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EDITO Fondé à Bordeaux en 1975, le Groupe INSEEC I est aujourd’hui iimplanté mplanté en Europe, aux États-Unis et en Asie (Chine) et forme form rme chaque année 15 000 00 00 étudiants, confir- mant ainsi sa placee parmi les tout premiers rs groupes d’enseignement d’enseignem ment supérieur fran- çais. Le Groupe INSEEC délivre ivre des programmes allant du bachelor ba au doctorat ((DBA) DBA) et a développé au fil du temps une expertise rtise dans nss 4 secteurs se se ecte ecteu cteu d’excellence : Luxe, Tourism & Ho Hospitality, ospitality, Digital et Vins et Spiritueux. L’INSEEC Wine and Spirits Institute, créé il y a dix ans, est aujourd’hui leader der dans les formations à la commercialisation, au marketing et au management de ces filières. S’appuyant sur un réseau mondial de 2 000 diplômés et de plus de 110 intervenants profession- nels, il délivre, dans les grandes capitales de la production et de la distribution des vins et spiri- tueux, des programmes spécifiques autour de 3 axes de performance : la professionnalisation, l’international et la spécialisation. Il s’agit : de programmes professionnalisants : • Bachelor Commercialisation des vins et spiritueux à Bordeaux, Beaune et Paris • MBA WINE Marketing and Management à Bordeaux • MBA SPIRITS Marketing and Management à Bordeaux et Londres de certificats en connaissance et dégustation des vins et spiritueux : • INWine sur 2, 4 ou 6 jours • INSpirits sur 3 jours de programmes « Executive » et de « Short Sessions » dédiés aux salariés des entre- prises de vins et spiritueux à Bordeaux, Beaune, Paris, Londres, Shanghai et prochaine- ment San Francisco. Fort de son expertise et de son réseau, l’INSEEC Wine and Spirits Institute accueille déjà plus de 50 % d’étudiants venus du monde entier. Nos MBA sont enseignés en anglais et préparent les fu- turs managers des entreprises de vins et spiritueux mondiales. 2015 2014 2013 PARRAINS/ PATRONS LES PA Gérard Aubert Philippine BERTRAND de VILLAINE de ROTHSCHILD
Created in Bordeaux in 1975 the INSEEC Group is now implemented in Europe, in the United States and in Asia (China) to train 15 000 students per academic year. It confirms its top position among the post graduate French Business schools. The INSEEC Group delivers programs from Bachelor to DBA and has developed its expertise in 4 sectors of excellence: Luxury, Tourism & Hospitality, Digital and Wines & Spirits. The INSEEC Wine & Spirits Institute started a decade ago and is nowadays the Leading Business School for trade, Marketing and Management in these industries. With a network of 2000 alumni and more than 110 professional lecturers it provides specific pro- grams in the top capitals of production and distribution of wines and spirits following 3 perfor- mance levers: professionalization, specialization and international approach. They are: Professionalizing programs: • Bachelor in Wine and Spirits sales available in Bordeaux, Beaune and Paris • MBA WINE Marketing and Management in Bordeaux • MBA SPIRITS Marketing and Management between Bordeaux and London Certificates in Wine and Spirits Knowledge and Tasting: • INWine on 2, 4 or 6 days • INSpirits on 3 days Executive programs and short sessions dedicated to the wine and spirits companies in Bordeaux, Beaune, Paris, London, Shanghai and coming soon to San Francisco. With a true experience, expertise and network the INSEEC Wine and Spirits Institute already welcomes more than 50 % of foreign students coming from all over the world. Our MBA’s are taught in English and are designed to train the future managers of the world wine and spirits companies. 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Angelo Pierre-Emmanuel Michel Pierre Michel GAJA TAITTINGER CHAPOUTIER CASTEL ROLLAND INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 1
L’ATOUT CAPITALES CAPITALS… L’INSEEC Wine & Spirits Institute est im- planté dans les plus grandes capitales mondiales de production et de distribu- tion des vins et spiritueux au plus près des réseaux professionnels et des innovations de ces filières. The INSEEC Wine and Spirits institute is established in the world major produc- tion and distribution capitals for wines LONDON and spirits and in the heart of professional networks as well as innovations for these La capitale britannique qui abrite les sièges de 6 des 10 premières marques mondiales de spiritueux (vodka, gin, liqueurs et bien industries. sûr whisky) et qui accueille plus de 400 000 étudiants du monde entier chaque année, offre un cadre exceptionnel au campus de l’INSEEC, implanté en plein centre-ville, entre Regent’s Park et Oxford Street. Our down town campus is located between Regent’s Park and Oxford Street in the British capital which is hosting 6 of the world top 10 spirits brands headquarters (in vodka, gin, liquors and of course whiskies). London welcomes more than 400,000 foreign students every year. BORDEAUX Plus vaste vignoble d’appellation d’origine protégée (AOP) de France, 14 000 producteurs, 300 maisons de négoce, Bordeaux est aussi une ville classée au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO connue pour sa vie étudiante. Dans le quartier des chartrons, le campus, très urbain, bénéficie de toutes les facilités d’accès (tramway) et d’une salle de dégustation professionnelle. The largest Appellation d’origine protégée (AOP) region of France gathering 14,000 producers, 300 wine merchants, Bordeaux is also classified as a UNESCO world heritage site and is recognized for its student life. In the quarter of “les chartrons” the urban campus is easily reachable (by tramway) and uses professional wine tasting facilities. 2 INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE
