European Commission - Daily News

La page est créée Christophe Michel
European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 21 / 12 / 2020
Brussels, 21 December 2020
COVID-19: La Commission propose des règles relatives aux tests rapides de détection
d'antigènes et assure l'approvisionnement de 20 millions de tests pour les États membres
Pour donner suite aux conclusions du Conseil du 11 décembre, la Commission a adopté une
proposition de recommandation du Conseil établissant un cadre commun aux tests rapides de
détection d'antigènes. Depuis l'émergence et l'expansion pandémique de la COVID-19, les tests de
diagnostic ont connu une évolution rapide, qui illustre le rôle central qu'ils jouent dans la lutte contre
l'apparition de nouveaux foyers de maladie. Les recommandations déposées par la Commission
garantiront l'utilisation uniforme, la validation et la reconnaissance des tests rapides de détection
d'antigènes dans l'Union européenne. La Commission a également signé un contrat-cadre avec les
sociétés Abbott et Roche, qui permet l'achat de plus de 20 millions de tests rapides de détection
d'antigènes pour un montant maximal de 100 millions d'euros financés par l'instrument d'aide
d'urgence (ESI). À partir du début de 2021, ces tests seront mis à la disposition des États membres
dans le cadre de la stratégie de l'Union en matière de dépistage de la COVID-19. La commissaire à la
santé et à la sécurité alimentaire, Kyriakides, a déclaré à ce propos : « Les tests rapides de
détection d'antigènes nous apportent la vitesse, la fiabilité et des réponses rapides pour isoler les cas
de COVID, qui sont essentielles pour ralentir la propagation de la pandémie. Le dépistage restera
fondamental dans les mois à venir, même si nous avons l'intention de commencer à déployer nos
vaccins dans l'Union à partir du 27 décembre. Nous devons accroître les capacités de dépistage en
parallèle pour garder le virus sous contrôle. Pour contribuer à ces efforts, nous avons signé
aujourd'hui un contrat visant à soutenir les États membres, qui disposeront de plus de 20 millions de
tests rapides. » Un communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Stefan
De Keersmaecker – Tél.: +32 229 84680; Darragh Cassidy – Tél.: +32 229 83978)

European Commission to issue €62.9 billion worth bonds under existing programmes in
The European Commission has today confirmed its plan for bond issuances in 2021 under its existing
borrowing programmes. These include the SURE instrument to support short-term employment
schemes in the EU Member States, the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM) to
refinance debt to two EU countries, as well as the Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) to help non-EU
countries address the coronavirus crisis. In total, the EU is going to raise at least €62.9 billion under
these three programmes. Of this, between €30 and €35 billion are expected to be raised in the first
quarter of the year and between €25 billion and €30 billion in the second quarter. Commissioner for
Budget and Administration, Johannes Hahn said: “Between mid-October and mid-November, the
Commission raised nearly €40 billion under SURE, while in parallel taking forward the rest of our
operations. Our debut as a high-volume issuer capable of ensuring favourable conditions and passing
them on to our Member States has been a vote of confidence to the EU as an issuer and a borrower.
This has made us confident for the near future, when we will be rising to the challenge of
successfully completing the implementation of SURE and launcing NextGenerationEU.” In addition,
the Commission will continue preparations for the first issuance under NextGenerationEU, the
temporary recovery instrument. The Commission is due to start borrowing to finance the recovery
under this tool as soon the legislative process is completed, with the horizon of mid-2021. For this to
be legally possible, EU Member States need to ratify the Own Resources Decision in line with their
constitutional requirements. The press release is available online. (For information: Balazs Ujvari -
Tel.: +32 229 54578; Sophie Dirven - Tel.: +32 229 67228)

