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COMET est un événement Cosmetic Valley, soutenu par le Conseil Départemental du Val d’Oise et la Communauté d’agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise, et organisé en partenariat avec l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise, l’École de Biologie Industrielle, et des entreprises du secteur cosmétique. COMET est le premier congrès scientifique international qui rassemble les acteurs du secteur des test et mesures des produits cosmétiques. COMET a pour objectif de devenir l’événement majeur dans la diffusion de connaissance sur les tests et mesures des cosmétiques, de créer des liens entre la recherche académique et le monde industriel, de favoriser le rapprochement entre des thématiques scientifiques et la cosmétologie, de donner aux acteurs de la cosmétique des perspectives de développement. Thématiques ›› Instrumentation & Mesures cliniques ›› Innocuité & Efficacité des ingrédients et des produits ›› Interaction Produit / Peau & Cheveu ›› Instrumentations innovantes pour les tests et mesures de produits cosmétiques ›› Capteurs & Biocapteurs ›› Techniques électromagnétique, acoustiques, optiques et tests ›› Techniques & test non destructifs (NDT) ›› Imagerie & traitement d’images ›› Optimisation et caractérisation des fluides complexes ›› Détection et suivi des nano-particules ›› Selfy: technologies & tests ›› Techniques sensorielles & tests
1er Centre Mondial de ressources en Parfumerie-Cosmétique, la Cosmetic Valley représente l’ensemble des métiers de la Parfumerie et de la Cosmétique Le Pôle de compétivité Cosmetic Valley représente 18Mds€ de chiffre d’affaires en 2012, 90 000 emplois et 800 entreprises. Les entreprises (Groupes et PME) du pôle sont positionnées sur l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur de l’industrie de la parfumerie cosmétique et représentent ainsi l’ensemble des métiers de cet écosystème. COMET est organisé sur un territoire dynamique pour le développement de la filière cosmétique. À Cergy-Pontoise, une quarantaine d’entreprises et 2 000 salariés contribuent au dynamisme de la filière cosmétique et ce à toutes les étapes du processus de production. L’agglomération est avant tout un lieu de fabrication de produits cosmétiques : 75% des emplois de la filière sont dédiés au secteur industriel, un nombre en croissance constante. La filière cosmétique représente 5200 emplois dans le Val d’Oise. Le Conseil départemental du Val d’Oise et l’Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise ont ciblé, dans leur stratégie économique, la filière cosmétique comme une filière prioritaire et porteuse d’avenir pour le territoire. C’est pourquoi, les collectivités territoriales soutiennent depuis 2009 le pôle Cosmetic Valley qui œuvre pour le développement de la cosmétique sur le territoire. Les entreprises du secteur de la cosmétique peuvent trouver à Cergy-Pontoise et en Val d’Oise un écosystème favorable à leur développement : un large éventail de formations, des laboratoires de recherche, une plateforme mutualisée d’innovation – COSMÉTOMIQUE, dédiée aux tests et mesures pour les cosmétiques – portée par l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise, des offres de financement adaptées aux besoins des entreprises, un tissu d’entreprises leaders (Clarins, Sisley, Givaudan, MATIS, Alès Groupe), ainsi qu’un réseau de PME spécialisées dans le domaine de la mesure (Réseau Mesure). Les établissements d’enseignement supérieur de Cergy-Pontoise forment chaque année des cohortes de jeunes ingénieurs, techniciens et managers formés pour rejoindre les entreprises de l’industrie cosmétique. Ces jeunes professionnels sont formés au plus près des besoins des entreprises de la filière.
Université de Cergy-Pontoise L’Université de Cergy-Pontoise quant à elle développe des outils de recherche de pointe tournés vers la filière cosmétique et ses enjeux de test et mesure. Adossée à un instrument laser de haute performance acquis dans le cadre du programme des investissements d’avenir, la plateforme Cosmetomic@UCP est consacrée à la caractérisation et à la mesure de l’efficacité et de l’innocuité des produits cosmétiques. Elle est spécialisée dans le suivi des paramètres physico-chimiques à différentes échelles dans le but d’optimiser ces produits et d’en garantir le diagnostic. Elle vise également à la compréhension des interactions entre le produit cosmétique et le support naturel ciblé (peau, cheveu…).La plateforme va permettre à l’UCP de monter en compétence sur ces enjeux et d’adosser des programmes de recherche ambitieux à cet outil. Elle souhaite également l’ouvrir à des collaborations avec des entreprises en réalisant des études, des expertises, des développements de projets ou des prestations de service pour des structures privées, publiques ou semi-publiques. Exemples de projets : mise au point d’un lecteur colorimétrique (applications : peau, cheveu, vernis… ; Société BIO–EC et UCP pour la Société Colorinnov.