AS A TRUMP CARD PARIS PA ARIS Premier emieer centre ce ent ntre e de consomma consommation c matitiion et et de e distribution distr d ist strib buti bution n des d s vinsns et spiritueux Eurrope, Paris estt aaussi ritueux en Europe, ussi lle e ssiège ièg ège de toutes less in instances profession professionnelles onn nnelles de cess ffilières iliièr è es es à uune ne h heure eure de la Champagne. Le campu campus us INSEEC Wine aand nddS Spirits piri rits Institute ts In nstitute se LONDRES situe dans le 16e arron arrondissement ondissement de la a capitale, capi ca piita p t le, accessible acce ac ess ssib ible ib le par par deux lignes de métro (lignes (lig ignes 9 et 10). Fi Firs First rstt consumption cons co nsumptio on and d distri distribution ibu buti tion on p place lacee ffor or w wines ines in e and es and spirits spi piri rits tss in Europe, Paris Par aris is iiss al also so tthe he h he head ead ea d qu quar quarter arte terr of aallllll tthe he pprofessional rofe ro fess fe ssssio ona nall bodies of these industries. indust stries. tries ries. iess. It It’ss onl only ly one h hour our ffrom ro om th thee Ch Cham Champagne mpa pagng e gn a ar area. ea. The INSEEC SEEC Wine and Spirits Sp Institute is located in the 16th districtt o 16 of the city, easily accessible ccessible cessible b byy tube (lines 9 or 10). PARIS BEAUNE BORDEAUX BEAUNE L’’IIN LL’INSEEC L’INNSE S EC Wine and Spirits Institute s’installe e dans le centre de l ccapitale la apitale des vins de Bourgogne dans un campus ap cam mpus entièrement rrénové. ré no ové. The T e INSEEC he I SEEC Wine and Spirits Institute is setting up downtown IN tthe he Burgundy B rgundy wines Capital in a fully renovated cam Bu campus. mpus. INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 3
BACHELOR PROGRAMME DISPONIBLE À / AVAILABLE IN BORDEAUX, BEAUNE, Le Bachelor « Commercialisation des Vins et Spiritueux » a pour objectif de former des pro- fessionnels de la filière. Les enseignements sont assurés par des experts et des intervenants appartenant au monde de l’entreprise. Ce programme d’une année en alternance donne les bases nécessaires en gestion, marketing, vente et management liées aux spécificités du secteur viti-vinicole. Après bac+2, BTS. DUT Bachelor MBA Insertion Admission L2 ou bac+3 professionnelle sur dossier + Tests + Entretien Calendrier du programme S O N D J F M A M J J A • 3 jours de cours / 2 jours en entreprise • Stage - 6 mois • Mémoire de stage Certains cours sont dispensés en anglais. LE PROGRAMME S’ARTICULE AUTOUR DE 5 UNITÉS D’ENSEIGNEMENT (UE) Marcello ROUDIL DIRECTEUR DE PROGRAMME UE1 Techniques de Vente et Marketing « Les entreprises de vins et spiritueux recherchent de plus en plus des profils commerciaux spécialisés ayant une sensibilité marketing et une ■ Simulation de vente ouverture internationale. C’est dans ce sens que nous orientons nos en- ■ Technique de négociation dans un contexte français et seignements. Les sorties que nous organisons sont également pour nos international étudiants une façon concrète d’appréhender la diversité des structures ■ Marketing et communication et des métiers dans un environnement professionnel. » ■ Marketing direct et promotion des ventes « Wine and spirits companies are more and more seeking sales pro- ■ Merchandising files with marketing skills and an international sensitivity. We build our ■ Techniques liées à l’export courses in this direction. The visits that we organize are also for our students a concrete exercise to understand the diversity and complexity ■ E-commerce of structures and jobs in a professional environment. » 4 INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE
PARIS Alexandre ROUGEOT Fine Wines, un importateur-distributeur de vin basé à Shanghai. Deux ans plus tard, j’ai mis le cap vers l’Australie, où je suis désormais en Diplômé en 2010 charge de la distribution des vins en hôtellerie-restauration pour un importateur-distributeur de réputation mondiale, Craggy Range Aus- KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER tralia. Même au bout du monde, ma formation spécialisée me permet Craggy Range Australia - de gagner en visibilité sur le marché du travail. » Melbourne “Passionate about wine, I obtained a first degree in wine and spirits « Passionné de vin, j’ai obtenu un BTS Technico-commercial en bois- sales before entering the Bachelor and MBA of the INSEEC Wine and sons, vins et spiritueux avant d’intégrer le Bachelor du INSEEC Wine Spirits Institute. These programs enabled me to increase my knowledge and Spirits Institute. Cette formation en rythme alterné correspondait of this sector and complete internships with renowned actors: the Bor- parfaitement à mes attentes puisque je cherchais un programme qui deaux wine merchant “Groupe Duclot” and the Californian producer me permette de m’insérer dans le secteur tout en développant mes Chappellet Vineyard & Winery. connaissances. J’ai effectué mon stage dans la filière e-commerce d’un After graduation, I worked for two years as a Sales Supervisor at Alta- négociant bordelais de renom, le Groupe Duclot. vis