Corporate Status Booklet - New Brunswick Revised October 2013
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Understanding Your Corporate Status New Brunswick (Bilingue) Index Introduction……………………………………………………………………………1 Explanation of Corporate Status Terms……………………………………………..1-2 Annual Return Obligations……………………………………………………………2 Reviving “A” Status…………………………………………………………………2-3 Becoming Incorporated………………………………………………………………..3 Appendix A Form 35.1, Annual Return………………………………………………………...5 Instructions………………………………………………………………………...6 Online Annual Return…………………………………………………………...7-9 Revival of a Not-for-Profit………………………………………………..…..10-16 Appendix B Incorporation of a Not-For-Profit Company…………………………………..18-29 A Legal Guide…………………………………………………………..……..30-39 Selecting a Proposed Name……………………………………………..……..40-47
Understanding your Corporate Status. New Brunswick At its March 2002 meeting, the National Board of Directors of the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada instructed its national staff to determine the corporate status of all active clubs in our Association. According to Article 16, section1 of our Association’s Constitution and By-laws, it is mandatory for all active clubs to become incorporated upon chartering and to remain in good standing and in accordance with their provincial or territorial statutes. Explanation of Terms Reference number: - your incorporation number - make record of this number for reference for when you have to file your Annual Return. - It is internally generated by Corporate Affairs to identify your business, it is 6 digits long. Name: - is the name that your club is registered under. - It should be your Club’s Charter name. Registration date: - reflects the date the company/corporation was incorporated. Category code: - identifies the business in accordance with the Acts and classification system used by the Corporate Affairs Registry. - Non-profit organizations are under category 11. Category: company-company act: - Means that you are subject to the statutes of the Company Act for incorporation. Status Code: - A status: the company/corporation is legally in existence and is in compliance with its annual return obligations. - ** This is what you want your Club to be** - B Status: the company/corporation is in legal existence but is NOT in compliance with its Annual Return obligations. - **see Annual Return Obligations if your status shows this** - F status: the company/corporation is no longer in legal existence in accordance with specific provisions of the Companies Act. - **see Becoming a Corporation** **If your status is anything other than the three list please contact National, or to find out what your status means and what you have to do in order to get an A status** - identifies in general terms the existing status of Status: the club in relation to the Act under which the club is registered. - Terms used are: Active indicates the registration of the club is still in effect - Dissolve a director has taken steps to dissolve the club, steps can still be taken to avoid this - Amalgamating signifies the club was an
amalagamating one, happens if a Kinsmen and Kinette club become a Kin club, - you will be issued a new reference number Last Status Date Changed: - Reflects the date the status was last changed for a given business. - The date reflects the filing date of the document that triggers the status change. For existing companies that have an A status, their status will automatically change to a B status where the company is delinquent in meeting its current annual return filing obligations. - Last Annual Return sets out the most recent year the respective Annual Return was filed. - Corporations are required under the respective Act to file an annual return in relation to the year of incorporation for a company/corporation. - **See Annual Return Obligations for further detail** Annual Return Deficiencies: - Section sets out any outstanding annual return obligations that a company/corporation has since 1989 which have not yet been rectified. - Note – Where a company has a B status and its last status change date is before January 1, 1989 then in all likelihood, it has pre-1989 annual return obligations which are still outstanding as well as any deficiencies set out post 1989. Address: - refers to the address of your club, do not use the address of National Headquarters Directors: - if listed are the directors listed on your incorporation application. Name Change History: - If your club has changed its name in the past you will see this field - the previous name of your club, and the date with was changed on under Annual Return Obligations - For your club you are required to file the relevant Annual Return under the Act and to pay, where required, filing fees and late filing fees related to annual return - Companies under or subject to the Companies Act are required to file an Annual Return. Most companies are not required to pay annual return fees or pay late filing fees. - The Annual Return is due within one month of its anniversary month. The anniversary month will normally be its month of incorporation. - See Appendix A for a copy of your Annual Return form. - Please note that National Headquarters requests confirmation of filing of Annual Returns. To do this please send a copy of your Corporate Status report to National after you have filed your Annual Return. Club lost “A” Status - You must file an annual return form (see appendix A for a copy or download one from the internet for each year listed deficient - If your club still maintains a B status after filing for all deficient years, contact the Corporate Registries Branch of your Provincial Government, to see if you have any deficiencies prior to 1989.
- To locate the closest office to you go online to or call 506 453 2613. Becoming Incorporated - If your club has not yet become incorporated, do so immediately. The following outlines the steps necessary to become a corporation. - This can be done online, - through the mail, or in person at your local registry office. - see incorporation of Not-For-Profit Company, the Legal Guide and Selecting a Proposed Name. - See Appendix B for a copy of Incorporation of Not-For-Profit Company, the Legal Guide and Selecting a Proposed Name.
