KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...

La page est créée Sylvie Courtois
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...
                  ‚‚ South Africa / Cuba
                                                                                                         2010 Nairobi City©Brand Kenya Board

                  ‚‚ Agriculture: Myth vs Reality

Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et d’Agriculture I Belgique, Luxembourg, Afrique, Caraïbes, Pacifique
Kamer van Koophandel, Nijverheid en Landbouw I België, Luxemburg, Afrika, Caraiben, Pacific
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture I Belgium, Luxembourg, Africa, Carribean, Pacific

52e année I Trimestriel I Juillet, Août, Septembre 2017
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...
Juillet I Août I Septembre 2017

 EN LANDBOUW VZW                    EDITORIAL                                                                                                     2
                                    Guy Bultynck - Chairman, CBL-ACP
 COMMERCE, INDUSTRY                 KENYA, THE GATEWAY TO AFRICA                                                                                  5
 AND AGRICULTURE NPO                H.E. Ambassador Weru

 SECRETARIAT                        FOCUS | KENYA                                                                                                 5
 Rue Montoyerstraat 24 B5
 1000 Brussels                      Belgian Economic Mission to Kenya, November 2017                                                              6
 T +32 2 512 99 50
 F +32 2 512 28 29                  Kenya, the leading economy in Central and East Africa                                                         8                      Project opportunities for our belgian explorers                                                              14

 ADVISORS                           SOUTH AFRICA
 Henri CHALON, Paul FRIX,
 Josyane HOUART , Jacques NYSSEN,   Cape Booms as South Africa rebounds from recession                                                           16
 Solange PITROIPA                   CBL-ACP ECONOMC MISSION TO CUBA 2015                                                                         18

 Jacques EVRARD
                                    Myth vs Reality: Which pathways for agriculture?                                                             20
 Corine COURBET                     Legal Division
                                    Les traités de protection des investissements à l’étranger                                                   26
 Didier VERHELST                    Financial Division
                                    Guidelines                                                                                                   28
 Jennifer LEFEBURE                  Agenda / Events                                                                                              30

 RESPONSIBLE OF THE                 New Members                                                                                                  32
 Michael STENGER
 Avenue Huart-Hamoir 48
 1030 Brussels
 T +32 2 242 05 10

                                    Picture cover
                                    Nairobi City©Brand Kenya Board

 CHIEF EDITOR                       Responsible for the publication
 Gauthier DEMARET                   Mr. Michael Stenger, Avenue Huart Hamoir, 48 B-1030 Bruxelles


 Céline BACHO
                                    © This content is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the formal authorisation of the editor.
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...

                                                                     Voici donc trois pays très différents démontrant la diversité que
                                                                     l’on retrouve sous le label ‘ACP’. Pourtant, aussi différents qu’ils
                                                                     soient, ces 79 pays ont en commun d’offrir aujourd’hui, avec une
                                                                     classe moyenne grandissante, véritable moteur de croissance, le
                                                                     plus vaste marché émergent du monde. Si les opportunités y sont
                                                                     aujourd’hui bien réelles, elles doivent cependant s’appréhender
                                                                     au regard des spécificités locales, intégrer les stades de déve-
                                                                     loppements différents et assimiler l’économie soit informelle soit

 EDITORIAL                                                           déstructurée qui s’y est développée au fil du temps. Sans compter
                                                                     les éléments exogènes, tels que les crises humanitaires ou la baisse
                                                                     des prix des matières premières qui ont sensiblement accentués
                                                                     ces derniers temps les disparités régionales.

                                                                     En parallèle, « l’accord de Cotonou », qui constitue l’ossature du
                                                                     partenariat entre l’Union européenne et les pays ACP et qui était
                                                                     vu comme novateur en 2000, a, au cours des dernières années,
                                                                     vu son contexte modifié. Une nouvelle réalité prévaut aujourd’hui
                                                                     qu’elle soit géopolitique, sécuritaire ou encore migratoire. Le
                                                                     combat contre le terrorisme et le crime organisé retient d’abord
                                                                     l’attention des responsables au détriment des aspects écono-
                                                                     miques, sociaux et humains.

                                                                     Devant tant de signaux parfois aussi contradictoires il est évident
                                                                     qu’une certaine circonspection s’impose. Mais, s’il y a une vingtaine
                                                                     d’années, investir dans les pays ACP passait pour de l’idéalisme,
                                                                     les ignorer aujourd’hui apparaitrait comme une erreur. Même si
                                                                     leur intégration économique voulue sur les marchés mondiaux
                                                                     n’a pas donné les résultats positifs escomptés, ces pays offrent
                                                                     aujourd’hui de nombreuses et réelles opportunités commerciales.
                                                                     Pour les saisir il faut, sans enthousiasme excessif et en restant
                                                                     conscient des risques, les envisager dans toutes leurs complexités
                                                                     et leurs nuances et en ayant à l’esprit qu’un partenariat avec les
GUY BULTYNCK                                                         acteurs locaux constitue souvent les clés de la réussite (contenu
Chairman, CBL-ACP                                                    local, ressources humaines pertinentes, relations avec les pouvoirs
                                                                     publics, conception des produits…).

                                                                     Aujourd’hui plus que jamais notre Chambre, la CBL-ACP, avec
ACP, unité dans la diversité                                         ses conseillers, ses représentants locaux et ses chefs de sections
                                                                     bilatérales, reste pour ses membres le meilleur support pour partir
Le Kenya, l’Afrique du Sud et Cuba, trois pays mis en exergue        à la conquête de ces économies émergentes soutenues par une
dans ce numéro ; trois pays du groupe des Etats d’Afrique, des       diversification grandissante et un marché domestique important.
Caraïbes et du Pacifique qui en compte 79. Ces pays dits ACP
ont en commun l’ambition d’un développement durable et d’une
intégration progressive dans l´économie mondiale.                    ACP, unity in diversity
Comment situer ces trois pays dans ce vaste programme. Selon         Kenya, South Africa and Cuba, three countries at the focal point
une étude publiée par Havas Horizons et l’Institut Choiseul, le      of this issue; three countries also belonging to a group formed by
Kenya truste la première place dans le classement des pays les       the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, numbering
plus attractifs pour les investisseurs prêts à y renforcer leurs     79 in totall. What unites these ACP countries is the common
investissements. Ce pays est l’exemple de la résurgence écono-       ambition of sustainable development and a gradual integration
mique de l’Afrique de l’Est. Selon cette même étude l’Afrique du     in the global economy.
Sud dispose d’un système boursier parmi les plus dynamiques
du continent africain. Les entreprises peuvent ainsi y trouver les   Where should we place these three countries in this vast sche-
capitaux nécessaires à leur croissance tandis que l’Etat y trouve    me? According to a study published by Havas Horizons and the
une source de financement pour compenser son déficit. À Cuba         Choiseul Institute Kenya occupies a steadfast pole position in
le secteur privé poursuit son développement dans des domaines        the ranking of countries most attractive for investors. It is the
aussi divers que le commerce, la mobilité, la construction ou        example of the economic resurgence of Eastern Africa. According
encore l’industrie. Cette ‘nouvelle économie’ prend forme et est     to the same study South Africa can rely on a stock market system
encourageante pour l’avenir de l’ile.                                that is one of the most dynamic in the whole of Africa. It allows
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...