Programme scientifique MARDI 6 JUIN : 9:30 - 9:45 : Ouverture Marc-Antoine JAMET, Président de la Cosmetic Valley Arnaud BAZIN, Président du Conseil Départemental du Val d’Oise Dominique LEFEBVRE, Président de la Communauté d’agglomération du Val d’Oise, Député du Val d’Oise 9:45 - 10:00 : Programme académique SESSION 1 / 10:00 - 11:00 10:00 - 10:45 PL Dr. Paul Dumas SOLEIL SYNCHOTRON - CNRS - FRANCE A powerful broaband photons source for Cosmetic Science: synchrotron radiation 10:45 - 11:00 OC-26 MORRIN Aoife DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY Smart tattoos for the non-invasive assessment of the skin barrier function 11:00 - 11:30 - COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION & POSTER SESSION 1. SESSION 2 / 11:30 - 12:15 11:30 - 12:00 OC-41 GHODHBANI Nacef SATIE - UMR8029 Skin explants monitoring by vibrational behaviour study 12:00 - 12:15 FC-58 LIHOREAU Thomas CERT, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BESANCON Innovative way to measure skin surface and follow-up of superficial healing INNOVATION SESSION 1 / 12:15 - 12:45 IS PENSE-LHERITIER Anne-Marie EBI Sensory evaluation of cosmetic powders IS PENO-MAZZARINO Laurent LABORATOIRE BIO-EC Skin surface nanoscale topography by light interferometry IS SIRVENT Anne LABORATOIRE DERMSCAN The selfie generation and its impact on make-up: new needs, new claims, new tests
12:40 - 14:00 - LUNCH & EXHIBITION SESSION 3 / 14:00 - 15:45 14:00 - 14:45 PL Dr. Nawel Baghdadli HAIR BIOPHYSICS - PHYSICS DEPARTMENT / L’OREAL New Insights on Hair Science 14:45 - 15:15 OC-120 ANGERMANN Quentin ETIS UMR 8051, UNIVERSITE PARIS SEINE, UNIVERSITE DE CERGY PONTOISE, ENSEA, CNRS Embeddable Real Time Tool For Automatic Skin Lesions Characterization 15:15 - 15:45 OC-62 DOS SANTOS Serge INSA CENTRE VAL DE LOIRE, INSERM U930 «IMAGING AND BRAIN» Acousto-mechanical instrumentation of multiscale hysteretic memristive properties of the skin with nonlinear time reversal imaging 15:45 - 16:15 - COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION & POSTER SESSION 2. SESSION 4 / 16:15 - 17:30 16:15 - 16:30 FC-56 DOUCET Jean NOVITOM Novel imaging methods for ex vivo testing efficacy and innocuity of cosmetics based on synchrotron technologies 16:30 - 16:45 FC-15 EUDIER Florine UNIVERSITE DU HAVRE Synthetic skin models versus human living skin explants as relevant tools to evaluate cosmetic products performance 16:45 - 17:00 FC-33 LAVOIX Agnès DERMATEC-LYON Stratum corneum turnover by innovative technology 17:00 - 17:15 FC-70 PERCOCO Giuseppe BIO-EC LABORATORY Development of a new ex-vivo model to study human skin response to environmental pollution 17:15 - 17:30 FC-98 ROBIC Julie LABORATOIRES CLARINS Automatic quantification of aging process using in-vivo confocal microscopy INNOVATION SESSION 2 / 17:30 - 18:00 IS SERVANT Jean-Jacques EOTECH Thermal imaging, an overview of claim support IS VIAL Francis SPINCONTROL Evaluation of discomfort feeling of dry skin
IS VIE Romain PIXIENCE The C-Cube camera: 3D reconstruction using photometric stereo GALA 19:30 - 23:00 - Gala / Château de Gency Mots d’acceuil : M . J e a n - Pa u l J E A N D O N : 1 e r V i c e - p ré s i d e n t c h a rg é d e s finances et de la mutualisation, de l'action économique et de l'attractivité du territoire M. Gilles LE CAM : Vice-président chargé de l'innovation, de la recherche et du numérique Un service de cars est proposé au départ de L’Université de Cergy Pontoise, 33 boulevard du port à 19h. Les cars repartiront du Château de Gency à 23h / 23h30 pour déposer les participants devant leurs hotels.