Appendix A
Reset / Effacer NEW BRUNSWICK NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK COMPANIES ACT LOI SUR LES COMPAGNIES FORM 35.1 FORMULE 35.1 ANNUAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ____________ RAPPORT ANNUEL DE L'ANNÉE ______________ (Companies Act, R.S.N.B. 1973,c. C-13, s. 126) (Loi sur les compagnies, L.R.N.-B. de 1973,c.C-13, art. 126) 1. 2. Reference Number N° de référence Anniversary Month Mois anniversaire NOTE: Your annual return is due by the end of the month following the REMARQUE : Votre rapport annuel doit être envoyé à la fin du mois qui suit anniversary month. le mois anniversaire. NOTE: ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED. REMARQUE: TOUS LES ARTICLES DOIVENT ÊTRE REMPLIS. 3. Description of Business Description de l'activité 4. Head Office Address Adresse du siège social Postal Code Telephone No. Code postal N° de téléphone 5. Mailing Address (if different from above) Adresse postale (si différente de l'adresse mentionnée ci-dessus) Postal Code Code postal 6. Names and complete addresses of officers Postal Code Telephone No. Noms et adresses au complet des dirigeants Code postal N° de téléphone President Président Secretary Secrétaire Treasurer Trésorier 7. Names and complete addresses of directors Postal Code Telephone No. Noms et adresses au complet des administrateurs Code postal N° de téléphone If insufficient space to list directors above, add on separate sheet. En cas d'insuffisance d'espace pour les inscrire tous, faites-le sur une feuille séparée. 8. Trading/Business Companies answer ONLY if there has been a change in 8. Réservé au seul usage des compagnies commerciales (corporations share capital since the last annual return: commerciales). PRÉCISER s'il y a eu un changement relatif au capital social depuis le dernier état annuel : A. Present amount of authorized capital A. Montant du capital autorisé B. State reason for change (e.g. you have redeemed preferred shares or B. Raison du changement (par ex: Rachat d'actions privilégiées ou increased capital) augmentation de capital Date Signature Position with Company / Fonction dans la compagnie NOTE: IF THERE HAS BEEN A CHANGE IN THE HEAD OFFICE OR IN REMARQUE : EN CAS DE CHANGEMENT RELATIF AU SIÈGE SOCIAL DIRECTORS, FORM 46 OR FORM 47 RESPECTIVELY MUST BE FILED OU AUX ADMINISTRATEURS, LA FORMULE 46 OU 47 RESPEC- WITHIN 15 DAYS OF THE CHANGE. TIVELY DOIT ÊTRE DÉPOSÉE DANS LES 15 JOURS DU CHANGEMENT. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE VEUILLEZ LIRE LES DIRECTIVES AU VERSO SN0284/45-5030 (04-10)
INSTRUCTIONS DIRECTIVES PLEASE FILL IN THE YEAR FOR WHICH THE RETURN IS BEING FILED VEUILLEZ INSCRIRE L'ANNÉE DE DÉPÔT DU RAPPORT ANNUEL EN AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE ON THE REVERSE SIDE. HAUT DE LA PREMIÈRE PAGE. NOTE: THE COMPANIES LISTED BELOW ARE EXEMPT FROM THE NOTE : LES COMPAGNIES MENTIONNÉES CI-APRÈS SONT PAYMENT OF FILING FEES: EXEMPTÉES DU VERSEMENT DES DROITS DE DÉPÔT ANNUEL. 1. Hospitals, legions and cemetery companies. 1. Les hôpitaux, légions et compagnies de cimetières. 2. Fishing, sporting or literary clubs or associations under section 16 of 2. Les clubs ou associations de pêche, sportifs ou littéraires visés à the Act. l'article 16 de la Loi. 3. Companies incorporated with or without share capital for charitable, 3. Lescompagnies,avecousanscapitalsocial,constituésencorporation philanthropic, temperance, religious, social, political, literacy, à des fins charitables, philanthropiques, antialcooliques, religieuses, educational, athletic or other like purposes under section 18 of the Act. sociales, politiques, littéraires, éducatives, athlétiques ou autres fins similaires en vertu de l'article 18 de la Loi. SCHEDULE OF FEES (if applicable) ANNEXE DES DROITS (s'il y a lieu) Make cheque payable to Service New Brunswick. Chèque payable à Services Nouveau-Brunswick. The annual filing fee is $50.00 Les droits de dépôt annuel s'élèvent à 50,00 $. ITEM 1 ARTICLE 1 The full legal name of the corporation is printed above the address. Le nom légal au complet de la corporation est imprimé au-dessus de son adresse. ITEM 2 ARTICLE 2 The corporation number is the number assigned by the Corporate Registry LenumérodecorporationestlenuméroqueleRegistrecorporatifaassigné to the corporation. Your corporation number and anniversary month are à la corporation. Votre numéro de corporation et mois anniversaire sont shown to the right of your address. indiqués à la droite de votre adresse. ITEM 3 ARTICLE 3 Describe what type of business the corporation is carrying on e.g. Déclarer l'activité principale de la corporation au Nouveau-Brunswick manufacturing - state what is manufactured; food store; garage; holding (ex: description du produit fabriqué, magasin d'alimentation, garage, company, etc. compagnie de holding, etc.). ITEM 4, 6, 7 ARTICLE 4, 6, 7 Address means the street number and name, the R.R. number, the L'adresse signifie le nom et le numéro de la rue, le numéro de la R.R., municipality or post office, the province and the postal code. P.O. BOX la municipalité ou le bureau de poste, la province et le code postal. LA NUMBER IS NOT SUFFICIENT SEULE MENTION DU NUMÉRO DE LA CASE POSTALE N'EST PAS SUFFISANTE. ITEM 5 ARTICLE 5 This should be the address where you wish your annual return or other C'est l'adresse choisie par la corporation pour recevoir sa correspondance. corporate information to be mailed. ITEM 8 ARTICLE 8 This section must be completed by companies who have share capital and Seules les compagnies qui ont un capital social et le droit de se proroger who have the right to continue under the Business Corporations Act. en vertu de la Loi sur les corporations commerciales doivent remplir cet Companies incorporated under section 16 or 18 of the Companies Act article. Les compagnies constituées sous le régime de l'article 16 ou 18 (i.e.: NON-PROFIT companies) OMIT this section. de la Loi sur les compagnies du Nouveau-Brunswick (exemple : les compagnies À BUT NON LUCRATIF) en sont exemptées. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE A director or an authorized officer of the corporation shall sign and date Un/e administrateur/trice ou un/e dirigeant/e autorisé/e de la corporation the return and state their position with the company. doit signer et dater le rapport annuel et y préciser sa fonction dans la compagnie. When completed, send the form and cheque to: Lorsque le rapport est fait, veuillez y joindre le chèque et envoyer le tout à : Corporate Registry Registre corporatif Service New Brunswick Services Nouveau-Brunswick P.O. Box 1998, Fredericton, New Brunswick C.P. 1998, Fredericton, Nouveau-Brunswick E3B 5G4 E3B 5G4 FILE ONLINE DÉPOSEZ EN LIGNE You can file the annual return electronically with Corporate Vous pouvez déposer le rapport annuel en ligne auprès du Registry. A $2 convenience fee is charged for filing online. Registre corporatif. Un frais unique de 2 $ s'applique lorsque vous faites votre transaction en ligne. Check our Website at Click on Corporate Visitez notre site Web à l'adresse Cliquez sur Registry, select the Products & Services Tab. Choose Annual Registre corporatif. Sélectionnez l'onglet Produits et services. Return - Form 35.1 Choisissez Rapport annuel - Formule 35.1 SN0284/45-5030 (04-10) Top/Haut
