SAAPS 2016 EXHIBITORS LIST - Paris Free-from show

SAAPS 2016 EXHIBITORS LIST - Paris Free-from show
SAAPS 2016
SAAPS 2016 EXHIBITORS LIST - Paris Free-from show

                  9 BAR                                         Stand C16

                  Gluten-free bars

Wholebake Limited, a UK company founded in 1996, manufactures
handcra@ed energy bars with natural ingredients and gluten free. Its 9bar
brand is present in France since August 2013.
Composed of a unique blend of sunflower seeds, pumpkin, sesame and
hemp, 9bar is a gluten-free bar to enjoy at any Nme of the day. It comes in
six flavors: Original, Fruity, Peanut, Pumpkin, Raspberry with cocoa
topping, and Apricot & Strawberry.
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                    A&O L’Épicerie Locale                                 Stand D12

                    Gluten free savory snacks for aperiNf
We produce in our own facility, based in a li^le village in the heart of the Provence,
Maussane les Alpilles, a range of delicious gluten free savory snacks for aperiNf.
Our products are not only gluten free but also 100% natural (no preservaNves, no added
aromas, no colorings…) and someNmes fully organic but even more important always
delicious !
We have a range of products called A&O, under the name of the company founders, Aline
& Olivier, which is a range of gluten free, all natural, delicious snacks for aperiNf.
We also propose a second range of savory snacks, under the NOGLO brand, also Gluten
Free, all natural, always delicious… but also 100% organic.
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                     AFDIAG (French associaNon for                           Stand H11
                     intolerants to gluten)
                     InformaNon on celiac disease and gluten free diet

AssociaNon (under french law of 1901), supported by a medical Commi^ee of 40 doctors and 3
dieNNans is acNve since 1989 and gathers approximately 6000 families.
Its acNons are:
- RecepNon and hotline 5 days a week
- Web site with secure area for the doctors and for the dieNNans. A Member’s
area with a discussion forum is also dedicated to the members.
- Numerous publicaNons : a quadrimestriel magazine AFDIAG Infos, reports of medical
colloquiums, the guides on glutenfree diet…
- OrganizaNon of training courses (young people (9-12), teenagers (13-17), families)
- OrganizaNon of medical colloquiums
- social networks: blog AFDIAG Jeunes, Facebook, Twi^er
SAAPS 2016 EXHIBITORS LIST - Paris Free-from show

                              AFPRAL                                                                        Stand H09

                              AssociaNon naNonale de paNents pour la prévenNon des allergies
AssociaNon loi 1901 agréée par le ministère de la santé, l'AFPRAL est une associaNon de personnes allergiques et de parents
d’enfants allergiques.
Ses objecNfs sont :
De mieux informer le grand public sur les allergies et les moyens de les prévenir,
Faciliter l'accueil des personnes allergiques en aidant les arNsans et les industriels de l’agro-alimentaire à comprendre et
appréhender la problémaNque des allergènes.
Travailler avec les pouvoirs publics pour faire évoluer les textes en faveur d’une meilleure informaNon sur les allergies
D’organiser des campagne de prévenNon
• Pour la sécurité des enfants allergiques à l’école,
• Pour la prévenNon à l’allergie au lait de vache des nourrissons
• Pour la sécurité des allergiques sévères et les bons gestes d’urgence en cas d’anaphylaxie (
Appuyée par un conseil scienNfique rigoureux composé d'allergologues et autres spécialistes de l'allergie, l'AFPRAL est
membre de la FédéraNon Européenne des AssociaNons d'Allergiques et de Malades Respiratoires et de l'Alliance
InternaNonale de l'Allergie Alimentaire (the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Alliance) ainsi que du Cercle d'InvesNgaNons Cliniques
et Biologiques en Allergologie Alimentaire (CICBAA).
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              ALANTAYA                            Stand B12
              So@ware ediNon

Your Cooking recipes respecNng your nutriNonnal
constraints: starter, meal and desert, each day of the week
with the shopping list!
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                     ALLERGISSIMA ASSOCIATION                                Stand H07

Allergissima is a recently created associaNon from the French part of the Switzerland.
It has given himself the goal to contribute at the life amelioraNon of people who have
to deal with allergies and/or intolerance (food, air, contact, medicinal, etc.), generally
through conferences organisaNon and parNcipaNon, with naNonal and internaNonal
meeNngs (Switzerland, Canada, Germany, France, etc.), mulNple demonstraNons or
even arNcles, books and flyers prinNng and publicaNons related to this specific theme.
Allergissima is supported in Switzerland by the Immunological and Pediatrical
Rheumatological Service from the CHUV in Lausanne, by many paediatricians and
allergists, events organisaNons, traders and so on.
Allergissima is on Facebook and on the Internet : Come and join us !!!
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                        allergN                                          Stand F13

                        OuNls de communicaNon pour les enfants allergiques afin de
                        renforcer leur sécurité en collecNvité

Byblis est la société d’exploitaNon de la marque allergN. Une marque qui révoluNonne
le monde des allergiques! Fini les inquiétudes pour confier ses enfants allergiques
grâce aux produits du Docteur Allerg’N ! Les enfants allergiques sont immédiatement
idenNfiés. Un environnement sécurisé pour les enfants et des moyens
supplémentaires de surveillance pour les encadrants! Des produits pour les mono, les
poly- allergiques et les asthmaNques : éNque^es autocollantes, pin's, bracelets,
badges et des trousses "anNdote" pour ranger/trier/classer et protéger les
médicaments. Grâce à l'univers ludico-éducaNfs du Docteur Allerg'N, parents rassurés,
enfants en sécurité ! Découvrez tous nos produits et les nouveautés exclusives sur
notre stand F13 ainsi que les trousses anNdotes personnalisables pour ranger tous les
médicaments. Plus d’infos sur .
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                                                      Stand B01