MERCREDI 7 JUIN : SESSION 5 / 09:00 - 10:20 09:00 - 09:30 PL Pr Mark Cronin JOHN MOORES UNIVERSITY - LIVERPOOL / ENGLAND 09:30 - 09:50 OC-100 SALOU Samantha NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH (INSPQ) - UNIV Characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in biological fluids using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry SP-ICP-MS 09:50 - 10:05 FC-12 MILOUDI Lynda EA6295 NMNS, UNIVERSITE FRANCOIS RABELAIS Confocal Raman imaging for monitoring of nano-encapsulated cosmetics bioactive compounds in the skin 10:05 - 10:20 FC-105 DUMAINE Marion SEPPIC Predicting consumers’ behaviour towards cosmetics: tribology and microscopy under shearing put to the test 10:20 - 11:00 - COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION & POSTER SESSION 3. SESSION 6 / 11:00 - 11:40 11:00 - 11:15 FC-42 WILKIE-CHANCELLIER Nicolas SATIE - UMR8029 Raman spectroscopy on skin explants 11:15 - 11:30 FC-38 DESPLAN Davina LABORATOIRE SATIE High frequency rheology a new non-destructive technique for the characterization of cosmetics emulsions stability 11:30 - 11:45 FC-37 GAUTHIER Vincent LABORATOIRE SATIE - II Multi-frequency ultrasonic shear waves rheology for soft materials monitoring in cosmetics INNOVATION SESSION 3 / 11:45 - 12:30 IS PRESTAT-MARQUIS Elodie & BERGE Armelle EUROFINS & SEPPIC Challenging cosmetics efficacy on skin hydration and barrier function: comparison of usual instruments and visual scoring from macrophotography IS BARAIBAR Martin OXIPROTEOMICS Carbonyl Test: a novel efficacy score of molecuar damage protection against pollution, oxidative stress and aging
IS TURPIN Guillaume SEELAB Goniospectrometry of appearance: gloss and colour IS PITTET Jean Christophe ORION CONCEPT - TECHNOLAB Controlled Selfie Photgraphs 12:40 - 14:00 - LUNCH & EXHIBITION SESSION 7 / 14:00 - 15:55 14:00 - 14:30 PL Dr Ciprian Mihai Cirtiu NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH (INSPQ) - UNIVERSITY OF LAVAL - CANADA A powerful broaband photons source for Cosmetic Science: synchrotron radiation 14:30 - 14:50 OC-81 JOUBERT Pierre-Yves UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD / C2N Radio frequency non contact estimation of the dielectric properties of organic material using a multifrequency approach 14:50 - 15:05 FC-80 DIAB Daher IEMN - D. OAE Design of encoded autonomous miniaturized spherical acoustic sensor 15:05 - 15:20 FC-49 SERFATY Stephane SATIE Ex-vivo Dermal/epidermal microrheology for aging effects monitoring 15:20 - 15:40 OC-101 BÖHLING Arne PRODERM INSTITUTEERM States of Mobility of Water Molecules Measured by in Vivo Confocal Raman spectroscopy 15:40 - 16:30 - COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION & POSTER SESSION 3. INNOVATION SESSION 4 / 16:30 - 17:20 IS GRESSIER Sylvain LUM GMBH Visualization of pigment separation in color cosmetics by accelerated stability tests in combination with X-ray profiling IS RICOUR Thomas NIR INDUSTRY PAT for cosmetics industry
IS AÏT-OUMEGHAR Stéphane FORMULACTION Fast flow curve determination to mimic real life behavior by visual microfluidic rheometer IS VAN GOETHEM Emeline AMBIOTIS Resolution of pollution-induced inflammation as an innovative approach for cosmetic actives IS BERTHOU Thierry SILIOS TECHNOLOGIES Built your own multi-spectral camera with ouf filters ... or choose ours 17:20 - 17:45 - CÉRÉMONIE DE CLOTURE
POSTERS SESSIONS PC-3 GRESSIER Sylvain- LUM GMBH Innovative concept for accelerated stability testing of cosmetic emulsions and suspensions PC-5 IMHOF Robert - BIOX SYSTEMS LTD Stratum Corneum Hydration Measurement using Capacitance Contact Imaging PC-7 ANDRE Nada - SISLEY Restoration of stratum corneum: an innovative ex-vivo method to evaluate skincare formulations PC-8 GRESSIER Sylvain - LUM GMBH Direct accelerated emulsifier selection and stability evaluation for reformulation of cosmetic products PC-11 SERVANT Jean-Jacques - EOTECH New way of wrinkles and fines lines detection and analysis PC-14 BOBIER Anaïs - PHENOCELL Generation of functional sebocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells PC-20 TISSERAND Christelle - FORMULACTION Analysis