Welcome to SNB Online Annual Return - Provincial Non-Profit Companies Companies Act To file an annual return for a non-profit company for the current or previous years, you will need the following: * The New Brunswick Business Number for the Company. or The Corporate Registry reference number from the Letters Patent of the Company or the annual return form. If you do not have this document you may find your Corporate Registry reference number by searching the Corporate Registry Database . * A Visa, MasterCard or American Express to pay $2 CDN convenience fee to facilitate the online transaction for authentication purposes. * Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.05 or higher y ield Please note: The maximum number of directors or officers you may enter in this process is 50. If the company has more than 50 directors or officers, it must file its annual return by mail rather than using this online process. Please note: At any time during this online process, if you wish to stop and save the information so that you can return at a later time, you may do so by clicking the "Continue Later" button at the bottom of the screen. Your information will be retained for 60 days. Note: Using the back button on your browser may cause navigation problems and some information may need to be re-entered. Begin Annual Return Complete Previous Annual Return SNB Home • About SNB • Locations • 1-888-762-8600 • FAQ Privacy & Security • Contact • Individual Services • Business Services • Français
Page 1 of 4 CORPORATE STATUS BOOKLET NEW BRUNSWICK REVISED OCTOBER 2013 This was on their NB Website: I review it and think most things are already covered in the material for the Booklet; however, I would recommend that the last 3 paragraphs could be added at the end of page 5 if you agree. Welcome to SNB Online - Corporate Registry What's New? This page is set up to inform users of any significant changes to the Registry. It is not intended that this page set out a complete historical record of all information items posted on the page. As information items become "dated" and lose relevancy, they will be deleted. 1. Effective April 25, 2012 - You can now pay for certain Corporate Registry online transactions using your debit card. In the near future this payment option will be available for other online transactions. 2. We have developed an information kit for amalgamations under the Business Corporations Act. It can be accessed under the “Guides & Kits” tab of the Corporate Registry web pages at 3. Name Guidelines The purpose of the name guidelines is to assist persons who may be choosing a name either for incorporation or registration under the Business Corporations Act and the Companies Act or for registration of an unincorporated entity such as a sole proprietorship or partnership, under the Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act or a limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act. It is recommended that you review the guidelines before choosing a name for your business. The name guidelines can be found at 4. Updates to the Securities Transfer Act The Securities Transfer Act (STA) came into effect on February 1, 2010. The STA deals with transfers of several types of securities such as shares, bonds and other property interests that arise when investments of various kinds are dealt with. The STA is part of a cross Canada initiative to modernize the rules for the transfer of securities on a harmonized basis. The STA made ancillary amendments to the Business Corporations Act administered by Service New Brunswick. 5. Annual Return Fees and Forms For provincial business corporations, the annual return fee is now $80 for a
Page 2 of 4 return that is submitted in paper form and only $60 if submitted online at Form 24.3 is the new annual return form. For extra-provincial business corporations, the annual return fee is now $220 for a return that is submitted in paper form and only $200 if submitted online at Form 33.1 is the new annual return form. The above changes are effective immediately and apply to corporation having an anniversary month in or subsequent to May 2006. NOTICE Accessing the online Corporate Registry Per-Transaction Internet search with Credit Card: Users will be required to enter their credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express) to search the online Corporate Registry database. A charge of $3.00 for each detailed search result requested will apply. Telephone search inquiry with Credit Card: Users may contact our Teleservice agents toll-free via 1-888-762-8600. A fee of $5.00 for each detailed search result requested will be charged against the Caller's credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express). Unlimited Internet Searching as a subscriber: For $50.00 per month, billed via Electronic Funds transfer with your Bank, you will have unlimited access to search the database. To obtain a user name and password, you must complete an application which includes banking information. For further information please review NBCatCAS&l=e and select Corporate Registry. We recommend frequent users of the Corporate Registry become subscribers as their most cost effective option to search the Registry. How to get started as a subscriber: Forms and instructions are available online at Click on "Registered Clients Enter Here", located to the right of the screen, and then select "Corporate Registry- Client Authentication Package". Please note: Businesses and other registrants may access their own information records from the online Registry by inputting their New Brunswick Account Business Number in the available search screen. This is a unique 15 digit number that has been assigned to the business/registrant by the Province of New Brunswick in conjunction with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Who to call for more information: If you have questions or concerns, please contact 1-506-453-2703 or Email:
PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENT FOR A RÉTABLISSEMENT D’UNE COMPAGNIE EN REVIVAL UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT VERTU DE LA LOI SUR LES COMPAGNIES GENERAL INFORMATION RENSEIGNEMENTS GÉNÉRAUX This information kit deals with the procedure to La présente trousse de renseignements porte sur les revive under the Companies Act a dissolved not-for- formalités exigées en vertu de la Loi sur les profit company. compagnies pour le rétablissement d’une compagnie à but non lucratif qui est dissoute. The company would have been dissolved in most Dans la plupart des cas, la compagnie aurait été cases for being in default with the annual return dissoute parce qu’elle a fait défaut de se conformer obligations under the Act. aux exigences de la Loi en matière de dépôt des rapports annuels. Note: Nota : A company incorporated under the Une compagnie constituée en vertu de la Loi Companies Act which has been dissolved sur les compagnies et dont la charte a été under the Companies Act may be eligible to dissoute conformément à ladite loi peut être be revived under either the Business admissible au rétablissement en vertu de la Loi Corporations Act or the Companies Act. sur les corporations commerciales ou de la Loi Prior to proceeding with the revival, the sur les compagnies. Avant d’entreprendre les Corporate Registry should be contacted to formalités en vue du rétablissement, confirm eligibility for revival under the communiquez avec le Registre corporatif pour Companies Act. savoir si la compagnie est admissible à ce rétablissement en vertu de la Loi sur les compagnies. A company which has voluntarily Une compagnie qui opte d’abandonner sa surrendered its charter under the Companies charte conformément aux dispositions de la Loi Act is not able to be revived under the Act. sur les compagnies n’a pas droit à un rétablissement en vertu de la Loi. WHO MAY APPLY? QUI PEUT FAIRE LA DEMANDE ? By subsection 35.1(1), any interested party may Selon le paragraphe 35.1(1), toute partie intéressée apply to have a company revived. peut demander le rétablissement d’une compagnie. In the normal case, the interested party will be a Dans les cas les plus courants, la partie intéressée est person who was a director, officer or member un ancien administrateur, dirigeant ou membre (shareholder) of the dissolved company. In the case (actionnaire) de la compagnie dissoute. Si une where a person other than a director, officer or personne autre qu’un administrateur, un dirigeant ou member (shareholder) is interested in applying for a un membre (actionnaire) est intéressée à demander le
revival, that person should contact the Corporate rétablissement de la corporation, elle devra Registry to determine whether or not they will be communiquer avec le Registre corporatif afin de considered to be an “interested party” for purposes déterminer si elle peut ou non être considéré comme of an application. In that case, additional une “partie intéressée” pour les fins de la demande. requirements may be imposed on the applicant. Dans un tel cas, la direction peut imposer des exigences additionnelles au demandeur. HOW IS A COMPANY REVIVED? COMMENT LA COMPAGNIE EST-ELLE RÉTABLIE ? The application for revival should be similar format Le format et le contenu de la demande de and content to the attached precedent, subject to rétablissement doivent être semblables à ceux de la necessary variations in the individual case. Please jurisprudence ci-annexée sous réserve des adaptations complete in duplicate. A fee payment of $12 must exigées par le cas visé. Veuillez remplir la demande accompany the application. (The cheque should be en double. Des droits administratifs de 12 $ doivent made payable to Service New Brunswick). The accompagner la demande. (Le chèque doit être libellé Branch will review the application and if à l’ordre de Services Nouveau-Brunswick.) La satisfactory, will issue a Certificate of Revival. Direction examinera la demande. Si la demande est approuvée, la Direction délivrera un certificat de rétablissement. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF DIRECTORS AVIS DE CHANGEMENT D’ADMINISTRATEURS When a company is to be revived, the Director Lorsqu’une compagnie fait l’objet d’un rétablissement, requires, in the normal case, that the company at the le Directeur exige normalement que la compagnie same time file a Notice of Directors (Form 47) to dépose un Avis de changement d’administrateurs indicate who are the directors of the company (formulaire no 47) contenant les noms des immediately upon revival of the company. administrateurs de la compagnie au moment du rétablissement de celle-ci. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF HEAD OFFICE AVIS DE CHANGEMENT DE SIÈGE SOCIAL When a company is to be revived, the Director Lorsqu’une compagnie fait l’objet d’un rétablissement, requires, in the normal case, that the company at the le Directeur exige normalement que la compagnie same time file a Notice of Change of Head Office dépose un Avis de changement de siège social (Form 46) to indicate where the head office of the (formulaire no 46) précisant où se situe le siège social company is immediately upon revival of the de la compagnie au moment du rétablissement de company. celle-ci. ANNUAL RETURN FORMS FORMULES DE RAPPORT ANNUEL Where a company was dissolved for failure to Quand une compagnie a été dissoute parce qu’elle a comply with the requirements of the Act in filing fait défaut de se conformer aux exigences de la Loi en annual returns, the Director requires, in the normal matière de dépôt des rapports annuels, le directeur
case, that the company at the same time file all exigera normalement que la compagnie dépose annual returns up to the date of revival. simultanément tous les rapports annuels jusqu’à la date de rétablissement. The Corporate Registry can be contacted for On peut communiquer avec le Registre corporatif pour information on what annual returns are outstanding. obtenir des renseignements sur les rapports annuels en souffrance. NAME SEARCH REQUIREMENT EXIGENCES RELATIVES À LA RECHERCHE DE RAISONS SOCIALES Where a revival is being sought in relation to a Lorsqu’on présente des statuts en vue du company that has been dissolved for a period greater rétablissement d’une compagnie qui a été dissoute il y than two years, the Director will require an Atlantic a plus de deux ans, le directeur exigera que soit produit based NUANS name search report. The Corporate un rapport de recherche de raisons sociales NUANS Registry can provide further details on this process, (de l’Atlantique) Le Registre corporatif peut fournir if it is applicable. des renseignements plus détaillés sur ce mécanisme, le cas échéant. This requirement is imposed to ensure the Cette exigence vise à faire en sorte que la raison company’s name, upon revival, is not in sociale de la compagnie rétablie ne contrevienne pas contravention of the provisions of the Act in relation aux dispositions de la Loi en étant identique ou to having an identical or deceptively similar name to semblable à s’y méprendre à celle d’une compagnie an existing company or other name on record with existante ou à une autre raison sociale enregistrée the Corporate Registry. auprès du Registre corporatif. EFFECT OF A REVIVAL EFFET DU RÉTABLISSEMENT By section 35.1(4) of the Act, a company is revived En vertu de l’article 35.1(4) de la Loi, la compagnie on the date shown on the Certificate