Fine Wines, a wine importer and distributor based in Shanghai. I am Décidé à ne pas m’arrêter en si bon chemin, j’ai ensuite effectué le MBA now working in Australia as a Key Account Manager for a world-renow- Wine Marketing & Management, puis mon stage de fin d’études chez ned importer and distributor, Craggy Range Australia. un producteur californien réputé, Chappellet Vineyard & Winery. Une Even at the other side of the world, this specialized training is a real fois diplômé, j’ai été recruté en tant que Sales Supervisor par Altavis asset on the labor market.” Les étudiants sortant du Bachelor ont une double compétence marketing et commerciale très prisée par les entreprises Isabelle DUCELLIER, PDG Pernod Ricard Sweden UE2 UE4 Environnement Économique Ateliers ■ Principales zones et caractéristiques ■ Dégustation ■ Acteurs clés du secteur, négociants, courtiers et producteurs ■ Viticulture ■ Règles juridiques et douanières ■ Sorties professionnelles ■ Logistique et approvisionnement, achats ■ Rédaction CV et lettre de motivation, définition du projet professionnel UE3 UE5 Fondamentaux Mise en pratique professionnelle ■ Informatique, logiciels professionnels et bureautique et mémoire de stage ■ Anglais des affaires ■ Finance, comptabilité appliquée aux exploitations viticoles ■ Management des organisations INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 5
MBA 1 YEAR PROGRAMME st DISPONIBLE À / AVAILABLE IN BORDEAUX Ce programme permet de consolider les fondamentaux en matière de gestion, de droit et de management, et fournit les bases d’une solide culture « business ». Il peut être suivi en français/anglais ou intégralement en anglais. Après bac+3, MBA MBA Insertion Admission (1re année) (2e année) professionnelle sur dossier + Tests + Entretien Calendrier du programme Rentrée de septembre S O N D J F M A M J J A Rentrée de février F M A M J J A S • 3 jours de cours / 2 jours en entreprise • Stage - 6 mois • Synthèse de rapport professionnel Stéphane MATHIEU C’est d’ailleurs lors du salon Vinexpo de Bordeaux que j’ai rencontré le Directeur de la société de négoce Louis Max qui m’a proposé un VIE de deux ans à New- Diplômé en 2012 York. à présent ambassadeur de la marque, mon rôle est de promouvoir et de commercialiser des vins français aux États-Unis… en attendant de créer dans VIE BRAND AMBASSADOR quelques années ma propre entreprise de négoce de grands vins. » Louis Max - New York “After a first degree in hospitality management, I was looking for a professional training to acquire an expertise in the wine and spirits sector. I then chose the MBA in Wine Marketing & Management for its recognized quality and its first « Après une Licence en hôtellerie et management, je souhaitais suivre une place in the rankings of wine programs. formation dans le domaine du vin et des spiritueux afin de me former aux At the INSEEC Wine and Spirits Institute, I acquired maturity, an expertise métiers très spécialisés de ce secteur. J’ai alors choisi d’intégrer le MBA Wine in wine and spirits, but also a clear understanding of international issues Marketing & Management, classé en tête dans tous les classements des and challenges of this sector. I also developed a real professional network programmes spécialisés dans le vin et bénéficiant d’une reconnaissance through the many lectures, tastings, tours and workshops scheduled during mondiale auprès de la profession. this two-year training. Cette formation m’a apporté la maturité qu’il me manquait, des connaissances It’s actually at the Vinexpo exhibition that I met the Director of Max Louis, a importantes dans le domaine du vin, mais aussi une compréhension précise trading company, who offered me work as a Brand Ambassador in New York. des problématiques et enjeux internationaux de ce secteur. J’ai pu également Now graduated, my role is to promote and sell French wines in the United me créer un véritable réseau professionnel grâce aux multiples conférences, States. In the coming years, I would also like to create my own trading company, dégustations, visites et ateliers pratiques. specialized in fine wines.” 6 INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE
Tiffany SARRAZIN je voulais vraiment bénéficier du large réseau de l’établissement et de sa notoriété dans le milieu. Diplômée en 2014 Mon objectif est d’acquérir assez d’expérience commerciale (back office et CHARGÉE DE MISSION terrain) pour devenir Responsable de zone export dans un futur proche. » COMMERCIALE “Before joining the INSEEC Wine & Spirits Institute I graduated in a Bachelor in Baron Philippe de Rothschild Nantes. I had a lot of positive feedbacks on the Institute and INSEEC in general from wine professionals and wanted to access its large network and benefit from its good reputation in the industry. « Avant d’intégrer l’INSEEC Wine & Spirits Institute, j’ai effectué un Bachelor My objective is to acquire enough sales experience ( front and back office ) to en commerce international à Nantes. J’avais eu beaucoup de retours positifs become an area export manager in a near future.” sur l’Institut et l’INSEEC en général de la part des professionnels du vin et Consolider les fondamentaux et découvrir les spécificités du secteur Outre ces enseignements approfondis, la formation comprend des mises en situations pratiques et la maîtrise d’outils tels que l’informa- Cours Spécialisés / tique ou les langues. La prise de contact avec