companies to easily find the capital they need to ensure growth,        en het Choiseul Instituut bekleedt Kenia een zekere eerste plaats
while at the same time enabling the State to compensate its deficit.    in het klassement van landen, die investeerders als zeer attractief
In Cuba the private sector continues its development in areas of        vinden met het oog op expansie. Kenia is dan ook het voorbeeld
trade, mobility, construction and industry. This ‘new economy’ is       bij uitstek van de economische heropleving in oostelijk Afrika.
gradually taking shape and holds encouraging promises for the           Volgens dezelfde studie beschikt Zuid-Afrika over een beurssys-
future of the island.                                                   teem dat als een van de meest dynamische van het Afrikaanse
                                                                        continent mag worden beschouwd. Ondernemingen vinden er
And so, three – very different – countries show proof of the va-        vlot het kapitaal dat ze nodig hebben om te kunnen groeien,
riety the ACP label offers. Yet, different as they are, what these      terwijl de overheid er anderzijds een financiële bron aan overhoudt
79 countries have in common is their offer of a huge emerging           om ’s lands deficit in evenwicht te brengen. Ook Cuba tenslotte
global market fuelled by a growing middle class acting as driving       ontwikkelt zich gestaag verder in domeinen als handel, mobiliteit,
force. Nonetheless, while the opportunities are plenty, attention       bouw, en industrie. De ‘nieuwe economie’ krijgt er meer en meer
should be given to specific local customs, the different stages of      vorm en oogt veelbelovend voor de toekomst van het eiland.
development should be considered, and the assimilation of the
economy that was established over the years – be it informal            Drie zeer verschillende landen. Een bewijs van de diversiteit die on-
or disrupted – must be paramount. Not to be overlooked either           der het etiket ‘ACP’ schuilgaat. Ongeacht hun verschillen bieden
are external phenomena such as humanitarian crises or the fall          de 79 landen een gemeenschappelijk perspectief: een groeiende
in commodity prices, of late, both of whichare responsible for          middenklasse die als grootst opkomende markt ter wereld de
noticeably accentuating regional disparities.                           motor kan zijn van ongekende groei. Maar ook al zijn de op-
                                                                        portuniteiten binnen de ACP-landen onbetwistbaar, er zal
On a parallel level, the “Cotonou Agreement”, i.e. the backbone         moeten rekening gehouden worden met lokale eigenheden,
of the partnership between the EU and the ACP countries, re-            met de integratie van verschillende stadia van ontwikkeling,
garded as an “innovation” back in the year 2000, has witnessed a        en de assimilatie van zowel informele als ongestructureerde
modified context in recent times. A new reality exists nowadays,        economieën die er zich in de loop der tijd hebben genesteld.
be it geopolitical, security-related or migratory. The fight against    Zonder dan nog gewag te maken van exogene omstandigheden
terrorism and organised crime is top of mind among authorities          als de humanitaire crisis of de prijsdalingen van natuurlijke
to the detriment of economic, social and human aspects.                 grondstoffen, die recentelijk voor zichtbare verschillen hebben
                                                                        gezorgd tussen de regio’s.
In view of these many, often conflicting signals a certain caution
can’t be thrown to the wind. But if twenty odd years ago investing      Gelijklopend hiermee heeft het ‘Cotonou Akkoord’, de in 2000
in ACP countries was labelled as idealism, ignoring them today          als vernieuwend bestempelde ruggengraat van het partnership
would be seen as a grave mistake. Even if their intended economic       tussen de EU en de ACP-landen, in de laatste jaren de context,
integration into global markets hasn’t led to the expected positive     waarbinnen het werkzaam is, zien veranderen. De nieuwe reali-
results, these countries today do offer numerous and realistic          teit dicteert eerder invalshoeken van geopolitieke aard, dan wel
opportunities. In order to seize these one should view them in all      gestoeld op veiligheid en/of migratie. De strijd tegen het ter-
their complexity and nuances without being overly enthusiastic          rorisme en de georganiseerde misdaad krijgt vanwege de au-
whilst being mindful of the risks involved. And never forget that       toriteiten meer aandacht dan economische, sociale en humane
a partnership with local players often holds the key to success         aspecten.
(knowledge of the local context, relevant human resources,
relationship with the public sector, product development, …).           Gelet op zovele soms tegenstrijdige signalen is een zekere voor-
                                                                        zichtigheid geboden. Maar als twintig jaar geleden investeren
For the members our Chamber, the CBL-ACP, with its counsellors,         in de ACP-landen werd gezien als idealisme, dan leidt er het
its local representatives and bilateral section chiefs, remains – now   nu geen twijfel over dat landen negeren een zware vergissing
more than ever – the ultimate bridgehead to start the conquest          zijn. Zelfs als hun economische integratie in de globale context
of emerging economies based on growing diversification and              minder succesvol is gebleken dan voorzien, dan nog bieden ze
important domestic markets.                                             talrijke en reële commerciële opportuniteiten. Om deze oppor-
                                                                        tuniteiten te grijpen, moeten ze echter objectief en risicobewust
                                                                        worden gewikt en gewogen op hun complexiteit en hun nuances.
ACP, eenheid in verscheidenheid                                         Wat dan weer een partnership met lokale spelers voor de hand
                                                                        liggend maakt, want zij vormen de sleutel tot succes met hun
Kenia, Zuid-Afrika en Cuba, drie landen in de schijnwerpers van         kennis van het lokale kader, de human ressources ter plekke,
dit nummer; drie landen uit de groep van Afrikaanse staten, de          hun relatie met de officiële diensten, productontwikkeling, enz.
Caraïben en de Pacific, een groep met 79 leden. Deze ‘ACP-landen’
hebben de gemeenschappelijke ambitie zich op duurzame wijze             Vandaag, meer dan ooit, blijft onze Kamer met zijn raadgevers,
te ontwikkelen en zich progressief in te integreren in de wereld-       zijn lokale vertegenwoordigers en zijn bilaterale sectiehoofden
economie.                                                               voor onze leden het aanspreekpunt bij uitstek, om zich op het
                                                                        pad der verovering te wagen van die opkomende economieën,
Waar situeren deze drie landen zich nu in dit omvangrijke pro-          die voortspruiten uit een groeiende diversificatie en uitdijende
gramma? Volgens een studie gepubliceerd door Havas Horizons             thuismarkten.
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...