of fat properties thanks to microrheology PC-21 LEFEUVRE Yoann - FORMULACTION Fast flow curve determination to mimic real life behavior by visual microfluidic rheometer PC-24 SAINTHILLIER Jean Marie - SKINEXIGENCE Assessment of the efficacy of a body product in protecting the skin barrier PC-25 DOUCET Jean - NOVITOM Assessing the interaction of a cosmetic cream with the lipids of stratum corneum using X-ray microdiffraction PC-27 SAINTHILLIER Jean Marie - SKINEXIGENCE Different ways of imaging skin hydration PC-31 CREUZE Aurélie - SENSIENT COSMETIC TECHNOLOGIES Surface energy of treated pigment: A tool for novel cosmetic formulation PC-34 REBY Doriane - LABORATOIRE BIO-EC Nanoparticles detection and follow-up into the human skin explant PC-35 BARAIBAR Martin - OXIPROTEOMICS Carbonyl Test: a novel efficacy score of molecuar damage protection against pollution, oxidative stress and aging PC-39 ANDRE Nada - SISLEY Skin protection against environmental pollution: an innovative ex-vivo method to evaluate active biomolecules and skincare formulations PC-46 BIGOURET Armelle - LABORATOIRES CLARINS Climatic stress effects on skin physiology in Caucasian women PC-47 PETIOT Jean-François - ECOLE CENTRALE DE NANTES IRCCYN UMR CNRS 6597 Study of the relationships between sound properties of the skin and hydratation, firmness and age PC-51 BEAUCHEF Gallic - CLARINS New ex-vivo model containing the 3 layers of the human skin and mimicking fibrosis in adipose tissue PC-52 GHRAB Ferdaws - FACULTY OF SCIENCE OF SFAX Evaluation of dermocosmetic properties of olive leaf extract by alternatives medhods PC-60 HEUSELE Catherine LVMH RECHERCHE In vivo evaluation of uniaxial stretching on keratinocyte by confocal laser scanning microscopy PC-65 JDEY Ahmed - UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE Frankenia laevis a potential source of skin protection agents PC-71 MERAT Emmanuelle - SEPPIC - AIR LIQUIDE HEALTHCARE Be dry and confident with a marine solution
PC-83 CAMBOS Sophie - SEPPIC Instrumentation imput to deliver silicone-like sensation with new natural emollients PC-85 NASSAR Georges - IEMN - D. OAE Modelling of ultrasonic reflection/transmission in mixed viscoelastic multilayer simulating human tissues PC-90 LAVOIX Agnès - DERMATEC-LYON Pollution Protection Factor: new device and methodology PC-99 DE VAUGELADE Segolene - MOLECULAR CHEMISTRY LABORATORY OF THE ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE / EXPERTOX The combined effects of storage temperature and packaging type on the sensory properties on a cosmetic emulsion - statistical approach PC-104 DESPRES Alexandra - CERTESENS The sensory to qualify cosmetic formulations: customized tools to predict the right sensation! PC-106 MALLAT Khawla - EURECOM Evaluation of the facial makeup impact on femininity appearance based on automatic prediction PC-107 PITTET Jean Christophe - ORION CONCEPT - TECHNOLAB Skin flexa®, a new standalone device for the measurement of the mechanical properties of the skin and subcutanceous tissues without contact. PC-108 PITTET Jean Christophe - ORION CONCEPT - TECHNOLAB Quantification of the «perceived age» of a face by image analysis on calibrated photographs PC-109 PITTET Jean Christophe - ORION CONCEPT - TECHNOLAB Correlation between a new visual scale and quantification of the reticular dermis quality imaged in vivo by a confocal microscope of reflectance and the relationship with the age PC-110 BIGOURET Armelle - LABORATOIRES CLARINS Study of the relationships between sound properties of the skin and hydration, firmness and age PC-112 ZAHOUANI Hassan - CNRS - ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON The Fibrous structure of the skin and its relation to the elastic wave propagation PC-127 VIAL Francis - SPINCONTROL New method to evaluate the hair damage: the sound of hair PC-129 ISHII Michitomo - DOSHISHSA UNIVERSITY Application of color operation method by spectral characteristic control to cosmetic sector
