List of Tempus MEDA Individual Mobility Grants selected* by the European Commission in 2003 (deadline of 15 June 2003) - * Nota bene : this ...
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List of Tempus MEDA Individual Mobility Grants selected* by the European Commission in 2003 (deadline of 15 June 2003) * Nota bene : this information notice does not of itself have contractual value
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-B2001-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Visit to Bethlehem University in order to discuss the feasibility of setting up an Objective e-learning environment in ICT drawing to Ghent University expertise. Total possible amount 2,000.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HOFFMAN GHISLAIN Home Institution UNIVERSITEIT GENT Sint Pietersnieuwstraat 41 B - 9000 Gent Host Institution(s) BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY - Bethlehem (PS) 2
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2003-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Préparer la proposition de projet européen commun ( JEP) pour la création d'une Objective nouvelle filière en post-graduation de spectrochimie et pharmacologie à l'Université de Tlemcen, Algérie. Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder DAHMANI BENAMAR Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE TLEMCEN BP 119 DZ - 13000 Tlemcen Host Institution(s) UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS - Burgos (E) 3
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2004-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal The goal of the present Individual Mobility Grant proposal is to prepare a proposal for Objective a Joint European Project for next call of 15.12.2003 , in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with UMIST Manchester. Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder LAHOUARI ADJLOUT Home Institution UNIVERSITE D'ORAN BP 1505 DZ - 31000 Oran Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - UMIST - Manchester (UK) 4
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2007-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Le but de la demande de Bourse de Mobilité Individuelle s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un Objective montage de projet Tempus MEDA autour de la problématique "rapprochement Université - Entreprise". Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ABDELBAKI BENZIANE Home Institution UNIVERSITE D'ORAN BP 1524, Oran El-Mnaoeur DZ - 31000 Oran Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE I - Lille (F) 5
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2010-2003 Duration 8 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Acquisition auprès du Syndicat Mixte d'élimination des déchets de l'Agglomération de Objective Rouen (MEDAR) de connaissances pratiques (industrielles) des procédés d'opérations liés à la gestion des déchets solides (urbains, ménagers) pour faire profiter les étudiants suivant mon enseignement sur les déchets solides. Total possible amount 5,800.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder AHMED ADDOU Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE MOSTAGANEM BP 188, Département de Chimie DZ - 27000 Mostaganem Host Institution(s) SYNDICAT MIXTE D'ELIMINATION DES DECHETS DE L'AGGLOMERATION - Rouen (F) 6
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2012-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Préparer un projet Tempus PEC centré sur la formation à la création d'entreprises à Objective l'Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Alger (ENP) avec la coopération de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL) et l'Université Polytechnique de Catalogne à Barcelone (UPC). Total possible amount 1,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BOUBAKEUR AHMED Home Institution ECOLE NATIONALE POLYTECHNIQUE D'ALGER Avenue ¨Pasteur, Hacen Badi, B.P.182 El-Harrach DZ - 16200 Host Institution(s) ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON - Ecully (F) 7
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2023-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal La présente demande de mobilité individuelle me permettra, en tant que membre Objective d'un groupe d'enseignants et responsables voulant souscrire à un thème dans le cadre du projet Tempus, de me déplacer afin de prendre les contacts nécessaires en vue de l'élaboration du projet et sa mise en oeuvre. Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder MEZACHE-BENSAIDANE NACERA Home Institution UNIVERSITE D'ALGER rue Didouche Mourad DZ - 16000 Alger Host Institution(s) ORGANISATION DE COOPERATION ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUES - Paris (F) UNESCO - Paris (F) UNIVERSITE DE VINCENNES - SAINT DENIS (PARIS VIII) - Paris (F) 8
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2027-2003 Duration 2 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Ce déplacement me permettra, en ma qualité de responsable Tempus III de mon institution (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Kouba, Alger), de mieux identifier les Objective interlocuteurs français de notre projet et de mieux cerner l'impact des recherches en Didactique dans la problématique de formation des enseignants et ce, afin de permettre la finalisation de notre projet PEC. Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HASSEN-REDA DAHMANI Home Institution ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEUR D'ALGER BP 92, Vieux-Kouba DZ - 16000 Alger Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD (LYON I) - Lyon (F) 9