Coronavirus: 361 millions d'euros provenant de la politique de cohésion de l'UE pour
soutenir l'économie croate
La Commission a autorisé la modification du programme opérationnel croate pour la « Compétitivité
et la Cohésion » afin de réaffecter 361 millions d'euros du Fonds de cohésion pour aider les petites et
moyennes entreprises croates (PME) à survivre et à se remettre des effets de la pandémie de
coronavirus. Grâce à cet amendement, le financement sera réorienté pour compléter les liquidités
fournies par un instrument financier spécifique dans des conditions extrêmement favorables. La
commissaire chargée de la cohésion et des réformes, Elisa Ferreira, a déclaré: « La pandémie et ses
effets économiques et sociaux sont encore très présents. Je me félicite de la décision de la Croatie
d'utiliser la flexibilité offerte dans le cadre de l'initiative d'investissement en réaction au coronavirus
pour renforcer les mesures dont elle dispose afin d'atténuer les effets de la crise. Il s'agit là d'un
autre exemple de la manière dont la politique de cohésion de l'UE ne laisse personne de côté. » En ce
qui concerne l'initiative d'investissement en réaction au coronavirus (CRII) et l'initiative
d'investissement en réaction au coronavirus Plus (CRII+), la Croatie a déjà réaffecté près de 135
millions d'euros, dont 85 millions d'euros pour soutenir les PME et 50 millions d'euros pour la
fourniture d'équipements de protection et médicaux. De plus amples informations sont disponibles
dans la fiche d'informations et dans le tableau de bord des données ouvertes CRII. (Pour plus
d'informations : Vivian Loonela- Tél.: +32 229 66712, Veronica Favalli — Tél.: + 32 229 87269)

Coronavirus response: €71 million to support the health sector and SMEs in western Poland
The Commission has approved the modification of the Zachodnjopomorskie “Western Poland”
Operational Programme that is redirecting €71 million to help the region fight the coronavirus
outbreak. Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, stated: “Like many other regions
in Europe, thanks to the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative, Zachodniopomorskie will now
have more resources focused to support its health sector and the economic recovery. This will have a
direct positive impact on local hospitals, businesses and citizens.” Micro, small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) in the region will receive around €35 million in grants. Another €11.3 million will
support care institutions, emergency services and the purchase of personal protective equipment and
disinfection material, while €18 million have been allocated to providing necessary medical
equipment, including 40 respirators and 55,000 Sars-Cov-2 tests. An Infectious Specialist Clinic in
Szczecin will be constructed and equipped. West Pomeranian researchers will receive funding to
develop solutions to combat the effects of the coronavirus. In addition, the co-financing rate is
temporarily increased to 100%. The modifications are possible thanks to the exceptional flexibility
under the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (CRII) and Coronavirus Response Investment
Initiative Plus (CRII+) which allow Member States to use Cohesion policy funding to support the
most affected sectors by the pandemic. Further information is available on the CRII open data
dashboard. (For more information: Vivian Loonela – Tel.: +32 229 66712, Veronica Favalli - Tel.:
+32 229 87269)

Security Union: €23 million of EU funds to enhance the protection of places of worship and
other public spaces
Today, the Commission will grant €23 million to Member States and religious communities to
enhance the protection of places of worship and other public spaces from terrorist threats, as part of
the new Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU. Ten projects will receive funding under the Internal
Security Fund–Police. Nine of them will receive €20 million worth of funds and will involve entities
from 20 Member States. These projects will focus on the protection of places of worship belonging to
different faith communities (churches, synagogues, mosques); the protection of other types of public
spaces such as public transport systems and major sports venues; and the detection of threats by
detection dogs. Finally, €3 million will fund a project to test solutions countering possible threats
posed by drones. The Commission plans to organise a conference on the protection of public places
and places of worship in early spring to present the selected projects to the public. (For more
information: Christian Wigand – Tel.: + 32 229 62253; Ciara Bottomley – Tel.: +32 229 69971;
Laura Bérard – Tel.: +32 229 55721)

New EU telecom rules: latest actions in time for transposition deadline
Today marks the deadline for Member States to transpose the new EU telecom rules into national
law. The European Electronic Communications Code, which entered into force in December 2018,
modernises the European regulatory framework for electronic communications, to enhance
consumer's choices and rights, ensure higher standards of communication services, as well as boost
investment for more connectivity and more digital innovation. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the
internal market, said: “The Code is the cornerstone on which we will build the seamless Gigabit
connectivity our continent needs to support recovery and bounce forward in the Digital Decade. The
new regulatory framework will facilitate investments into very high quality, secure and affordable
telecommunication services throughout Europe, both fixed and mobile. Member States now need to
rapidly complete the transposition so the new regulatory framework can deliver its full benefits for
European consumers, businesses and society at large.” In line with the Code, on 18 December, the
Commission also adopted legislation to reinforce the existing objectives of competition and internal
market, protect consumers and allow fair rates and varied offers for internet and telephone services.
These measures include: a new Delegated Regulation setting single maximum Union-wide voice
termination rates that operators are allowed to charge each other for delivering fixed and mobile calls
between their networks; and an updated Recommendation on Relevant Markets, updating the list of
predefined markets which European National Regulatory Authorities are required to regularly review.
As part of the obligations of the Code, the Implementing regulation on the contract summary
template establishes a standard template for the contract summary that operators of electronic
communications services, such as telephony, messaging and internet connection, should provide to
consumers in the EU. Also in line with the Code, the Commission has submitted a report to the
European Parliament and to the Council of the European Union on the effectiveness of the
implementation of the single European emergency number ‘112'. More information is available in this
press release. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615; Marietta Grammenou
– Tel.: +32 229 83583)