of Revival, and est rétablie à la date figurant sur le certificat de thereafter the company has all the rights and rétablissement et recouvre dès lors, tous ses droits et privileges and is liable for the obligations that it privilèges ainsi que ses obligations comme si elle would have had if it had not been dissolved. The n’avait pas été dissoute. La date indiquée au certificat date shown on the Certificate of Revival will be the de rétablissement sera la date à laquelle le Directeur a date the Director issues the Certificate of Revival. émis le certificat de rétablissement. It is strongly urged that any applicant seeking the On incite fortement tous les demandeurs qui revival of a company consult with a legal advisor désirent rétablir une compagnie à consulter un to understand the legal implications of dissolution conseiller juridique afin de bien comprendre les and revival of a company. conséquences juridiques de la dissolution et du rétablissement de la compagnie. Any company that is revived is urged, as well, to On incite aussi les dirigeants de toute compagnie consult with its legal advisor as to the legal rétablie à consulter un conseiller juridique afin de implications of a revival. se renseigner sur les effets juridiques du
rétablissement. Please note the procedural requirements for a revival Veuillez prendre note que les formalités de may change from time to time. rétablissement peuvent être modifiées de temps à autre. SERVICE NEW BRUNSWICK CORPORATE REGISTRY SERVICES NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK P. O. BOX 1998, REGISTRE CORPORATIF 432 QUEEN STREET CASE POSTALE 1998 FREDERICTON, NB 432, RUE QUEEN E3B 5G4 FREDERICTON (N.-B.) Tel. : (506) 453-2703 E3B 5G4 Fax: (506) 453-2613 Téléphone : (506) 453-2703 Télécopieur : (506) 453-2613 Current November 2008 À date Novembre 2008
NEW BRUNSWICK NOUVEAU BRUNSWICK COMPANIES ACT LOI SUR LES COMPAGNIES APPLICATION FOR REVIVAL OF A COMPANY DEMANDE DE RÉTABLISSEMENT D’UNE COMPAGNIE (SECTION 35.1) (ARTICLE 35.1) 1 - Name of dissolved company – Raison sociale de la compagnie dissoute Reference No. – No de référence 2 - Reasons for dissolution Motifs de la dissolution 3 - Interest of applicant in revival of the company Intérêt du demandeur dans le rétablissement de la compagnie 4 - Name of Applicant in full – Nom au complet du demandeur 5 - Address of Applicant – Adresse du demandeur Signature of Applicant – Signature du demandeur Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY RÉSERVÉ À L’USAGE DU MINISTÈRE Reference No. – No de référence PLU #440343
NEW BRUNSWICK NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK COMPANIES ACT LOI SUR LES COMPAGNIES APPLICATION FOR REVIVAL OF A COMPANY DEMANDE DE RÉTABLISSEMENT D’UNE COMPAGNIE INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Item 1 Article 1 Set out the full legal name of the dissolved company. Indiquer au complet la raison sociale légale de la compagnie dissoute. Item 2 Article 2 State the reasons why the company was dissolved. Déclarer les motifs de la dissolution de la compagnie. Item 3 Article 3 State details of your interest in the company and why you seek to Déclarer dans ses détails, l’intérêt que vous avez dans la have it revived. compagnie et les raisons qui justifient votre demande de son rétablissement. Item 4 Article 4 Set out the first given name, initial and family name of the Indiquer les noms, initiales et le nom de famille du demandeur. applicant. Item 5 Article 5 Set out the business or residential address of the applicant, giving Indiquer l’adresse résidentielle ou commerciale du demandeur, the street number or R.R. number, municipality or post office, donnant le numéro et la rue, le numéro de la route rurale, la province and postal code. A P.O. box number alone is not municipalité, la province et le code postal. La mention de la case sufficient. postale est insuffisante. Please note: If unfamiliar with the requirements of the Act and Veuillez noter : Si vous n’êtes pas au courant des exigences de la the policies of the Director pertaining to revivals, please inquire Loi et des politiques du Directeur au sujet de rétablissements, at the address set out below. veuillez vous informer à l’adresse ci-dessous. Fee payment of $12 required. Un frais de dépôt de 12 $ est requis. Completed documents in duplicate and fees, payable to Service Les documents complets établis en double exemplaire, et les New Brunswick, are to be sent to: droits, payables à Services Nouveau-Brunswick, doivent être envoyés au : The Director Directeur Corporate Registry Registre corporatif Service New Brunswick Services Nouveau-Brunswick P. O. Box 1998, C.P. 1998 Fredericton, New Brunswick Fredericton, Nouveau-Brunswick E3B 5G4 E3B 5G4 Tel. : (506) 453-2703 Téléphone : (506) 453-2703 Fax: (506) 453-2613 Télécopieur : (506) 453-2613 PLU #440343
Appendix B
INCORPORATION OF NOT-FOR-PROFIT CONSTITUTION D'UNE COMPAGNIE À COMPANY BUT NON LUCRATIF PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS TO EXIGENCES RELATIVES À LA INCORPORATE A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CONSTITUTION D'UNE COMPAGNIE À COMPANY BUT NON LUCRATIF GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION GÉNÉRALE The incorporation of a not-for-profit company may be Une compagnie à but non lucratif peut être done under the Companies Act of New Brunswick. constituée en corporation en vertu de la Loi sur les Application by at least three people who are nineteen compagnies du Nouveau-Brunswick. La demande years of age or older is made to the Director under the à cet effet doit être soumise au Directeur aux Companies Act and forwarded to Corporate Registry termes de la Loi sur les compagnies par au moins for review. A determination to permit incorporation trois personne âgées de 19 ans ou plus. Elle est normally follows and, if approved, letters patent ensuite acheminée au Registre corporatif aux fins incorporating the company is granted. d'examen. Si la constitution en corporation est autorisée, les lettres patentes sont octroyées à la compagnie. The procedural requirements to incorporate a not-for- La brochure ci-jointe "Organismes sans but lucratif profit company as well as duties and obligations - Un guide juridique" explique clairement les following incorporation are well explained in the conditions à respecter pour que soit autorisée la enclosed brochure "Not-for-Profit Organization - A constitution en corporation ainsi que les obligations Legal Guide". Accompanying this guide is an qui en découlent. Vous trouverez également ci- example of the Application for Incorporation along inclus un exemplaire de Demande de constitution with a schedule of fees. Please note that the en corporation ainsi que la liste des droits exigibles. application must be submitted on paper 8 1/2" x 11". Veuillez prendre note que la demande doit être Duplicate originals of the application should be sent fournie sur des