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2029-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Preparation of a JEP proposal based on academic cooperation in electronics between Objective the University of M'Sila, the Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS) in Toulouse, and the University of Barcelona on the topic of "Conductors." Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder CHIKOUCHE AHMED Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE M'SILA BP 166 , Ichbillia DZ - 28000 M'sila Host Institution(s) LABORATOIRE D'AUTOMATIQUE ET D'ANALYSE DES SYSTEMES, CNRS - Toulouse (F) 10
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2034-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 2.2 - Participation in a specific event (Main Public Event) Visites croisées en vue de la préparation et de la finalisation d'une proposition de Objective projet européen commun entre les Universités Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble et Mentouri de Constantine. Total possible amount 1,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder DJAKOUN ABDELHAMID Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE CONSTANTINE DZ - 25000 Constantine Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE PIERRE MENDES FRANCE GRENOBLE II - Grenoble (F) 11
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2035-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Visites croisées en vue de la préparation et de la finalisation d'une proposition de Objective projet européen commun entre les Universités Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble et Mentouri de Constantine. Total possible amount 1,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder CHERABI ABDELAZIZ Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE CONSTANTINE route de Aïn el Bey DZ - 25000 Constantine Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE PIERRE MENDES FRANCE GRENOBLE II - Grenoble (F) 12
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2037-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Préparation d'un project commun "Pédagogie et nouvelles techniques éducatives en Objective Sciences de la Terre" avec les Universités de Lyon (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) et de Grenoble (Université Joseph Fourier). Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder MEKAHLI LARBI Home Institution UNIVERSITE D'ORAN B.P. 1524; El M'Naouer DZ - 31000 Oran Host Institution(s) IUT A DE L'UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD (LYON I) - Villeurbanne (F) 13
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-DZ2040-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Echanger les expériences avec le partenaire français en matière de formation Objective universitaire spécialisée et identifier les pistes d'intérêt commun pour l'élaboration de programmes d'études dans le domaine de l'intervention sociale. Total possible amount 1,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder LABDELAOUI HOCINE Home Institution UNIVERSITE D'ALGER Rue Djamel Eddine El Afghani-Bouzareah DZ - 16000 Alger Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE D'ANGERS - Angers (F) 14
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2002-2003 Duration 6 weeks and 4 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Objective To increase knowledge and skills in the field of pediatric laparoscopy. Total possible amount 5,800.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ABDEL-AZIZ GABER Home Institution ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY Shatby University Hospital for children EG - 21211 Alexandria Host Institution(s) FRIEDRICH SCHILLER UNIVERSITAET JENA - Jena (D) 15
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2005-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Preparatory coordination meeting for a Joint European Project Proposal (JEP, TEMPUS Objective III MEDA) on Curricula Development on Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Geology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Assiut University (Egypt). Total possible amount 2,000.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder KEHEILA ESMAT Home Institution ASSIUT UNIVERSITY EG - 71516 Assiut Host Institution(s) MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITÄT HALLE-WITTENBERG - Halle/Saale (D) UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX III - Bordeaux (F) 16
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2006-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 2.1 - Participation in a specific event (Conferences) Actively participate in the ENOTHE conference in order to establish links with Objective European partner institutions. Total possible amount 1,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ASHOUR ABDELMONEIM Home Institution AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY 233 26 July Street EG - 12411 Ghiza Host Institution(s) CHARLES UNIVERSITY - Prague (CZ) 17
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2008-2003 Duration 6 weeks and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Training on the recent updated methods for very early detection of hearing loss in Objective neonates & infants, and selection of the appropriate treatment line for this age to be implemented in Egypt both on the teaching and clinical level. Total possible amount 5,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HASSAN DALIA Home Institution AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY Abassia square EG - 11566 Cairo Host Institution(s) BAYERISCHE JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAET WUERZBURG - Würzburg (D) UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN - Antwerpen (B) 18
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2009-2003 Duration 1 week and 4 days Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal To discuss, organise, and prepare a proposal for a Tempus JEP for the subsequent Objective selection round ( deadline: 15th Dec., 2003). Total possible amount 2,300.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder MAKLED M.N. Home Institution ASSIUT UNIVERSITY EG - 71516 Assiut Host Institution(s) HOGER TECHNISCH INSTITUUT SINT-LIEVEN - Gent (B) T.E.I. THESSALONIKIS - Thessaloniki (GR) 19