                         Moteur de recherche Produits/rece^es/restaurants pour
                         personnes allergiques et intolérantes alimentaires

                est un portail web dédié aux personnes allergiques et intolérantes
alimentaires. EnNèrement gratuit à l’usage et sans publicité, le site permet d’idenNfier et
localiser instantanément des produits et bientôt des restaurants compaNbles avec ses
restricNons. propose également de nombreuses rece^es de cuisine pour
contourner les allergies !
Fondé par deux papas d’enfants allergiques alimentaires, et donc conscients du risque, met l’accent sur la fiabilité des données puisque le site s’appuie sur des
partenariats avec les marques alimentaires pour la mise à jour des listes d’ingrédients des
produits référencés.
CauNonné médicalement et partenaire des principales associaNons de paNents, rassemble déjà plus de 60 000 uNlisateurs chaque mois et plus de 30 000
profils créés 1 an après son lancement !
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            ALTERRENAT PRESSE                      Stand H18

            PrestaNons de service : diffusion, édiNon, régie
            publicitaire spécialisé dans les alternaNves
Entreprise spécialisée dans la promoNon des
alternaNves en France (depuis plus de 20 ans),
prestaNon de services : régie publicitaire, diffusion,
édiNon et communicaNon.
Tél : 05 63 94 15 50
Mail :
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                             ALTIPLANO                                            Stand D12

                             Gluten-free beer
Round and delicious, a bit original and light, it seduces to both men and women of any age!
Brewed with quinoa grown in western France, hops and barley malt, ALTIPLANO is organic
Its major and disNncNve quality: Gluten Free (no record at all), it is labelled AFDIAG !
Reasonable alcohol degree: 4.5 °
Quinoa, culNvated by the Incas for 5000 years in the Andes highlands, became very popular
thanks to its excepNonal nutriNonal value.
The quinoa feeds the llamas ... ALTIPLANO’s mascot!
AlNplano is so delicious, no one leaves a drop in his glass!!
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                            L’ATELIER DES LILAS                               Stand E17
                                                                              Food Corner
                            Fabricant arNsanal de pâNsseries et tartes salées
                            sans gluten et sans lactose
Toute l’année, dans son atelier de producNon situé aux Bu^es-Chaumont, l’équipe de
L'Atelier des Lilas met la main à la pâte pour préparer arNsanalement ses douceurs et
tartes salées à base de produits frais, de qualité et sélecNonnés avec soin pour faire frémir
les papilles de tous. Aucun conservateur, OGM, améliorant ni arôme chimique ou addiNf
obscur, L’Atelier des Lilas invite à dire bienvenue au goût, au vrai !

L’Atelier des Lilas propose aux professionnels des méNers de bouche une sélecNon de
gâteaux, de pains et de tartes salées qui varie en foncNon des saisons. En plus de ses
produits tradiNonnels, L’Atelier des Lilas confecNonne également une gamme cerNfiée bio
et certaines des créaNons sont aussi sans lactose et sans oeuf.
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                             AU FIL DES SAVEURS                                   Stand C02

                             Food products

AU FIL DES SAVEURS invites you to discover their range of fine grocery gourmet products.
AU FIL DES SAVEURS offers you a range of handmade, organic, original, innovaNve, tasty
and delicious, sweet and savory, natural, authenNc, surprising and complex products to
awaken your taste buds. All our recipes are created, imagined, invented, tested, developed
with great care in our workshop located in the south west of France.
Our gourmet recipes are cerNfied organic. We only use naturally gluten-free products.
Our goal is to create a variety of gourmet products to saNsfy the dietary habits of our
customers: lactose free, no eggs, soy free, naturally gluten-free, gelaNne free, vegan, raw ...
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                      AVIVSTILO                                    Stand C03

                      Plant-based wholesale distributor

AvivsNlo is the specialist in wholesale distribuNon of plant based products –
vegan- free from all and someNmes raw so you can easily saNsfy the requirement
of your customer.
We distribute wholesales company, hotels, canteen and hospital.
Our range of brands entail among others: Avilosa, Violife, Gourmies, YumEarth,
Miigan, ToffuN, Hobelz, Leha, Chimpanzee, Plamil et DnD.
Our range never stop expanding so you will always be able to always saNsfy the
modern customer, doesn’t ma^er his requirement: vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian,
free from all, gluten free or raw.
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                      Font: Perpetua Titling Mt

                      verde cmyk
                      M = 30

                  BEST FOOD ITALIA
                      Y = 95
                      K = 30
                      esadecimale :006633               Stand F12
                      arancio 1 cmyk
                      M = 80
                      Y = 95

                  The specialists of gluten free
                      esadecimale = ff6633

                      arancio 2 cmyk
                      M = 50
                      Y = 100
                      Esadecimale FF9900

                      arancio 3 cmyk
                      M = 35
                      Y = 85
                      esadecimale FFCC33

Best Food is an Italian company specialized in the distribuNon of
gluten free products. Always on the hunt of the best gluten free
products that the market has to offer, Best Food has always
privileged one important ally, taste. During the years Best Food
has developed a deep knowledge of the gluten free market in
Italy. Its objecNve is to constantly improve and innovate its
services in order to saNsfy clients’ different demands and needs.
Today Best Food works with the most important Italian gluten
free brands.
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                        BIERCORS                                                     Stand D14

                        Graines germées, limonade pur citron
BIERCORS : Boissons et Nourritures Biologiques Innovantes

Nous sommes producteurs, transformateurs et distributeurs de boissons et nourritures biologiques
BIERCORS est né en 2009 avec au départ la producNon de bières biologiques au cœur du Parc Naturel
Régional du Vercors.
En 2012 nous sommes lauréat Bio’Innov 2012 en diversifiant notre gamme avec des limonades pur
citron 100% bio.
Nous culNvons 1.7HA de terres biologiques à côté de notre atelier de transformaNon et intégrons nos
producNons végétale dans nos rece^es (chanvre, plantes aromaNques, houblon, baies).
Depuis 2016 nous diversifions notre offre de produits innovants en représentant en France des
producteurs Européens de nourritures essenNelles au bon foncNonnement du corps et de l’être
humain (graines germées déshydratées à -42°C pur préserver les enzymes et éléments nutriNfs, acides
gras essenNels et protéines de chanvre).
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                  BIORÉVOLA                                      Stand G16

