La page est créée Francis Ollivier
Grand Opening of the
Stephen Hawking Centre


                               OPENING REMARKS
                                      Neil Turok
                 Director, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

                His Excellency The Right Honourable David Johnston,
                Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada

                                  Hon. Gary Goodyear
                     Minister of State for Science and Technology

                                    George Ross
            Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation

                                  Stephen Hawking
                  Perimeter Institute Distinguished Research Chair

                                  Hon. Kevin Lynch
                           Vice-Chair, BMO Financial Group

                                    Lisa de Wilde
                             Chief Executive Officer, TVO

                                   Gerry Remers
                      President & COO, Christie Digital Systems

                                  Mike Lazaridis
          Founder & Board Chair, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
                     President & Co-CEO, Research In Motion

                                Ivan Semeniuk, MC
                  News Editor, Chief of Correspondents, Nature, US

                                   James S. Gates
   John S. Toll Professor and Director for the Center for String and Particle Theory,
                                University of Maryland

                                   Rebecca Saxe
Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                           Principal Investigator, Saxelab

                                    Julie Payette
                         Astronaut, Canadian Space Agency

                                      Neil Turok
                 Director, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

                     Reception and tours to follow on main level.
welcome / BIENVENUE

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Welcomes you to Grand Opening Celebrations

And special presentation of Stephen Hawking: The Power of Ideas
Mike Lazaridis Theatre of Ideas

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
September 17, 2011

L’Institut Perimeter pour la physique théorique

Et présentation spéciale du Stephen Hawking: Le Pouvoir Des Idées
Mike Lazaridis Theatre of Ideas

L’Institut Perimeter pour la physique théorique, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Le 17 septembre 2011

Perimeter Institute
     for Theoretical Physics

     About This Special Day
     Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is
     honoured that Professor Hawking has given his
     name to the expansion of our research centre.
     Stephen is an inspirational figure for his scientific
     contributions, his mentorship of young physicists,
     and his popularization of research and discovery
     with the public all around the world. With today’s
     official opening, Perimeter Institute becomes
     the largest centre of its kind on earth devoted
     to scientific research, training and educational
     outreach in theoretical physics. The state-of-the-
     art facility is designed to provide the ultimate
     environment for scientists to interact as they
     conceive, visualize and understand the nature
     of physical reality, from the subatomic world to
     the cosmos.

     About Theoretical Physics
     Theoretical physics is one of the highest impact, yet lowest cost, fields in all of science. Just one
     major discovery is literally capable of changing the world. Its breakthroughs — such as those due
     to Newton, Maxwell and Einstein — advance our fundamental understanding of the universe and
     enable new technologies that transform society. The field naturally attracts brilliant thinkers from
     all countries and cultures who pursue their ideas through private contemplation, mathematical
     calculation, collaboration, and discussion. Their work contributes key concepts to diverse fields
     from astronomy to neuroscience, pure mathematics to computer science. Theoretical physics is,
     above all, a creative field constantly reinventing itself, discovering deeper insights into nature while
     broadening its range of application.

                                                             About Perimeter Institute
                                                             Perimeter Institute believes breakthroughs are
                                                             realized through a collision of intellect, imagination
                                                             and inspiration. Perimeter exists to enable the
                                                             most ambitious research in theoretical physics
                                                             and share its transformative power with the world.
                                                             The vision of Perimeter Institute is to create
                                                             the world’s foremost centre for foundational
                                                             theoretical physics, uniting public and private
                                                             partners, and the world’s best scientific minds,
                                                             in a shared enterprise to achieve fundamental
                                                             breakthroughs that will transform our future.

l’Institut Perimeter
pour la physique théorique

À propos de ce grand jour
L’Institut Perimeter pour la physique théorique est honoré que le professeur Hawking ait donné son
nom à l’expansion de son centre de recherche. Par ses contributions scientifiques, son rôle de mentor
auprès des jeunes physiciens et son œuvre de popularisation de la recherche et de la découverte,
Stephen Hawking est une source d’inspiration pour le public du monde entier. Avec l’inauguration
officielle qui a lieu aujourd’hui, l’Institut Perimeter devient le plus grand centre mondial en son genre
dans le domaine de la recherche, de la formation et de la diffusion des connaissances en physique
théorique. Ce centre d’avant-garde est destiné à offrir l’environnement idéal pour l’interaction entre
les chercheurs tandis qu’ils conçoivent, visualisent et appréhendent la nature de la réalité physique,
de l’échelle subatomique à celle du cosmos.

À propos de la physique théorique
La physique théorique est, parmi toutes les disciplines scientifiques, l’une de celles qui offrent l’impact
le plus élevé au moindre coût. Une seule découverte majeure en physique théorique peut bel et bien
suffire à changer le monde. Les grandes découvertes qui ont eu lieu dans ce domaine, comme celles
dues à Newton, Maxwell et Einstein, font progresser notre compréhension fondamentale de l’univers
et rendent possible l’avènement de nouvelles technologies qui transforment la société. Cette discipline
attire naturellement de brillants penseurs issus de tous les pays et cultures, qui approfondissent leurs
idées par la réflexion personnelle, le calcul mathématique, la collaboration et la discussion. Leur
travail apporte des concepts essentiels à différentes disciplines allant de l’astronomie aux neurosci-
                                                      ences en passant par les mathématiques pures et
                                                      l’informatique. La physique théorique est, avant
                                                      tout, une discipline créative qui ne cesse de se
                                                      réinventer, pour percer plus profondément les
                                                      secrets de la nature tout en élargissant son champ

                                                       À propos de l’Institut Perimeter
                                                       L’Institut Perimeter est d’avis que les grandes
                                                       découvertes sont le fruit d’une rencontre de
                                                       l’intellect, de l’imagination et de l’inspiration.
                                                       Il a pour raison d’être de permettre la recherche
                                                       la plus ambitieuse en physique théorique et
                                                       de faire partager au monde entier son pouvoir
                                                       transformateur. L’Institut Perimeter a pour
                                                       projet de créer le plus grand centre mondial de
                                                       physique théorique fondamentale, en réunissant
                                                       des partenaires publics et privés et les meilleurs
                                                       esprits scientifiques au monde dans une entre-
                                                       prise commune visant à réaliser des découvertes
                                                       essentielles qui transformeront notre avenir.

