CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on National GHG Inventories for the Africa Region - unfccc
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UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE - Secretariat CONVENTION - CADRE SUR LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES - Secretariat CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on National GHG Inventories for the Africa Region 18- 22 September 200 Pretoria, South Africa LIST OF PARTICIPANTS
Parties Algeria Mr. Lamine KADI Cape Verde Democratic Republic of the Researcher Congo University of Mostaganem B.P. 188 Mr. Francisco CORREIA Mr. Onesphore MUTSHAIL Mostaganem 27000 Algeria Ing. Agrometeorologie KAVUL Tel: (213-61)56-4372 INMG-Praia-Ministere National Consultant Fax: (213-45)20-2-90 de l’environnement et Agriculture University of Kinshasa Email: - MAA 40 Bis, Bakole Il. Q. Righini. Tel: (238) 261-7891 C/Lemba c/o Direction de Fax: (238) 261-7892 Developpement Durable 35, Avenue Benin Email: Pumbu, Commune de la Gombe Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Mr. B. Jacques KOUAZOUNDE Congo Benin Coordinator of Regional Tel: ( 243)8515-45808 Project UNDP/GEF RAF 02/G31 Central African Republic Fax: (243)884-3675 Ministry of Environment and Email: Protection of Natural Resources Mme Aline MALIBANGAR 01 BP 3621 Coordinator for SNC for Central Cotonou Benin African Republic Djibouti Tel: (229-)9731-5495/(229)31-5081 Ministère des eaux, forêts, chasse et Fax: (229)2022-2039 pêche chargé de l'environnement M. Moussa AHMED HASSAN Email: Rue Ambassadeur R. Guérillot B.P. Coordonnatuer du Projet Nationale 266 Direction de l'aménagement de Bangui Central African Republic territoire et de l'environnement Botswana Fax: (236)61-7890 Ministère de l'habitat, de Email: l'urbanisme, de l'environnement et de Ms. Chandapiwa MACHEKE l'aménagement du territoire Senior Meteorologist B.P. 2344 Department of Meteorological Djibouti Services Tel: (253)35-1020/1097 P.O. Box 10100 Congo Fax: (253)35-4837 Gaborone Botswana Email: Tel: (267)395-6281 / (267)395-6281 M. Gilbert NZOBADILA to 4 Directeur des statistiques des e’tudes economiques et de l’informatique Fax: (267)395-6282 / (267)395-6282 Egypt Email: Dirèction genérale de l'énergie B.P. 13074 Mr. Saber Mahmoud OSMAN Brazzaville Congo Environmental Researcher Tel: (242)668-9873 Egyptian Environmental Affairs Ms. Dorcas Masisi Fax: (242)81-5077 Agency SNC Coordinator Email: 30 Misr Helwan El-Zyrae Road, El Department of Meteorological Maadi Services Cairo 11728 Egypt P.O. Box 10100 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: (20-2)817-3892 Gaborone Botswana M. Kadio AHOSSANE Fax: (20-2)817 3892 Coordonnateur, responsable du Email: programme sur changements Burkina Faso climatiques Polytechnic Institute Gabon BP V 148 Mr. Moussa SANON Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Mme Claudine MOUSSOUNDA Expert Tel: (225)2244-1834 / 791-4267 Conseiller technique, chargé des INERA Fax: (225)2021-1183 conventions et de la coopération/ 04 BP 8645 Email: Point focal climat/Chef d'equippe Ouagadougou 04 Burkina Faso chargé de la SCN Tel: (226) 7075-9622 Ministère de l'environnement, de la Fax: (226) 5034-0271 protection de la nature, de la Email: recherche et de la technologie B.P. 3903 Libreville Gabon Tel: (241)0626-7784/0718-0128 Fax: (241)77-2979 Email:
Gambia Lesotho Mauritius Ms. Amie JARRA DE CLERCQ Ms. Kuena MOREBOTSANE Mr. Anand SOOKUN Principal Scientific Officer Meteorologist Statistician – Environment Unit Department of Water Resources Meteorological Services Central Statistics Office 7, Marina Parade P.O. Box 14515 LIC Centre, John Kennedy Street Banjul Gambia Maseru 100 Lesotho Port Louis Mauritius Tel: (220)439-8104/990-3920 Tel: (266)2231-7250 Tel: (230)212-2314 Fax: (220)422-5009 Fax: (266)2232-5057 Fax: (230)211-4150 Email: Email: Email: Ghana Liberia Mr. Andrews BOATENG Mr. Benjamin S. KARMORH JR. Morocco Programme Officer National Focal Point Environmental Applications and Environmental Protection Agency of Mr. Rachid FIRADI Technical Centre Liberia Ministère de l'aménagement du P.O. Box 13169 4th