le monde de l’entreprise se Specialized Courses concrétise par un stage de longue durée (5 à 6 mois) et la possibilité d’un rythme alterné École / Entreprise. ■ Marketing B to C / B to C Marketing ■ International Business Law Besides extensive teaching, this training includes simulation exercises ■ International Trade and workshops to develop a good command of languages and business skills. Students also gain a first significant professional experience, with ■ International Marketing a long-term internship (5-6 months) and the opportunity to work two ■ Achats internationaux et logistique / company days per week during the course period. Logistics & International Purchasing ■ Wine Economy Wine Marketing Cours Fondamentaux / ■ Core Courses Séminaires / Seminars ■ Gestion budgétaire et tableaux de bord / Budget Management & Tracking Reports ■ Aspects juridiques du secteur des vins et spiritueux / ■ Business plan et création d’entreprise / Legal Aspects of Wine and Spirits Sector Business Plan & Business Start-up ■ Acteurs clés du secteur / Key Players of the Wine Sector ■ Management ■ La place de Bordeaux / The Role of Bordeaux ■ Stratégie d’entreprise / Company Strategy ■ Marché des spiritueux / The Spirits Market ■ Marketing ■ Visites professionnelles (visites de châteaux/négociants, ■ Négociation / Negotiation dégustations…) / Professional Visits (wine tours, tastings…) ■ Réseaux de distribution / Distribution Networks Outils et méthodes / Stage / Internship Workshops & Tools ■ Anglais intensif (passage du TOEIC) / Intensive English & TOEIC Mémoire professionnel / ■ Self Management Research Paper ■ Informatique / Computer Courses ■ Business Game INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 7
MBA 2 YEAR WINE Marketing nd DISPONIBLE À / AVAILABLE IN BORDEAUX This program has a strong international orientation (all the courses are taught in English), and welcomes students from different academic backgrounds as well as professionals from the world of viticulture. Each year, students from five continents enroll in the MBA Wine Marketing & Management program. This international wine program responds to a growing global market. MBA BA Insertion After bac+4 / (2e année ée) professionnelle bac+5 Post-graduate Program Calendar students Program in September S O N D J F M A M J J A Program in February • 3 class days, 2 company days F M A M J J A S • Internship - 5 months • Thesis Students can also start this program in February. COURSES ■ THE INTERNATIONAL WINE ECONOMY ■ FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Examining the international and French wine sectors, the business of wine. Choices regarding investment and financial means. Financial analysis and financial information: to know the users, the sources urces ■ INTERNATIONAL MARKETING of information. Mastering the tools of financial analysis. sis. Understanding the fundamental principles which govern marketing activities in a global environment. ■ LOGISTICS AND PURCHASING Logistics and e-business, distribution and logistics strategy, trategy, ■ MANAGEMENT AND COMPANY STRATEGY chasing customs and wine transport, specifities linked to purchasing Integrating a strategic approach to long term development, in the wine business, the role of wine merchants. formulating a global company diagnostic and assessing capacity for change in a fast moving environment. ■ INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION Mastering different negotiating techniques according g to the ■ MARKETING STUDIES AND RESEARCH cultural context. Negociating with a win-win approach. h. Understanding different types of studies: surveys, qualitative studies, explanatory, predicative and causal studies, descriptive studies. ■PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS: WINE GROWING, OWING, OENOLOGY, WINE TASTING, WINE TOURS ■ MERCHANDISING Evaluating different types of merchandising; consumer behavior as the keystone of merchandising; quantitative analysis of a line: optimization, value, reasons to set up, product range. 8 INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE
& Management SPECIALIZATION IN WINE RESEARCH PAPER ■ LAUNCHING AND MANAGING NEW PRODUCTS Assessing the feasibility of a new product. Wilson VORDNICK New product development and the launch process. (graduated 2014) published by the ■ INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY OF THE BRANDS American Association of Wine Econo- IN THE WINE AND SPIRITS SECTOR mists (AAWE) Consolidating and evaluating brand strategy; guiding the relationship between brands and consumers, brand building strategy. ■ AN IN-DEPTH APPROACH TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Wilson (35) is a former American navy officer who decided to choose Understanding consumer trends in order to better define target the MBA Wine Marketing and Management to start a new career. markets. ■ DISTRIBUTION POLICY His research paper “the global Urban Winery crush: Model and pros- Evaluating different trends, economic or cultural or legal, affecting pect” is an analysis of a new phenomenon (urban wineries) appearing in distribution; chainstore brands, the new channels of distribution the US and all over the world and its consequences in terms of consu- (internet). mer relationship and distribution policy. He also retained this subject for his MBA’s final essay. ■ MEDIA PRESS RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION Defining the various roles played by the key players in international advertising (advertisers, agencies, media, consumer lobbies). Developing awareness of the global trends affecting the advertising of today and tomorrow. Li LIJUAN ■ PACKAGING DESIGN Brand strategy, visual identity, design and packaging, industrial Graduated in 2013 design, sales and marketing architecture. CHINESE MARKETING MANAGER ■ DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN MARKETS To familiarize students with all aspects of international markets. Christie’s International Real Estate Bordeaux ■ACOMPARATIVE APPROACH TO LEGISLATION AFFECTING THE WINE OR SPIRITS INDUSTRY An alumna of the MBA Wine Marketing and Management, a famous Legislation inside and outside of Europe, rules governing the sale singer in China, an “Ambassador“ of the Chinese Students in Bordeaux, and presentation of products, the naming of wines, the brand or its labelling and the prom promotion of the product, administrative Lily works now for the auction company Christie’s, in a new department constraints. specialized for vineyards. She helps and supports new Chinese custo- mers who want to invest in the Bordeaux wine area. Jean-François LEY “With a global retail turnover of $180bn and 3,5 million jobs worldwide the Wine industry “weights” as much as the cosmetic industry in the PROGRAM DIRECTOR world and offers a tremendous number of opportunities to our students. Our skills, our network and our team of professional teachers selected DIRECTOR OF THE INSEEC for their experience are here to stimulate the future manager’s careers WINE AND SPIRITS INSTITUTE of this globalizing industry in Marketing and Management. With a decade of success in doing so we can assume that their achie- vement is our goal.” INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 9
MBA 2 YEAR SPIRITS Marketing nd À / BETWEEN BORDEAUX ET/AND LONDON The MBA Spirits Marketing and Management welcomes students from diverse back- grounds (university or management school graduates), as well as professionals from the spirit industry. This program has a strong international orientation. It provides students a specialization in the Spirits Industry, gaining insight through courses on brand strategy, mergers and acquisitions, development of foreign markets, consumer behavior, media, and public relations in order to meet the industry’s need for skilled management. This career-boosting program takes place at INSEEC Bordeaux from October to January, and at INSEEC London from January to April. London was chosen as a location because of the local depth and expertise in the spirits industry that offering a unique pool of experts available as lecturers. Renowned professionals working for the largest interna- tional spirits groups will share their experience and teach best practices. Various course topics and projects will also give students the opportunity to improve their English language skills in the classroom and in the vibrant city of London. FALL INTAKE SPRING INTAKE O N D J F M A M J J A S M A M J J A S O N D J F M • Courses in Bordeaux: 3 class days, 2 company days • Courses in London: 3 class days, 2 company days • Internship - 5 months • Thesis Alastair SMITH OWNER International Wine and Spirits Research “The IWSR is the leading source of data and forecast for the alcoholic beverage used by all the largest multinational wine and spirit compa- nies. Students in the MBA Spirits Marketing and Management benefit from our data and methodology in seminars given by our senior ana- lysts in Bordeaux and London and have the opportunity to experience “on line” our expertise prior to their future jobs in the industry “ 10 INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE
& Management WORKSHOPS ■ PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ■ PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS: PRODUCTION AND TECHNIQUES, SPIRITS TASTINGS COURSES ■ WEB 2 DIGITAL TOOLS Bertrand PLESSIS From online shipping to the latest development in social networking, a review of spirit e-strategies. Evolving marketing technique and promotional PROGRAM DIRECTOR CTOR technologies, ways to integrate them into an effective communication strategy at the product launch stage for an established brand. Emergence of the on line store. ■ MANAGEMENT IN THE SPIRITS INDUSTRY Integrating a strategic approach to long term development, formulating a global company diagnostic and assessing capacity for change in a fast “The Spirits industry has dramatica dramatically changed for the past ast 10 years, moving environment. both in terms of size and sophistica sophistication. We now need experts, xperts, with an international dimension combined w with a good understanding ing of the ■ MARKETING STUDIES AND RESEARCH different spirits categories and of the dydynamics that make them em grow Understanding different types of studies: surveys, qualitative studies, so fast. Ahead of us, we have much potent potential growth for the brands, nds, be explanatory, predicative and causal studies, descriptive studies. large ones or niche ones. ■ MERCHANDISING Before the creation of this MBA, companies did not have specialists and nd Evaluating different types of merchandising; consumer behavior as the industries. As we are dealing had to hire talented people from other industr keystone of merchandising; quantitative analysis of a line: optimization, with brands