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2010-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Discussing the preparation of a Joint European Project proposal on curriculum Objective development for Coastal Zone Management course in 4 Mediterranean countries. Total possible amount 1,900.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ABUL-AZM AHMED Home Institution CAIRO UNIVERSITY EG - 11221 Ghiza Host Institution(s) CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN COASTAL AREAS - Venezia (I) 20
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2011-2003 Duration 1 week and 4 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Introduction of the course "Chemistry of Aroma" in the Syllabus of the Faculty of Objective Science and Faculty of Agriculture of Assiut University and analysis of the cooperation opportunities in all disciplines in the frame of a possible JEP. Total possible amount 2,300.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL-KASHEF HUSSEIN Home Institution ASSIUT UNIVERSITY EG - 71516 Assiut Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE NICE-SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS - Nice (F) 21
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2012-2003 Duration 3 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Developing curricula and devising training programs suited to promote the Objective implementation of intensive and ecologically sound agriculture based on multi-storey confined oasis agriculture. Total possible amount 3,300.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder SABRY SADIEK EL GUNDI HANY Home Institution HIGH DAM LAKE DEVELOPING AUTHORITY EG - 129 Aswan Host Institution(s) HOGESCHOOL GENT - Gent (B) INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE - Bonn (D) 22
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2013-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To expand and update my knowledge regarding curricula for undergraduate courses Objective and to receive training in nutritional methods in relation to food intake and transfer experience in teaching. Total possible amount 2,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ELDEEB MARIAM Home Institution ASSIUT UNIVERSITY EG - 71516 Assiut Host Institution(s) SCOTLAND AGRICULTURE CENTER - Penicuik (UK) 23
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2014-2003 Duration 8 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To update my knowledge on the new methods and techniques used in the German Textile industries and German Textile Industries Education Institutions and to see Objective some of their advanced multimedia lectures on CD's in order to have enough background to enable my faculty to establish similar electronic-Learning tools and multimedia learning facilities for our students. Total possible amount 6,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL-SAYED IHAB Home Institution SUEZ CANAL UNIVERSITY EG - 11471 Ismailia Host Institution(s) RHEINISCH-WESTFÄLISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN - Aachen (D) 24
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2015-2003 Duration 8 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Mon but est d'acquérir une nouvelle qualification en histoire des mathématiques, Objective discipline absente de l'enseignement et de la recherche en Egypte. Total possible amount 6,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL-DEKEN SUSAN Home Institution HELWAN UNIVERSITY Ain Helwan EG - 11795 Cairo Host Institution(s) CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) - Paris (F) 25
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2017-2003 Duration 6 days Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal To elaborate a joint Euro-Middle East project among French, Spanish, Egyptian, Objective Jordanian and Syrian partners to establish curricula for teachers in agriculture and rural development professionals at the masters level. Total possible amount 1,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ELMAGOLI SALWA Home Institution CAIRO UNIVERSITY Gamaa str. EG - 12613 Ghiza Host Institution(s) MINISTERE DE L'AGRICULTURE ET DE LA PECHE - Paris (F) 26
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2018-2003 Duration 4 weeks and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Introduction of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Media education; Objective through introducing two modules on ICT Design and ICT and their effect on media in collaboration with Middlesex University. Total possible amount 4,100.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL GODY AHMED Home Institution SIXTH OCTOBER UNIVERSITY 14 Amer St. Dokki EG - 11241 Cairo Host Institution(s) MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY - London (UK) 27
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2020-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Training on how to develop the Architectural Curriculum at MODERN SCIENCES & Objective ARTS UNIVERSITY ( MSA ) to bring it in line with those of the United Kingdom & European professional standards. Total possible amount 2,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HEMEID BEDOUR Home Institution SIXTH OCTOBER UNIVERSITY 14 Amer st., Dokki EG - 1134 Cairo Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH - London (UK) 28
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2021-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Training on how to teach and develop learning materials of the following modules Objective according to International Professional Computing bodies and European Standards: Ethical, legal and professional issues of computing ; Human Computer Interaction. Total possible amount 2,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder SAFWAT SOHA Home Institution SIXTH OCTOBER UNIVERSITY 14 Amer Street Dokki EG - 1134 Cairo Host Institution(s) MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY - london (UK) 29