                  Organic and gluten-free products
BioRévola is a brand specialized in gluten-free products that are
conceived, produced and packaged in France, in Annecy. Our first
engagement is to guaranty food safety with a level of gluten inferior to
BioRévola has 28 references (breads, pasta, mix, cookies, cakes, sweet and
savory pastries, bars) created from very high quality ingredients, according
to tradiNonal methods, guaranNed free-from coloring agents,
conservaNves and GMO. Our products have an excepNonal taste quality.
They are available in specialty shops and on online shopping sites. The
2016 innovaNon is the SPORT range.
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            BISCRU                          Stand G02

            Raw food

Since 2008, BISCRU create ranges of      Raw Food
products and offers to a large audience the
opportunity to eat raw differently. Through an
elaborate drying process and a unique know-how,
BISCRU became specialist cracker without cooking in
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                   BRASSERIE DE VÉZELAY                        Stand D02

                   Organic and gluten-free beers
The beers of Brasserie de Vezelay are exclusively made of water, malt and
hops, to which the yeast is added for fermentaNon, in accordance with the
Bavarian law of purity enacted in 1516 (Reinheitsgebot). Unlike the French
and Belgian beers, we add no sugars for re-fermentaNon. They do not
contain any addiNves. They are neither filtered nor pasteurized to
preserve flavour.
We have a daily producNon capacity of 15 hectolitres or 3 000 bo^les of
50 cl. In order to produce the best possible beers we have chosen to work
with a Bavarian family company which has manufactured breweries for
nearly 350 years.
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                              CARRÉS RONDS                                                         Stand B05

                              Biscuits - PâNsseries
L’entreprise Carrés Ronds confecNonne des pâNsseries et des biscuits tous cer9fiés biologiques et sans gluten sous
licence avec l’AFDIAG, de qualité arNsanale, aux saveurs gourmandes.

Les produits sont fabriqués en supprimant certains allergènes (gluten, fruits à coques, lactose, oeufs, soja...) en
foncNon des rece^es pour que chacun puisse trouver une pâNsserie adaptée à ses habitudes alimentaires ;
Les rece^es sont élaborées en limitant l’ajout de sucre.
Pour l’ensemble des pâNsseries, les maNères grasses sont justement calculées sans ajout de maNères grasses
Les rece^es sont élaborées de préférence avec des farines complètes pour conserver les nutriments ;
Le sucre et le chocolat sont de qualité biologique et issus du commerce équitable ;
Des biscuits confecNonnés à parNr de maNères premières de qualité, 100 % bio, et fabriqués en Bretagne !
Carrés Ronds s’engage dans une démarche alliant passion, recherche et innovaNon,
à produire une gamme de biscuits adaptée aux différents régimes alimentaires.
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                       CLARELIA NATÂMA                                            Stand F17
                       Allergen-free cooked meals
Clarelia is the precursor of Free From Food Allergens in France.
Natâma ranges guarantee more than the evicNon of 16 major allergens, and are suitable
for 95% of cases of food allergies and intolerances. FormulaNons under medical
supervision, supply chains and manufacturing are strictly controlled, in order to avoid any
cross contaminaNons. Partner of the associaNons of paNents AFPRAL and AFDIAG
The Company is involved in a social solidarity approach with products without addiNves,
colorings and no added flavorings. local and organic ingredients, biodegradable cutlery,
Since 2002 Clarelia is distributed in schools, hospitals, leisure parks, airlines companies, and
For the families, products are available on the Internet.
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                          EASYBREAD                                                   Stand D08

                          Bread maker
Easybread is the 1st bread maker in the world with a capsule system.
The use is very simple:
Connect the machine
Fill the water tank
Insert the capsule
Press start
A@er 2h10, your bread is ready for the tasNng.

The capsules are guaranted with no arNficial aromas / colours, no preservaNves, no geneNcally modified

Available capsules Gluten free + 3 new flavors Gluten free planned in 2016.
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                   EAT GLUTEN FREE                                   Stand C06


EAT gluten free is a series of provisions selected among the best gluten-free
products in the whole world. This internaNonal selecNon excels in terms of taste
and health, to unleash the pleasure of consuming healthy and deliciously tasty
items, perfect for every single moment of the day.

For :
The health-conscious consumers who care about style and well-being
The ones who chose to eliminate gluten but want to keep enjoying eaNng well
The ones who want to maintain a healthy weight and are always looking for a new
balance between energy, vitality and pleasure.
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                     EAURIGINELLE                                           Stand B18

                     Water filtraNon
To avoid plasNc bo^les and use tap water, Eauriginelle's Fontaine 5 filters by reverse
osmosis, remineralizaNon, protecNng from strong electromagneNc waves, structuraNon
and dynamizaNon by vortexer. Following the strongest rules of Vincent's Bio Electronic.
Like mountain spring water, at home.
Eauriginelle has other soluNons for lime and chlorine problems for the whole house.
Two complementary systems to solve all home water problems.
All the visitors will be able to taste Eauriginelle during SAAPS 2016 in the Food Corner!
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            EVA-CLAIRE PASQUIER                                          Stand H12

            Recipe books and instrucNon in gourmet gluten free, vegan and detox cooking

Eva Claire Pasquier is an author, teacher and
trainer specialised in gourmet healthy gluten free,
vegan and detox cooking.
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                     EXQUIDIA                                                 Stand B17

                     Organic allergen-free food
For 10 years, Exquidia has been standing out for its quality, transparency and rigor in the
display of composiNons, the ongoing search for organic products, gluten, milk, casein-free,
egg-free, soy-free, with no hull, without peanut allergen, really for celiacs, allergic and
intolerant to gluten.

We manage over 900 organic products free of allergens of incomparable taste quality so
that eaNng gluten and milk-free no longer means deprivaNon but pleasure.