feuilles de format 8 po. 1/2 sur 11 to Corporate Registry along with the name search po. Un original et un double de la Demande de report. constitution doivent être fournis au Registre corporatif ainsi que le rapport de recherche de nom SELECTING THE NAME CHOIX DE LA RAISON SOCIALE Before incorporation, you must select the proposed Avant la constitution en corporation, vous devez name of the company. Attached you will find a choisir la raison sociale projetée de la compagnie. pamphlet entitled "Selecting a Proposed Name", Ci-annexée, une brochure intitulée "Choix d'une which details the steps that should be followed in such Raison Sociale"; vous y trouverez en détail les a process. étapes à suivre. NOTE: NOTE: Particular attention when incorporating should be Au moment de soumettre une demande de given to sections 16 and 18 of the Companies Act. constitution en corporation, il est recommandé de The Companies Act and Regulations can be lire attentivement les articles 16 et 18 de la Loi sur viewed/printed at les compagnies. Vous pouvez visionner/imprimer e.asp. la Loi sur les compagnies et ses règlements à CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS FOLLOWING OBLIGATIONS ASSOCIÉES À LA
INCORPORATION CONSTITUTION EN CORPORATION Once incorporated, a company becomes subject to the Une fois constituée, la compagnie est assujettie aux provisions of the Companies Act. A copy of the Act dispositions de la Loi sur les compagnies. Pour obtenir may be obtained by writing to the Queen's Printer, P.O. une copie de la Loi, on peut s’adresser à l'Imprimeur de Box 6000, Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5H1 or by calling la Reine, C.P. 6000, Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick) (506) 453-2520. E3B 5H1 ou composer le (506) 453-2520. 1) The Company Name and Number 1) Raison sociale et numéro de la compagnie Upon incorporation the company will be assigned a Lors de sa constitution, la compagnie reçoit un numéro number which will be entered into a computerized qui est entré dans une banque de données avec les database along with pertinent information. All future renseignements pertinents. Notre bureau pourra inquiries may be dealt with faster if the company name répondre plus rapidement à toutes les demandes de and number are set out on all documents forwarded to renseignements si la raison sociale et le numéro de la our Branch. compagnie sont inscrits sur tous les documents envoyés à la Direction des affaires corporatives. 2) Annual Return 2) Rapport annuel The Act requires that the company file an annual return La Loi exige que la compagnie dépose chaque année un each year. Form 35.1, Annual Return of Company, will rapport annuel. La direction expédie chaque année à la be mailed by this Branch each year to the company compagnie la formule 35.1 intitulée Rapport annuel de approximately 30 days prior to the anniversary month of la compagnie environ 30 jours avant le mois the company. The anniversary month is the month the anniversaire de la compagnie. Le mois anniversaire est company was incorporated. le mois au cours duquel la compagnie a été constituée. Please note that whether or not the company receives an Rappelez-vous que, même si la compagnie ne reçoit pas annual return in the mail from this Branch, the company la formule de rapport annuel de la direction, elle est has an obligation to file a return prior to the end of the tenue de produire un rapport avant la fin du mois month following its anniversary month. The failure to suivant le mois anniversaire de sa constitution. Si elle file an annual return on time will lead to the possibility omet de déposer son rapport annuel avant l'échéance of dissolution pursuant to paragraph 35(1)(c) of the Act. prévue, elle pourrait être dissoute en vertu de l'alinéa 35(1)c) de la Loi. 3) Change of Directors or Head Office 3) Modification de la liste des administrateurs ou de l'adresse du siège social If there is a change among the directors of the company S’il y a modification de la liste des administrateurs ou or with the address of its registered office, our office de l'adresse du siège social de la compagnie, celle-ci must be notified within fifteen days of the effective date doit en aviser notre bureau dans les 15 jours suivant la of the change by filing Form 47, Notice of Change of date d'entrée en vigueur des changements en question et Directors or Form 46, Notice of Change of Head Office. produire la formule 47, intitulée Avis de changement The forms are available upon request from this office. d'administrateurs, ou la formule 46, intitulée Avis de You can also file notices of change electronically with changement de siège social. Notre bureau peut vous Corporate Registry. Check our web site at fournir ces formules. Vous pouvez aussi déposer les avis de changement en ligne auprès du Registre corporatif. Visitez le site IMPORTANT IMPORTANT The above sets out procedural requirements to Les modalités à suivre pour la constitution en
incorporate a company. You may wish to consult with a corporation sont mentionnées ci-haut. Vous auriez peut- legal advisor as to legal aspects of a company. Please être intérêt à consulter un conseiller juridique also note that the procedural requirements for concernant les détails légaux de la constitution en incorporation may change from time to time. corporation. Veuillez aussi noter que les exigences relatives à la constitution en corporation pourraient être modifiées de temps à autre. In starting up your non-profit company, you may wish to Avant de mettre sur pied votre compagnie à but non consult with the following lucratif, songez à consulter les spécialistes suivants : -professional advisors in accounting, business, finance, -des conseillers professionnels dans le domaine de la legal and other fields comptabilité, des affaires, des finances, du droit ou autres ; -The Canada Business - New Brunswick. -Entreprises Canada – Nouveau-Brunswick. The Canada Business - New Brunswick is a joint Entreprises Canada – Nouveau-Brunswick est une initiative of the federal and provincial governments. The initiative conjointe des gouvernements fédéral et Centre is a valuable resource for information on provincial. Le centre constitue une source utile de registration and other requirements of various federal and renseignements sur les formalités relatives à provincial departments and agencies. Their address is: l’enregistrement et sur les exigences des différents ministères et organismes gouvernementaux à l’endroit de celles-ci. Canada Business - New Brunswick 570 Queen Street Entreprises Canada – Nouveau-Brunswick Fredericton, NB 570, rue Queen E3B 6Z6 Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick) E3B 6Z6 Tel. #: 506-444-6140 Toll Free #:1-888-576-4444 Téléphone: (506) 444-6140 Fax #: 506-444-6172 Sans frais : 1-888-576-4444 Télécopieur : (506) 444-6172 SERVICE NEW BRUNSWICK SERVICES NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK CORPORATE REGISTRY REGISTRE CORPORATIF P. O. BOX 1998, CASE POSTALE 1998 432 QUEEN STREET 432, RUE QUEEN FREDERICTON, NB FREDERICTON (N.-B.) E3B 5G4 E3B 5G4 Tel. : (506)-453-2703 Tél.: (506)-453-2703 Fax #: (506) 453-2613 Télécopieur : (506) 453-2613 Current August 2012 À date Août 2012