Greetings From
                         The Prime Minister

 17, 2011
                         September 17, 2011

                       Greetings      fromthe
                                 17, 2011
                                     from  thePrime
                                                Prime   Minister

                         It is my distinct pleasure to extend
                                               Greetings       myPrime
                                                         from the warmest   greetings to everyone attending the opening ceremony

tinct pleasure          to    extend     myInstitute,
                                              warmest        greetings      to community
                                                                                everyone   andattending        the
                         of the Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. This is a significant
                         moment    for the            the theoretical physics                  for scientific progress.
remony of the Stephen          Hawking            Centre       at Perimeter            Institute      for
               It is my distinct pleasure to extend my warmest greetings to everyone attending the
               opening ceremony     of the Stephen  Hawking Centre   at Perimeter Institute for
l Physics. Thisphysics
                  is acommunity
               Founded by
               Theoretical   Physics.
                                one ofThis
                                         ouris country’s
                                    and for scientific
                           the boundaries       of knowledge
                                                              for the Institute, the theoretical
                                               a significantpremier
                                                             moment for the Institute, theMr.
                                                                     entrepreneurs,       theoretical
                                                                                              Mike Lazaridis, Perimeter Institute is
                                                        progress. in theoretical physics. Over the past decade, the Institute
mmunity and forhasscientific
                      developed into progress.
                                         an internationally-renowned centre dedicated to cutting-edge scientific research,
               Founded by one of our country’s premier entrepreneurs, Mr. Mike Lazaradis,
                        training and
                        Perimeter        outreach
                                    Institute          activities.
                                              is pushing           It has of
                                                           the boundaries attracted
                                                                             knowledge thein world’s   brightest
                                                                                             theoretical  physics. theoretical physicists including

y one of our country’s premier entrepreneurs, Mr. Mike Lazaradis,
                        one the
                        Over  of the
                                        decade, brilliant minds
                                                  the Institute hasof our time,
                                                                    developed  intoProfessor    Stephen W. Hawking.
                                                                                    an internationally-renowned
                        centre dedicated to cutting-edge scientific research, training and outreach
 nstitute is pushing the boundaries of knowledge in theoretical physics.
                        The opening It hasofattracted  the world’s
                                              the Stephen          brightest
                                                                Hawking      theoretical
                                                                          Centre          physicistsanincluding
                        one of the most brilliant minds of our time, Professor Stephen W. Hawking.
                                                                                                        expansion of that dynamic perimeter of

ast decade, theThe
                 Institute       has scientific
                      to significant
                             of the Stephen  Hawking
                                                             into anandinternationally-renowned
                knowledge. Canada is proud to be part of this strategic investment into ideas with the potential to
                leadopening                         breakthroughs
                                                       Centre represents     angroundbreaking
                                                                                expansion of that applications. Through the Science
 cated to cutting-edge
                dynamic      scientific
                and Technology      of
                                    Strategy,  research,
                                                theCanada          training
                                                              is proud
                                                     Government        ofto Canada  and
                                                                            be part ofisthis  outreach
                                                                                          contributing    to initiatives such as Perimeter
It has attractedbreakthroughs
                  the world’s
                Institute  intobuild
                           to   ideasthe
                                and groundbreaking        theoretical
                                                      applications.    Through physicists
                                            the potential to leadeconomy
                                                                   to significant
                                                                                 the Science and including
                                                                                   which     our  future competitiveness,   prosperity and
                achievement will depend.
most brilliant minds     of our time, Professor Stephen W. Hawking.
                Technology Strategy, the Government of Canada is contributing to initiatives such
                as Perimeter Institute to build the knowledge-based economy on which our future
                        On behalf of the prosperity and achievement
                                            Government              will depend.
                                                           of Canada,    I would like to commend Mr. Lazaridis, Perimeter Institute

 g of the Stephen     Hawking         Centre       represents
                                                            I would likean    expansion        of that
                 Director Dr. Neil Turok and all those who have contributed to this ambitious and inspiring centre
                 On behalf  of the Government  of Canada,                to commend  Mr. Lazaradis,
                 of scientific excellence. Please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes for continued
 rimeter of knowledge.            Canada        is proud
                                                     of scientificto  be part      ofaccept
                 Perimeter Institute Director Dr. Neil Turok and all those who have contributed to
                 this ambitious and inspiring centre               excellence. Please
 into ideas with the potential to lead to significant scientific
                 warmest congratulations and best wishes for continued success.
 ghs and groundbreaking
                                    applications. Through the Science and
y Strategy, the Government of Canada is contributing to initiatives such
er Institute to build the knowledge-based economy on which our future
eness, prosperity and achievement will depend.
                                Hon.Stephen  Harper,
                                       Stephen       P.C., M.P.
                                                 Harper,   P.C., M.P.
                        Prime Minister of Canada
                         Prime Minister of Canada
of the Government of Canada, I would like to commend Mr. Lazaradis,
 nstitute Director Dr. Neil Turok and all those who have contributed to
ous and inspiring centre of scientific excellence. Please accept my
         06     and best wishes for continued success.
Salutations du
                        Premier Ministre

 17, 2011
                        Le 17 septembre 2011

                       September      from
                                 17, 2011
                       SALUTATIONS        DU the Prime
                                             PREMIER   Minister