Exquidia is renowned for the ingredients that it does not use!
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                     FAVRICHON                                               Stand C09

                     Céréales bio du peNt déjeuner
J. Favrichon, le spécialiste des céréales bio du peNt déjeuner.
Riche d'un savoir-faire de plus de 125 ans, la maison Favrichon élabore des rece^es bio et
gourmandes en perpétuant les valeurs de son fondateur.
En 1890, Joseph Favrichon, pharmacien de méNer, s'est en effet engagé pour une
alimentaNon saine et naturelle en créant sa propre gamme de produits céréaliers.
Conjuguant plaisir et nutriNon, la gamme Favrichon compte aujourd'hui plus de 50
rece^es, dont de nombreuses garanNes sans gluten : mueslis crousNllants, mueslis
tradiNon et céréales pour enfants.
Véritable précurseur, Favrichon propose désormais une parNe de ses rece^es élaborées
avec de l'avoine sans gluten origine France.
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                           GAIA                                                              Stand E07

                           Organic bread made of sprouted grains
                           Organic gluten-free bread made of sprouted buckwheat
                           Organic RAWFOOD range, gluten free and vegan
                           Organic gluten free pastries
                           Organic and fair trade fonio

The company, located in Graulhet (France) and founded in 1992, is specialized and recognized in the
manufacturing of breads and gale^es made of sprouted grains, known iniNally as the Essene range.
Sprouted cereal bread is so@ and digesNble. It contains no flour, no salt, yeast or leaven, or added sugars.
It is the same for the wide variety of gale^es: sweet, with sprouted seeds and oilseeds, and savoury, with
sprouted seeds and vegetables. Some are part of the gluten-free range.
GAIA manufactures a gluten free pastries range such as brownies with hazelnuts, ginger cakes or a fresh
vegetable pastry made with tofu, vegan cheesecake way, the Tof'Délice.
Finally GAIA innovated with super fine quality product, the "Rawfood" range, with dehydrated products
below 42 ° C and gluten-free, made of sprouted seeds and oil seeds, herbs and vegetables, such as The Raw
touch, Sprout out, CrousNCru, My raw pie dough and sprouted grain flours.
Since 2006, GAIA began markeNng organic and fair trade fonio. Fonio is an ancient cereal from West Africa,
naturally gluten free.
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           GENEROUS                                  Stand C08

           Organic, gluten-free cookies. Organic & gluten-free
           mixes for bread, tartshells and cakes
Our bakery offers a range of handmade, organic
and gluten free products. Our workshop is located
in Brussels, where we create li^le indulgences
following the long tradiNon of Belgian cookies
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                         GENIUS                                                         Stand G08

                         In store bakery – French retailers

In 2016, Genius is back to SAAPS.

Genius is the brainchild of our founder Lucinda, who single-handedly cracked the secret to perfect
gluten-free breads: so@, with a great crumb. To us every new recipe is a fresh challenge, a chance for
everyone to enjoy the simple pleasures of baking at its best.

What's so good about Genius? It lets you live a healthy and happy gluten-free and wheat-free life, and
of course it's tasty food that you can enjoy any Nme of the day.

Find us in the Genius stand.
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                        GENTLE GOURMET                               Stand E15
                                                                     Food Corner

                        Vegan products and services
Gentle Gourmet, has been recognized as the reference on gastronomical vegan
cuisine and will gladly offer you gluten free vegan food at the trade show SAAPS.
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                  GLUTABYE                                      Stand G16

                  Gluten-free products
Glutabye is a brand specialized in gluten-free products that are conceived,
produced and packaged in France, in Annecy. Our first engagement is to
guaranty food safety with a level of gluten inferior to 20mg/kg.
Glutabye has 50 references (breads, mix, cookies, cakes, sweet and savory
pastries, bars) created from very high quality ingredients, according to
tradiNonal methods, guaranNed free-from coloring agents, conservaNves
and GMO. Our products have an excepNonal taste quality. They are
available in supermarkets, specialty shops and on online shopping sites.
The 2016 innovaNon is the CHILDREN range.
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                  GLUTENCORNER                                   Stand B08

                  Produits alimentaires sans gluten / Box sans gluten

Avec GlutenCorner, facilitez votre quoNdien : actualités sans gluten,
adresses de restaurants partout en France, idées de rece^es, bouNque en
ligne de produits sans gluten (pains, farines, peNt déjeuner, gâteaux...) :
vous trouverez tout pour bien vivre sans gluten.

Le plus : découvrez les GlutenBox, nos box 100% sans gluten. Abonnez-
vous pour 1, 3, 6, 12 mois, et recevez chaque mois directement dans votre
boîte aux le^res une sélecNon originale et gourmande de produits garanNs
100% sans gluten. A parNr de 26€ /mois (frais de port inclus!).
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                            GOURMET SANS GÊNE                                       Stand B06

                            Gluten free and allergen free products
With over 10 years of experience, the site is now No. 1 in France for
gluten-free products. More than 30 brands and more than 450 refs are on offer as well as a regular
choice of novelNes. True professionals are available for advice or informaNon.
is also partnering with brands to conNnually make the products evolve and always improve its offer. is also a guarantee of quality for all our customers, celiacs and other
consumers of gluten-free products.
It offers a delivery service in 24h to 48h for France.
It’s a choice of ranges and products at the best price.
It’s promoNons and loyalty rewarded all year long.
It’s a service always at your disposal.
Tel: +33 (0) 811 461 077
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                          HAPPY CRULTURE                                                        Stand F05

                          French, organic and local raw: raw kale chips, raw
                          granola, raw condiments
Happy Crulture is the first French brand of raw kale chips and granola.
Happy Crulture raw snacks are vegan, local and organic. They are delicious and healthy!

Our ingredients are gently dehydrated at an average of 41°C to maximize their flavor and preserve their
essenNal nutrients such as vitamins, enzymes, anNoxydants.

Our seeds and nuts are soaked and sprouted to acNvate and opNmise their digesNbility and nutriNous vitality.

Happy Crulture promotes the development of an inclusive, collaboraNve and caring economy by encouraging
a sustainable agriculture, taking social responsability and growing a conscious business.