LE SALON ›› Mardi 6 juin : de 9h30 à 18h30 ›› Mercredi 7 juin : de 8h30 à 17h30 1 Polytec FRANCE SAS 7 Spin Control 13 Eurofins ATS / EVIC 19 Pixience & BIOX Systems 2 Proderm 8 Ambiotis 14 Seelab 20 ASC Instrument & Nir Industry 3 Vaisala 9 15 Silios Technologies Laboratoire BIO-EC 21 Skinobs 4 MKS Newport 10 Dermscan GROUP 16 Formulaction SA 5 11 LUM Gmbh 17 Orion Concept - Technolab Oxiproteomics Ecole de Biologie Industrielle 12 Eotech 18 Wimesure 6 POSTER AREA 12 13 AMPHI 14 11 10 PATIO 15 16 3 2 1 9 ENTRÉE 8 7 6 5 4 21 20 18 17 19 POSTER AREA RESTAURANT
STAND N°1 Polytec Leader in electro-optic since 1967, Polytec has nearly 420 employees worldwide and achieves a turnover of € 75 million. Polytec France has chosen since its inception in 1983, continuous innovation to improve measurement technologies constantly in its areas of expertise. Manufacturer and distributor, the company offers innovative solutions for fast and accurate non-destructive tests. These specific equipment are completed by a wide range of optical components. Polytec France meets the applications of the Public domain and the Industry, it works increasingly with the Cosmetics professionals: topography measurement, mixing components (pigment, powder, paste…). STAND N°2 ProDERM proDERM is an international leading CRO offering claim support, tolerability and safety testing with a strong focus on topical applications. Being headquartered in Schenefeld/Hamburg, the institute today has over 100 full-time staff members including over 20 scientists and certified specialists in dermatology, ophthalmology, dentistry, pediatrics and gynaecology. proDERM established a very good reputation as being a high-quality provider of clinical trial services on the basis of outstanding technical equipment and extraordinary know- how. proDERM is certified according to quality management system ISO 9001. The institute has worked for more than 400 worldwide clients. STAND N°3 Vaisala Reliable measurement and fail-safe monitoring of critical environmental parameters is the key to high quality in processes, end products and safety of people. Vaisala offers accurate and reliable instruments and data loggers for humidity, temperature, dew point, carbon dioxide, differential and barometric pressure measurements. In addition, Vaisala viewLinc Environmental Monitoring System provides gap-free monitoring, alarming, real-time trends, and customizable reporting. We also offer a wide range of support and service globally, including ISO 17025 accredited calibrations. Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Headquartered in Finland, Vaisala employs approximately 1,600 professionals worldwide. STAND N°4 MKS Instruments - Newport MKS Instruments, Inc. is a global provider of instruments, subsystems and process control solutions that measure, control, power, deliver, monitor and analyze critical parameters of advanced manufacturing processes to improve process performance and productivity. With the acquisition of Newport Corporation, MKS is organized into two divisions: the Vacuum and Analysis which includes the core MKS products and the Light and Motion which encompasses the products acquired with the purchase of Newport Corporation. The Vacuum and Analysis Division includes Automation and Control, Gas Composition Analysis, Materials Delivery, Power and Reactive Gas Generation and Pressure and Vacuum Measurement and Control products. The Light and Motion Division includes Lasers, Motion Control, Optics and Photonics products. STAND N°5 OxiProteomics OxiProteomics is an innovative technology-based start-up committed to promote the healthy aging of human population. By using state of the art proteomics technologies, dermo-cosmetic companies benefit from a reliable Efficacy Score for the evaluation of ingredients or finished products. Our activities are built on exclusive patent licenses granted by the Université Pierre et Marie Curie including state of the art technologies for analyzing oxidatively damaged proteins in skin, the most reliable molecular signature of the aging process and principal target to battle in anti-aging interventions. OxiProteomics offer is backed-up by a scientific team worldwide recognized in the fields of oxidative stress & ageing. STAND N°6 Ecole de Biologie Industrielle Ecole de Biologie