Street, Sinkor P.O Box 4024 territoire, de l'eau et de Accra Ghana Monrovia Liberia l'environnement Tel: (233)2176-0227 Tel: (231-6)51-8928 4, Place Aboubakr Essediq, Agdal Fax: (233)2176-0227 Fax: (31-20)540-7127 (UNDP) Rabat Morocco Email: Email: Tel: (212-37)68-1635 Fax: (212-37)77-2640 Email: / Guinea Madagascar M. Joseph SYLLA M. Charles RAKOTOARINARIVO Point focal UNFCCC Expert national en inventaire des Mozambique Direction nationale de la prévention Gaz à effet de serre et de la lutte contre les pollutions et FOFIFA Ms. Marília Telma António nuisances Lot: A2 Mandrisoa ILAFY MANJATE B.P.3118 Antananarivo Madagascar SNC Coordinator Conakry Guinea Tel: (261-32)040-2135 Ministry for Coordination of Tel: (224)6026-2668 Email: Environmental Affairs Fax: (224)3046-8456 P.O. Box 2020 Av. Acordos de Email: Lusaka, 2115 Maputo Mozambique Tel: (258-21)46-6495 Guinea-Bissau Mali Fax: (258-21)46-5849 Mr. Joao Raimundo LOPES M. Birama DIARRA Email: / Senior Energy Officer/GHG Chef division recherche et Inventories Expert développement General Direction of Ministère de l'équipement et des Namibia Energy/National Climate Change transports Program Direction nationale de la Ms. Uazamo KAURA Ex-QG (Santa Luzia) P.O. Box 311 météorologie Conservation Scientist Bissao Guinea-Bissau B.P. 237 Directorate of Environmental Affairs Tel: (245)22-2951/ 256-239 Bamako Mali Ministry of Environment and Fax: (245)20-5881/ 256-238 Tel: (223)220-6204 Tourism Email: Fax: (223) 220 2110 P.O. Box 31968 Pionierspark Email: Windhoek Namibia Tel: (264-61)284-2701 Kenya Fax: (264-61)24-0339 Mauritania Email: Mr. Charles Situma AMOS Chief Geo-Information Officer M. Alioune OULD EWBEK Department of Resources Surveys GHGI Energy Expert Niger and Remote Sensing Climate Change Unit at the Ministry P.O. Box 47146 of Environment M. Maazou KAMAYE Nairobi 00100 Kenya P.O. Box 10 Coordinator of the Second National Tel: (254-20)60-9013 Rosso Mauritania Communication Fax: (254-20)60-9705 Tel: (222)644-9442 Conseil national de l'environnement Email: Email: pour un développement durable B.P. 10193 Niamey Niger Tel: (227)72-2559 Fax: (227)72-2981 Email:
Senegal Sudan Zambia Mme Ndeye Fatou Diaw GUèNE Ms. Rehab AHMED HASSAN Mr. Christopher KASHINGA Direction de l'environnement et des AHMED Senior Inspector etablissements classés Assistant Coordinator - National Water, Air and Noise Pollution Ministère de l'environnement et de la Capacity Self-Assessment Project Control Unit protection de la nature Higher Council for Environment and Environmental Council of Zambia Building Administratif 106, Rue Natural Resources P.O. Box 35131 Corner of Church Carnot BP 6557 P.O. Box 10488 and Suez Roads Dakar Senegal Khartoum Sudan Lusaka Zambia Tel: (221) 849-7392 Tel: (249-92)224-1835 Tel: (260-1)25-4023/59 Email: Fax: (249-18)378-7617 Fax: (260-1)25-4164 Email: Email: Seychelles Swaziland Mr. Terence COOPOOSAMY Director Ms. Duduzile NHLENGETHWA Zimbabwe Seychelles Bureau of Standards Program Officer Seychelles Swaziland Meteorological Services Mr. Washington ZHAKATA Tel: (248)38-0400 P.O. Box 58 Coordinator Fax: (248)37-3826 Mbabane Swaziland Climate Change Office Email: Tel: (268)404-5728/8859 Ministry of Environment and Fax: (268) 404-1530 Tourism Email: Private Bag 7753 Causeway 11th Floor Kaguvi Building South Africa Harare, Zimbabwe Togo Tel: (263-4)70-1681 Ms Joanne YAWITCH Deputy Director-General: M. Abiziou TCHINGUILOU Fax: (263-4)70-2758 Environmental Quality and Ingénieur agronome, chargée Email: Protection d'études / Department of Environmental Direction de lénvironnement Affairs and Tourism Ministère de l'environnement et des Private Bag x447 ressources forestières Pretoria 0001, South Africa BP 4825 Tel: (27-12) 310 3436 Lome Togo Email: Tel: (228) 221-3321 Fax: (228) 221-0333 Shirley MOROKA Email: / Director: Atmospheric Policy, Regulation and Planning Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism Uganda Private Bag x447 Pretoria 0001, South Africa Mr. James B. MAGEZI-AKIIKI Tel: (27-12) 310 3436 Senior Research Meteorologist Fax: (27-12) 320 1167 Department of Meteorology Email: Crested Towers, P.O. Box 7025 Kampala