                         J’ai le grand plaisir d’oGreetings
                                                   ffrir mesfrom
                                                                 the les plusMinister
                                                                      Prime   chaleureux à toutes les personnes présentes à la cérémonie
                         d’ouverture du Centre Stephen Hawking, à l’Institut Perimeter pour la physique théorique. C’est un
tinct pleasure          to   extend
                         moment          my warmest
                                    important                   greetings
                                                  pour l’Institut, le milieu deto     everyone
                                                                                   la physique      attending
                                                                                               théorique            the de la science.
                                                                                                          et l’avancement
remony of the Stephen           Hawking           Centre       at Perimeter            Institute      for
               It is my distinct pleasure to extend my warmest greetings to everyone attending the
               opening ceremony     of the Stephen  Hawking Centre   at Perimeter Institute for
l Physics. Thisphysics
                  is acommunity
               Fondé parPhysics.
                              l’un desThis
                                    and for
                            les limites
                                               a significant
                                              savoir en
                                                              for the Institute, the theoretical
                                                             moment for thede
                                                                               notre the
                                                                            Institute, pays, M. Mike Lazaridis, l’Institut Perimeter
                                                          physique théorique. Au cours de la dernière décennie, l’Institut est
mmunity and for     scientific
               devenu     un centreprogress.
                                        de renommée internationale, qui se spécialise dans la recherche de pointe, la for-
               Founded by one of our country’s premier entrepreneurs, Mr. Mike Lazaradis,
                        mation etInstitute
                        Perimeter     le rayonnement
                                             is pushing thescientifiques.
                                                              boundaries of Il a attiré les
                                                                             knowledge        plus brillants
                                                                                          in theoretical      physiciens théoriciens du monde,
                        dontthe l’un des   plus grands     esprits  de notreinto
                                                                               temps,    le professeur Stephen W. Hawking.
y one of our country’s premier entrepreneurs, Mr. Mike Lazaradis,
                        Over       past decade,  the Institute has developed       an internationally-renowned
                        centre dedicated to cutting-edge scientific research, training and outreach
 nstitute is pushing the boundaries of knowledge in theoretical physics.
                        L’ouverture It has
                                            Centre the    world’sHawking
                                                      Stephen      brightest theoretical
                                                                              élargit lephysicists
                        one of the most brilliant minds of our time, Professor Stephen W. Hawking.
                                                                                                         dynamique des connaissances dans ce
ast decade, theThe
                                 has     developed
                                 à d’importantes
                             of the Stephen Hawkingpercées
                                                             into       an internationally-renowned
                domaine. Le Canada est fier de participer à cet investissement stratégique dans des idées qui pour-
                raient  mener                                      scientifiques
                                                       Centre represents             et à deofnouvelles
                                                                              an expansion       that    applications. Dans le cadre de
 cated to cutting-edge
                la Stratégie scientific
                              des sciences     research,
                                    of knowledge.
                                               et deCanada          training
                                                              is proud
                                                     la technologie,     tole        and
                                                                               part of        outreach
                                                                                        this strategic
                                                                                                   du Canada contribue à des initiatives
It has attractedinvestment
                  the world’s
                comme    l’Institut
                breakthroughs           brightest
                           into ideasPerimeter
                                       with the potential
                               and groundbreaking         theoretical
                                                          to lead
                                                  pour bâtir
                                                                        Through physicists
                                                                    to significant
                                                      applications.               the Science and including
                                                                               du scientific
                                                                                    savoir sur laquelle reposeront notre compétitivité,
                notre  prospérité    et nos   réalisations    dans    l’avenir.
most brilliant minds     of our time, Professor Stephen W. Hawking.
                Technology Strategy, the Government of Canada is contributing to initiatives such
                as Perimeter Institute to build the knowledge-based economy on which our future
                        competitiveness, prosperity and du
                        Au nom du gouvernement          achievement
                                                           Canada,will  depend.féliciter M. Lazaridis, le directeur de l’Institut Perim-
 g of the Stephen     Hawking
                 ambitieux             Centre
                               et inspirant.        represents
                                                of Canada,
                                               Veuillez      I would likean
                                                          accepter    mestoplusexpansion
                                                                            commend             of that et mes meilleurs voeux
                 eter, Dr Neil Turok, et tous ceux qui ont contribué à la création de ce centre d’excellence scientifique
                 On behalf  of the Government                                         Mr. Lazaradis,
                                                                                chaleureuses   félicitations
 rimeter of knowledge.
                 de réussite
                 this             Canada
                                 and             is proud
                                     inspiring        of scientificto  be part
                                                                    excellence.     ofaccept
                                                                                Please thismystrategic
                 Perimeter Institute Director Dr. Neil Turok and all those who have contributed to

 into ideas with the potential to lead to significant scientific
                 warmest congratulations and best wishes for continued success.
                 Sincères salutations,
 ghs and groundbreaking
                                     applications. Through the Science and
y Strategy, the Government of Canada is contributing to initiatives such
er Institute to build the knowledge-based economy on which our future
eness, prosperity and achievement will depend.
                        The Rt. Hon.
                        Le très  hon.Stephen Harper,
                                       Stephen       P.C.,C.P.,
                                                Harper,   M.P. député
                        Prime Minister of Canada
                        Premier ministre du Canada
of the Government of Canada, I would like to commend Mr. Lazaradis,
 nstitute Director Dr. Neil Turok and all those who have contributed to
ous and inspiring centre of scientific excellence. Please accept my
 ngratulations and
                		  best wishes for continued success.                                                                                           07
A personal Message
                       from the Premier

                       Premier of Ontario - Premier ministre de l’Ontario

 eptember 17, 2011
               September 17, 2011

                 A PERSONAL     MESSAGE             THE PREMIER
                                        Premier of Ontario - Premier ministre de l’Ontario

                    A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM FROM
                                            THE PREMIER
                       September 17, 2011

 n behalf of the    Government
               On behalf                   of Ontario,
                           of the Government      of Ontario, I am I delighted
                                                                      am delighted           to greetings
                                                                                 to extend warm   extendto everyone attending
               the grandAopening
                             PERSONAL MESSAGE      FROM THE PREMIER
                                      of the Stephen      Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute.
 arm greetingsOnto      everyone attending the grand opening of the
                   behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am delighted to extend
 ephen Hawking OurCentre
               warm  greetings at
                    government      Perimeter
                                to everyone
                                   recognizes    the Institute.
                                             attending  the role
               Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute.
                                                                     opening of
                                                                             andtheinnovation play in Ontario’s evolution toward

                       a knowledge-based economy. The Perimeter Institute is a perfect example of a successful private-
                       Our      partnership
                            government          — one
                                         recognizes       which
                                                    the key       nurtures
                                                            role research andscientific   talent and shares the importance of discovery
                                                                              innovation play
 ur government recognizes the key role research and innovation play
                       in Ontario’s evolution toward a knowledge-based economy. The
                       and   innovation     among    students,    teachers   and   the  general  public.
                       Perimeter Institute is a perfect example of a successful private-public
   Ontario’s evolution toward a knowledge-based economy. The
                       partnership — one which nurtures scientific talent and shares the
                       importance  of discovery and innovation
                                                          step among
                                                                 in thestudents,
                                                                         quest teachers   andthe scientific mysteries of the universe. The
erimeter Institute is a perfect example of a successful private-public
                       Today marks       a significant
                       the general public.
                                                                                 to solve
                Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute will bring humanity a step closer to understanding
artnership — one
               Today     which
                and developing
                              a significant         the scientific
                                            step inabout
                                    new ideas            quest            talent
                                                               to solvelaws
                                                            physical     the scientific and shares the
                                                                             and the very essence of space, time, matter and
mportance of discovery
                         will bringand  innovation
                                                  step important
               mysteries of the universe. The Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter
                information    —                                     scientific
                                                        closer to understanding
                                                                                           teachers and
 e general public.
               developing new ideas about physical laws and the very essence of
               space, time, matter and information — and many other important
                        I extend my sincere appreciation and congratulations to everyone who has contributed to the new
                       scientific discoveries.
                        centre. Take pride in your efforts, which will make a meaningful difference for present and future
oday marks           a Igenerations.
                          extend              step in
                                 my sincere appreciation      the quest
                                                         and congratulations       to solve
                                                                             to everyone who the scientific
                 has contributed to the new centre. Take pride in your efforts, which
 ysteries of thewilluniverse.
                     make a meaningfulThe      Stephen
                                        difference              Hawking
                                                   for present and                Centre at Perimeter
                                                                   future generations.
                 Please accept my best wishes for a memorable grand opening — and much success.
nstitute will bring       humanity
                 Please accept my best wishesafor astep
                                                      memorablecloser       to —understanding
                                                                  grand opening     and          and
                 much success.
eveloping new ideas about physical laws and the very essence of
pace, time, matter and information — and many other important
cientific discoveries.
                       Dalton McGuinty
 extend my sincere
                      appreciation and congratulations to everyone who
 as contributed to the new centre. Take pride in your efforts, which
 ill make a meaningful difference for present and future generations.

 ease accept my best wishes for a memorable grand opening — and
 uch success.