Criminal Justice: The European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) surpasses 4
million exchanges between EU Member States
Today, the European Commission has presented its second statistical report on the European
Criminal records Information System (ECRIS). With this system, judicial authorities can easily
exchange information on previous convictions of offenders. From 2 million messages exchanged by
all interconnected Member States in 2016, the number reached nearly 4.2 million in 2019 with an
average of 348,000 messages per month. The number of requests for information has tripled since
2017 – to hit 1 million in 2019 alone. However, the report also reveals that some Member States still
do not fulfill all their obligations under the Framework Decision on the exchange of criminal records,
in particular by not respecting the deadlines for replies. Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders,
said: “Criminals in the EU must not be able to escape by crossing borders. Only last year our system
to check for criminal records in another Member State was used one million times. This is a European
success story. But Member States need to use it to the maximum and respect the deadlines to
reply.” ECRIS has been operational since 2012 and works to improve citizens' security within the EU.
More information about ECRIS can be found online, as well as today's statistical report and annex.
(For more information: Christian Wigand - Tel.: +32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko - Tel.: +32 229
63444; Jördis Ferroli – Tel.: +32 229 92729)

L'UE mobilise 82,5 millions d'euros pour renforcer la coopération avec l'Afrique dans les
technologies numériques et spatiales
L'UE a annoncé aujourd'hui la mobilisation de 82,5 millions d'euros pour six nouveaux projets au titre
du programme panafricain visant à renforcer sa coopération avec l'Afrique dans de nombreux
secteurs, dont la gestion durable des ressources, l'intégration et le commerce régionaux, le transport
aérien et la numérisation. Beaucoup de ces nouveaux projets font une utilisation innovante de
technologies numériques ou d'applications spatiales telles que l'imagerie satellitaire, pour contribuer
à la lutte contre le changement climatique, à une croissance économique durable, à la sécurité
alimentaire et à des infrastructures aériennes plus sûres. La commissaire aux partenariats
internationaux, Jutta Urpilainen, a déclaré: « Nous renforçons notre partenariat de longue date avec
l'Afrique en donnant un coup d'accélérateur au programme panafricain. L'utilisation polyvalente de la
technologie satellitaire contribue non seulement à la construction d'écosystèmes résilients et au
maintien d'une utilisation durable des sols, mais aussi à la sécurité du transport aérien. Avec nos
partenaires africains, nous exploitons le potentiel des technologies numériques pour donner la
priorité au climat et à la croissance économique durable. » Lancé en 2014, le programme panafricain
soutient la coopération de l'UE avec l'Union africaine dans un large éventail de domaines. Pour la
période 2018-2020, l'UE a alloué 400 millions d'euros au programme panafricain. Plus de détails sont
disponibles dans le communiqué de presse et dans le site web consacré au Partenariat Afrique-UE.
(Pour plus d'informations: Ana Pisonero – Tél.: +32 229 54320; Gesine Knolle – Tél.: +32 229

Investment Plan for Europe supports sustainable heating for buildings and greenhouses in
the Netherlands
The European Investment Bank (EIB), backed by a guarantee from the European Fund for Strategic
Investments (EFSI), will provide a 15-year €50 million loan to HVC Groep, a sustainable energy and
waste company in the Netherlands. This will support the replacement of individual, natural gas-fired
heating boilers in residential and commercial buildings in the Alkmaar and Dordrecht regions with
centralised and more sustainable heat generation from sources like biomass and partially renewable
waste. HVC's investments will also cover the replacement of natural-gas fired heating with low-
carbon geothermal energy for horticulture greenhouses in the Westland area. Commissioner for the
Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, said: “I am glad that the Investment Plan supports a €50 million loan by
the EIB to HVC Groep, a sustainable energy and waste company in the Netherlands. This project
showcases what the future of heating in Europe can look like: thanks to this loan, HVC will be able to
install in buildings and horticulture greenhouses more centralised and sustainable heat generation
based on biomass, renewable waste and low-carbon geothermal energy. A great initiative that saves
money and is good for our climate.” The Investment Plan for Europe has so far mobilised €535 billion
of investment across the EU, 16% of which for energy-related projects. The press release is available
here. (For more information: Arianna Podestà – Tél.: +32 229 87024; Enda McNamara – Tel.: +32
229 64976)