Precedent Only Application for Incorporation under the New Brunswick Companies Act To: The Director under the Companies Act The application of: (name of applicant), (occupation), of the (City, Town or Village) in the County of (state name of County), in the Province of New Brunswick, (name of applicant), (occupation), of the (City,Town or Village) in the County of (state name of County), in the Province of New Brunswick, (name of applicant), (occupation), of the (City, Town or Village) in the County of (state name of County), in the Province of New Brunswick. respectfully sheweth as follows: 1. The undersigned applicants are desirous of obtaining Letters Patent under the provisions of the New Brunswick Companies Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.C.-13, as amended, constituting your applicants, and such others as may become members in the company hereby created, a body corporate and politic under the name of (State name of your organization) Inc., or such other name as shall appear to you to be proper in the premises. 2. The undersigned have satisfied themselves and are assured that the proposed corporate name of the company under which incorporation is sought is not the corporate name of any other known company incorporated or unincorporated or a registered partnership or business name or any name liable to be confounded therewith, or otherwise on public grounds objectionable. 3. Each of your applicants is of the full age of nineteen years. 4. The purposes for which incorporation is sought by the applicants are: STATE OBJECT/PURPOSES of your organization. Please be specific as to the main object clause of the company. (See Examples below) (Note - If the company is to be a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, it is suggested that you contact the Canada Revenue Agency to become familiar with their requirements before proceeding to incorporate). Example: to establish, receive and maintain fund or funds and apply from time to time all or part thereof and/or the income therefrom
Precedent Only 1) for the relief of poverty, etc. (e.g. children's aid society, food banks' etc.) 2) to operate a boys and girls club [etc.] 3) to operate a church [etc.] 5. That for the further attainment of the above objects i) to acquire, accept, solicit or receive by purchase, lease, contract, donation, legacy, gift, grant, bequest or otherwise any real or personal property solely for the above objects; ii) to enter in to and carry out arrangements, contracts and undertakings incidental thereto; iii) to hold, manage, sell or convert any of the real or personal property from time to time owned by the company, and to invest and re-invest any principal in such manner as may from time to time be determined; iv) to acquire by purchase, lease, devise, gift or other title and to hold any real property necessary for the carrying on of its undertaking for the purpose of drawing a revenue therefrom and to sell, lease, mortgage and dispose of and convey the same or any part thereof as may be considered advisable, provided that the said property shall be used solely for the above objects, and no part of the income derived from such real property shall be payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of any member of the said company. v) to demand, receive, sue for and recover and compel the payment of all sums of money that may become due and payable to the company, to apply the said sums for the charitable objects and purposes of the company and generally to sue and be sued; vi) to employ and pay such assistants, clerks, agents, representatives or employees; and to procure, equip and maintain such offices and other facilities, and to incur such reasonable expenses as may be necessary to achieve these charitable purposes; vii) to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects; viii) to do all other such things as a company is empowered to do by Section 18(2) (a to j inclusive) of the Companies Act, as long as these powers are not inconsistent with the objects and purposes of the company;
Precedent Only 6. That the company shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the company shall be used in promoting its objects and that no part of the income of the company shall be payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of any member thereof; 7. The head office of the Company is to be at the (City, Town or Village) in the County (state name of County) in the Province of New Brunswick; The company's head office street address is: The company's head office mailing address is: 8. The company shall not have any capital stock or issue any share certificates but may acquire real and personal property to the following cost value: (please check appropriate box) Unlimited cost value ___________________(set out amount - e.g. $25,000) 9. The said (name of applicants) will be the first or provisional directors of the Company. 10. (This paragraph is optional, and is subject to your adjustments) That upon dissolution of the company and after payment of all debts due and liabilities, its remaining property shall be distributed or disposed of to registered charities recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency having objects the same as or similar to the objects of the company which carry on their work solely in Canada; and no part of any property of the company shall be available to its members upon such dissolution. The undersigned therefore request that letters patent may be granted constituting them and such other persons as may hereafter become members in the Company, a body corporate and politic for the purposes set forth. Dated at the (City, Town or Village), Province of New Brunswick, this day of _______________, 20__. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANTS _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ PLU SN0277/450307
COMPANIES ACT Fee for Incorporation On an application for incorporation of a company subject to Section 16 or 18 of the Companies Act or for incorporation of a company incorporated under Part II of the Companies Act, the fee is, where capital stock, or where there is no capital stock the cost value of the real and personal property. To $25,000--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $62.00* 25,001 to 50,000--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112.00* 50,001 to 75,000--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162.00* 75,001 to an unlimited amount---------------------------------------------------------- 212.00* *these amounts include the $12 Royal Gazette publication fee.