Message Du Premier
                        Ministre De L’Ontario

                        Premier of Ontario - Premier ministre de l’Ontario

 eptember 17, 2011
               Le 17 septembre 2011

                 A PERSONAL
                    MESSAGE DUM ESSAGE
                              PREMIER   FROMDE
                                      MINISTRE THE  PREMIER
                                      Premier of Ontario - Premier ministre de l’Ontario
               Au Government
 n behalf of the   nom du gouvernement    de l’Ontario,Ij’aimerais
                                     of Ontario,                   transmettre mes
                                                           am delighted             plus chaleureuses salutations
                                                                               to extend
               aux personnes présentes lors de l’inauguration officielle du Centre Stephen Hawking de l’Institut
 arm greetingsSeptember
                 to everyone
                        17, 2011
               Perimeter.           attending the grand opening of the
 ephen Hawking Centre        at Perimeter
                        A PERSONAL            Institute.
                                   MESSAGE FROM  THE PREMIER
                        Notre gouvernement reconnaît que la recherche et l’innovation jouent un rôle déterminant dans
                        On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am delighted to extend
                        l’évolution de l’Ontario vers une économie fondée sur le savoir. L’Institut Perimeter est un parfait
 ur government recognizes the key role research and innovation play
                        warm greetings to everyone attending the grand opening of the
                        Stephen    d’un Centre
                                Hawking  partenariat    public-privé
                                               at Perimeter Institute. réussi — un partenariat qui favorise le talent scientifique
   Ontario’s evolution
                et sensibilisetoward
                                   les étudiants,a lesknowledge-based
                                                         enseignants et la population
               Our government recognizes the key role research and innovation play
                                                                                         economy.        The
                                                                                            à l’importance  de la découverte et de
erimeter Institute
               in     is a evolution
                    Ontario’s   perfect        example
                                          toward                 of a economy.
                                                  a knowledge-based       successfulThe    private-public
               Perimeter Institute is a perfect example of a successful private-public
artnership — one         which
                L’ouverture            nurtures
                              — one which
                                de ce centre             scientific
                                             nurtures scientific
                                               marque among      talent and talent
                                                         une étape           shares the and shares the
                                                                       importante    dans notre quête pour résoudre les mystères de
               importance    of discovery and innovation         students, teachers and
mportance of discovery
               the            Leand
                    general public.Centreinnovation
                                            Stephen Hawking    among         students,
                                                                    de l’Institut  Perimeterteachers     and
                                                                                             permettra à l’humanité  de progresser
 e general public.
                dans sa compréhension des lois physiques, de développer de nouvelles idées sur la véritable signification
               Today marks a significant step in the quest to solve the scientific
                        de l’espace,
                        mysteries   of theduuniverse.
                                                          la matière   et Centre
                                                                 Hawking  de l’information,
                                                                                 at Perimeter et de faire de nombreuses autres grandes
                        Institute          scientifiques.
                                    will bring  humanity a step closer to understanding and
oday marks a significant step in the quest to solve the scientific
                        developing new ideas about physical laws and the very essence of
                        space, time, matter and information — and many other important
 ysteries of the universe. The Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter
                        scientific      féliciter et remercier tous ceux et celles qui ont apporté leur contribution à ce projet. Soyez
                 fiers, car vos     efforts ferontandconsidérablement          avancer   les choses pour les générations actuelles et
nstitute will bring        humanity
                 I extend my
                                                a step
                               sincere appreciation              closer
                                                         congratulations      to
                                                                         to everyone understanding
                      contributed to the new centre. Take pride in your efforts, which
eveloping new willideas         aboutdifference
                     make a meaningful      physical           laws
                                                     for present         and
                                                                 and future       the very essence of

pace, time, matter
                 Je vous
                 Please      and
                        accept        information
                                 my bestune  inauguration
                                         wishes                —     andopening
                                                  for a memorable   grand     many
                                                                            mémorable     other
                                                                                   — and et        important
                                                                                            un avenir rempli de succès.
                 much success.
cientific discoveries.

 extend my sincere appreciation and congratulations to everyone who
 as contributed Dalton
                 to the    new
                Le premier
                                  centre. Take pride in your efforts, which
                            ministre de l’Ontario,
 ill make a meaningful
                           difference for present and future generations.
                Dalton McGuinty

 ease accept my best wishes for a memorable grand opening — and
 uch success.

A Message from
                            The Regional Chair
                            September 17, 2011

 Perimeter Institute celebrating the opening of the

 e home for some of the most advanced thinking                                September 17, 2011

udents of physics.   It is 17,
                September    equally
                                2011           fortunate that a
mplished as Prof. Hawking is associated with
 ay with the opening   of Stephen
                          the    expanded               facility.
                             How exciting it is to be back at Perimeter Institute celebrating the opening of the
                A MESSAGE   FROM     THECentre!
                                  Hawking    REGIONAL         CHAIR
                                               This Region is fortunate to be the home for some of the most advanced thinking

 er has       emergedCentre!
                       as a cutting-edge
                                person as inspirational andinternational
                                in the
                     How exciting  it isworld by physicists
                                          to be    back atandPerimeter
                                                                 students of physics. It is celebrating
                                                                              Institute     equally fortunatethe
                                                                                                              that opening
                                                                                                                   a       of the Stephen Hawking
                                                             accomplished as Prof. Hawking is associated with
                                Perimeter and is being honoured today with the opening of the expanded facility.
 king the mysteries of nature,             but to training the
                               In just over a decade, Perimeter has emerged as a cutting-edge international
  and sharing the
                Thispower     isof
                      Regioncentre,    ideas
                            next generation
                                              not to
                                             of of
                                                   onlybe   thestudents,
                                                        to unlocking
                                                brilliant minds and
                                                                             for some
                                                                       the mysteries       of the
                                                                                     of nature, but tomost
                                                                                                      training advanced
                                                                                                               the      thinking in the world by
                                                                  It issharing the power  of ideas that
                                                                                                    with students,
Region and around    theasglobe.
                physicists and    students          physics.              equally    fortunate             a person as inspirational and accom-
                            teachers and the public across this Region and around the globe.
                plished    Prof. Hawking is associated with Perimeter and is being honoured today with the opening
                                          In this short time, Perimeter has flourished as it unites private and public partners
                            of the expanded     facility.
                                       in an effort to create the world’s top centre for foundational theoretical physics. In
 flourished as it unites private              and public   environment partners
                               this pursuit, Perimeter has recruited brilliant minds from around the globe and
                               fostered an incredible                     to support ideas and discoveries from the
                  In just over subatomic
                                a decade,  world Perimeter
                                                   to the cosmos has
                                                                   - ideasemerged         as ato cutting-edge
                                                                            with the potential   transform our world  international
                                                                                                                        as          centre, dedicated not
op centre for foundational     we know
                  only to unlocking    theoretical
                                         the mysteries physics.
                                         it.                      of nature, but      Into training        the next generation of brilliant minds and
 ed brilliant minds
                           the power  around
                                  I look     of ideas
                                            forward    to the
                                                            with globe
                                                           seeing  students,
                                                                    what lies aheadand
                                                                                        and would and likethe   public
                                                                                                            to offer   my across this Region and around