EU renewable energy share increased to 19.7% in 2019*
In 2019, renewable energy accounted for 19.7% of energy consumed across the 27 EU Member
States, according to Eurostat. These figures, published on Friday, mean that the EU is only 0.3%
from reaching its target of a 20% renewable energy share by 2020 set for the EU with 28 Member
States (extrapolating the binding targets for the EU-27 gives an aggregate figure of 20.6% if all
Member States meet their targets). Building on this progress, further increasing the use of renewable
energy is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal. Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, said:
“The continued increase in renewable energy use in the EU is positive news. Our energy policies
under the European Green Deal will focus on further growth in the renewables sector.” Renewable
energy is not only essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also to decrease dependency on
imported fossil fuels and diversify the EU's energy supplies. Eurostat statistics also show that 14
Member States are already above their national target levels for 2020 and 6 countries are near their
targets. More information is available here. (For more information: Tim McPhie – Tel: +32 229
58602; Ana Crespo Parrondo – Tel: +32 229 81325)

EU increases its commitment to support Maltese SMEs up to €28 million
In light of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the Maltese economy, the EIB Group (European
Investment Bank – EIB and European Investment Fund – EIF) has signed an agreement with the
Government of Malta and the European Commission to increase financing available under the SME
Initiative in Malta, entailing the combined use of European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF),
the Horizon 2020 programme and EIB group funds. So far, through the SME Initiative in Malta, Bank
of Valletta and BNF Bank have assigned a target portfolio of nearly €90 million for new SME financing
in the form of loans. Due to the successful uptake of this first initiative and the coronavirus
pandemic, additional resources have been added. This agreement will trigger additional €28 million
of SMEs financing under advantageous terms, such as reduced interest rates and improved collateral
requirements, thus increasing the target portfolio up to €118 million. Malta has contributed up to
€29 million from its ERDF dedicated envelope. The €29 million will be leveraged with commercial
lending through a risk-sharing mechanism. Commenting on the signature, Elisa Ferreira, European
Commissioner for Regional Policy and Structural Reforms, said: "I welcome Malta's decision to
increase the available financing under its SME initiative programme as a measure to support local
Small and Medium sized enterprises facing the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. This is a smart
move that will directly benefit Maltese small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs giving
them the financial boost they need to overcome the side effects of the pandemic outbreak, turning
their ideas into concrete projects or expanding beyond their local markets." The press release is
available here. (For more information: Vivian Loonela - Tel.: +32 229 66712; Veronica Favalli - Tel.:
+32 229 87269)

European Commission welcomes political agreement on future €79.5 billion for a new
instrument to finance the EU external action and lead the global recovery
The European Commission has welcomed the political agreement between the European Parliament
and EU Member States in the Council on the Neighbourhood, Development and International
Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) for the next MFF period (2021-2027). The new instrument will have
an overall allocation of €79.5 billion and will cover the EU cooperation with all third countries. Now
that negotiations are concluded, the legal texts need the final approval by the European Parliament
and the Council. High Representative/Vice-President, Josep Borrell, said: “This agreement sends a
strong signal to our partners on the role of Europe as a leading global player in the international
scene and its commitment to continue being a reliable partner. The new comprehensive instrument
is a historical achievement for our external action. It will allow for better alignment of our
international cooperation with EU political and policy priorities, and to be more flexible and
responsive to new emerging priorities and challenges in a fast-changing world. The EU will remain a
committed supporter of multilateralism and global priorities such as peace and stability, good
governance, trade and inclusive and sustainable growth, in the interest of the EU and the entire
world.” As lead negotiator for the European Commission, Commissioner for International
Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, declared: “I am very proud of the agreement on what will be our
main instrument for the external EU cooperation. In these difficult COVID-19 pandemic times, the
European Union will be equipped to promote sustainable development worldwide: by shaping the
twin objectives of green and digital transitions, supporting human rights and democracy, investing in
human development –notably health and education- or contributing to the eradication of poverty.
Thanks to the new financial instrument, the Union will promote comprehensive partnerships, working
closely with partners countries, our Member States and its agencies, civil society organisations and
other stakeholders, with due regard to cross-cutting issues such as gender equality and youth.”
Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, noted: “With this key financing
instrument for the EU's external action, we will provide strong support to our neighbours in the East
and in the South in addressing all the current challenges, starting with resilient economies and
economic recovery that will boost growth and jobs. Connectivity will also be an important priority for
the renewed partnerships we are building with our neighbours in mutual interest.” For more details,
please consult the press release. (For more information: Ana Pisonero – Tel.: +32 229 54320; Zoi
Muletier – Tel.: +32 229 94306)