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2022-2003 Duration 1 week MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To acquire the knowledge and skills required to implement qualifications and Objective standards of the Quality Assurance Unit at the October University For Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) and to discuss UK benchmark in relation to MSA curriculum. Total possible amount 1,900.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL HUSSEINY YEHIA Home Institution OCTOBER UNIVERSITY FOR MODERN SCIENCES AND ARTS (MSA) 14 Amer St. Messaha Square, Dokki EG - 12311 Cairo Host Institution(s) MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY - London (UK) UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH - London (UK) 30
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2023-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 2.1 - Participation in a specific event (Conferences) To attend the The National Heart and Lung Institute: 5th Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy Course in London, United Kingdom, 30/10/ 2003-31/10/2003, and to Objective observe their system of work to train in that field, and to start a teaching unit of pediatric bronchoscope practice in my university hospital. Total possible amount 1,900.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder SHAHEEN MALAK Home Institution AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY Abbssia EG - 11566 Cairo Host Institution(s) IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON - London (UK) 31
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2024-2003 Duration 1 week and 3 days Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Discussions about the common interests between the two universities aroud the Objective project of development of molecular & engineering sciences in Mansoura University, Faculty of Medicine. Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ELCHENNAWI FARHA Home Institution UNIVERSITY OF EL MANSOURA El-Gomhoria St EG - 35111 Mansoura Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS - Leeds (UK) 32
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2025-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 2.1 - Participation in a specific event (Conferences) Objective Attending the ABIS 2003 workshop on Adaptive User Interfaces. Total possible amount 2,000.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BAHAA EDIN MAGDA Home Institution CAIRO UNIVERSITY EG - 12211 Cairo Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITÄT DES SAARLANDES - Saarbrücken (D) 33
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2026-2003 Duration 1 week and 5 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To improve the administration, management, teaching and technical skills of the Objective accademic staff with regard to Molecular Plant Pathology for undergraduate and graduate students. Evaluation of my teaching and research practices. Total possible amount 2,400.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ABDALLAH SUZAN Home Institution EL ZAGAZIG UNIVERSITY Benha Branch, Benha, Qaluobia t EG - 13518 Zagazig Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITY OF LONDON - London (UK) 34
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2027-2003 Duration 1 week and 5 days Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Drafting a Jep proposal focusing on Rational Drug Use and on updating a curriculum Objective for undergaduate and postgraduate students. Total possible amount 2,400.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder IBRAHIM MOHAMED IBRAHIM Home Institution MENOUFIA UNIVERSITY gamal abdel nasser st. EG - 32515 Shebin El Kom Host Institution(s) SJOQVIST FOLKE - Stockholm (S) 35
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-EG2031-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal To prepare a JEP proposal titled "Joint Master of Health Professions Education", to Objective discuss the details and organising activities. Total possible amount 2,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL KAMMASH SOLIMAN Home Institution SUEZ CANAL UNIVERSITY EG - 41111 Ismailia Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SASSARI - Sassari (I) 36
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2003-2003 Duration 1 week MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Faire un cours sur les techniques de fabrication de capteurs et micro-capteurs pour Objective contribuer à la consolidation du diplôme « Matériaux et Composants Électroniques ». Favoriser la constitution à l' Université Libanaise d' une équipe pédagogique libanaise autonome. Total possible amount 1,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder FOUCARAN ALAIN Home Institution UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHN. DU LANGUEDOC (MONTPELLIER II) Place E. Bataillon F - 34095 Montpellier 05 Host Institution(s) LEBANESE UNIVERSITY - Beirut (LB) 37
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2005-2003 Duration 4 weeks and 5 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To provide an advanced course entitled 'Stability Problems in Geotechnical Objective Engineering' to students and professors of the Engineering School at the Lebanese University. Total possible amount 4,300.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder SOUBRA ABDUL-HAMID Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE NANTES Bd. de l'Université - BP 152 F - 44603 Saint-Nazaire Host Institution(s) LEBANESE UNIVERSITY - Beirut (LB) 38