nt to support the ideasglobe.and       discoveries
                                           this Region’s tradition offrom           theon the future!
                               congratulations   to  everyone  at Perimeter  Institute as you  mark this  special day  and
                               keep alive                              keeping an eye

deas with the potential       totime,
                  In this short      transform
                                             Perimeter our             world as
                                                              has flourished           as it unites private and public partners in an effort to
                       create the world’s top centre for foundational theoretical physics. In this pursuit, Perimeter has
                       recruited brilliant minds from around the globe and fostered an incredible environment to support
 at lies         ahead ourand    would       like   to   offer    my
                       ideas and discoveries from the subatomic world     the cosmos - ideas with the potential to transform
                                                                    Regional Chair
                           world as we know it.
 meter Institute as you mark this special day and
 keeping an eyeI on
                  lookthe  future!
                       forward to seeing what lies ahead and would like to offer my congratulations to everyone at
                            Perimeter Institute as you mark this special day and keep alive this Region’s tradition of keeping an
                            eye on the future!


                            Ken Seiling
                            Ken Seiling
                            Regional Chair
                            Regional Chair

                           MUNICIPALITÉ RÉGIONALE
                            September 17, 2011

 Perimeter Institute celebrating the opening of the

 e home for some of the most advanced thinking                                 September 17, 2011

udents of physics.
                Le 17 It is equally
                      septembre    2011 fortunate that a

mplished as Prof. Hawking is associated with
 ay with the opening    of Stephen
                           the    expanded               facility.
                              How exciting it is to be back at Perimeter Institute celebrating the opening of the
                MESSAGE    DU PRÉSIDENT
                                   Hawking Centre! DE        LA MUNICIPALITÉ RÉGIONALE
                                           This Region is fortunate to be the home for some of the most advanced thinking
                     Je suis extrêmement
                                 in the world byheureux
                                                   physicists d’être
                                                              and     de retour
                                                                  students          à Itl’Institut
                                                                           of physics.                Perimeter
                                                                                           is equally fortunate that a pour célébrer l’inauguration du
 er has       emergedCentre
                        as aStephen
                                 person as inspirational andinternational
                                        Hawking!               accomplished as Prof. Hawking is associated with
                                 Perimeter and is being honoured today with the opening of the expanded facility.
 king the mysteries of nature,             but to training the
                              In just over a decade, Perimeter has emerged as a cutting-edge international
  and sharing the powernextof
                Cette région  a  la
                                             of brilliant minds
                                                              terreau thede
                                                                  and sharing
                                                                          mysteries of nature, but des
                                                                               the power of
                                                                                                   to training the de réflexion les plus avancés au
                                                                                             ideas with students,
                monde de lateachers
                              part    des   physiciens        et des   étudiants     en   physique.        Elle  peut également se féliciter qu’un
Region and around   the globe.
                                     and the public across this Region and around the globe.
                             aussi inspiré et accompli que le professeur Hawking se soit associé à l’Institut Perimeter
                                           In this short time, Perimeter has flourished as it unites private and public partners
                           et qu’il participe    aujourd’hui à l’inauguration de cette expansion des installations.
                                        in an effort to create the world’s top centre for foundational theoretical physics. In

 flourished as it En
                  unites   private          and        public
                                                         environment partners
                             this pursuit, Perimeter has recruited brilliant minds from around the globe and
                             fostered an incredible
                     un peu plus    d’une     décennie,
                                                                        to support ideas and discoveries from the
                             subatomic   world   to the cosmosl’Institut
                                                                  - ideas withPerimeter
                                                                               the potential toest   devenu
                                                                                                 transform       un centre
                                                                                                            our world as   international d’avant-garde
op centre for foundational   we know
                  voué non seulement theoretical
                                       it. à élucider les        physics.
                                                                    mystères de      Inla nature,      mais aussi à former la prochaine génération
 ed brilliant minds     from
                  de grands         around
                                I look    forward et to the
                                                            faire globe
                                                                   what          and
                                                                         lies ahead  laand
                                                                                             would like des      idées
                                                                                                           to offer  my aux élèves, aux étudiants, aux

nt to support ideas and              discoveries
                                         this Region’s tradition offrom
                                                                                   theon the future!
                               et  au  grand   to everyone
                                                   public     atde
                                                                    notre   Institute
                                                                              région  as you
                                                                                         et  markmonde
                                                                                             du     this special day and
                             keep alive                               keeping an eye

deas with the potential     to brève
                  Pendant cette    transform                our world
                                            période, l’Institut           Perimeter  as    s’est épanoui en faisant fructifier une alliance entre
                       partenaires privés et publics visant à créer le plus grand centre mondial de physique théorique fonda-
                       mentale. Dans cette quête, l’Institut Perimeter a recruté des esprits brillants venus du monde entier et
                       mis en place un environnement prodigieux pour    Kenfavoriser
                                                                            Seiling    l’éclosion d’idées et de découvertes capables
 at lies         ahead deand     would       like    to    offer      myRegional Chair
                          transformer notre connaissance du monde, de l’échelle subatomique à celle du cosmos.
 meter Institute as you mark this special day and
 keeping an eyeJe onme réjouis à la perspective de voir ce que le futur nous apportera et, à l’occasion de ce grand
                        the future!
                 jour, je voudrais féliciter tous les membres de l’Institut Perimeter de contribuer ainsi à faire vivre la
                           tradition de regard tourné vers l’avenir qui caractérise notre région.