where the cultural dimension, the heritage her and the savoir- value, reasons to set up, product range. faire is so important, hiring people with this background backgrou means gaining time and efficiency at all levels.” ■ DIRECT MARKETING AND SALES PROMOTION Formulating a direct communication strategy, understanding different types of media, stimulating product demand and improving product availability. ■ MEDIA PRESS RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION ■ INTERNATIONAL MARKETING AND BRAND Sources of information, roles played by players in international advertising. MANAGEMENT IN THE SPIRIT INDUSTRY Global trends. Various socio-cultural and management factors. Managing creativity and innovation; Insights into existing and emerging markets; International brand positioning and competitive analysis; Market ■ FINANCIAL AND ECONOMY IN THE SPIRIT INDUSCRY entry strategies, brand development and international pricing strategies; Choices regarding investment and financial means. Financial analysis Consolidating and evaluating brand strat- egy; Guiding the relationship and financial information: to know the users, the sources of information. between brands and consumers; Brand building strategy; and, Mergers and Mastering the tools of financial analysis. acquisitions in the spirits industry. ■ BRAND MARKETING AND STRATEGY ■ CRM Assessing the feasibility of a new product. New product development and How to conquer the local store and bar (street marketing), as well as how to the launch process. conquer national retailers – offerings and negotiations. Using technology to organize, automate and synchronize business processes. ■ LAW, REGLATIONS AND POLICIES Legislation inside and outside of Europe, rules governing the sale and ■ NEW PRODUCTS LAUNCHES presentation of products; Naming trandm its lanelling and its promotion; Assessing the feasibility of a new product. It analyses new product Administrative constraints; Product licensingm contracts and control of development and the launch process; Identification of the opportunities; brand image; Protection of intellectual property; Combating counterfeit Sequencing and planning launches; Financial and P&L aspects; and, and parallel imports; International regulatory and tax environement and Production and launches. communication compliance. ■ PACKAGING DESIGN ■ DISTRIBUTION POLICY Brand strategy, visual identity, design and packaging, industrial design, Evaluating different trends, economic or cultural or legal, affecting sales and marketing architecture. distribution; chainstore brands, the new channels of distribution (internet). ■ INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION ■ CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Mastering different negotiating techniques according to the cultural Human behavior and decision-making. Understanding of consumer tends in context. Negociating with a win-win approach. order to better define target markets. The bright and the dark sides of the spirits industry will also be explored. Social status and consumption of spirits; The versatility of spirits (straight, mixedm pairing with food); Offering. INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 11
INWine / INSpirits Certificats en connaissance et dégustation des vins Wine and Spirits knowledge and tasting Certificates INWine et INSpirits sont des format formations ations courte courteses de e 2, 3, 4 ou 6 jours permettant une certification en connaissance des vins ns et spiritueu spiritueux ux et e en n dégustation. Ces formations sont organisées sur ttous les sites de l’INSEEEEC Wine and l’INSEEC dS pirits IInstitute Spirits nstitute (Bordeaux, Londres, Beaune, Paris) et e sont accessibles en fra français rançais oou ueen na anglais. nglais. Le saviez-vous ? 71 % des Français nçais déclarent ne rien connaître à la d t ti des dégustation dégustation d vins v … et vous ? Did you know? 71 % of French Consumers declare decl not to know how to taste wine … wha what about you? Avec une pédagogie résolument innovante laissant une large With a truly innovative pedagogy open to new technologies, place aux nouvelles technologies, aux exemples et à l’interac- examples and interactivity, INWine and INSpirits are the most tion, INWine et INSpirits sont les formations les plus modernes modern courses reaching the expectations of any amateur or et les plus proches des attentes d’un public d’amateurs ou de young professional willing to enhance and certify its skills. jeunes professionnels désireux d’améliorer et de certifier leurs connaissances. 12 INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE
