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Welcome! Bienvenue! - Storytellers of Canada
4/23/2020                              Storytellers of Canada Newsletter January 2020 - Conteurs du Canada Des Nouvelles édition de 2020 janvier

                                                           Welcome! Bienvenue!
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                                                  Tell All - Dis tout
                                                 Newsletter - Des Nouvelles
                                          January 2020 edition - édition de 2020 janvier

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS | TABLE DES MATIÈRES

                            President's Report                                                 Rapport du président
                            Conference                                                         Congrès
                            Reports from Regional Reps                                         Rapports des représentants
                            Storytelling Together                                              régionaux
                            Le Raconteur/Appleseed                                             Propager la Parole
                            Quarterly Rediscovered                                             Le Raconteur / Appleseed
                            News                                                               Quarterly redécouvris
                            Announcements                                                      Des Nouvelles

                                        President's Report | Rapport du président

                    President's Report January 2020
                    A report from Ron Richards, President of Storytellers of Canada - Contuers du Canada.
                    Board announcements, conference information, Storykeeper Award and more!


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                                                       Un rapport de Ron Richards, président de Storytellers of
                                                       Canada - Conteurs du Canada : annonces du conseil
                                                       d'administration, informations sur le congrès, prix
                                                       Gardien(ne) des contes et bien plus!

                                                       Click here to read Ron's full report | cliquez içi pour le
                                                       rapport complet

                                                            Conference | Congrès

                    Conference Updates & Links

                    Happy New Year everyone!
                    We hope your 2020 is off to a fantastic start and we
                    are happy to announce that the Conference 2020
                    webpages are now available on our website. This is
                    where you can nd information about workshops,
                    activities, tourism, and accommodation so you can
                    begin planning your trip to Parksville, BC!

                    Click here to read more information and for
                    registration links!

                    Bonne année à tous !
                    Nous espérons que votre année 2020 a magni quement commencé. Nous sommes
                    ravis de vous annoncer que les renseignements concernant notre congrès 2020 sont
                    aujourd'hui en ligne sur notre site : ateliers, activités et excursions, possibilités
                    d'hébergement... vous pouvez commencer à plani er votre venue à Parksville (C.-B.) !

                    Cliquez-ici pour informations et le lien pour les inscriptions en ligne !

                        Reports from Regional Reps | Rapports des représentants

                    Update from Heather Whaley,
                    SC-CC Calendar Coordinator

                    "This is the message that came through from Deidre A. Hill, The Vancouver Island
                    Storytellers' E-Mail Tree editor, to the SC-CC calendar on December 30, 2019. I will
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4/23/2020                              Storytellers of Canada Newsletter January 2020 - Conteurs du Canada Des Nouvelles édition de 2020 janvier

                                                                             miss this lovely contribution to the calendar,
                                                                             and Deidre's dedication to sending updates
                                                                             about what is happening with storytelling in
                                                                             and around Vancouver Island. Although
                                                                             individual members and group members in the
                                                                             area also send submissions, this is one that
                                                                             offered an accumulation of events all at one
                                                                             fell swoop! Always interesting and anticipated.
                                                                             I took the opportunity to ask Deidre about its
                                                                             Read Heather's Full article here

                                        Storytelling Together | Propager la Parole

                    Information Regarding the Book Week Tours
                    from Clara Dugas & Kathie Kompass

                    "We are not sure what you may have heard about Book Week, but we haven’t heard
                    much ourselves. Here is what we do know..."

                    Click here to read the full article

                    Canadian Storytelling Night Report- Durham Storytellers

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                    "Durham Storytellers’ aim for 2019 Canadian Storytelling Night (CSN) was to appeal
                    primarily to the senior community. Seniors have told us that they are always looking
                    for a refreshing and stimulating change to their daily programming. They were eager
                    for something new, different and exciting. And they wanted to hear uplifting Canadian
                    stories, told by experienced storytellers."

                    Click here to read the full report from Durham Storytellers

                    14e Festival interculturel du conte
                    de Montréal (FICM)
                    par Cristina Marino

                    DROITE avec le week-end de clôture (déjà !)
                    du 14e Festival interculturel du conte de
                    Montréal (FICM) et son traditionnel rendez-
                    vous du Marathon du conte, dimanche 29
                    octobre, pour nir en beauté, voici un tour
                    d’horizon des spectacles et conférences vus
                    (et surtout entendus) ces deux derniers jours,
                    jeudi 26 et vendredi 27 octobre, avec comme
                      l conducteur des artistes de la parole qui
                    sont d’extraordinaires porte-voix des
                    préoccupations de la société moderne.

