lindeperg, S. ‘‘Scénarisation du négationnisme par la télévision française: Les temps
                                                             et logiques d’un média.’’ French Cultural Studies 13 (2002): 259–80.
                                                           Lloyd, C. ‘‘Comic Songs in the Occupation.’’ Journal of European Studies 31 (2001): 379–
                                                           Lorcin, J. ‘‘Le journal de captivité du silencieux (d’après le Journal des jours de guerre et
                                                             de captivité de Léon Gotteland, 1940–1941).’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains
                                                             207 (2002): 77–95.
                                                           Löwy, M. ‘‘The Revolutionary Romanticism of May 1968.’’ Thesis Eleven 68 (2002): 95–
                                                           MacMaster, N. ‘‘The Torture Controversy (1998–2002): Towards a ‘New History’ of the
                                                             Algerian War?’’ Modern and Contemporary France 10 (2002): 449–59.
                                                           Malkassian, G. ‘‘Julien Benda sous l’occupation: La démocratie à l’épreuve.’’ Revue phi-
                                                             losophique 3 (2002): 333–43.
                                                           Maux-Robert, M.-A. ‘‘Le commissariat à la lutte contre le chômage en zone sud.’’ Guerres
                                                             mondiales et conflits contemporains 206 (2002): 121–46.
                                                           Mendras, H. ‘‘The Invention of the Peasantry: A Moment in the History of Post–World
                                                             War II French Sociology.’’ Revue française de sociologie 43 (2002): 157–71.
                                                           Mizrahi, J.-D. ‘‘Armée, état et nation au Moyen-Orient. La naissance des troupes spé-
                                                             ciales du Levant à l’époque du mandat français, Syrie, 1919–1930.’’ Guerres mondiales
                                                             et conflits contemporains 207 (2002): 107–23.
                                                           Offe, C. ‘‘1968 Thirty Years After: Four Hypotheses on the Historical Consequences of
                                                             the Student Movement.’’ Thesis Eleven 68 (2002): 82–94.
                                                           Passerini, L. ‘‘‘Utopia’ and Desire.’’ Thesis Eleven 68 (2002): 11–30.
                                                           Platten, D. ‘‘Reading-Glasses, Guns, and Robots: A History of Science in French Crime
                                                             Fiction.’’ French Cultural Studies 12 (2001): 253–70.
                                                           Pujol, L. ‘‘Arrestations de personnalités civiles et militaires françaises par les allemands
                                                             en août 1943 et mai 1944.’’ Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 207 (2002): 97–
                                                           Reggiani, A. ‘‘Alexis Carrel, the Unknown: Eugenics and Population Research under
                                                             Vichy.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 331–56.
                                                           Rojas, C. ‘‘Braudel in Latin America and the U.S.: A Different Reception.’’ Review 24
                                                             (2001): 25–46.
                                                           Ross, K. ‘‘Establishing Consensus: May ’68 in France As Seen from the 1980s.’’ Social
                                                             Science History 26 (2002): 650–76.
                                                           Sabbagh, D. ‘‘Affirmative Action at Sciences Po.’’ French Politics, Culture, and Society 20
                                                             (2002): 52–64.
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                                                           Stora, B. ‘‘Algérie: Les retours de la mémoire de la guerre d’indépendance.’’ Modern and
                                                             Contemporary France 10 (2002): 461–73.
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                                                           574                                                   FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES

                                                           Stråth, B. ‘‘1968: From Co-determination to Co-worker. The Power of Language.’’ Thesis
                                                             Eleven 68 (2002): 64–81.
                                                           Tanguy, L. ‘‘La mise en équivalence de la formation avec l’emploi dans les IVe et Ve
                                                             Plans (1962–1970).’’ Revue française de sociologie 43 (2002): 685–709.
                                                           Terdiman, R. ‘‘The Marginality of Michel de Certeau.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100
                                                             (2001): 399–421.
                                                           Thomas, M. ‘‘The Vichy Government and French Colonial Prisoners of War, 1940–
                                                             1944.’’ French Historical Studies 25 (2002): 657–92.
                                                           Tomaski, T. ‘‘Certeau à la carte: Translating Discursive Terroir in The Practice of Everyday
                                                             Life: Living and Cooking.’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001): 519–42.
                                                           Trumbull, G. ‘‘Policy Activism in a Globalized Economy: France’s Thirty-Five-Hour
                                                             Workweek.’’ French Politics, Culture, and Society 20 (2002): 1–21.
                                                           Turégano, T. ‘‘The New Politics of African Cinema at the French Ministry of Foreign
                                                             Affairs.’’ French Politics, Culture, and Society 20 (2002): 22–32.
                                                           Vallois, M.-C. ‘‘Gendering the Revolution: Language, Politics, and the Birth of a Nation
                                                             (1789–1795).’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001): 423–45.
                                                           Veyrat-Masson, I. ‘‘Clio à la télévision, 1953–2000.’’ French Cultural Studies 13 (2002):
                                                           Wagner, P. ‘‘The Project of Emancipation and the Possibility of Politics; or, What’s
                                                             Wrong with Post-1968 Individualism?’’ Thesis Eleven 68 (2002): 31–45.
                                                           Ward, G. ‘‘Michel de Certeau’s ‘Spiritual Spaces.’ ’’ South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (2001):
                                                           Watkins, G. ‘‘Recent Work on France and the Second World War.’’ Journal of Contempo-
                                                             rary History 37 (2002): 637–47.
                                                           Weiner, S. ‘‘Cinephilia in Postwar France.’’ Contemporary French Civilization 26 (2002):
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