Our ingredients are always organic, fresh harvested and locally sourced to limit our energy footprint.

In our processing plant, we choose whenever possible local and handcra@ed equipment.
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                   INSTITUT CUISINE LIBRE®                            Stand E11

                    FormaNons professionnelles – Accompagnement – R&D

L’InsNtut Cuisine Libre® vous propose une nouvelle vision de la gastronomie, de la
cuisine, où gourmandise et plaisir riment avec tolérance et inclusion sociale.
Nous vous transme^ons notre experNse unique à travers nos formaNons
culinaires complètes sur les méNers de la boulangerie, de la pâNsserie et de la
cuisine. Rejoignez-nous dans la démarche et aidez-nous à en maximiser l’impact
social. Considérez l’allergène en cuisinant bon et bien et assurez-vous de la
sécurité de votre client. Engagez-vous pour :
• Vous inscrire de manière intemporelle sur une tendance de fond, le «sans»
• Valoriser votre image, votre offre et toucher une nouvelle clientèle
• Apporter du sens à votre projet
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                        ISWARI                                                         Stand C10

                        Organic & Raw super foods

Sharing the Earth’s abundant gi@s with graNtude and respect. Respect for our body, respect for fellow
human beings, animals and the earth are all guiding principals of Iswari’s ethos.
All products from ISWARI are organically cerNfied (where possible) or wild cra@ed and from regions
free from polluNon and excessive in its use of pesNcides and other chemicals.
To assure the well being of the farm workers, all products are sourced from farms with fair trade
policies, reinforcing the community infrastructures of naNve populaNons.
Iswari products are only purchased from sustainable sources that respect nature, humans &
ecosystems, to make sure the energy of each transacNon has a posiNve impact each step of the way,
from the field, to its customers.
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                          KEIAL                                                               Stand B11

                          Organic and Gluten Free products
Keïal offers a wide range of organic and gluten free products as grains, flours, flakes and dietary supplements.

-Grains : White/Red/Black Quinoa, Millet, Complete Fonio, Teff, Amaranth, Tigernuts

-Flours : Quinoa, Teff, Chestnut, Amaranth, White rice, Rice whole, Millet, Chickpea, Corn, Fonio, Tigernuts,

-Flakes : Quinoa, Puffed quinoa, Teff, Millet, Chestnut.

-Dietary supplements : Chia seeds, Integument of blond psyllium.

All our products are cerNfied by the AFDIAG (French Asso-ciaNon for Gluten Intolerants).
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                         KOKO DAIRY FREE                                                    Stand C12

                         Free From Range. Allergy Free Dairy Free

Koko Dairy Free has developed a range of coconut based products designed to avoid allergens & animal

Our Original milk alternaNve was launched in 2010. ForNfied with calcium and added vitamins D2 and B12 it is
also suitable for Vegans. It has a fresh, clean, natural taste and can be used in tea, coffee, cereals and
cooking without dominaNng the flavour of the dish.

New in 2015 is a 45% vegetable oil spread containing 26% coconut oil. Use instead of bu^er or margarine for
lower saturates and more Medium Chain Fa^y Acids (MCFAs). Coconuts contain more MCFAs than any other
food source and our Spread provides 7g of MCFAs per 100g.

Also new, under our Koko Cuisine brand name, is a Virgin Coconut Oil. This is made by centrifuge extracNon
from coconut flesh with no chemicals or addiNves.
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                     KOKOJI                                                Stand B07

                     Organic raw vegan and gluten free granola

Kokoji creates creaNve and healthy organic granola recipes, raw, vegan, and naturally
gluten free. All our granolas are made with 100% natural whole raw ingredients, without
any refined sugars or fats. We select the best ingredients (organic, raw, non-refined) and
preferably local from our region, Aquitaine, in France, where we produce them.
Its crunchy and yummy bites are processed at low temperature, below 42°C to keep the
granola raw and all its natural flavors, vitamins and minerals!

Kokoji is award winner of « concours naNonal de l’innovaNon agroalimentaire
2015 » (naNonal award of food sector innovaNon in France) and « concours naNonal de la
créaNon agroalimentaire biologique 2015 » (naNonal creaNon award of organic food sector
in France).
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                      KUVING’S                                       Stand F08

                      Extracteur de jus Kuvings
L’extracteur de jus KUVINGS vous perme^ra de réaliser d’excellents jus de fruits
et légumes frais aussi simplement qu’un café. Avec son système de pression à
froid et sa vitesse de rotaNon de 60 trs/mn, le jus est débarrassé de toutes ses
fibres et vous profiterez de 100% des nutriments assimilés en 15 mn par votre
Le B9400 est doté de 240W de puissance pour un rendement maximal.
Il est silencieux, compact et son design élégant s’intègrera dans toutes les
ll ne se ne^oie qu’une seule fois par jour et ne nécessite que 2 minutes pour son
ne^oyage grâce à ses brosses conçues pour une efficacité opNmale.
PlasNque Ultem ultra résistant, sans Bisphénol. Son moteur est garanN 5 ans.
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              L’OMNICUISEUR VITALITÉ           Stand E01

              Appareils de cuisson basse température
Concepteur et distributeur de l’Omnicuiseur
Vitalité ; appareil de cuisson mulNfoncNon, qui
combine la basse température, la vapeur douce et
le dorage sans agression. C’est la cuisson la plus
naturelle qui soit !
Brevets et FabricaNon Français.
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              LA FRANCE CRUE                         Stand H14

              Plant-based recipes blog and raw food courses

Vegan and living food enthusiasts Camille and Thomas spent
a year travelling France and meeNng other raw foodies to
share their experience in a documentary web-series. Plant-
based recipes and Nps in favor of a healthy and joyful diet
can be found on their blog They give raw
food classes and offer a table d'hôte at Bayonne, in the
Basque region of southwestern France.
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                                  LA MANDORLE                                              Stand C05

                                  Almonds milk powder and almond products

As being very commi^ed to the dry fruits virtues and aware of their potenNal in nutriNon, La Mandorle has
developed with the support of the French Ministry of Research a patent of invenNon for the process of
vegetal drinks. This patent differenNates La Mandorle from every other drink on the market thanks to its
unique approach in terms of composiNon, formulaNon, process, digesNve tolerance and above all nutriNonal

La Mandorle has an important role in the ‘high nutriNonal quality of organic vegetal alternaNves’ and is
sensiNve to the diet of young children. La Mandorle has launched in 2013 the 1st range infanNle organic
vegetal called ‘Bebe Mandorle’.