Uganda Ms. Tabby RESANE Tel: (256-41)25-1798/5609/23-3559 Department of Environemtal Affairs Fax: (256-41)25-1797 and Tourism Email: Private Bag x447 Pretoria 0001, South Africa United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (27-12) 310-3792 Fax: (27-12) 320-0488 Mr. Kanizio Fredrick Kahema Email: / MANYIKA Senior Environmental Officer Division of Environment Mr. Tsietsi MAHEMA Vice-President's Office Department of Environemtal Affairs IPS, First Floor P.O. Box 5380 and Tourism Dar Es Salaam United Republic of Private Bag x447 Tanzania Pretoria 0001, South Africa Tel: (255-22) 211-3983/8416 Tel: (27-12) 310-3404 Fax: (255-22) 211-3856/5297 Fax: (27-12) 320-0488 Email: Email:
Representatives of United Nations secretariat units and related bodies United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Mr. Mamadou KHOUMA Mr. George A. MANFUL Regional Project Manager Senior Task Manager PNUD/FEM: Project RAF 02/G31 (IGES) Immeuble Division of Global Environment Facility Ousseynou Thiam Gueye Point E Rue Thies, CP 12524-BP: United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 15702 Nairobi Kenya Dakar-Fann Senegal Tel: (254-20)762 5085 Tel: (221)869-3953 Fax: (254-20)762-4324 Fax: (221)869-3815 Email: Email: Non-governmental organizations Environnement et Développement du Tiers-Monde (ENDA-TM) Mr. Libasse BA Programme Coordinator 54, Rue Carnot P.O. Box 3370 Dakar Senegal Tel: (221)822-2496 Fax: (221)821-7595 Email: Trainers Mr. Philip ACQUAH Mr. Michael GILLENWATER Director Moderator Sr. Carlos Manuel LOPEZ Environmental Protection Agency GHG Inventory Experts Netowrk CABRERA P.O. Box KIA 9715 14 Lawrence Dr. Apt. 203 Head, National GHG Inventory Accra Ghana Princeton, NJ United States of Team Mobile: (233-244) 732-759 America Instituto de Meteorología Fax: (233-21)66-4690 Tel: (1-202)997-3335 Carretera del Asilo s/n, Casablanca, Email: Fax: (1-609)683-1974 Regla Email: Habana 17 C.P. 11700 Cuba Mr. Eduardo CALVO BUENDíA Tel: (537)867-0721/30 Associate Professor Sr. Sergio GONZALEZ Email: / National University of San Marcos Ingeniero Agrónomo M. Sr. Arteaga 549, San Borja Departamento Agricultur Sustentable Lima Peru Instituto de Investigaciones Mr. Nijavalli H. RAVINDRANATH Tel: (51-1)346-2299 Agropecuarias IPCC Lead Professor/Author Fax: (51-1)346-2299 Casillac439 Correo, 3 Center for Sustainable Technologies Email: Santiago de Chile 7083150 Chile Indian Institute of Science Tel: (56-2)635-2529 / (56-2)757- Bangalore 560 012 India 5115 Tel: (91-80)2334-1838 Fax: (56-2)757-5120 Fax: (91-80)2360-1428 Email: / Email:
CGE Members Mr. Carlos C. FULLER and Technology Commission Fax: (81-46) 855-3808 Chief Meteorologist P.O. Box CB 10980 Sir Cecil Email: National Meteorological Service Wallace Whitfield Centre Philip Goldson International Airport Nassau Bahamas Mr. Jack FITZGERALD P.O. Box 717 Tel: (1-242)356-3726 Senior Advisor Belize City Belize Fax: (1-242)356-3739 United States Environmental Tel: (501)225-2012 Email: / Protection Agency Fax: (501)225-2101 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Email: Washington DC 20460 Mr. Taka HIRAISHI United States of America Mr. Arthur Wellington ROLLE Co-chair, IPCC Inventory Tel: (1-202) 343-9336 Director of Meteorology and Programme Fax: (1-202) 343-2342 Chairman of the National Climate c/o IGES Email: Change Committee 2108-11, Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama Department of Meteorology Kanagawa, Japan The Bahamas Environment, Science Tel: (81-46) 855-3150 UNFCCC SECRETARIAT Ms. June BUDHOORAM Mr. Dominique REVET Manager Programme Officer Financial and Technical Support Financial and Technical Support Programme / Programme / TSDC Sub-programme SNC Unit Tel: (49-228) 815-1415 Tel: (49-228) 815-1334 Fax: (49-228) 815-1599 Fax: (49-228) 815-1599 Email: Email: Mr. Yolando VELASO Ms. Teodora JACINTO Team Leader Team Assistant Financial and Technical Support Financial and Technical Support Programme / Programme / SNC Unit SNC Unit Tel: (49-228) 815-1327 Tel: (49-228) 815-1371 Fax (49-228) 815-1599 Fax: (49-228 ) 815-1599 Email: Email:
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