                                                              Excellency, how do you look back at the very beginning of
                                                              your mission here in Brussels?

                                                              Let me first of all commend our good relations with the CBL-
                                                              ACP. It has been a long journey. Ahead of my arrival here I

                                                              had a lunch in the garden of the Belgian Ambassador then
                                                              to Kenya, His Excellency. Bart Ouvry. The Ambassador took
                                                              me through what he thought were the key priorities for the

    GATEWAY TO                                                relations between Kenya and Belgium. I arrived here with
                                                              a number of names. One of the names given to me by H.E
                                                              Bart Ouvry happened to be Mr.Maurice Vermeesch. I was also

    AFRICA                                                    introduced to Mr. Christian Verbrugghe who is an excellent
                                                              business man in Kenya and Africa. Through them I met the
                                                              organisation CBL-ACP which I quickly learned was a body
                                                              that brings together business men from Luxembourg and
                                                              Belgium in contact with ACP member States.
    *Nederlandse versie op onze website
     Version française sur notre site     Looking back at my very beginning here, I came with an
                                                              open mind. I am from a technical position as the Director of
                                                              Economic Affairs and Foreign Trade at the Foreign Ministry
                                                              and I would say Belgium/Brussels was not really a new place
                                                              for me, I used to come here for very many meetings. I had a
                                                              rough idea and above that, my predecessors in the depart-
                                                              ment happened also to have been appointed as Ambassadors
                                                              to Brussels. So I had a fair background of what there was
                                                              and given that Brussels over time in the last seven to eight
                                                              years has become an leading diplomatic capital. In the last
                                                              count, I believe the second largest diplomatic presence after
                                                              Washington is Brussels. I came here with a good intention of
                                                              taking advantage of the diplomatic community to see how we
                                                              can deepen relations between Kenya and the member States
                                                              of the European Union at all levels; political, economic and
MESSAGE FROM H.E. MR JOHNSON WERU                             international. We have made quite a good account of that.
AMBASSADOR OF KENYA                                           So, roughly that is what I can say.

                                                              What are some of the milestones that you can look back
Head of Mission at the Kenyan Embassy in Brussels H.E.        on today in the Belgium-Kenya bilateral relations?
Ambassador Johnson Weru is accredited to the King-
dom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and             In 2015, Kenya hosted an international investment conference.
the European Union. His mandate includes furthering           This conference coincided with the visit to Kenya of a trade
Kenya’s national interests, in partnership with other         delegation, that time at the initiative of the Flanders Investment
member states of the African, Caribbean and Pacific           and Trade Agency but coordinated by ACP-CBL. I advanced for
(ACP) Group of States. Amb. Weru is a career diplomat         the delegation to attend the conference as part of international
and public servant, with over twenty years experience         delegates.
working in government and in international develop-
ment agencies in Africa and Europe.                           Out of that, we are now organising the next trade mission in
                                                              November and December to Kenya. Nearly at the same time
Prior to his appointment, Amb. Weru had a distingui-          like previsouly but in other countries at the same time, Tanzania,
shed and long service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,     Rwanda, Uganda and Ethiopia. But the most important thing is
Nairobi, where he served as Director for Economic Af-         that we have talked to the business companies in Belgium and
fairs and External Trade. His main responsibilities in-       in Luxembourg ahead of their departure. The complete briefing
cluded coordinating and setting policy direction for          took place on the 12th of september, talking about what they
bilateral and multilateral trade, and economic relations      are looking, what they will be looking for and be perceived and
between Kenya and the rest of the world, including the        introduce my country to them. We are looking for business
ACP. He has wide experience in international finance,         opportunities, we are looking for investors, we are looking for
international trade negotiations, and public sector           trade, they are looking for trade. These are basically convidiences
management and restructuring.                                 of business ideas and objectives.
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...