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2006-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Répondre, par un programme de formation de formateurs en microélectronique, à un Objective besoin nouveau de formations dû à la création d'un "Institut Algérien de Formation en Microélectronique". Total possible amount 1,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder CHARLES JEAN-PIERRE Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE METZ 2, rue Edouard Belin F - 57070 Metz Host Institution(s) CENTRE DE DEVELOPPEMENT DES TECHNOLOGIES AVANCEES - CDTA - Alger (DZ) 39
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2007-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Sensibiliser à la métrologie les personnels des entreprises tunisiennes confrontées Objective aux problèmes de mesures. Total possible amount 1,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BONNIER GEORGES Home Institution CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS 292 Rue Saint-Martin F - 75141 Paris 3 Host Institution(s) INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES ET DE LA TECHNOLOGIE - Tunis (TN) 40
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2010-2003 Duration 1 week MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Expertiser l'université partenaire afin d'évaluer la faisabilité d'une co-habilitation du Objective diplôme DESS BioTechCo. Total possible amount 1,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder JEAN-GABRIEL VALAY Home Institution UNIVERSITE JOSEPH FOURIER GRENOBLE I BP 53 2231 Rue de la Piscine F - 38041 Grenoble 9 Host Institution(s) LEBANESE UNIVERSITY - Beirut (LB) 41
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2014-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 6 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Organiser et mettre en oeuvre avec la Faculté des Sciences et du Centre de la Mer à Objective Batroun une formation universitaire (Master) dans le domaine de l'environnement marin. Total possible amount 3,000.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder COURP THIERRY Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN 52, avenue Paul Alduy F - 66860 Perpignan Host Institution(s) CENTE DE RECHERCHE DE LA MER - Batroun (LB) 42
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2016-2003 Duration 1 week and 3 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Mise en place d'outils pédagogiques (cours, travaux dirigés et Travaux pratiques) Objective pour l'enseignement de la maintenance préventive. Total possible amount 1,800.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL BADOUI MOHAMED Home Institution INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE ROANNE 20, avenue de Paris F - 42300 Roanne Host Institution(s) ECOLE NATIONALE D'INDUSTRIE MINERALE - Rabat (MA) 43
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-F2018-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Il s'agit d'élaborer un projet intégré, pédagogique et technique, orienté dans l'étude Objective du littoral avec l'introduction de méthodes pédagogiques et techniques modernes, capables de former des spécialistes tunisiens de haut niveau. Total possible amount 2,300.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder PAUC HENRI Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN 52, avenue Paul Alduy F - 66860 Perpignan Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE TUNIS - Tunis (TN) 44
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-JO2001-2003 Duration 8 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To train on animal models used for testing anti-diabetic drugs at the Pharmacology Objective Department in Munster University in view of using them for medicinal plants from the Jordanian flora for anti-diabetic purposes. Total possible amount 6,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ELKHAWAD ABDALLA Home Institution AL PETRA PRIVATE UNIVERSITY P.O.Box 961343 JO - 11196 Amman Host Institution(s) MUENSTER INSITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - Munster (D) 45
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2002-2003 Duration 3 weeks and 6 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Reactualisation des cours et des TPs en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire. Objective Étude bibliographique sur un projet de recherche commun avec l'université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble I. Total possible amount 3,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HAZZOURI MIRA Home Institution LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Jedeidet el Matn LB - 26110217 Beirut Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE JOSEPH FOURIER GRENOBLE I - Grenoble (F) 46
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2003-2003 Duration 3 weeks and 4 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Objective Faire un recyclage sur les thèmes d'enseignement des matières de chimie physique. Total possible amount 3,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder AMINE CHARBEL Home Institution LEBANESE UNIVERSITY route principale LB - 26110217 Fanar Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX I - Talence (F) 47
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2004-2003 Duration 4 weeks and 4 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Réaliser une formation pratique et technique pour pouvoir implanter au laboratoire Objective de Physique des Matériaux (LPM-Université Libanaise) une formation pour les étudiants en électronique sur le thème: "Stress et vieillissement dans les composants électroniques". Total possible amount 4,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BEYDOUN BILAL HABIB Home Institution LEBANESE UNIVERSITY LB - 13-5789 Beirut Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE METZ - Metz (F) 48