Modèle Seulement Demande de constitution en corporation sous le régime de la Loi sur les compagnies du Nouveau-Brunswick Destinataire: le Directeur aux termes de la Loi sur les compagnies La demande de: (nom du requérant), (profession), (de la cité de, de la ville de, du village de), comté de (indiquer le nom du comté), au Nouveau-Brunswick, (nom du requérant), (profession), (de la cité de, de la ville de, du village de), comté de (indiquer le nom du comté), au Nouveau-Brunswick, (nom du requérant), (profession), (de la cité de, de la ville de, du village de), comté de (indiquer le nom du comté) au Nouveau-Brunswick, montre humblement que: 1. Les requérants soussignés désirent obtenir des lettres patentes sous le régime de la Loi sur les compagnies du Nouveau-Brunswick, L.R.N.-B. 1973, c. C-13, ensemble ses modifications, les constituant, eux ainsi que toutes les autres personnes qui peuvent devenir membres de la compagnie créée par les présentes, en corporation sous la raison sociale (indiquer la raison sociale de votre organisation) Inc., ou sous toute autre raison sociale qui peut vous paraître convenable en l'espèce. 2. Les soussignés ont vérifié eux-mêmes et sont certains que la raison sociale projetée sous laquelle est demandée la constitution en corporation n'est pas la raison sociale de quelqu'autre compagnie connue, constituée ou non en corporation, ni celle d'une société en nom collectif, ni une appellation commerciale enregistrée, ni un nom susceptible d'être confondu avec elle et qu'elle n'est pas autrement inadmissible pour des raisons d'intérêt public. 3. Tous les requérants ont dix-neuf ans révolus. 4. Les objets pour lesquels les requérants demandent la constitution en corporation sont les suivants: INDIQUER LE BUT OU LES OBJETS de votre organisation. Il faut être précis quant à l'objet principal de la compagnie. (Voir les exemples ci-dessous) (Note - Si la compagnie à l'intention de s'enregistrer comme organisme de bienfaisance auprès de l’Agence du revenu du Canada, nous vous suggérons de contacter l’Agence du revenu du Canada pour connaître leur exigences avant de procéder à l'incorporation).
Modèle Seulement Exemples: établir, recevoir et maintenir un ou plusieurs fonds et en affecter tout ou partie ou le revenu en provenant à des fins; 1) pour soulagement de la pauvreté etc. (e.g. les sociétés d'aide à l'enfance, les banques d'alimentation etc.) 2) exploiter un club de garçons et de filles, etc; 3) exploiter une église, etc. 5. Pour réaliser ces objets, la compagnie peut: i) acquérir, accepter, solliciter ou recevoir notamment par voie d'achat, de bail, de contrat, de donation, de legs ou de concession tout bien, réel ou personnel, uniquement pour les objets susmentionnés; ii) conclure et exécuter des arrangements, contrats et engagements accessoires à ces objets; iii) détenir, gérer, vendre ou convertir tout bien, réel ou personnel, appartenant à la compagnie et investir et réinvestir tout capital de la manière déterminée à l'occasion; iv) acquérir, notamment par voie d'achat, de bail, de legs ou de donation et détenir tout bien réel nécessaire à la réalisation de ses objets dans le but d'en tirer un revenu et de le vendre, donner à bail, hypothéquer, aliéner et transférer, en tout ou en partie, selon ce qui est jugé indiqué, étant entendu que ce bien ne pourra être utilisé qu'aux fins des objets susmentionnés et que le revenu de la compagnie ne pourra être versé ou autrement disponible aux membres de la compagnie pour être utilisé à leurs fins personnelles; v) revendiquer, recevoir, recouvrer, obtenir par contrainte le paiement de toutes les créances de la compagnie ou intenter une action à cet égard, affecter les sommes recouvrées aux fins caritatives de la compagnie et d'une façon générale, ester en justice; vi) employer les auxiliaires, commis, représentants ou employés et les rémunérer; obtenir, équiper et entretenir des bureaux et autres installations et engager les dépenses raisonnables nécessaires pour réaliser ces fins caritatives; vii) faire tout ce qui est accessoire ou nécessaire à la réalisation des objets susmentionnés;
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