The main milestone of my term was the visit of President Kenyatta      a touch of any senior investment. Kenya is also well advanced
in June 2016. It was fantastic because President Kenyatta was          in telecommunication, infrastructure and mobile money inno-
hosted for a diner by CBL-ACP and it was so well organised and         vations. There is a lot of hype in the international media about
attended. When the President got into the room, his first reaction     Africa but very few people understand what Africa stands for.
was that he was shocked at the huge number of business men             So within Kenya, landing there, you are going to prepare yourself
and business executives who had shown up. But alongside the            to have a reach of probably 800 million people in Sub-saharan
President’s visit, I had undertaken an advocacy among Kenyan           africa and these are people that are willing and ready to do
businessmen. So in total, we had a ratio of nearly six belgian         business, to be part of a huge market. What we are saying is
businessmen to one kenyan. Almost about 150 businessmen                that we are slowly looking at a business environement that will
from Belgium and the EU. Also, we had very many opportunities          allow an economy to benefit and not just be a global warehouse.
for high level engagement.                                             We are starting from assembling to complete manufacturing.
                                                                       And we have put that in the context of the trade agreement
Could you sketch us the landscape of the trade relations               that we have negotiated with the European Union called the
today between Kenya and Belgium?                                       Economic and Partnership Agreement (EPA) where we have
                                                                       indicated very clearly that despite the provisional free market
Looking at our trade relations, looking at the different levels of     access to the EU we are going to protect our industries that
trade with Belgium we have seen remarkable improvements.               the necessary provisions are there and the agreement is going
In 2014 for example, our exports to Belgium increased from 6.1         to do exactly that.
million kenyan shilling to 6,7 million kenyan shillings. The imports
from Belgium have increased from 10.05 to 19.15 percent. We            Excellency, as an Ambassador do you have any idea about
are looking at a percentage win in trade, despite the fact that        what will be your legacy?
there is a deficit of trade between Kenya and Belgium, there
is a more than significant percentage of exports and you can       The last President from Kenya to visit the Kingdom of Belgium
attribute this to the macro-economic environment we were           was in the 90s . H.E President Daniel Arap Moi, who presided
able to create in Kenya.                                           Kenya from 1978 to 2002, had come and the fact that H.E
                                                                   President Uhuru Kenyatta has been here twicei.e April 2014 and
I also want to mention the tremendous work we are doing with       June 2016 is a big honor for me as Ambassador. And everytime
the European Investment Bank(EIB), which is                                          he has visited Brussels, be it over a working visit,
the financing arm of the European Commis- « I came with an open mind or on official duty, he has had an opportunity
sion. We are currently the largest customer in         and made many friends »       to talk to the kenyan diaspora, to talk to the
terms of portfolio for projects in the ACP. In the                                   investors, to speak to the world from here. It is
framework of our project we are now producing 50 megawatts         a big big legacy for me. But moving from there I have also been
of clean energy. We are very proud of that. Many other projects    fortunate to have been the Ambassador who finally concluded
exist within the framework of our priorities which are energy,     the negotiations on the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
agriculture, construction, good governance, we have been able      between the EAC member States and the European Union.
to utilise our European Development Fund(EDF). Also blended        It was a complex trade agreement that brought a lot of interests
products that are available from the market especially the mix     on the table and we nearly stretched our diplomatic skills but
of loans and grants. And we have had two, actually three high      nonetheless the agreement was eventually ratified by the
level visits from the Vice-President of the EIB in Nairobi.        Parliament and deposited with the EU Council on 28th
                                                                   September 2016. And that gave a lot of hope for the next thirty
Excellency, could you give any tips and advice for Belgian         years for our trade with the European Union. I have told our
entrepreneurs interested in Kenya?                                 people back in Kenya that this is the best gift they can get out
                                                                   of Kenya’s foreign diplomacy. Trade that is duty free.
Kenya is the getway to Africa, no doubt about it. If you want to
get into Africa, there is no other gate. Whether you are coming    I want to mention Yvan Korsak, he is a great trade officer for
from Asia, from Europe or from the Americas… the gateway           Belgium. I would say that, this gentleman should be honoured
is Kenya. Nearly all the global airlines are in our International  by his Governement. He is doing a lot of work and he has used
airport and land in Nairobi.                                       his time in Kenya wisely. Everytime I go to Nairobi, it coincides
                                                                   with the King’s Party. I have seen the way he has managed
We feel that anybody who wants to do business with Africa          the receptions, business guests are in larger number than the
should set up an office in the house where he has a reach          political guests I have over time kept a list of all those importants
to all that target audience. But we have a strong domestic         contacts. Through him I was able to meet many many Belgians
demand, don’t forget. We are the largest economy in East Africa.   working in my country. These numbers are increasing. Many
We have all the banks you are looking for in the world, from       Belgians are returning to Kenya due to the climate but also for
Citibank to BNP Paribas who have commercial presence in            business and they have formed a great community and Mr.Korsak
Nairobi. We have the second largest stock exchange in Africa,      is great asset to the Ambassador. Everytime he is in Brussels
with a capitalisation of nearly 60 Billion dollars. I feel we have he always comes here… the sky is the limit.
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...


    NOVEMBER 2017*
                                                                      YVAN KORSAC
                                                                      Trade Commissioner in Kenya Brussels Invest & Export
*Mission also to Uganda

The Belgian Trade Agencies – BIE, FIT, AWEX and the CBL-              in order to improve the infrastructure such as road networks
ACP will conduct a business mission to Uganda & Kenya on              and provide new homes for the locals (supported by the banks
the 25th of November 2017. The mission will have a triple             to get loans to buy apartments/cars). The Kenyan construc-
focus: AgroFood - Construction – Energy                               tion industry accounts 7% of the GDP. With an increase in
                                                                      population, there are opportunities in the construction of
1-Agri-Business in Kenya                                              residential, commercial and industrial buildings, including pre-
                                                                      fabricated low-cost housing. There are extensive opportunities
Agriculture and its allied services are at the centre of the wealth   in the area of upgrading informal settlements, urban renewal,
of Kenya. The country is famous for its large cultivation of tea,     construction of middle and low income housing, and the ma-
coffee, grains, and fruits such as mangoes, pineapples, passion       nufacture and supply of building materials and components.
fruit, oranges, water melon, pawpaw, avocado, and banana. The
dairy industry is also evolving with a large herd of exotic dairy     Opportunities:
cows which provide fresh milk for processing into branded pas-        -Construction material and equipment
teurised milk and other dairy products. 16% of the land is of high-   -Residential housing: objective of building 150,000
to-medium potential, while the rest is arid and semi-arid land with    housing units per year
low agricultural potential: only useful for nomadic pastoralism,      -Lapsset: Kenya’s largest infrastructure project valued at
commercial ranching and irrigated agriculture. About 5 million         US $ 39Bn with a cross-sector abundance of opportunities
people live in the low potential areas, while the remainder depend     for the construction of rail, road, airport, housing and
on the high to medium areas. Although 80% of the population            utilities infrastructure
depend on agriculture, small-scale farms of 0.5–10 ha dominate
the high to medium areas, with about 81% of small-scale far-          3-Energy sector in Kenya
mers holding less than 2 ha. Given a population growth rate of
3.2%, the pressure on land to sustain food production and cash        Electricity in Kenya is generated by geothermal (47%
crop farming is increasing. The Agribusiness contributes at the       of consumption), hydropower (39%), thermal (13%)
level of 3,2 % to the GDP and 8,5 % in the exports. 		                and wind (0.4%). Kenya’s current power capacity is
- Products most imported: wheat (1,2Mt), rice (459 000 t),            estimated at 2.4GW, 1.5GW of which is grid-connected
  oil (622 000 t) and sugar (229000t).			                             and 500MW of which has come online since mid-2014.
- Products most exported: tea, horticultural products, coffee, fish   Since hydropower accounts for a large percentage of this
                                                                      capacity and is reliant on unpredictable weather conditions,
2-Construction sector in Kenya                                        the frequency of power outages is high at 33%. The cost of
                                                                      energy in Kenya is also high at US$0.150 per kWh, almost
Kenya’s construction industry is going through a boom. The            four times the cost of energy in South Africa (US$0.040).
government has invested heavily in the construction sector
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...