et spiritueux INWine and IN INSpirits NSpirits a are re short programs of 2, 3, 4 or 6 days allowing a certificate in wine and spirits knowledge and d tast tasting. ting. They are available on all sites of INSEEC Wine and Spirits Institute (Bordeaux, London, Beaune, P arris) a Paris) nd a and re d are elivered in French or in English. delivered Jennifer DELÉTRA SALES MANAGER LS Wine Group, Hong-Kong « INWine est un cours intense et complet qui m’a aidée à comprendre en profondeur le monde des vins et spiritueux. C’est grâce à INWine que j’ai pu satisfaire les demandes qui m’ont été faites lors des dé- gustations à l’aveugle qui m’ont été proposées lors de mes entretiens de recrutement. INWine n’est pas seulement intéressant mais aussi « fun » et une très bonne façon de partager sur les vins et spiritueux avec des gens ayant les mêmes centres d’intérêt. » “INWine is an intense and highly complete course which helped me to understand in more depth the world of Wines & Spirits. Thanks to INWine, I was able to successfully answer my blind tasting question during one of my job interviews. INWine is not only interesting, it is also fun and a great way to learn about the Wine & Spirits world with people who share your interests.” Jean-Pierre SIMEONI sais mieux reconnaitre l’origine d’un vin et surtout j’ai appris à fixer un prix après une dégustation à l’aveugle. Je recommande aux néophytes comme aux initiés de suivre cette formation. » STUDENT “INWine gave me the tools for a precise and professional tasting of MBA Wine Marketing and wines. A method easy to apply and memorize. I improved my knowledge Management promotion 2014 in aromas and I’m better now in recognition of the origin of a wine. But above all I’ve learned how to set a price for a wine after a blind tasting. « INWine m’a donné des outils pour effectuer une dégustation précise I do recommend INWIne to beginners as well as confirmed wine lovers.” et professionnelle de vins et de spiritueux. Une méthode facile à appli- quer et à mémoriser. J’ai amélioré mes connaissances des arômes, je INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 13
INWine INSpirits INWine A : 2 jours consécutifs / 2 consecutive days INSpirits : 3 jours / 3 days (lundi/mardi ou jeudi/vendredi) / (Monday/Tuesday or (le mercredi sur 3 semaines / on Wednesdays during Thursday/Friday ) 3 weeks) En deux jours (6 heures de formation par jour avec 2 dégusta- 3 jours de formation dédiés exclusivement à la connaissance tions incluses), venez découvrir les vins et vignobles d’Europe, de la culture, des modes de production et à la dégustation des leurs cépages et terroirs, l’art de la dégustation et les bases de spiritueux du monde. l’harmonie mets et vins. 3 days exclusively dedicated to the culture, production and tas- In two days (6 hours per day with 2 tastings included), come and tings of spirits of the world. discover European wines and vines, the art of wine tasting and the basics in wine and food matching. INWine B : 4 jours (4 samedis sur 1 mois) / 4 days (4 Saturdays on 1 month) Connaître les vins et vignobles du monde, les bases de Valérie DAMOUR l’œnologie moderne et faire travailler ses sens pour amé- liorer ses capacités à la dégustation sont les objectifs de Université Bordeaux 3, cette formation « intermédiaire » sur 4 jours. INWine B est spécialité œnotourisme sanctionné par un examen écrit (QCM) et une dégustation à l’aveugle qui se déroulent le dernier jour de formation. Develop your knowledge of the world wine, basis in oeno- « Je suis très satisfaite de la formation INWine. logy and enhance your senses to develop your skills in wine 4 jours très intensifs où j’ai énormément appris, aussi bien sur mon tasting. These are the objectives of this “intermediate” approche de la dégustation que sur les termes techniques et le voca- course on 4 days. INWine B is ending (final day) by a written bulaire anglophone. Les cours sont articulés de manière pédagogique exam (MCQ) and a blind tasting. et professionnelle. J’avais des doutes sur une future carrière dans le vin, participer à l’INWine m’a redonné confiance et motivation. » “I’m really satisfied of INWine certificate. 4 intensive days during which I’ve learned a lot not only on my tasting INWine C : 2 jours / 2 days approach but on technical terms and English vocabulary for tasting. Réservé aux participants ayant déjà validé INWine B / Courses are given in a very academic and professional way. Only for participants with a validated INWine B I had doubts on my future career in the wine industry and INWine gave me confidence and motivation.” 2 jours pour les experts ! Approfondissement de l’œnologie moderne et des techniques de dégustation pour cette for- mation professionnelle. 2 days for experts! Skills in modern oenology and tasting techniques are taught in this professional session. INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 15
CARRIÈRES CreatedET ENTREPRISES in Bordeaux in 1975, Groupe INSEEC is now settled in Europe, in the United States and in Asia (China) to train 15,000 students per academic year. /CAREERS AND It confirms COMPANIES its top position among the post graduate French Business schools. Groupe INSEEC delivers programs from Bachelor to DBA and has developed its expertise in 4 sec- Parcours d’anciens / Careers tors of Foreign excellence: Luxury, Tourism & Hospitality, students Digital and Winetestimonial & Spirits. The INSEEC • Pier Giuseppe TORRESANI, WineMasi Export Manager, Agricola Institute started & Spirits a decade Denise Lam ago and is nowadays the Leading Business - ITALY School for trade, Marketing and Management in these industries. After several professional experiences in the wine industry as business • Rebecca TETLEY, GlobalWith Marketing, Constellation a network Brands alumni and moredeveloper of 2,000 than 110 project assistant, lecturers, professional project manager and export it provides manager specific (Ab- pro- - NEW ZEALAND solut, O Chateau, Hong Kong trade Developpement Council), I decided to grams in the top capitals of production and distribution of wines and spirits following 3 perfor- set up my own company: Bon Wine based in Hong Kong and specialized • Veronica RUIZ, Sales Promotion