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2005-2003 Duration 2 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To acquire skills needed to prepare Joint European Project applications and transfer Objective this knowledge to other Lebanese staff. Total possible amount 2,400.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder IMAD SARROUF Home Institution UNIVERSITE SAINT-ESPRIT DE KASLIK - USEK kaslik, main road LB - 446 Jounieh Host Institution(s) UNIMED UNIONE UNIVERSITA DEL MEDITERRANEO - Rome (I) 49
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2008-2003 Duration 4 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Recyclage pour l'amélioration du cours d'embryologie et d'histologie enseignés a Objective l'Université libanaise et introduction de nouvelles techniques d'enseignement. Total possible amount 3,800.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HAKIM-SAADE JESSY Home Institution LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Jdadeit el matn - Fanar LB - 26110217 Beirut Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX I - Bordeaux (F) 50
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2009-2003 Duration 6 days Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 2.1 - Participation in a specific event (Conferences) To attend the 9th European Nutrition Conference (Rome, October 1-4, 2003) hosted Objective by the Federation of the European Nutrition Societies (FENS) and the Italian Nutrition Society (SINU) in order to contribute to improve the nutritional and health status of Lebanese children and the community at large. Total possible amount 1,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder SHAKER LINDA Home Institution BALAMAND UNIVERSITY Youssef Sursok Street, P.O.Box 116 378, Achrafieh LB - 11002807 Beirut Host Institution(s) ITALIAN HUMAN NUTRITION SOCIETY - Roma (I) 51
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2011-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 1 day MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement dans le domaine de la synthèse organique et Objective les méthodes spectrales d'identification des composés organiques. Relancer les relations scientifiques avec l'INSA-Lyon et de l'Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1. Total possible amount 2,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder DIAB YOUSSEF Home Institution LEBANESE UNIVERSITY bp-62110217 Jdeidet Elmatn LB - 0000 Fanar 0000 Host Institution(s) INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE LYON - Villeurbanne (F) 52
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2012-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Préparer un PEC (Projet Européen Commun) dans le but de créer un mastère Objective international ouvert et distribué entre quatre institutions de quatre pays différents (France, Belgique, Liban et Tunisie) portant sur multimédia, Internet, commerce électronique et sécurité des échanges. Total possible amount 2,400.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder MEZHER YOUSSEF (JOSEPH) Home Institution SAINT JOSEPH UNIVERSITY USJ-Campus Sciences Sociales, R. Huvelin LB - 175208 Beirut 2020 Host Institution(s) FACULTES UNIVERSITAIRES NOTRE-DAME DE LA PAIX - Namur (B) UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE I - Lille (F) 53
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2014-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Rencontrer les responsables des filières juridiques et le Directeur de l'école doctorale de la faculté de Droit de l'Université Pierre Mendès France pour élaborer une Objective démarche de modernisation du contenu des enseignements proposés par la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Libanaise en liaison avec le développement de ses centres de recherche Total possible amount 1,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder CHARAF GEORGES Home Institution LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Avenue Sailli El Solh LB - 116/5396 Beirut Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE PIERRE MENDES FRANCE GRENOBLE II - Grenoble (F) 54
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-LB2015-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Rencontrer les différentes personnes qui ont en charge la réforme ECTS à l'Université Objective Pierre Mendes (France) pour déterminer si cette démarche peut être adaptée à la Faculté de Droit, Sciences politiques et Sciences administratires de L'Université Libanaise. Total possible amount 1,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder NAMMOUR FADY Home Institution LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Avenue Sami El Solh LB - 116/5396 Beirut Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE PIERRE MENDES FRANCE GRENOBLE II - Grenoble (F) 55
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-MA2001-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 2.1 - Participation in a specific event (Conferences) Pour participer à la première réunion du Projet de Tempus MEDA intitulé 'Réduction Objective de la pauvreté et les droits de l'homme ' Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder TROUGOUTY MAHMOUD Home Institution UNIVERSITE MOHAMMED PREMIER B.P. 724 MA - 60000 Oujda Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA 'LA SAPIENZA' - Rome (I) 56
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-MA2005-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Préparation et planification des éléments clés pour la présentation d'une proposition Objective d'un projet européen intégré Total possible amount 1,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder EL KHAMLICHI FARIDA Home Institution CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION ET DE FORMATION EN DROITS DE L'HOMME 47, Avenue Ibn Sina, Agdal MA - 10000 Rabat Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA 'LA SAPIENZA' - Roma (I) 57