There are approximately ten IPPs in operation4 and they                 - Coal: The energy mix in Kenya may change with the exploitation
account for about 24% of the country’s installed capacity, up           of a 400-million-tonne coal mine discovered in the Mui Basin,
from 11% in 2008. One of the key components of the Kenyan               which is expected to power the operations of two new 960MW
government’s energy strategy is a strong emphasis on the                power plants by 2017. The US $34bn mining concession was
participation of private investors in the development of the            given to Fenxi Mining Group in 2012, and a Chinese consortium
electricity sector, so the current trend is likely to continue, at      was given mining rights to the coal mine in 2015.
least in the medium term. However, there are concerns about
the low efficiency of power production by IPPs.                         Challenges:

Although hydropower accounts for a large proportion of                  Demand is rising faster than the ability to install additional generation
energy production in Kenya, its unreliability has pushed                plants. Over-dependence on hydro-power, which exposes the country
the government to favour wind, thermal and geothermal                   to power rationing due to extreme weather conditions which result
generation:                                                             in drought, a shortage of transformers and overstressed distribution
                                                                        network; dependence on donor funding for various projects; inadequate
- Geothermal: Kenya accounts for 7 of the 15 gigawatts of               transmission and distribution network; emergence of food safety issues
potential geothermal energy in Africa. In fact, it is the world’s       when developing the bio-diesel industry, to name just a few.
8th largest producer of geothermal energy. Additionally,
high subsurface temperatures make it cheaper to produce                 The Trade Commission’s mission is to support Belgian-based companies
geothermal energy here.                                                 willing to do business in East Africa and East African companies seeking
                                                                        to source goods and services from Belgium. Ivan Korsak works for
- Wind: Kenya is home to Africa’s largest wind power project            the three Regions of Belgium in the five countries of the East African
(the 310MW Lake Turkana Wind Farm) as well as a further                 Community. Every month he complies a short newsletter on projects
900MW in development or online.                                         in the region.

   Solutions for the rising sea level              Solutions for polluted rivers and soils
                                                                                                         DEME has a leading position in a number of highly
                                                                                                         specialized and complex hydraulic disciplines. In
                                                                                                         the next decades, the world will be facing major
                                                                                                         challenges such as the effects of climate change
                                                                                                         and scarcity of resources. Through innovative
                                                                                                         thinking DEME is offering sustainable solutions in
                                                                                                         response to these future needs in various fields
                                                                                                         such as soil and sediment remediation, water
                                                                                                         treatment, coastal protection, development of
                                                                                                         green and blue energy, offshore dredging of
                                                                                                         gravel and sand, deep sea harvesting of minerals
                                                                                                         and creation of land in densely populated regions,
                                                                                                         ports and industries.

                                                                                                                          DEME nv
                                                                                                                          Haven 1025, Scheldedijk 30
                                                                                                                          B-2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium
                                                                                                                          T +32 3 250 52 11
                                                                                                                          F +32 3 250 56 50

   Solutions for reduction of emissions            Solutions for scarcity of resources

opm_DEME_corporate_adv2016_A5_landscape.indd 1                                                                                                 15/09/16 13:55
KENYA South Africa / Cuba Agriculture: Myth vs Reality - CBL-ACP ...



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Kenya is the leading economy in East and Central Afri-                 Kenya’s standing in the global community of nations has risen
ca with strong growth prospects supported by an emer-                  over the years. The high profile has been achieved as a result
ging urban middle class and an increasing appetite for                 of an aggressive foreign policy and diplomatic campaign
high-value goods and services. Its strategic location and              spearheaded by the government. This is evidenced by the
its well-developed business infrastructure make it a natu-             major international conferences Kenya has hosted in the last
ral choice for investors and many international firms have             two years namely the WTO 10th Ministerial Conference(MC
made it their regional hub. This grants investors access               10) the 14th session of the United Nations Conference on
to the larger East African community and regional mar-                 Trade and Development (UNCTAD 14) and the sixth Tokyo
kets with access to over 385 million consumers. Nairobi is             International Conference on Africa’s Development (TICAD
also a major transport hub in East Africa with Connections             VI). At the same time, the country has hosted various global
from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to major desti-               leaders such as the former president of USA, Baraka Obama,
nations around the world. Additonally, they are all located            and the Pope among others. Kenya has not hesitated to take
in a convenient time zone: GMT +3                                      its pride of place in the global arena. Notable achievements
                                                                       in this regard include the participation of Kenya in the recent
In the last five years, the Port of Mombasa has achieved significant   G7 and the United Nations General Assembly.
traffic growth, with total cargo throughput increasing at an annual
average of 7.6 per cent from 19.95 million tonnes in 2011 to 26.73     Energy
million tonnes in 2015 while container traffic grew by 8.7 per cent
from 770,804 TEUs to 1,076,118 TEUs over the five-year period.         In Kenya, energy is identified as one of the infrastructural
                                                                       enablers of the three pillars of Vision 2030, with an expected
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport is Kenya’s largest aviation        surge in energy use within the commercial sector on the road
centre, and the busiest airport in East Africa. Its importance as an   to 2030. As a result, the government has identified the need
aviation center makes it the pace setter for other airports in the     for generation of additional energy and efficiency in energy
region as Africa’s premier hub and ideal gateway into and out of       consumption as priorities in Vision 2030. In order to promote
East and Central Africa. The airport serves over 40 passenger air-     renewable energy projects such as a wind and solar energy
lines and 25 cargo airlines and over 7 million passengers per year.    development programme on a commercial scale, the Govern-
                                                                       ment of Kenya (GoK) has also introduced a Feed-In Tariff (FIT)
Kenya affords a pleasant and quality standard of living with its       policy to attract private investments. The policy provides a
spectacular and diverse natural resources, ranging from wildlife to    fixed tariff for electricity generated in grid-connected mode.
sceneries, including the world famous Maasai Mara. The country
also boasts high quality social amenities such as restaurants,         The main sources of energy are wood fuel, petroleum and elec-
hospitals and Entertainment spots. which is why the country has        tricity accounting for 69%, 22%, and 9%, respectively of total
the highest number of expatriates living and working in Kenya.         energy use. More specifically, 67.5% of electricity is generated
                                                                       using renewable energy sources, which are predominantly
Kenya is signatory to a number of multilateral and bilateral trade     hydro with 47.8% and geothermal with 12.4% respectively,
agreements as part of its trade policy. Kenya is a member of the       while 32.5% is from fossil fuels. The total electricity generated
World Trade Organization (WTO) ), which means its products are         is shared by less than 20% of the country’s population , and
available in more than 90% of world markets thanks to its Most         more than 80 percent of the population remain without access
Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment. In addition, Kenya is a member        to the electricity.
of several trade arrangements and beneficiary of trade-enhan-
cing schemes which include the Africa Growth and Opportunity           Developments in the Kenya Energy Sector
Act (AGOA); duty free quota free market to the EU through the
Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and Common Market of              In 2012, the Government announced the discovery of oil in
Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) as well as the Tripartite         Turkana County. This followed extensive exploratory efforts
Initiative between the East African Community (EAC), COMESA            in areas such as Lamu and Isiolo. Efforts to establish the com-
and Southern Africa Development Community (SADC).                      mercial viability of the oil find are underway, with an expected
                                                                       timeline exceeding three years before the country can become
Kenya has a very substantial private sector, including a significant   an oil producer. The discovery has been described as a major
number of foreign investors and is touted as one of the most           breakthrough while will contribute significantly to meeting
resilient in the world. The country has always been a market eco-      the country’s energy needs.
nomy. Key players in voicing private-sector concerns include the
Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), the Federation of Kenya         The confirmation of commercially viable deposits of coal in the
Employers (FKE) and the Kenya Association of Manufacturers             Mui Basin, in Mwingi East, Mwingi Central and Mutitu Districts
(KAM). Furthermore, the government frequently engages in a             means that Kenya is set to join the coal mining nations of the
policy dialogue with private sector players at the highest levels.     world. This discovery of coal is expected to go a long way in
                                                                       filling the energy deficit in the country.