Industrielle (EBI) is the leading French engineering school dedicated to life sciences. The school has its own campus in Cergy near Paris , where 800 students share classrooms, laboratories and facilities. EBI is open to innovation, with efficient staff and faculty members who enable us to design and validate all the development stages of a new product or process. Since 1996 EBI has built the largest sensory expert panel dedicated to the design of referentials and methods adapted to the evaluation of cosmetics products. This sensory panel is completed by an analytical laboratory specialized in the evaluation of texture and part of Cosmetomic platform.
STAND N° 7 Spincontrol In vivo safety anf efficacy evaluation of beauty and well-being claims for cosmetics, food supplements, cosmeto-textiles or medical devices (I and IIa classes) according to five approaches: • technical evaluation (tailor-made protocols (standard and innovative)), • clinical evaluation (network of dermatologists and ophthalmologists), • evaluation of the emotions (partnership with a neuropsychologist), • sensorial analysis • consumer tests (on a local or a national panel). Based in France, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Canada to offer multicenters studies close to consumer’s target. Iso 9001:2008 certified in France, Thailand and India. STAND N°8 Ambiotis Ambiotis is a research-based company focused on the maintenance of an healthy skin balance and the fight against cutaneous troubles. We have developped a broad range of innovative tests on human primary cells, explants and clinical samples. We thus evaluate the efficacy of active ingredients on skin protection against homeostasis rupture, pollution, ageing, irritations, scars, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne… Our expertise is based on a strong knowledge of the inflammation process and its active resolution with notably the monitoring of specific mediators involved in tissue protection. We provide assays for screening and full validation purposes. STAND N°9 BIO-EC BIO-EC Laboratory is a research center whose main activity is to evaluate the efficacy of cosmetic and dermatological products (end products or active ingredients).It realizes efficacy studies and proposes customized solutions responding to the needs through its exclusive ex vivo model of living skin explants or its panel of healthy volunteers for in vivo studies. Thanks to its expertise in histology, biochemistry and genomics (in partnership with Genex), the products properties can be determined. BIO-EC has developed two innovative exposure systems to substantiate products from pollution and blue light; the Pollubox® and the Solarbox®. STAND N°10 Dermscan Dermscan, is THE reference in clinical trials of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products since 1990. With laboratories in France, Poland, Thailand, Tunisia, and a partnership in Mauritius, we assist our customers along all the value chain of the trials from pre-clinical in vitro tests to clinical in vivo studies. Our worldwide collaborations enable us to offer a multi-ethnic panel of subjects with various skin types, habits, environment, etc. ISO 9001: 2008 certified, DERMSCAN is internationally known for its expertise and the quality of its services thanks to the know-how of a medical team and a R&D department. Quality and innovation are Dermscan leitmotiv, that’s why we respond optimally to your requirements with standard or customize solutions. STAND N°11 LUM LUM GmbH is one of the leading producers of analytical devices for dispersion analysis, particle characterization and materials testing. On the basis of longtime experience in the field of fluid mechanics, rheology and colloid chemistry, the company founded by Prof. Dr. D. Lerche in 1994, has developed the innovative STEP-Technology® for quantification of physical separation, stability, shelf life prediction (ISO/TR13097) and size of dispersed particles and droplets Our measuring instruments are used for accelerated stability testing, for quick and reliable comprehensive characterization of any demixing phenomena in formulations, dispersions and emulsions like cosmetic creams, sunscreens, haircare, home and body care STAND N°12 EOTECH