State aid: Commission approves modification and prolongation of €88 million German risk
finance scheme to support small, young and innovative companies
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, an amendment to the €88 million
German risk capital scheme “INVEST – Venture Capital Grant” (“INVEST – Zuschuss für
Wagniskapital”), which aims at increasing the provision of private risk capital for small, young and
innovative companies in Germany. The measure offers incentives to individuals, so called business
angels, to buy and hold shares in these target companies. The original scheme was approved in
2013 (SA.35455) and prolonged for a first time in December 2016 (SA.46308). Germany notified the
following modifications to the scheme: (i) an increase from 6 to 10 in the allowed number of partners
in the participation companies; (ii) an increase in the maximum maturity of convertible bonds, from
15 months to 24 months; (iii) an increase in the validity period of the certificate of eligibility of the
investee companies, from 6 months to 1 year; and (iv) a broadening of the sectors and companies
deemed “innovative”. In addition, Germany has notified a prolongation of the scheme by two years
to 31 December 2022, with an annual budget of €44 million. The Commission assessed the measure
under Article 107(3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and in light of
the criteria specified in the Guidelines on State aid to promote risk finance investments. The
Commission found that the amended scheme will continue to provide incentives for investments in
companies that would otherwise not be readily available for them on the market. This will improve
the target companies' access to finance, contributing to strengthening innovation and
competitiveness, whilst limiting the potential negative effects on competition and trade. On this
basis, the Commission approved the amended scheme under EU State aid rules. The non-confidential
version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.59267 in the State aid
register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been
resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32
229 55344)

State aid: Commission approves €1.1 million UK compensation to company active in
Scotland in processing of agricultural products in poultry sector for damages caused by
coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €1.1 million (approximately
GBP 1 million) UK grant to a company active in Scotland in the processing of agricultural products in
the poultry sector. The measure aims at compensating the company for the loss of revenue caused
by the coronavirus outbreak. The Commission assessed the measure under Article 107(2)(b) of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU), which enables the Commission to approve State aid
measures granted by Member States and the UK to compensate specific companies or specific
sectors for the damages directly caused by exceptional occurrences, such as the coronavirus
outbreak. The assessment was carried out in conjunction with the EU Guidelines for State aid in the
agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas 2014 to 2020. The Commission found that the UK
grant will compensate damage which is directly linked to the coronavirus outbreak. It also found that
the aid is proportionate, as the envisaged compensation does not exceed what is necessary to make
good the damage. On this basis, the Commission concluded that the aid is in line with EU State aid
rules. More information on actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of the
coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made
available under the case number SA.60013 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition
website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information: Arianna
Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)

State aid: Commission approves €26 million Bulgarian scheme to support tour operators
and travel agents in the context of coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved a BGN 51 million (approximately €26 million) Bulgarian
scheme to support tour operators and travel agents in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The
scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. The public support will take the
form of direct grants. The aid granted will be used by the beneficiaries (tour operators and travel
agents): (i) to refund customers whose travel packages have been cancelled between 1 March and
31 December 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak; and (ii) to cover the costs incurred to carry out
their main activities over the same period. The aim of the measure is to help the beneficiaries
address the liquidity shortages they have been facing due to the coronavirus outbreak. The
Commission found that the Bulgarian measure is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary
Framework. In particular, the support (i) will not exceed €800,000 per company; and (ii) will be
granted no later than 30 June 2021. The Commission concluded that the measure is necessary,
appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in
line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. On this
basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU State aid rules. More information on the
Temporary Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of
the coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be
made available under the case number SA.59990 in the State aid register on the Commission's
competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information:
Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)