Landscape©Brand Kenya Board


Kenya is endowed with vast geothermal potential and is recognised       Tourism Sector
as one of the leading generators of geothermal power in Africa;
it is estimated that the country has 7,000 MW – 10,000 MW of            Kenya has a diverse range of attractions to offer its visitors. There
geothermal potential and it is currently Africa’s largest geothermal    is only a few countries around the world where one can relax on
producer with 210 MW of capacity. The discovery of commercially         pristine sandy beaches and be able to see wildlife in all forms within
exploitable geothermal steam in Menengai contributed to the             a short distance. Kenya has 60 national parks and Reserves all with
country’s energy portfolio that will drive Kenya toward the achieve-    abundant wildlife. The spectacular wildebeest migration which
ment of Vision 2030. The Kenyan Government has recently initiated       occurs every year in Kenya’s most visited Maasai Mara National
the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) investment plan          Reserve is referred to as the 7th new wonder of the world.
in line with the national renewable energy development strategy
                                                                        The diversity of Kenya’s tourism also includes, ecotourism, sports
Investment Opportunities                                                and water-based tourism, conference tourism and home-stay
                                                                        tourism. In the northern part of the country, we have the cradle
Generation of energy using renewable sources such as wind,              of mankind from which we all originated, making Kenya a leader
geothermal and solar sources - Feed in Tariff (FIT) is a policy         in heritage tourism. Kenya is therefore the ultimate destination
strategy which aims to increase investment in renewable energy          offering an unparalleled variety of travel and holiday experiences.
technologies. The country plans to increase its electricity-installed   As our visitors tell us, it is indeed a magical destination.
capacity by 5,538 MW by 2017, develop its diesel plants and hy-
dropower, as well as the drilling and steam field development of        Tourism is one of Kenya’s leading foreign exchange earner and
well for geothermal energy. On another note, the construction of        the third largest contributor to GDP after agriculture and manu-
pipeline and storage facilities for petroleum products also repre-      facturing. The sector has been growing fast as a result of various
sents an excellent investment opportunity, especially given that        factors such as liberalisation, privatisation of tourist markets and
the exploration of petroleum deposits in other potential regions        continued Government support and commitment to providing an
of the country present many possibilities.                              enabling environment, coupled with successful tourism promotion
                                                                        and political stability.

Landscape©Brand Kenya Board


Investors can take advantage of Kenya’s endowment of unique              to Juba (South Sudan), Isiolo to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), and
combination of tourist attractions such as beautiful coastal             Lamu to Garsen (Kenya), Crude Oil Pipeline from Lamu to Isiolo,
beaches, coral reefs, caves and river deltas, abundant wildlife,         Isiolo to Juba; Product Oil Pipeline from Lamu to Isiolo, Isiolo to
including the ‘big five’ in their natural habitats, national parks and   Addis Ababa; Interregional Standard Gauge Railway lines from
game reserves, good climate, beautiful geographical landscapes,
savannah grasslands, forests, salt and fresh water lakes. Others
include hot springs, mountains, botany and zoology, world heri-
tage sites, and rich cultural history.

Out of the 26 parks and game reserves in Kenya, only 7 parks,
including Masaai Mara, Nakuru and Amboseli are fully operational,
accounting for more than 80% of the total number of visitors. This
presents an opportunity to develop and add value to the other
parks with modern facilities and infrastructure.

Kenya has recorded steady growth in the Meetings and Conference
tourism. In 2016 alone, it accounted for 13% of total international
tourism arrivals; mostly consisting mostly of business travelers. In
2015, the sector welcomed 117,630 tourists, recording a remarkable
14% increase on 2014 and marking a total contribution of 15.6%,
of the total number of international arrivals for the year.

In the past few years leading, global hotel brands have set up in
                                                                         Landscape©Brand Kenya Board
Nairobi. In total, about 15 high end hotels have opened since 2013
(Radisson Blu, Starwood’s Four Point, Hilton Garden Inn and Best         Lamu to Isiolo, Isiolo to Juba, Isiolo to Addis Ababa, and Nairobi
Western among others), with about half of these opening in 2016.         to Isiolo; 3 International Airports: one each at Lamu, Isiolo, and
Of the hotels that have set up since 2013, most are in Nairobi and       Lake Turkana; 3 Resort Cities: one each at Lamu, Isiolo and Lake
have added 1,700 new rooms in to the market. In 2013, the country        Turkana; and The multipurpose High Grand Falls Dam along the
had a hotel room capacity of about 1,500. Another 17 hotels have         Tana River. The government is actively seeking investment from
confirmed plans to set up in Nairobi between 2017 and 2020, and          firms/consortia interested in the development of various com-
would add another 2,000 rooms in the market. Thus by 2020, the           ponents of the LAPSSET Corridor Program.
country expects to have an additional 3,700 rooms.
                                                                         Investments in these projects can either be through direct invest-
Investors can also take advantage of several strategies and pro-         ments or through public private partnerships.
grammes that have been earmarked by the government to attract
investments in the industry such as the creation of three resort         ICT Sector
cities, the branding of premium parks, the development of high
value niche products, the development of a replica of Kenya              The size of the Kenyan ICT market is estimated at US$ 500 million
Utalii college at the coast, and construction of new high- end           and it is noteworthy that companies such as Spanco, followed
international chain hotel properties among others things.                Airtel into Kenya to continue servicing them. These companies
                                                                         are expected to expand in the region, given Kenya’s relative level
Infrastructure                                                           of sophistication compared to neighbouring markets, and in
                                                                         order to service clients’ expansion plans in the EAC and beyond.
Kenya envisages a massive upgrading and extension of the
country’s infrastructure. In this regard, the country has highlighted    ICT advancement is seen in various areas such as health, agri-
a number of infrastructure projects that present significant op-         culture and education.We are home a large number of highly
portunities for investors in the coming years. It is important to        educated and innovative talent. We are known for innovation as
note that while the Government has put forward plans on how              demonstrated by the all very-well known MPesa Software for some
it would like to develop infrastructure, it is equally open to ideas     of the best banks in the world. Through these advancements Kenya
and proposals from potential investors.                                  has received many awards. For example, in June 2017 Kytabu
                                                                         a cloud-based education software company, was awarded the
The LAPSSET Corridor Program is Eastern Africa’s largest and             2016-17 King Baudouin Foundation African Development Prize
most ambitious infrastructure project bringing together Kenya,           for developing an innovative textbook content leasing app for
Ethiopia and South Sudan. This mega project consists of seven            students, making school-reading textbooks accessible to many
key infrastructure projects starting with a new 32 Berth port at         students in the country.
Lamu (Kenya); Interregional Highways from Lamu to Isiolo, Isiolo