                           Avec mes sincères salutations,

                           Ken Seiling
                           Ken Seiling
                           Président de la municipalité régionale
                            Regional Chair

A message from
                            The Mayor

                            City of Waterloo
                            Brenda Halloran, Mayor

come from the Mayor
                                                                     Welcome from the Mayor
                            September 17, 2011
  behalf of the City of Waterloo, it is my pleasure to extend my
rmest greetings to everyone participating in the grand opening
ebrations of the Stephen Hawking Centre at PerimeterOn                           behalf of the City of Waterloo, it is my pleasure to extend my
                       WELCOME FROM THE MAYOR                             warmest greetings to everyone participating in the grand opening
rimeter Institute has become a landmark in our city, a celebrations        flagship of of the Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute.
r Intelligent CommunityOn behalf
                             through   of its
                                                 City of Waterloo,
                                                           research,it is my pleasure to extend my warmest greetings to everyone
ucational programs and participating
                              training,inand the outreach
                                                  grand opening           Perimeter
                                                               activities      that aimof  Institute  has become
                                                                                             the Stephen      HawkingaCentre
                                                                                                                           landmark      in our city,
                                                                                                                                    at Perimeter         a flagship of
spark wonder in each and every one of us.                                 our    Intelligent   Community        through     its scientific   research,
                                                                          educational programs and training, and outreach activities that aim
                       Perimeter Institute has become a landmark in our city, a flagship of our Intelligent Community through
                                                                          to spark wonder in each and every one of us.
m delighted to see its itsrapid     expansion
                            scientific    research, with  the opening
                                                       educational             of this and training, and outreach activities that aim to spark
 te-of-art-facility, named
                       wonder in honour
                                   in each of    theevery
                                               and    world’s
                                                            one most
                                                                   of us.Ifamous
                                                                             am delighted to see its rapid expansion with the opening of this
ng scientist, Prof. Stephen Hawking. While Perimeter has seen
                                                                          state-of-art-facility, named in honour of the world’s most famous
redible success in the I ampast,     this expansion
                              delighted                   allows
                                            to see its rapid         it toliving
                                                                 expansion  build    tothe opening
                                                                                    scientist,   Prof. of  this state-of-art-facility,
                                                                                                        Stephen      Hawking. Whilenamed            in honour
                                                                                                                                            Perimeter      has seen
  future, increasing Perimeter’s         research     and    training
                       of the world’s most famous living scientist,      capacity
                                                                          incredible       success Hawking.
                                                                                   Prof. Stephen      in the past,    this
                                                                                                                  While      expansion
                                                                                                                          Perimeter    hasallows      it to build to
                                                                                                                                             seen incredible
d providing an exceptional        environment for physicists to
                       success in the past, this expansion the
                                                                                      it toincreasing
                                                                                            build to thePerimeter’s        research
                                                                                                            future, increasing          and training
                                                                                                                                    Perimeter’s           capacity
  boundaries of our knowledge even further.                               and     providingenvironment
                                                                                               an exceptional        environment       for physicists      to push
                       and training capacity and providing an                exceptional                       for physicists     to push   the boundaries
                       of our knowledge even further.                     the    boundaries      of  our  knowledge       even    further.
  Prof. Hawking said when he joined us last summer, “Perimeter
hysics. I am hoping, and expecting, great things will happen              As Prof. Hawking said when he joined us last summer, “Perimeter
 t Perimeter InstituteAs   Prof.
                           a grand          hardsaid
                                       experiment  to when
                                                      make    he
                                                               it joined
                                                                  so andus
                                                        in theoretical
                                                                                       summer, “Perimeter is a grand experiment in theoretical
                                                                                          I am hoping, and expecting, great things will happen
 ontinues on its trajectory
                       here.”to     I am
                                 I know     hoping,
                                            thatthe   and   expecting,
                                                  the foremost               great
                                                       brilliant minds                things
                                                                                       for will
                                                                                  Perimeter         happen
                                                                                                Institute     here.”
                                                                                                            are  workingI knowhardthat  the brilliant
                                                                                                                                    to make     it so and minds
                                                                                                                                                              the City
                       of Perimeter       Institute are
                           Waterloo supports               workingas
                                                      Perimeter        hard     to make iton
                                                                           it continues       so its
                                                                                                       the City ofto Waterloo
                                                                                                                      become supports
                                                                                                                                   the foremostPerimeter
                                                                                                                                                      globalas hub for
                       it continues on
                       foundational           its trajectory to become the foremost global hub for foundational physics.
at Perimeter Institute and its public and private partners on this
shes for the years ahead.
                       I would
                          would like to congratulate           everyone at
                                             congratulate everyone              at Perimeter
                                                                                                 Institute and
                                                                                                             and its
                                                                                                                   its public
                                                                                                                       public and
                                                                                                                                and private
                                                                                                                                       private partners
                                                                                                                                                 partners on  on this
                       special     occasion      and   offer  my    best    wishes      for
                       this special occasion and offer my best wishes for the years ahead.  the  years   ahead.


                            Brenda Halloran
                                Brenda Halloran
                                 Mayor                                                                         Brenda Halloran

, Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2J 4A8 519-747-8700 Fax 519-747-8500
            12        100 Regina Street South, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2J 4A8 519-747-8700 Fax 519-747-8500
                           DE LA MAIRESSE