                    Cliqez-ici pour l'article complet

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                    Halifax Storytellers' Circle Canadian
                    Storytelling Night

                    Read about Storyteller Circle of Halifax's Canadian
                    Storytelling night, Stories from the Quilts, hosted by
                    Pat Dickson.

                    Click here to see full yer with portraits

                               Le Raconteur / Appleseed Quarterly Rediscovered
                                Le Raconteur / Appleseed Quarterly redécouvris

                    Pampered Storyteller!
                    Mary Gavan, British Columbia

                    "Mary, qui a toujours le nez dans un livre, nous envoie sa critique de l’ouvrage de Ramsay
                    Wood sur les anciens mythes sud asiatiques classiques de Bidpai, Kalila and Dimna.

                    Pampered Storyteller! My eyes alit on this designation and I wondered who has this
                    desirable status. The teller is Dr. Bidpai, a philosopher who used his words as “a
                    narcotic and a scalpel” to dissect the tyranny of the king. This public critique of royal
                    statesmanship earned Dr. Bidpai a quick trip to the dungeon most foul."

                    Read Mary's full article here

                                                             News | des Nouvelles

                    Professional Development Stipend

                    Professional Development Stipend Background, 2019-2020 Last year a pilot project
                    to enhance storytelling skill was proposed for SC-CC members. The concept was to
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                    offer a stipend to individual members who signed up
                    for professional development (PD) such as a
                    workshop, a seminar, a mentoring experience, etc.
                    and submitted a request for the stipend to SC-CC.
                    The money would be awarded based on approval of
                    the application and on whether funds were available.

                    Click here for details and procedures for the
                    Professional Development Stipend

                    Contexte de la mise en place de l'allocation pour perfectionnement professionnel en
                    2019-2020 L'an dernier, nous avons proposé aux membres de SC-CC un projet-pilote
                    visant l'amélioration des compétences en matière de conte. Nous souhaitions offrir
                    une aide nancière aux membres individuels qui s'inscriraient à une formation de
                    perfectionnement professionnel (atelier, stage, mentorat, etc.) et qui en feraient la
                    demande à SC-CC. Cette allocation serait accordée après approbation de la demande
                    et selon la disponibilité des fonds.

                    Cliquez ici pour prendre connaissance des détails et procédures concernant
                    l'allocation de perfectionnement professionnel

                    Expression of Interest: Sydney International Storytelling
                    Conference, June 5-7 2020

                    Do you want an International Storytelling adventure?
                    Are you interested in meeting people from different countries and cultures?
                    Do you want to extend your storytelling skills?
                    Do you have something to contribute to the wider storytelling community?

                    If the answer to these questions is YES, then let us know of your interest.

                    Click here to read full details

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                                                      Announcements | Annonces

                    Notice- Death of Mary Gavan

                    Dear/Cher SC-CC Members,

                    It is with great sadness that we inform
                    you of the death of Mary Gavan.
                     Mary’s contributions to storytelling
                    and to SC-CC were many. She was an
                    active member of SC-CC for many
                    years and served as President, and was
                    presently our treasurer. She
                    succumbed to a heart attack while
                    vacationing in India, but we have no
                    other details at present. We will miss

                    C’est avec grande tristesse que nous
                    vous informons de la mort de Mary
                    Gavan. Les contributions de Mary à
                    l’art de conte et au SC-CC sont
                    nombreuses Elle étais une membre
                    active de SC-CC pour plusieurs années. Elle avait servit comme notre President et
                    pour les derniers quelques mois elle a été notre trésorier. Elle étais en vacances en
                    Inde quand elle a souffrit d’une crise cardiaque, mais nous n’avons pas d’autres détails
                    pour le moment. Elle nous manquera.

                    Ron Richards,
                    President | président

                    Memories of Mary Gavan
                    by Pearl-Ann Gooding

                    "I rst met Mary when she was the newsletter editor of Raconteur and I was the
                    Western Canadian Rep for SC-CC. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing on the ‘report’
                    end of things and she graciously and oh so patiently walked me through report after
                    report, month after month, year after year."

                    Read Pearl-Anne's full tribute here

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                               Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada is generously funded by
                            Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada est nancé généreusement par

                                 Copyright © 2020 Storytellers of Canada-Conteurs du Canada, All rights reserved.

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