STAND N°13 Eurofins Eurofins is nowadays most likely the fastest growing laboratory network and unquestionably the one with best financial results over the past years. Rapidly expanding and gaining market shares thanks to healthy organic growth as well as through merging and acquisitions, the Eurofins group increasingly widens its scope of services and geographical coverage to meet your needs. With more than 37,000 volunteers and consumers, our network of 5 CROs over Europe are working with retailers and cosmetic manufacturers to evaluate raw materials and finished products. Each centre includes investigating doctors and highly qualified teams dedicated to develop and implement test protocols, quality assurance guaranteeing reliability, reproducibility and traceability of results and high-tech equipment. STAND N°14 Seelab Gloss and color. Seelab presents a new reference in spectrophotometry of appearance for the cosmetic industry: a portable multi-angle spectro-glossmeter-colorimeter. This device, called GP, is an in-plane goniometer, with illumination normal to samples, and symmetrical measurement, including specular. It gives access simultaneously to color, gloss, and surface state. Dedicated to different services – quality control, laboratories, and design – the GP is fully adapted to all cosmetic products with, or without, optical effects, in-vitro, and in-vivo, and to their packaging. It allows to analyze appearance of opaque or translucent products, and to control the compliance with respect to a standard, thanks to L*a*b*C*h° values. STAND N°15 SILIOS Technologies SILIOS Technologies is a high-tech SME, specialized in micro-optical technologies. SILIOS has developped compact (5x5x2cm3), lightweight (60 gr) and low cost multi-spectral cameras (CMS-C, CMS-V and CM-S) for colorimetry, agro-bio and cosmetic applications. These VIS/NIR cameras are based on the proprietary COLOR-SHADES® multi-spectral filter technology and are made by an hybrid assembly of a multispectral filter onto a monochrome CMOS imager. This multi-spectral filter replaces the standard RGB color Bayer matrix to provide 8 “single-color” pictures plus 1 B&W picture (panchromatic channel) of the scene. Each camera, distinguished by a specific color frame, addresses a specific range of wavelengths according to the targeted application (skin analysis for skin care, or make-up). Apart from these off-the-shelf products, SILIOS Technologies proposes also the development of specific multispectral cameras adapted to the customer exact needs. In particular, with the choice of the sensor, the centering and number of bands (2 to 16), etc… STAND N°16 Formulaction Since 1994, Formulaction was a pioneer and Worldwide Leader company in the field of physical stability characterization. Inventor of the TURBISCAN®, breakthrough innovation patented, first method which enables the characterize formulation sample of opaque colloidal dispersions (emulsions, suspensions, foams, cream), thanks to a backscattering detection system. Formulaction launch RHEOLASER™ series, based on multiple light scattering in dynamic mode (MS-DWS) to analyze viscoelastic and gelling process, or even to perform thermal analysis and phase transition detection on macroscopic sample. Formulaction innovates again with the NEW PRODUCT, FLUIDICAM, an optical rheometer, based on microfluidics, allowing flow curves measurement at very high shear rates with a very low sample consumption, and an extreme accuracy even for low viscosity samples. Patent entitled “Method and apparatus for analyzing the phases of a multi-phase mixture », TURBISCAN, is the first and only instrument able to analyses simultaneous particles size and stability of concentration in native colloid concentration without any dilution, thanks to the use of the Static Multiple Light Scattering principle (S-MLS), no-intrusive measurement. Formulaction is represented in more than 50 countries all over the world thanks to an efficient and well- trained distributor’s network and a subsidiary in the USA.