                           City of Waterloo
                           Brenda Halloran, Mayor

come from the Mayor
                                                                    Welcome from the Mayor
                           Le 17 septembre 2011
  behalf of the City of Waterloo, it is my pleasure to extend my
rmest greetings to everyone participating in the grandOn                         behalf of the City of Waterloo, it is my pleasure to extend my
ebrations of the Stephen       Hawking  DE BIENVENUE
                                              Centre at Perimeter  DE LAwarmest
                                                                              Institute.greetings to everyone participating in the grand opening
                                                                           celebrations of the Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute.
rimeter Institute hasAu     nom dealalandmark
                        become             ville de Waterloo,
                                                       in our city, j’ai a
                                                                         le flagship
                                                                            plaisir deofsaluer très chaleureusement tous ceux qui participent
r Intelligent Community      through its scientific
                       à l’inauguration       officielle du     Centre Perimeter
                                                            research,      Stephen Hawking Instituteà has   become
                                                                                                       l’Institut       a landmark in our city, a flagship of
ucational programs and training, and outreach activities that aim          our   Intelligent    Community       through    its scientific research,
spark wonder in each   Parandsesevery      one ofscientifiques,
                                  recherches        us.                  ses programmes de formation et ses and
                                                                           educational        programs     and   training,        outreach activities that aim
                                                                                                                             activités  de diffusion des
                                                                           to spark wonder in each and every one of us.
                       connaissances destinées à émerveiller chacun de nous, l’Institut Perimeter est devenu un point de
m delighted to see its    rapiddans
                       repère     expansion        withetthe
                                         notre ville,       un opening
                                                                 fleuron de    of this collectivité intelligente.
 te-of-art-facility, named in honour of the world’s most Ifamous              amnotre
                                                                                   delighted to see its rapid expansion with the opening of this
ng scientist, Prof. Stephen Hawking. While Perimeter has seen              state-of-art-facility,     named in honour of the world’s most famous
                       J’ai grand plaisir à le voir s’étendre rapidement   living          par l’inauguration
                                                                                    scientist,   Prof.   StephendeHawking.
                                                                                                                       cette installation   d’avant-garde
                                                                                                                                  While Perimeter      has seen
redible success in the past, this expansion allows it to build to
                       qui portera le nom du professeur Stephen            incredibleHawking,
                                                                                           success le plus
                                                                                                      in thecélèbre    des scientifiques
                                                                                                               past, this   expansion allowsd’aujourd’hui.
                                                                                                                                                  it to build to
  future, increasing Perimeter’s research and training capacity
                       Si l’Institut   Perimeter for a déjà    connu un    the future,      increasing Perimeter’s research and training capacity
d providing an exceptional       environment              physicists       tosuccès
                                                                               push fulgurant par le passé, cette expansion lui permet de se
                       projeter   vers    l’avenir, d’accroître      ses   and providing
                                                                          capacités     de      an exceptional
                                                                                             recherche               environment
                                                                                                          et de formation,           for physicists
                                                                                                                               et d’offrir             to push
                                                                                                                                           aux physiciens
  boundaries of our knowledge even further.
                                                                           the   boundaries       of our   knowledge
                       un environnement exceptionnel pour repousser encore plus loin les limites de nos connaissances.    even   further.
  Prof. Hawking said when he joined us last summer, “Perimeter             As Prof. Hawking said when he joined us last summer, “Perimeter
hysics. I am hoping, Comme
                       is a grand
                                   l’a dit le professeur
                              expecting,       great things
                                                              Hawking        lorsqu’il s’est joint à nous l’été dernier : « L’Institut Perimeter est
                                                                   will happen
                                                        in theoretical       physics. I am hoping, and expecting, great things will happen
 t Perimeter Instituteune
                        are  magnifique
                              working         expérience
                                            hard  to make     en
                       here.” I know that the brilliant minds atit physique
                                                                   so   and     théorique.
                                                                               the   City J’eInstitute
                                                                                 Perimeter        spère, etare
                                                                                                             je crois  bien,hard
                                                                                                                 working     qu’il to
                                                                                                                                   se passera
                                                                                                                                      make it desograndes
                                                                                                                                                    and the City
                       of Waterloo supports Perimeter as it continues on its trajectory to become the foremostàglobal
 ontinues on its trajectory    toici.  »
                                   become Je sais que
                                                 the     les
                                                      foremostbrillants    esprits
                                                                      global    hub  de
                                                                                      forl’Institut   Perimeter     s’
                                                                                                                     e mploient    assidûment       réaliser
                                                                                                                                                           hub for
                       cette  prédiction,
                       foundational            et la ville de Waterloo soutient cet établissement tandis qu’il poursuit sa trajectoire
                       pour devenir le grand centre de convergence mondial de la physique fondamentale.
at Perimeter InstituteI would
                          and itslikepublic    and privateeveryone
                                         to congratulate         partners on        this
                                                                                at Perimeter      Institute and its public and private partners on this
shes for the years ahead.
                       En   cette occasion      and offer
                                  grande occasion,             my best
                                                           je tiens         wishes
                                                                      à féliciter  tousforlesthe years ahead.
                                                                                               membres    de l’Institut Perimeter, ainsi que ses parte-
                       naires publics et privés, en leur souhaitant la plus éclatante des réussites pour les années à venir.

                           Avec mes sincères salutations,
                              Sincerely                                                                     Sincerely

                           Brenda Halloran
                               Brenda Halloran
                           Mairesse                                                                         Brenda Halloran
                               Mayor                                                                        Mayor

                      100 Regina Street South, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2J 4A8 519-747-8700 Fax 519-747-8500
, Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2J 4A8 519-747-8700 Fax 519-747-8500
A Message from
     Mike Lazaridis

     September 17, 2011

     It is my honour, on behalf of the Board of Directors, to welcome you to the grand opening of the
     Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute.

     Today we are marking the latest milestone on Perimeter’s incredible journey. In ten short years,
     Perimeter has gone from an ambitious idea, to an upstart organization in a temporary space, to a
     rising international force in theoretical physics. With this expanded research facility, we mark our
     commitment to go further still and drive breakthrough research that is necessary for our future.

     This innovative building is the culmination of a huge amount of hard work — from the architects
     and scientists who collaborated on the plans, to the builders and Perimeter staff who brought the
     blueprints to life. And none of this would be possible without members of Perimeter’s public-private
     partnership, including Perimeter’s Board and Leadership Council, who stepped up, motivated by the
     certainty that there is nothing more practical, or more visionary, that we can do for our society than
     invest in the groundbreaking science that drives innovation.

     I am very confident that — with this new facility and the coherent blend of research, training and
     outreach programs — Perimeter is poised for greater success and will contribute even more to the
     province, the country and the world.

     You may recall that during Professor Hawking’s research visit to Perimeter in 2010, he said the
     recipe for great progress in science is simple: “bring brilliant people together in an inspiring and
     free intellectual environment, where they are encouraged to pursue ambitious and timely research.”
     Everyone associated with Perimeter heartily agrees. We have laid down the challenge and provided
     the conditions for the world’s best minds to ask, and try to answer, some of the deepest questions
     in science. We can’t predict exactly what discoveries will be made, but history shows that when
     exceptional thinkers are gathered and inspired, transformational ideas emerge.

     Thank you for joining us on this very special day.

     Mike Lazaridis
     Perimeter Institute Founder and Board Chair

Mike Lazaridis

Le 17 septembre 2011

Au nom du Conseil d’administration, j’ai l’honneur de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à l’inauguration
officielle du Centre Stephen Hawking à l’Institut Perimeter.

Nous marquons aujourd’hui une nouvelle grande étape de l’incroyable périple de l’Institut. En
seulement une décennie, l’Institut Perimeter est passé du stade d’idée ambitieuse à celui d’organisme
naissant établi dans des locaux temporaires, puis de puissance mondiale montante en physique
théorique. Avec cette expansion des installations de recherche, nous marquons notre détermination
à aller encore plus loin pour promouvoir la recherche de pointe nécessaire à notre avenir.

Cet édifice innovant est le fruit d’une énorme quantité de travail acharné de la part des architectes
et scientifiques qui ont collaboré pour en établir les plans, puis des constructeurs et du personnel de
l’Institut qui lui ont donné corps. Et rien de tout cela n’aurait été possible sans les membres de notre
partenariat public-privé, dont le Conseil d’administration et le Conseil de direction de l’Institut Perim-
eter, qui ont mis les bouchées doubles, motivés par la certitude qu’il n’y a rien de plus utile, ou de plus
visionnaire, pour notre société que d’investir dans une science de pointe motrice de l’innovation.

Je suis sûr qu’avec cette nouvelle installation et sa manière d’articuler avec cohérence la recherche, la
formation et la diffusion des connaissances, l’Institut Perimeter est sur la voie d’un plus grand succès
et qu’il contribuera encore plus au progrès de la province, du pays et du monde.