We have a stable pro-investment government – the new Consti-        manufacturing sector jobs to approximately seven hundred
tution which came into force on 1st Aug 2010 has cemented the       thousand and add 2 to 3 billion dollars to the country’s GDP.
stability and guaranteed investors and citizens alike rights that
promote economic and social growth.                                 To realise these opportunities, we need to overcome six challen-
                                                                    ges: infrastructure and land availability, skills and capabilities
We have instituted business-friendly regulatory reforms. We are     in priority sectors, quality of inputs, cost of operation, access
repealing and continue to repeal laws and regulations that impede   to markets and investor-friendly policies.
investment. We have also enacted the Investment Promotion
                                                                    Blue Economy
Act (2004) that has set up Kenya Investment Authority to assist
investors and business men in obtaining licenses necessary for      The government of Kenya is putting in place appropriate policy
investment and to provide further assistance and incentives.        and legal framework to support the fisheries and The Blue
                                                                    Economy sector by revising the National Oceans and Fisheries
We are at a strategic location as a regional financial, communi-    and National Aquaculture policies to maximize on the benefits
cations and transport hub - Our strategic location and well-de-     from these resources.
veloped business infrastructure makes us a natural choice of
location as a base for your regional offices and operations.        The coastal and inland waters of Kenya are endowed with vast
                                                                    amounts of marine resources with the potential of producing
All the above factors, coupled with the friendly business envi-     up to 300,000 metric tonnes of fish. The fisheries sector will
ronment and an innovative culture, have made Kenya a premier        be one of the key pillars of economic growth in Kenya with
outsourcing destination and facilitated the al market and 3)        huge potential for major investment opportunities.
taking advantage of global market niches.
                                                                    The government of Kenya is putting in place measures to achieve
Over the past ten years, Kenya’s manufacturing base has re-         this objective by increasing the landing of fish caught in Kenya’s
mained static at 11% of the country’s GDP, and its industrial       Exclusive Economic Zone to raise its processing capacity
exports have decreased in absolute terms. Increasing this           from the current 2,500 metric tonnes to 18,650 metric tonnes
base is critical to job creation and economic growth as well as     within the next 18 months.With this objective in mind the
domestic and foreign investment. We have identified opportu-        Government of Kenya is preparing to negotiate a sustainable
nities that will more than double the amount of current formal      fisheries partnership agreement with the European Union.

Landscape©Brand Kenya Board


2015 Nairobi City©Brand Kenya Board

Sports and Culture                                                      For more information

Kenya is a great sporting nation, probably best known its               Embassy of Kenya
award-winning athletes who scoop several awards at every Olym-
pics and other international meetings worldwide. However, despite       Avenue Winston Churchilllaan 208
athletics being almost synonymous with Kenyan sports, there is a        1180 Brussels
lot more on offer to the sport enthusiast. The international exploits   Tel: +32 2 340 10 40
of the Kenyan rugby and cricket teams have placed Kenya higher          Fax: +32 2 340 10 50
as global leader in sports.                                   

Most world sports – golf, football, rugby and cricket, to name a
few - have taken root in Kenya and are fast growing in their po-
pularity and participation. As such, Kenya is now a sports safari
destination where one can enjoy:• golfing on some of the world’s
most beautiful courses;

    --   diving in the lovely tropical waters at the coast;
    --   rugby action at the Safari Sevens Rugby tournament;              Kenya is definitely the gateway to
    --   high-altitude training camps;
    --   and much, much more!                                             Africa… it’s only waiting for you
                                                                          to open the many doors it offers.


                                                                Service sector

                                                                The contribution of the service sector amounts to 41% comprises
                                                                out of industries including :

     PROJECT                                                           • the electricity and water supply

                                                                       • wholesale

                                                                       • retail trade

     FOR OUR BELGIAN                                                   • tourism & real estate

                                                                       • financial intermediation

                                                                       • public administration

                                                                       • education & health

                                                                The second largest sector contributor is agriculture (32%)
                                                                with agriculture, forestry, fishery, tea, coffee and horticultural
                                                                industries.The third contributor is the manufacturing, mining
                                                                and construction sector. Kenya’s ICT sector, also referred to
                                                                as the ‘Silicon Savanna’ wins importance.

                                                                To achieve Kenya’s growth plan, the current and planned pro-
                                                                jects are focussing on infrastructure, energy and transport.
                                                                Kenya’s city tram project is implemented in the larger metro-
                                                                politan area of the capital Nairobi that has a population of over
                                                                3 million people.The passenger train is expected to transport
                                                                300.000 people on a daily bases in the initial phase. Projects
CHRISTIAN VERBRUGGHE                                            estimated budget is 145 million USD. The Konza Technology
Board Member and head of section Kenya-Tanzania                 City project has been identified as one of the key drivers of the
                                                                achievement of Vision 2030. The 9.2 billion USD technology
The World Bank recently declared Kenya to be a middle-in-       park will be built on a 64 square-mile stretch covering about
come country and it aims to be an industrialised country        5000 acres of land in Machakos county, South of Nairobi. The
by 2030, for which the government developed the well-           LAPSSET corridor project ( 22,8 billion USD ) is hoped to trigger
known ‘Kenya Vision 2030’.                                      economic activities and more than double Kenya’s GDP. Com-
                                                                ponents include the Lamu Port, Lamu Ethiopia-South-Sudan
Our goal is not to explain the plan in detail, for which we     Sudan superhighway, Lamu-Juba-Addis Ababa railway line, an
refer to the official site , but to        oil refinery and a 2240 km oil pipeline connecting oil fields in
highlight some of the potentials and how to well prepare        South Sudan to the refinery at Lamu Port. The construction
yourself with some facts and findings.                          of the Mombasa-Malaba standard Gauge Railway will involve
                                                                construction of a 500 km railway line from Mombasa to Nairobi
Kenya continues to be one of the fastest growing coun-          at an estimated cost of 3.8 billion USD.Several opportunities
tries in the world (average 6% GDP growth), with the ser-       for our Belgium business entrepreneurs in a number of vibrant
vices sector as the largest contributor, and inflation fairly   sectors:
well under control. ( +/- 6% )
Kenya’s central position in East Africa makes it a strong
strategic partner when it comes to do business with a 250         • Supply of health information systems that generate,
million EAC community.                                          		 validate and analyse health information needed to
                                                                		 centralize health records
With a re-elected President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya’s eco-
nomic long-term strategy has been re-confirmed and                • Provision of medical equipment and diagnostics
gained in power.                                                		 equipment to support the health sector