manceManager, levers:Sopexa professionalization, specialization andand in negociation international approach. trade of “grands crus classés”. - TEXAS They • Lucia MINEUR, Events and are: Sales Training Development, Caudalie Ernesta Amitinaite - NEW-YORK, USA In search of a truly international experience in the wine industry, I left Professionalizing programs: Lithuania and came to complete a MBA in Wine Marketing at INSEEC • Guillaume CHEVRIN, Assistant Sommelier, Alain DUCASSE Entreprise Bordeaux. I have just completed the academic yearand and IParis am off to Lon- • Bachelor in Wine and Spirits sales available in Bordeaux, Beaune • Pierre SURAUD, Merchandising, Carrefour - MASSY, FRANCE don to work in the Sales Marketing Department in 10 International. I am • MBA WINE Marketing andveryManagement in Bordeaux excited to acquire an even larger experience but I’m sad to leave • Hongchao LI, Responsable Export, Bord’O Vins Fins - FRANCE Bordeaux. • • Delphine BLANCHOT, Brand Ambassador, MBA Barton SPIRITS Marketing and Management between Bordeaux and London & Guestier - FLORIDA Eduardo Caballero Certificates in Wine and Spirits AKnowledge commercial and Tasting: Engineer graduated from The Valparaiso University, he • Damien MAURY, Promotion de vente, Baron Philippe Rothschild Distribution worked as Area Manager for Terranoble Vineyard, Chile, where he rea- - FRANCE • INWine on 2, 4 or 6 days lized his passion for this industry and decided to leave the country to • INSpirits on 3 days Exemples de stages / Internship Examples study a Wine MBA at INSEEC, Bordeaux. Eduardo is currently promoting the wines of Viu Manent in the European market. A great challenge for Executive programs and short sessions him! dedicated to the wine and spirits companies in • Marie LALLEMAND, Assistante E-Marketing, Millésima Bordeaux, Beaune, Paris, London, Shanghai and coming soon to San Francisco. - BORDEAUX, FRANCE Lindsay Moriss • Louise LECONTE, Assistante WithMarketing a true experience, expertise et Communication, and network Châteaux et the I grew up in INSEEC Wine and North Kingstown, Spirits Rhode IslandInstitute already (USA), studied wel-and business comes more than 50 Domaines Castel, Castel Frères - BLANQUEFORT, FRANCE% of foreign students coming from all over the world. Our MBAs are taught languages at the University of Rhode Island, then went on to work for in English and are designed • Adrien COHO, Commercial, GINESTET - BORDEAUX, FRANCE to train the future severalmanagers ofcompanies multinational the world- wine both inand the spirits U.S. andcompanies. abroad. I moved to France to obtain an MBA in Wine Marketing & Management at the • Edgar MARTIN, Assistant Marketing Export, Maison SERVAN Bordeaux International Wine Institute (INSEEC Group) and later com- - BORDEAUX, FRANCE pleted internships with a Bordeaux wine merchant and a family-owned • Agathe VAUCHER, Commercial, The Fair Trade Spirits Company winery in Nierstein, Germany. I’m now Wine Manager at Chris Gas- - LONDRES, UK barro’s Fine Wine & Spirits. • Agathe VINCENT-LAY, La maison du Whisky - PARIS, FRANCE Yazhou Lei • Margaux BRENGEL, Assistante Communication, Moët Hennessy SNC - After following a Franco-Chinese bilingual program in China, I decided 2012 Entité Estates & Wines - PARIS,2011 FRANCE 2010 to come to France and study 2009a field that fascinates me: wine.2008 As part of the MBA program in Wine Marketing, I am doing an internship as a • Vincent FILHOL, Assistant Analyses Commerciales, GMS, Bacardi Martini sales representative at La Winery, a company based in Bordeaux and France - PARIS, FRANCE specialized in wine tourism and wine trade. After my graduation, I wish • Florian BEAUBOUCHEZ, Marketing, House of Fine Wines Ltd to continue working as an intermediary between China and France be- - HONG-KONG, CHINE cause the Chinese market is flourishing. • Antrim DUNCAN, Assistant Export, Bernard Magrez Grands Vignobles, PESSAC, FRANCE • Romain KASZKOWIAK, Commercial GMS, Brasseries Kronenbourg - STRABOURG FRANCE Angelo Pierre-Emmanuel • Hua YU, Assistant Communication, La Maison Veuve Clicquot - REIMS, Michel Pierre Michel GAJA FRANCE TAITTINGER CHAPOUTIER CASTEL ROLLAND INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE 17 1
15061-12/14 INSEEC WINE & SPIRITS INSTITUTE INSEEC-WINEANDSPIRITS.COM CAMPUS BORDEAUX CAMPUS LONDON CAMPUS BEAUNE CAMPUS PARIS H16/H18 - Quai de Bacalan 32 Aybrook Street 1 Boulevard Foch 71, rue Chardon-Lagache Document non contractuel. Tous droits réservés 33000 Bordeaux - France London, W1U 4AW - UK 21200 Beaune 75016 Paris - France Tél. : +33 (0)5 56 00 73 87 Tél. : +44 (0) 203 725 4600 Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 92 86 91 Information programmes & admission: Candidature en ligne / online application: Crédits photos • Photos credits : Dominique Le Lann, Peng Wang, Fotolia ÉTABLISSEMENT D’ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR TECHNIQUE PRIVÉ Retrouvez-vous sur notre page Facebook et sur Twitter LE GROUPE INSEEC, DES CAMPUS DANS DES VILLES EXCEPTIONNELLES GROUPEINSEEC.COM “BECOME AN EXPERT IN THE WINE & SPIRITS INDUSTRIES” PARIS BORDEAUX LYON CHAMBÉRY GENÈVE MONACO LONDON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO SHANGHAI LE GROUPE INSEEC EST MEMBRE DE : É TA B L I S S E M E N T D ’ E N S E I G N E M E N T S U P É R I E U R T E C H N I Q U E P R I V É
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