Choosing La Mandorle means choosing right natural foods of a good nutrient density and of a high tolerance
concealing ‘pleasure and health’.
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                                  LE PAIN DES FLEURS                                                  Stand F06

                                    Gluten free crackers
Created in the 2000s, Le Pain des Fleurs ® was the pioneer brand in France of the organic crackers and gluten free.
The secret of its success? Its unique experNse for a unique texture !
• light and crispy texture
• Lightly toasted bread
• simple and authenNc recipes : gluten-free cereals, possibly with fruit or cocoa
Its guarantees :
• Gluten free cerNficaNon
no yeast , no dairy products , no egg, no aroma , no added fat
• Just a pinch of salt or li^le brown sugar, but nothing else !

Le Pain Des Fleurs is present in France and in forty countries from North America to Asia. Discover without further
delay the new recipe with Ngernuts!
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                       LES AFFRANCHIS                                 Stand G12

                       Gluten free cookies
The new gourmet gangsters have come to town to free the gluten intolerants
from their food constraints. They created 3 delicious gluten-free cookies to take
with you and enjoy or to share with friends and family.
There are no preservaNves or arNficial addiNves. Ingredients are carefully selected
for their nutriNonal and flavorful qualiNes: Isigny Caramel with salted bu^er and
sea salt, Piemont hazelnuts PGI, Normandy bu^er and Belgian chocolate.
Of Course, all of our products are AFDIAG licensed.
· Dark chocolate and Isigny caramel shards with salted bu^er and Guerande salt
· Milk chocolate and Piemont hazelnuts PGI
· White chocolate and caramelized Lime’
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           LES COMPLÉMENTS DE CÉLIANE    Stand D10

           NutriNonal supplement

This nutriNonal supplement has been formulated
to answer the specific nutriNonal needs of people
with food allergies or intolerances as well as
people who suffer intesNnal problems.
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                  LES RECETTES DE CÉLIANE                        Stand D10

                  Gourmet gluten and allergens free products

French company, based in Picardie, specialized in the manufacture and the
distribuNon of dieteNc products, guaranteed gluten and allergens free:
breads, biscuits, madeleines, muffins, cakes, salty crackers…
Manufacture of organic cerNfied products.
Our two own brands :
Les Rece^es de Céliane : gourmet gluten free products, distributed in
organic shops
Viadélice : organic gluten and milk/lactose free products, nutriNonally well
balanced, distributed in supermarkets
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                  LIBIOS                                         Stand B10

                  DiagnosNc kits for food quality and safety
LIBIOS produces and markets diagnosNc kits for food quality, traceability,
safety and nutriNon.
LIBIOS proposes a specific range of detecNon kits for allergen and gluten in
food and environment. These kits are reliable, sensible and easy to use.
LIBIOS offers to individuals one detecNon kit of gluten usable at home.
Please come to discover our wide range of diagnosNc kits : lactose, sulfites,
nitrates, organic acids, sugars, dietary fibres, mycotoxines…meet us on the
stand B10.
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                      MA VIE SANS GLUTEN                                       Stand F06

                      Gluten free products

Ma Vie Sans Gluten is a range of gluten free products, organic and greedy flavored, for all
the moments of consumpNon.
Ma Vie Sans Gluten proposes devoid of gluten, pracNcal and easily achievable
implementaNons for all, which value the diversity of nourishing ingredients :
· basic items to realize its own recipes:
Semolinas, flours, cooking aids, preparaNon for bread, pastry mix…
· the inescapable daily:
Pastas, grains (quinoa, millet, buckwheat), bread, rice cakes, breakfast cereal, biscuits...
· preparaNons that make our lives easier:
Mix cereal and legumes, pancakes ready for frying.
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               MODILAC                                           Stand E09

               Infant formula made from hydrolysed rice protein in cases of
               allergy to cow milk protein
Modilac 2 is an infant milk brand and product diversificaNon
that has developed a high nutriNonal experNse to the infant
allergic to cow's milk proteins.

Pioneer and leader in soluNons containing hydrolyzed rice
protein, Modilac 2 offers, exclusively in pharmacies, for babies
allergic to cow's milk protein up to 3 years: Modilac Rice Expert
2 Expert Modilac Rice AR 2 and my first dessert without milk.
These products must be used under medical supervision.
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                        MON PANIER SANS GLUTEN                                          Stand C07

                        Ingredients and gluten-free foods
Our ingredients are guaranteed gluten free to answer to intolerances and allergies increasingly present
in our society.

More than just a range of gluten-free ingredients , MON PANIER SANS GLUTEN aims to offer to its
customers a personalized assistance through nutriNonal advices and recipes ideas.

• Recipes ideas : in booklets, many recipes are offered with specific Nps and explanaNons.