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-MA2006-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 2 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice La présente demande de bourse de mobilité individuelle est soumise au fin de Objective connaître de près les méthodes de gestion des relations internationales universitaires appliquées dans les universités européennes, particulièrement dans les universités françaises. Total possible amount 2,400.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder KABBAJ AZIFAR RACHIDA Home Institution UNIVERSITE MOHAMMED V - AGDAL 3, rue Michlifen BP 554 MA - 10500 Rabat Host Institution(s) INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE GRENOBLE - Grenoble (F) 58
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-MA2007-2003 Duration 1 week and 1 day Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Contacting European colleagues and preparing a Joint European Project proposal on Objective pesticide use and management in the Mediterranean environment. Total possible amount 1,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BOUHAOUSS AHMED Home Institution UNIVERSITE MOHAMMED V - AGDAL 52 Avenue ibn Batouta MA - 10000 Rabat Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLA BASILICATA - Potenza (I) 59
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-MA2010-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Approche formations professionalisantes à l' université, mise en place de Validations Objective des Acquis et de l'Expérience (VAE) et d'un projet Tempus Meda/réseau méditerranéen. Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BOUAZZA ABDELATIF Home Institution UNIVERSITE MOHAMMED V - AGDAL B.P. 5191 Sala MA - El Jadida Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX III - Bordeaux (F) 60
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-MA2013-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Participer à un séminaire de travail réunissant des enseignants-chercheurs tunisiens, Objective français (Ecole Nationale de Formation Agronomique de Toulouse), d'une université agronomique belge et d'une institution espagnole pour l'identification et la formulation d'un projet de collaboration dans le cadre du programme Tempus-Meda. Total possible amount 2,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BOUNAB MOHAMMED Home Institution ECOLE NATIONALE D'AGRICULTURE DE MEKNES Km 10 Route Haj Kaddour; P.B. S-40 MA - 50000 Meknès Host Institution(s) ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE TOULOUSE (INPT) - Toulouse (F) 61
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-PS2001-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal To prepare a JEP proposal in the water sector to be submitted for funding under Objective TEMPUS MEDA, to be developed in close contact with Palestinian decision-makers. Total possible amount 2,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder JAYYOUSI ANAN Home Institution AN NAJAH UNIVERSITY An-najah Street PS - 707 Nablus Host Institution(s) POLYTECHNIQUE DE LILLE - Villeneuve D'Asaq (F) 62
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-PS2002-2003 Duration 1 week Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 2.1 - Participation in a specific event (Conferences) Participate in the 9th Annual Conference of ENOTHE (European Network of Objective Occupational Therapists in Higher Education) in order to establish links with European programmes supporting occupational therapy development in Palestine. Total possible amount 1,900.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HUSARI NELLY Home Institution BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY PO Box 9 PS - 0000 Bethlehem Host Institution(s) CHARLES UNIVERSITY - Prague (CZ) 63
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-PS2003-2003 Duration 1 week and 5 days Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal To finalise preparation and development of a Tempus/MEDA Joint European Project Objective proposal for introduction of e-learning platform at Bethlehem University (BU). Total possible amount 2,400.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder MATAR MUNA Home Institution BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY P.O.Box 9 PS - Bethlehem Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITEIT GENT - Zwijnaarde (B) 64
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-PS2004-2003 Duration 4 weeks and 2 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To research in the field of information technology and computational linguistics in Objective order to upgrade research facilities and library resources in home country. Total possible amount 4,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ALSHAFEI BILAL Home Institution AN NAJAH UNIVERSITY BP 1030 PS - Nablus Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE FRANCHE-COMTE - Besançon (F) 65
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2002-2003 Duration 7 weeks and 6 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Update and redesign current agricultural machinery course through introduction of Objective modern machines and newly adopted mechatronics in precision agriculture to meet the challenges of agricultural industrial modernisation and rural development in Syria. Total possible amount 6,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder MOUAZEN ABDUL MOUNEM Home Institution ALEPPO UNIVERSITY SY - Aleppo Host Institution(s) KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN - Leuven (B) 66
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2003-2003 Duration 3 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To develop and redesign a course in Computer-aided Design at the Faculty of Civil Objective Engineering, University of Aleppo. Total possible amount 3,300.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BADRAH MUSTAFA KAMAL Home Institution ALEPPO UNIVERSITY SY - Aleppo Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITY OF WALES CARDIFF - Cardiff (UK) 67