This must be re-assuring all business & investment people         • Drug manufacture of vital health products like vaccines
to continue their initial plans.                                		 and vital medicines


Energy                                                       Environment and minerals

          • Generation of geothermal energy                    • Waste management systems to manage large amount
                                                             		 of waste in cities
          • Small hydropower development
                                                                    • Mining technologies, mineral exploration
          • Oil and coal exploration
          • Transformer supply
                                                               • Construction of terminals, runways, hangars, etc. and
          • Rural electrification projects                   		 supply of good and services as part of the expansion
                                                             		 and upgrade of the international and regional airports
          • Wind and solar energy generation
                                                               • The construction of a port, rail, roads, airport, housing
ICT                                                          		 and utilities infrastructure for LAPSSET

          • Software development                                    • Consultancy and service providers for MRT

          • Construction of the Konza ICT park                 • Supply of busses and maintenance of fleet, stations,
          • E-business, E-Education and data services

                                                                   Sources : Kenya Country Profile, Kenya Vision 2030,,
          • IT security

          • Communication equipment in the security sector

African landscape, lake Nakuru, Kenya © Shutterstock

                                                                         JAMES MILNE
                                                                         Head of Investment promotion Cape Town &
                                                                         Western Cape Tourism Trade & Investment.

The latest data released by Statistics South Africa reveal that South    reliance on the contribution of mineral resources to GDP. As a
Africa has recovered from a technical recession, as the national         result, the province has a diversified economy that is strongly
economy grew by 2.5% in the second quarter of 2017, following            aligned to that of developed countries, with more than 70% of
two quarters of decline. The news is positive in an economy that         the provincial GDP being contributed by the services sector.
has faced turbulent conditions over the past decade, and may
be a sign of a new growth trajectory for the African economic            The construction sector is booming, with building plans submitted
powerhouse.                                                              increasing by 27.3% between 2016 and 2017, a nearly €60 million
                                                                         increase in value. The province’s property market is now the best
During the week in which the announcement was made, the Cape             performing in the country.
Investor Centre was officially declared open by South Africa’s
President Jacob Zuma. The Centre is a multi-faceted collabora-           The Cape is also leading the way in new technology. More than
tion between National, Provincial and Local government. At its           60% of South Africa’s tech start-ups are located in the West-
core, the objective of the Centre is to alleviate ‘red tape’ issues      ern Cape. Cape Town’s IT and software industry includes 200
faced by potential investors, through clustering key governmental        companies employing 7,500 people. The Silicon Cape industry
departments under one roof.                                              body alone has 9 000 members. Global tech businesses are in-
                                                                         creasingly seeing the Cape as an ideal location for testing their
The Cape Investor Centre is run by the Western Cape’s official           service offering in a market that allows easy access to the rest of
tourism, trade and investment promotion agency, Wesgro. It is            the African continent – leveraging local ‘know-how’ to succeed in
anticipated that the Centre will provide a further strategic boost       countries that businesses based in developed countries struggle
to the inbound support provided to foreign investors seeking to          to penetrate.
expand their businesses into South Africa, and the rest of the
African continent. From a Western Cape perspective, the Investor         The Western Cape is also at the heart of the booming renewable
Centre provides additional weight to the investor support services       energy sector. GreenCape (a non-profit governmental special
offered by Wesgro, and is likely to be a further catalyst of growth in   purpose vehicle) has recorded 293 green economy projects in
a provincial economy that already punches well above its weight.         the Cape, up from 40 in 2010. This has seen over 10,000 local
                                                                         jobs being created in the renewable sector alone.
The province’s economic growth over the last five years now
matches that of Gauteng, South Africa’s long-time econom-                High levels of investment continue to be recorded. Over the last
ic powerhouse, and remains above the national average. The               five years, Wesgro has supported more than €500 million worth
Western Cape as a result maintains the lowest unemployment               of investment in the province, facilitating almost 6,000 jobs. An
rate in the country, with the smallest number of discouraged             investment commitment of more than €80 million by Czech Re-
work-seekers, by far.                                                    public nonwovens manufacturer Pegas Nonwovens in 2017 is the
                                                                         single biggest recent investment facilitated by the agency, and
The provincial economy of the Western Cape differs from South            will lead to the creation of more than 500 direct jobs in Atlantis,
Africa as a whole as the Western Cape has an extremely low               a development node close to Cape Town.

This is helped by a city administration dedicated to investment,                    With clear economic priorities, set out by the province’s for-
as reflected in the City of Cape Town’s ranking as the one of the                   ward-looking Minister of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde,
top cities for Foreign Direct Investment strategy – the only city                   and with a world-class City doing all it can to make itself attractive
in Africa to make this list.                                                        for investment, under the stewardship of hard-working Exec-
                                                                                    utive Mayor, Patricia De Lille, the Cape is creating an enabling
The collaborative Cape Town Air Access project – a model public                     environment for growth, and job creation, thereby boosting the
private partnership driven by Wesgro and bringing together                          confidence of investors who drive growth.
the City of Cape Town, the Western Cape Government, Airports
Company South Africa, Cape Town Tourism, and South African                          Over the past decade, Cape Town and the Western Cape has
Tourism - seeks to increase the number of direct flights to the                     shown itself to be capable of being a resilient incubator of growth
City. The nine new flights and 10 expansion flights have added                      – and a major contributor to the ‘Africa Rising’ story – attracting
600,000 seats in the past two years.This has grown the number                       investment and creating jobs. It is anticipated that continued
of passengers passing through Cape Town International Airport                       collaborative efforts between all spheres of government (through
to a record high of 10 million in 2016, making the airport the third                initiatives that support the ease of doing business, such as the
busiest on the continent. This growth has helped bring more than                    Cape Investor Centre), the Western Cape will continue to be
€250 million into the regional economy in Quarter 3 of 2016 alone.                  recognised as a leading destination for foreign investment on
                                                                                    the African continent
Greater air access is important not just for the business and
investor community but also for boosting Cape Town and the
Western Cape’s flourishing tourism sector. The area’s powerful
brands internationally and domestically can and must be leveraged
even further in these difficult times to drive greater investment
and employment growth by attracting more international and
domestic tourists.

Aerial view of Cape Town, with Green Point and Sea Point, Table Mountain © Shutterstock
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