Concentrations: la Commission autorise la concentration entre Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
N.V. et Peugeot S.A., sous réserve du respect de certaines conditions
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement de l'UE sur les concentrations, le projet
de concentration entre les entreprises automobiles Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. («FCA») et
Peugeot S.A. («PSA»). L'autorisation est subordonnée au respect intégral d'une série d'engagements
proposés par les deux entreprises. La décision d'aujourd'hui fait suite à une enquête approfondie
menée par la Commission sur le projet de concentration, qui regroupe FCA et PSA, deux grandes
entreprises automobiles mondiales. À l'issue de son enquête, la Commission craignait que
l'opération, telle qu'initialement notifiée, ne porte atteinte à la concurrence sur le marché des petits
véhicules utilitaires légers dans neuf États membres de l'EEE, où les entreprises détiennent des parts
de marché cumulées élevées ou très élevées et sont des concurrents particulièrement proches.
L'acquisition aurait donc probablement entraîné une hausse des prix pour les clients. Pour dissiper
les craintes de la Commission, FCA et PSA ont offert les engagements suivants visant à favoriser
l'entrée et l'expansion sur le marché: (i) une extension de l'accord de coopération actuellement en
vigueur entre PSA et Toyota Motor Europe («Toyota») pour les petits véhicules utilitaires légers, en
vertu duquel PSA produit les véhicules vendus par Toyota sous la marque Toyota principalement
dans l'Union européenne; et (ii) une modification des accords de réparation et d'entretien des
voitures particulières et des véhicules utilitaires légers en vigueur entre PSA, FCA et leurs réseaux de
réparateurs, afin de faciliter l'accès des concurrents aux réseaux de réparation et d'entretien de PSA
et de FCA pour les véhicules utilitaires légers. La combinaison de ces engagements permet le
maintien d'une concurrence effective sur le marché après l'opération et répond donc pleinement à
l'ensemble des préoccupations de la Commission en matière de concurrence. La Commission est
donc parvenue à la conclusion que l'opération, telle que modifiée par les engagements, ne poserait
plus de problème de concurrence. Cette décision est subordonnée au respect intégral des
engagements souscrits. Margrethe Vestager, vice-présidente exécutive chargée de la politique de
concurrence, s'est exprimée en ces termes: «L'accès à un marché concurrentiel des camionnettes
utilitaires légères est important pour de nombreux indépendants et petites et moyennes entreprises
dans toute l'Europe. Nous sommes en mesure d'autoriser la concentration entre Fiat Chrysler et
Peugeot SA car leurs engagements faciliteront l'entrée et l'expansion sur le marché des camionnettes
utilitaires légères. Sur les autres marchés où les deux constructeurs automobiles exercent
actuellement leurs activités, la concurrence restera soutenue après la concentration.» Le
communique de presse est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations: Arianna Podesta – Tél.
+32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tél.: +32 229 55344)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Amissima Assicurazioni by HDI Assicurazioni
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of control
over Amissima Assicurazioni S.p.A. (‘Amissima') of Italy by HDI Assicurazioni S.p.A. (‘HDI') of Italy,
controlled by the Talanx Group (‘Talanx') of Germany. Amissima and HDI provide and distribute non-
life insurance products in Italy. Talanx provides and distributes insurance and reinsurance products
worldwide. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition
concerns because of the limited overlaps between the activities of Amissima and HDI/Talanx in Italy,
where both companies are active. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review
procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case
register under the case number M.10069. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229
87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +3 229 90526)

Eurostat: communiqués de presse

Europe Direct Contact Centre: Brexit helpline for citizens
As we are approaching the end of the transition period on 1 January 2021, the Europe Direct Contact
Centre (EDCC) – the EU's single phone number for citizens – will remain at the disposal of citizens,
businesses and stakeholders to answer Brexit-related questions in all 24 official languages. Questions
related to the UK will be treated as a matter of priority. This is part and parcel of the EU's overall
readiness for the end of the transition period. The Contact Centre is available via free phone from all
Member States and the United Kingdom (00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11) and by webform. For more
information about the EDCC, see facts and figures, 2019 Annual Activity Report and audiovisual

*UPDATED ON 21-12-2020, at 18:45
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