• Dietary advices : Our advices enable you to find the right diet-balance. Our nutriNonal experts
remain at your disposal to assist you in the daily preparaNon of your gluten free food ingredients !
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                   MRS CRIMBLE                                       Stand E13

                   Ambiant gluten free range MRS CRIMBLES
Mrs crimbles offers a range of gluten-free grocery great taste quality: big
macaroons, cracquers, snack foods, dehydrated food, cereal bars.
The range consists of large macaroons in the coconut and chocolate too.
The brand also offers a range of cracquers cheese, pesto or -Tomatoes rosemary-
A range of dishes from pasta without gluten dehydrated sauce mushroom sauce
pasta, pasta tomato sauce, cheese sauce pasta.
A range of cereal bars very mellow gluten-free fruit is also highly appreciated.
Come taste our stand E13.
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                 NAKD                                          Stand E05
                 Bars made from just raw fruits and nuts, wheat,
                 dairy and gluten free. No added sugar or sirup.
Nakd bars are completely different to other cereal bars because they’re
made with a wholefood approach, which means that we believe in
minimal processing and we don’t add any sugar, syrups or mysterious
addiNves to your food. The results are that you get to eat food the way
nature intended, keeping you happy and healthy in mind, body and spirit.
What makes Nakd so different?
Have you ever looked at the back of your cereal bar wrapper to see what’s
in it? Nearly all so-called ‘healthy’ snack bars undergo intense heat-
processing, and are stuffed with sugary syrups and mysterious addiNves.
Take a look at the below to see what we mean.
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                      NAT-ALI                                                     Stand D04

                      DESSERTS / CULINARY AIDS / SOUPS
Les produits de la marque Nat-Ali sont élaborés par la société familiale Nature et Aliments.
Basé à Nantes, nous fabriquons avec le même savoir-faire séculaire, des préparaNons en
poudre adaptés à toute la famille et à tous les instants de consommaNon.

Bioflan : Desserts sans sucres ajoutés, sans gluten et sans lactose.
Bio’Gourmandises : Desserts gourmands sans gluten et sans lactose.

Aides culinaires avec la poudre à lever sans gluten pour la pâNsserie, l’agar-agar, l’aide à la
« chanNlly » végétale, les colorants naturels sans gluten et encore bien d’autres aides à la
Potabio : Potages instantanés sans cuisson pour les lunchs box, les voyages, les en-cas.
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                               NATURE CURIEUSE                                                                  Stand F07
                               E-Commerce - Box et épicerie 100% bio
                               naturellement sans gluten et sans lactose
Nature Curieuse : la BOX mensuelle surprise remplie de produits de qualité, 100% bio, naturellement sans gluten et sans

- La Box Découverte: des aliments de qualité à découvrir, à déguster, à savourer, à cuisiner... des ingrédients sucrés et salés...
des produits qui embellissent le garde-manger des gourmands à condiNon qu’ils ne dévorent pas tout d’une traite dès
récepNon de la box!
- La Box Cuisine: une rece^e sucrée ou salée, facile à cuisiner, avec la plupart des ingrédients originaux et de qualité pour la
réaliser chez soi (qui s’adapteront parfaitement à d’autres rece^es également), et un ustensile de cuisine. Les gourmands
n’ont plus qu’à se me^re aux fourneaux!
- L’Epicerie : des produits de qualité vendus à l’unité pour composer soi-même son panier gourmand.

- 1 box à parNr de 29€90
- 3 box à parNr de 84€90
- 6 box à parNr de 149€90
- Offrir : plusieurs possibilités entre 1 à 12 box à parNr de 35€
Nature Curieuse souhaite partager ses trouvailles culinaires adaptées à des régimes alimentaires et à des idéaux, mais aussi
faire découvrir des saveurs et des bienfaits méconnus!
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               NATURE & CIE                               Stand D04

               Gluten free and organic products : grocery, fresh
               and frozen

Nature & Cie would like to give a soluNon to coeliac people.
The company tries to offer a^racNve and convenient products
for all the family. That's the reason why Nature & Cie invests a
lot in development of new recipes.
The offer is composed by grocery products, fresh products and
frozen products. All 100% organic and gluten free!
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                     NIEPI                                      Stand E03

DiagnosNquée, avec sa fille, intolérante au gluten, Frédérique Barral
décide de ne pas se laisser aba^re et de s’adapter à sa nouvelle vie.
D'expérimentaNons culinaires en recherches, c'est une nouvelle vie sans
gluten qui s'ouvre à elle. Au printemps 2014, elle décide avec son époux
graphiste de la partager et créé le magazine Niépi, cuisine et art de vivre
sans gluten qui comprend des rece^es sans gluten, des conseils, des
astuces pour une nouvelle vie « sans » toujours sous le signe du plaisir
d'un « vivre-sain ». Dans chaque numéro retrouvez aussi des escapades
gourmandes 100% sans gluten, des interviews, des témoignages, le
courrier des lecteurs... Sa fille étant aussi allergique à la caséïne, la
majorité des rece^es sont également sans produit laiNer d'origine animal.
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                      NOISERAIE PRODUCTIONS                         Stand C14

Nuts bu^ers, 100% nuts, obtained by cold store-milling, with no roasNng or
Rich in healthy fats proteins, vitams and no gluten or lactose are suitable for
vegetarians and vegans.
Nuts and cocoa spreads : gluten free, palm oil free, milk free.
Our non drinks dairy they contain unsaturated fats and essenNal amino acids.
The range apeNzer and Cooking, gluten free, palm oil free.
Noiseraie producNons with a range of cocoa spreads cooked in a pan without
lactose, without gluten, vegan.
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                     NUTRISENS                                              Stand D06

                     Food products for specific nutriNonal needs

Food allergies can be very restricNve. To help people in their daily life, Nutrisens has
developed a complete range of allergen-free recipes, to secure food for people with
allergies or food intolerances.
Products are formulated without colouring agents, conservaNves nor arNficial aromas, and
consist of starters, dishes and desserts to store at room temperature.
Products are made in France, and guarantee without gluten, lactose and 50 allergens. They
are packaged in individual plates and can be consumed at home or during any travel.
“Nutrisens sans Allergenes” is the perfect soluNon for parents who need a secure meal for
their child at school, or for the adults who don’t have Nme to cook.
Discover our products on our website:
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                   PALÉO TOI-MÊME                                     Stand F01

                   Abonnement hebdomadaire de fruits séchés et oléagineux issus de
                   l’agriculture biologique