Vous vous souvenez peut-être que, lors de son séjour de recherche à l’Institut en 2010, le professeur
Hawking a dit que la recette pour réaliser de grandes avancées scientifiques consistait simplement
à « réunir des esprits brillants dans un environnement intellectuel libre et stimulant, où ils sont
encouragés à entreprendre et mener à bien des recherches ambitieuses et opportunes. » Toutes les
personnes associées à l’Institut Perimeter partagent pleinement ce point de vue. Nous avons lancé le
défi et fourni l’environnement nécessaire pour que les esprits les plus brillants du monde se posent,
et essaient de résoudre, quelques-unes des questions scientifiques les plus profondes. On ne peut
pas prévoir exactement quelles découvertes en découleront, mais l’histoire montre que lorsque
des penseurs exceptionnels se rassemblent et sont inspirés, ils font naître des idées génératrices de

Merci de vous être joints à nous pour ce très grand jour.

Mike Lazaridis
fondateur de l’Institut Perimeter et président de son Conseil d’administration
A message from
     Neil Turok

     September 17, 2011

     On behalf of our entire community here at Perimeter Institute, a very warm welcome.

     Three years ago, I was drawn to Perimeter by the opportunity to build upon a very bold venture: the
     first attempt in history to invest strategically in theoretical physics with the goal of stimulating new
     breakthroughs. It is an enormous privilege to lead such an effort and be a part of creating a unique
     culture that combines the energy and enterprise of a startup with the idealism and intellectual rigour
     of the strongest scientific institutions.

     Today, we officially open the Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Institute as the centrepiece in
     our expansion plans. Stephen is an inspirational figure for his scientific research, his mentorship of
     young physicists and his unequalled communication of a love for scientific discovery the world over.
     His personal triumph over physical difficulties demonstrates the power of mind over matter. So it
     is entirely fitting that the expansion at Perimeter be named for him. We are deeply honoured that
     Stephen has allowed us to use his name as Perimeter takes its next steps towards becoming an
     international focal point for foundational physics.

     I also want to thank and recognize our many partners, public and private, who share in Perimeter’s
     journey. Through your support, Perimeter now provides exceptional opportunities for Ontario, Canada
     and the world. As an international, multi-disciplinary and inter-generational community, Perimeter is
     attracting the most curious, creative and intellectually brilliant thinkers and enabling them to pursue
     breakthrough ideas with the potential to transform our future.

     Neil Turok
     Perimeter Institute Director

message Du
Neil Turok

Le 17 septembre 2011

Au nom de tous les membres de l’Institut Perimeter, je vous souhaite la bienvenue.

Il y a trois ans, j’ai été attiré à l’Institut Perimeter par la possibilité d’apporter ma contribution à une
entreprise très audacieuse : la première tentative jamais entreprise d’investir de manière stratégique
dans la physique théorique dans le but de stimuler les nouvelles découvertes. C’est un immense
privilège de diriger un tel effort et de participer à la création d’une culture incomparable qui combine
l’énergie et le dynamisme d’une entreprise naissante à l’idéalisme et à la rigueur intellectuelle des
établissements scientifiques les plus solides.

Aujourd’hui, nous inaugurons officiellement le Centre Stephen Hawking à l’Institut Perimeter, qui est
la clé de voûte de nos plans d’expansion. Le professeur Stephen Hawking est une source d’inspiration
par ses recherches scientifiques, son rôle de mentor auprès des jeunes physiciens et sa capacité
inégalée à communiquer la passion de la découverte scientifique partout dans le monde. Son triomphe
personnel face aux difficultés physiques démontre le pouvoir de l’esprit sur la matière. Il convient
donc tout à fait que cette expansion de l’Institut Perimeter porte son nom. Nous sommes très honorés
que le professeur Hawking nous ait permis d’utiliser son nom alors que l’Institut Perimeter aborde
ses prochaines étapes en vue de devenir un centre de convergence mondial pour la recherche en
physique fondamentale.

Je tiens aussi à remercier comme il se doit nos nombreux partenaires publics et privés, qui accom-
pagnent l’Institut Perimeter dans son périple. Grâce à votre soutien, l’Institut offre désormais des
perspectives exceptionnelles à l’Ontario, au Canada et au monde entier. En tant que communauté
internationale, multidisciplinaire et intergénérationnelle, l’Institut Perimeter attire les penseurs les
plus curieux, les plus créatifs et les plus brillants sur le plan intellectuel en leur permettant d’explorer
et d’approfondir des idées révolutionnaires qui ont le potentiel de transformer notre avenir.

Neil Turok
directeur général de l’Institut Perimeter

About the Stephen Hawking centre
     at Perimeter Institute

     To accommodate PI’s expanding research, train-
     ing, and outreach activities, The Stephen Hawking
     Centre at Perimeter Institute (SHC) is a 55,000
     square foot addition to PI’s main building.

     Governor General Award-winning firm Teeple Ar-
     chitects has designed the expansion such that it
     nearly doubles PI’s current research space, yet
     still retains the productive research environment
     and amenities featured in the original structure.
     The building accommodates up to 250 research-
     ers and students, all under one roof and oper-
     ating as a single community. State-of-the-art IT      We were inspired by the challenges of this proj-
     infrastructure supports visualization, analysis of    ect. First, the existing PI facility is well known as
     complex calculations, and remote collaboration        a remarkable architectural space, having won
     with international colleagues to reduce the need      a Governor General’s Medal in Architecture in
     for carbon-intensive travel.                          2006; therefore, we worked diligently to ensure
                                                           that the expansion would improve upon its world-
     Ontario’s Ministry of Research and Innovation         class reputation. Second, the expansion and ex-
     (MRI) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation        isting building would need to interact and function
     (CFI) provided a total of $20.8 million toward the    as a singular whole, without greatly increasing
     expansion, which has been matched by private          the size of the building’s footprint.
     funds raised by the Institute.
                                                           Achieving these goals required exceptional
     Green Approach                                        thoughtfulness and ingenuity. The addition ‘hov-
     The Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter Insti-        ers’ such that it occupies virtually no additional
     tute is on track to attain Leadership in Energy       site area, and merges the new and existing
     and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certifica-     structures seamlessly. We created three central
     tion for environmental sustainability. With locally   research pods, with postdoctoral and graduate
     sourced building materials, energy conserva-          offices to support independent research while
     tion measures, use of green roofs and other           enabling grads to have a visual link to their re-
     eco-friendly features, the new Stephen Hawking        search partners. Interaction areas are situated
     Centre is not only a bold architectural design        at half levels between floors, to bring researchers
     facilitating research, training and outreach, but     from different areas together and to create acous-
     is a physical testament to Perimeter Institute’s      tically separate zones. Finally, the Bistro was
     environmental stewardship.                            moved to the ground level, allowing for planned
                                                           and spontaneous discussions immediately upon
     The Architects                                        arrival into the building.
     The Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter
     Institute was designed by Teeple Architects           It is a unique design solution, and will be exciting,
     Inc. of Toronto. Founded in 1989, Teeple Archi-       with dramatic three-dimensional experiences and
     tects Inc. has built a reputation for innovative      engaging vistas from all areas.
     design and exceptional service, winning five
     Governor General’s Awards for previous projects.                                    Stephen Teeple, Teeple Architects

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