STAND N°17 Orion Concept ORION CONCEPT : 25 Years of experience for the expertise in dermocosmetology. Consultancy and training for your Innovative Product Evaluation … Expertise and services for the Skin biometrology and imaging. ORIONTECHNOLAB : Development, sales and support of innovative and validated devices and methods, Tools and software to study the skin and the efficacy of dermo-cosmetics products. Innovative Systems for the bio metrology of the skin and the efficacy of products : • Measurement of the light reflection and transparency of the skin; • Firmness and/or slackening of the skin ; • HeadScan Dynamics/ Head Scan bench for automatic and calibrated photographs acquisitions… Etc STAND N°18 Wimesure For almost 25 years Wimesure offers measuring • Verification, monitoring and development in HVAC instruments History: and HVAC Our mission : • The maintenance of industrial sites and buildings, Understanding the applications and needs of our • The storage, storage of products, works of art and customers. Wimesure and its partners will help you perishable goods choose your solutions. • Climatology, biotechnology and the environment The sectors of activity where Wimesure is present: • The comfort of the man in his workplace and housing • The quality • The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry • Metrology • Food industry • Testing in industry, laboratories • The automotive, aerospace and rail industries, etc. STAND N°19 Pixience Pixience is a manufacturer of devices for skin and hair characterization dedicated to the cosmetic industry and dermatology. Our product, the C-Cube, can be described as the first 2D and 3D imaging colorimeter. Based on a digital video camera with embedded color and metric calibration, it is the most versatile tool for efficacy testing and claim substantiation. In a single short, the C-Cube produces a wide range of measurement such as L*a*b*, pigmentation and erythema index, roughness, depth... The C-Cube allows you to reduce the number of devices used in your study protocols while perfectly controlling the cost of your analyzes. Lightweight, fast and mobile it can be used in any environment: no need for a specific room. Main topics include hydration, anti-aging, sun protection, anti-pollution, inflammation or haircare. BIOX Systems Biox develops and manufactures scientific instruments for characterising bio-tissues including skin, mucous membranes, hair and fingernails in-vivo and in-vitro. The AquaFlux is a TEWL instrument using the patented condenser-chamber method to deliver the most accurate and versatile measurements available. Measurements are unaffected by ambient air movements, surface angle or contact pressure. The Epsilon is a calibrated contact imaging system that responds to capacitance. Use it to characterise static or dynamic hydration of skin, where the software can process images to remove measurement artefacts associated with surface water and bad contact associated with hairy skin or uneven surfaces. An optional software module for analysing skin micro-relief will be released shortly. Biox also collaborates with Pixience SA to provide sales and technical support for their ultra-high resolution C-Cube digital dermoscope (Clinical Edition) in the British Isles.
STAND N°20 ASC Instrument ASC Instrument is an innovative company specialising in the design, manufacture and marketing of industrial measurement systems, in particular in sectors that are required to develop measurement systems for laboratories or quality control. ASC Instrument has two main activities: • The development of instruments according to customers’ specifications, • The development and marketing of a comprehensive range of tightness inspection instruments for assembly lines under the ASC Instrument brand name. NIR Industry NIR Industry is the sole agent in France of Brimrose Corp. and the official trainer and distributor of the software editor CAMO. We intervene in the analytical projects of ground, laboratories or process, from the advise up to the final supply, through installation, training and technical follow-up and maintenance. STAND N°21 SKINOBS A new worldwide platform to help cosmeticians to choose their tests. In 2 clicks and for free, Skinobs allows the cosmeticians to easily identify the in vivo efficacy and tolerance methods and the testing laboratories suitable for any of their claim substantiation. R&I managers, formulators, marketers and regulatory authorities in charge of the evaluation will find Skinobs a useful support that answers all their questions about skin testing: what method, what device, what CRO’s... where? They can also contact directly their suppliers with an automatic email of request. The Skinobs platform offers all a new vision on the skin biometrology indexing over 125 methods (principle, photos…), 66 claims, and more than 48 CRO’s located on a map. It is a collaborative tool supported by worldwide partners: Biophyderm, Biometrix, Cerco, Delivery Technologies, Eotech, Dermatec, Dermscan Group, Eurofins, IEC group, Intertek, Mavig, Le Sphinx, Skin Test Institute, Spincontrol, Zurko Research.
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