Avec nos box paléo, vous allez découvrir chaque semaine des assorNments variés
de fruits séchés et oléagineux issus de l'agriculture biologique et éthique...vous
serez surpris de la diversité et de la saveur des produits naturelles et sans
Nos box sont livrées en boîte aux le^res chaque semaine ou toutes les quinzaines.
C'est une bonne alternaNve aux snacks de la cafétéria ou du distributeur et au
tout laiNer et tout céréalier en général.
Notre en-cas est également idéal pour les personnes intolérantes au gluten ou au
lactose, aux végétariens, aux végans, aux pégans, aux personnes qui ont adoptées
le régime paléo, ou encore aux personnes qui suivent un régime riche en micro
nutriments pour perdre du poids sans comptage de calories.
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                      PERL’AMANDE                                   Stand C14

Nuts bu^ers, 100% nuts, obtained by cold store-milling, with no roasNng or
Rich in healthy fats proteins, vitams and no gluten or lactose are suitable for
vegetarians and vegans.
Nuts and cocoa spreads : gluten free, palm oil free, milk free.
Our non drinks dairy they contain unsaturated fats and essenNal amino acids.
The range apeNzer and Cooking, gluten free, palm oil free.
Noiseraie producNons with a range of cocoa spreads cooked in a pan without
lactose, without gluten, vegan.

                      PROFESSOR GRUNSCHNABEL                                      Stand B09
                      100% vegetal ice cream, free from gluten, lactose
                      and soja
Professor Grunschnabel vous invite à découvrir ses glaces, un vrai tour du monde des
saveurs en 17 parfums du plus gourmand au plus détonnant.

Venez vous rafraichir en dégustant le fameux « brasil basil lime » (basilic/citron verts), vous
réchauffer le cœur avec « mama manguo maracuja » (fruits de la passion/mangue), vous
surprendre avec « fresas del habanero » (fraise/piment madame Jeane^e) …

Les glaces Professor Grunschnabel sont produites à base de fruits frais et mûrs, garanNes
100% naturelles, vous ne trouverez aucun conservateur chimique ou colorants, garanNes
sans gluten, sans lactose et sans soja pour le plaisir du plus grand nombre.
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                            RÉBECCA SCIORTINO                                                 Stand G07

                            PâNsserie et traiteur sans gluten, sans lactose
Qualité, Originalité, Simplicité

SciorNno Rébecca souhaite se disNnguer par la qualité de ses produits, qu'elle travaille à base d'ingrédients
rigoureusement sélecNonnés et offrant des saveurs authenNques.
CréaNve et passionnée de pâNsserie, elle aime l'originalité dans l'associaNon des saveurs et le montage de ses
gâteaux, mais elle conserve toujours une certaine simplicité qui selon elle est gage d'élégance. C'est ainsi
qu'elle se plaît à moderniser des rece^es tradiNonnelles, comme le fraisier, en les réinventant et en leur
apportant une touche différente.

Une gamme dédiée aux intolérants alimentaires

SciorNno Rébecca a développé une gamme adaptée aux personnes devant exclure ou réduire de leur
alimentaNon certains composants, dont le gluten et le lactose. Elle leur propose des produits semblables aux
rece^es classiques. Ainsi, personne n'est laissé pour compte au moment du dessert !
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            RRRAW                                     Stand G09

            Raw chocolate (gluten-free and lactose-free)
We produce in an arNsanal way in France, an arNsanal
“beans to bar” raw chocolate. We produce directly from
freshly peeled semi-wild cocoa beans.
Our products are cerNfied organic (Bureau Veritas
FRBIO10), vegan (Vegan Society) , gluten-free (AFDIAG)
and Fair Trade (1 % for the planet).
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                      SCHÄR                                              Stand D01

                      Gluten free food products (ambient and frozen
  Tous les plaisirs   food)
    sans gluten
CreaNng innovaNve soluNons for people looking for a healthy gluten-free diet has
been Dr. Schär Group's reason for being for the last 30 years.
As a pioneer and undisputed leader of the European market in gluten-free products,
Dr. Schär Group has built up a huge range of ambient and frozen gluten-free products
that are highly innovaNve and safe, and for sure tasty and of great quality
The range covers a huge selecNon of gluten-free food, from the most tradiNonal to
frozen products, from fresh bread to snacks and from muesli to pasta. Products by Dr.
Schär's are available worldwide and can be found out in food shops, health food
stores, in supermarkets and also via specific online shops depending on the brand.
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                    SOCIÉTÉ VÉGANE FRANÇAISE                            Stand H05

                    Vegan associaNon
The French Vegan Society is an ethical and educaNonal organizaNon that gathers and
publishes factual informaNon as peaceful and reasonable means (outreach) towards
ciNzens and insNtuNons. In the general interest, health and environment protecNon
too are in its field, as well as consumers’ informaNon, social exclusion miNgaNon and
anything to do with veganism. We support vegans and those who wish to become
• Vegan InternaNonal Trademark Licence Agent (product labelling);
• Inclusion programme « EaNng Together » (insNtuNonal catering for everyone) ;
• Compiled insNtuNonal best pracNce in plant based nutriNon ;
• History and development of the movement.
SAAPS 2016
                         SAAPS    – LISTE
                               2016       DES EXPOSANTS
                                     – EXHIBITORS LIST

                     SOL SEMILLA                                            Stand F10
                    Superaliments : açaï, acerola, cacao, caroube du Pérou,
                    chlorelle, griffe du chat, guarana blanc, klamath (AFA), lucuma,
                    maca, nopal, spiruline.
Première marque de superaliments en France, Sol Semilla importe depuis plus de 20 ans
des fruits, légumes, micro algues et plantes aux qualités nutriNonnelles excepNonnelles :
açaï, acerola, cacao, caroube du Pérou, chlorelle, griffe du chat, guarana blanc, klamath
(AFA), lucuma, maca, nopal, spiruline.

Sol Semilla condiNonne sa sélecNon de superaliments dans ses ateliers de Montreuil et les
propose sur les salons, magasins et marchés biologiques ainsi que dans sa bouNque CanNne
végétalienne aux superaliments du Canal St MarNn à Paris (au 23 rue des Vinaigriers).

Nous proposons également des créaNons maisons faites avec nos superaliments : chocolats
crus, chips de kale et super cuisines...
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