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2008-2003 Duration 4 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Faire un stage de formation pédagogique et scientifique réactualisée concernant Objective l'enseignement de l'électronique du développement des systèmes de cellules solaires photovoltiques. Total possible amount 4,000.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder FARES ABDEL FATTAH Home Institution ALEPPO UNIVERSITY SY - 0963 Aleppo Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN - Perpignan (F) 68
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2009-2003 Duration 2 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice 1- Curriculum update with regard to analytical lab courses. Objective 2- Upgrade lab technologies in tracing residues of medicinal products . Total possible amount 2,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder SUMAINAH GHIATH Home Institution DAMASCUS UNIVERSITY POB 9198 SY - Damascus AbuJarash Host Institution(s) FEDERAL OFFICE FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION AND SAFETY - BVL - Berlin (D) 69
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2010-2003 Duration 8 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Effectuer des études sur les truffes du désert en collaboration avec des institutions Objective scientifiques en France (Centres INRA et Université). Total possible amount 6,200.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BAWADIKJI ABDUL HAKIM Home Institution ALEPPO UNIVERSITY P.O.Box 420 SY - Aleppo Host Institution(s) INRA - Clermont-Ferrand (F) UNIVERSITE DE NANCY I - Vandoeuvre (F) 70
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2011-2003 Duration 2 weeks Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal To discuss and prepare a JEP proposal for MSc on Agribusiness and Product Quality to Objective be submitted by December 15, 2003 for TEMPUS funding. Total possible amount 2,600.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder SALHAB SOLIEMAN Home Institution DAMASCUS UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 30621 SY - 1 Damascus Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH - Devon (UK) 71
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2016-2003 Duration 4 weeks MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Faire un stage de formation pédagogique et scientifique réactualisée concernant Objective l'enseignement du contrôle automatique des systèmes en vue de réactualiser un cours d'études à l'Université d'Alep. Total possible amount 4,000.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder HUSSIAN ABDUL RAHMAN Home Institution ALEPPO UNIVERSITY Bustan Al Kaser A38/18 SY - Aleppo Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN - Perpignan (F) 72
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-SY2025-2003 Duration 2 weeks and 3 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice To provide the Higher Institute of Environment Research (HIER) with examples of Objective good practice for the development of curricula in Water and Affluent Treatment, and Solid Waste Management, which will be the basis a new Master's programme. Total possible amount 2,900.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder CHAHIN HAYTHAM Home Institution UNIVERSITE TICHRINE P.O.Box. 2 SY - Lattakia Host Institution(s) HOGESCHOOL GENT - Gent (B) 73
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-TN2001-2003 Duration 1 week MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice L'établissement de relation de coopération entre l'Université de Tunis et l'Université Objective de Granada en Espagne. Total possible amount 1,500.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder ABID MOUNIR Home Institution UNIVERSITE DE TUNIS 92, Boulevard du 9 Avril 1938 TN - 1007 Tunis Host Institution(s) UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA - Granada (E) 74
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-TN2002-2003 Duration 1 week and 2 days MEDA IMG 2003 Type 3 - Retraining period, study period, collaboration on a specific Type academic subject, dissemination of good practice Le but de la présente demande de subvention pour une mobilité individuelle est de réaliser un séjour scientifique au Laboratoire de Physique et de Mécanique des Objective Matériaux de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (Metz) afin de développer une étude théorique et expérimentale d'un alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF) dans une perspective de développement industriel. Total possible amount 1,700.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder BOURAOUI TARAK Home Institution UNIVERSITE DU CENTRE Route Ibn El Jazzar TN - 5019 Monastir Host Institution(s) UNIVERSITE DE METZ - Metz (F) 75
Tempus - Individual Mobility Grants 2003 Selection, Round 2 Financial Agreement N°: IMG-TN2005-2003 Duration 1 week and 4 days Type MEDA IMG 2003 Type 1 - Preparation of a JEP proposal Préparer un projet PEC (Projet Européen Commun) consistant en un montage de dispositif de FOAD dans le but de créer un mastère international portant sur le Objective Multimédia, l'Internet, le Commerce électronique et la Sécurité des échanges. Ce mastère sera ouvert et distribué entre 4 institutions de 4 quatre pays différents (France, Belgique, Liban et Tunisie). Total possible amount 1,900.00 Euro scheduled to be awarded Name of Grantholder LAROUSSI MONA Home Institution UNIVERSITE DU 7 NOVEMBRE A CARTHAGE Centre Urbain Tunis Nord BP 676 TN - 1080 Tunis Host Institution(s) FACULTES UNIVERSITAIRES NOTRE-DAME DE LA PAIX - Namur (B) UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE I - Lille (F) 76
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